Some people suspected, but I think it is now safe to confirm that Mama Miceli is equally as certifiable as her mini-me.
So a very frustrated victim of LM reached out to me to try to pinpoint why they became a target of our crazy counterfeit mistress. I had to walk this person back to what I have learned along the way. She wanted to contact the family to warn them that she would be taking serious legal action if they did not stop crazy-eyes from harassing her and slandering her very good & well known name.
Guess what happened y’all? Mama Grizzly wasn’t having that shit. Her words to this very serious person were “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe any of it! It’s all lies! She never did any of it!”
The emails? “Lies”
The blog? “Lies”
The pictures? “Lies”
The fucking videos? “Lies”
There is no truth to it! “I won’t believe any of it, I just won’t!”
Heard it with my own ears on a conference call.
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, huh?
She has all the evidence she could possibly need.
In the meantime, her daughter plots her demise, and say crude and sick shit about this woman.
Flashback: I have a video that you-know-who sent when her mother dearest was in the hospital. She sat in a chair facing the foot of her mother’s bed, and began a sexually suggestive & perverse upskirt right in front of her mothers face while mumbling some crazy shit. I thought that perhaps her mother didn’t catch on, but now I believe that she chose to ignore her. BTW, her son was in the room also.
Back to realtime…
According to Lisa:
Her mother gets her head bashed in on a regular basis (brain dead nurse?)
She hates her mother with a passion for allowing her father to do this
She recently sent me a message where she says that Yes, she was indeed abused as a child. Someone in her house “messed” with her.
Her mother calls her grandson a wild animal
She thinks her mother screwed her man
She wants her mother to climb in a window and screw her
Anyone who bashes her mother is after her own heart (sick bitch)
She wants her mother insurance information because one way or the other, she expects her to be dead.
I’m just saying? What in the crazy fuck is going on?
Now back to our irregularly scheduled program:
I am the old man. Be serious. How much for a dowry please?
You can marry after me, but please do not let them jump ahead of me, like ANGIE MCQUEEN. She is trying to steal my life, mock me and cheat me out of money- too complicated.
Let's talk about something else please. I would love to conme to Dubai. What do I have to do? Leave Dante at home? A date? is that possible? NO s.e.x. I am internet s.e.x. out right now, wink, wink.
When can I look at BARBIE BIN LADEN plans at Sheikh of the World? or talk to lawyers to make certain we get paid for the copyright mess?
What is your address, to do my copyright money too, for our wedding plans, my place, and dinners?
COME to my house please, I fell off the treadmill..... 3 fingers, may be broken!!!
oral sex for earrings, HH?? PEACE??? TYRA BANKS? no? where?? in the USA? nYC?? why?? when engaged to me?? I am not MJ. You are not MJ.
for a piece of AZZ- TYRA BABNKS dated MICHAEL JORDAN too.
Michael Jordan fans think that they can fuck my hubby- WHAT?? WHY??
REALLY? I want TYRA BANKS AND PARIS HILTON diamonds studs, what did they do to get them??
I need to give her TV SHOW ideas on twitter, called MJ obsessed fans, how far will they go? Sleep with my next man and then back up???
What happened at the MONDRIAN hotel??? my wedding dinner and dancing night???
TRUTH only. I am tired of being the one focuesd me and the back stabbing stalkers get the sex and the gifts???
WOW.... jsut WOW. Another one of yours. Who cares, not clean or serene or modest or not into s.e.x..
If it fucks it is mine?? then where are you? for din ner adn dancing, like ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - so I can ask her if she is jealous?
We have to do it back, so they do not have our property from our businesses.
BOSTON? what is there?? CARLA DIMARE's office for a contract for whom??
It is called popping the jaw, for oral sex, she did not.... so she did min e, when I fell from the treadmill- these bitc hes are sick whores for big dick, not money!!
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN does not exist to me, fake person- so please.. let's get in bed as planned - for gifts, oral and anal - the necklaces.. 8 wedding proposals- where are those rings??
earring for oral sex?? all have herpes??
Lisa (8:50 PM): TOME BENGE was to be your secuirty, he is trained... NOT to fuck everyone but his wife.
Lisa (8:50 PM): TOM
chubbymonstar (8:51 PM): You mean the way he FUCKED YOU?
Lisa (8:51 PM): He proposed to me... and then slept with me.
chubbymonstar (8:51 PM): You are such a frickin hypocrite!
Lisa (8:51 PM): you get arounsd in the uSA.. AIDS yet? it is one flu.. away. COCO bird.
Lisa (8:52 PM): oppsie - cucu bird. not coke.. bird, but who knows you now since 2.5 yr ago.
chubbymonstar (8:53 PM): OHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHH... which is it? First you say it was just an oral affair. Next you say he proposed to you... despite the fact that he was married already? I thought bigamy was illegal in the USA? I see a disturbing pattern with you. You only want minority men who are already taken, huh?
chubbymonstar (8:53 PM): Nope, don't have AIDS because I've never slept with you............. ..... ZING!
Lisa (8:53 PM): are you taken?
chubbymonstar (8:54 PM): what the fuck is a cucu bird? Ya fucking Cuckoo Bird!
Lisa (8:54 PM): you write under my name and reveal you.... all of the time.
chubbymonstar (8:54 PM): EEEWWWWWWWWWWW ! Why would anyone want to write under your name? You're a nobody!
Lisa (8:55 PM): I do not expose you.... do I? so, you are not b.c you fucked famous usa women? ? lol, lol, lol
chubbymonstar (8:55 PM): there is nothing to expose me on.
chubbymonstar (8:55 PM): & i don't expose you either, dummy!
Lisa (8:55 PM): being a liar..... and cheating behind m y back... why propose to me if not ready?
chubbymonstar (8:56 PM): who proposed?
chubbymonstar (8:56 PM): Anywho... I thought you were marrying Hammy? ? ? ? ? What happened?
Lisa (8:56 PM): a hac ker then, the same person who told me to buy the wedding dress, no?
chubbymonstar (8:57 PM): huh? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Lisa (8:57 PM): whatever, I am drin king a beer.... my fingers hurt... i feel off the treadmill... so whatever.
Lisa (8:58 PM): fell
chubbymonstar (8:58 PM): ummm... drinking beer & treadmills dont mix
Lisa (8:58 PM): I am not ready to meet you in person either then.
chubbymonstar (8:59 PM): you are ready to get off the fucking internet
Lisa (8:59 PM): I work on the interenet like anyone else, your other wives are onlnie, NO? Hamy said lots of women are online.
chubbymonstar (9:00 PM): take care of your son. Have you ever thought about shit like "WOW, I can't even afford to buy my son 1 gift from my own money?" Does shit like that ever bother you? You enjoy being a failure?
Lisa (9:00 PM): I am trying to finish my MJ bnook and keep gettting hacked.. so sad., & catch up on ph d psychology program.... and be ahead for the next calses, b/c it is expensive...
Lisa (9:00 PM): classes
chubbymonstar (9:01 PM): & why was your father yelling at Dante in that last video? What was he fussing about?
Lisa (9:01 PM): how did I fail? ? MJ and his fans make my life impossible. ANGIE and you both said you paid for everything - and it is wedding.. SHE never works.. or works on her body either..
Lisa (9:02 PM): She goes to hotles to fuck men for money.. is that an okay job with two kids? ? you were a client.
Lisa (9:02 PM): hotels
chubbymonstar (9:02 PM): why would i give a shit about Angie? I dont even know her
chubbymonstar (9:02 PM): What was your father yelling for?
Lisa (9:03 PM): OK, but i asked to come to Dubai to rehab my body with doctors and finish my book - from hackers. can you help? and lawyers to get my son's money- how is that a failing plan? ?
Lisa (9:03 PM): 2.5 yrs ago - ESTEEEMEDONE askled to help me in 2007... 4 yrs ago.. the book would have sold milllions by now.
chubbymonstar (9:03 PM): You let him yell at your child like that?
Lisa (9:04 PM): yes, I want to get beat up by mom my and daddy pulling rank on me... on their house..
Lisa (9:04 PM): in
chubbymonstar (9:05 PM): what does that mean? If you say something, they'll beat you up?
Lisa (9:05 PM): you went to bed wtih aNGIE not kn owing her at all... interestiung, but pick me apart.. WHY is that? ? It was my bare breasts not hers.. did you expose her in the hotel with you? ? or her house? ?
chubbymonstar (9:05 PM): When is the last time you got beat up by one of them?
Lisa (9:06 PM): Who owns the azure wall house from March 2009? ? ? b/c the police say I have a house where you bed women and do drugs with them..... WHAT? you and ASSA bought me a house? ?
chubbymonstar (9:06 PM): You always change subjects . I'm leaving this chat.
Lisa (9:07 PM): when ANGIE claimed that RAJ would b eat her up if she found out about you...
Lisa (9:07 PM): and she was afraid of RICHARD SHAEFER? all lies, but my truth, FRED SPERLING, MAFIA and my family...
Lisa (9:08 PM): treat people like shit, the y love ya? or do gifts work? ? ? you tell me? ?
xxoxoxoxxxoxo What happened to our TV SHOW?? b/c of PAMMY? you went
You are telling on you, no?? the masses follow the media, you bed a media whore, and my fans or hates will tell me.
You clearly are renigging (not nigger) on all agreements.
THE RELATIONSHIP is ruined, rthese women show up on my wedding night
ANGIE AND LIANN mocking me and skits with you and HAMMY showing up for my wedding.
ALL I hear, is ANGIE's hubby or family man or ANGIE MCQUEEN had sex with my man on my wedding night.
Lots of women have happy marriages, why not me??
SKITs, MUSIC, TH SHOWS, and FILMS, for me having sex? WHAT?? my mother is gorgeous, and there are shows about her with plastic surgery by the actress- so not healthy and so not right.
You are not loyal to me and my wedding, but others yes??
Make plans and then I am back to work, not roller coaster bs everyday!!
and my chat is gone.... crying...
LOL are you joking??? red with lipstick gloss?? WHAT???
am I jealous of your belly?? if I was preggers, no??
Sports Illustrated and Playboy both gave my opportunities, not event trying to help me these women did not do it alone.
2.5 yrs later< I am more broke than when I met you, you were to help me in private.
Why are you fucknig other women when I am the one calling you for sex and you are calling me for sex, is TYRA BANKS A NASTY HOE?? what??
I have no money because of stakers, she bedded MJ and you??
You read it and went to bed with someone other than who wrote it? WHAT? I need to be on her talk show humliating her right back.
Which is better stalker sex or fiancee sex.... ?? my turn???
Was this the NYC trip with me on the phone??
You want the truth, come to my house for sex.. like the others... for gifts.
Or I will call you fake and piece of shit and make threats to you, on all of your blogs??
Why when we are turned on for us, does ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN show up... and cannot grow up and find her own man.
WHERE is my DUBAI property....?? and why are you treating me like shit???
Where are Dante's christmas presents? why are you calling me a piece of shit for your cheating???
Behind my back and in my face, I need to do a TRYA BANKS show now???
She will give me diamonsds for the TV SHOW??
Id you are not here tomorrow with m y son' s CHRISTMAS gifts, the one who you are talkn g about, DANTE..
then I am sending you to the police with more charges, b/c my career and life and is going to stalkers fucking you behind my back and in my face?
I live in my basement b/c of you and Michael Jordan - the two richest men - best catches!!! WOW, I can doa media careeer, my familyowned the first cable company.... and they ideas are stolen from my blogs whole REALITY TV SHOWS, ask PAMMY.
Why would I be slammed...?? ans denied my own sex life? Michael Jordan did not deny me, he denied Kelly Werner. It was never ANGIE MCQUEEN you were to be with ,there is no TV SHOW with ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- it was with LISA A. MICELI. You are fucking up my life in the public eye!!!
You sent me the nudes and are offline with whom? why??
You are not Michael Jordan - and wy are you doing this? after proposing to LISA MICELI??
thy buy thier own clothes? so why would I?
Angie is more broke n ad less famous than LISA MICELI??
You pay for her clothes? and TYRAs jewelry?? over lip gloss?
You and Michael Jordan made me broke fucking racist pigs, like the blondes and the blacks when dating me.
are not
the same person, you were to show up at my house, not ANGIE MCQUEEN's... DUH.
Why can they not get sex fronm their own man, in their ass or where they want it?? huh?? huh? huh??
Where is your dick, it is to be in m y ass when I call you?? why ANGIE MCQUEEN? and TYRA BANKs' mouth???
Why all of these HOLLYWOOD con artists on my wedding story, MICHAEL JORDAN - he need to fuck them for them to leave me alone..
TRASH ARTISTS.. not into it.
Lisa (9:45 AM): omg, stop it... stop having sex with hollywood and blaming me and m y son - mj lied to a court.
Lisa (9:46 AM): angie mcqueen brought that whole mess up, instead of our quickie marriage- DANTE would get his money in the courts in private.... using a lawyer, as he clearly cheated on his wife.
Lisa (9:46 AM): why are you messing with ANGIE mcqueen on my wedding story? ? What will it take to stop with her?
chubbymonstar (9:48 AM): why do you continue to talk about Dante receiving money when his bio father is a random man that you can't identify nor contact?
Lisa (9:48 AM): Hen is not random, who tells you this shit? jealous USA holloywood? ? MJ's tests were negative, and then he sued me.... DUH- 0 he is the dad, suing b/c of neg tests...
chubbymonstar (9:48 AM): MJ is not the father, so stop wasting your time & breath talking about money you will NEVER get from him.
chubbymonstar (9:48 AM): LIAR!
Lisa (9:49 AM): that is the law.. HELLO? out of court settlement.. I will post the transcripts.. in advance of the book ruining my money.. you are rich.. Where is my boat story? ? ?
chubbymonstar (9:49 AM): What's that burning smell?
chubbymonstar (9:49 AM): Oh, your pants are on fire, bitch!
Lisa (9:50 AM): WHAT? where is my beelly photos... so I can work out to them... so jealous of a man belly? ? lol, lol, lol.
chubbymonstar (9:50 AM): i saw the transcripts. I saw it all & there is no fucking order for settlement, stop with the lies. GEESH!
Lisa (9:50 AM): WHAT? ? not true..... TRYA bANKs send you photos of a black girl with blonde hair? ?
chubbymonstar (9:51 AM): huh?
chubbymonstar (9:51 AM): Where did that shit come from?
Lisa (9:51 AM): lol, lol, lol, lol.. pathetic.... stalking ANGIE NMCQUEEN for my fiancee.. SEESH, when do you stop? ?
chubbymonstar (9:51 AM): You are OUTTERSPACE CRAZY, huh?
chubbymonstar (9:52 AM): You are stalking angie Mcqueen for a fiancee? I'll say!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa (9:52 AM): then shut down the blogs.. and remove your name from mine.. so I can get sex like you... and throw in your face.... what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
chubbymonstar (9:52 AM): Pathetic is sitting on the other side of this chat.
Lisa (9:52 AM): YOU -
Lisa (9:52 AM): TRUST NO ONE...
chubbymonstar (9:52 AM): Don't even trust yourself
Lisa (9:53 AM): you cannot...
Lisa (9:53 AM): where are you? ?
chubbymonstar (9:53 AM): iin my skin
chubbymonstar (9:53 AM): where are you... in the basement?
Lisa (9:54 AM): your loyalty to ANGIE MCQUEEN after fucking me over is shocking.. no in the kitchen.. THE TEADMILL is in the b asement.. WHY? ? WHERE is our HOUSE? ANGIE AND RAJ in it? in CA? ?
Lisa (9:55 AM): meeting everyone from my blogs and fucking them are two different things, you treat your fiancee like a PRINCESS QUEEN or grow up.....
chubbymonstar (9:55 AM): wtf is a Princess Queen? ? ? ? ?
Lisa (9:55 AM): NOT TRUE...... you are with ANGIE, her phone is off... with you... and you are to be at my house with my son....
chubbymonstar (9:56 AM): hell to da no
chubbymonstar (9:56 AM): Whitney Houston
chubbymonstar (9:56 AM): lol
Lisa (9:56 AM): THEN TAK down the blogs and stop contacting other women when claiming to be with me.. you need a libel suit..
Lisa (9:56 AM): TAKE...
chubbymonstar (9:56 AM): what blog bitch?
Lisa (9:57 AM): WHAT? you are pathetic and cannot even make it to the house for sex, just your computer with me... WHAT? ? ? ?
Lisa (9:57 AM): DANTE has leg hair? ? you shave or trim your chest hair? ?
chubbymonstar (9:58 AM): wtf?
Lisa (9:58 AM): SUCK a dick bitch, before I let your man fuck me in the ASSS....? ? ? WHAT? then come over, who denied you sex? ? LISA? the fiancee? ? ? who are the liars? ? ?
chubbymonstar (9:59 AM): Why are you comparing your son to adult men? You are a fucking pervert.
Lisa (9:59 AM): no, he said it..... jsut now on the couch..... too funny, too bad you are not a dad but a playboy.
chubbymonstar (9:59 AM): yea, too bad.
EXCUSE me, LU LU MOHAM MED?? the earrings of TYRA BANKS cost more
EXCUSE me, we had a deal over 2 yrs ago, I am finishing my MJ book nad it was to be you helping me.
They are libeling you and me, and you give in paying them for sex, and blocking us.
TYRA BANKS makes $20 million.... a year and does not need my diamonds from you.
You are focusing on me cheating b/c of the black women?? it was a blonde who did the cheating, does MJ rule your mind???
He was divorcing, seperate and Keith did not buy the cow, we lived together, because Keith was poor... bankrupt ,from bad real estate deals.
Is she going to buy the world project after $10,000 gidfts to spread her legs? no... why am I paying for anything with you or AHMED?
AN GIE MCQUEEn produce the bride on the wedding ngiht? then why was she gifted and paid?? She should not have- she called you behind my back and you told her but not me and she did not tell me.
RIOTS AND POLICE over Michael Jordan.... why is my delusional poice blaming me???
I am not Michael Jordan and he is not me.
BE a good huby to me, not to MJ FANS, please... you are not to kno them
Do I need to live on pain killers with you, and you antics since proposing to me???
You want me to have a mental breakdown and stay in Dubai in a mental hospital - ??? WHY? that is my career. I am wrting a book and getting my son's support so I can be a great mom to my son.
You said my son was okay, and I am grateful.
I want you more than HH Sheikh Ahmed.
I fell in love with you before I met you, and you did the videos, so we were destined to meet.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN heard you, and got to meet you too in person.
We have missed meetings, poor timing. You give everyone advanced notice, but me, WHY?
LOTIONS, EARRINGS and my bills paid so I can move to Dubai please, like a lady.
Please but the belly button shot back in my emails.
If you are not bedding me as planned in March 2009 and earlier when I called you in Oct 2008.. then please call HAMMY- he likes to fuck.
Hammy will have sex with me, puff puff pass me.. since you bedded blondes and hOLLYWOOD hookers on my marriage to you.
I love you, but ou make me mad and did not do anythnig that youpromised, ANGIE does NOT control us. or HAMMY.
Where is the corruption coming from? evil- so you could fuck ANGIE - you did.
You made me crazy and hurt me on purpose on my wedding night.
I want HAMMY now please.
HH, I will go nude from her on out.... and no lingerie, unless be hurt adn humlitated
You send for other women all of the time, and bargain for them to have sex and do business in Dubai as well..
I sent too much lingerie, and look what happens, why me? The other women do not have this issue, abortions?? insensitive to a miscarriage?? or what??
HH Sheikh Ahmed told me to have s.e.x. with you.....
so Here I am . I workout and brush my teeth.. too.
HH, why would you not call me?? we spoke on the phone. What is the deal now, TYRA BANKS for your HAMMY- she said that she is chubby- they are trying to rescue me from my own sex life- SEESH.
I called you for sex , and they are blocking me and acting like USA heros, when they are not.
They need to stop saying myname in the USA an the stop the trash game- you even said this to me. I sent too many VICTORIA SECRET ads, instead of LISA A. MICELI.
If i hurt you, then it istime to marry me right away, I am older, 38, and can have one or two kids healthy, and then back to work and supporting you in your jobs.
You are gettting all of these women preggers, when it is my turn, PAMMY preggers too?? who is the dad of that one, after she made a run for my money.
PARIS HILTON looks preggers, who did that???
These womnene stole my story to get preggers and coud have afford me a home in DUBAI, from USA monies, when we were and are hot in love.
What happened with ANGIE MCQUEEN?
You were eveil for oral sex from me, I said come on not charging you anything, free- ANGIE MCQUEEN charged you.....
You are making me cry and beg for s.e.x. from you... plesae.. please.. please...
Being desperate is not sexy... and it was me who asked you what is sexy, not ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - my earlier emails, that you gave to her in June 2009..
I was only trying to help you get the money force going in the right direction.
I am psychic without sex ... nad touching, ask me anything... I will help you.. m y answers are from ALLAH, so backwards, if there is danger, like cancer, I tell meds, instead.. ALLAH never ever ever hurts.
Please come to my house, you can pray with me in a hotel room and then make love to me.
You were to take me to Saudia ARABIA for MECCA. I will be safe wth ALLAH's powers.
I need to be dancing onlnie for you, so you get that it is me.. not her, ansd then mvoe me, why would she move me?? with what money?? mine from you???
I am to suck your dick.
Stop playing games, you made me cry.. you wanted my baby angels, future money. Money in the future, you will not know, it is subtle IQ.
ok and you wantedd my ANGEL of MIGHT. WHY? I can make you weighted in a casino, to win , but do not feel anything else.
You are MUSLIM, so do you gamble??
Too thin, my baby angels want to chat with you, three of me (them), my money comes from sex and babies. ALLAH works in mysterious ways.
You are right, it was abuse as a child, that made money come in my mind faster than others, and weather to protect me from being seen and abused.
TEXAS, I could not get there, if I had the emails, I could see if and what and why we could not chat thru that huge spill. WHAT was it? a an ocean force?
Standing up to evil, clears it, and then the real voices, your DAD HH Sheikh RASHID, taught me insane weather control, over hurricanes, for money. A trade, if you will. I learn from the MASTERS who passed, who can teach me mentally, how to fix, control and create. and bring into fruition.
It is not magic, per se, but ALLAH and others answering my call.
Did you tell someone that they can have a baby for me, b/c they are richer than me?
That hurts. Angie's gut is skinnier than mine. You hurt me and in public, SEESH.
This is our romance, not to be a competition.
Is Angelicque MQueen traveling with you again, stalling and ousting me from my own life with you or anyone??
Why do you not forward me the emails that she sends to you, behind my back?
In 2009, you were to help me do this, while we briefly traveled, stalling and not letting us be a normal dinner eating couple. Where were you, in the hotel room??
i am sooo sorry. I did not know that I was sooo jealous.
I would have never told ANGIE MCQUEEN anythning, if I thoguht that she was a pig for you and my past men.
I would have never told FBI, if I was in my right mind. They told me to handle it in civil courts, all of it.
Stop messing with my mind, I am not the jealous type. I do not want you in jail.
I am a dumbass so now we have to lie adn adjust. Sorry.
I am nude with a black cowboy hat..... who am I riding... before I put on YOUR TIGHTY whitey T shirt.. and my tight jeans??
I am 38 not 15 yrs old.... I can handle my stud. lol. lol.
One of you promised to marry me and protect me, from my own sluttiness.
You & ASSA said that you would plan everything and me jsut show up - I know that was a lie but it was real for ANGIE MCQUEEN then the death threats.
But I need an address for my royalites for my book and you can send me the money to move there when it comes in.
I already have a contract, and I will do playboy and talk shows to promote the book.
I did not want me out there like any of this, b ut let's see, how I can fix it.
I am already 38, come on, HH... I was 34 when I met you... and 29, when I was on the NE so 28 when I met you on telling me to shave and feed the kitty, and then turd, take dump had to be you. It had to be you, it was an ENGLISH voice on celebrity mags.
Hammy will teach me everything again.
Love him, he would give me something to chat about, always and make me feel comfortable.
How am I going to get out of that? I cannot plead the 5th amendment?? NO ANSWER.
I asked for police to shut down Kelly Scott, not you.
Ali Babra said...
My mom wants me in EUROPE for the HOLIDAYS...
"Europe" being a euphemism for "sack of bricks on the ocean floor".
December 24, 2010 7:24 PM
Please stop confusing. DAnte is clearly MUSLIM now. He said CHRISTMAS
Be a real man, not everything is a joke or comedy, it is a real life and to be a real marriage.
The frauds, what do you want me to do please?
PARIS HILTON TV SHOW - what do you want me to do.
something is sooo weird, come to my house please.
where do you want to meet please?? AIRPORT in Erie, PA?
I think that I am being stalked by a serial killer, not you.... but a real one.
Something is strange to me.
I could be wrong, but creepy. THE media created it.... or sounds like it. I am scared shitless.
Something is sooo weird, come to my house please.
They all had plastic at the scene, like carpet cleaning plastic and all guns.
They all left notes, that sound the same.
They all touched my son.
The one who jumped was killed near my car accident.
TOO creepy and too many at once, after a theft.
ANOTHER DEATH THREAT AND THREAT to my travel.(Referring to the D.C FBI telling her to contact Meadville PD if she felt her life was in danger)What do you hope to gain with your abortion rants? jail? miscarriages in the USA are not considered baby killing... they are fetuses which do not feel pain.
DANTE's life is in danger, we would like to move to Dubai please.
WHERE are you? Why do you & HAMMY come to everyone 's house for sex
am not those other women pelase conme to my ouse and stop the trash ame, you are not to bed ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN or Kelly Scott or my bloggers, everyone but me, was you to HH Sheikh Ahmed and you did not show up??
Have you murdered anyone before in the Middle East, as a job, occupational hazard? that is why the FBI is on you?? legal knives, b/c you attract more murderers?? just asking.
There is a serial killer around me, a greaseball and I was to be killed in the club and at the park with my son.
Someone hired a hit man,I keep hearing it.
Very very creepy, missing items from my home already, a ring, diamond and ruby and other stuff??
There is a hit man, I keep hearing it in Chicago, IL - one of ym lawyers said, cannot take the case, I said why, he said, Lisa I am soo sleepy, someone is trying to stalk you and kill you. He said that he could feel it.
I am the one with the narcolepsy.
MJ's lawyer said the same thing, you have violent fantasies, and I was like WHAT?? then that I would kill my own kid, and I was like what?? who? when? why? in the court room.
ABORTIONS are fetuses, that do not feel pain - not children or babies.
These women libel me so that someone retailiates and I am trying to shut down the sites, is all.
CRIMINAL libel, accussing me of their crimes, thoughts, and fantasies , i,e, projection.
TOTAL takeover of my identity and my personality and trying to perform my life.
When I take back my life and my copyrights, wilI it hurt or kill them?? It feels like that, so I am afraid to work and perform and finish my books.
STRANGE. Why would they not get a contract from me up front for my licensing agreements? for web-sites, blogs, and TV SHOWS (music is not scary) and movies.
Are you callingme AHMED? WHAT?
EXCUSE ME?? THen it was notyou, it was HH sHeikh Ahmed. Who is insane and why? my body was called insane, because I was in shape and workout alot.
Never my mind, that was how I got paid for a living.
He just call me now to go to LAS VEGAS, NV..
The FBI called my mom to gift her my emails.. WHAT?? So, they are doing that to ANGIE MCQUEEN too??
Your brave one, told me that he would let me kill him if he does not bed and wed me, MAFIA-style. lol, lol, lol.
Funny, when you first spoke to me, you sounded like me. I understood you even though you speak ARABIC.
DID MJ AND DAVID FAULK pay you yet for me to move to Dubai??
You meeting up with MICHAEL JORDAN behnid my back and being his friend, and using me to do that?
OMAR HENRY & ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN said that they just met MICHAEL JORDAN in MIAMI, FL last weekend at a hotel, the FOUTAINBLUE in mIAM, FL - so you are trying to stlak him for Lisa Miceli's dna for her son is bullshit, conflict of interest.
YVETTE PIERTO adn Michael Jordan harassing Lisa Miceli online and stepping in my shoes to confuse STUPID ARABS in to paying for them over Lisa A. Miceli.
He proposes to LISA A. MICELI and toher women show up close to Michael Jordan.
xoxxoxoxo I was trying to get us out of control with blogger hell. SEESH.
C LEARLY, you (CHUBBY) cannot be trusted with BABY HAMMY, to not start shit or stay calm enouhh to get together and not get us ARRESTED. I am NOT the imposter, I am Lisa A. Miceli.
The fiancee, trying to protect us to wed, bed, or breed with FBI, not get us arrested.
But, whatever, stroke it.
xoxxooxox Hammy will not let me in with my period, so I should come to bed
Do you know the difference between a fetus and a live birth baby??
WHAT?? Why am I calling the police to clear my name every 5 minutes with you?? STUPID, much??
What would you go to jail for? Please.. You are locking me out b /c I am on my period.
sheep fucker was not an insult or goat fucker, it was b/c you were preggers when I called you.
lol, lol, cnodonms are goat or sheep, no?
You wanted to marry and have babies. I said yes.
Dante is your choice? my money? Take it for taking care of me.
I love you and welcome you with open arms into my life. Honored.
Who did you call last night and from where??
HH Sheikh AHMED parties and he is a dad. Just a little to let off some crazy steam or to meet new people.
I do not want to be a single mother forever. Dante can be with a nanny or his grandparents, or if I am really crazy, his dad.
MJ was to take care of that, not send me to jail for asking for the proof that he is the dad, that is the point of trial and courts.
Not true.
I love my kids and take care of my business.
Sex should be in a bed, not online.
He was too tuned on to bed me properly.
Is he just a lazy ass? why would he not send for me for a coffee to chat after all of these emails and blogs?
Does not mean that I would kill someone or my kid. SEESH.
You said that I am a bad mom. From videos? My son horseback rides, plays three sports, hokcey, soccer and basketball.
He is a B+ student and he reads very well. He is sweet and buys mommy flowers and has a great sense of direction.
SANDY, my mom, frustrates him. I love him. he is a good kid.
AHMED did not share the right emails with you, but that is okay.
He offered to help me nad we went into a deal, for a house for my book deal. Most of the promotions are over, HALL of FAME and other events to promote my MJ book then back to clinical nad sports psychology.
I was going to do reality TV in the USA... to DUBAI.
He is smart. His grades in Dubai would be better, b/c no racism.
SO, when do I get to meet with you in person please?? I stayed at the BELLAGIO before. Please call my phone.
who was on the phone calling my mom please?
You just said that you have no intentions of coming to my house, so I guess I should press charges to stop the embarassment and the harassment.
----- Chat del mar, 12/28/10 2:04 PM -----
Lisa (2:04 PM): I am obedient that is why I am loved in the USA - I sent that request to the FBI - good luck. Do not contact any Lisa A. Miceli people
excuse me? the business deals, where too challenging for HH Sheikh Ahmed, he went to the wrong house and all he did was fuck her anally, as if she was me.. and my real legit business went online for others to steal.
for $60 ?? you want what from me???
HOUSING deals, cookie deals, clothing, my son, and real estate, and sports psychology? and religion??
I will send you tubby shots, since you think that I do not bathe....
You did not tell me to be pristine, you told ANGIE MCQUEEN - NO? and she is fucking OMAR HENRY?? and begging for OSCAR?? and screwing over me and my TV SHOW - the real fiancee.
Did we not have this conversation?? what is sexy?? and can you keep a secret?? my 3 yrs with you?? Everything ruined.
You got YVETTE PIERTO and Michael Jordan together?? in NEW ORLEANS?? where my ultrasound was? trying to control me and my son- using you and your powers against me??
WHY? you all faggots for Michael Jordan???
Come help me, super tampons, do not fit, "pencil dick" .... and I could use your manly help.
You may get a daughter out of it.... and I have pretty little girl clothes from a shopping trip.
Your income comes from USA TV for being my knight or prince in shining arm our, chivalerous... saving me from a paternity scandal nad then making me in to a PRINCESS, a real TV SHOW - reality TV with paid sponsors, where do you expect to get all of your money?? and then appearances and photos shoots and spin offs and other USA media money making plans do not dare gift them to anyone else. MY god parents started cable in Pittsubrgh, PA.
THIS IS THE SAME MAN AND SAME ACCOUN T that proposed marriage to me and wanted my daughter LULU and my son, DANTE.
If this is true, you are going to prison, as a USA BIGAMIST and stalking and harasing me, for erverything that I am ... Lisa A. Miceli.
You hurt my son, he was smearing shit on the walls, upset.
Lisa A. Miceli
is this mailee??
He is selling my id to other women every plan, is another wifey for him, at my expense.
I told the other women to stop contacting you, nad you do this. This was our wedding night, and one of them was ANGIE MCQUEEN, too??
I am not ASIAN. I am not MAILEE. Who is this that you are marrying today?? and why on my wedding night??
----- Chat del miƩ, 12/29/10 12:12 AM -----
Lisa (12:05 AM): The police are going to arrest you, I do not have to deal with this harassment any further.. They thihkn that they can fuck MJ next. Stop messing with my son's mind. He writes wrong and is upset.
Lisa (12:06 AM): smearing shit is his new game, thanks to you and your words.
Lisa (12:10 AM): you have to be arrested to leave me alone... clearly... the fbi and the police will arrest you and bring you to pa to serve your time and pay for your mouth....
Lisa (12:12 AM): I told you to stop - stop contacting other women in my name & saying that marry you, is okay with me.. that is a lie.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 411 Newer› Newest»RAJ is saying to you, if you pay, we show up... and then I call him nad he does not answer and nieither does ANGIE MCQUEEN - ANGIE said that she was in ANAHIEM, CA when I called her with OMAR and so did OMAR.
She shows up at all of my VEGAS dates with you, WHY and how?? who is telling her the plans???
Where is my bloodlines? I have migraines, not insanity - you are lying !!!!!
I cannot beleive anyone would be turned on, but HH for my private emails!!!
THIS IS ALL THEFT?? can you not see that??
They lied to get close to you, using my son - but we are not married yet legally.
Where is my pregnancy?? ANGIE's body???
The kids are with nannies, not the mom, so every mom is horrible?? EGG donors???
What do you not understand? it is Lisa A. Miceli's marriage and babies, being sold illegal, is ID THEFT....
HH was to divorce them all to marry me and in the USA - and then have kids iwth me. ANGIE is divorced and with OMAR HENRY... and that is the truth.
Lisa A. Miceli
Why do vyou need MJ's money, if ou are marrying Lidsa A. Miclei- so who cares who DANTE's dad is, it was to be you... you knew this.
ANGIE MCQUEEN and others played you, at DANTE's expense.
THE FBI sees it that way too.
You are soo rich, you do not need MJ 's money- so why are DANTE and I here, and ANGIE AND OMAR and kids in the BELLAGIO???
FBI is calling the BELLLAGIO- why is she with you and RAJ and OMAR and kids, not me and DANTE- the bride and your new child???
HH if you are marrying me, DANTE is yours, because the money with you is more than iwth MJ, unless a contract states otherwise.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is not the mother of DANTE. The TV SHOW is not ANGIE MCQUEN and who is she dating.. with HH as well.
EVERY phone call, she is using me for money.. WHY?? who is paying for her?? and why HH?? and not HH paying for Lisa A. Miceli and DANTE.
JAIL for these schemes already, ANGIER MCQUEEN.
She lies to fly in my GULF STREAM and stay in my VEGAS HOTELS!!!
She is using my credit card, is what BELLAGIO is thinking...
Lisa A. Miceli
MONDAY, this will be sent to the JUDGE.
other wonmen, SHAR JACKSON, and others, and selling to ENTERTAIUNMENT COMPANIES, like MJ this is my own money- my life sold, and them getting my money and DANTE's....
So, back to courts like the PARIS HILTON lawsuits!!!!!
EXTORTION...... and more of it.
Lisa's people or JAIL people.
Knowing my private emails to KUWAIT, if he was KUWAIT and not you, lying to me... is scary.
SO, that was you too or your IT man?? He was to get HHH Sheikh Ahmed for me.
He did that, and I am chatting with you.
CARLA DIMARE and ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN are not my lawyers for me and DANTE.
I have prescriptions to fill for today's migraines and IV last night.
You are twisting my info and hurting my head - not making me crazy.
HH does not care about you either ANGIE, marrying others and turning you into the police.
AHMED says that she does not know AHMED- then she is wrting to you, as Lisa A. Miceli- from another acconut and not me. is LISA A. MICELI.
Lisa A. Miceli
I will post my emergency room paperwork...
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is with you, not LISA A. MICELI- and you and I go bonkers online together... !!!!
If I cannot have you, then I will fuck your BFF to hurt you.
I have no BFF's.
BASEMENT story, I was packing in the basement to move to DUBAI!!!!
NOW pulling clothes out of boxes, because you lied and did not come to my house.
Why were you in MIAMI, FL just a day ago - with whom??
FOUTAINBLUE HOTEL, adn Michael Jordan was there as well
It's "Fontainebleau". I'd think MJ would Hang out at the Miami Mondrian, stalked by the creepy disembodied head of Crazyho in her 20s. :p
She looks great, with him, CY WATTS, hope that she is happy - not chasing Lisa A. Miceli mess.
Please no more imposters, even for entertainment, without upfront contract, as it is a scam to her and to me.
Who put the deal together???
Not playing fair spies... ????
Lisa A. Miceli
I did not call my ARAB SHEIKH cons, ANGIE MCQUEEN did.
Yet, she is with them... according to her videos and photos and phone calls.
She did not tell me that HH was in VEGAS, he sent photos and she told me that she was in CA with OMAR adn her kids- put next to running water, like the BELLAGIO!!!
HH sent me the BELLAGIO photos, not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn my wedding plans.. and I am still not there yet.
Stop using my name and stop calling him and dstop emailing him, pretending to be LISA A. MICELI.
JEWISH man in the LISA name writing to HH Princey Ham.
He blames me for the scams.
Has anyone seen any of Ange's videos lately? I lost the link and then they disappeared altogether.
I don't remember ever seeing anyone in her vids that anyone could mistake for HH, never saw her smoking pot, on a Gulfstream or in another country.
Perhaps these are private videos that Ange sends or more of the cotton candy in "her" brain.
FYI, The Meadville PD is being dragged in the mud by LM. She is sending emails to the FBI claiming that the officers are trying to kill her.She is naming names and all, Cheif. L is getting a special dose of attention from her demented ass.
This is an example of the mess she is sending to the Feds:
WHY would ANGIE MCQUEEN adn family be traveling with HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed bin Al Maktoum on every single wedding story I email to him, as if I am not Lisa A. Miceli- the fiancee, and someone else is. STOP SELLING AND TELLING MY LIFE STORY to STAR MAGAZINE, they buy it and turn it into fiction and sell it and never tell me or pay me properly and then threatend to kill me when I go for my money.
He is clearly with ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN in my face, since March 2009 and telling me I am crazy and giving me severe migraines from his abuse.
NIGGER is not racist, I am not saying I am better than you, I am saying you are ruining my lfie with lies (CHEAPENING AND BLACKENING me - LIBEL).
Who is writing under Lisa A. miceli;s name? ABORTINS for miscarriages are not baby killing. HH SHEIKH AHMED bin SAEED bin AL MAKTOUM and Michael Jordan are setting me up to be kiled, for their lies in the media and in the courts- so others will kill for them.
I asked to move to Dubai after the paternity and Michael Jordan stalked me there.
I am to be travelnig with HH and making my own money, from my priojects, PLAYBOY, BOOK DEAL and reality TV SHOW and then real estate. My id was stolen and sold at least 20 times now - ORGANIZED CRIMES... they think wrong, it is ALL FRAUD!!!!! ANGIE MCQUEEn had a fit over my marriage, he called me a lesbian and that is a lie. I am to be married nad have his kdis, and I was 34 when we made the first plans. EVERY plan to wed is a murder plot by someone else. ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN cannot have my life with HH Sheikh Ahmed bin SAEED bin AL MAKTOUM. The house in ANAHIEM, CA was to be mine not ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN. HER AND RAJ stole it.
Anonymous said...
Has anyone seen any of Ange's videos lately? I lost the link and then they disappeared altogether.
I don't remember ever seeing anyone in her vids that anyone could mistake for HH, never saw her smoking pot, on a Gulfstream or in another country.
Perhaps these are private videos that Ange sends or more of the cotton candy in "her" brain.
December 31, 2010 7:38 AM
You don't see them because they don't exist. Lisa takes bits of things from the videos that already exist; she takes the things Angie say & turn it into an entire event out of context.
She talks to the dialtone often (I beleive I posted at least one of those videos. And she call numbers that people have sent to her thinking they are Angie contacts.
She makes these phone calls, but she never really ever talk to anyone, except the occassional perv.
How do I know? Because I have it well documented according to her own words and videos. She tells me about her phone call attempts.
"Why is Angie not answering her phone? I have been calling her for four hous and she is not answering. Is she in my Gulfstream?"
Yup! Crazy like a fox!
Not to make light of this, but it reminds me of the episode on MASH where Klinger asks Henry Blake for an emergency leave because his mother is dying and Blake pulls out the list of previous requests.
I wonder if the FBI/Meadville Police just roll their eyes and pitch her missives in a file drawer.
Thank you CM.
I had a feeling that was the case, but it's never smart to assume anything in this drama and as someone commented, every so often she actually slips the truth into the mix.
Lisa A. Miceli - is being robbed, I called the casino and SHANIQUE LAPUMA is getting arrested.
Who is the group traveling and whose money is tit? LISA A. MICELI 's copyrights and you are performing it ... why ??
ANGIE AND RAJ need mental help, not Lisa A. Miceli- who has migraines- you are stelaing from me, Kelly Werner, as well.
Hh is not marrying my BFF's b/c of me not being at my wedding night.
He was to send the JET to my house and you all strated to lie to him nad ask for hm to pick you up first adn not me.
MY WEDDDING story is ruined by cons....
HH is hurting DANTE adn Lisa Miceli- by gifting everyone who knows Lisa A. Miceli my money.
Where is everyone but Lisa Miceli and DANTE ?? BELLAGIO casino.
Why did he not send for me? the BRIDE?? so why are you there??
Your better this & better that? Where is your hubby's money for me??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is a sicko, if she is jealous, then so what? Tell her to get a job and other own man who can afford her.
THIS IS MY WEDDING night, you are pulling my family's creidt for my wedding, and your family is writing aobut me and my family- for a wedding.. nothing esle.
I control the invites to the BELLAGIO wedding.. and no bloggers and stalkers and Lisa'a BFF's and no LAPUMAS.
TINA KNODARIS- get out of my screen - yes, I hear you immature sex acts in my face behind my back and HH forwards them to me!!!!
MY dad does not owe you, b/c he went to a casino in his younger days!!!!!
Where is your money and your man's money???
PAMMY ANDERSON LEE - where is your money? We knw where it comes from? her body, my life....
ALLY MILANO is first con - where do your stories come from??
HH, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN AND RAJ call behind my back for my life ?? cheating me & DANTE out of it since March 2009, no???
Lisa's abortion stores.. anything to hurt Lisa A. Miceli for money and call them BFF's b/c they know a secret-
and selling them to STAR MAGAZINE for an actress to call FICTION and throw in my face their millions at my expense.
ALLADIN was the casino, not the BELLAGIO... who is he looking up there??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and my former BFF's are not lawyers and she clearly stole my ID because the police tell me to get a lawyer.
FUR COATS, AND JEWLERY is the MICELI way, all family members, and you are not me.
The hubbys are loving and take them on trips, so where is HH with LISA MICELI and DANTE??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is not cool or important stealing a copyright - BANK HEISTS?? not funny.
RHE TRUTH will get my money back - so stolen records nad files- not funny.
SAM MICELI, WHO's THE BOSS, implies pedophilia and organized crinmes and ALLY MILANO has not given up yet, stealing from Lisa A. Miceli.
She needs to be in jail because there is no contract with her, despite calling MIKE her agent to make her pay me or stop ..... CREATIVE ARTISTS AGENCY!!!!
I am doing what they do now, sexy photos and my reality TV and books...
and HH was to buy my house to be paid back in a deal!!!
There is nothing to sell if you tell it and use other women... so, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN needs to get out of my shoes!!
"QUEEN" LISA ANN MICELI needs her money.
STOP the schemes until I get my money.
THE BELLAGIO, if LAPUMA shows up, will arrest her and tell me her real name!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
for my money?
Did she bnot do ERIN BROCKEVICK story too?? in RIVERSIDE, CA.
Why is HOLLYWOOD all over my family please? and where is my money??
Lisa A. Miceli - is being robbed, I called the casino and SHANIQUE LAPUMA is getting arrested.
Who is the group traveling and whose money is tit? LISA A. MICELI 's copyrights and you are performing it ... why ??
ANGIE AND RAJ need mental help, not Lisa A. Miceli- who has migraines- you are stelaing from me, Kelly Werner, as well.
Hh is not marrying my BFF's b/c of me not being at my wedding night.
He was to send the JET to my house and you all strated to lie to him nad ask for hm to pick you up first adn not me.
MY WEDDDING story is ruined by cons....
HH is hurting DANTE adn Lisa Miceli- by gifting everyone who knows Lisa A. Miceli my money.
Where is everyone but Lisa Miceli and DANTE ?? BELLAGIO casino.
Why did he not send for me? the BRIDE?? so why are you there??
Lisa A. Miceli
Your better this & better that? Where is your hubby's money for me??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is a sicko, if she is jealous, then so what? Tell her to get a job and other own man who can afford her.
THIS IS MY WEDDING night, you are pulling my family's creidt for my wedding, and your family is writing aobut me and my family- for a wedding.. nothing esle.
I control the invites to the BELLAGIO wedding.. and no bloggers and stalkers and Lisa'a BFF's and no LAPUMAS.
TINA KNODARIS- get out of my screen - yes, I hear you immature sex acts in my face behind my back and HH forwards them to me!!!!
MY dad does not owe you, b/c he went to a casino in his younger days!!!!!
Where is your money and your man's money???
