Thursday, August 26, 2010



Lawyers beware

WANT to go to a game?? - DANTE does. Michael Jordan is a great guy. I could not hear behind my back and my lawyer is insane.. He is psychotic on meds and has retarded children. Did not know he was psychotic. I paid for him.
I am going to pay him more mon ey when I get money from MJ - but he cannot be used. He is not accurate.

PAMMY ANDERSON LEE is on my name again and my dance skills.



Per Lisa, the Meadville PA Police are stalking her
They are trying to put me in jail for her exortion schemes and other women's schemes as well.

NO DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY please for any of these women.. INTERNATIONAL LAWS.

Please call CITY POLICE and tell them the USA hookers with HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai need to shove it.. I will not go to jail for them and lose everythnig for being stlaked on USA SOIL!

CALL THEM NOW - tell them EXTORTION charges on them if they do not do their job, their psychologist.

They refuse to do investigations and investigate me instead..... to the point of stalking!!!

814-***-*** CALL CHIEF ........

No self-worth

CONTROLLING MUCH?? I need money MONEY BAGS - you flying your women and entourage from my blogs and not me, is very very very disrespectful.
My career is psychology, let me diagnosis, please get your checkbook. TWO YRS OF MONEY - you have plenty of money acccording ANGIE MCQUEEN. I am the wife, since 10/2008 and should be having all of the kids, and then your lovelies o n the side for show of your wealth....


More ass-sex & child abandonment
Oh.. daddy, let me spread my ass cheeks for you, to plunge in.... ahhhhhhhh. Give it to me more.... ahhhhhhhh.
Ohhhhhhhhh. Chasing you online.. so we can meet up and drink some wine - MERTIAGE is my favorite.
I wll drop my son off at the CHARLOTTE BOBCATS ARENA for MJ to pick up. So, I can be an overseas hooker on your name and something, something, something might happen for me in Dubai... love maybe.

Then I can build my sports psychology practice.


More death threats & racist saying she’s not a racist

AHMED - I so not work for free, for two years you kept me online to abuse me with other women - anyone who came on my blogs to chat or harass me. I need paid for everything. You gave over my life to other women with NO CONTRACTS for me to get paid from my OWN property. Where is my property? Where my is wedding? ALL LIES - you gave to others what you do not own, ME!!!

EVERYTHING you said that you are sending to me, ANGIE MCQUEEN is wearing - and the niggers think that they are me, that the have sports psychology degrees and fucked you and MJ - and not me!! and are going to live the life on my emails to you. What are you doing passing them my emails for what? sex with them and not your fiancee wife, LISA MICELI??
ALL my money - you said that you spent on ANGIE MCQUEEN for my wedding make some fucking sense - you have AIDS now???
IT IS NOT ANGIE MCQUEEN property - "kill her, chop her fingers off, do what you have to do" - but it is my property- not HERS. You paid her when you were to pay me. CLEARLY YOU SEE THAT!!! GET the money, empty her accounts!! sans DEVON's $ - and tell her to stop asking us for money!!!!
FAKE BLOODLINES (FAMILY TREES - ANGIe's PRESIDENTS), FAKE DEGREES (PEPE LAPUMAs fake name my grandmother's maiden name) (my CAPELLA UNIVERSITY) to pratice in Dubai with TIGER WOODS (MJ's best friend) , fake wedding certificates (ANGIE's diamnds that are mine from my horsey stories - no sex with horse) - they why am I sitting here???
ANGIE MCQUEEN and 2 black girls who conspired for what?? sex and money - and gave you AIDS!!!! and they are lookin g for more men from me?? WHAT???
I LIVED with ARABS TWO TIMES!! in several homes!!!!
AIRPLANEs, BOATs, YACHTS with PETE& JOANIE, and PRIVATE JETS with PETER and M J... seesh. NOT these three womene's life. not my problem. you were not to meet my friends or my family until we are married.
MY love stryonlie - I iwl try - I kee being hacked - for DANTE's stuff- the cute skating videos. He needs hockey equipment for $1000 this fall.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is your wife?? She took my spot flying from here to DUBAI & back for two ceremonies that I planned for us alone... you and me??
I am a racist in m y bed- PERIOD!!!


Lawyers beware… but you already know this.


So, that if it falls out of sky, it floats, and does not break up..... I have the material (I can purchase for less than $20 dollars the material that am thinking and can show it to you), can we buy the patent or reverse engineer it.. and add it to the existing patent for a COMMERCIAL AIRLINER...

AND potentially no more airline tragedies..... and into the year 2009!!!

I observed surgeries at 15-16 as I wanted to be a plastic surgeon.. and these stories are all in th emeida, and I am not a doctor.. I joked that if I failed out of medical school or from being a psychologist, then I would open a used book store, and Pamela Anderson Lee, did a show called STACKED. and this was the plot... these are easily proven to be my stories...

I need help with filing and doing the paperwork in the USA courts..

I am concerned, as I knew of breast implants as a way of giving a woman a new life after cancer treatment.. the mental game, you are now brand spanking new!!

I have too many story lines going at once, once they take over, they keep writing on the same lines, making little changes, expect to stalk my jobs and my life.. without payment...

I want out of the USA, I love the USA... but I want to be in DUBAI... I will even follow SHARIA law... I cannot get free of these people, and no one shuts there people down... from using me and misusing me, without credit..


Why do the lawyers talk to me like crap, refuse to do work, and refuse to be honest.....

I have my own company.. and I am hiring out and paying them, and they mess up... IT CAN CAUSE MEDICAL DAMAGES....

You like Pamela Anderson Lee better than me.. WHY?? S.E.X. sells b/c she is also engaging in prosititution.. on the side, with all of her lovers...

If people do not like my busisness ideas, then they are engaging in malice... AS I HAVE A DUTY AS A PSYCHOLOGISt, to never do any harm...

Yet, I am being abused and I am from a great family, and no one is doing anything about it.

THEFT IS NOT FUNNY, unless you are a criminal.. ALYSSA MILANO is a millionaire, and I am broke and have loans.. and she claims that my blood relative is not my uncle, he is hers... that my last name is not MICELI..

That she did not design a clothing line that was hacked out of my computer to do so.. WHEN I HAVE THE POLICE REPORTS.... of the hack, and the exact words in the tabloids and exact photos that look like me.. and she is pitching her clothing line to SPORTS STARS.. when my dad has photos with TOMMY LASORDA, she used the last name MICELI, and she stole from my blogs and from my photos... this is money for me and my son...
She is not even trying to hide the fact that she stole.. and is using me for a career..
WHY DOES KELLY WERNER EVEN THINK THAT SHE SHOULD GET DANTE's CHILD SUPPORT??? It is tax exempt, and cannot be touched my lawsuits... so instead they lie to scheat me out of legal fees...

You 3 are the only decent people in my world...

BOB GARBER is suing my mom's retirement account for legal fees, and the idiot talked me into jail and the JUDGE OUT OF A SETTLEMENT.... like I told him that MJ was not the father in confidence.. WHICH NEVER EVER HAPPENED, we asked for MJ to explain why he dodged the NORMAL LEGAL PROCESS AND HIRED AN ATTORNEY AND DID THE TESTING IN HIS LAWYER's OFFICE.... I thought he was negotiating for a settlement.... so I agreed to enter into contracts with the man... HE CLAIMS TABLOIDS WOULD WANT MY STORY IN A COURT AND THEN HE WAS NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER.. why would I need one, if tabloids were interested??? I would not.. it was CODE BLUE TO PUT ME IN JAIL AND THEN EXTORT MONEY AND PRESTIGE OR HIS NAME IN THE PAPER....
I want the IDIOT DISBARRED, for putting me in jail..... PERIOD. I could do that on my own, why hire a lawyer to lie for himself, not for me.. and then continue to extort money in a blatant effort to discredit me...
KELLY WERNER SOLD AND TOLD THE STORIES THAT GOT INTO STAR MAGAZINE, from her re/max office... not one, but two stories... and then a series of stories in the GLOBE - NEVER PAID FOR... FRAUD!!!
THIS MONEY WAS TO PAY FOR LEGAL FEES, MJ in a democracy could say his side.. and then the story is done with a follow up, after testing.. AS IN MATTER SETTLED.
THE PRESS - writers and photog think that they own me... adn conver my property to their own use and then sell it...using other people, cutting me out of my own family, business, marraige, etc, etc. etc... and once they take over, story after story, not controlled by me.. causing nothing but mental pain and anguish..
THE LAWSUITS SHOULD BE MY CHARITY.. to make the error right..
I am not even given that respect.. no apologies.. no money.. NOTHING
LIKE ME AND MY LIFE AND MY BUSINESS DO NOT MATTER IN THIS WORLD, I am crazy for asking... when it was KELLY WERNER, who was crazy for asking...

I DATED MJ.. I proved that in magazines, which took evidence that the courts would not even take.. PHONE RECORDS ND WITNESS STATEMENTS.... which I am now being told that files and evidence are being destroyed.. even when I ask for it. THEY TELL ME TO GET A LAWYER... DOMESTIC RELATIONS, THE COURTHOUSE AND THE PREVIOUS LAWYERs.. they are gathering evidence to DISCREDIT ME, and make me seen crazy and not credible..

HOW WOULD I KNOW OR EVEN CARE WHAT THIS MAN's GENITALS LOOK LIKE???? or where his tattos are??? If I was not with him sexually.... was I ever with black men prior to this... NO.

I was with ARAB MEN....

DID I NEED MONEY - NO, not accordinmg to them, I just built a brand new home adn I had a job at the top of the FOOD CHAIN, MD's PhD's, and lawyers... and clinical research trials of drugs... I, not MJ, am ITALIAN, and was untouchable..

Then after Mj's ads in HANES portraying me.. I am repeatedly pulled over by police.. this tells me that MJ is a drug user.. AND... MJ was electrocuted as a child... which could cause his genes to change, same with illnesses... so I am not wrong in asking for a DNA EXPERT to analyze the results.

JUDGE GORDON MILLER is not an MD.. but even more troubling is the fact that he and OTHERS CRIMINALY CONSPIRED, instead of being up front and honest.. and tookl the law in their own hands to punish, or to control me... or both...

KELLY IS NOT A LAWYER.... not an FBI agent and not a CIA agent.. she was making threats nad using her position as a witness, to threaten me....

IF SHE WAS WITH MJ, she would sue MJ, not me.... RIGHT?? If she was mentally pain and anguished, she would sue... MJ, not me... I never had sex with her and I never offered her MJ.. SO, this proves, that she is pretending to be someone that she is not.. and be in the know when she is clearly not..

SHE IS A LIAR, who benefited from the deception..... in REAL ESTATE AND IN THE TABLOIDS!!!

JUDGE GORDON MILLER is not a doctor.... he cannot legally diagnose or prescribe treatments....

How do I collect my money and go to the MIDDLE EAST to marry and start a family???

I need a VISA AND BLOOD WORK.. I have banned prescriptions.. but have valid prescriptions.. I can fiqure the rest out... A HOTEL for a visit visa, marry, and then go back with Dante and get a job.. which I am already searching for.... and I am back in GRADUATE SCHOOL in PSYCHOLOGY online... and can move as long as I have a cable internet conmnection...

