Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Great Pretender said: "...he sued me to get me money"

Are you fucking serious?


LuLu NOT Miceli said...

What a waste! Delusional rantings will get you nowhere Lies-a. Even your 6yr old knows that.

And to answer your question in the last post, what is next for Lisa Miceli?

That would be the nuthouse or jail.

Lisa A. Miceli- THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


Asking for a dna test from Michael Jordan?

or a police report to shut down lunatics on a blog??

You wrote LU LU Miceli, then next month take away.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

THE GREAT PRETENDER, si aNGIE MCQUEEN - her skits, not Lisa Miceli.

You (or me, you using my name in emails), need to sue ANGIE MCQUEEN, to get my wedding gifts back from going to her house with RAJ - to meet me for the first time.

I did not trick you, they both tricked both of us. I have the emails- where you say, "change of plans" then do not tell me of the change of plans.

I did not know that you did not have my addtress to my house or my phone number, as ASSA called me at my parents house!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

PLEASE do not extort from us, b/c of our jobs.

It is dangerous to threaten someone who control AVIATION in his country!!!

You, not me, refere to him as HH - and no personal attacks, please.

Please no personal attacks on the Judge, as he lies in bed with severe cancer, over the 1 yr antics of a disgruntled client.

DANTE's money is DANTE's money- not mine. ANGIE MCQUEEN knows that. SO, does anyone else that is a single mom.

I work, I jst got a legal judgement for my employer. I also have a BOOK deal, that ANGIE MCQUEEN does not.

And I pitched my reality TV SHOW with AHMAD included (as a mystery man)... b/c I have no confidentiality clauses.

Clearly, ANGIE MCQUEEN, stole everything- the cover idea, and the hidden man idea... and turned a reality show in to a variety show on You Tube!!!!

AHMED, ANGIE MCQUEEN deos not know what she is saying or doing, not you.

You made promises to me and DANTE, that you are being held accountable for in a court of law in Meadville, PA.

In the State of PA, I have the right to control my name and my image and my story in the marketplace.

MJORDANMISTRESS, made HH delusional... but I still found him.

To accept his wedding proposal and invite him to my house.

I am not the liar. THE BLOGGERS and ANGIE MCQUEEN are.

SOMEONE went to lawyers as me, with me business, but not me, messnig with AHMAD's mind.

Someone used my name illegal, messing with AHMAD's mind.

2 women have been in HH's presence illegally.

This is extortion, what you are asking - for my wedding story or my family name as a female, is extortion.



Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMAD took my mommy rights....

ok, you can have her.

It is warmer in Dubai.


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Who exactly are you babbling to? No one believes anything you say. Your words are sometimes entertaining but they are all lies. The world does not revolve around you. You can only control yourself (and that's only sometimes). Dont you get tired of all this bs you say?

chimerafemme said...

Good Lord, clean up that stye of a room, you pig.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
Who exactly are you babbling to? No one believes anything you say. Your words are sometimes entertaining but they are all lies. The world does not revolve around you. You can only control yourself (and that's only sometimes). Dont you get tired of all this bs you say?

September 4, 2010 6:06 PM

NOTHING I SAID is a lie.

This is one story, my wedding- when do the hooker & the stalkers get arested so they can stop gifting me and AHMAD kids that we do not want!!!!

TINA SLATTON better have a mixed race child wtih her hubby in the wedding photos, and not AHMAD or she is going to prison.

I n ever asked for a surrogate, BITCH!!!!

I have my own bio dna kids with AHMAD - that is why he picked me as his wife, my fertility.

THESE LOW LIFES are guilty of EXTORTION- all of these females of my wedding and the births of my children!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Who said that it did- this is onwe blog, not even mine.

BLAME AHMAD, he should be a man at my house right now, not going to woman after woman b/c of me!!

STOP posting my private communications for others to play off an go to prison over!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Does HH Prince Hamdan know that I am being asked to share my wealth and my man for babies, wih other women, just b/c they are jealous.

Does he have to too??

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

Answer: lame = the real bride 2b

Question: What is the sum total of Cluelessness + Irony + Karma + One Outcast Gorilla

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
Answer: lame = the real bride 2b

Question: What is the sum total of Cluelessness + Irony + Karma + One Outcast Gorilla

September 4, 2010 9:33 PM

DELUSIONAL - are you JUANITA JORDAN ALI BABRA? or are you talking about what you are saying and doing to my maraige now??
That I can return the disrespect to you with AHMAD, since you are disrespecying me and my marriage and pregnancies with AHMAD?