PAMMY ANDERSON LEE - where is your money? We knw where it comes from? her body, my life....
ALLY MILANO is first con - where do your stories come from??
HH, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN AND RAJ call behind my back for my life ?? cheating me & DANTE out of it since March 2009, no???
Lisa's abortion stores.. anything to hurt Lisa A. Miceli for money and call them BFF's b/c they know a secret-
and selling them to STAR MAGAZINE for an actress to call FICTION and throw in my face their millions at my expense.
ALLADIN was the casino, not the BELLAGIO... who is he looking up there??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and my former BFF's are not lawyers and she clearly stole my ID because the police tell me to get a lawyer.
FUR COATS, AND JEWLERY is the MICELI way, all family members, and you are not me.
The hubbys are loving and take them on trips, so where is HH with LISA MICELI and DANTE??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is not cool or important stealing a copyright - BANK HEISTS?? not funny.
RHE TRUTH will get my money back - so stolen records nad files- not funny.
SAM MICELI, WHO's THE BOSS, implies pedophilia and organized crinmes and ALLY MILANO has not given up yet, stealing from Lisa A. Miceli.
She needs to be in jail because there is no contract with her, despite calling MIKE her agent to make her pay me or stop ..... CREATIVE ARTISTS AGENCY!!!!
I am doing what they do now, sexy photos and my reality TV and books...
and HH was to buy my house to be paid back in a deal!!!
There is nothing to sell if you tell it and use other women... so, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN needs to get out of my shoes!!
"QUEEN" LISA ANN MICELI needs her money.
STOP the schemes until I get my money.
THE BELLAGIO, if LAPUMA shows up, will arrest her and tell me her real name!!!!
HH is marrying Lisa A. Miceli and covering it up b/c he is a bigamist in the USA- we are moving to Dubai!!!!
Stop the schemes.
Your better this & better that? Where is your hubby's money for me??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is a sicko, if she is jealous, then so what? Tell her to get a job and other own man who can afford her.
THIS IS MY WEDDING night, you are pulling my family's creidt for my wedding, and your family is writing aobut me and my family- for a wedding.. nothing esle.
I control the invites to the BELLAGIO wedding.. and no bloggers and stalkers and Lisa'a BFF's and no LAPUMAS.
Lisa A. Miceli
TINA KNODARIS- get out of my screen - yes, I hear you immature sex acts in my face behind my back and HH forwards them to me!!!!
MY dad does not owe you, b/c he went to a casino in his younger days!!!!!
Where is your money and your man's money???
PAMMY ANDERSON LEE - where is your money? We knw where it comes from? her body, my life....
ALLY MILANO is first con - where do your stories come from??
HH, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN AND RAJ call behind my back for my life ?? cheating me & DANTE out of it since March 2009, no???
Lisa's abortion stores.. anything to hurt Lisa A. Miceli for money and call them BFF's b/c they know a secret-
and selling them to STAR MAGAZINE for an actress to call FICTION and throw in my face their millions at my expense.
ALLADIN was the casino, not the BELLAGIO... who is he looking up there??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and my former BFF's are not lawyers and she clearly stole my ID because the police tell me to get a lawyer.
FUR COATS, AND JEWLERY is the MICELI way, all family members, and you are not me.
The hubbys are loving and take them on trips, so where is HH with LISA MICELI and DANTE??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is not cool or important stealing a copyright - BANK HEISTS?? not funny.
RHE TRUTH will get my money back - so stolen records nad files- not funny.
SAM MICELI, WHO's THE BOSS, implies pedophilia and organized crinmes and ALLY MILANO has not given up yet, stealing from Lisa A. Miceli.
She needs to be in jail because there is no contract with her, despite calling MIKE her agent to make her pay me or stop ..... CREATIVE ARTISTS AGENCY!!!!
I am doing what they do now, sexy photos and my reality TV and books...
and HH was to buy my house to be paid back in a deal!!!
There is nothing to sell if you tell it and use other women... so, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN needs to get out of my shoes!!
"QUEEN" LISA ANN MICELI needs her money.
STOP the schemes until I get my money.
THE BELLAGIO, if LAPUMA shows up, will arrest her and tell me her real name!!!!
HH is marrying Lisa A. Miceli and covering it up b/c he is a bigamist in the USA- we are moving to Dubai!!!!
Stop the schemes.
and you are not at my house with my family- WHY?? Yet miusuing my emails.
TINA KNODARIS- get out of my screen - yes, I hear you immature sex acts in my face behind my back and HH forwards them to me!!!!
MY dad does not owe you, b/c he went to a casino in his younger days!!!!!
Where is your money and your man's money???
PAMMY ANDERSON LEE - where is your money? We knw where it comes from? her body, my life....
ALLY MILANO is first con - where do your stories come from??
HH, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN AND RAJ call behind my back for my life ?? cheating me & DANTE out of it since March 2009, no???
Lisa's abortion stores.. anything to hurt Lisa A. Miceli for money and call them BFF's b/c they know a secret-
and selling them to STAR MAGAZINE for an actress to call FICTION and throw in my face their millions at my expense.
ALLADIN was the casino, not the BELLAGIO... who is he looking up there??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and my former BFF's are not lawyers and she clearly stole my ID because the police tell me to get a lawyer.
FUR COATS, AND JEWLERY is the MICELI way, all family members, and you are not me.
The hubbys are loving and take them on trips, so where is HH with LISA MICELI and DANTE??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is not cool or important stealing a copyright - BANK HEISTS?? not funny.
RHE TRUTH will get my money back - so stolen records nad files- not funny.
SAM MICELI, WHO's THE BOSS, implies pedophilia and organized crinmes and ALLY MILANO has not given up yet, stealing from Lisa A. Miceli.
She needs to be in jail because there is no contract with her, despite calling MIKE her agent to make her pay me or stop ..... CREATIVE ARTISTS AGENCY!!!!
I am doing what they do now, sexy photos and my reality TV and books...
and HH was to buy my house to be paid back in a deal!!!
There is nothing to sell if you tell it and use other women... so, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN needs to get out of my shoes!!
"QUEEN" LISA ANN MICELI needs her money.
STOP the schemes until I get my money.
THE BELLAGIO, if LAPUMA shows up, will arrest her and tell me her real name!!!!
HH is marrying Lisa A. Miceli and covering it up b/c he is a bigamist in the USA- we are moving to Dubai!!!!
Stop the schemes.
and you are not at my house with my family- WHY?? Yet miusuing my emails.
TINA KNODARIS- get out of my screen - yes, I hear you immature sex acts in my face behind my back and HH forwards them to me!!!!
MY dad does not owe you, b/c he went to a casino in his younger days!!!!!
Where is your money and your man's money???
PAMMY ANDERSON LEE - where is your money? We knw where it comes from? her body, my life....
ALLY MILANO is first con - where do your stories come from??
HH, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN AND RAJ call behind my back for my life ?? cheating me & DANTE out of it since March 2009, no???
This is who I am - you are mentioned you are proof of my id and do not own me!!!!
Damn, I guess Lisa really is psychic!
How else would she know I am spending New Years Eve at the Casino. Wish me luck!
I'd let you know what to tell the feds I'm wearing but I haven't decided yet. It's alot warmer today than I had anticipated.
THERE WAS NO ORGANIZED CRIME and no pedophilia, that was a threat, over casino debts.. my life story.... from my family.
When we get back to you, Lisa A. Miceli- there wil be nothing lefty, we sold it all and collected your money illegally.
You used me b/c you are too stupid to tell the truth.... and I am reading my own life.
My stomache is thinner than wifey, from EGPYT, flabby monstar, b/c my son is 6 yrs old nad not 1 yrs old.
I am not chubby monstar either b/c I am not pregers right now either.
He wrote that for me to wed and bed him and that is the story.
JAMMING of the phone meant she was in the casino lying to Lisa A. Miceli.
It was pointless to be her friend, b/c she stole everything and said that she would not, because she has OSCAR MONEY!!!!!!
HH would not steal because he is a BILLIONAIRE!!!!
If you think I get pleasure out of posting this shit, you would have seen the sick x-rated videos or the other 40 other videos with her son or mother randomly in there. I didn’t go there.
Hmmm, I wonder if those videos be considered child endangerment if her son was in the same room?
I offered ANGIE MCQUEEN a reality TV SHOW deal with me and she was too insane and fucked HH behind my back ... and then blamed us and wants money forever from us.
Why would I do a TV SHOW gifting my BFF's everything? NEVER.
Then the competition for a Sheikh Show, not her hubby... and cruel.
Where is your money coming from ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN??
MY CAR is coming this weekend.... and he told me. I do not have a car, who cares that you sold your for $250 ???
He is dangling the same carrot in your face as mine, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN, you would not need to sell your car, if that was the case, sounds like a GUY MEACHAM cocaine story..
LUNATIC, this was for book deals and reality TV SHOWS - not extortion and blackmails schemes...
I was paying for PERFORMANCE AND APPEARANCE FEES.. . for my peiople.. $1000 for appearnances + positive publicity in the USA and DUBAI!!!!!!
Stop listening to ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- an addiction specialist nightmare.
I pitched my TV SHOW in the USA and DUBAI and EUROPE- stop hacking me please.. if you want money and a deal from me@!!!!!!!
My wedding was at the end of the TV SHOW with all friends there....
THE GUEST LIST was half done when HH leaked it.. so sorry.
This weekend was the wedding and the last 2.5 yrs was the TV SHOW.
I have offers, from other TV COMPANIES!!!
My book deal and my playboy photo shoot....
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in VEGAS, NV with my money, NO??
and my copyrights?
PEPE LAPUMA you are a grandmother? WHAT? that is my grandmother's name?
Who are you and where are you??
REALITY TV SHOW- is truth, scripted!!!
Then my wedding is in peace and harmony...
how many vegas trips on my weding story plans??
How many meetings with ANGIE MCQUEEN and why??
Lisa A. Miceli
I saw this yesterday and wondered which cam first the chicken or the egg?
Lisa is going to have a cow when she see this. And no, IDGAF if some of you think this is baiting. I happen to be one of the people who find this blog funny ass heck. Sue me if you don't like it.
Buying the Cow
American comedy featuring Alyssa Milano
After five years of dating, David (Jerry O'Connell) gets what he feels is an ultimatum from his girlfriend, Sarah (Bridgette Wilson). She thinks they should get married. When his old buddy, Tyler (Ron Livingston of Swingers), a legendary womanizer, calls to announce his wedding plans, it only increases the pressure on David. When Sarah leaves town on a business trip, David has a chance to explore his options. He turns to his friends, Jonesey (Bill Bellamy), and the unrepentant lothario Michael (Ryan Reynolds, who also starred in director Walt Becker's National Lampoon's Van Wilder) for advice. Jonesey half-heartedly encourages David to marry Sarah. Michael, who treats women shabbily, tries to talk David out of it. David tells his friends about an epiphany that he had many years earlier, when he saw beautiful blond Julie (Erinn Bartlett) in an airport, and was instantly smitten. He knew she was the one. He courageously handed the strange girl his phone number, and a brief romantic correspondence ensued, but it ended disastrously. Uncertain about his destiny with Sarah, David spots another woman at a Mexican restaurant, and has the same feeling he had with Julie. He spends a lot of time and effort trying to track this mystery woman down, while Sarah, frustrated by their lack of progress, considers ending their relationship. Michael, meanwhile, has a real identity crisis, when he wakes up in a strange bed after a night of drinking, drugs, and debauchery, only to find a gay man in the bedroom with him. Buying the Cow also stars Alyssa Milano, Annabeth Gish, and Jon Tenney.
~ Josh Ralske, Rovi
LINDA MCMAHON, please call me.
Why did you not meet at my house for my wedding plans to talk to MICELI and to THE LAPUMAS??
If you wanted us to pay for the wedding- our half???? and our guest list.
Hmmm, I wonder if those videos be considered child endangerment if her son was in the same room?
December 31, 2010 9:39 AM
Child Services are aware of them. Nothing has happened despite them being contacted.
PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
I'd let you know what to tell the feds I'm wearing but I haven't decided yet. It's alot warmer today than I had anticipated.
December 31, 2010 9:32 AM
She's going to tell them to just look for her purple veil with her initials on them.
why are any of you calling HH in advance of my wedding to him?
ROBYN?? SOUTH AFRICAN charity work?? WHEN? WHERE? who called her??
EVERYONE on here trying to cheat with HH and Michael Jordan are peices of shit, making up lies about Lisa A. Miclei when she is here telling you the truth...
WHO IS SHANIQUA LAPUMA fucking HH on my name and making threats to get preggers on my wedding night using my name?
THE BELLAGIO was called.. to tell them the truth.. there are no black wonmen in my family.
My book deals are stolen and late b/c of ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN meeting HH and lying to him and trying to get him hooked on drugs, alcohol and prostitutes and gambling..
I am not insane, you are all going to be arrested for drugs in the BELLAGIO.
There were ro be in person family meetings, Lisa Miceli first and then HH and then our families..
I am the wifey and to have the kids for HH- migraines, hurt unborn children (with drugs and the migraine itself - pain in my chest, hips, & head)... and when preggers got them if someone stole my id - the abortions were medically necessary and I was bleeding thru the whole pregnancies...
You are using my name and my career and my friends and my family - so why are we not married yet??
THE MECCA story is Lisa A. Miceli.
CHUBBY MONSTAR is Lisa A. Miceli- and I have my own kids with my own fiancee, HH.
EVERYONE else on here is a lying scam artist piece of shit.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN fly to MIAMI, FL and to VINNIE's STEAKHOUSE YET? like PARIS HILTON did to steal from me for her career????
This is all my money, you are more broke than before.. WHERE is your life and yor family and your money??
PARIS, FRANCE??? was Lisa A. Miceli.
The furs and jewelry are LISA A. MICELI -
One of kind casino made and purchsed jewelry!!!! is Lisa A. Miceli form her dad.
He was a high roller!!!!
YOU ARE NOT A LAPUMA, if you win, it is my mnoey, by FRAUD!!!!!
ALERT at the CASINO... for the LAPUMA name!!!!!
PEPE LAPUMA you are a grandmother? WHAT? that is my grandmother's name?
LOL Asil's grandma's name is Pepe!
Okay, I confess, my real name is
Grandma LaPuma!
There Lisa, you got it outa me. I hope you're happy now!;-)
Grandma LaPuma
Grandma LaPuma
Tell the feds when they're checking I.D. to look for
O G LaPuma. The Original Grandma LaPuma! LMAO
IF ANGIE MCQUEEN is with RICHARD SHAEFFER's group then why is she calling HH on my wedding story??
How many people is Lisa A. Miceli feeding and not knowing the places and times to appear!!!!????
Please get your addictions under control, not me, I am clearly very very wealthy from my storylines!!!!!!
NO to everyone until CONTRACTS have been signed for confidentiality web-sites, and blogs and media and other stuff, no talking and no stalking and no calling HH - until I sign off on it.
You are calling thge MAFIA when I do not pay you, and not telling me what you needed paid for?? and they are putting hits on me??
THROWING up in your mouth, over my preggers?? impossible!!!!!
I was in a car accident.
YOU NEED to shut up, FRED SPERLING - and in jail -you do not control me, because of my marriage and my preggers...
MONDAY meeting with a JUDGE- it was my house or jail - you know the deal!!!!!!
You stole from me and went to a casino.. several times on my money.
MONA LISA SMILE = JULIA ROBERTS, PRETTY WOMAN... stealing my copyrights.
NBA WIVES storylines... and relaity TV SHOWS.
I was Lisa A. Miceli- REAL PEOPLE thrwoing PANCAKES!!! Someone told ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN that story, VICTOR MICELI? no? you all meet illegally behind my back.
Too busy with nose candy and casinos to plan a wedding or show up for TV SHOW MEETINGS!!!
Please stop the BULLSHIT on my name for my projects to be successful!!
You are not a PRINCESS with no royalities in the USA - it is a performance job, not YOUR LIFE.
ANGIE MCQUEEN was fired in Nov 2009for Lisa A. Miceli show.
Lisa Miceli needs to be traveling with HH in the MEDIA to stop the copying and the thefts....
and doing her legit businesses.
Thank you to the MEADVILLE MEDICAL CENTER so much .... I am soo much better.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindess!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
I was hacked again, so please send to me again, WILL please.
Sorry... I was in the hospital last night so could not perform.
I'd love to be there on the day her kid (Eggplant) makes her explain the shit she wrote earlier today...That she didn't mean nigger in a BAD way (haha!), but that Negroid women had been "CHEAPENING" and "BLACKENING" her name. Yeah. That's the ticket.
I was Lisa A. Miceli- REAL PEOPLE thrwoing PANCAKES!!!
Thank you to the MEADVILLE MEDICAL CENTER so much .... I am soo much better.
Shouldn't she thank the citizens of PA for paying frivolous medical care expenses for lazy welfare bitches like her?
Ali, maybe she can throw in one of Dave Chappelle's DVD'S with "The N-I-G-G-E-R, The Nigger Family" on it.
It's about as realistic as the Miceli family but it may make Dante feel better about himself. Maybe he'll come to see it as a term of endearment rather than the derogatory way his 'nurturing' family uses it.
I was hacked again, so please send to me again, WILL please.
Sorry... I was in the hospital last night so could not perform.
My son has a better social calendar and friends than Lisa A. Miceli.
FALSE PRETENSE feiends, need to be in jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN does not know HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed bin Al Maktoum and was not at the casino, get the plan, LIE, LIE, LIE, GOT THAT? NO - not with my people.
I have contracts with HH and Michael Jordan.
LEGAL KNIVES please? what do we owe you??
EVERYONE on here, but Lisa A. Miceli is a con. Sorry, but truth hurts.
My doctors know of my car accidents, my miscarriages, and migraines, not mental illness.
So, stop playing me so rough and dirty!!!!
LINDA MCMAHON, knows me, and know BUSINESS - and what is fair and what is not!!!!! I like her.
LINDA MCMAHON, knows me, and know BUSINESS - and what is fair and what is not!!!!! I like her.
Gosh,your friends stay losing being associated with you.
No one was to be hurt feelings or otherwise, it was all business - but you do not bed my man or he goes to jail.
He is not to tell you my plans EVER- we tell you if you are invited, Kelly Scott, he writes and calls me directly, not you.
But it is not ME and not HH... EVER to YOU!!! because you lack decency and respect!!!!!
STOP selling and telling- that is my book deal, you will be mentioned if needed for the story, only the truth...
otherwise, SHUT UP.
There are no blacks in my family except DANTE.
Oh my gosh, Girl! The flashback cracked me up! Chapelle talking to that white family whose last name happened to be "Nigger". I can just hear him, "Yall Niggers are funny as HELL!"
Damn, Pepe. I haaaate that I have to go fetch Ali3 from German ass New Braunfels, Texas, and drive like a bat outa Hades to make it to our 7pm concert. Be calling ya bright & early 2011. Happy New Year!
I am to be traveling, not TRAFFICKED without my information or my information and not my body.
My cousin is named SARAH, not ISRAEL PRESIDENT's wife, MICHAEL JORDAN - has huge fantasies...
Clearly he does, b/c he tries to skip out on paternity, when CHARLES BARKLEY busted him on LIVE NATIONAL TV!!!!
Chubbs said that since this blog Dante has his own room, new clothes finally, and Is getting out of the house more and away from his mother. It may not sound like a whole lot to some people, but it sounds like progress to me.
If it were not for the blog, Dante would probably be sent to the basement with his mother by now.
Lisa, nobody was talking about the black(s) being in your family, we were just talking about you niggers.
Tee hee
How do you not know after 2.5 yrs that Lisa A. Miclei is MISS ABSAM and your fiancee?
and stop using "screens: - peopke who want to be on TV - using me and my life, plaiyng the MUSE illegally.
I said no screens and imposters in my wedding story, get real.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a jerk! She was the one saying that for my wedding adn my paternity.
She is not going to make money that way, in my bed.
These are crimes against the family- not nice.
The MICELI way.. is USA law, he was a JUDGE and LAW LIBRARIES in our name.
I put this up for copyright protection and paternity, no women should be in here, I am the only mother of Dante.
I was trying to protect you HH not get you in ORGANIZED crimes, in USA hell.
Nigga please!
LADIES, shut up you are not to speak on my legal matters, that are international, in RUSSIA, CHINA, and NORTH KOREA and about diplomacy..
with DUBAI and the USA.
You women cannot speak about Lisa A. Miceli - you do not know me.
HH was not to meet women from my blogs to marry, all FELONY crimes.
Your superiority claims are racism!
The SECRET SERVICE was briefed by LIsa A. Miceli- so my PRESIDENTS do not own me, to trade me with another women in an other country, I am not a hostage or a prisoner.
I am not the one needing to go to jail, some higher ups screwed up.
The niece of a PROMINENT JUDGE- no you cannot have my wedding story with AL MAKTOUM.
PARTY at the end, WINK, WINK, real wedding in the USA - code name!!!
I am not your lawyer, HH - and told you to meet with mine with me, to plan my TV SHOW and my wedding, legally.
Sorry for the swears and indecency, it is giving me an anxiety attack.
So, please stop. You are giving the INTERNATIONAL world the wrong impressino about USA society and life in the USA.
It is not your place to comment on a private marriage and private company until you hired, Kelly Scott, and other women on here.
You are causing confusion.
Raj may have sold ANGIE to you, but I am a free women and this was my business MICELI PRODUCTIONS and my private secret wedding = ie party for being "FRIENDS"....
2. I am a dancer.
3. I was raised a lady.
4. DO not talk to me like I am in counseling or on a talk show.
5. Do not ever call me a liar and make threats, to block me from my own events.
6. You all need me to "clear" you of charges. So, please.
7. Where is my HANDSOME SHEIKHY friend?? He needs me.
8. No more ANGIE MCQUEEN - how could she be jealous or hurt byu me, with you, HH - she did not know you and stillll does not.
She is with RAJ and OMAR when I call on the phone.
I am alone because of your mouth.
You switched ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and Lisa A. Miceli- you proposed to Lisa A. Miceli, who lived in NC for 15 yrs??
I am not calling for ANGIE MCQUEEN, I am chatting for me, LISA A. MICELI.
NO ONE ASKED TOM, ASST CHIEF, to put me in jail - so where is his harassment coming from?
We need a letter to him over his head, so that he gets that international business is at stake and lying stalking women is not good business.
Meadville, PA 16335
LADIES, shut up you are not to speak on my legal matters, that are international, in RUSSIA, CHINA, and NORTH KOREA and about diplomacy..
with DUBAI and the USA.
You women cannot speak about Lisa A. Miceli - you do not know me.
HH was not to meet women from my blogs to marry, all FELONY crimes.
Your superiority claims are racism!
The SECRET SERVICE was briefed by LIsa A. Miceli- so my PRESIDENTS do not own me, to trade me with another women in an other country, I am not a hostage or a prisoner.
I am not the one needing to go to jail, some higher ups screwed up.
The niece of a PROMINENT JUDGE- no you cannot have my wedding story with AL MAKTOUM.
PARTY at the end, WINK, WINK, real wedding in the USA - code name!!!