ADVISE.. I am leaving this country and acquiring status... and building an image, that I do not want to harm the MIDDLE EAST OR THE USA.. or give away information for free..... ALL PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT... but criminals who waste people's time and money and injure them need to be punisghed according to the law... I have too many people coming into my life to process the information and the countries...

I MUST SIT DOWN AND SEE THE COUNTRIES, to see the trade or the improvement that I can make.. without money, I have to be heavy handed in dispensing justice, as TECHNOLOGY MAY BE LOST!!!

UNDERSTAND??? How about a letter to BOEING, outlining me questions concerns and potential improvements??? AS A START....

I also have to slam this women in the media, to get my mind back.. my family wanted me to do calendars and write letters.. not be sent to jail, for the actions of others, who are engaging in UNFAIR COMPETITION!!! to take over my family.. even if they have to kill them... which PAMELA ANDERSON LEE DID DO, she ages people and she messes with their minds... and ruins ADVANCED THINKING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS..

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!!! NOT FOR ENEMIES LIKE MICHAEL JORDAN... I want the work done, not to be cheated out of business plans.

LEFTY SHEIKHA.... has many many business projects, based on psychology and my research... so one project builds on another...

I alrteady have a TV CREW and will be doing a documentary about me and my family, taking control over the stolen RIGHTS... not TRASH TV, but VERY VERY CLASSY.. dinner parties, black tie events.. and narrative and some travel.... so need contract negotiations, in the next few weeks...

I have the production company and the directors, and the script writers, and my book deal, and my web-site designer for the project, then the money can be used for business plans and designs... and other stuff.

THERE IS SO MUCH HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION... I am a free mason with PSYCHIC POWERS.. and alien communications.... since a child.. Lisa THE TOOL TIME GIRL, SAM MICELI WHO's the BOSS SHOW??? CROP CIRCLES.. etc, etc...

I must cntrol the information for growth, and to stay healthy... and to get the right information.... okay???

I am also doing a series of EXERCISE VIDEOS, with this production company... based on my training..



Lisa A. Miceli
where have you been? this is my wedding story and you are doing what? These wonmen are buying baby clothes and calling lawyers and moving out of thier homes, on my wedding and baby story.

THE LAWYERS SUCK in the USA - as they are not to stalk me for my legal cases, a double CRIME!!

I thought that you were in bed with your two wives, not other USA women. The ip suggests that you were having sex with other USA women and then contacting me from their homes. So, that I loved you for cheating on me. COMMUNICATION is ruined.

HAMMY please take a trip to the USA to help me, fiqure this out. I have lawyers to help me.


So she was once a stripper? Why am I not surprised.

MY STRIPPER parties for my now married friends. NO SEX.. just teasing one another. They marry after that. USA rules, illegal to have sex.

DID I HIRE YOU ANGIE MCQUEEN?? Did I tell you to stop contacting AHMED during our courtship nad engagement? that it is not her TV SHOW... did I tell you, that AHMED AND DANTE are not DANTE's property..

THank you for bringing him back to me, stripper show is done. He is no OSCAR del a HOYA - and is worthy of Lisa Miceli. I have my own bio dna kids, depsite lupus or a head injury... or whatever else ignorant threat you want to make.


Maybe she’s right about something…

Me in NYC. Horse and buggies, lol, lol. Outside Tavern on the Green. 1994.

I love you and hence why I cannot tolerate your sex life in my face.
CUCUMBER sauce..... lol, lol, lol.
Darius Rucker did not call me. So, no worries with Black beauty... lol, lol, lol. He is not the dad, you are. SAME EYES!!!! you and DANTE.
My mind is still messed from the car accident.


Admitting is the first step.

I wanted to go to NEW ZEALAND with you... hookers are allowed there (me being the hooker). The bankngi issues and the money, new world order, can we hurry to get a BIN LADEN CONTRACT for my house in Dubai, please.

Black arabian horse in EGYPT...... for us.

I will send high school photos, with Jack and the others who shot themselves.

Mc D straws was my cocaine addiction with Keith Saeed. His mother would hide them from us and glad bag twisties.
the mass on the back of my neck is GONE!!! WOOO HOOOO.

Thank you for your love and prayers and tolerance. ANYTHING to help you. My real estate lawsuits will property.

Lisa A. Miceli

Now isn’t this rich?
Need to see those medical files.. I gave birth first child in 6 hours. I had sex after the accident.

I had retro grade amnesia..... good for my story, for psychoanalyst, to recover some of the past around the accident.
The impact from a flipping car, is insane... bouncing like a beach ball down a highway. I lived .. that is all that you need to know.

clear your mind of it......


Lisa A. Miceli

I would say that this shit is mind-blowing, but she would take it the wrong way
I was to do my sex partner on camera........ for my MUSLIM CLERICS to m arry us.. where are you?? DAnte has 3 handlers now every day. My family wants more kids.. Do not not want to test the system in real estate relief, see if I can fix the land problems, or other stuff..... (from my $16 BILLION lawsuits).

BY THE WAY, DANTE's dancing moved the EARTH axis in earthquakes all over, bringing a new planet into our solar system, using alien power to correct our earthly human mistakes... may be able to find new water sources.

CalL SPIKE LEE - he wants to do SPACE Jam2 wth me and DANTE.. I hear him. I am going to drop off DANTe to Mj in less than 10 days, and start my story on You Tube.. to be picked up by sponsors.

Queen Jordan is doing a tourism show, like I wanted to do.

But I thought you said… Oh just forget it!

YOU NEED TO HIRE PI MAN ANGIE MCQUEEN, AHMED is with me.. all of the time.

HH SHEIKH AHMED bin Saeed bin al Maktoum AND LISA MICELI set up this account to have 20 kids together, you need to find a new man and a new account please.

We are trying to have our own children and do not need hacked bc I get legal rulings and okays from Hh Sheikh HAMDAN of Dubai in here.
I am not STERILE and I have my own children, no lupus.


We all suspected she was a man.

Who is the MEXICAN looking child - LINDA? WHO?? ANGIE's nanny?
Your dick is not as big as mine with MJ in the courts.. lol, lol.

You mean from the lupus that you DON’T have?

----- Our chat on Thu, 8/19/10 1:01 AM -----
lisamiceli32 (1:02 AM): I need to go to MECCA to pray, LUPUS is beating me right
now. SORES in my mouth and skin issues.
lisamiceli32 (1:01 AM): I did not get that you were tellnig me what to say to
other women, not to me in emails. Should I have posted them the whole time to
back those women off of me. The photos are for us - our plans, no?I have to
shower a lot - 2 times a day b/c of it being so hot and working out.
What a lady
AHMED - FUCK OFF. I am sick of these nasty messages. I am marrying. Lots of men found my attractive to date. You are cruel - after two years of this, a wedding dress, and missed in person meetings, with more than $16 billion in the courts.
Why are you stealing from me and spreading my business - when lawyers told you to meet in person and SHUT UP!!
You are ruining everything for me and my hubby. WHY??
2. IT IS ME sUCKING DICXK with those nails.
3. It is our 5000 flim flim - so why are you telling my friends what they know - me in bed. in public.
4. You do not know these women - it is me in bed - you are telling them.
5. IT IS MY WEDING STOry - I spoke to KELLY WERNER, ANGIE MCQUEEN, LAPUMA WOMEN, everyone to plan a wedding for AHMED & Lisa Miceli- if not just an engagement party.
6. I DATED TOM BENGE, the cop and had long nails sucking his dick. MJ sued me - to pay child support.

You sure you don’t know?

I am telling HAMMY that you strapped me to a bed in a room with azure walls (and pink handcuffs), and finger fucked my for house, before cumming on my face.... b/c you claimed that I made you masturbate for hours to flim flim.
I am going to party now, sun down. have you ever been to the sundown inn in raleigh, nc - it is a dump!
I need in your accounts and you checking ccounts as well, you do not know what you are saying of doing - I am psychology. I do not know what ANGIE MCQUEEN thinks is so funny or crazy.


lisa miceli


WHERE ARE YOU HERPES MAN.. need meds? are you taking dildos in your ass? why on your ass??
Do you not know how to clean your ass?? I sent you photos of my perfect ass... waxed and gorgeous!!

NO HERPES, VAGINAL BIRTH - but destroyed my pussy... will do C section if not water birth. MY PUSSY LIPS were soo swollen after birth.



Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

What is this shit??

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

You mean the shit you wrote? Your inevitable demise is near, Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli said...


You jealous of me marrying HHJ, and wanted to start shit where there is none??

Who are you and what is your problem??

I am not allowed to chat with my fiancee? b/c you wanted to contact him behnid my back and ask him for MILLIONS of dollars in some illegal trading deals??

HOOKERs are illegal in the USA.

How am I the hooker, when HH proposed to me 7 times, and I sent him ALL PAPERWORK for my DUBAI wedding??


WHAT? my career? my company? my marraige??



Are you ruined? by what? misery loves company?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MY WHOLE LIFE is in the USA COURTS - sure find the lies - my life is an open book, so please.

I am writing it as such as well.

I have nothing to hide.

I expect to get paid for my book according to USA LAWS.

So, what are your empty threats about??

Your mental illness?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli =- THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I do not manage this web blog, so I suggest that you find out.. before you make threats.

Second, this is and are my emails being exposed, not yours.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

WAS it not ANGIE MCQUEEN that wanted to expose you, HH??

Not me, Lisa Miceli??

You might have us confused.,

HH was to marry Lisa Miceli, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

The promises were to Lisa Miceli, not ANGIE MCQUEEN - adn he was not a con artist at the time.

he is now a con artist and astler to Lisa Miceli.

Thank you ANGIE MCQUEEN for your FREEDOM of SPEECH; however, you do not speak for me.

Stop contacting people behind my back and making threats to me everyday.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I am writing in private email to AHMED, who set up the CHUBBY account for Lisa Miceli exclusively.

So, who is exposing me and making threats.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

So, who is exposing me and making threats.

The only threats are coming from you Lisa. Who is exposing you? Why the very person you sent all these emails to........... Chubbs of course.

Keep them coming Chubbs.
LOL So lawyer Bob is going after Mama's retirement money. Oh boo hoo. Where did all your so called millons run off to ?
Just as I thought it was all monopoly money.
There was not, has not, never will be money .

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Wishful thinking Joyful, I'm sure she meant "Ange is pregnant by Dante..."

As for being odd, come on Joyful, you're talking about Lisa, you know the skank who claims she's engaged to a man she's never met, got pregnant via the internet, beleives everybody wants to be her, thinks she's rich, thinks she owns the name LAPUMA, lies to her son about who his father is, etc.

I could go on and on but I just don't have the time. LOL

Btw, welcome back!

August 25, 2010 10:36 AM

WHAT IS YOU REAL NAME? and addresses please?

Kelly Scott, I do not need your comment s in my marraige, whether you are a hooker in it or not.

My marraige is none of your business. LURING DANTE, woill get you a prison term, not DANTE or Lisa Miceli's identity of life.

You are all going to prison.

PEPE LAPUMA, KELLY SCOTT = you are not Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

WHO is trying to have children for me, please?

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

How am I the hooker,

one that hooks

Prostitute/transitive verb
to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money

60 $ for anal sex ring a bell?

pay me so i can have sex with you , ring any bells?

I have been having internet sex with you where is my money, ring any bells?

Need more examples?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

She Needs Mental Help
Well she was a busy little bee last night because I woke up to dozens of emails this morning. She is totally whacked. Her two oddest claims are...