AHMAD is not MICHAEL JORDAN - nigger girl, get a clue- youare in my lfie- not me in yours.
I said no ,go away. You are not JJ - and sghe got $158 million.

NOT your money.

FRED SPERLING is gong to arrest you, so that you know who you are- and not think that you are Lisa Miceli or JJ - b/c you heard me on the radio.

You are going to be arrested, KARMA - IRONY and whatever you want to call you, whatever animal is you.

AHMAD is hairy- is he a gorilla??
Angie McQueen is not Lisa Miceli.

Lisa Miceli is engaged to AHMAD, and ANGIE MCQUEEN, not Lisa Miceli gave you the okay to libel both HH and Lisa Miceli and her opinion is NOTHING!!!!


KARMA meanst hat I can do what you are doing to me, ALI to YOU!!!

You are not JJ - and you never dated Michael Jordan to get me back for anything. You heard me on a RADIO station is TEXAS.

The KARMA was getting AHMAD from JJ and MJ being asshoels in marriage!!!!!

BY THE WAY, he is HH to you. Be a lady or go to jail.

No freedom of speech in the MIDDLE EAST - so to insult a member of the ROYAL family - is a 5 yr prison sentence.

He chose Lisa Miceli and set up a blog. You are an idiot!!!!

ANGIE, it was never "tough titty said the kitty,".. I will explain on You Tube in a video!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI - you have c hildren with AHMAD, b/c you lied nad said that you are happily marrie dand bedded AHMAD and call it KARMA??

KARMA will get you in the USA courts for EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli!!!

You can read, no??
ANGIE MCQUEEN had my gifts bc she planend engagment parties that i was not invigted as part of her scheme.

Court will get to the truth and then KARMA on what you did to me here.

BRING up MJ and you will be laughed right to jail- you are not MJ, LISA MICELI or JJ - to even commetn accurately - it was a private relationship.

EXTORTION of my pregnancies. This was always AHMAD and Lisa Miceli's paln EXTORTION schemes to be jailed.

ALI you are going to prison- child of AHMADs or not. He can afford a nanny.

i told you save your gifts, you and ANGIE MCQUEEN for your own hubby's not Lisa Miceli's .

You exploited my engagement - and he is not hot for you.

Thought that you are married to a white guy??

STALKING is a crime. EXTORTION is a crime. PROSTITUTIOM is a crime.

BIGAMY is a crime.

MY WIFEY ROLE is sex, babies, and protecting my family- you are all goin g to jail for your crimes against us, not me and HH.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


If HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai were to be with a less breed wifey than Lisa Miceli and get upset over it and kill himself, I could spend the rest of my life in jail!

Please stop insulting me and HH.

He chose me and was very very happy and ready to have children with me right away.

Stop the extortion schemes.

Please get out of our beds.

These are private family matters.
He posted up here to prove my innocence of any and all crimes associated with him.

Please, let him have the life he wants with Lisa Miceli!!!!!!!

I have to protect him as well.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

LU LU...... who?

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Lisa McCrazy said:

BRING up MJ and you will be laughed right to jail-

Lol, you would know, your the resident expert of being laughed out of court & into jail for "bringing up MJ" Lisa Miceli.

Lisa is a wedding dress said...

"My contract with Mike's not valid because he didn't give me any money."

So opines the Queen of Contract Law.

Ummmm...that no contact order regarding MJ? It's not a "contract", it's a court order issued by the court. The court doesn't have to pay you to get you to follow a COURT ORDER.

"I never cheated on any of my boyfriends."

What do you call having a one night stand with MJ while you were still dating Keith Saied? Once again you prove you just cannot stop lying.

Ali Babra said...

If HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai were to be with a less breed wifey than Lisa Miceli

Since Cocker Spaniel is a higher breed than nutbag, Sheikhy is free to date the whole human race!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
If HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai were to be with a less breed wifey than Lisa Miceli

Since Cocker Spaniel is a higher breed than nutbag, Sheikhy is free to date the whole human race!

September 5, 2010 5:12 PM

SHEIKH Y M ARRIED LISA MICELI AND ANGIE MCQUEEN - are you not married, ALI BABRA to your white man??