I am not your lawyer, HH - and told you to meet with mine with me, to plan my TV SHOW and my wedding, legally.
Sorry for the swears and indecency, it is giving me an anxiety attack.
So, please stop. You are giving the INTERNATIONAL world the wrong impressino about USA society and life in the USA.
It is not your place to comment on a private marriage and private company until you hired, Kelly Scott, and other women on here.
You are causing confusion.
Raj may have sold ANGIE to you, but I am a free women and this was my business MICELI PRODUCTIONS and my private secret wedding = ie party for being "FRIENDS"....
2. I am a dancer.
3. I was raised a lady.
4. DO not talk to me like I am in counseling or on a talk show.
5. Do not ever call me a liar and make threats, to block me from my own events.
6. You all need me to "clear" you of charges. So, please.
7. Where is my HANDSOME SHEIKHY friend?? He needs me.
8. No more ANGIE MCQUEEN - how could she be jealous or hurt byu me, with you, HH - she did not know you and stillll does not.
She is with RAJ and OMAR when I call on the phone.
I am alone because of your mouth.
You switched ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and Lisa A. Miceli- you proposed to Lisa A. Miceli, who lived in NC for 15 yrs??
I am not calling for ANGIE MCQUEEN, I am chatting for me, LISA A. MICELI.
NO ONE ASKED TOM, ASST CHIEF, to put me in jail - so where is his harassment coming from?
We need a letter to him over his head, so that he gets that international business is at stake and lying stalking women is not good business.
We do not know what ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ or anyone tells you behind my back - send me the emails as soon as you get them please??!!!!!
EVERY WORD is saved by me or FBI - as I wrote to YAHOO with legal force for protection.
Meadville, PA 16335
She's a southern Belle? Pennsylvania is the deep south? Erm...
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a con, she is not men tally pain and anguished by LIsa A. Miceli or HH and neither is he for her.
FAKE people on other people's lives, he was to defend Lisa A. Miceli from gher and her threats and taunts, sunglasses, VEGAS trips and pot and music and stealing my copyrights.
I am to know that he is in HER bed, because she stole my copyrights? NO- she did not bed TOM BENGE, and JIMMY, and MJ, and know my UNCLE VICTOR, and everyone else of mine that she mentions, all lies.. all fake and all stolen.
Lisa A. Miceli
If she calls, you, ANGIE MCQUEEN, call me and then the police, she is a con, stealing my id.. and my life nad claiming pain and suffering that is fake, but mine is every very very real.
I tried to help this loon with her own money from a TV SHOW.
He tells her to FLIP me off at the MONDRIAN HOTEL, LIE to me and claimed that RICHARD SHAEFER pays (when it was HH), and then gifts her my life, and babies her, as if she is me..
adn then slams me online, as a liar and hurting other women!!!
He is a good, man ruined by ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN sellng herself as Lisa A. Miceli - not her.
Then he calls the credit card company & denies payment for FRAUD.
ANGIE MCQUEEN's lies hurt you, not Lisa's truth.
You are here for sex ANGIE MCQUEEN- then no, go away. NOT WELCOME here.
LISA MICELI wants the LISA MICELI package, my reindeer package, from HH.
THE BLONDES need mental help is it not their sex life... not your sex life..
I am not into your sex in my face, blondes.... you are not into me, so go away.
He thinks that I am a lesbian b/c you stalk me and whover I am dating.
TRACY CONNERS go to prison if you call HH one time.. fuck Keith SAeed whore.
YOU have a right to be you, not me.. and it is not you, to be a PRINCESS in the USA or DUBAI!!!
Kelly Werner is highly inappropriate in my head...
Do not call my phones and hack my computers and stalk me and whoever I am dating, EVER.
HACKED CELLPHONE, HACKED COMPUTER and hacked home phone and cable
He calls me to bed, as his friend, not you.
You and JENNY have competition with MEADVILLE, PA women as well.
STOP STALKING LISA A. MICELI- you have no legal right to bed who I am dating .. EVER.
You competition is illegal.
When you are charged with the murder of my unborn children then you will stop, RIGHT??
b/c HH is calling me the baby killer, when I had to have miscarriages removed from my body.
Jelly Werner, REGI, GINGER and others, hacking to gift to Keith SAEED exes, WHY? HH is not Keith SAEED.
DISCUSSING paternity .... not prior sex life.
HAMMY gave me his heart, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.. she is copying my blogs and my twitter, so I cannot write.
You were not the one with Keith Saeed and MJ- NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, happened.
YOUR attaction to us, makes no sense, we are not calling you, you are calling us and we said no.
If they do not have money and cannot play by the rules, then they cannot buy into DUBAI.
Lisa A. Miceli
THE VEGAS HONEYMOON story, blondes welcome is not true.
HH does not exist to you.. he is setting you up to arrest you for me.
I believe that he is trying to protect me from the blonde stalkers, who imagine their beauty is better or greater than mine.
I called the BELLAGIO security of all past blondes, who stalk and compete illegally.
You give my name, you go to jail.
PAMMY, it was not your GRANDMOTHER, LAPUMA - and SHANIQUA - who are you???
TRACY CONNERS came into my home not me into hers.. and she was left alone.
Keith and CHAD - one more person and 5 yrs per person on MONDAY in front of the JUDGE, TRACY CONNERS.
Not playing and not funny.
Lisa A. Miceli
I shut the comments down you have no legal purpse to stalk Lisa A. Miceli and compete with whom she is dating.
Kelly Werner and
Keith SAEED is not a KING- so please me alone.
Who is Tracy Connors? Why is she on crazys shit list now ?
Kelly Werner is highly inappropriate in my head...
Oh wow! Medics!
Anonymous said...
Who is Tracy Connors? Why is she on crazys shit list now ?
A woman that is associated with her ex Keith.
Anonymous said...
Who is Tracy Connors? Why is she on crazys shit list now ?
December 31, 2010 3:19 PM
You call me that one more time, I am sending you and you CORRUPT people to prison, you are letting whore stalk me for my sex life and my money, what do they look like, ORANGE JUMPSUIT.. I do not have to share a man in the USA. GET REAL.
ESPECIALLY with whore who fought me for Keith and CHAD and now... MJ?? and whoever, get a real job and learn your real job.
I was not planning on revealing our love, our lust, or our plans like this HH... How could you?
You make a fool of me, WHY? and call it entertainment.
CRAZY for chatting with you??
Why in public??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN or Lisa A. Miceli- you bragged of anal sex with her in public???
and then her dancing on my private emails?? shaking her ass? It was not her dancing offer... and not her e-mails... so she is in my sex life calling me a stalker and you saying FUCKERY and calling it humor.
ISSA needs to tell me the truth, please... CAll me, at home, 814-337-5195.
WHat happend to my house in March 2009 that the police claim crackhouse brothel?? and it is noe owned by me, none of them.
SOMEONE called the tabloids on us and I was nearly murdered again coming home from PITTSBURGH, PA... and a car pulled me over pretending to be police and .... flashed a gun.
WHAT is going on? ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and others thinks that they are all Lisa A. Miceli and can call me and HH for money.
CHATTING with HH here, is like having sex in public, WHY??
You are having other women who would never be in my life, jumping in on what is to be a private meeting with my property in exchange for my housing.
Lisa A. Miceli
You are insane, you are accusing me over lesbianism, b/c of ANGIE MCQUEEN being a greedy wore on my name?
Same thing over and over, I call HH adn tell him Vegas, NV and you show up with him??
and why? my wedding story played out with 10 women... and why?
and then you expose me, NOTING to expose, I amcwriting books nad clinical psych journals.. and it is my work.
Is ANGIE MCQUEEN being exposed? no she exposed me and my failed TV SHOW.. and exposed my failed wedding..
Whh is ANGIE MCQUEEN a winner and you will get down and dirty with her? what does that mean??
The roses story is not her.. does she know that? an RICHARD stalking is not her?? and MJ is not her?
Jimmy is not her?? and Tom is not her??
Why are you doing this with her? and me both??
ANGIE MCQUEEN - you can not be Lisa Miceli ever again, no radio not HH adn no and screen....
ANGIE MCQUEEN has men to pay for her, why is she at your houses??
One person story, with two in it.. and telling one story..!!!
which AL MAKTOUM fucked ANGIE MCQUEEN - b/c he is done with me..
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
I need a SAUDI PRINCE to teach me about servants fucking my husband... and how to get them out of my screen and trying to control my life illegally, before HH goes to jail for it.
You are my servant in my screen... and need to be punished for it.
Kelly Scott, why you talk to me is absolutely... SHOCKING.
BUCKETS to you, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- he calls for me, not you, and you show up.. WHY?? and with other men, RAJ, OMAR and whoever else..
Do they not kill in the MIDDLE EAST for this type of behavior.
Kelly Scott where is your licensing agreement to host a blog about Lisa A. Miceli, your focus.
Why are you contacting HH and telling me that yuu do not talk to me, you stole from me and are not his wifey, EVER- by law???
BIGAMY, much in the USA?
You do not need to fiqure out how HH and I know so much..
You are not funny, REPULSIVE... !!!
Lisa A. Miceli
EVERYONE wants their 15 minutes on my name with MJ or HH... stupid..
You dragged them in the mud with SERGEANT TOM BENGE.
I have a right to a police report, NO?? I think so.
USA PEOPLE are soo fucking evil and corrupt I cannot beleive it, anything for a dollar, RIGHT ANGIE MCQUEEN?
Then, lie, lie, lie, GOT THAT? NO - it was my wedding night...
I have to file 20 lawsuit in order to get married, b/c ALLY MILANO and others in HOLLYWOOD think that they have a right to copy me, when I am getting married, WHY? to put them in my sex life... !!!
STOP copying me, you want me to copy you, KELLY SCOTT and when you talk about your hubby, me say, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!! and call him to my bed?? and not know him and not give a fuck about you and your kids and let him call you from the computer with me??
and how many times? is that fair dealing??
ALL of my friends want to go to a wedding that is not Lisa A. Miceli- but you thought that it was, b/c he mailed me a wedding dress and called you to VEGAS, NV online for my wedding??
It is not me.. that went down the aisle this weekend!!!!!
So, BILL CLINTON, can tell my hubby to marry an ASIAN on my wedding night, even thought illegal and it tell her and HH it is okay... ????
WHY MY WEDDING?? HE called my house to tell my mom, that shopping was next and then VEGAS, NV..... and what happened??
He sent me photos nad then did not send the JET- who is this sick in the mind and why are you in control over my fiancee- USA MEDIA??
Why can USA media control marriags??? You lost your mind putting me in public, adn letting them attack me.... for my marriage.
My wedding, you were not to know me, at all, until successful married in Dubai.... HH Sheikh HAMMY, you lost your mind.. TOTALLY!!!
I am completely confused, as to why I am not at my own wedding meetings.
Am I not sponsored BY HH SHEIKH AHMED???
for what exactly???
What do you not understand, ten marriages and a wedding dress???
WHICH houses are mine?? and others are in them and why??
Can you answer me in ENGLISH, and not heavy handed internet abuse!!!???
How you communicate with me, is not nice!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
EVERYONE wants their 15 minutes on my name with MJ or HH... stupid..
You dragged them in the mud with SERGEANT TOM BENGE.
I have a right to a police report, NO?? I think so.
USA PEOPLE are soo fucking evil and corrupt I cannot beleive it, anything for a dollar, RIGHT ANGIE MCQUEEN?
Then, lie, lie, lie, GOT THAT? NO - it was my wedding night...
I have to file 20 lawsuit in order to get married, b/c ALLY MILANO and others in HOLLYWOOD think that they have a right to copy me, when I am getting married, WHY? to put them in my sex life... !!!
STOP copying me, you want me to copy you, KELLY SCOTT and when you talk about your hubby, me say, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!! and call him to my bed?? and not know him and not give a fuck about you and your kids and let him call you from the computer with me??
and how many times? is that fair dealing??
ALL of my friends want to go to a wedding that is not Lisa A. Miceli- but you thought that it was, b/c he mailed me a wedding dress and called you to VEGAS, NV online for my wedding??
Lisa A. Miceli
It is not me.. that went down the aisle this weekend!!!!!
So, BILL CLINTON, can tell my hubby to marry an ASIAN on my wedding night, even thought illegal and it tell her and HH it is okay... ????
WHY MY WEDDING?? HE called my house to tell my mom, that shopping was next and then VEGAS, NV..... and what happened??
He sent me photos nad then did not send the JET- who is this sick in the mind and why are you in control over my fiancee- USA MEDIA??
Why can USA media control marriags??? You lost your mind putting me in public, adn letting them attack me.... for my marriage.
My wedding, you were not to know me, at all, until successful married in Dubai.... HH Sheikh HAMMY, you lost your mind.. TOTALLY!!!
I am completely confused, as to why I am not at my own wedding meetings.
Am I not sponsored BY HH SHEIKH AHMED???
for what exactly???
What do you not understand, ten marriages and a wedding dress???
WHICH houses are mine?? and others are in them and why??
Can you answer me in ENGLISH, and not heavy handed internet abuse!!!???
How you communicate with me, is not nice!!!!
I want to hear what HH Sheikh Ahmed hears in his head???
HH PRINCEY HAM, stop using STUPID AMERICANS like puppets in my life... !!!!
CHO MOMMA in my FUCK OFF - and DIE!!!
I could not believe this.. SHOCK!! EXTORTION AND FRAUD, 20 yrs for CHO MOMMA, so do not bed her, fraudulent bitch in the USA.
The CLINTONs are hugging in NYC now, after sellnig my marriage to CHO MOMMA or at leasting getting paid on it, in a recent DUBAI meeting- why did the SECRET SERVICE let that happen? when FBI told me to call them??
You are not telling me who the hackers are, are you???
You are giving them my information for a chane to wed you behind my back illegally, and have a kid?
ALL in the USA telling me it is jsut my info- no it is my life- who told you this shit, just my info steal it and be here for a night with HH and a baby....
ALL fraud... I am having a fit adn tell ing you to go to jail, not mice of you... to steal my wedding night when it was planned... and I picked the date and the location.
I am pissed off at the USA- that the PRESIDENTS let other women steal my id for my ROYAL WEDDING in LAS VEGAS, NV tonight!!!!!!!
Where is my JET???
Where are you not on the way to my house???
It is my own account, stop trading and selling and telling and stealing my id for my best moments!!!
DID WHAT HAMMY?? and where is the JET? ANGIE MCQUEEN is in LAS VEGAS, NV??
with her male friends.
I hate the internet and do not understand why you post my private emails in the first place.
Lisa A. Miceli
IF ANYONE copies ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN for my life with HH you are going to jail- nothing is free in the USA - not lives!!!!
I have yet to see Lisa A. Miceli on her GULF STREAM and in her wedding dress and he with HH - as he propsoed to her ten times.. and calls nad writes to her everyday.. so where is the GULF STREAM - dinner at HOSS's and GREENVILLE, NC and THE PALACE....
THE CLOTHING that HGH sends to Lisa A. Miceli.... where are LISA A. Miceli's videos for her ROYAL TV SHOW.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is not my AGENT to gift you a piece of LISA A. MICELI's life for free to meet Michael Jordan or HH.
THAT is my storyline, NORTH KOREA, not HH's... what do you not get, you are all stelaing from one person, Lisa A. Miceli.. and copying me and people are showing up when they should not.
MY EMAILS are Lisa A. Miceli- not ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN or anyone of you.. smoking pot with HH in the background...
Lisa A. Miceli
WHO's nude phoot did I get?
So, please, about the nudes....
WHY IS THE MEADVILLE, PA CITY POLICE are DELUSIONAL - b/c they did not do their jobs, write one letter to YAHOO and one to BLOGGERS!!!!! ?????
LOL, LOL is not a joke it is a BILLION CRIME!!!!!!
STOLE FROM ONE WiFEY AND GAVE TO ANOTHER adn hoped that Michael Jordan would show up at the wedding to bless the new bride at my expense!!!!!!
Then they are selling these stories for a MILLION DOLLARS.. and then go to VEGAS and shopping on my money...
It is not you, and I did not stalk MICHAEL JORDAN - and you did. You are not me.
SHEIKH of the WORLD is Lisa A. Miceli = he sent me the offer for my housing there... for my wedding- all wedding proposals... !!!!
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN is a lunatic, he is trying to hurt me real bad, once she took over my id...
He was not going to rape me, what liars.. and so called friends@@!!!!
CONTROL THE FANS or do not be a police officer!!!!!
HH is getting ready to show Lisa A. Miceli photos after a 2.5 yr courtship.
He is going to jail for all of the so called wives and babies in my name...
No one can have my hubby...
HAMMY is on the way to my house, for this internet mess...
Lisa A. Miceli
I shut the comments down you have no legal purpse to stalk Lisa A. Miceli and compete with whom she is dating.
And exactly what comments did you shut down. Not on this blog since it isn't yours. No one is stalking you and no one is competing with whomever (no one) you are dating. So as usual you're just talking through your ass and making no sense. Like that's something new.
HAMMY is on the way to my house, for this internet mess...
Lisa A. Miceli
January 1, 2011 2:54 AM
Sure he is Liesa. And the lies keep on coming. You just don't know when to stop. Thought you where to be married on New Years Eve? What's your excuse this time? Or rather who are you going to blame?
WHAT HAPPPENED on OCT 14, th my birthday? ANGIE MCQUEEN in HENNA, is she Lisa A. Miceli.
He acts like Lisa A. Miceli does not exist but wrtites to me everyday or Lisa Miceli is aNGIE's bodsy...
PUT your JIMMY ON- is a PRISON suit for stealing my id, you included ANGIE MCQUEEN - THERE you GO!!!!
HILLARY CLINTON vowed to stop the trafficking!!!!
Where is HH now, on his way to my house, from LAS VEGAS, NV..???
BELLAGIO to my house please..
MONDAY he is in jAIL if not at my house in a few hourse.. it is 6 hour flight, if that- 3??
WOW, JUST WOW, ANGIE MCQUEN, OMAR HENRY AND RAJ in VEGAS with AL MAKTOUMS on my wedding night.. and lying to me, and then making threats to show photos together, on ther GULF STREAM and in the BELLAGIO...
You are to be at my house in 3 hours or going to jail- you lied since March 2009, you do not know him, he never came to my house Lisa, for you, and he never met me in VEGAS, NV or MONDRIAN HOtEL - adn lie, like lie WHY call my BFF? adn not Lisa A. Miceli?
and send the JET for my wedding night??
CHO MOMMA?? is in VEGAS, NV after runiing my schoolnig and DAT IS YOUR MOMMA - is ni VEGASS being a ;lying peice of shit. to me..
how did she get to VEGAs??
Stop gifting my life to 20 wonmen to fyuck behind m y back and then in my face.. I wnat my money from the whores...
STOP WRITING this shit that I am insane in the head and you in bed insane, other way around !!
You all flip this...
ANGIE MCQUEEN needs to be in jail- for being alir on my name.
He has to pay for the 20 women and me at the same time to Lisa A. Miceli- not any of them- NICE JEWELRY.. ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- you are a great friend to bring HH to my house, like BETRANDS...
NO SEX on the JET please.
2.5 yrs of waiting adn lies.. and 10 wedding proposals.. and my wedding dress.
20 PRINCSSES on my name and my existance. NOT COOL.
You did not know ANGIE MCQUEEN- but did.. and made it known with sunglasses and pot and music.. and my private emails.. and from her phones and her emails.
AHMED, HAMDAN, and OMAR AND RAJ - from cutting and pasting Lisa Miceli's life and yours on YOU TUBE- SICK BITCH.. @!!!!
and then throw in my face.. WHY?
Puty your JIMMY on, is a JAIL JUMPSUIT!!!!!
MISS SWISS - my checknig account before you leave MEADVILLE, PA..
my creidt cards and my cars and my houses, she is in.. and I want them back with m y veil and my headdress, and nice necklaces.. saw them in DUBAI!!!!
He is a JEW for you, to make you dance, sing and prance to get your gifts.. and then YOU TUBE!!!
MY TURN for FACE, it is your own faulty, b/c you should not have ever called CHUBBY- you were not to meet him offline ever- as he was my fiancee..
got the nudes too, on blogger???
NOW, my video tapes like you... that is when you called him, MARCH 2009... my turn!!!
He said it to me in ARABIC, not ENGLISH...
You were not to ever meet him offline, what a coincidence... !!!
LAS VEGAS, NV AND MY WEDDIN G NIGHT? WHere is she staying??
BELLAGIO.. you will not beleive it but she is from MEADVILLE, PA?? no? or INDIANA???
NYC??? RAJ asked me about that one.... and HH, I did not get it. EVER...
ALL of your current fraud wives are all HACKERS!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Stop w/the lies already said...
HAMMY is on the way to my house, for this internet mess...
Lisa A. Miceli
January 1, 2011 2:54 AM
Sure he is Liesa. And the lies keep on coming. You just don't know when to stop. Thought you where to be married on New Years Eve? What's your excuse this time? Or rather who are you going to blame?
January 1, 2011 3:06 AM
how did they get there and HH does not know them? but me, who knows him and chatted for 2.5 yrs, is not there??
HOW MANY kids did ANGIE MCQUEEN have fo me that he shows up for her and not me the real ONLINE FIANCEE?? B/c you are a liar, and do it on purpose with my BFF nad then the stupid BFF show.. in my face..
SHAR JACKSON AND ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN find him offline.. and not me, - but I am hacked 200 times.. and he does not answer my questions.. and he says that I do not answer his either..
MARCH 2009, why JAN 2011... ANGIE MCQUEEN is a disresepctful BITCH- to Lisa A. Miceli - lying and mocking and calling her a liar to bed HH a stranger to her.. !!
HH SHEIKH AHMED of Dubai is saying DANTE is his, but MAYA and ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and DEVON live the good life off the AL MAKTOUMS!!!!
MARCXH 2009, my house was given to ANGIE MCQUEEN- and I was arrested for his actions in the house her and other women and drugs, SHE is not women enoguh to handle Lisa A. Miceli- what? he was engaged to me onlnie, not her.!!!!
Why the blogs? and why the lies??
ANGIE MCQUEEN is not Lisa A. MICELI- stop ;lifting my property..
She sings and dances for gifts and other sutff.. for gifts.. NO FORGIVENESS ANGIE MCQUEEN for your lies, and trips behind my back when I call him.
MIAMI, FL... and he was to be with me and my son, DANTE.
HE is the liar, not LISA A. MICELI -
He is not to be contacted by other women b/c he then does not show up as planned!!!! ANGIE 's house why ever?? make some sense..
ERIE, PA.. was to be his only USA stop until we are married.
He does not know what he is saying or doing with ANGIE MCQUEEN - and he tells me ANGIE's business and my business to ANGIE MCQUEEN.. he tells me that he met them and they lied to him.
He is to be marying me JAN 1, 2011.. GOODS BYE ANGIE MCQUEEN-
POARIS, FRANCE and VEGAS and DFUNAI adn where else.. CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY ANGIE MCQUEEN - it is fake, RAJ and OMAR and other men nad then HH too.. make some sense.
Why is he jealous and bitching at me, when she is with other men, and more than that??
ANGIE MCQUEEN and HH Sheikh AHMED know one antoher- as I called them both.
She says my boyfriend is stupid... Why does he still visit her and not me??
He was not to be on her TV SHOW it is mine and she was telling me business...
Stop w/the lies already said...
HAMMY is on the way to my house, for this internet mess...
Lisa A. Miceli
January 1, 2011 2:54 AM
Sure he is Liesa. And the lies keep on coming. You just don't know when to stop. Thought you where to be married on New Years Eve? What's your excuse this time? Or rather who are you going to blame?
January 1, 2011 3:06 AM
how did they get there and HH does not know them? but me, who knows him and chatted for 2.5 yrs, is not there??
HOW MANY kids did ANGIE MCQUEEN have fo me that he shows up for her and not me the real ONLINE FIANCEE?? B/c you are a liar, and do it on purpose with my BFF nad then the stupid BFF show.. in my face..
SHAR JACKSON AND ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN find him offline.. and not me, - but I am hacked 200 times.. and he does not answer my questions.. and he says that I do not answer his either..
MARCH 2009, why JAN 2011... ANGIE MCQUEEN is a disresepctful BITCH- to Lisa A. Miceli - lying and mocking and calling her a liar to bed HH a stranger to her.. !!
HH SHEIKH AHMED of Dubai is saying DANTE is his, but MAYA and ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and DEVON live the good life off the AL MAKTOUMS!!!!
MARCXH 2009, my house was given to ANGIE MCQUEEN- and I was arrested for his actions in the house her and other women and drugs, SHE is not women enoguh to handle Lisa A. Miceli- what? he was engaged to me onlnie, not her.!!!!
Why the blogs? and why the lies??
ANGIE MCQUEEN is not Lisa A. MICELI- stop ;lifting my property..
She sings and dances for gifts and other sutff.. for gifts.. NO FORGIVENESS ANGIE MCQUEEN for your lies, and trips behind my back when I call him.
Lisa A. Miceli
MIAMI, FL... and he was to be with me and my son, DANTE.
HE is the liar, not LISA A. MICELI -
He is not to be contacted by other women b/c he then does not show up as planned!!!! ANGIE 's house why ever?? make some sense..
ERIE, PA.. was to be his only USA stop until we are married.
He does not know what he is saying or doing with ANGIE MCQUEEN - and he tells me ANGIE's business and my business to ANGIE MCQUEEN.. he tells me that he met them and they lied to him.
He is to be marying me JAN 1, 2011.. GOODS BYE ANGIE MCQUEEN-
POARIS, FRANCE and VEGAS and DFUNAI adn where else.. CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY ANGIE MCQUEEN - it is fake, RAJ and OMAR and other men nad then HH too.. make some sense.
Why is he jealous and bitching at me, when she is with other men, and more than that??
ANGIE MCQUEEN and HH Sheikh AHMED know one antoher- as I called them both.
She says my boyfriend is stupid... Why does he still visit her and not me??
He was not to be on her TV SHOW it is mine and she was telling me business...
Whose name are my credit cards in that she uses in VEGAS, NV??
where is my veil??
How many kids with HH, he told me to give up mine to him several times....???
He tells me the truth and ANGIE MCQUEEN lies.. backwards on here.
WHY are you trying to be mean to LISA A. MICELI?
What is the scheme now and what is the point of being mean to me, HH was very nice to me at first, what started the fuckery..??
I never sent him to your house, ANGIE MCQUEEN - you and RAJ lied.
RAJ is with them too.
CALL ANGIE's phone it is busy.. 714-290-2635.. and HH is not answering..
RAJ's phone is answering 714-743-7898.
You tell me what is going on?
you are making threats to leak photos of the GULF STREAM. no?
Lisa A. Miceli
Is he drunk, is he high, maybe in your ass.. I know.
and he will smoke a pack of cigarrettes, CAMEL CRAP.
Why her house?? She lied?? or RAJ?? he called??
The deal was Lisa A. Miceli- not ANGIE MCQUEEN -she fucked up everything for two years ...
He sends me the photos.. BELLAGIO? and othe VEGAS off the stirp - so why lie to me?? and who is lying??
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
CLEARLY HAMMY and HH Sheikh AHMED switch or read one another's emails... b/c I hear you both.
I did not know he was on the phone with her. Why would I? She lies.
Michael Jordan and I did date, both lived in NC and have mutual friends, and he sent for MJ to DUBAI - not OSCAR DEL A HOYA!!!
NO, ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ - and others buy your tickets send the GULF STREAM to Lisa A. Miceli.
She needs to stop borrowing my identity ... for sexual purposes.
My meetings were business for our housing, SHEIKH OF WORLD.!!!
He did not know her, he knew of her from me only. how did they first meet and what would he say to her??? She repeats me... WOW.
She is on the phone with me two days in a row...
He is my "friend"....
Greetings from the Bellagio!
Grandma LaPuma
Grandma LaPuma
Happy New Year Pepe.
You call me that one more time, I am sending you and you CORRUPT people to prison,
I will be home all day. ( a little to much partying last nite) So any time you want to send your pretend cops over is fine with me.
Pepe, you scamp! Now, why can't I take a picture like that? Rock on wit ya bad self!
Having too much fun! Oops...
PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Having too much fun! Oops...
January 1, 2011 7:43 AM
YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL, when we find out who you really are.
ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ, you are going to jail- HH conmes to you, nad RAj complains that he si fucking you and not me, and then when he comes to town, you do not tell me. How do you get on my JET adn not tthe fiancee, Lisa A. Miceli.
You go to dinner and bed with these imposters of LISA A. MICELI - ASSHOLE and then leave me at my house on my own wedding night. You told me to reset the wedding date- an d you sent the wedding dress. ANGE is ni LAS VEGAS, NV too, what a coincidence... he does not talk about you and your kids, but he is with you and your families nad lying to me.
He is also lying about me in public, when he proposed to Lisa A. Miceli.
What is going on and why the game on my name?? ALL of your women is spent stalking Lisa A. Miceli with hookers in my name and throwing in my face??
You deal with it when you go to jail- you stole my id and passed it around and then trashed me and lied to me and about me.
STEAL from ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- she is the rich liar... NO???
You knew her before Lisa A. Miceli and your online engagement? NO. You chatted with her online and meet her offline, yet do not with me and trash my money and my work.
I am a peice of shit, b/c your JET lands for ANGIE MCQUEEN, my BFF adsn not me, the ORIGINAL fiancee.. is it MEADVILLE, PA you do not like???
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN spread her legs offlnie first? WHY? IMPOSSIBLE - you were on the ay to my house.
SHE acted like this, when I demaded that she call you HH and be a lady, she and none of these gambling hookers in my name are.
I told the truth and you lied.
LIAR, LIAR, LIAR is AHMED- he is no to show up for anyone but the BRIDE- it si my family's money.. adn not yours.. I paid for the dude and he ruined my millions on here and then never sent my check upfront!!!!!!
You are not in the right mind with imposters, who do not get your bride to the wedding spot. I have photos, of the JET and the pilot and the BELLAGIO and you and I sent you photos of me, and we chat very day for 2.5 yrs and never met yet.
I did not date NMJ - and what?? NOT EVEN TRUE- I did date him and he went to DUBAI.
He takes them all to dinner and pays for everything on my wedding story and I am not there and then they lie to me. ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ does not know him.
Why do you send the JET to ANGIE's and not Lisa A. Miceli's house??
NO, you are not Kelly Wenrer and no I am not a lesbian, and no I do not control her dumbfuck ass who stalked me and ruined my son's paternity with lies of lesbianism and same with ANGIE MCQUEEN calling you on my wedding story.
PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Having too much fun! Oops...
January 1, 2011 7:43 AM
YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL, when we find out who you really are.
ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ, you are going to jail- HH conmes to you, nad RAj complains that he si fucking you and not me, and then when he comes to town, you do not tell me. How do you get on my JET adn not tthe fiancee, Lisa A. Miceli.
You go to dinner and bed with these imposters of LISA A. MICELI - ASSHOLE and then leave me at my house on my own wedding night. You told me to reset the wedding date- an d you sent the wedding dress. ANGE is ni LAS VEGAS, NV too, what a coincidence... he does not talk about you and your kids, but he is with you and your families nad lying to me.
He is also lying about me in public, when he proposed to Lisa A. Miceli.
What is going on and why the game on my name?? ALL of your women is spent stalking Lisa A. Miceli with hookers in my name and throwing in my face??
You deal with it when you go to jail- you stole my id and passed it around and then trashed me and lied to me and about me.
STEAL from ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- she is the rich liar... NO???
You knew her before Lisa A. Miceli and your online engagement? NO. You chatted with her online and meet her offline, yet do not with me and trash my money and my work.
I am a peice of shit, b/c your JET lands for ANGIE MCQUEEN, my BFF adsn not me, the ORIGINAL fiancee.. is it MEADVILLE, PA you do not like???
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN spread her legs offlnie first? WHY? IMPOSSIBLE - you were on the ay to my house.
SHE acted like this, when I demaded that she call you HH and be a lady, she and none of these gambling hookers in my name are.
I told the truth and you lied.
LIAR, LIAR, LIAR is AHMED- he is no to show up for anyone but the BRIDE- it si my family's money.. adn not yours.. I paid for the dude and he ruined my millions on here and then never sent my check upfront!!!!!!
You are not in the right mind with imposters, who do not get your bride to the wedding spot. I have photos, of the JET and the pilot and the BELLAGIO and you and I sent you photos of me, and we chat very day for 2.5 yrs and never met yet.
I did not date NMJ - and what?? NOT EVEN TRUE- I did date him and he went to DUBAI.
He takes them all to dinner and pays for everything on my wedding story and I am not there and then they lie to me. ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ does not know him.
Why do you send the JET to ANGIE's and not Lisa A. Miceli's house??
NO, you are not Kelly Wenrer and no I am not a lesbian, and no I do not control her dumbfuck ass who stalked me and ruined my son's paternity with lies of lesbianism and same with ANGIE MCQUEEN calling you on my wedding story.
LOSERS like the lawyers who told them that they could sue me when I am preggers for money. WHAT? CHILD SUPPORT cannot be sued for in a dispute!!!!
They are calling b/c they want my lifestyle of rich and famous and will lie, cheat, ad stela to get it, NICE JEWELRY - it is on your body, while you bed other men.
He is jealous of Lisa A. Miceli and you are swearing on the camera in my face, "FUCK YOU" , "FUCK YOU", "FUCK YOU", "FUCK YOU LISA" -wearing my jewelry my jewelry... Sounds like RAJ, when HH told you NO.
You are not to travel for free on my wedding story, planned ten times and not produce the real bride Lisa A. Miceli - and stop offering up ANGIE MCQUEEN for sex and then throwing in my face, the copying of my emails.
I exist and he writes to me, and he is to show up.
10th wedding on my name, NOT LEGAL in the USA.
"Why are you telling everyone that you are getting married?" ANGIE say that to you??
People do that in this country.
WHERE are my credit cards and my car, so I am not stuck and being hacked 24/7???
STOP SPINNING my lfie, these rights are with BILLIONS and not yours- DO NOT COMMENT unless you are HH - and telling the truth, not dsome lunatic from the USA copying me and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
YOU ARE STEALING from Lisa A. Miceli andlying to HH and going to court over it. This is my wedding and why he was in the USA for the last 2.5 yrs, my courtship and then my wedding and then DANTE's adoption.
RAJ AND ANGIE? why would he adopt your kids? He did not porpose to ANGIE MCQUEEN.
He proposed to Lisa A. Miceli who has DANTE and stop being an ass to me about my own money, and stop the theives and the con artists..
Meadville, PA 16335
Why the blondes stalk my is a mystery and I hate it. THEY need to be in jail- not stalking me and my son.
RAJ, you are going tro be committed to a mental hospital b/c you cannot bring HH to my house but to yours!!!!
SEND the hookers to jail and the pimps with them and then HH and Lisa A. Miceli will marry, too bad I had to jail them first.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in bed with OMAR HENRY and HH Sheikh AHMED bin SAEED bin AL MAKTOUM is in bed with id theives and hackers.
JEALOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT need to do tiher jobs nad my exes need to SHUT the FUCK up when I am getting married.. I am not a liar!!!
CHO MOMMA hacked my accont or backers of her. NORTH KOREA.. lady.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN has my original emails- the first ones with the clothing, and flower requests and jewelry sizes and my proposals and our travel plans.. WORTH BILLIONS!!!
You do not even get the decent settlements on the cases you have control over.
THE MEADVILLE, PA CITY POLICE do not control my marriage and my sex life they were to arrest Kelly Scott, ANGIE MCQUEEN and others two yrs ago - and stop this game on my wedding story.. DEC 2008... his first wedding proposal!!!!!
SPY GAME, if I read your life and emails. HH Sheikh Ahmed will show up. Then he deletes my emails.
I scramble to save them.. SHEIKH OF THE WORLD. I was to movbe into my new house with him in March 2009- ANGIE AND RAJ live there and then Sheikh of THE WORLD project-
is being built!!!
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- you may have bedded him first offline, but he was engaged to me online first!!!
YOU ARE PAYING for the copyrights that you spun to berd HH as if Lisa A. Miceli- when he did not and still does not wnat you, Why is he still paying for you????
ANGIE MCQUEEN did this, b/c I did not want her at my wedding when she was calling HH behind my back- 100 times, trying to get money from him first. like my fiancee has to pay her and RAJ MILLIONS first, before marrying me.
She is not my momma, even if she is claiming that.. SHE IS NOT.
New Year, same dead-end mindset. Forget for a minute that you've pretty much completely lost your looks & your figure in only a couple years. Also, for the purpose of this posting, forget Dante (I know how verrrrry hard that'll be for a passionately attentive mom like you). :p
Let's have some hard truth to break up your monotony. Know why you say the same shit year after year? Because you never DO anything to change your life.
While other women who come around here go places, do stuff, and have the built-in surprises that come with living a life, you, Lisa Miceli, seem to enjoy a fantasy life and a combative, cockeyed way of dealing with the world that guarantees failure and more failure.
Even jail taught you nothing (except that your next made-up boyfriend should be from far away so he can't get you thrown in U.S. jail). Even after your own police force came at you hammer and tongs, you still treat law enforcement like they exist to fulfill YOUR whims, not serve the public good.
So sit on your ever-spreading tuffet in 2011, and spew your nastyho sickness. Because no man wants a weak, insanely jealous leech. Do you notice that not a plumber or a prince has taken you out to dinner, a concert or movie? And if one did, you obviously don't have one decent, fashionable thing to wear.
I look forward to another year of your White Welfare Queen sense of superiority and entitlement. Laughter's good for the soul.
Ali Babra said...
New Year, same dead-end mindset. Forget for a minute that you've pretty much completely lost your looks & your figure in only a couple years. Also, for the purpose of this posting, forget Dante (I know how verrrrry hard that'll be for a passionately attentive mom like you). :p
Let's have some hard truth to break up your monotony. Know why you say the same shit year after year? Because you never DO anything to change your life.
While other women who come around here go places, do stuff, and have the built-in surprises that come with living a life, you, Lisa Miceli, seem to enjoy a fantasy life and a combative, cockeyed way of dealing with the world that guarantees failure and more failure.
Even jail taught you nothing (except that your next made-up boyfriend should be from far away so he can't get you thrown in U.S. jail). Even after your own police force came at you hammer and tongs, you still treat law enforcement like they exist to fulfill YOUR whims, not serve the public good.
So sit on your ever-spreading tuffet in 2011, and spew your nastyho sickness. Because no man wants a weak, insanely jealous leech. Do you notice that not a plumber or a prince has taken you out to dinner, a concert or movie? And if one did, you obviously don't have one decent, fashionable thing to wear.
I look forward to another year of your White Welfare Queen sense of superiority and entitlement. Laughter's good for the soul.
January 1, 2011 11:36 AM
DUMBASSS, I was cleared of all criminal charges associated with my Michael Jordan arrest, all of them.
ALL CRIMINAL LIBEL ALI BABRA - same mindset, that Lisa A. Miceli- is a jail bird or a criminal or crazy, when it is you. You do not know me.
Does HH come to your house and get on the computer and type online and from your accounts to me and to the public???
STALKING is an evil crime and about money, you want my money, by lying!!!
Ali Babra said...
New Year, same dead-end mindset. Forget for a minute that you've pretty much completely lost your looks & your figure in only a couple years. Also, for the purpose of this posting, forget Dante (I know how verrrrry hard that'll be for a passionately attentive mom like you). :p
Let's have some hard truth to break up your monotony. Know why you say the same shit year after year? Because you never DO anything to change your life.
While other women who come around here go places, do stuff, and have the built-in surprises that come with living a life, you, Lisa Miceli, seem to enjoy a fantasy life and a combative, cockeyed way of dealing with the world that guarantees failure and more failure.
Even jail taught you nothing (except that your next made-up boyfriend should be from far away so he can't get you thrown in U.S. jail). Even after your own police force came at you hammer and tongs, you still treat law enforcement like they exist to fulfill YOUR whims, not serve the public good.
Lisa A. Miceli
So sit on your ever-spreading tuffet in 2011, and spew your nastyho sickness. Because no man wants a weak, insanely jealous leech. Do you notice that not a plumber or a prince has taken you out to dinner, a concert or movie? And if one did, you obviously don't have one decent, fashionable thing to wear.
I look forward to another year of your White Welfare Queen sense of superiority and entitlement. Laughter's good for the soul.
January 1, 2011 11:36 AM
DUMBASSS, I was cleared of all criminal charges associated with my Michael Jordan arrest, all of them.
ALL CRIMINAL LIBEL ALI BABRA - same mindset, that Lisa A. Miceli- is a jail bird or a criminal or crazy, when it is you. You do not know me.
Does HH come to your house and get on the computer and type online and from your accounts to me and to the public???
STALKING is an evil crime and about money, you want my money, by lying!!!
Does HH come to your house and get on the computer and type online and from your accounts to me and to the public???
That question is one of a dozen reasons why at nearly forty, you're nowhere, going noplace.
Ali Babra said...
Does HH come to your house and get on the computer and type online and from your accounts to me and to the public???
That question is one of a dozen reasons why at nearly forty, you're nowhere, going noplace.
January 1, 2011 3:35 PM
YOU WISH, HH proposed to Lisa A. miceli- adn tyou are a liar who cnnot handle SUCCESS of other women and weddings? BUT were bashing me for my wedding to HH- did you meet him or not??
ANGIE MCQUEEEN did and is insane and trying to block me at the BELLAGIO - he is there, for my wedding night, my date and my place and he is there.
HH is not to contact 20 women on my wedding story, and use my emails for sex with other women adn use my wedding night for other wom en.
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ are at the BELLAGIO, my wedding witnesses, nad so is HH with my wedding plans right now!!!!
He is to send for me tonight!!
I just got off the phone with him.
HH sent for Lisa A. Miceli and ANGIE MCQUEEN showed up ,as ime with RAJ adn ONMAR and someone is using my name and writing emails behind my back that needs to be in prison!!!
STOP STALKING ME when I am tryin g to get mrried to the love of my life=- LEAVE ME ALONE- it is time for me to wed, If Michael Jordan and his fans cannot handle that, then go to prison over mental health.
It was ten years ago, I met MJ- no more MICHAEL JORDAN.
Now is not the time. I said yes to HH ten times!!!!
SHUT UP ABOUT MJ - DANTE is with me and my fiancee not MICHAEL JORDAN.
OUT of court settlement not paid yet.
DANTE is 6 and needs his daddy- leave us alone, ALI AND Kelly and everyone else on here, LUNATICS.
Lisa, YOU, are the only one who talks about him. Obsessive Much?
I cannot talk on the phone or I am someone else??
I am NOT a lesbian.
You beleive everyone over me, Lisa A. Miceli?? Then you need to arrest the liars.
I called THE STATE police of PA to verify every document, since HH did not want to come to my house and address my airport security adn my and my son's documents... as proof of me and my life.
It was to start my housing in the MIDDLE EAST- I am ready to go to the beach!!!!! WOO YOO.
Been working out - and in a size 5and my long long long dark hair!!
or blonde?? GOLDEN BLONDE.. lol, lol, lol... WHO KNOWS - it is all a surprise!
My driver's license proofs who I am. My passport as well.
DANTE got his passport signed with special circumstances.
THE SHEIKH of the WORLD- not the SHEikh who made a fool of his own fiancee/wifey...
EVERYONE MOCKING me, is hurtful - my friends killed themselves, so not funny.
The best moments of our lives lost, by racism, mockeries, and stalking and blocking and id theft.
GIRLS, you are not me and I am busy...
If I told you the truth, you would not believe it....
Lisa A. Miceli
PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Damn, I guess Lisa really is psychic!
How else would she know I am spending New Years Eve at the Casino. Wish me luck!
I'd let you know what to tell the feds I'm wearing but I haven't decided yet. It's alot warmer today than I had anticipated.
December 31, 2010 9:32 AM
REALLY - HH sent me phoots from the BELLAGIO- so you are all done - I sent them to the FBI - nice run on my name adn ym love story.. hope you are in jail like I am in my home with HH travleing with hookers in my name buyt asking me to marry him ten times- and buying me wedding dresses and asking me to travel with him, as his wifey.
YOU CLEARLY intercepted emails.
You are not me and you cannot be with HH whenever you want- so stop your DELUSIONS.
My son is not your son, so no you can not meet Michael Jordan- using my paternity..
EVERYONe on here, you have been reported you are using me to gain my wealth and
my power and my celebrity.
I am sick of reading my offers and other women in my face- EXTORTION.
Put your hate on ANGIE MCQUEEN adn throw everything in her face, you have DEVON, so I can have... whatever I want from HH and I will cry if I do not get it... DNA??? in a hotel room?? and dinner? and travel? and cars? and houses? and hotels? for sex?? b/c of DEVON? You have him..
Oscar? same difference as HH?? NO??
STOP the hooking and the extortion, you are guilty and confess- SADLY ENOUGH!!!
LAPUMAS and MICELI's go away, I will never marry or have sex in my family- EVER.
I do not share men with my family.
Stop listening to him call women into my sex life.. not going to happpen.
Lisa A. Miceli
THAT is incredible AHMED -you are not married to any AMERICAN , and you fell obligated to come over for a visit off my blogs to strangers??
It is my life and you are to be at my house...
Tell the nobodies, to get a job in entertainment.
NO, HH is not coming to your house to fuck you and throw in my face and then pay you off. NO. CALL RAJ for that.
PLUS, that does not make any sense.
My emails are my emails... please do not expose for a lunatic to act out my life again....
not funny.
HH PRINCE HAMDAN is a GREAT GUY!!! He understand I was hurt for the last 10 yrs by an assshole.
Lisa A. Miceli
PEPE LAPUMA, why are you not trying to bed a real LAPUMA to get out of criminal charges for ID THEFT and FRAUD??
He does not want you... if you are being called a LAPUMA - he wanted to trade you for a family member of mine.
Pulling CASINO credit on my name?
You wil be sent to jail.
We are not into organized crimes, sorry.
SO, what, if you piss off everyone b/.c I do not want them in my wedding dress, but my ARAB men?
SO WHAT.. boo hoo, did anyone care that I sat here for two and half years even thoguh engaged to HH on paper??? and online?
PEPE LAPUMA, how did you get a JET to HH? Kelly Werner? Tina? WHO? and WHY? using my name? WHY?
You are not me, HOOKER - get a AIDS test and take a shower and get a job!!! HH Princey Ham said it. Then you can get a creidt card in your real name.
You will be arrested and your real name discovered.
I proved you propsed to me ten times, to FBI and now CITY POLICE and STATE POLICE and lawyers- stop the sex trafficking on my name and the prostitution in my marriage.
HOOKERS AND BLOGGERS AND STALKERS AN HARASERS are going to jail -not funny, not sexy.
keep the nBS drama out of my Sheikhy stories.
How do you afford you, ANGIE MCQUEEN and PEPE LAPUMA when HH told me it is my money and now he is curbing me because of you stalking us???
PEPE LAPUMA - it is not your name- JOE LAPUMA is DEAD on Jan 2009 - and the estate is in the courts, not your real name!!!
HH Sheikh HAMMY - do you know that?
STOP THE ID THEFT, it is jail time for all ID THEIVES.
You stole my life for 5 yrs.
Go find your own lives, you read online, my love of the MIDDLE EAST and staled and copied like hating bitched b/c of MJ - stalk him and YVETTE.
YVETTE PIERTO IS A LUNATIC, CUBA told her out of TP for 5 yrs, when I made my TP dress in jail- BITCH is the stalker!!!
The one who is owed and entitled??
THE STATE POLICE and FRAUD SPECIALIST are verify everything adn getting everything returned to me adn your obsessed homes RAIDED by FBI - and taking my property.
I suffered enough... HARASSMENT and lost real special one of a kind moments to stalkers and id theft and organized crimes.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
HH - you were to come to my house in Jan 2009 and then travel with me not imposters, who lie and cheat, and steal.
CREDIT CARD FRAUD? obtaining jewelry and property using my name??
Lisa A. Miceli
Where is HH Sheikh Rashid, please?
He can email please.
What's up, I hear you.
He is not taking care of me, his fiancee, so why would he pay for hookers??? and bloggers? and stalkers???
These are not my online blogger friends.
MY CREDIT CARD? hacked from my computer?? THE STATE POLICE said stay offline and do the telephone only!!!!!
He is verfiying HH's phone number for secuirty...
I do not have time for the pain.. of all of this.
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND others traveling with my fiancee, when he is proposing to me and not showing up with the JET- how did ANGIE MCQUEEN got to VEGDS, NV - my invite for HH in Dec 2008??? two years.. of you throwing your cheating in my face on my name? my good name??
ANGIE MCQUEEN does not know HH, but how do you all meet up with him, he proposing to me online and then never shows up... WHY??
Please no HAMMY- you did not get like your UNCLE.
My boat, my GULF STREAM, my BELLAGIO- when and where?? code words?? WHAT date??
My own wedding night and place, I cannot get to HH in the BELLAGIO??
WHERE is the nude belly button photo HH??
Was that for my wedding night, teaser???
HACKED!!!!! You have to pick up the phne and come to my house directly.
MY MEN are great men.
Do not call them behind my back with lies. EVER.
You are sickening women.
AHMED's women are gross.. UGLY.
I know not nice, but where is he?? and why did he take in so many when engaged to Lisa A. Miceli.
Thy lied and said it is their right... to leave us alone. CHO MOMMA - not your kids!!!!
Get out of my email accounts.
Lisa A. Miceli
Typically, casinos themselves will initially issue an order to repay outstanding markers to players before turning to law enforcement. In the event that individuals do not respond to communications from the casino, the matter will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office, which may issue a felony arrest warrant. An arrest and conviction for defaulting on a casino marker may cause individuals grave legal problems, including:
Establishment of a felony criminal record
Fines and courts costs, in addition to casino marker restitution
Lengthy, invasive probationary periods
Ruined credit records
For individuals facing these problems stemming from defaulted casino markers in Las Vegas, a Las Vegas casino markers lawyer may be able to help in a number of ways. First, having an attorney present that is experienced in bad casino markers cases is extremely beneficial when negotiating repayment plans with the casinos themselves and avoiding criminal charges. If criminal charges have been filed, a Las Vegas casino markers lawyer may also be able to assist clients in reducing the severity of these charges, if not having these charges dismissed outright.
ANGIE LUNATIC in thge CASINO world... all of you.
Where is my $5 million chips- I was hacked after that...??
WHY would I not be at my own wedding and my own parties???
MICELI HIGH ROLLERS said... you wish.
HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai is not KEITH - BE THE FUCK GONE.
I am gonig to the ER for more sedation and anti-anxiety tabs if you do not get the hooker or of my name nad the bloggers and the stalkers to stop - I MEAN IT.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN lies and does not know me when she got AL MAKTOUM in person, but I was the online fiancee.
I am not planing another reality TV SHOW or a wedding until the psychos in my name are in jail!!!!
I sent a court order to the PA STATE POLICE proving sound mind, it was my career.
ANGIE M CQUEEEN is my mother fucking ENEMY and HH Sheikh Ahmed cannot be trusted- MOTHER FUVKING ARABS!!!!
CHOKERS on ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN -send tto the FBI please- they are mine and my 7 wedding rings.. WHAT THE FUCK??
I am drugged up now... pain killers, alcohol and anti- anxiety!!!!
HAMDAN STOP IT - why are you fucking in my face - ???
AHMED - why are you fucking in my face???
Stop calling womnen into my life like this..
LUNATIC proposed to me 10 times and sends a wedding dress and never shows up - but is in the USA fucking women at the BELLAGIO!!!!
When you proposed what did you say to me? to get a yes- ?
I can fuck HAMMY... on his face!
YVETTE PIERTO IS A LUNATIC, CUBA told her out of TP for 5 yrs, when I made my TP dress in jail- BITCH is the stalker!!!
Did she REALLY make a dress out of toilet paper when she was in jail? LMAO!
The gremlins in your head spent it on cookie dough ice cream.
The one who is owed and entitled??
That would be Arlaine, Stephen, Ed, John, and all the other lawyers you stiffed.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
You deserve all those ass whuppings your folks give you too. :p
PLEASE GET MENTAL HELP, my HUBBY is not yours, because you are better than me, at a challenge I said no to. (ACTING, DANCING, SINGING, WHATEVER... ).
ENOUGH what do I get, if I best you?? Your man... not HH? and HH too???
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN said that, she is with RAJ and OMAR HENRY not HH!!!
HH is engaged to LISA A. MICELI.
Did she REALLY make a dress out of toilet paper when she was in jail? LMAO!
And yet she passed her evaluations?
Sounds like another vision from her Chicken Little brain.
That would be Arlaine, Stephen, Ed, John, and all the other lawyers you stiffed.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
You deserve all those ass whuppings your folks give you too. :p
January 2, 2011 8:23 AM
Hacking my computer?? how are the lawyers to get their work done??
Who flew to VEGAS, NV? RAJ, OMAR HENRY AND ANGIE MCQUEEN- who on my wedding and engagement stories and baby stories with AL MAKTOUM!!!!???
ANGIE MCQUEEN- get a fucking life, you are not adopting my son, with HH when he is marying ME adnn having more kids, or our own -leave us alone- how old are you BITCHES??? too old for kids- TOO FUCKING BAD.
STALK me some more and you go to prison!!!!!!
SKULL AND CROSS BONES - is DANTE with two missing front teeth, and ice skating today!!!!!
AHMED - he said, buy my mommy roses NOW.... !!!! He wants to talk to you, call my house phone and he answers to chat with you.
This is my wedding story, not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn her family nad DANTE is my son with HH from a legal wedding - WHAT is behing said behind my back are schemes!!!
It is not your child to sell.
It is not your wedding or your wedding proposal when you are engaged you do not have sex with other men in the USA.
If I am engaged to them how are you? one and then the other.. you too ANGIE MCQUEEN? does that make any sense??
I HATE ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - she is a stalker of Lisa A. Miceli- lying beind myback when I was in love with HH Sheikh Ahmed.... RICHARD SHAEFE owes me $100 MILLION if he said he fucked me ever!!!!!!
He was to take me and my son everywhere.. why am I - with MR. TRAVEL HH & not traveling? MR. TOURISM and not in fanciest hotels and eateries???
Why am I not at beaches!!????
Why was I not in the UK- I have mutual busibneds in these places? What are you thinking??
I am not paying for your dowry, ALI - your lawyer talk is inappropriate and not time for women to be in my life helping other women to my marriage and my kids...
LAST NIGHT another wedding proposals... adn asked how I wnated it -what plans= from the BELLAGIO!!!!!!
You are mentally ill if you thnk that you are Lisa A. Miceli.. nochallenges in my marriages.. and my kids births!!!!!!!
That would be Arlaine, Stephen, Ed, John, and all the other lawyers you stiffed.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
You deserve all those ass whuppings your folks give you too. :p
January 2, 2011 8:23 AM
Hacking my computer?? how are the lawyers to get their work done??
Who flew to VEGAS, NV? RAJ, OMAR HENRY AND ANGIE MCQUEEN- who on my wedding and engagement stories and baby stories with AL MAKTOUM!!!!???
ANGIE MCQUEEN- get a fucking life, you are not adopting my son, with HH when he is marying ME adnn having more kids, or our own -leave us alone- how old are you BITCHES??? too old for kids- TOO FUCKING BAD.
STALK me some more and you go to prison!!!!!!
SKULL AND CROSS BONES - is DANTE with two missing front teeth, and ice skating today!!!!!
AHMED - he said, buy my mommy roses NOW.... !!!! He wants to talk to you, call my house phone and he answers to chat with you.
This is my wedding story, not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn her family nad DANTE is my son with HH from a legal wedding - WHAT is behing said behind my back are schemes!!!
It is not your child to sell.
It is not your wedding or your wedding proposal when you are engaged you do not have sex with other men in the USA.
If I am engaged to them how are you? one and then the other.. you too ANGIE MCQUEEN? does that make any sense??
I HATE ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - she is a stalker of Lisa A. Miceli- lying beind myback when I was in love with HH Sheikh Ahmed.... RICHARD SHAEFE owes me $100 MILLION if he said he fucked me ever!!!!!!
He was to take me and my son everywhere.. why am I - with MR. TRAVEL HH & not traveling? MR. TOURISM and not in fanciest hotels and eateries???
Why am I not at beaches!!????
Why was I not in the UK- I have mutual busibneds in these places? What are you thinking??
I am not paying for your dowry, ALI - your lawyer talk is inappropriate and not time for women to be in my life helping other women to my marriage and my kids...
LAST NIGHT another wedding proposals... adn asked how I wnated it -what plans= from the BELLAGIO!!!!!!
You are mentally ill if you thnk that you are Lisa A. Miceli.. nochallenges in my marriages.. and my kids births!!!!!!!
That would be Arlaine, Stephen, Ed, John, and all the other lawyers you stiffed.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
You deserve all those ass whuppings your folks give you too. :p
January 2, 2011 8:23 AM
Hacking my computer?? how are the lawyers to get their work done??
Who flew to VEGAS, NV? RAJ, OMAR HENRY AND ANGIE MCQUEEN- who on my wedding and engagement stories and baby stories with AL MAKTOUM!!!!???
ANGIE MCQUEEN- get a fucking life, you are not adopting my son, with HH when he is marying ME adnn having more kids, or our own -leave us alone- how old are you BITCHES??? too old for kids- TOO FUCKING BAD.
STALK me some more and you go to prison!!!!!!
SKULL AND CROSS BONES - is DANTE with two missing front teeth, and ice skating today!!!!!
AHMED - he said, buy my mommy roses NOW.... !!!! He wants to talk to you, call my house phone and he answers to chat with you.
This is my wedding story, not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn her family nad DANTE is my son with HH from a legal wedding - WHAT is behing said behind my back are schemes!!!
It is not your child to sell.
It is not your wedding or your wedding proposal when you are engaged you do not have sex with other men in the USA.
If I am engaged to them how are you? one and then the other.. you too ANGIE MCQUEEN? does that make any sense??
I HATE ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - she is a stalker of Lisa A. Miceli- lying beind myback when I was in love with HH Sheikh Ahmed.... RICHARD SHAEFE owes me $100 MILLION if he said he fucked me ever!!!!!!
He was to take me and my son everywhere.. why am I - with MR. TRAVEL HH & not traveling? MR. TOURISM and not in fanciest hotels and eateries???
Why am I not at beaches!!????
Why was I not in the UK- I have mutual busibneds in these places? What are you thinking??
I am not paying for your dowry, ALI - your lawyer talk is inappropriate and not time for women to be in my life helping other women to my marriage and my kids...
LAST NIGHT another wedding proposals... adn asked how I wnated it -what plans= from the BELLAGIO!!!!!!
You are mentally ill if you thnk that you are Lisa A. Miceli.. no challenges in my marriages.. and my kids births!!!!!!!
You are sick women trying to hurt people, that is it on this blog.
SORRY people.
That would be Arlaine, Stephen, Ed, John, and all the other lawyers you stiffed.
I am ITALIAN, so I deserve it.
You deserve all those ass whuppings your folks give you too. :p
January 2, 2011 8:23 AM
Hacking my computer?? how are the lawyers to get their work done??
Who flew to VEGAS, NV? RAJ, OMAR HENRY AND ANGIE MCQUEEN- who on my wedding and engagement stories and baby stories with AL MAKTOUM!!!!???
ANGIE MCQUEEN- get a fucking life, you are not adopting my son, with HH when he is marying ME adnn having more kids, or our own -leave us alone- how old are you BITCHES??? too old for kids- TOO FUCKING BAD.
STALK me some more and you go to prison!!!!!!
SKULL AND CROSS BONES - is DANTE with two missing front teeth, and ice skating today!!!!!
AHMED - he said, buy my mommy roses NOW.... !!!! He wants to talk to you, call my house phone and he answers to chat with you.
This is my wedding story, not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn her family nad DANTE is my son with HH from a legal wedding - WHAT is behing said behind my back are schemes!!!
It is not your child to sell.
It is not your wedding or your wedding proposal when you are engaged you do not have sex with other men in the USA.
If I am engaged to them how are you? one and then the other.. you too ANGIE MCQUEEN? does that make any sense??
I HATE ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN - she is a stalker of Lisa A. Miceli- lying beind myback when I was in love with HH Sheikh Ahmed.... RICHARD SHAEFE owes me $100 MILLION if he said he fucked me ever!!!!!!
He was to take me and my son everywhere.. why am I - with MR. TRAVEL HH & not traveling? MR. TOURISM and not in fanciest hotels and eateries???
Why am I not at beaches!!????
Why was I not in the UK- I have mutual busibneds in these places? What are you thinking??
I am not paying for your dowry, ALI - your lawyer talk is inappropriate and not time for women to be in my life helping other women to my marriage and my kids...
LAST NIGHT another wedding proposals... adn asked how I wnated it -what plans= from the BELLAGIO!!!!!!
You are mentally ill if you thnk that you are Lisa A. Miceli.. no challenges in my marriages.. and my kids births!!!!!!!
You are sick women trying to hurt people, that is it on this blog.
SORRY people.
THE STATE POLICE and FRAUD SPECIALIST are verify everything adn getting everything returned to me adn your obsessed homes RAIDED by FBI - and taking my property.
Your lies get more and more ridiculous. You have no clue how to ,even, tell the truth. Just plain pathetic.
You are sick women trying to hurt people, that is it on this blog.
SORRY people.
January 2, 2011 12:02 PM
Does that mean you're gone from the blog????? That would be so cool. Happy Days!! But, I know you'll be back. You're like a virus, you never really go away. You just keep coming back.
It is not your child to sell.
He wants to talk to you, call my house phone and he answers to chat with you.
Using your kid as bait? Why not just hook him up with a (900) number and an after midnight commercial so strangers can "father" him for $3.99 per minute after the first minute?
No one write on here, I am not a lesbian... you write on where over and over - HH thinks that you are an obsessed lesbian.
Leave alone me.
He hurts me for your comments I shut down all comment 3 yrs ago.
Whern is the wedding? I need to be in LAS VEGAS, NV for my wedding- no ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and stalker!!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN, HH is a figment of your imagination.. FAKE SHEIKH dfoes not exist, he is HH and my fiancee to me.
Did he propose to you ANGIE MCQUEEN? how did he do it, whn you were in bed with RAJ and OMAR HENRY??
and HH was on the phone with Lisa A. Miceli??
THERE ARE MUSLIM and AL MAKTOUM rules, please stop ANGIE MCQUEEN adn others on here- it is not your blogs- you do not call my fiancee on this blog?? EVER.
When ANGIE MCQUEEN calls you, AL MAKTOUM, it is all Lisa A. MICELI!!!!
she stole my information.. every phone call from ANGIE MCQUEEN is Lisa A. MICELI - tell hr to put her JIMMY on her body, her prison suit!!!!!!! Her own words, so she knew she stole from me!!!!!
Wgere is my jewelry, clothing and trips... you lied ANGIE MCQUEEN. YOU LIE!!
MY photos with HH & PAMMY ANDERSON LEE are not lies..
and my emails are not lies- they are all Lisa A. Miceli.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa - HH is demanding you to visit him at Meadville Medical Center, just down the road from you on Grove (old Spencer Hospital). He's on the second floor. Security is tight, but if you throw a fit and demand to get in to see him, they will most likely let you stay.
I wonder how court is going...
Anonymous said...
Lisa - HH is demanding you to visit him at Meadville Medical Center, just down the road from you on Grove (old Spencer Hospital). He's on the second floor. Security is tight, but if you throw a fit and demand to get in to see him, they will most likely let you stay.
January 3, 2011 4:30 AM
SO, HH SHEIKH AHMED is insane?? That is what you said. He is already there admitted and I would have to scream to be admitted as mentally ill.
PROSTITUTION much? So, I needed a hubby or a current boyfriend (RAJ AND OMAR HENRY) to threaten you and and the women here to get back in bed with HH - who chose me as his future bride AND sent me the wedding dress??
Why would he bed you if he has me?? and promised me a wedding??
So, why are you calling him, ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ? who told you that it was okay??
THE FBI? which agent? the police? who ? name him??
MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, BUSH, or CLITON, all told you that you can marry HH in the USA adn take all of my mnoey and hurt me and my son everyday with your attacks and greed for my wealth??
Where is my son's health insurance and my nanny and my trips and everything promised to me LISA A MICELI???
Why are you mad at me, I sex up HH?? if he is with you, then be mad at you for hurting me adn my son- for money and from sex with HH?
He is real.. DUH and he writes to me, DUH - he proved it.. and he promised me everything - so why are you hating on me??? and my son??
He sends me the photos of him and his phone number and his email address has been revealed several times- it is my private address.
He is a real person- you may not beleive it is him calling me but it is him adn he admits to it.
SO, why are you bashing me?
SPILL IT- HH is apying for you and your kids and not mine and you have babies with him and I do not?
How do you know? you all talked about it??
Passing him around and getting pregnant on my wedding story adn my baby story???
Trying to hurt my son and me for money???
ANGIE MCQUEEN have any ARAB kids?
Kelly Scott have any ARAB kids??
ALI BABRA married to HH - Sheikh Ahmed and have any kids with him??
No matter what you are not the mother of DANTE - did he tell you you have rights to my son and my money for bedding him???
When did you meet him??
Before you set up the blogs??
If I am his bride, and I was first. You have more rights than me, b/c you have a baby first? or a fraud wedding first?? before me??
He told me that hee would meet me for drinks in person- not you... when did he offer you a date outside of Lisa A. Miceli.
Lisa A. Miceli
Anonymous said...
Lisa - HH is demanding you to visit him at Meadville Medical Center, just down the road from you on Grove (old Spencer Hospital). He's on the second floor. Security is tight, but if you throw a fit and demand to get in to see him, they will most likely let you stay.
January 3, 2011 4:30 AM
SO, HH SHEIKH AHMED is insane?? That is what you said. He is already there admitted and I would have to scream to be admitted as mentally ill.
PROSTITUTION much? So, I needed a hubby or a current boyfriend (RAJ AND OMAR HENRY) to threaten you and and the women here to get back in bed with HH - who chose me as his future bride AND sent me the wedding dress??
Why would he bed you if he has me?? and promised me a wedding??
So, why are you calling him, ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ? who told you that it was okay??
THE FBI? which agent? the police? who ? name him??
MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, BUSH, or CLITON, all told you that you can marry HH in the USA adn take all of my mnoey and hurt me and my son everyday with your attacks and greed for my wealth??
Where is my son's health insurance and my nanny and my trips and everything promised to me LISA A MICELI???
Why are you mad at me, I sex up HH?? if he is with you, then be mad at you for hurting me adn my son- for money and from sex with HH?
He is real.. DUH and he writes to me, DUH - he proved it.. and he promised me everything - so why are you hating on me??? and my son??
He sends me the photos of him and his phone number and his email address has been revealed several times- it is my private address.
He is a real person- you may not beleive it is him calling me but it is him adn he admits to it.
SO, why are you bashing me?
SPILL IT- HH is apying for you and your kids and not mine and you have babies with him and I do not?
How do you know? you all talked about it??
Passing him around and getting pregnant on my wedding story adn my baby story???
Trying to hurt my son and me for money???
ANGIE MCQUEEN have any ARAB kids?
Kelly Scott have any ARAB kids??
ALI BABRA married to HH - Sheikh Ahmed and have any kids with him??
No matter what you are not the mother of DANTE - did he tell you you have rights to my son and my money for bedding him???
When did you meet him??
Before you set up the blogs??
If I am his bride, and I was first. You have more rights than me, b/c you have a baby first? or a fraud wedding first?? before me??
He told me that he would meet me for drinks in person- not you... when did he offer you a date outside of Lisa A. Miceli???
He denies knowing you, he knows me.
YOU say, he knows you, and I am being stupid...
You speak for him and for me, ILLEGALLY!!! = FRAUDULENT misrespentation.... he can speak for him and why not shut up??
He did not pay you??? you want more money?
You love DANTE- then stay out of my sex life and stop trying to hook to MICHAEL JORADN and HH. .. so he is with his dad.
HH knows LISA A. MICELI - he set up this blog and propsed to me ten times- what does he do for you?? and why?
He sent me the wedding dress and posted the photos...
Lisa A. Miceli
Anonymous said...
Lisa - HH is demanding you to visit him at Meadville Medical Center, just down the road from you on Grove (old Spencer Hospital). He's on the second floor. Security is tight, but if you throw a fit and demand to get in to see him, they will most likely let you stay.
January 3, 2011 4:30 AM
HUH? WHAT? You mean YOU!!!!
SO, HH SHEIKH AHMED is insane?? That is what you said. He is already there admitted and I would have to scream to be admitted as mentally ill.
PROSTITUTION much? So, I needed a hubby or a current boyfriend (RAJ AND OMAR HENRY) to threaten you and and the women here to get back in bed with HH - who chose me as his future bride AND sent me the wedding dress??
Why would he bed you if he has me?? and promised me a wedding??
So, why are you calling him, ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ? who told you that it was okay??
THE FBI? which agent? the police? who ? name him??
MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, BUSH, or CLITON, all told you that you can marry HH in the USA adn take all of my mnoey and hurt me and my son everyday with your attacks and greed for my wealth??
Where is my son's health insurance and my nanny and my trips and everything promised to me LISA A MICELI???
Why are you mad at me, I sex up HH?? if he is with you, then be mad at you for hurting me adn my son- for money and from sex with HH?
He is real.. DUH and he writes to me, DUH - he proved it.. and he promised me everything - so why are you hating on me??? and my son??
He sends me the photos of him and his phone number and his email address has been revealed several times- it is my private address.
He is a real person- you may not beleive it is him calling me but it is him adn he admits to it.
SO, why are you bashing me?
SPILL IT- HH is apying for you and your kids and not mine and you have babies with him and I do not?
How do you know? you all talked about it??
Passing him around and getting pregnant on my wedding story adn my baby story???
Trying to hurt my son and me for money???
ANGIE MCQUEEN have any ARAB kids?
Kelly Scott have any ARAB kids??
ALI BABRA married to HH - Sheikh Ahmed and have any kids with him??
No matter what you are not the mother of DANTE - did he tell you you have rights to my son and my money for bedding him???
When did you meet him??
Before you set up the blogs??
If I am his bride, and I was first. You have more rights than me, b/c you have a baby first? or a fraud wedding first?? before me??
He told me that he would meet me for drinks in person- not you... when did he offer you a date outside of Lisa A. Miceli???
He denies knowing you, he knows me.
YOU say, he knows you, and I am being stupid...
You speak for him and for me, ILLEGALLY!!! = FRAUDULENT misrespentation.... he can speak for him and why not shut up??
He did not pay you??? you want more money?
You love DANTE- then stay out of my sex life and stop trying to hook to MICHAEL JORADN and HH. .. so he is with his dad.
HH knows LISA A. MICELI - he set up this blog and propsed to me ten times- what does he do for you?? and why?
He sent me the wedding dress and posted the photos...
THIS WEEKEND, who went to the BELLAGIO for sex on m y wedding night adn my wedding palce, as if me??
ANGIE MCQUEEN? She is not Lisa A. miceli- so how is she there?
and why?
who called her?
Who paid for her??
and how did she get there, travel-wise, but not me, LISA A. MICELI, the fiancee, who made the plans??
LISA writes to you.... or HH writes to you as Lisa A. MICELI - then prove it.. show me the emails- that you claim I invited you, because I did not.
I am forced to fuck you like a lesbot whore, because you are on my blogs begging for my money, my life and my SHEIKH? and if not, then I am ousted from my own wedding night.
Where is my choice? I said no to Kelly Scott, ANGIE MCQUEEN, ALI BABRA and Kelly Werner.. I said no - no no no no - he does not know you and I do not want you, so stop calling us.
I said no to you, and you said yes, and he said yes, both using my good name?? RIGHT??
YOU ARE TO LISTEN TO LISA A. MICELI in the USA - he does not own my name adn he is not a RULER in the USA.
You call him HH adn no filth.
You are asking him to commit crimes against me and this country and not be punished!!!!
Why would you think HH and MJ would want to hurt me?
Does your hubby hurt you??
Who is your HUBBY???
He proposed to me and told me not to date other men.
Who bought ANGIE MCQUEEN her wedding rings?? and bandS??
§151. Criminal conspiracy
1. A person is guilty of criminal conspiracy if, with the intent that conduct be performed that in fact would constitute a crime or crimes, the actor agrees with one or more others to engage in or cause the performance of the conduct and the most serious crime that is the object of the conspiracy is:
A. Murder. Violation of this paragraph is a Class A crime; [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (NEW).]
B. A Class A crime. Violation of this paragraph is a Class B crime; [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (NEW).]
C. A Class B crime. Violation of this paragraph is a Class C crime; [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (NEW).]
D. A Class C crime. Violation of this paragraph is a Class D crime; or [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (NEW).]
E. A Class D or Class E crime. Violation of this paragraph is a Class E crime. [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (NEW).]
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
2. If the actor knows that one with whom the actor agrees has agreed or will agree with a 3rd person to effect the same objective, the actor is deemed to have agreed with the 3rd person, whether or not the actor knows the identity of the 3rd person.
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
3. A person who conspires to commit more than one crime is guilty of only one conspiracy if the crimes are the object of the same agreement or continuous conspiratorial relationship.
[ 1975, c. 499, §1 (NEW) .]
4. A person may not be convicted of criminal conspiracy unless it is alleged and proved that the actor, or one with whom the actor conspired, took a substantial step toward commission of the crime. A substantial step is any conduct which, under the circumstances in which it occurs, is strongly corroborative of the firmness of the actor's intent to complete commission of the crime; provided that speech alone may not constitute a substantial step.
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
5. Accomplice liability for crimes committed in furtherance of the criminal conspiracy is to be determined by the provisions of section 57.
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
6. For the purpose of determining the period of limitations under section 8, the following provisions govern.
A. A criminal conspiracy is deemed to continue until the criminal conduct that is its object is performed, or the agreement that it be performed is frustrated or is abandoned by the actor and by those with whom the actor conspired. For purposes of this subsection, the object of the criminal conspiracy includes escape from the scene of the crime, distribution of the fruits of the crime, and measures, other than silence, for concealing the commission of the crime or the identity of its perpetrators. [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD).]
B. If a person abandons the agreement, the criminal conspiracy terminates as to the actor only when:
(1) The actor informs a law enforcement officer of the existence of the criminal conspiracy and of the actor's participation therein; or
(2) The actor advises those with whom the actor conspired of the actor's abandonment. Abandonment is an affirmative defense. [2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD).]
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
7. It is not a defense to prosecution under this section that another person with whom the actor is alleged to have conspired has been acquitted, has not been prosecuted or convicted, has been convicted of a different offense, is not subject to prosecution as a result of immaturity, or is immune from or otherwise not subject to prosecution.
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
8. It is a defense to prosecution under this section that, had the objective of the criminal conspiracy been achieved, the actor would have been immune from liability under the law defining the offense, or as an accomplice under section 57.
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD) .]
[ 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF); 2001, c. 383, §5 (RP) .]
1975, c. 499, §1 (NEW). 1975, c. 740, §35 (AMD). 1977, c. 510, §§29-31 (AMD). 2001, c. 383, §156 (AFF). 2001, c. 383, §5 (AMD).
Raj said that he parties in NYC with HH who else??
Everyone on here but me? How does that make me crazy??
My dexies? for focus??
If parties with anyone and everyone who calls him, then he is clearly engaged to LISA A. MICELI?
You all meet?? using my name and my blogs?? where? when???
HOW?? and who pays??
You used my name, you did not know him, so then he shows up - he exists and knows me as well.
So, you can go to jail for conspiring behind my back at any time- for the ruining of my rights...
We have the right to party with your fiancee and YOU, LISA A. MICELI, take the heat for it and you can be upset for it... from the stalking of us and outing you and making fun of you.. ABUSE of my rights..
"big pussy" and "stinky pussy" is that ANGIE MCQUEEN? from whom??
ALL I know, it is not me.. and oyu party on me and at my expense with my fiancee.
I included ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ- 2 big fat nobodies... so how are they elite with my fiancee HH at the BELLAGIO -
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
ANGIE MCQUEEN - I said no, you fuck my fiancee, I send you to jail- for stalking to stop this harassment- where is my home, my cars, my travel and my parites and my life???- you are blocking me!!
I live in the basement of my home, because you claimed to be me and called HH and bedded him before me... when he already promised me an we have missing emails - that were reported.
You were to marry me and have more kids- not hard, and then DANTE is our son- TELL the losers ANGIE, RAJ and online parties to shut the EFFED UP!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN = is bragging of BEING YOKO ONO and making HH come to her house for sex and pay her..
theft by deception... IDIOT!!
SO, HH you are to be at my house today... and tell YOKO ONO, I do not like her and it is my bed- and she is to get out and pay her own bills and stop calling me for money in exchange for fucking HH for me!!
I SAID NO - do not pay off anyone!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN- he pays for LISA MICEKLI an DANTE - not you and MAYA from my books and my copyrights and my emails and my life-
FREDERAL PREGGERS SUIT AINT YOU, interference with commerce and my son and me... !
STOP CALLING HH - b/c I said so.
Raj said that he parties in NYC with HH who else??
Everyone on here but me? How does that make me crazy??
My dexies? for focus??
If parties with anyone and everyone who calls him, then he is clearly engaged to LISA A. MICELI?
You all meet?? using my name and my blogs?? where? when???
HOW?? and who pays??
You used my name, you did not know him, so then he shows up - he exists and knows me as well.
So, you can go to jail for conspiring behind my back at any time- for the ruining of my rights...
We have the right to party with your fiancee and YOU, LISA A. MICELI, take the heat for it and you can be upset for it... from the stalking of us and outing you and making fun of you.. ABUSE of my rights..
"big pussy" and "stinky pussy" is that ANGIE MCQUEEN? from whom??
ALL I know, it is not me.. and oyu party on me and at my expense with my fiancee.
I included ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ- 2 big fat nobodies... so how are they elite with my fiancee HH at the BELLAGIO -
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
ANGIE MCQUEEN - I said no, you fuck my fiancee, I send you to jail- for stalking to stop this harassment- where is my home, my cars, my travel and my parites and my life???- you are blocking me!!
I live in the basement of my home, because you claimed to be me and called HH and bedded him before me... when he already promised me an we have missing emails - that were reported.
You were to marry me and have more kids- not hard, and then DANTE is our son- TELL the losers ANGIE, RAJ and online parties to shut the EFFED UP!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN = is bragging of BEING YOKO ONO and making HH come to her house for sex and pay her..
theft by deception... IDIOT!!
SO, HH you are to be at my house today... and tell YOKO ONO, I do not like her and it is my bed- and she is to get out and pay her own bills and stop calling me for money in exchange for fucking HH for me!!
I SAID NO - do not pay off anyone!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN- he pays for LISA MICEKLI an DANTE - not you and MAYA from my books and my copyrights and my emails and my life-
FREDERAL PREGGERS SUIT AINT YOU, interference with commerce and my son and me... !
STOP CALLING HH - b/c I said so.
SO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN was preggers when dancing in that home iwth HH's child?? She said it was MAYA from 6 yrs ago- so who is the lunatic!!!
Can you get preggers online? or from oral sex?
So, HH is admtiting to hooking or paying ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN for sex while engaged to LISA A. MICELI??
Why would he do that??
aNGIE is fatter than me and crueler me - b/c "I will not do shit"??
EXCUSE ME, if he proposed to you and offered you half his fortune would you fight to be with him?
You did with no promises....
from HH.
I have the promises in writing and you have those copies.
If parties with anyone and everyone who calls him, then he is clearly engaged to LISA A. MICELI?
You all meet?? using my name and my blogs?? where? when???
HOW?? and who pays??
You used my name, you did not know him, so then he shows up - he exists and knows me as well.
So, you can go to jail for conspiring behind my back at any time- for the ruining of my rights...
We have the right to party with your fiancee and YOU, LISA A. MICELI, take the heat for it and you can be upset for it... from the stalking of us and outing you and making fun of you.. ABUSE of my rights..
"big pussy" and "stinky pussy" is that ANGIE MCQUEEN? from whom??
ALL I know, it is not me.. and oyu party on me and at my expense with my fiancee.
I included ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ- 2 big fat nobodies... so how are they elite with my fiancee HH at the BELLAGIO -
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
ANGIE MCQUEEN - I said no, you fuck my fiancee, I send you to jail- for stalking to stop this harassment- where is my home, my cars, my travel and my parites and my life???- you are blocking me!!
I live in the basement of my home, because you claimed to be me and called HH and bedded him before me... when he already promised me an we have missing emails - that were reported.
You were to marry me and have more kids- not hard, and then DANTE is our son- TELL the losers ANGIE, RAJ and online parties to shut the EFFED UP!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN = is bragging of BEING YOKO ONO and making HH come to her house for sex and pay her..
theft by deception... IDIOT!!
SO, HH you are to be at my house today... and tell YOKO ONO, I do not like her and it is my bed- and she is to get out and pay her own bills and stop calling me for money in exchange for fucking HH for me!!
I SAID NO - do not pay off anyone!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN- he pays for LISA MICEKLI an DANTE - not you and MAYA from my books and my copyrights and my emails and my life-
FREDERAL PREGGERS SUIT AINT YOU, interference with commerce and my son and me... !
STOP CALLING HH - b/c I said so.
SO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN was preggers when dancing in that home iwth HH's child?? She said it was MAYA from 6 yrs ago- so who is the lunatic!!!
Can you get preggers online? or from oral sex?
So, HH is admtiting to hooking or paying ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN for sex while engaged to LISA A. MICELI??
Why would he do that??
aNGIE is fatter than me and crueler me - b/c "I will not do shit"??
EXCUSE ME, if he proposed to you and offered you half his fortune would you fight to be with him?
You did with no promises....
from HH.
I have the promises in writing and you have those copies.
If parties with anyone and everyone who calls him, then he is clearly engaged to LISA A. MICELI?
You all meet?? using my name and my blogs?? where? when???
HOW?? and who pays??
You used my name, you did not know him, so then he shows up - he exists and knows me as well.
So, you can go to jail for conspiring behind my back at any time- for the ruining of my rights...
We have the right to party with your fiancee and YOU, LISA A. MICELI, take the heat for it and you can be upset for it... from the stalking of us and outing you and making fun of you.. ABUSE of my rights..
"big pussy" and "stinky pussy" is that ANGIE MCQUEEN? from whom??
ALL I know, it is not me.. and oyu party on me and at my expense with my fiancee.
I included ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ- 2 big fat nobodies... so how are they elite with my fiancee HH at the BELLAGIO -
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
ANGIE MCQUEEN - I said no, you fuck my fiancee, I send you to jail- for stalking to stop this harassment- where is my home, my cars, my travel and my parites and my life???- you are blocking me!!
I live in the basement of my home, because you claimed to be me and called HH and bedded him before me... when he already promised me an we have missing emails - that were reported.
You were to marry me and have more kids- not hard, and then DANTE is our son- TELL the losers ANGIE, RAJ and online parties to shut the EFFED UP!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN = is bragging of BEING YOKO ONO and making HH come to her house for sex and pay her..
theft by deception... IDIOT!!
SO, HH you are to be at my house today... and tell YOKO ONO, I do not like her and it is my bed- and she is to get out and pay her own bills and stop calling me for money in exchange for fucking HH for me!!
I SAID NO - do not pay off anyone!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN- he pays for LISA MICEKLI an DANTE - not you and MAYA from my books and my copyrights and my emails and my life-
FREDERAL PREGGERS SUIT AINT YOU, interference with commerce and my son and me... !
STOP CALLING HH - b/c I said so.
SO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN was preggers when dancing in that home iwth HH's child?? She said it was MAYA from 6 yrs ago- so who is the lunatic!!!
Can you get preggers online? or from oral sex?
So, HH is admtiting to hooking or paying ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN for sex while engaged to LISA A. MICELI??
Why would he do that??
aNGIE is fatter than me and crueler me - b/c "I will not do shit"??
EXCUSE ME, if he proposed to you and offered you half his fortune would you fight to be with him?
You did with no promises....
from HH.
I have the promises in writing and you have those copies.
If parties with anyone and everyone who calls him, then he is clearly engaged to LISA A. MICELI?
You all meet?? using my name and my blogs?? where? when???
HOW?? and who pays??
You used my name, you did not know him, so then he shows up - he exists and knows me as well.
So, you can go to jail for conspiring behind my back at any time- for the ruining of my rights...
We have the right to party with your fiancee and YOU, LISA A. MICELI, take the heat for it and you can be upset for it... from the stalking of us and outing you and making fun of you.. ABUSE of my rights..
"big pussy" and "stinky pussy" is that ANGIE MCQUEEN? from whom??
ALL I know, it is not me.. and oyu party on me and at my expense with my fiancee.
I included ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ- 2 big fat nobodies... so how are they elite with my fiancee HH at the BELLAGIO -
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
ANGIE MCQUEEN - I said no, you fuck my fiancee, I send you to jail- for stalking to stop this harassment- where is my home, my cars, my travel and my parites and my life???- you are blocking me!!
I live in the basement of my home, because you claimed to be me and called HH and bedded him before me... when he already promised me an we have missing emails - that were reported.
You were to marry me and have more kids- not hard, and then DANTE is our son- TELL the losers ANGIE, RAJ and online parties to shut the EFFED UP!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN = is bragging of BEING YOKO ONO and making HH come to her house for sex and pay her..
theft by deception... IDIOT!!
SO, HH you are to be at my house today... and tell YOKO ONO, I do not like her and it is my bed- and she is to get out and pay her own bills and stop calling me for money in exchange for fucking HH for me!!
I SAID NO - do not pay off anyone!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN- he pays for LISA MICEKLI an DANTE - not you and MAYA from my books and my copyrights and my emails and my life-
FREDERAL PREGGERS SUIT AINT YOU, interference with commerce and my son and me... !
STOP CALLING HH - b/c I said so.
SO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN was preggers when dancing in that home iwth HH's child?? She said it was MAYA from 6 yrs ago- so who is the lunatic!!!
Can you get preggers online? or from oral sex?
So, HH is admtiting to hooking or paying ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN for sex while engaged to LISA A. MICELI??
Why would he do that??
aNGIE is fatter than me and crueler me - b/c "I will not do shit"??
EXCUSE ME, if he proposed to you and offered you half his fortune would you fight to be with him?
You did with no promises....
from HH.
I have the promises in writing and you have those copies.
Plus, he has my money, from my businesss and all of my information that I gave to him.
So, back off. I CALED THE POLICE in MARCH 2009.. so you hookers stop claling him during our courtship with nothing but lies.
ANGIE - ALL LIES, you do not own me or my son, ANGIE and then you do not own my money either.
HH promised LISA A. MICELI not you?
When did you meet him? how did you hear of him?
when did you bed him???
HH, you neeed to be in mEADVILLe, PA as you told me to call the police on these nobodies and I did and got sent to jail and in front of a JUDGE -
So, now we have to prove everything that we say, no??
HH you are required to come to MEADVILLE, PA....
My son is at the doctors and then me next- we control our TV SHOW - not you, b/c he is ill and so am I from the repeat abuse and exposure.
ANGIE CALLS - MORE BULLSHIT for you, she is an obsessed MJ stalker.
Only a JUDGE can order child support- and he did from MJ out of the courts, for me LISA MICELI and DANTE.
You want to listen to insane nobodies from a blog who claim to know more than LISA A. MICELI about her own life-
What is the definition of harassment from the police dept for my report? NUANSANCE? crackhouse brothel??
WHO OWNS MEADVILLE CITY POLICE DEPT to block me from the services??
Who can legally block me from 911 SERVICES?? anyone??
Who is with-holding evidence??
The conspiracy is to send me to jail or mental health and take my son and my money and HH from me... by lying.
FALSE PRETENSES... and theft by deception and criminal libel.
1. The USA courts would not let me have a mental health eval.
2. No police reports.
3. BANNED from everything.
4. DNA testing tampered with, whited out.. WHAT? HUH??
5. INTERFERENCE by Kelly Werner and aNGIE MCQUEEN and other lawyers.
6. Threats to bodily harm.... what is the legal definition, b/c I have a MIGRAINE and DANTE appears to have stomache problems...
7. THE GROUPIES ion my bed, FROM MICHAEL JORDAN then stalk me to HH- FUCK OFF!!! any and all money and gifts are mine.
8. ANGIE MCQUEEN is a witness to HH - and she is going to take the stand next week for my legal case!!!!!!!!
using my name and making threats to me and my life and DANTE's for your own wealth- HH does he exist...
THE STAND, you cannot lie!!!
THE MEADVILE, CITY POLICE say HARASASMENT and you are a witness- of the PRINCE and what did you get?? paid off?? how ?? what??
I wnat all of my gifts from MY EMAILS and the JET to come to the right house, LISA A. MICELI.
PA STATE POLICE on duty ready for the JET, HH - DANTE and I are sick from these blogs and the threats!!
LAS VEGAS, NV AND DUBAI police are looking for you... you like me would not miss our wedding for the world, LOVING ARAB HUBBY and DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is a liar, he said he does not love me and he is not me... LISA writing to you... at times!!!!
HH, you neeed to be in MEADVILLE, PA as you told me to call the police on these nobodies and I did and got sent to jail and in front of a JUDGE -
So, now we have to prove everything that we say, no??
HH you are required to come to MEADVILLE, PA....
My son is at the doctors and then me next- we control our TV SHOW - not you, b/c he is ill and so am I from the repeat abuse and exposure.
ANGIE CALLS - MORE BULLSHIT for you, she is an obsessed MJ stalker.
Only a JUDGE can order child support- and he did from MJ out of the courts, for me LISA MICELI and DANTE.
You want to listen to insane nobodies from a blog who claim to know more than LISA A. MICELI about her own life-
What is the definition of harassment from the police dept for my report? NUANSANCE? crackhouse brothel??
WHO OWNS MEADVILLE CITY POLICE DEPT to block me from the services??
Who can legally block me from 911 SERVICES?? anyone??
Who is with-holding evidence??
The conspiracy is to send me to jail or mental health and take my son and my money and HH from me... by lying.
FALSE PRETENSES... and theft by deception and criminal libel.
1. The USA courts would not let me have a mental health eval.
2. No police reports.
3. BANNED from everything.
4. DNA testing tampered with, whited out.. WHAT? HUH??
5. INTERFERENCE by Kelly Werner and aNGIE MCQUEEN and other lawyers.
6. Threats to bodily harm.... what is the legal definition, b/c I have a MIGRAINE and DANTE appears to have stomache problems...
7. THE GROUPIES ion my bed, FROM MICHAEL JORDAN then stalk me to HH- FUCK OFF!!! any and all money and gifts are mine.
8. ANGIE MCQUEEN is a witness to HH - and she is going to take the stand next week for my legal case!!!!!!!!
using my name and making threats to me and my life and DANTE's for your own wealth- HH does he exist...
THE STAND, you cannot lie!!!
THE MEADVILE, CITY POLICE say HARASASMENT and you are a witness- of the PRINCE and what did you get?? paid off?? how ?? what??
I wnat all of my gifts from MY EMAILS and the JET to come to the right house, LISA A. MICELI.
PA STATE POLICE on duty ready for the JET, HH - DANTE and I are sick from these blogs and the threats!!
LAS VEGAS, NV AND DUBAI police are looking for you... you like me would not miss our wedding for the world, LOVING ARAB HUBBY and DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is a liar, he said he does not love me and he is not me... LISA writing to you... at times!!!!
JURISDICTION is MEADVILLe, PA - so the city was waiting for protection.
WHAT?? dirty birds had a STARTLE?? and died midair.
I feel like I am having a heart attack from ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and her lies nad her greed....!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN going to have a heart attack when you are arrested for hooking on my relationship with HH.