1. She has an ear infection from oral sex

and the biggie & most disgusting

2. Ange is pregnant by Dante who she met on Lisa's wedding night (I really hope she meant Ahmed but with whackjob you just never know)
Posted by Joyful1218 at 7:05 AM 2 comments

ANGIE MCQUEEN, like you other ID THEFT stalking extortionist are not the mother of DANTE.

YOUR DEMANDS are insane of me and HH.

No one asked for your help - for anything.

We can hire lawyers and files are sealed for my son's protection.

My family life is none of your business, PEPEW LAPUMA I will vdrinknig (GULPING) ACE of S{ADES when you are arrested in a court of law.

NONE of you are Lisa Miceli, HH 's fiancee or wife.

You are USA HOOKERS, who cover your hookng with my marriage and my life illegally.

I do not have to give over HH and my Uncle VICTOR's personal email address, to stop the extortion nad threats....

1. To ruin my name
2. ruin my career
3. ruin my businesses
4. ruin my marriage/engagement

CLEARLY, you need to be hauled off the internet, as you have no self control.

Kelly Scott has violent fantasies ad she thinks that she is MAFIA for Michael Jordan!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

LISA MICELI is the only mother of DANTE - stop stalking a 6 yr old, for sex and money.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

You stalking extortionists need to be in priosn, I GET YOUR HUBBY's penis, in exchange for your mental breakdown... okay??

sound fair to you??

Ok, how much will your hubby pay me?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

REALLY?? SO, the internet does come up in a court of law, as an issue, that costs people, careers and marraiges.

Some people even go to jail over it.

Guess you cannot say anything onlnie, and then do anything you want under some "2 consenting adults" rule.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


I was wondering, this is ALI BARAB, I was wondering if you would trade yourt [professional reputation for some of Lisa Miceli's private information, please???

I want to use it to get money from her or sex....

My name is ALI BABRA.

Is that fair and okay to you??

What do you get in return??

A lost law license and maybe jail??

Sounds like a good deal, are you okay with that??

Was that extortion???

Your friend,


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
So, who is exposing me and making threats.

The only threats are coming from you Lisa. Who is exposing you? Why the very person you sent all these emails to........... Chubbs of course.

Keep them coming Chubbs.
LOL So lawyer Bob is going after Mama's retirement money. Oh boo hoo. Where did all your so called millons run off to ?
Just as I thought it was all monopoly money.
There was not, has not, never will be money .

August 26, 2010 10:06 AM

BOO HOO, jealous of the MICELI and LAPUMA money, sounds like it.

You and CHUBBY in cohorts..??


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Chubbs & I are 2 peas in a pod.
Chubbs is the sun & I am the moon .

Chubbs posts & I read.Quite simple actually. But then talking to you everything must be kept simple.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

SEX AS A SPORT - with all of the ugly stalking extorting bullies, sounds like it.

What did ANGIE MCQUEEN confess to on my wedding night with HH, that she went to a lawyer for??

1. id theft
2. federal invasion of privacy.
3. cyber stalking
4. copyright infringement
5. prostitution
6. extortion

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

EDUCATE yourself on FATWAS please.

Especially since you are speaking to a MUSLIM man.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Does Michael Jordan have any property in NYC, please?

Anyone know?

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

EDUCATE yourself on FATWAS please.

Especially since you are speaking to a MUSLIM man.

Lisa A. Miceli


Thank you for confirming what we all suspected.

Anonymous said...

Especially since you are speaking to a MUSLIM man.

Lisa A. Miceli

well i guess thats proof, as if the stache & man hands werent enough.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

EVERYONE TRYING HELP ANGIE MCQUEEN, or anyone but Lisa Miceli -get with HH Sheihk Ahmed - get yourself - this is my wedding blogs, set up by HH with me.

Have a problem with the other pimps & hookers, not the fiancee and HH.

Stop contacting us, unless we contact you.

SAUDI ARABIA issued a fatwa, on ANGIE MCQUEEN and my business, and proper conduct with HH Sheikh Ahmed.

That being said, there is no two consenting adult laws, there are family laws and contract laws and criminal laws.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

What started you, HH invading my privacy and posting these emails online?>

Did you not ask me to shut them down and proposed to me agian July 1. 2010??

So, why did PEPE LAPUMA go to the UK JULY 21??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Wishful thinking Joyful, I'm sure she meant "Ange is pregnant by Dante..."

As for being odd, come on Joyful, you're talking about Lisa, you know the skank who claims she's engaged to a man she's never met, got pregnant via the internet, beleives everybody wants to be her, thinks she's rich, thinks she owns the name LAPUMA, lies to her son about who his father is, etc.

I could go on and on but I just don't have the time. LOL

Btw, welcome back!

August 25, 2010 10:36 AM

PEPE, you think that you are funny- did you not meet HH from my blogs and then fly to UK to have sex with a man that you never met?? who is engaged to Lisa Miceli?

HELLO?? WHY??I never met YOU!! You are not to talk aobut me or my son, and confuse people using my last name.

You know AHMED better than me now?? b/c you are a stalking extortionist hacking prostitute??

I have spoken to him for 2 years, the rest the none of your business.

He proposed to me JULY 1 - you knew that and called my son, CRAZY!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Did n ot PEPE LAPUMA clam to be pregnant, and ANGIE MCQUEEN and you all are tripping over yourself to answer for me and do everythng for me, for money.. that is not yors.. and you ewere not invited into my life or even asked?

YOU ARE LIARS - CON ARTISTs, ANGIE MCQUEEEN had to get naked on my patrenity, why not hers??

the FBI and CIA love her, why??

Has she ever been to SWITZERLAND??

Why is she and the black girls competing for a man that does nt know them - MJ or HH??

They dated me or are engaged to me??

Did not HH go to her house and brag about it online?? raping her in the ass, b/c of me with MJ?? and my sex texts??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Of course, when he was engaged to Lisa Miceli - he proposes to me and then never shows up.

PEPE LAPUMA, your two consening adult theory is wrong.

HH and Lisa Miceli met online and have spoken ion the phone for 2 years and to our family members, how is he a stranger?

We sned videos back ad forth to one another and chat and photos... and make plans, when we are not hacked.

I was hacked after HH Prince Hamden wrote back to me.

HH spoke to my mother. MJ went to Dubai for the GRAND OPENING of ATLANTIS.

You women are nuts, to stalk me and interfere with me and HH - with bs.

You women do not know HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai or Lisa Miceli - you know what you have read.

Pepe LaPuma - HH has a better chance of being with my son, then you do with my son.

The competition in here, makes no sense.

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

chubbs those are too damn funny! And odd. And sad, in a way, cause they really just prove what a lost cause she is.

"Ohhhhhhhhh. Chasing you online.. so we can meet up and drink some wine - MERTIAGE is my favorite. "

I didn't know Franzia made "Mertiage"...

Paradise said...

Leroy says to tell you to give him a call

Anonymous said...

WTF? Lisa should hook p with this guy

Lisa A. Miceli =- THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

FAKE??? 911 calls??

did you not bed women under my name, while engaged to me...and then gift them my gifts?

and wonder if they are pregnant as a result.

HAREMS in the USA are illegal.

You are playing a cruekl game on yourself.

It was me or no one in these blgos or my biz, family, or bloogers.. we asked for an order of protection AHMED.

Hope you did not bed any of these women b/c they are going to jail for EXTORTON....

ANYTHING of value, being threatened for - he is my everything - my marrige, my children and my money - b/c he hacks my computer.

Angie and the hooekrs are going to jail for their scheme - am I to be whacked, so you can steal everything from me, KELLY SCOTT??


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED was to contact me and party with me, not these bloggers alone.

I party all of the time, that was the first conversations.

The hackers and ANGIE McQueen to gang up on me, over sex with AHMED and being cool smoking pot and partying, when it was me, that cobntacted him and told him who I am - he wasnot with any of you. you used my names, my stories and my biz to get in contact with him, solely to back-stab me!!!!!

She was conping my emails, AHMED - I told you to leave me alnoe and fCKoff, when we first me, not after that, b/c of your questioning.

LOL FOREVER.,. LOL, LIsa Miceli and AHMED =fORV EVER , LOL forever.

Did ANGIE McQueen AND LIANNN and RAJ and you get arrested for being in the car... lol, lol .. drugs or sex or both..
I am your biggest nightmare ANGIE MCQUEEN - b/c this is my fiancee - he proposing to Lisa Miceli ANGIE MCQUEEN.
He thought that I was with RAJ - toes in the sand is what he said to me, b/c we all talked on the phone... DUMBASS!

ANGIE MCQUEEN was ntot to met with AHMED offline as well as PEPE LAPUMA was not to met AHMED offline - it is Lisa Miceli's marriage that is being extorted for.

AHMED is fAKE - b/c oyu women are going to prison.

I drink. I party. I have meetings at my house and hotel.

I have sex.
I dance.

This was my story and always will be.

THEY STEAL MY ID - and it is extortion of them - it is still extortion of Lisa Miceli.

STALKERS GO TO jAIL = PEPE LAPUMA, ALI BABRA, AND ANGIE MCQUEN are stalkers, it would have ben MJ or anyone else. that I was dating.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED was to contact me and party with me, not these bloggers alone.

I party all of the time, that was the first conversations.

The hackers and ANGIE McQueen to gang up on me, over sex with AHMED and being cool smoking pot and partying, when it was me, that cobntacted him and told him who I am - he wasnot with any of you. you used my names, my stories and my biz to get in contact with him, solely to back-stab me!!!!!

She was conping my emails, AHMED - I told you to leave me alnoe and fCKoff, when we first me, not after that, b/c of your questioning.

LOL FOREVER.,. LOL, LIsa Miceli and AHMED =fORV EVER , LOL forever.

Did ANGIE McQueen AND LIANNN and RAJ and you get arrested for being in the car... lol, lol .. drugs or sex or both..
I am your biggest nightmare ANGIE MCQUEEN - b/c this is my fiancee - he proposing to Lisa Miceli ANGIE MCQUEEN.
He thought that I was with RAJ - toes in the sand is what he said to me, b/c we all talked on the phone... DUMBASS!

ANGIE MCQUEEN was ntot to met with AHMED offline as well as PEPE LAPUMA was not to met AHMED offline - it is Lisa Miceli's marriage that is being extorted for.

AHMED is fAKE - b/c oyu women are going to prison.

I drink. I party. I have meetings at my house and hotel.

I have sex.
I dance.

This was my story and always will be.

THEY STEAL MY ID - and it is extortion of them - it is still extortion of Lisa Miceli.

STALKERS GO TO jAIL = PEPE LAPUMA, ALI BABRA, AND ANGIE MCQUEN are stalkers, it would have ben MJ or anyone else. that I was dating.


HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai has to cnme to my house or go to jail for stalking me.!!!

I already contacted the police - to get him out of your lives and back into mine or jail!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I live in the USA.. I own my own life.
Stop using my emails for money.

I need money more than these women, b/c he ruined my careers with you.

AHMED AND LISA MICELI are a team, not you and bloggers.. they all have other men at home.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...
I need money more than these women, b/c he ruined my careers with you.


Anonymous said...

I am your biggest nightmare ANGIE MCQUEEN

Lisa you are EVERYONES nightmare. Your parents, MJ, the meadville freaking police department, your brother, your uncle, etc etc etc and most importantly poor Dante.