I do not like your kind ALI, go beg from someone else.

NOT ME. I owe yuou shit, EXTORTIONIST!!!

Keep asking me for what I will never give over- AHMAD to ANGIE MQUEEN or you, NUTCASES!!!

I married sHEIUKH Y onlnie and then was to meet him OFFLINE- ANGIE AND RAJ pullee a scam to meet my SHeiky- first.... b/c they are insane.

Said no - for our privacy. you want a SHEIKH- find your own ALI BABRA..... to ask of me is extortion!!!

ONE USA WIFE- that is the USA LAWS- what country are you in ALI??

STALKING is a crime!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

are you not married, ALI BABRA to your white man??

LOL! Looking at the Micelis, I can see why you believe that marrying white people is such an awful thing...Hell, you don't even want to do it HAHAHAHAHA!! Hey, didja ever consider that Ahmed doesn't want to marry your race any more than YOU do? HAHAHAHAHA!!

p.s. Since my Hubby's family is from Gaza, ya dumbass, he's as white as this Jerusalem (bad apple) neighbor:

Anonymous said...

jealous much?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

VISA wife.

lol, lol AT YOU.

Your words, listen to them.

Your own race did not want to marry you.. outcast.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...

JEALOUS of what??

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

JEALOUS of what?? my own wedding engagement from AHMAD??


it is mine!!!!

Why you commit extortion and adultrey of Lisa Miceli, your wifey 3 - with whom??


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

of my GULF STREAM that everyone is trying to get into??

I have never been married... YET.


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...
JEALOUS of what??

Of all of us Lisa.

Jealous that we can get in our cars and drive to work, or to the gym or to meet our husbands and boyfriends for lunch or a day of shopping or a day at the beach.

Jealous that we live in houses that we bought with our own money that we earned, not with frivolous and spurious lawsuits or phony requests for DNA.

Jealous that we have real life men who hold us and hug us and whisper into our ears. Men who defend us and protect us; who tuck us in bed and kiss us goodnight.

We can't blame you for being jealous; it must be a bitch being a loser/liar like you.

Anonymous said...

yep yep yep!

Lisa A. Miceli = TH BRIDE 2 B said...

WHAT? I have everything too, same as you, only more.

More trying to dupe someone into thinking that you are me and I am you... for what?

MJ knows the difference.. AHMAD knows the difference.

I drive.

I take my son shopping.

I won my lawsuits.

I date online and off.

What are you talking about??

It is a man's job to take my clothes, off, ask AHMAD.

He told me.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


QWho set up this blog?

Who stalks this blog?

Whose information is it??



Diet and stop extorting my sports psychology 17 of dance IQ from me.

Get that Kelly Scott??
who is at least 50 lbs heavier than Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I am 105lbs... at 5'6.

WOW, my ARABS like it thin.

Back to lemonade only and crackers and marathon workouts.

and my precription pills.

By the way, if you are not into me AHMAD, then get off my name, DUH!!!!

Stop accussing me of being the other women on here.

These hookers and cheaters, need to be wih thier own hubby's not Lisa Miceli and aHMAD, when they are not welconme.

ALI BAB RA leave now.

You are not welconme in my marriage or my relationship with AHMAD.

Let's talk about your sex life with your real hubby, not your fantasy hubby, AHMAD, you stupid fukcing extortionist!!!!

MJ did not call me an extortionist or cheat on me.. boo hoo hoo. ALI BABRA!!

If you need counsleing- get it- I am not your online counselor.

My sex life is not your business ALI or ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


I am a loyal wifey, not like these greedy ugly pigs on here,. NMy man does not give me money b/c he is broke- but I act like a hooekr stalking other women for theit men...

I am in love with HAMDAN now.


Where are their men?? Why were they not women enough for their men to make the money work??

STALKERS go to prison.

NO, HAMMY, it was not me offlnie, it was a hacker and a stalker who is going to jail b/c of thier greed for my life and my money!!!!

Where are the morals??

Thank you. Hammy and I already connected.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN AND OTHERS on his blog un de my name- IS LISA MICELI - they are speaking for me as if they are my PR from TEXAS, KELLY KITCHENS!!!

Stop putting out my business- and mail my gifts to me.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

NUTHOUSE or jAIL is aHMAD gifting other women on my courtship and wedding story.

It is my business- not other females!!

AHMAD would go to jail for the swtich too.. if true!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli