Scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed. I was screaming “Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!”at what I thought possible to happen.
And finally these are shots from 2 of her S.E.X. videos that she sent. In the one, her son appeared out of nowhere after she exposes her nasty plastic bowls. On the other, just yuck!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 256 of 256Ali Babra said...
My thirtysomething daughter Dr. Sweetie is a success! So no, I'm not your pitiful mama.
July 29, 2010 9:09 PM
HE said that he would kill my mother for me, who is SANDY MICELI - not you and your NIGGER TASH DAUGHTER using my name and my family's $90 MILLION combined net worth!!!!
He wants to meet SANDY MICELI at a hotel fo me, not your piece od shit WANNABE DAUGHTER LIAR DR. SWEETIE, FAKE LAPUMA CRIMINAL!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
SORRY, I am in my early 30s and I am a MICELI with a LAPUMA family worth bILLIONS.
Get out of my marraige now.
HH Sheikh AHMED bin Saeed bin Al Maktoum is not into your trickery, with a black crack cocaine whore.
He is a MEMBER of the ROYAL family of DUBAI, not a Michael Jordan philanderer.
Kelly Scott set up that deal? how ??
Why am I not on the phone with him and you when you are calling for your insane reasons?
Lisa A. Miceli
6 words in a row with no quotes ot the IDEA.. itself.
Or taking the words out of context with the intent to libel.
Please get off my property.
Lisa A. Miceli
AHMED ARE YOU INSANE TO MEET WITH THEsE PEOPLE BEHIND MY BACK , using my name and my stories to get to you?
He told me that he sent everyone to jail that was trying to be Lisa Miceli, during our wedding story.
Lisa A. Miceli
RIDICULOUS, my wedding story in pieces online so everyone can get something for free, for knowing I am getting married, WHAT?
Who turned this illegal tip into whom? and set up these blogs, please?
Lisa A. Miceli
AHMED said that he is on his way to meet SANDY MICELI now.
He is upset. He does not know PEPE LAPUMA and is crying about going to prison and hurting my family online iwth hookers.
He called her begging for her and my forgiveness!!
Lisa A. Miceli
HE said that he would kill my mother for me, who is SANDY MICELI
Though my daughter never heard of your crazy ass till a couple months ago when her Dad Ali3 made a crack about you and Dr. Sweetie went "Huh?", I'm sure that won't matter in your lunatic world.
my family's $90 MILLION combined net worth!!!!
Yeah uh-huh...Question. You have a top-tier, Nationally ranked private college right there in Meadville. Why didn't your "rich family" give you the education commensurate with their wealth?
Did they want to get rid of you, since you'd already started with the abortions, lying, and general sociopathy?
Did they know a screw-up like you might take a decade or more to complete college, turning $160k-$170k investment for 4 years into almost half a million smackers?
Never mind. Even the $50 grand NC education you claim was money down the crapper.
HE said that he would kill my mother for me, who is SANDY MICELI
Whoops. Didn't mean for my prior post to include that sick shit you're saying about you mother--the only person on this earth who gives a damn if you exist.
Lisa A. Miceli said...
Are you happy to get your one ugly shot of Lisa Miceli
You took the videos! Can't blame anyone else for your ugliness (inside mostly and out) Hopefully Dante wont be teased endlessly because his mother is naked on-line.
If there wasn't a perceived threat to herself or anyone else in that house before; there sure as hell should be now. She is openly writing about having her mother KILLED on this blog. She simultaneously is writing to me saying that her mother is dying & making financial plans without her. She is upset that her mother won't "show her the money". Sandy, keep running! Don't trust this crazy bitch in the house with you or your grandson. GET HER OUT ASAP!
Notdafakecm said...
If there wasn't a perceived threat to herself or anyone else in that house before; there sure as hell should be now. She is openly writing about having her mother KILLED on this blog. She simultaneously is writing to me saying that her mother is dying & making financial plans without her. She is upset that her mother won't "show her the money". Sandy, keep running! Don't trust this crazy bitch in the house with you or your grandson. GET HER OUT ASAP!
July 29, 2010 11:00 PM
EXCUSE ME? You are very very twisted. I make my own money nad thought that I was engaged to a real man, not a PIMP.