And don't reply with your third grader "you mean ___________ whoever your victim of the day is" I mean YOU, YOU Lisa Ann Miceli of Grove Street. You are a middle aged, wish you were a has-been even, grow the fuck up! You're juvinile bullshit- "I know you are but what am I.." You suck!

Anonymous said...

A- I drink.
B- I party.
C- I have meetings at my house and hotel.
D- I have sex.
E- I dance.

A- How does drinking go with your "legal" speed?
B- No you don't
C- No you don't- unless it's a meeting between all the voices in your head
D- No you don't- Treadmills don't count
E- No you don't- Attemping to work that fact hairy ass like Ange does, does NOT qualify as "dancing"

Anonymous said...

Not "fact", "FAT"

Anonymous said...

HH and Lisa Miceli met online and have spoken ion the phone for 2 years

If this this is all that qualifies as an "engagement" I'm in trouble. I have been speaking on the phone with the cable company, phone company, power company for years! Oh god! Whats a girl to do?? Wait does that mean I get alimony because I've been married to this sweet sexy thang, named T-mobile for 15 years! Hmm. I'm gonna call my lawyer, who do you recommend Lisa? :P
Suck it LAM.

Anonymous said...

nice spin on " engagement"

She couldn't be a bigger loser/freak

Anonymous said...

Haha, you would think she couldn't be any more of a loser, but she continually seems to have a never-ending supply of douchbagery.


Anonymous said...
nice spin on " engagement"

She couldn't be a bigger loser/freak

August 27, 2010 9:45 AM

YOU MEAN YOU - DUBAI is broke.. ad you are conspiring behind my back for money.
CHUBBS, you contact MJ behind my back - you go to jail!!!

She has my veils and my rings now. what I was waiting for for my wedding..

THE LOSER is ANGIE MCQUEEN contacting FBI AND POLICE to be protected for my property and getting arrested instead.

CENSUS WANTS TO KNOW if her birthday is OCT 14 of FEB 25 or JUNE 24?? when??
You proposed marriage to Lisa Miceli and then you make threats online to me.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is n ot to be in our lives EVER!!

She is not to use CHUBBY account when RAJ is not making her any money.

Who do I have sex with for AHMED to make money??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

THE WEDDING DATE, is when the STALKERS STOP - ANGIE MCQUEEN KELLY SCOTT, PAMMY, PARIS, AND others who think Lisa Miceli is fair game or the bloggers no here who want to call for my JET.

I married aHMED ONLINE - where is my JET?

PEPE LAPUMA - fake name ,what was her real name??
Kelly Werner and her lawyers need to be in prison- you do not contact my fiancee EVER - GET JOB, FIND A MAN, and make friends!!!

This man is in MIDDLE EAST, not the USA!!!!

LISA MICELI was living in CA with AHMED, for DANTE - not ANGIE MCQUEEN !!!

RAPE AND MURDER GAMES of Lisa Miceli are over!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

$16 BILLION JUDGMENT from the NC REAL ESTATE COMMISSION for black-listing is being looked at by FBI.


I am the wifey, ANGIE MCQUEEN si the loser, my rocks is she under them, b/c she ac ted out my emails and pretended to be Lisa Miceli.


Lisa A. M iceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Did we jsut have sex HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai, so I am a loser??

My wedding dress needs pressed, my legs are shaved.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

BE A DAD AShOLE LOSERS, not pussy stlakers who stole my words or my id.

YOU ARE FUNNY AHMED - my exact words, on my wedding bliss BLOGS!!!!

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai did not get that and fucked PEPE LAPUMA in the UK - b/c she repeated me and my wedding blogs??

STILL WAITING for LISA MICELI to marry him.. but ANGIE MCQUEEN and PePe Lapuma show for my engagement.

WHYB WOULD YOU CONMTCT MY FIANCEE PEPE OR ANGIE MCQUEEN - why?? why contact him when my blogs are for LISA MICELI's wedding - not you!!!

EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli - not AHMED - he is not a BRIDE!!!!

20 yrs in prison- for being an asshole stalking me and repeating me and trying to hurt me for marrying well ...

DAN TE is riding horses todfay - great wom en you are - you are losing your kids for 20 yrs.

ANGIE McQueen left MAYA home by herself to go to hotel with AHMED!!!

WHO is YOLANDA?? the baby siotter for sex with AHMED? he has to bring his own sister for ANGIE' kids - when he is engaged to Lisa Miceli and marrying her.. and she has somenoe at her house to take care of dANTe.

PEPE LAPUMA you a nanny for me.. for DANTE..

You wanted to take care of DANTE - ALI BARBA and got on a JET - where was Lisa Miceli and DANTE - this is my blog!!!!!

YOU CONTACTED from my blogs.

Lisa Miceli is AHMED's PRINCESS with perfect c redit from my family - and my house is on the way.. and so is my JET - it is the LaW!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Leonardo DiCaprio was granted a restraining order against a woman who claims she's married to the actor ... and even carrying his child -- whom she says is Jesus.

According to documents filed in L.A. County Superior Court, DiCaprio claims Livia Bistriceanu has repeatedly attempted to contact him through emails ... and has even tried to visit with him in person.

DiCaprio says in his declaration, "I am frightened of Ms. Bistriceanu and feel that my personal safety, and the personal safety of those around me, is in jeopardy."

In the legal docs, Leo's lawyer submitted a creepy, handwritten letter from Bistriceanu, in which she says, "You wrote to me 2 years ago that you love me and you don't love another women (sic). You said I talk to you soon and it past 2 years already and still you don't want to talk to me. Why?"

The Al Maktoums should follow suit and get a restraining order against Lisa ASAP

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Good for fucking HOLLYWOOD

I need a restraining order for HALF of HOLLYWOOD dating AHMED!!!

- AL Maktoums are real people,. not HOLLYWOOD, and made first contact with Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Mo told me to fly to Dubai to get HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai out of my sex life and my businesses.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Get deleting evidence in a copyright claim, automatic win.

HH Sheikh Ahmed, does not know USA laws.

I own my life, I am not a lsave- I am te wife, n umver 3 from the USA.. not ANGIE MCAQWUEN who stole my emails, ACTEd them out on You Tube and called a PRODUCER to sell my show to the PRODUCER my fiancee.

CHUBBY was my account set up by AHMED - all lies.... did everyone get what they wanted from HH.. and are now gone!!!

NOT YOUR MARRIAGE AND NOT YOUR PREGNANCY - 2 yrs dating is nothing in the USA!!!

We could not chat or date in the USA -

ANGIE MCQUEEN needs to be in prioson - for her 80 videos, when living with a man!!!!
Ahmed propsed to me na dmade fun of me living with my parents.. SEND the JET and ASSA for my things please.

Last summer, ANGIE McQueen was trying to call AHMED to meet.. for me.. and then not call me!!!

MONDRIAN hotle v ideos.. I cannot call Lisa Miceli - she is no another planet.. ANGRY that she kept claling me when Ahmed and I were in bed.. on phone!!!!

STUPID BLONDES are like children - GROW UP .. I do not owe you my sex life!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

REALLY, where is aHMED?

He did not know ANGIE McQueen or Raj or my bloggers, and you post that HARASSING bullshit, MARCH 2009, I was filing a police report against all bloggers and ANGIE MCQUEEN to get married and HH SHeikh Mo approved.

SENT the request for more security to my house... to give to law enforcement.

EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli - NY ANGIE MCQUEEN.. or like MJ a waanbe extortionist.

ANGIE MCQUEEN does not know if I am or did date Michael Jordan - she did not live in NC when I dated - teen yrs to prove dating MJ is insane!!!!!

DATING is not STALKING someone.

AHMED was to com to his fianceee house that he proposed n ot ANGIE MCQUEEN who Lisa Miceli was speaking with on the phone.

Taping phone calls nad releasing emails on the internet.

WRONG HOUSE AND WRONG woman at HOTEL and you are now a vicious ASSHOLE to me, like I did some switch or criminal fraud.ANGIE's good body, does n ot do it for AHMED - hshe has to prete4dnt obe Lisa Miceli -to get him relief and if not, he is pissed off.

AHMED wants Lisa Miceli in bed, not any of you..

He clearly raped by ANGIE MCQUEEN and is not turned on by her.. needs to argue with Lisa Miceli first.

He needs me for sex- then DUMP ANGIE MCQUEEN !!!


Get her out of our marraige, please!!!!!


ANGIE MCQUEEN is the liar, not Lisa Miceli!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli =- THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli =- THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MJ NEEDS TO GRAB A TOY and visit me and DANTE..


EXPOSURE is DUBAI culture not USA culture!!!!!!

20 yrs ANGIE, my ton gue will be sticking out at you.. it was not your marraige and not your wedding scheme and plans. YOU COPIED VERBATIM!!!

80 videos and phone calls behind my back until he was at your house or hotel and not mine.. !!!

and meet my fiancee.. and claim a relation ship that does not exist.. he is with me online 24 hours a day!!!

JULY 1, 2010 he is engaged to Lisa Miceli - FUCK THE SKY BAR - is criminal conspriracy!!!!

GTELL MY UNCLE A JUDGE AND MY LAWYERS the wedding date - so I can m eeet you in USA and fly to DUBAI to marrty and then put my marriage certificate on file in the USA!!!

COPYRIGTY LAWs, c YBER STALKING = 5 yrs in prisn- then you can marry my SHEIKH!!!!

20 for extortion -

I am not goin g to be miseralbe for the next 20 yrs, b /c someone wants to be a smart ass and beat me to my own wedding.. dor no reason other than her own mental illness

PARABNOID SCHIZO!!! Not your wedding and has nothing to do with YOU!!!!

GIVe up and go back to RAJ or a new man.. not AHMED AND LISA MICELI!

AHMED does not own me as a slave to pass my emails to you to act out or meet him anywhere!!!!!

You do n ot c hange lives when plans are already made!!!

AHMED does not know ANGIE MCQUEEN -never met her.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli =- THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MJ NEEDS TO GRAB A TOY and visit me and DANTE..


EXPOSURE is DUBAI culture not USA culture!!!!!!

20 yrs ANGIE, my ton gue will be sticking out at you.. it was not your marraige and not your wedding scheme and plans. YOU COPIED VERBATIM!!!

80 videos and phone calls behind my back until he was at your house or hotel and not mine.. !!!

and meet my fiancee.. and claim a relation ship that does not exist.. he is with me online 24 hours a day!!!

JULY 1, 2010 he is engaged to Lisa Miceli - FUCK THE SKY BAR - is criminal conspriracy!!!!

GTELL MY UNCLE A JUDGE AND MY LAWYERS the wedding date - so I can m eeet you in USA and fly to DUBAI to marrty and then put my marriage certificate on file in the USA!!!

COPYRIGTY LAWs, c YBER STALKING = 5 yrs in prisn- then you can marry my SHEIKH!!!!

20 for extortion -

I am not goin g to be miseralbe for the next 20 yrs, b /c someone wants to be a smart ass and beat me to my own wedding.. dor no reason other than her own mental illness

PARABNOID SCHIZO!!! Not your wedding and has nothing to do with YOU!!!!

GIVe up and go back to RAJ or a new man.. not AHMED AND LISA MICELI!

AHMED does not own me as a slave to pass my emails to you to act out or meet him anywhere!!!!!

You do n ot c hange lives when plans are already made!!!

AHMED does not know ANGIE MCQUEEN -never met her.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa a. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN - you are the third party child in this relationship!!

STOP phone us and our marraige for sex...

like a child... and crying that you need sex from whoever I am dating!!!!!

She was contacting me nad then AHMED and then lying to me about contacting AHMED. You were Lisa Miceli's friends... acting like a baby or a child.

ANGIE's pedophilia claims - do not let HH Sheikh AHMED in your house.

RICHARD SHAEFER is he in your house with your kids??

I am pro dchoice, not a murderer.. ANGIE MCQUEEN is a childf, I cohse to nhot have in my lfie. Make your won money and find your own.

STALKERS make up shit to hurt people...

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli =- THE B RIDE 2 B said...

WHO set the hooker deals up on my name - RAJ, the INDIAN man.. he was broke!!!

AHMED is fucked in the HEAD now!!

It is my own potential billions - not yours. ANGIE MCQUEEN.
You are hooker drunk stlaker extortionist, what do you know about money. NOTHING!!!!

I know her is short. very short.

SMALL dick ,not man enough.

I said small DICK - FLACCID so MJ does not go to jail for criminal conspiracy!!!!

Marry Lisa Miceli ASAP AHMED - meer in person, b /c of biz deals.

NOW, DUBAI is broke!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

Anon @ 4:30p

Interesting Dicaprio story -- stalkers are waaaay too common in Hollywood, and the vast majority of the most relentless ones are schizophrenics, like our delicate little lesbian wannabe princess, Lisa.

I don't know that she's actually been able to CONTACT the real Ahmed. She may have fired off a couple of hundred emails to some random addresses, but actually to get him a message that he would see? Probably not. But who knows?

In any case, I'm not sure how an international restraining order would work or if it's even theoretically possible.

Now, if the loon ever managed to reach Dubai, and showed up at you-know-who's house/palace/whatevah...well the Dubai authorities would probably get involved.

Now THAT would be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if you are mentally capable of answering a direct question, Lisa:

So, does "Ahmed" know Ange or not? You seem to be all over the map on it. In fact, here's a quote from one of your recent posts:

"AHMED does not know ANGIE MCQUEEN -never met her.

Lisa A. Miceli

August 27, 2010 6:35 PM"

So, does he know her or not?

Anonymous said...

Lisa A Miceli said

STALKERS make up shit to hurt people...

Bwaaaaaahahahaaaa oh the irony of THAT statement from the president of stalkers R us LISA ANN MICELI.
And to attempt to stop you at the pass, no LISA ANN MICELI is do not mean anyone but YOU. YOU are the main attraction at the stalker club you freakin wack job!

Lisa A. Miceli - THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa A Miceli said

STALKERS make up shit to hurt people...

Bwaaaaaahahahaaaa oh the irony of THAT statement from the president of stalkers R us LISA ANN MICELI.
And to attempt to stop you at the pass, no LISA ANN MICELI is do not mean anyone but YOU. YOU are the main attraction at the stalker club you freakin wack job!

August 27, 2010 8:07 PM

YOU ARE ON MY BLOG STALKER - not the other way aroud, MJ and I dated, and no secuity used 3 bodyguards to remove me form MJ'
s presence.

ANGIE MCQUEEN = STALKER FROM HELL, at the bottom of my hotel MONDRIAN HOTEL - call Lisa .. I cannot!!!!!

I dated these men, who are you, post your info so you my lawyers can serve you with a ORDER for CRIMINAL LIBEL!!!!!

STALKING = is a 5 yr prison term, ANGIE MCQUEEN cannot call me for men, EXTORTION!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = WHERE is my money?? said...



LISA MICELI's wedding is screwed and her son's money again DELAYED!!!!!

AHMED is the stalker of Lisa Miceli - he is in my YAHOO - funny you call Lisa Miceli a stalker.

HE is in my account!!!

HELD HoSTAGE until he sends a JET for me...


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

You are on my blog stalking me and tryin g to be lcoser to CHUBBY than Lisa M iceli - but you met him from Lisa Miceli!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

You are on my blog stalking me and tryin g to be lcoser to CHUBBY than Lisa M iceli - but you met him from Lisa Miceli!!


Lisa A. Miceli

chimerafemme said...

Whaw Whaw Whah. SSDD.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's see if you are mentally capable of answering a direct question, Lisa:

I guess you have the definitive answer on that one Anon

Ali Babra said...

Daddy's girl is ba-aaaaack...

Jealous much?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

IS AHMAD on tape at ANGIE MCQUEEN's house??

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

"I dated these men, who are you, post your info so you my lawyers can serve you with a ORDER for CRIMINAL LIBEL!!!!!"

Oh just shuuuuttt up Lisa. No one is going to give your their private info, including the "Sheikh" obviously. Law 101, it aint libel if its true. The only one committing libel against you is YOU, and all the voices in your head!

Lisa a. Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
"I dated these men, who are you, post your info so you my lawyers can serve you with a ORDER for CRIMINAL LIBEL!!!!!"

Oh just shuuuuttt up Lisa. No one is going to give your their private info, including the "Sheikh" obviously. Law 101, it aint libel if its true. The only one committing libel against you is YOU, and all the voices in your head!

August 28, 2010 5:12 AM

The voice I hear in my hed, is ANGIE MCqueen - so YOU ARE RIGHT!! Why? b/c I got off the phone with her and watched her sickening hotel videos.

Did everyone know that AHMAD was at the MONDRIAN HOTEL when she was there??


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN is jealous, calls AHMAD behnid my back every time that I make plans with hinm.
She met him from me. for business in the USA... for our sons fro pro athletes.

When and where did I ever say sex with aHMADF as part of a TV SHOW - ? NEVER - these were my private emaisl to AHMAD for our sex life.. as two consenting adults.

Who are you perverts revealing my sex life and are not me or AHMAD???!!!!

Sounnds like AHM AD claled ANGIER MCQUEEN and confirmed that we were in fact getting married, HH and Lisa Miceli. She called FBI to complain and now wants to put AHMAD and Lisa Miceli in jail - for her money or jealousy!!!!!

I am not a lesbian.

ANGIE McQueen has a problem with sex, contacting other women, for their sex life...

We stopped the TV SHOW, so that I could get married. She called me a liar, so I had AHMAD tell her the truth, we are getting married!!!!

NEVER, EVER, EVER do I consent to AHMAD being with other women.. sexually!!!!!

Do I have to go on the NEWS- to say this to everyone internationally!!!!!?????

3 adults females acting like babies over my sex life need to be sent to jail for stalking.

I am allowed to chase my own property, once it was stolen!!!!!

I am ENGAGED means to contacting AHMAD.

Your extortion requests are all denied... DO NOT ASK ME FOR AHMAD EVER!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Where is AHMAD begging for sex from ANGIE MCQUEEN or ALI BABRA or PEPE LAPUMA??

NO, he is talking about Lisa Miceli an d her son, DANTE, not DEVON!!!!!!

WHY are you asking anything from me or AHMAD?? WHY??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


One of AHMAD 's USA handlers??

YOLANAD, AHMAD is at the wrong house., can you read?

IT IS A CRIME fro AHMAD to be with other women without me present!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN fatherless AMERICAN /autopsy woman, wanted the father of m child or my fiancee in prison.. b/c she is a child when it comes to other people's sex life!!!!

WHY do you care?? 2 consenting adults is Lisa Miceli - not ANGIE MCQUEEN and bloggers!!!!!

I am turned OFF by cheating and stalking and groupies!!!!


GET the fuck off my blogs calling me the fiancee, the stalker!!

What year is it AHMAD 2010??

Wasting my time and ruinng my money with lies.. and fucking hookers from hell that need to be in prison!!!??

ANGIE, PAMMY, AND PARIS you are in the FBI - ask your mom my and daddy for what you asked of Lisa Miceli.

Can I clown you?? for your own money?
can I fuck your man and make a fool of you???

EXTORTION , ummmmmmm NO!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


What does that mean?

POLICE PROTECT - meaning tell the stalkers calling the police dept for TOM BENGE, (the sting on my sex life), and MJ and HH......

that one more contact , they go to prison - and help with a restraining order against them to stop the thefts.

SERVE... serve orders of protection, coordinate with other states.

I do psych testing for a living, NOT YOU.

Stop trying to diagnosis me illegally and unethically, and impossibley.

POLICE do reprotes and investigations, not call people DELUSIONAL. DO YOUR JOB =- they called you with the facts!!!!!

It is not a civil matter, with ANGIE MCQUEEN - there are no three people in a marriage!!!!

RAJ called AHMAD and she showed as a stripper or a hooker for AHMAD at a hotel and got arrested!!!

THIS IS MY MARRIAGE, not ANGIE MCQUEEN's she cannot show for me anywhere, she was not talking to HH -according to her
It was me personal contact for him!!!

I do not GIVE A FLYING FUCK about ANGIE MCQUEEN - she is not my fiancee.

What is her problem??

EXTORTION - get a job you and RAJ - get a job!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN cleary called STEPHEN BOYCE and tried to switch lives, she is with the INDIAN and I am with AHMAD!!

Am I stalking my blogs, so now I am not allowed to read my own blogs??

PEPE LAPUMA is ANGIE MCQUEEN - he porpsed to me and shows at her hotel or house 3 weeks later!!!

He proposes to Lisa Miceli again and 3 weeks later he is with PEPE LAPUMA in the UK- meeting my bloggers offline for my company.

He is in aviation not book writing!!

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. Miceli

LIsa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli = the REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMAD AND LISA MICELI asked for the same things- LEAVE US ALONE, do not contact us and we called the police.

Why are we in USA trouble??

EXTORTION.. what do you want??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I do not do online sex either ANGIE MCQUEEN - I prefer in person, stop contacting him.

EVERYONE stop contacting him and he will stop exposing me.

He thinks that I am with you and going to show with you, and you do not bring me... and he bashes me online!!

NO FORGIVENESS until AHMAD presses charges against these women.

I call police to arrest stalkers, nogt give them a thumbs up to bed AHMAD!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

PARIS, FRANCE for 3 months, was my HONEYMOON.... we are on the phone the whole time fighting.

Why are other women allowed to show up as Lisa Miceli for AHMAD!!!!!?????

AHMAD does not own my property no mater what??

So, he cannot gift my property to anyone in exchange for children.

I do not wnat ANGIE MCQUEEN's children with AHMAD or anyone else's.

$350,000 a month to get rid of you, ANGIE MCQUEEN is EXTORTION!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Was she with AHMAD or ANGIE MCQUEEN!!????

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
Especially since you are speaking to a MUSLIM man.

Lisa A. Miceli

well i guess thats proof, as if the stache & man hands werent enough.

August 26, 2010 2:42 PM

REALLY, who said nice hands b/c of my nails - then is DELUSIONAL??

The stache,?? you mean yours??

You owning my body again, without a marraige contract??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

1. ANGIE MCQUEEN accused Richard Shafer of being a pedophile.

2. ANGIE FALSELY ACCUSSS Lisa Miceli of bing Richar dShaefer's mistress, whegn she announces her engagement to HH.

3. ANGIE McQueen is wnating to sue RICHARD SHAFER for $100 MILLION.

4. What do I get out of this? A ruined and broken engagement!!!

EXTORTION... more examples needed on why I "harassed" the police??

And asked for security!!!!