You all married to him? not in the USA...
Who is he paying for all of your bills and not mine...?????
I asked for a dna test and a police report... why would I go to jail for that?
Did I cause a heart attack from ??? what???
NO, HH and Lisa A. miceli are gettting preggers after we wed in DUBAI.
THIS is my blogs not yours, move off of it.
I have baby girl clothes, and told HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai.
Kelly Scott, ARE you a stalker? hacker? or both??
Can you get preggers online?
Only in LisaLand
I am HAVING A HEART ATTACK in my home.... ?????
A letter is not a restraining order, and telling me not to call ofr my reports when FBI said to do so and STATE police and other states is insanity.
WHEN did the police get an order of protection blocking me from THE 911 system?? and why did they up the ante from being good and protective police to I am sending you to jail for asking for a simple police report!!!!!!! ???
Why do you think that if I perish, you will get my son nad al of my mnoey?? It will never happen.
Why do you think that if you render me insane, trhen you will take all of my money and my sexy ARAB HUBBY TOO??
Who would want him if he is not a loving man as he promised me?
He is loving to ANGIE MCQUEEN and others but not me?? WHY?
He is a billionaire.... and me and my son are rich too!!!!!
WHERE is HH PRINCEY HAM??? He told me that he would be with me on my wedding night, if HH went crazy and had a harem of blondes in my face and a harem of enemies in my face on my wedding night??
WHERE IS HE? I am having heart attack!!! I am going to the ER- I am too fragile for this shit...
I was raised rich... and spoiled by men too!!!!!!
THE BLONDES LIBEL me, Lisa A. MICELI, with induenndo of pussy farting and cheating with my Fiancee, HH and them being married or me or invited to my honeymoon and not tell me.. or spring it on me, when I have been waiting for 2.5 yrs....
LISA MICELI is RICH RICH RICH - thank you thank you thank you HH.
The blondes are soo jealous of my body and my wealth... and my style.
WHO is in the BELLAGIO and traveling with HH as if Lisa A. Miceli on the GULF STREAM!!????
LISATEN, no deals were made with me, LISA MICELI, the fiancee and the owenr of my love story- in exchange for it.. for aNGIE MCQUEEN to call CHUBBY it will cost her millinos - b/c it is my company and my contacts and he is my investor, she is embezzling from my company.
Kelly Werner and ANGIE MCQUEEN - stop calling HH drunk on wine, he is not KEITH SAEED, MJ or anyone else... leave us alone.
SERIAL STALKERS of Lisa A. Miceli- doing and saying anything to disturb LISA A. MICELI adn her family and her children... ALL SHOCKING MESS on here..
I am having a heart attack....!!!
You women are mentally ill- you cnanot talk to you, what is truth and what is fantasy and who is whom and why are you calling me ??
Where is HH?
Why would you ever call him behind my back?
Can I call SCOTTY SCOTT???
Is he HH?? So, why are you paranoid of a man I never met or spoke to in my life, Kelly Scott's MR SCOTT????
THEFT by deception.
Judge said no to another psych evaluation stalling tactic? Hooray. With the real threat of prison, criminal Miceli is finally good 'n scared of law enforcement. Maybe there IS a God.
THE FBI? which agent? the police? who ? name him??
POLICE report today and trial and in front of a JUDGE!
HH, you neeed to be in mEADVILLe, PA as you told me to call the police on these nobodies and I did and got sent to jail and in front of a JUDGE -
So, now we have to prove everything that we say, no??
HH you are required to come to MEADVILLE, PA....
What is the definition of harassment from the police dept for my report? NUANSANCE?
WHO OWNS MEADVILLE CITY POLICE DEPT to block me from the services??
Who can legally block me from 911 SERVICES?? anyone??
Who is with-holding evidence??
The conspiracy is to send me to jail or mental health
FALSE PRETENSES... and theft by deception and criminal libel.
1. The USA courts would not let me have a mental health eval.
2. No police reports.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a witness to HH - and she is going to take the stand next week for my legal case!!!!!!!!
THE MEADVILE, CITY POLICE say HARASASMENT and you are a witness- of the PRINCE and what did you get?? paid off?? how ?? what??
I asked for a dna test and a police report... why would I go to jail for that?
A letter is not a restraining order, and telling me not to call ofr my reports when FBI said to do so and STATE police and other states is insanity.
WHEN did the police get an order of protection blocking me from THE 911 system?? and why did they up the ante from being good and protective police to I am sending you to jail for asking for a simple police report!!!!!!! ???
When did she have time for court ? She seemed to of been on here all day double & triple posting.
Well geesh you finally caught me . I own the police dept. As a taxpayer I tell them what to do . Right now I am telling them to go get you & lock you up .
I am HAVING A HEART ATTACK in my home.... ?????
WHERE IS HE? I am having heart attack!!! I am going to the ER- I am too fragile for this shit...
I am having a heart attack....!!!
Do you know what happened in court today? Her case seems to be dragging on slowly.
I am insane for filing a police report, but ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my information for my wedding to HH and my son's paternity DANTE and it is not her kids and she and RAJ are both living the good life on my name and my marriage because of a back stabbing phone call??
There are morality police in DUBAI..... they are called for sex affairs all of the time- it is three years for cheating over there.
HH Princey HAM is a hypocrit with Lisa A. Miceli!!!!!!
HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai thinks that ANGIE MCQUEEN body goes with Lisa A. Miceli's information...
IMPOSSIBLe - that is hooknig and trafficking and pandering for RAJ adn OMAR HENRY- who paid for the BELLAGIO- my wedding night??
HH and who was there??
CHO MOMMA and DAT your MOMMA- my lesbot college story.. played out with inmposters and cons??
WHAT? Who would NOT call the police- my blissful marrriage and courtship taken out of context online- HURTING everyone who was to be a guest at the wedding.. in Dubai??
Why did you do that? I do not know HAMMY, if I am not in LAS VEGAS, NV marrying you.. right now... where everyone would forgive you for the exposure..!!!
ANGIE 's life and Lisa's life are not to be shared in this way, not in the USA and not in DUBAI - and it hurts.. ad it is confusing and it is illegal.... and breaking my heart.
Both making fun of my SOUTHERN ACCENT and my happy life... CIVILIZED people and friendships.. in NC - loved it.
How long ago did a friend turn into an enemy and HH Princey Ham handed me a photo of a heart??
on twitter?? When he first signed up.... on twitter??
I never cheated on anyone.. so please. I am never married.
I took my wedding proposals seriously ad bought my dres ad planned my wedding.
Where is ASSA, FELICITY and HAMDAN- and wher eis the JET... ???
She spoke to my mother and did not ask for me.. and asked to move emails again to another account.
How is ANGIE MCQUEEN there? She does noy have her own jet.
It is LISAs BETRAND's JET and business JET....
If she can get to VEGAS, NV as my BFF how am I not there?
What man do you neeed to bring me? an ER DOCTOR???
SEND me now and I will bring him in case of heart attack on the JET.... need his name??
I am insane for filing a police report, but ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my information for my wedding to HH and my son's paternity DANTE and it is not her kids and she and RAJ are both living the good life on my name and my marriage because of a back stabbing phone call??
There are morality police in DUBAI..... they are called for sex affairs all of the time- it is three years for cheating over there.
HH Princey HAM is a hypocrit with Lisa A. Miceli!!!!!!
HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai thinks that ANGIE MCQUEEN body goes with Lisa A. Miceli's information...
IMPOSSIBLe - that is hooknig and trafficking and pandering for RAJ adn OMAR HENRY- who paid for the BELLAGIO- my wedding night??
HH and who was there??
CHO MOMMA and DAT your MOMMA- my lesbot college story.. played out with inmposters and cons??
WHAT? Who would NOT call the police- my blissful marrriage and courtship taken out of context online- HURTING everyone who was to be a guest at the wedding.. in Dubai??
Why did you do that? I do not know HAMMY, if I am not in LAS VEGAS, NV marrying you.. right now... where everyone would forgive you for the exposure..!!!
ANGIE 's life and Lisa's life are not to be shared in this way, not in the USA and not in DUBAI - and it hurts.. ad it is confusing and it is illegal.... and breaking my heart.
Both making fun of my SOUTHERN ACCENT and my happy life... CIVILIZED people and friendships.. in NC - loved it.
How long ago did a friend turn into an enemy and HH Princey Ham handed me a photo of a heart??
on twitter?? When he first signed up.... on twitter??
I never cheated on anyone.. so please. I am never married.
I took my wedding proposals seriously ad bought my dres ad planned my wedding.
Where is ASSA, FELICITY and HAMDAN- and wher eis the JET... ???
She spoke to my mother and did not ask for me.. and asked to move emails again to another account.
How is ANGIE MCQUEEN there? She does noy have her own jet.
It is LISAs BETRAND's JET and business JET....
If she can get to VEGAS, NV as my BFF how am I not there?
What man do you neeed to bring me? an ER DOCTOR???
SEND me now and I will bring him in case of heart attack on the JET.... need his name??
CHUBBY set up this account for Lisa A. Miceli- the photos were to be taken by Lisa A. Miceli and sent to the lairs online who did not belive me. I called HH - ANGIE MCQUEEN called me a liar and she was with him and sent the photos, NO?? when she was with him??
and not me???? NO one told her to be Lisa A. Miceli during my courtship and my wedding- In fact, I asked for her to be restrained from my emails like CHO MOMMA!!!!
She stole everything from my WHO would not call the police?
ANGIE MCQUEEN is now in bed with RAJ and OMAR HENRY.. not FAKE SHEIKH who was my real fiancee on the way to my house in July 2009...
Why is she acting out my emails?? and not me?? who write thhem and planend my life with HH Sheikh Ahmed- I plan my own life, my private emails!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN would go to jail for these emails- GOOD - she is.. She is not the owner of them- why would my BFF benefit from my private sex life with HH -that is real and it hurts me...??
Kelly Werner is not the mother of DANTE- get fucking real- our loser BFF's do not steal our lives.. b/c they use our own eyes to spy.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
Both making fun of my SOUTHERN ACCENT and my happy life... CIVILIZED people and friendships.. in NC - loved it.
How long ago did a friend turn into an enemy and HH Princey Ham handed me a photo of a heart??
on twitter?? When he first signed up.... on twitter??
I never cheated on anyone.. so please. I am never married.
I took my wedding proposals seriously ad bought my dres ad planned my wedding.
Where is ASSA, FELICITY and HAMDAN- and wher eis the JET... ???
She spoke to my mother and did not ask for me.. and asked to move emails again to another account.
How is ANGIE MCQUEEN there? She does noy have her own jet.
It is LISAs BETRAND's JET and business JET....
If she can get to VEGAS, NV as my BFF how am I not there?
What man do you neeed to bring me? an ER DOCTOR???
SEND me now and I will bring him in case of heart attack on the JET.... need his name??
CHUBBY set up this account for Lisa A. Miceli- the photos were to be taken by Lisa A. Miceli and sent to the lairs online who did not belive me. I called HH - ANGIE MCQUEEN called me a liar and she was with him and sent the photos, NO?? when she was with him??
and not me???? NO one told her to be Lisa A. Miceli during my courtship and my wedding- In fact, I asked for her to be restrained from my emails like CHO MOMMA!!!!
She stole everything from my WHO would not call the police?
ANGIE MCQUEEN is now in bed with RAJ and OMAR HENRY.. not FAKE SHEIKH who was my real fiancee on the way to my house in July 2009...
Why is she acting out my emails?? and not me?? who write thhem and planend my life with HH Sheikh Ahmed- I plan my own life, my private emails!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN would go to jail for these emails- GOOD - she is.. She is not the owner of them- why would my BFF benefit from my private sex life with HH -that is real and it hurts me...??
Kelly Werner is not the mother of DANTE- get fucking real- our loser BFF's do not steal our lives.. b/c they use our own eyes to spy.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
EVERY WEDDING story he falls for more bullsht? He is a retard and a criminal!!
Who sent the wedding dress from FRANCE- that HH was danglngi a key chain when ANGIE MCQUEEN was dancing to my emails in June 2009.. my MJ offer to dance.. it was me, Lisa A. Miceli- not ANGIE MCQUEEN??
PLEASE fix HH Sheikh Ahmed's mind please... get an abortion Kelly Scott, I do not want the blondes in my maraige nad he proposed to mme first, even if you fucked him.. after that.. !!!
You do not own me, BILL CLINTON does not own me and the JUDGE does not own me.. ANGIE MCQUEEN- you are a murderer... you are owned by your own govt not me.
I am free to fly to DUBAI and be a wifey....
I do not go to jail in the USA for three years for marrying HH Sheikh Ahmed in DUBAI.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN does, b/c she was not engaged to him and invited him to her house or hotel as if she was me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adoptiong is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli adnhaving a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK adn then ggiving her my life adn m money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
EVERY WEDDING story he falls for more bullsht? He is a retard and a criminal!!
Who sent the wedding dress from FRANCE- that HH was danglngi a key chain when ANGIE MCQUEEN was dancing to my emails in June 2009.. my MJ offer to dance.. it was me, Lisa A. Miceli- not ANGIE MCQUEEN??
PLEASE fix HH Sheikh Ahmed's mind please... get an abortion Kelly Scott, I do not want the blondes in my maraige nad he proposed to mme first, even if you fucked him.. after that.. !!!
You do not own me, BILL CLINTON does not own me and the JUDGE does not own me.. ANGIE MCQUEEN- you are a murderer... you are owned by your own govt not me.
I am free to fly to DUBAI and be a wifey....
I do not go to jail in the USA for three years for marrying HH Sheikh Ahmed in DUBAI.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN does, b/c she was not engaged to him and invited him to her house or hotel as if she was me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN is coorruption of the courts, I should be arrested for her fucking HH as if me..
in the USA.. how many careers gone now??
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN and Kelly Werner HH gives me your info and you have mine clearly if you travel with him!!!!
This is all going to the courts, for a trial - a jury trial...
ANGIE MCQUEEN was not wanted by the AL MAKTOUMS and they promised me to play fair and protect me... !! LIES, ALL LIES!!
VEGAS, NV .. was Lisa Miceli's call - so how dies ANGIE MCQUEEN get on the JET???
HAMMY- dfo not send the JET to these blondes homes, it is my home Lisa A. Miceli's who HH was to pick up. they sotle my property...
ANGIE MCQUEEN, CHO MOMMA and HH Sheikh Ahmed to make a fool of my on my wedding story with ASSA and FELICITY as witneses to the shopping and the videos.. and the travel.
TRAVELING out of the service area, so ANGIE MCQUEEN is the winner of Lisa A. Miceli's life- it was not for sale or a competition... woh ever sold me you are all going to jail.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a WITCH in my marriage to HH- who cares if she fucks, it is still a hooking relationship - not a wifey... vand she is going to jail for it. SHE LEFT CA to bed him in NV as a hooker, on my marriage story, every wedding story planned by Lisa A. Miceli- for Lisa A. MICELI.
She is maligned because the JET does not land at Lisa A. Miceli's house and why would I want her herpes sloppy ass seconds after bragging of anal sex!!!!!! RUINED CORRUPT MARRIAGE !!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is gross to me, HOW is rAJ, OMAR and then HH too...?? adn why? double life, mine and oyurs too - wghn do you tell him, you are not Lisa A. Miceli - but her insane BFF who stole her home when I trusted you and RAJ - to help me buy a CA home in MARCH 2009... when he bought it with ASSA for mew and my son, DANTE.
RAJ - can you not pay your won bills with you and your DAUGHTER??
THe adopting is AHMED marrying Lisa A. Miceli and having a son DANTE in his life- not an adoption of DANTE by ANGIE AND AHMED- WHAT THE FUCK and then giving her my life and my money too.. DREAM ON BITCH.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is in my credit cards and my life.. as if she is me for a fuck with HH while he is in town for my wedding- but not when he is not called by me.
I call and he beds her.. WHY???
I did not suck the MJ dick.. you are sick in the head and stop stalking me... for that- I do not control or own him- YOU DO, RIGHT??
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN does, b/c she was not engaged to him and invited him to her house or hotel as if she was me...
She is going to jail -she is like Kelly Scott a scam artist on her. a hooker trying to get money from MJ or HH by lying and pretending to be Lisa A. MICELI.
EVERY WEDDING story he falls for more bullsht? He is a retard and a criminal!!
Who sent the wedding dress from FRANCE- that HH was danglngi a key chain when ANGIE MCQUEEN was dancing to my emails in June 2009.. my MJ offer to dance.. it was me, Lisa A. Miceli- not ANGIE MCQUEEN??
PLEASE fix HH Sheikh Ahmed's mind please... get an abortion Kelly Scott, I do not want the blondes in my maraige nad he proposed to mme first, even if you fucked him.. after that.. !!!
You do not own me, BILL CLINTON does not own me and the JUDGE does not own me.. ANGIE MCQUEEN- you are a murderer... you are owned by your own govt not me.
I am free to fly to DUBAI and be a wifey....
I do not go to jail in the USA for three years for marrying HH Sheikh Ahmed in DUBAI.
ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN does, b/c she was not engaged to him and invited him to her house or hotel as if she was me...
ANGIE MCQUEEN is coorruption of the courts, I should be arrested for her fucking HH as if me..
in the USA.. how many careers gone now??
THE BLACK WOMAN FROM CHICAGO, IL?? She asked me if I wanted her to move emails, not tell me that the JET was on the way.. as HH told me it was before NEW YEARS EVE.. and I cannot get that time back- so the jealous lying bitches need to be in jail.
ANGIE's humor to hurt me real bad and laugh when I am crying??
I create reality and he is to be at my house and laughing at you, calling him a liar and bad guy....
a fAKE SHEIKH and a con artist.. when he was not when I met him..
AUNT KIM have a heart attack, why is that? for your fur coat?? who bought the fur coat?
In JULY 2009.. I was told HH from the UK or for my UK trips with my son...
ANGIE lied and siad that I am moving in with her, why would I when I am engaged to HH and have the proof.... ??
ANGIE creed to him on video and chubby account over me moving in with him and marrying him in Dubai!!!!!
What a hypocrit, ANGIE- you do that with RAJ now.. @!!!!!
MJ did not ask Lisa A. Miceli for a littel girl, I asked HH for a littel girl... form our wedding plans.
HOLLYWOOD is nuts to interfere in my life constantly without asking me.. !!!
TABLOIDS take them down to size usually.
Now courts.. or jail.
Where is my amazing real HBBY?? AT ANGIE's adn KELLY an d ALI's all three sharing him, as if they are one person, LISA A. MICELI.. 3 counts of bigamy here nad 2 in Dubai and 7-8 photos of other women.. all bigamy.. one yr in jail per marriage!!!!
RAJ - SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, ANGIE and ASSA dick good dick....
IMPOSSIBLE for you tro be engaged to H at the same time as me, in the USA.
I am the real fiancee with the dress.....
HOLLYWOOD id theives are gong to prison, THINK YOU QUAIDS and others who know the truth... one plife and split 10 ways...for others to be MILLIONS and PRINCESSES on my emails... as I was first.
How is PEGGY LAPUMA AL MAKTOUM next when he did not marry me yet legally and she is not a LAPUMA??
You would kill from my money ladies??? JAIL BIRDS!!
MY EMAILS are true, or HH would not have sent for ANGIE MCQUEEN- she met him from LISA A. MICELI and my blogs.
Who is JENNY?? pain on the walls, AZURE WALLS? Jenny is my firend not ANGIE MCQUEEN...
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ and OMAR HENRY are in the house and calling for my JET - WOW, WHAT THEFT.
Stinky people what was that about??
CREDIT CARDS AND CARS?? wher are they?
RAJ got my new car?? and you? and my house for calling him and doing no legit business behind my back- you were hired for a job not hooking.....
LIVE NATION tickets is Lisa A. Miceli= you ruin money..
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a piece of shit, greedy moments for my wealth.. and no deserve...
HOOKER fucking others hubby's and never worked or did anything..
Wher are my nannies?
It is my life and you are crowding me out- then get out wghen I say get out.
who are you not to listen to me??
ALL of my fake blonde moms, my real mom is a blonde with blue eyes.. and you are not needed, more id theft.. !!!!
The photos were sent right away.
You own the name Kathy?? or Kelly? no - many of them...
I want all jewelry .... that was promised to me and gifted to ANGIE MCQUEEN- keys for my house to dance in??
I offered my life story and dancing for my house ANGIE MCQUEEN -who paid for yours???
She became HAMY's wifey when she stole my id and used my contacts??
WOW... I am the wifey stolen from and proving that in the courts.
It was my ACE of SPADES plans... not hers... and my chats, not hers.. and my wedding plans.. and not hers so not her personality... and not her good body.. my brain....
MY BODY AND MY BRAINS go together- where are my bodyguards??
JIUMMY and TOM??? paid off??
I did not get paid for the TV SHOWS, so no, I did not abuse your kindness.... my imposters did you and me both.
She was in my account ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- the
ANGIE MCQUEEN was quick to send photos of herself to HH behind my back and then slam me, FAKE SHEIKH to get him to appear in person- threat to his reputation.. EXTORTION!!!!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN is WEIRD LOOKING FISH LIPS, HE SHE... for the press and the courts.. we can do it bak ANGIE and you look like shit, your body.. thick.. tootsie roll shape!!!!
This is HH - we are calling him for money.. is what you all said and abused me for more money.. even after getting a piece of my life though organized crimes...
I am sending HH to jail if he is not at my house... and that is af act of law. I called PA STATE POLICE in KLAS VEGAS, NV police too... FRAUD.. and EXTORTION, stalking and harassment.
I am packed in the basement since 8/ 2008.. and DANTE MICELI is sick like ANGIE's son was...
FRIEND of LISA and ANGIE's photos sent.. to HH.. as if me.
ANGIE is a hooker, that is how they play... iwth RAJ the pimp.
I called him for my JET ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!
I called on the phone and RAJ, OMAR and ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN were all there and ANGIE MCQUEEN was screaming, so HH was there.. I can tell!!! with my JET... for LAS VEGAS, NV....
You are going to jail b/c you are making money and we are not - WHAT??
I need my mnoey in cash upfront from all of the cons and the imposters..... or jail.
You will be asked under oath if you had sex with HH and if so, can go to jail- you lie- you go to jail.
CONFESSION please... you made me and exposed me, your turn now.
I have JIM CAIN ready for the legal cases pending!!!!
No meetings with the cons behind my back.. cannot be trusted according to angie mcqueeen..
lisa miceli
Where is my amazing real HBBY?? AT ANGIE's adn KELLY an d ALI's all three sharing him, as if they are one person, LISA A. MICELI.. 3 counts of bigamy
Ehhhhh, tell it to da Judge. LOL!
Ali Babra said...
Where is my amazing real HBBY?? AT ANGIE's adn KELLY an d ALI's all three sharing him, as if they are one person, LISA A. MICELI.. 3 counts of bigamy
Ehhhhh, tell it to da Judge. LOL!
January 3, 2011 8:53 PM
I kn ow ALI BABRA, HH stalked me with BATES BATTAGLIA too.... please move on and find your own life, not Lisa A. Miceli's..
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