MJ has LIVE NATION and HIDDEN BEACH RECORDINGS, all of these dirty birds need to learn a sill other than prostitution.
Not only plane crashes, but SHOCK WAVES in WEATHER PATTERN - DANTE's EARTHQUAKES, should have been sent through the world that ABSAM is not a good man.
and HURRICANES that MJ is a jerk too.
HOOKERS AND OTHER WHORES, pray allah, you do not get in my way, please.
These men need to do the right thing for the love of HUMANITY.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
Bonkers said...
MJ has nothing to do iwth my marraige to AHMED.
He never claimed the child!!!!
Why would he? Dante isn't his son!!!
Angie McQueen is fat and ugly hence now I am too, after she can into my screen!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
July 29, 2010 4:48 PM
My guess is Lisa wants Sandy's life insurance money to continue her scheme. She still needs to buy a veil and a ring because no one else is buying anything for her lazy ass.
Lisa is a would be murderer! Too bad she'd probably need to steal her mothers own money to try & put a hit out on her. Shameless BITCH!
I have over 17,000 unopened emails from her. I shudder at the thought of what half of those say.
Police should go & get that bitch just for the threat she posted here about having her mom offed. I confronted her in email about it & of course her focus was about Ange, fake wedding, the Lapuma name and the money her mother can't afford to pay for her funeral with... YET LISA WANTS MONEY FROM HER MOTHER!
Shit makes sense to you, Lisa?
She goes on and on about her families 90 mil. wealth and then in another sentence says: She's broke. Then Liceli says she's working, then says she isn't as she has to spend all day everyday on the computer working on her legal BS. The lies the lies..
Her Mother is worried she can't afford her own funeral. Really sounds like a family worth millions. Lisa, with her Mothers help, has bled that family financially dry. Why don't they toss her out of the house? It just makes NO sense to me. But then, nothing about that family makes any sense at all.
Someone needs to contact the authorities regarding these murderous threats Miceli is making towards her Mother and others. But I do believe her Mother is at risk right now. Miceli would do anything to ger her filthy hands on her Mothers life Insurance. I pray that sandy has NOT named Lisa as a beneficiary.
She calls her son, who is six, a baby then a toddler. WTF?
She makes disgusting vids w/Dante in the next room and the door is open. Yep, She is definately Mother of the Year. NOT!! I am so disgusted with this morally bankrupt individual. I am so happy I live on the other side of the country from her.
WE DID CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES on you. and PEPE LAPUMA and ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and everyone else who wants to pretend to be Lisa Miceli on and poff the internet.
You have blals to talk to me at all, let alone say anything about me and my family.
You want to torture an AMERICAN on AMERICAN SOIL - you are insane!!!!!
which we already knew!!
DANTE MICHAEL MICELI is the son of Lisa Miceli only - not AHMED's unless he is married to me,
Wtih a hooker like you talking to me as you do, that is not going to happen.
So, you are a fool.
MAKING A FALSE REPORT in the USA is a crime! So, keep it up BITCH, and the only women in priosn will be you wannabe hookers on my blogs, like ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ to jail!!
PEPE KLAPUMA ad her crack moom who put her on a place from HOUSTON, TEXAS to the UK - the TAIL number adn the people inside wil be found out and arrested IMMEDIATELY.
ANY COKE in the condoms... ??
So, do not threatene me. You are all stupid to contact AHMED behind my back for anything when he is engaged to Lisa Miceli.
You make threats to my son, that her is crazy - at 6 ys old. You go to prison.
He is NOT a man.
You pigs are going to jail for copying ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Notdafakecm said...
Lisa is a would be murderer! Too bad she'd probably need to steal her mothers own money to try & put a hit out on her. Shameless BITCH!
I have over 17,000 unopened emails from her. I shudder at the thought of what half of those say.
Police should go & get that bitch just for the threat she posted here about having her mom offed. I confronted her in email about it & of course her focus was about Ange, fake wedding, the Lapuma name and the money her mother can't afford to pay for her funeral with... YET LISA WANTS MONEY FROM HER MOTHER!
Shit makes sense to you, Lisa?
July 30, 2010 12:29 AM
Lisa Miceli worte a book called FORBIDDEN FRUIT using her mother's money. I want money from AHMED for it, not my mother.
He thinks that he can act out the book with nigger hookers and other stupid women online.who refuse to leave us alone, when we are engaged.
Why are you on here pretending to be me or family member of mine?
PEPE LAPUMA is a dead relative's name AHMED of Lisa Miceli.
Why is this MURDERER USING my family's MILLION dollar name to prostitute herself to you from TEXAS and to the UK and it made the papers, when you bought my aircraft???
You on crack cocaine according to your hookers who got with you behind my back and then want to criticize me for anything at all?
So, I guess that I would be fat to a crack addict.
Lisa A. Miceli
FOR 2 years you have harassed me to marry you, and then when I accept your marriage proposal you start this BULLSHIT in public.
You calimed it was a hacker, I reported it. It is all you.
You are nice to your hookers and their kids from other men?
You take them from TEXAS, YEE HAW, to the UK behind my back.
AHMED told me that he would never cheat on me, and does this shut and the women brag aobut it on blogs and YOU TUBE?
You dated ANGIE MCQUEEEN offline on my engagement and courtship story? How did you too ever mett, LISA MICELI?
How did she know about oyur UK AND HOUSTON, TEXAS TRIPS?
She justifyied thouse by saying what? I was her and she is me? like PEPE LAPUMA??
You have a problem with needing therapy and not getting it??
You sat on here and threatened my whole family for money, while you traffick broker HOOKERS under my name to the UK.
What are you doing in the UK with these women under my name?
You, not me, are expsoing yourself, to me and to everyone.
YOUR WOMEN ARE STUPID to have sex with you when you are engaged to me and the make threats.
BIG, FAT, UGLY, LOW CLASS HAREM - I would be pissded off too.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli said...
Notdafakecm said...
Lisa is a would be murderer! Too bad she'd probably need to steal her mothers own money to try & put a hit out on her. Shameless BITCH!
I have over 17,000 unopened emails from her. I shudder at the thought of what half of those say.
Police should go & get that bitch just for the threat she posted here about having her mom offed. I confronted her in email about it & of course her focus was about Ange, fake wedding, the Lapuma name and the money her mother can't afford to pay for her funeral with... YET LISA WANTS MONEY FROM HER MOTHER!
Shit makes sense to you, Lisa?
July 30, 2010 12:29 AM
WE HAVE 6000 emails, so please bring yours. You have all of these women saying to contact you becasuse of me. BRING THEM TO THE COURTS.
We was ANGIE MCQUEEN dancing on her BATHROOM door and then rolling her eyes over Michael Jordan - a man that she never met.
Were the affections between AHMED and her better than the affections between ANGIE AND MICHAEL JORDAN?
IMPOSSIBLE to know, as ANGIE MCQUEEN was never with Michael Jordan - she is a Lisa Miceli wannabe.
Why did AHMED go to her house for s.e.x?
When he was to be at my house with me and my son?
So, stop talking about a child that you will be in prison before you see AHMED because of your prostitution business!!!
Why on my name and my engagement to you?
THESE WOMEN ARE HIDEOUS, COCAINE ADDDICTS on my name and my engagment.
STOP CONTACTING PEOPLE BEHINMD MY BACK, criminal conspiracy is a crime. DUH!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
AHMED has been stalking Lisa Miceli since prior to 1997.
I agree to marry him and he threatens me with every crime in the book with various hookers who give my name.... after announcing my engagement.... with wild claims of drugs and sex on his AIRBUS from the USA to other countries.
Lisa A. Miceli
I bet I would be magically thin and happy in the UK at his UK home - huh??
With all of his drugs in condons there.
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ and you all have told me so.
Lisa A. Miceli
Anonymous said...
My guess is Lisa wants Sandy's life insurance money to continue her scheme. She still needs to buy a veil and a ring because no one else is buying anything for her lazy ass.
July 30, 2010 12:22 AM
GIVING DRUGS AND HAVING SEX with other women b/c I wrote a book about Michael Jordan and you all are jealous of the mony from the book - everyone of you, JEALOUS of he fame and fortune of my book deal!!!!!
Your other women think that you are cool like that - with drugs onlnie and in my face? ANGIE MCQUEEN is not high talking aobut DNA on YOU TUBE is she?
Did you help her with that video, b/c I was doing a reality TV SHOW??
ANOTHER trying to settle the score for my successes and jealous, ignorant people stalk me like you and throw my success in my face?
The only one that needs offline is YOU AHMED - YOU ARE COMMITTIN CRIMES and throwing it in my face, b/c of my past... and a book deal, and a reality show to move into the future.
WHO ARE THESE WOMEN? what name do you put on the PLANE LIST PICK A NAME, anyone will do? is that what you tell these women and then they use my name?
ANGIE MCQUEEN said that in obne of her videos.. no??
80 of them? you fuck her 80 times and throw in my face as a form of extortion and torture?
why her, b/c she was my business partner and what? she was made about what?
MJ does not want a DNA test, 97 percent is for an in court settlemetn, he adn his lawyers told the judge he wants an out of court settlement.. so DNA percentages do not apply.
ASK ANGIE MCQUEEN about that.. acknowledgment of paternity!!!
Why are you stalkng and harassing me in business and then calling me broke and not paying my bills?
Why are you engaged to me and clearly cheating on me with ANGIE MCQUEEN and others and throwing it in my face in blogs and YOU TUBE?Why are you telling me that you are adopting my son and then not paying for him or showing up ofr court hearings?
CRIMINAL FRAUD CHARGES are pending as well as others.
You are making a fool of yourself on online with these ugly fat pigs trafficking them to other countries on my name??
THEY ARE MEAN TO BOTH YOU AND ME b/c of your antics.
They have sex with you an then come on here and make threrats to me?
and my career?
Lisa A. Miceli
He changed my whole appearance very quickly using fat pigs as hookers under my name.
You owe me a car and a driver, for me getting stopped becuase fo your antics on and off the internet.
You owe me the money from my failed projects and from the projects that you bought using other women to mock me and stalk me in the media as well, some of whom I already sued.
You are not folling anyone FAKE SHEIKKH/RAJ as the pimp to ANGIE MCQUEEN for AHMED and ohers behind my back.
AHMED confesses on these blogs and why he does it.
He does not exist but then brags about fucking all of you hookers adn throwingf it in m face for accpeting his marraige proposal.
You all pretend to be Lisa Miceli - why is that?
you are lie and then brag, why is that?
You think that he is sane to torture me over anything at all?
Is this all over MJ - you hookers wanted MJ to get in your beds and pants and he did not, so you attack me with AHMED when I am getting married?
What the motive for all of these crimes and hate - my accepting his marriage proposal... and having my own money??
So, ANGIE MCQUEEN does not have a BOOK DEAL, that is my problem? why??
When I got engaged to AHMED - he slept with everyone but me and you women thin k that you are close to my son??
YOU ARE DRUGGED OUT INSANE HOOKERS who are pretending to be Lisa Miceli and are going to be arrested, b/c the MEADVILLE, PA police have already asked for the evidence of these cirmes in March 2009.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
How come I was never invited to HOUSTON, TEXAS, YEE HAW AHMED, and I am the one engaged to you?
How come you are talking abut my son, when you are not married to me and not in a position to adopt DANTE?
Where is cash for our engagement and everything that you promised LIsa Miceli?
Why do your hookers hate you AHMED adn then lie to me, about thier gifts. You giving ANGIE MCQUEEN my car, my house, my clothes, my jewelry and my veil, everything but my wedding dress, correct?
Who are these nigger, NANNIES on drugs making threats to me and nmy family for money??
Why on my blogs?? why in public why behind my back??
Did you take ANGIE MCQUEEEN to meett POETER LOFTIN in MARCH 2009 and PETER CALLED the police on HER and you??
You contacting MJ's people as well behind my back, THEY CALLED THE POLICE as well!!!!
NICE COURTSHIP AHMED - did aNGIE MCQUEEN get to act out my emails, like I am not to speak and be held hostage ov er my money and my life in your plane?? or my own home? TWO YEARS you gheld me hostage and partied with other women using my book an my emails as your script.
I do not know these women and do not care to know them.
Then they talk about my son.
ANGIE McQueen sending you fat porn beind my back and stripping online?
Why did you invite her into our marriage?? when she was to be professional busines only.
What is her obsession with my emails pleasE?
Why are you in this account and when are you going to return the passcodes? They sent legal docs to it, to arrest you.You fly to ANGIE MCQUEEN's huse and have sex swith her when I am on the phone with her, nad then lie nadclaim that you are not real a fake sheikh.
These were my busiess palns and my plans for us to travel safely, you gave to random ugly hookers online.
EVEYONE CALLS YOU CRAZY to your face!!!!!
He comes for ANGIE MCQUEEN, not Lisa Miceli your fiancee and her son, that you brag about online!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
HOW MANY PROSTITUTES on my courtship story and throwing it in my face- hi from HOUSTYON, TEXAS, the flight sheets and the tai lnumber will be given to my lawyers!!!!
2 years of this, WHEN did you meet ANGIE MCQUEEN in person that she makes threats to me that i will never see you?
She reported you to the polcie to be arrested prior to our wedding and rthe adoptino of DANTE.
She is insane to do this with you.
Was that not your goal to fuck everyone on my blogs, who were fans - for what??
JEALOUS MUCH?? Sounds like it, these were private emails and an unpublished book nad an reality show that was not completed b/c you were fucking ANGIE MCQUEEN at the MONDRIAN HOTEL on drugs and she was stikcing her tongue out thinkngi that she was funny on camera throwing your cheating and drugging inm my face.
You will pay for everything that you have done to Lisa Miceli for the last two years... 8/2008.
Lisa A. Miceli
THEY brag about your sex life to me... as well, STUPID ASS!!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN calls me crazy b/c you are not real and I will never meet you, my own fiancee??
and she is making threats to me?
Can she not use RAJ for sex, why is she calling you and me when we are engaged?
You pay for ANGIE MCQUEEN? who set that up RAJ?? my home lender?
Did she get a nnew car,from fuking you and throwing it in my face?
or do you really think that ANGIE MCQEEN is Lisa Miceli and thse oher hookers are my family members??
How are you going to get out of prison when these women are all arrrested for their crimes against me??
I am the fiancee that you are torturing b/c of my past that you reconciles - HOW is thaT?
Can I act out ANGIE McQueen PAST adnpretend to that you are a HUGE ROCK STAR?? and then throw it in her face?
I am the one with the LIVE NATION concert tickets, you take ANGIE MCQUEE to a PIT BULL ocncert, give her a gold necklace and buy her a tunic top that I wore to a PLAYBOY photot shoot?
Why was she trying to call my hotel orom?
She said that it was a joke?
WHAT? OBSESSED with Lisa Miceli much? who was in the hotel room?
pretending to be Lisa Miceli?
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
WHAT is your problem AHMED?
I get to be her next and throw it in her face and do this behind her back?
Fair is fair?
These women ar no happy with the sex - they are happy pretending to be Lisa Miceli - and trying to get to MICHAEL JORDAN!!!
What did these hookes have to do to get on your private jet from HOUSTON, TEXAS??
What are your rules?
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
He does not love you, he threatens me with you.. b/c he is jealous of my past.
If he loved you he would not throw you in my fac eon a blog for you to get arrested and tell me to have ou arrested, to get you out of my engagement to him.
It is in blakc and white that you are arrested when In say to arrest you.
So, please go away.
Lisa A. Miceli
Mailee said...
She goes on and on about her families 90 mil. wealth and then in another sentence says: She's broke. Then Liceli says she's working, then says she isn't as she has to spend all day everyday on the computer working on her legal BS. The lies the lies..
Her Mother is worried she can't afford her own funeral. Really sounds like a family worth millions. Lisa, with her Mothers help, has bled that family financially dry. Why don't they toss her out of the house? It just makes NO sense to me. But then, nothing about that family makes any sense at all.
Someone needs to contact the authorities regarding these murderous threats Miceli is making towards her Mother and others. But I do believe her Mother is at risk right now. Miceli would do anything to ger her filthy hands on her Mothers life Insurance. I pray that sandy has NOT named Lisa as a beneficiary.
She calls her son, who is six, a baby then a toddler. WTF?
She makes disgusting vids w/Dante in the next room and the door is open. Yep, She is definately Mother of the Year. NOT!! I am so disgusted with this morally bankrupt individual. I am so happy I live on the other side of the country from her.
July 30, 2010 4:21 AM
AHMED IS SABETIOGING MY BUSINESS PLANS QWITH YOU LYING AND STALKING HOOKERS on my fiacnees private plane.. doing drugs and exposing yourselves behind my back.
Those are the videos that we need... he did not propose marraige to you, but you cvontacted him behind my bak b/c of my being engaged an then make threats.
HE sabetoged all businesses b/c he did not want me to work an be ther for im 24 /7 b/c of drug addicted stalkers of Lisa Miceli making threats to him.
ANGIE MCQEEN - your are a small-minded nutcxase,
He flies to my house and other places online not yours, he reported you and RAJ to he police.. so stop contacting him and making threats to Lisa Miceli and DANTE.
ANGIE MCQUEEN contacted aNhMED behind my back asking for money for sex - and AHMED admitted to that.
Angie McQueen he propsoed to Lisa Miceli andmarried her the first night tht he met her. COPYRIGFHT PROTECTED!!!!!
You owe me $22 million in copyright infringement alone.
Is RICHARD, OSCAR or RAJ going to pay for that? or the dead auntie insurance monie?
HE LIES TO YOU, like you lie to everyone else!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
Thy stalk us!!
Lisa A. Miceli
I'm not going away until you have these blogs shut down and sue Ahmed.
Good Luck with that.
I did not divorce AHMED - b/c oyu contacted him behind my back using PRIVATE INVETIGATORS.
ANGIE MCQUEEN you need to get out of my emil acocunt, as you are not Lisa Miceli and not engaged to AHMED an he is not adotping your child,
He is online making threats to Lisa Miceli and DANTE MICHAEL MICELI.
He was to direct depost money into my acocunt already.
I have a new account and insurance.
EVER SINGLE PERSON on here has gone to jail or is on the way to jail when they are found out, as tier addresses.
Lisa A. Miceli
AHMED purchased gold nad underwear for Lisa Miceli and where is it?
THE ObSESSED aNGIE MCQUEEN is trying to block Lisa Miclei nad AHMED form being together b/c she is a mentally disturbed pig!!!
HER AN RAJ are making a living blocking AHMED and Lisa Miceli from being together and expecting to get paid.
AHMED BUYS ANGIE MCQUEEN everything that I asked of him, and she does not know him. expect as my fiancee.
ANGIE MCQUEEN IS A NUTACASE ot ocntact aHMED adn tell him lies to get him in bed asnd to take my money whn I am engaged to him adn sit on the computer.
She travels to pleasure him in the USA on a private jet according to her inexchgnaghe for my gifts.. the one I pick out.
SO, she is the hack!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
He thinks that he can act out the book with nigger hookers and other stupid women online.who refuse to leave us alone, when we are engaged.
It baffles the mind that the mother of a black child could even utter the "N" word...ever.
That word should never be a part of your vocabulary. Lisa, you have a black child. Stop, stop using the "n" word in reference to anything. It should be a forbidden word in your home, on your computer...anywhere.
Remember, one day soon, Dante will find these posts and will see all your references to the "N" word. You will then have to answer to him and nothing you can say will make it right.
Now I know your response will be to talk about Ange, RaJ, Money, MJ and how I am an imposter trying to steal your life.....
Lisa A. Miceli said...
Nobody can act out a book that doesn't exist. Nobody can get pregnant online or have an engagement online such as yours. Trust me because I would like to punch you in your face "online" for using the word "nigger" when you reference your son, or Ali or PePe or whomever else. We get it. You're racist. You dumb tanned saltine.
If your mom is truly sick Lisa you should get your ass up off the chair and go do what you can to help her. Trust me when I tell you, you have nothing better to do anyway. It's so hard to believe that you don't have moments of clarity to read the shit you write and realize none of it makes sense.
Now if you will excuse me, I have to go get some work done so that I along with the others here can continue to pay your way thru life. Oh...and when I finish with that, I'm going to the dress shop to try on my "real" wedding dress.
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IS ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ - over DANTE's money which they saw online.
Was she having sex and you were jealous and illed her?
sounds like it online.
Did I not ask AHMED fo protection from yoy, ANGIE MCQUEEN and you are in my emails copying and mocking my every word on You tube with your face and name!!
ANGIE McQueen is contacting lawyers ofr DANTE's paternity and it is not her child and then how many ugly copycats online?
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU HERE giving ANGIE MCQUEEN an STD on my engagement and courtshup stories?
How did you and aNGIE AND RAJ all neet up behind my back?
a book deal that ANGIE MCQUEEN did not get??
Lisa A. Miceli
STUPID TO CONSPIRE WITH THIS MAN BEHJIND MY BACK, as I am pressing extortion charges on everyone who travels with him as me.
You knew, better, as I told you in advance.
Lisa A. Miceli
PEPE KLAPUMA ad her crack moom who put her on a place from HOUSTON, TEXAS to the UK
Fun facts about my BFF Pepe:
a) She has gorgeous grandchildren and I am soooo jealous.
b) She's never been to Texas or Chicago.
c) She's tall & willowy like I've always wanted to be (LOL I miss whole parades for being short!)
d) She exercises my mind with nurse talk -- Congrats again Pepe!!
e) Her oldest son (Army) is stationed in the U.K.
f) She's 8 or 9 years younger than me (I know how old I am; she's a little more coy about her vintage).
g) Her first trip to Vegas (it's gonna happen, gurrrrrrl!)will be the first time Pepe Lapuma & I will ever set eyes on each other.
p.s. If you live a truthful existence, you'll never worry about being "exposed".
YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I AM GREEDY, this is to be my marriage
AN OBSESSED STALKER online who got AHMED's email address, once I announced my engagement.
Lisa a. Miceli
I need your address, ALI BABRA to send you proof.
Lisa A. Miceli
I need adresses for everyone on here.
You get to be Lisa Miceli if you contact AHMED behind my back and then he tells me to send him to prison.
ISSA is a sweetheart to me.
What hotel last night, he said that he was flying to MEADVILLE for the "fanciest" hotel?
How's the ENLIGH coming?
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN DENIES AHMED EXISTS (FAKE SHEIKH), but makes threats, that I will never meet my fiancee, lol, lol. and that Dante will never get his money from his dads.
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE with my court hearing & my B.....OOOOK deal!!
Raj is in the background when we chat.
I heard him on the phone and we taped the messages for the courts. I did not stalk ANGIE MCQUEEN. She was living with RAJ until last year at this time.
LISA MICELI was engaged to AHMED and these were my business friends not to be AHMED's prostitutes, PARIS, PAM, ANS ANGIE MCQUEEN needed a contract with Lisa first.
He does not provide for Dante and I and calls MJ for money.
AND my material is stolen and ripped down.
MY BILLIONAIRE was not to attack his won fiancee, for anything, makes him look very very very bad.
Why did ANGIE MCQUEEN go on my spa date with LIANN?
Lisa A. Miceli
He called my mother last night, ALI BABRA, as he should, I am his fiancee.
Why are you calling Kelly Scott and ANGIE MCQUEEN to bed AHMED on a private jet under my engagement?
Lisa A. Miceli
"If there wasn't a perceived threat to herself or anyone else in that house before; there sure as hell should be now. She is openly writing about having her mother KILLED on this blog. She simultaneously is writing to me saying that her mother is dying & making financial plans without her. She is upset that her mother won't "show her the money". Sandy, keep running! Don't trust this crazy bitch in the house with you or your grandson. GET HER OUT ASAP! "
I live in Florida, so I don't know about PA, but here we have whats called a Baker Act. It is an involuntary committal to a psych ward for I believe 48-72 hours if the person is deemed to be a threat to themselves or others. I had it done to my brothers bi-polar schizo girlfriend, technically all you have to have is two consenting family members or even the police can do it. Is there any such thing in PA does anyone know? I know it's only a few days, but maybe she'll get an eval, and they will see what a nutcase she is.
I don't understand why no one fights for custody of Dante. It wouldn't be that hard, she is UNFIT to take care of herself much less a child. Get custody, and kick her sorry, fat, dirty ass out the house already.
Sorry Ali but I was with the Sheikh in the UK. I appreciate the effort but I can speak for myself.
Lisa knows everything and is NEVER wrong other than the fact that she thinks I'm your daughter.
If that were the case, I could claim Dante, being that he's black.
And Lisa, you still haven't answered my question about how much you want to be MY MAID. You're the only HOUSE NIGGER .
Tee Hee
You went to the UK to have sex with AHMED arranged by KELLY SCOTT AND ALI BABRA, be ready to testify to that in a court of law. IT IS A CRIME. You are not cute and not funny!!!!
You are ruining me with tthis trash, not me. SWITCH IDS MUCH?
This is mt courtship/engagement blog, not a nigger (BLACKEN, CHEAPEN) sex addict stalking my fiancee blog, lying about our id, on crack blog.
ALL I KNOW RIGHT NOW, is she is a jealous bitch of Lisa Miceli and switch IUDS and SHEIKH answered her phone call, b/c she pretend to be Lisa Miceli!!!
Who reads someone's engagement blogs & decides to contact their fiancee for s.e.x.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
But-but Pepe...Your wealthy, beloved man will just DIE if you leave him for Sheikhy!! :p
Ali Babra said...
But-but Pepe...Your wealthy, beloved man will just DIE if you leave him for Sheikhy!! :p
July 30, 2010 9:28 AM
YOIU WISH, you dated Michael Jordan, BITCH!!
If AHMED says that he was not with you, you go to jail for EXTORTION.
If you had sex with him, you go to jail for PROSTITUTION AND STALKING!!!
SORRY, MJ Lias Miceli, SHEIKHY STORY is Lisa Miclei - imposters wil be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law.
PEPE SHEIKHY called my mother last night begging for LISA MICELI like he does on all of these blogs adn YOU TUBES.
Why are you not using your own name, PEPE LAPUMA??
Lisa A. Miceli
I SUPPORT your desicion to stay with your current man, PEPE LAPUMA, as AHMED is my fiancee, hence the blogs and the name.
COURTS will get to the truth, as AHMED told me to press charges against Angie and the others.
I have the emails.
Lisa A. Miceli
WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN FUCK OTHER WMEN ON MY NAME AND THROW IT IN MY FACE in m own blog and on my own engagement story with a house nigger??
You are in my house, begging for money and sex, what does that make you??
You contacted him using my name like I own you.
I do not own you, ANGIE MCQUEEN claimed to own me.. and I said no.
STOP CONTACTING AHMED AND KELLY SCOTT or whoever else for sex... using my name!!!!
AHMED IS BEGGNG TO BE MENTALKLY COMMITTED, he propsed to me adn I am anti black in my home, for variosu reasons, no slavery, you disrepect yourselves.
I never told you to use my name, in fact, I said no.
YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO Me, there is no job fucking AHMED for money in my JET with him in the UK!!!!
You do not use my name without a contract, EVER!!!
I told you to go away and you stalk my blogs.
Where is KELLY SCOTT to set up a meeting like this?? Who is she??
I told KELLY SCOTTY to take down her blogs and to not use me and my material in this manner.
AHMED IS CHILDISH, two year courtshiup ruined with TRAFFICKING!!!!
I hope the make you leave the USA AHMED!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Real Women NEVER Kiss and Tell!
Tee Hee
PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Real Women NEVER Kiss and Tell!
Tee Hee
July 30, 2010 9:57 AM
TELL IT TO THE STATE POLICE - this was a marraige blog, not a cheaters and steal your IP - you are oging to prison if you stay on this blog and you wre reported for EXTORTION, FRAUd, STALKING, AND HARASSMENT!!!!
NO PLAYBOY for YOU, CUNT. You are sick bitch, who needs to wash more asses for a living in jail!!!!
You cutting ahead of AHMED's wives for their own lives.
DISRESPECTFUL CUNTS who needs to be in jail.
You hear challenge, maybe ANGIE and RAJ's wedding, thy dated for ten years!!!
CHEATING is not acceptable in the USA - you fuck ANGIE, BELOVED RAJ prior to their weedding and play coy.
You are sickening to everyone.
AHMEd nad you are going to prison HOOKERS AND PIMPS on my wedding story!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli
MY DFAMILY is not interested in cheating, lying stalking TRASH- and PEPE LAUMA you are going to prison for 20 yrs, so you are not funny, rich, or famous -it is mine!!!
You mess with MICHAEL JORDAN AND YVETTE PIERTO - 40ish broke unlicensed nurse!!
Lisa A. Miceli
THESE BLOGS ARE SICKENING, you are not friends, family, or wedding planners, or credible media.
DISRESPECTFUL of Lisa Miceli, his fiancee.
Lisa A. Miceli
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