PARTIES, was giving a list of names for our engagment parties, which ended up being leaked online!!!

Lisa Miceli is not allowed to marry or have kids, without HOLLYWOOD ruining interference...
iwth a TV SHOW or a tabloid article or a web-site.

EXTORTION people... !!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

There is still time for celebriry women to enhance ther skills, not for Lisa Miceli to marry and have a family.

AHMAD, where you in SOUTH AFRICA when you proposed to Lisa Miceli??

I tried to put my wedding to HH, in HH Sheikh Mo's name to protect us from extortion!!

In reality, Lisa Miceli wants to marry HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai and he proposed to me 7 times.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
"I dated these men, who are you, post your info so you my lawyers can serve you with a ORDER for CRIMINAL LIBEL!!!!!"

Oh just shuuuuttt up Lisa. No one is going to give your their private info, including the "Sheikh" obviously. Law 101, it aint libel if its true. The only one committing libel against you is YOU, and all the voices in your head!

August 28, 2010 5:12 AM

Then why is my private information on here?

why are you giving out the INFORMATION of a JUDGE onlnie, then?? to nobodies and low lives??

What do I get out of this, JAIL??


ANGIE MCQUEEEN will never be the mnoter of my children -horrible mother to EXTORT from Lisa Miceli!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

The voice I hear in my hed, is ANGIE MCqueen - so YOU ARE RIGHT!!

Yes, I know I'm right. I'm just glad you can admit that you hear voices in your head. This is a clear cut symptom of a mental illness, and you being the "psych tester" and in the field, you should know you need treatment.

chimerafemme said...

Okay, fine:

If Ahmed was at the hotel with Ange, so what? NO LAWS BROKEN. He is a grown man and can do what he wants with who he wants. YOU have no say in it. You can stomp your feet and rant and rave and act like white trash on the Maury show all you want, you have NO LEGAL rights to stop him or her. NONE. THere is no law that says the fiance/wife gets to pick who her husband talks to or fucks. NONE. There are moral reasons that a man wouldn't do that, but if he is that kind of man, he has no morals and why would you still want him?

Can't wait to hear the psycho/incoherant response to that.

Anonymous said...

In reality, Lisa Miceli wants to marry HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai and he proposed to me 7 times.

Lisa A. Miceli

August 28, 2010 8:26 AM

In reality you have no idea who you are emailing to online. Just because you believe and say they are someone doesn't make it true.

Chubby is NOT Sheikh Ahmed.
MJ is NOT Dante's father. (You really need to find Jimmy)
Lisa Miceli is a Whackjob.


yabba dabbadoo said...

The bats are so thick in that belfry of hers that they can't even freakin FLY anymore...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

yabba dabbadoo said...
The bats are so thick in that belfry of hers that they can't even freakin FLY anymore...

August 28, 2010 12:59 PM

YOU THINK THAT I AM ANGIE MCQUEEN - you needed to say that to that stalking whore, before she came in to my world.... now my MUSLIM HUBBY married and got pregnant some woman in a CHURCH in the USA and then flew to Dubai and stayed at the EMIRATES PALACE.. EXTORTION of my wedding story.

She and others tihnk that MJ and I will pay iof thy get pregnant while he holds me and DANTE hostage for money!!!!

MARCH 2009 said the polcie report ... and the court hearing SEPT 11, 2010.

AHMAD married her in a CHRISTIAN CHURCH, I want my CATHOLIC CHURCH CEREMONY- and ANGIE MCQUEEN and said yes to that. She said that I am not MUSLIM, they are all terrorists and kill one another!!!!

It was not ANGIE MCQUEEN's TV SHOW - her photos all from the waist up - notice that!!!!
It was not her marriage to AHMAD either.

THIS IS MY BOOK, that STUPID people wanted to be in the MIDDLE OF. He propsed to me, adn cheating was death sentence.. and he was on the way to my house- WHAT HAPPEND??


Why did ANGIE MCQUEEN marry AHMAD, my online sex texts- so what, he was to be at my house, not her house!!!!!????

Ahmad she wants me to have the next kids of hers and mine, since she asked for my wedding!!!


She got her money back form the bank - it was fraud!!!

Where does she get off making threasts to Lisa Miceli? the REAL BRIDE 2 b??

She is telling me that she never met AHMED -so that she can have sex with my husband, whoever he is.. SICK FUCKING STALKING EXTORTIONISTS!!!!

Where are my rings and my veil please?
Stop using my accounts and my contacts!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

EVEN HENS CHEAT, where are those videos please??

AHMAD and I could not marry until ANGIE MCQUEN got money from us or sex or whatever she wanted, CORRECT??

OMAR HENRY, where is he? ANGIE McQueen claim bedding him and RAJ..

Why is she making threats to me and stole my ID and emials so my wedding is stalleed nmad my kids are stalled... She wanted me to have late and retarded children..???

EXTORTION of my whole life!!!


How was ANGIE MCQUEEN upset about me having sex with AHMAD. I am not a lesbian.

It was my day of beauty and that was JULY 22, 2009...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. M iceli

Notdafakecm said...

Lisa has been explicitly warned to stop emailing. & calling certain people of "importance" with her obnoxious, psychotic and stupid ramblings. If she continues (looks like she will), there will be serious consequences to pay. LOL!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

chimerafemme said...
Okay, fine:

If Ahmed was at the hotel with Ange, so what? NO LAWS BROKEN. He is a grown man and can do what he wants with who he wants. YOU have no say in it. You can stomp your feet and rant and rave and act like white trash on the Maury show all you want, you have NO LEGAL rights to stop him or her. NONE. THere is no law that says the fiance/wife gets to pick who her husband talks to or fucks. NONE. There are moral reasons that a man wouldn't do that, but if he is that kind of man, he has no morals and why would you still want him?

Can't wait to hear the psycho/incoherant response to that.

August 28, 2010 10:14 AM

THE KING OF SAUBIA ARBIA SAYS DIFFERENTLY and he didacts MUSLIM male behavior.. and put that fatwa in June 2009 when ANGIE McQueen threatened to get married and pregnant for me on my wedding night with HH SHeikh Ahmed bin Saeed bin Al Maktoum of Dubai and call it REALITY TV SHOW BUSINESS!!

NO CONSENTING SEXUAL LAW, that was Lisa M iceli to marry HH while married to two MUSLIM MIDDLE EASTERN WOMEN - not ANGIE MCQUEEN or other stalkers or bloggers!!!!

ANGIE McQueen is still speaking for Lisa Miceli - asking me what the poin t of her rushing ahead of me ot marry my fiancee was- SHE begs for a 20 yr prison cell!!!!


I told you of my marraige and start you own blogs and your own life!!!!

I am not giving over AHMAD to ANGIE MCQUEEN - that is EXTORTION.

I am not giving over MOMMY rights= again = EXTORTION!!!

You can have the retards that I am hearing in my ear from the destruction of the communications around me.. a little girl!!!

CRUEL.. HAMMY says that he is sterile now!!!

And we asked for you to stop!!!

MY COMMUNICATIONS are to b e private !!!!

I am not paiyng for you to marry AHMAD and or gift him your children... from Dante's money or mine.

DOLPHIN water birth only.. and pre natal testing, expensive birth!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ONCE I get my legal ccases under control, I will set up legit charities for autistic children.

Who is pretending to be Lisa Miceli - that needs me to pass my K? Y??

ANGIE MCQUEEN is speaking for both me and AHMAD.

NO one asked for her to do so.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Who are the people of "importance" that she has been told to stop contacting?

Anonymous said...

Just what autistic children need, a crazy bitch like you Lisa, with no problem calling special needs children retarded.
Good Luck with that.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

TAKE your games in your marriage, to you own blogs and offer everyone money, gifts and babies with your hubby.. NOT MINE!

USA harems are illegal!!!

SORRY, ANGIE MCQUEEN Lisa Miceli was first.

1. SPEAK SOFTLY to me.

2. Listen to me, when I say no - it is no.

3. I own my own money, not you.

4. I have my own kids, not you.

5. You respect me or go to jail.

6. Ahmad is pestering me for sex, and other sponsors of our wedding, not other women!!!

7. NO USA crimes will be tolerated.

8. ANGIE MCQUEEN does not speak for Lisa Miceli or HH Sheikh AHMAD!

9. Lisa M icelis emails are Lisa Miceli's emails- curious?? is Lisa Miceli.

10. SEX is sex- online or offline - me only.

11. This blog was for family to keep up with my travels.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

TAKE your competition somewhere else, I won when proposed to me 7 times!!

My marriafge is not about you.

I do not know you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Notdafakecm said...

Anonymous said...
Who are the people of "importance" that she has been told to stop contacting?

August 28, 2010 4:12 PM

I'll put it this way
Lisa has been going on an email fit & apparently a calling spree. The contacts have included lawyers, doctors, judges, police departments, and other important government agencies whose time she is wasting. I don't know what she's saying on the phone, but I have seen some of the responses she has received via email. It's not pretty at all. & since receiving her warnings, she has only slowed down slightly, but hasn't stopped. The worst part is the disgusting content in her contact. She talks about her desperation to get her pu$$y licked, anal sex, terrorism, making planes fall out the sky, killing people, and all the usual mumbo-jumbo she leaks. It’s pretty bad. OH WELL!

chimerafemme said...

Yep, I was right" Psycho/incoherant babbling about supposed laws in a counrty half way around the world. Yawn.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Not only did ANGIE MCQUEEN marry AHMAD an have a kid, but she wanted my TV SHOW as well - the exact words, as if she is me.


You pretend to be Lisa Miceli offline and have a baby for me, you go to jail!

What did I get in return nothing!!


FRAUD SCHEMES - it is now criminal fraud for me, that you wanted to marry AHMAD and have kids for me!!!

and other crimes..

do not think that I am not presssing charges on you.. 20 yrs for extortion - you will learn to shut up and find your own life an d money!!!!!

AHMAD cannot give you what he does not own - MY LIFE, MY MOMMY RIGHTS, and my career - and my wedding!!!!!!!

Why was AHMAD, WOMP, WOMP, WOMP, WOMP, WOMP, WOMP, throwing in my face, that he was at ANGIE's house or someone else's house for s.e.x.???

THE EMIRATES PALACE when ANGIE MCQUEEN was pregnant??? and he sends me photos- WHY??

Her vidoes, done in all one night??

DEVON - you want you tell us that ANGIE has more kids??

WHOSE the father???


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

THE ONLY WOMAN on AHMAD's mind is Lisa Miceli - not the ten frauds... the FBI has you on their mind.


3 flights a day, and ANGIE McQueen and RAJ know how to get to AHMAD's house and hotel.. the PALACE!!

JAN 2009 was to be my whisk away wedding in the MIDDLE EAST!!

I hope you never get squeezed out of your own life, for money-

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - the REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

SOMEONE send me instructions to AHMAd's house or hotel.

ANGIE MCQUEEN uses her credit and card and reverse the charges and claims that she was not in Dubai or the UK!!

UK, SOUTH AFRICA and DUBAI - which one and when AHMAD.

My son needs to see AHMAD and then Michael Jordan.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MUSTACHE - no hormone replacement therapy. bc I do not have a mustache.

None of my durgs are on here.

I was in the USA - so why were you attacking me over legal drugs!!

MARCH 2009, ANGIE MCQUEEN started her back-stabbing conspiracy to bred for Lisa Miceli with AHMAD even though AHMAD already proposed to me, and I was sick one time waiting to get healthy.

But, it was the lies online that made me sick!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Notdafakecm said...
Anonymous said...
Who are the people of "importance" that she has been told to stop contacting?

August 28, 2010 4:12 PM

I'll put it this way
Lisa has been going on an email fit & apparently a calling spree. The contacts have included lawyers, doctors, judges, police departments, and other important government agencies whose time she is wasting. I don't know what she's saying on the phone, but I have seen some of the responses she has received via email. It's not pretty at all. & since receiving her warnings, she has only slowed down slightly, but hasn't stopped. The worst part is the disgusting content in her contact. She talks about her desperation to get her pu$$y licked, anal sex, terrorism, making planes fall out the sky, killing people, and all the usual mumbo-jumbo she leaks. It’s pretty bad. OH WELL!

August 28, 2010 4:40 PM

I did not call you a FAKE SHEIKH - so please.

Who is the computer hack that ANGIEV MCQUEEN got my emails verbatim for my plans in DUBAI an for business!??????

Why is my computer being monitored by a man I am not married to???

RAJ thinks that he is Michael Jordan clearly and ANGIE MCQUEEN thinks that she is LIsa Miceli.

MJ sues many, many, many people, RAJ!!!

RAJ, how do I get to AHMADs house or hotel to ge my life back form ANGIE MCQUEEEN - MJ can sue his stupid fans!!

What was the point of ANGIE MCQUEEN, she bashed ME, AHMAD, and MUSLIMS.. why? to protect what she has ?? NO!!!!!

ANGIE wants my media with nothing in return - MORE EXTORTION of my celebrity!!!

3 flights a day and AHM AD has a house ans told me to meeet at the PALACE - so please - theives will be embarassed in the courts.

Where is the UK PEPE LAPUMA??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

If you are FBI - you know what extortion is, so I would not be libeling me.. and trying to bed my fiancee before me..

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN need to get her own life an dleave me alone.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
Daddy's girl is ba-aaaaack...

Jealous much?

August 28, 2010 2:40 AM

HH Sheikh AHMAD is my daddy.. and he told me to say to you, sorry DADDY does not love you!!!!

What comes around goes around ANGIE, you leave me in the dust with a kid.. when AHMAD was my daddy!!! and Michael Jordan before that.

ANGIE McQueen is clearly on drugs thin gk hat she is my DAD's child and MJ's girlfriends... playiong sports, womp, womp, wom p, womp....
not giving a shit about reality or truth!!!!!!
What is that heroin???
ALI BABRA, get a grip, my life has no bearing on you... you are sickening...

HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai wants everything MJ- you are not MJ and neither is ANGIE MCQUEEN or PEPE

AHMAD loves DANTE- so where is the all talk no action AHMAD!!!!

He is engaged to Lisa Miceli and adoptying DANTE b/c MJ abandoned.

GOLDEN RULE - and what comes around goes around - You told me to FUCK off and block everyone from Lisa Miceli's breasts.. b/c of her PLAYBOY OFFERS...

Why is my MIDDLE EASTERN HOUSE - ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ steal it from me, drugging AHMAD - so he has no conscience and beds ANGIE MCQUEEN and is forced to marry her?

Whern was the PALACE baby born ANGIE MCQUEEN??

SCREWING me out of my marriage and my children is a crimes- so make your catty comments and delusions.. or MAFIA style bpay back - I did not hurt AHMAD or MJ -

you did.. with lies!!!!

JULY 1, 2010 my next proposal.. how did PEPE LAPUMA show to the UK??

ANGIE is a pro stripper and a hooker and a scam artist so she knows how to pretend to be Lisa Miceli for gifts, PEPE and ALI BABRA are jealous... of her... and her crimes and going to jail for it.


Angie McQueen said yesterday, what was the point if I am going to jail and do not have a legit marriage.. NOTHING - you steal you go to jail!!

I want me MIDDLE EASTERN HOUSE, no pre martial sex AHMAD, while we are engaged and cheating is a death sentence...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Where is my RUSSIA story, to check the facts of my BOOK, about my dance teacher....

would love that to be a great trip with ME and AHMAD!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE FAKE BRIDE 2 B said...
Where is my RUSSIA story, to check the facts of my BOOK, about my dance teacher....

would love that to be a great trip with ME and AHMAD!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa A. Miceli = THE FAKE BRIDE 2 B said...
Where is my RUSSIA story, to check the facts of my BOOK, about my dance teacher....

would love that to be a great trip with ME and AHMAD!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli


August 29, 2010 1:53 PM

REALLY? that is why he asked for all of this information about me and proposed to me 7 times and sends my makeup tips for my wedding to him??

ANGIE MCQUEEN is delusional - she thinks that she married Michael Jordan and had a devil fest hoe down in Durham, NC or Chapel HILL, NC.

She is also psychotic to think that she can be me, for MJ, or AHMAD or anyone.

Stop stalking me and libeling me, EXTORTION!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

WHY are you soo mad at Lisa M iceli and attaacking my mnoey, if AHMAD was not raped by ANGIE MCQUEEN and then bitter about her pregnancies behind my back when he was in love with Lisa Miceli and engaged to he.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is a liar, and AHMAD was crying that ANGIE and RAJ aare scam artists!!!!

He proposed to me again, despite other pregnancies & weddings...

How are you married to him to have sex with him, if BIGAMY is illegal in the USA??

His online marriage to me is as valid as ANGIE MCQUEEN's marriage after me.

ARE they RAJ's kids?? not AHMAD's..

WHat is ANGIe's problem?? cyber stlaking is a 5 yr prison sentence, I am going to enforce sine she took that offline with me & with AHMAD!!!!!!
MUSLIMS do not drink..

AHMAD was drunk!!!!! ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ drugged him as well=- so I missed my wedding and ANGIE McQueen is pregnant!!!!


ANGIE MCQUEEN hates MUSLIMS, they are all murderers according to HER!!!

FBI AND POLICE cannot afford the damages from AHMAD & Lisa Miceli not marrying and having kids!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

WHOSE BILLS is RAJ trying to pay for??

BIRTHING bills, Lisa Miceli or ANGIE MCQUEEN??

STOP ANGIE AND RAJ from going to lawyers on my information.. and anyone else- stop trying to control my life!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

Since you're loving links these days, here's one ESPECIALLY FOR YOU and ABOUT YOU, LISA A MICELI:

By Mayo Clinic staff

The symptoms of schizoaffective disorder vary from person to person. Generally, people who have the condition experience psychotic symptoms — such as hallucinations, disorganized thinking and paranoid thoughts — as well as a mood disturbance, such as depressed or manic mood. They tend to be very antisocial and shunned by the people around them.

Signs and symptoms of schizoaffective disorder may include:

■Strange or unusual thoughts or perceptions
■Paranoid thoughts and ideas
■Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs
■Hallucinations, such as hearing voices
■Unclear or confused thoughts (disorganized thinking)
■Bouts of depression
■Manic mood or a sudden increase in energy and behavioral displays that are out of character
■Irritability and poor temper control
■Thoughts of suicide or homicide
■Irrelevant or incoherent speech
■Catatonic behavior — lack of response, sometimes with an extreme agitation that's not influenced by the environment
■Deficits in attention and memory
■Lack of concern about hygiene and physical appearance
■Changes in energy and appetite
■Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

When to see a doctor

If you suspect a friend or loved one may have schizoaffective disorder, be on the lookout for symptoms of psychosis as well as a mood disorder.

People with schizoaffective disorder aren't likely to seek treatment. You might gently suggest that the person seek medical attention, starting with a primary care physician or mental health professional. Be prepared to accompany the person if necessary.

Ali Babra said...

AHMAD was not raped by ANGIE MCQUEEN

AHMAD was crying

AHMAD was drunk!!!!!

AHMAD & Lisa Miceli not marrying and having kids!!!!

erm...How come you can't spell HH Sheikh Ahmed's name anymore? Oh that's right. You're not talking about the REAL Royal guy. Carry on, dumbass.

p.s. I know you're crazy, but wtf is this 'Womp Womp Womp' shyte? It cracks me up whatever it means...:p

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah,Lisa stop writing the same shit over and over, it makes you appear unbalanced.

How about some Sunday snark just to beak up the lunacy she's spewing peeps?

Dumbass Lisa Miceli said: "Why is my computer being monitored by a man I am not married to??"

Beacuase you cannot marry yourself and I'm pretty sure your a man as evidencd by your man hands, moustache, and beer belly.

Anonymous said...

Haha Ali, I too giggle everytime she womp, womp, womps. I don't know for sure, but to me it sounded like the teacher on Charlie Brown. Which is pretty much what her drivel sounds like. But as usual she just makes shit up & pretends she knows what's going on. Who knows, just my two cents :p

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMAD wrote that... not me.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...


He gets mad at me for her stalking me and other men and HER cheating!!!!!

B.c I gave him her contact, HER AND RAJ are pieces of shit.. !1

I hope that are arrested on 911..

LIsa A. Miceli

Philissitie said...

Ahmed wants to invite all the ladies out to box seats with their own entourage to their favorite sports event. Whose your favorite team, & what city shall he send the private plane to? This invite is excluded to anyone with the initials L.A.M.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Philissitie said...
Ahmed wants to invite all the ladies out to box seats with their own entourage to their favorite sports event. Whose your favorite team, & what city shall he send the private plane to? This invite is excluded to anyone with the initials L.A.M.

August 29, 2010 7:14 PM


I said for my TV SHOW, I would go to the NY YANKEES... if he wants to take me, then fine.

I do not want anyone's company but HH and my friends, not bloggers or Angie McQueen.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Pittsburgh, PA.... is closer.

AHMED, suggested MIAMI HEAT or Chicago, BULLS!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


BY the way, I just got hacked again.

BY WHOM?? Who is making my life hell??

Thank you AHMAD, I was nearly rendered insane for two weeks, talking to myself!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Beacuase you cannot marry yourself and I'm pretty sure your a man as evidencd by your man hands, moustache, and beer belly.

August 29, 2010 4:03 PM

AHMAD - this is YOUR description.. typing to me. Sexy beer belly, I put champagne in your belly button and lick it out for you.....

FURRY man hands.... ummmmmmm
Sexy 5 o clock shadow!!!!


FUNNY?? You are Lisa LaPuma (psychic with nine lives)!!!!!

But, you have to be faithful to Lisa Miceli!!!!!!

AHMAD, I did not lose my mommy rights- YOU SAID GOD is GREAT after my abortions!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Notdafakecm said...
Lisa has been explicitly warned to stop emailing. & calling certain people of "importance" with her obnoxious, psychotic and stupid ramblings. If she continues (looks like she will), there will be serious consequences to pay. LOL!

August 28, 2010 2:15 PM

YOU ARE SO INSANE- the extortion charges are going to put you in jail for the rest of your life.

You are a torture KING, nothing more and nothing less-
This was my wedding - you are psychotic and delusional and ANGIER MCQUEEN is never ever ever getting out of jail for this!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN exposes her self in a hotel bathroom- with whoever LOSER would film her and post it on YOU TUBE, not Lisa Miceli!!!!

Is he nuts or confused? Lisa Miceli wrote to him in private - ANGIE MCQUEEN exposes herself on YOU TUBE!!!!!

We are not the same person- and she is not the mother of DANTE!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

AHMAD, I did not lose my mommy rights- YOU SAID GOD is GREAT after my abortions!!!!!!


hisrealprincess said...

Ahmed wants to take me on another long walk on the white sands of Jangwani Beach. It was there that he presented me with the most illustrious tanzanite & diamond jewels for my budding collection. I just love being able to touch him, and not talking about a pretend Sheikh on a blog. Poor Lisa Miceli won't ever get to dip her toes in the warm sands of the Motherland.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

hisrealprincess said...
Ahmed wants to take me on another long walk on the white sands of Jangwani Beach. It was there that he presented me with the most illustrious tanzanite & diamond jewels for my budding collection. I just love being able to touch him, and not talking about a pretend Sheikh on a blog. Poor Lisa Miceli won't ever get to dip her toes in the warm sands of the Motherland.

August 30, 2010 9:52 AM

AND WHY IS THAT? ANGIE MCQUEEN stalked me and you, and told you a sob story about her aunt's death on my wedding storty - no connections there.

I am the fiancee, I never denies meeting yoyu offline. THEY as in ANGIE MCQUEEN called me crazy for marying you online- saying I did not know you.

now sghe accpets my mnoey and my gifts - and my trips and oyu blam em??

EXTORTION from a nUTCASE - MARch 2009 I avnnouce my engagement and wedding to AHMAD onlnie- I was not not being real- I said that I wanted to touch him, and he is cruel and ANGIE MCQUEEN is nuts to interefere.

I do not know why you thorw this in my face everyday.. b/c I said yes to marriage to you and ANGIE MCQUEEN called me crazy b/c I did n ot know you.

So, you want me in jail and a mental hospital for her, and her problems about us!!!!

Did AHMAD kill your aunt marrying Lisa Miceli online????

Did AHMAD rape ANGIE MCQUEEN adn feell guilly that he must stay with her, when he was coming to the USA to marry Lisa Miceli last year at this time??

What is AHMAD's connection to ANGIE MCQUEEN that he exposed Lisa Miceli and protected her stalker!!!

Everything that I write in my wemails he gives to ANGIE MCQUEEN on top of my name- so that they are both in my head constantly. cruel mental torture, for me marrying AHMAD- A man none of us knew!!!

I am filnig the EXTORTION charges today in PITTSBURGH, PA - b/c AHMAD was to be at my house without today- he invited me into his life not you!!!!

The chubby accout was Lisa Miceli's for her kids and his phone number!!!

and you runed Lisa M iceli's lfie when she asked of aHMAD he gives to you.. my mine and my emails nad your body and in perosn- makes no sense!!!

He does not know aNGIE MCQUEEN so he uses my emiald on her like a script - b/c she called him fake sgheikh, crazy making sheikh and con artist!!

She wanted to marry DANTE's father and steal my son!!!!

PEPE LAPUMA is goin g to prison wtih aNGIE MCQUEEN.. you do not use em for this.

The FBI will hunt you down.

It is my colelction becasue it came ubner my name... and using my emails!!!

You are with the wrong women and know it and will not stop.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

hisrealprincess said...
Ahmed wants to take me on another long walk on the white sands of Jangwani Beach. It was there that he presented me with the most illustrious tanzanite & diamond jewels for my budding collection. I just love being able to touch him, and not talking about a pretend Sheikh on a blog. Poor Lisa Miceli won't ever get to dip her toes in the warm sands of the Motherland.

August 30, 2010 9:52 AM

AND WHY IS THAT? ANGIE MCQUEEN stalked me and you, and told you a sob story about her aunt's death on my wedding storty - no connections there.

I am the fiancee, I never denies meeting yoyu offline. THEY as in ANGIE MCQUEEN called me crazy for marying you online- saying I did not know you.

now sghe accpets my mnoey and my gifts - and my trips and oyu blam em??

EXTORTION from a nUTCASE - MARch 2009 I avnnouce my engagement and wedding to AHMAD onlnie- I was not not being real- I said that I wanted to touch him, and he is cruel and ANGIE MCQUEEN is nuts to interefere.

I do not know why you thorw this in my face everyday.. b/c I said yes to marriage to you and ANGIE MCQUEEN called me crazy b/c I did n ot know you.

So, you want me in jail and a mental hospital for her, and her problems about us!!!!

Did AHMAD kill your aunt marrying Lisa Miceli online????

Did AHMAD rape ANGIE MCQUEEN adn feell guilly that he must stay with her, when he was coming to the USA to marry Lisa Miceli last year at this time??

What is AHMAD's connection to ANGIE MCQUEEN that he exposed Lisa Miceli and protected her stalker!!!

Everything that I write in my wemails he gives to ANGIE MCQUEEN on top of my name- so that they are both in my head constantly. cruel mental torture, for me marrying AHMAD- A man none of us knew!!!

I am filnig the EXTORTION charges today in PITTSBURGH, PA - b/c AHMAD was to be at my house without today- he invited me into his life not you!!!!

The chubby accout was Lisa Miceli's for her kids and his phone number!!!

and you runed Lisa M iceli's lfie when she asked of aHMAD he gives to you.. my mine and my emails nad your body and in perosn- makes no sense!!!

He does not know aNGIE MCQUEEN so he uses my emiald on her like a script - b/c she called him fake sgheikh, crazy making sheikh and con artist!!

She wanted to marry DANTE's father and steal my son!!!!

PEPE LAPUMA is goin g to prison wtih aNGIE MCQUEEN.. you do not use em for this.

The FBI will hunt you down.

It is my colelction becasue it came ubner my name... and using my emails!!!

You are with the wrong women and know it and will not stop.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

The spelling is a hacker!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, I want and demand ANGIE MCQUEEN out of my marriage.

City inside of a city, is funny business.

Marriage inside of a marrige is not funny!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN and the rest of you are obessed Michael Jordan fans that make the AL MAKTOUMS laugh!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN wants to hurt me so bad, over her delusions of Michael Jordan!!!!!!!!

She is contacting lawyers pretending to be me and have control over my son- she needs to be in jail not me being threatened with jail.

GLORIA ALLRED had a meeting with other over my son!!!!!

EXTORTION- on me, AHMAD, and out lawyers!!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEN offered a sob story to AHMAD to get a payoff quickly- so I could marry-

EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli by ANGIE MCQUEEN adn rAJ.

Their interfence and calling me crazy was not necessary!!

HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai needs counseling over this and his own family admitted to it!

Where is the JET and my gifts, as planned..????

He told me that he gives and buys me gifts..
He promises me the gifts and the tripsn and then throws it in my face!!!

This was our wedding story!!!!

"I wantt o be crazy for two months - to get her gifts". ANGIE MCQUEEN sad that.. on a YOU TUBE video!!!!!!

I am waiting on the DA to call me back to stop these outrageous attacks on my engagement to AHMAD.

ENGAGEMERNT means BACK off, he is with Lisa Miceli.

CYBER-STALKING, FELONIOUS of PRIVACY (playing off my emails and my phone calls & my blogs to contact him), and EXTORTION.

I met ANGIE MCQUEEN one time, I do not care about her at all ,that she would steal my sheikh for my gifts and my wedding story - I do not want hookers in my marriage!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, I want and demand ANGIE MCQUEEN out of my marriage.

Oh my god. You are ridiculous LISA ANN MICELI. You demand?? Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh I know who you THINK you are, but the truth is you are absolutely average, well less than average.I know who you think you are, but like everything else, you are delusional. You demanded MJ pay child support for a kid that wasn't his, you demanded that people who owe you NOTHING give you money, you have demanded that the police, FBI, CIA, and everyone else do the crazy shit you want with no basis at all whatsoever to request such jackassery. You are literally a nobody. You are NOT engaged to a skeikh or anyone else for that matter. You did NOT have an "affair" with MJ, you did NOT have his baby because you can't get pregnant by being fucked in the ass, you are NOT rich, your family is not rich, they may have been at one time, but you have sucked them dry with your pathetic bullshit. You did NOT have an affair with the hockey player or Pete Loftin, or whatever names you tackily drop. No one believes you. Not one thing you say- except maybe your admittance of abusing Dante, no THAT I believe. You are worthless, useless, and pathetic. You are a shit ass excuse for a mother and no one owes you SHIT. YOU DEMAND????Hows that working out for you, I mean you demanded all kinds of things from MJ and others and all you got was a pathetic $60 for letting him fuck your nasty ass, that's quite frankly not saying much about his impression of you. I guess you did get a psych eval, a jail stay and a permanent R.O. so I guess that's something you can brag about you whore. you are PA-THET-IC!

Anonymous said...

What's this?
Lisa didn't jump on here to tell Anon @3:12 that Ange McQueen is a hooker and slut and that Ahmad needs to send the jet and blah blah story, blah blah are going to jail, blah blah blah....extortion?

wait for it

Anonymous said...

She's probably passed out under the desk again because her "legal" speed wore off. Maybe Dante got lucky and they locked her crazy ass up.

We wish.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

EVERY SINGLE one of you are crazy in here..

MY SHEIKH - you owe me still.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
She's probably passed out under the desk again because her "legal" speed wore off. Maybe Dante got lucky and they locked her crazy ass up.

We wish.

August 30, 2010 7:00 PM

YOU ARE INSANE to talk to me as you do.

I just drank LEMONADE is that okay or are you going to be jealous your life.

ANGIE MCQUEEN IS BAT SHIT CRAZY, NUTS LINTAIC LYING PRINCESS from HELL- She is going to prison MARCH 2009 baby or not...
EXTORTIONIST is not making a diome off of my MEDIUA - I am not nice.

I am AHMAD's wife and she needs to take off her MJ clothing gifts.. and from AHMAD to Lisa MICELI!!

Where are my AHMAD gifts, very very very DIRESPECTFUL!!??

I need to do VIDEOS with the DUBAI POLICE!!!

I can have my own children for DANTE- that was why AHMAD and Lisa Miceli met and had the CHUBBY address.. NO SURROGATES!!!!


yabba dabbadoo said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...
The spelling is a hacker!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

August 30, 2010 11:18 AM

Now that's some vintage nonsense word salad stuff...

Hey everyone, there's a party at imaginary Ahmed's imaginary hotel tomorrow night. Everyone's invited who isn't named Lisa, bring your swimsuits he's got a hot tub!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I am jealous of my own plans with
HH Sheikh Ahmad.

I am never but always a lady with my fiancee, AHMAD.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Now that's some vintage nonsense word salad stuff...

Hey everyone, there's a party at imaginary Ahmed's imaginary hotel tomorrow night. Everyone's invited who isn't named Lisa, bring your swimsuits he's got a hot tub!

August 30, 2010 10:07 PM

This is his fiancee's blogs..

So, tell me.
I will not write an other book, HH.

What hotel??

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...
Now that's some vintage nonsense word salad stuff...

Hey everyone, there's a party at imaginary Ahmed's imaginary hotel tomorrow night. Everyone's invited who isn't named Lisa, bring your swimsuits he's got a hot tub!

August 30, 2010 10:07 PM

This is his fiancee's blogs..

So, tell me.
I will not write an other book, HH.

What hotel??

Lisa A. Miceli

August 30, 2010 10:58 PM


Sorry, he SPECIFICALLY said "No one named Lisa is invited." He was very clear on that.

Assa's going to confirm the location tomorrow, but I heard they're considering the Hotel Carter in NYC.