Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gross Bitch is Gross!


For the record: The mother of that child did NOT contact me in any way shape or form, nor did a neighbor or anyone else regarding the pictures with Lisa child. It was the conversation on the blog itself that prompted me to rectify that I had posted a video which contained images of someone else's innocent child.
Neighbor of Lisa BEWARE! She has emailed me since claiming that her son has a head injury & now she is blaming YOU.

Sat, September 11, 2010 2:48:16 AMWhat did ****** , my neighbor send you.. that she cracked my son's head???
From: Lisa Miceli

SEND ME THE EMAILS for the police.. what did she want when she called you?



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 276 of 276
yabba dabbadoo said...

"I tlak to AHMED, HAMDAN adn Michael Jordan directly on the phone."

A dial tone is not a conversation, Looney.

She just can't stop lying, can she?

yabba dabbadoo said...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...
ALI BABRA, you are not talknig like a lady.

The foulest mouthed trashy ho in northern Pennsylvania has the BALLS to tell someone else they're not "talking like a lady".



Anonymous said...
AHMED is to be in the USA buying me a house,. b/c I am being kicked out of my house..

Did Papa M. give her tha boot?

September 14, 2010 8:25 PM

I sure HOPE so!

Lisa Miceli is a wedding dress said...

Sex party tomorrow night! Bring your fruit flavored condoms!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

No, AHMED cried his eyes out that he went to bed with ANGIE MCQUEEN and thought that she was me, his online fiancee who died her hair blonde!!!


Sad case of extortion, and id theft!!
how aobut the threats on my wedding night, from MJ - 10 effin years ago.

BKLACK BITCHES get real - LEAVE HH and I alone- you are not invited and the hooker ANGIE MCQUEEN, who would never in hell have a chance to meet HH ever in her life, as he is not a strip club whorehouse MAN!!!!!!

SHE CALLED and said that she was a friend of Lisa Miceli and change of plans..

ANIMALS - these are rape claims.. assault!!!!

SICK BITCHES get away from me.

I am not into rape... either way!!!!

AHMED said that I am gorgeous, and knows that it is love and lsut, not CONGO- STYLE assault and rape with hubby's and ex-hubby's watching!!!!

RAJ was there.. HOW CRUEL AND SICK!!!!!

They called him from my phone numbers and emails- SAD!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED and I have not got past the handcuffs and the feather....

lol, lol, lol.


Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

me, his online fiancee who died her hair blonde!!!

You really are color-struck! Sorry you're too insane to recognize that the shade of your hair or your son's skin (thanks, Anon @9:46-brilliant!) aren't the reasons no man wants you.


Ali3's Wifey 4-Evah!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

You wish, the ASIAN women are gorgeous and so are tanned golden skinned women.

Who wants ASHY black, apey like man ego leather bitches??? BITCH, you scare me.... hairy knuckles? do tell, what is your secret?

Stop and ask yourself? What are you attacking me for?

Getting married to an ARAB ROYAL???


He asked me, enough said. There is no FREEDOM of Speech over there.

So, please.

CHILL. I said yes...


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED and HAMMY make me laugh in such a good way. I love them!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said... THIS is where Crazy got the accusation a few days ago that black women went around throwing acid in white women's faces! Just another pathetic, lying loon...

Rumors of Hoax Surround Acid Attack Victim

David Lohr Contributor
AOL News

(Sept. 14) -- Police are aware of growing media speculation that a Washington state woman who says a stranger doused her face with acid may have staged the attack herself, but they say their investigation is still open.

"Certainly, we are aware [of the controversy]," Vancouver, Wash., police spokeswoman Kim Kapp told AOL News. "What I can say is we are following up on all tips and all leads, all information that comes in to the lead detective. ... The investigation is still very much in an information-gathering stage."

This image provided by the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center shows Bethany Storro prior to surgery.
Speculation in the media has questioned her claim that she was attacked by an unknown woman outside a Starbucks in Vancouver, Wash.

Bethany Storro, 28, said an unknown woman approached her outside a Starbucks on Aug. 30 and said, "Hey, pretty little girl, want to take a drink of this?" The woman then allegedly threw a cup of acid-like liquid in Storro's face, resulting in second-degree burns all over her face.

Doctors say a pair of sunglasses Storro bought less than an hour before the attack saved her vision. Since the attack, Storro has helped police put together a composite drawing of her alleged attacker, whom she describes as an African-American woman in her late 20s or early 30s, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

No suspects have been named, and no arrests have been made.

The case has since garnered nationwide media attention, but some of that attention started to turn negative last week, when several media outlets began to question Storro's version of the events. The Columbian newspaper focused on some of those reports in an article published last week.

"With no suspect identified 10 days after Bethany Storro was found injured by acid burns to her face, speculation by some is raising this question," reporters Bob Albrecht and John Branton wrote.

The journalists said they had spoken with Vancouver Police Department Detective Sgt. Scott Creager, who told them he could not discuss the case. "The reasons will become clear later, he said," they wrote.

Speculation in the blogosphere and the media heightened on Sept. 10, one day after the report in The Columbian, when Storro allegedly posted a message on her now-defunct Facebook page saying she had decided not to appear on "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Storro had previously agreed to go on the show and was scheduled to appear in an episode to air Thursday.

"I was going to be on Oprah, but [that's] not going to happen," reads the Facebook post attributed to Storro. "From the very beginning, I wanted to inspire people (hope I have) and tell them about Jesus. The show was going to possibly turn into another direction, so my family and I decided not to go on."

The Vancouver Voice is also expressing doubts about the alleged attack. Reporter Marcus Griffith claims to have spoken with several witnesses who allegedly said Storro was alone outside the Starbucks when she dropped to the ground. The witnesses did not see anyone attack Storro or flee the scene, Griffith said.

Anonymous said...

HH Sheikh Hamdan, called me a QUEEN!!!


A Drag Queen & not a good one even.

Lisa A. Miceli = said...


You are a retard who was asked to leave the blogs.

This blog was set up for DANTE and my wedding.

SOMEONE called AHMED and told him to come to CA for my wedding and then I was not there.


There is somethnig wrong with your mind, if you think my wedding to a ROYAL is time to mess with someone 's mind, very very cruel and unusual.

I have not spoken to MJ in years, only through lawyers.

RAKE your MJ fantaties and share them with someone other than Lisa Miceli.

I love HH and we have to fix the fact that ANGIE MCQUEEN thinks that she can be Lisa Miceli and show on her wedding day for her, not knowing anythnig about HH other than he is worth a BILLION dollars or more for Lisa Miceli.

She did not know him or even talk to him in person.

You came on the attack of me b/c of another women that was in my place like a crazy lunatic, trying to block my wedding like you are now.

5 yrs in Dubai, for speaking to us, in this manner.

PLEASE CEASE AND DESIST now, and find your own blogs to say nasty things about other people.

FAKE SHEIKH was over jewelry, fake from this photo shoot, but real for my courtship and wedding story.

EITHER WAY, this has nothing to do with ANGIE MCQUEEN or anyone on here.

Please leave so we can communicate in peace.

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai bought me a wedding dress from FRANCE - to marry him in.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is trying to pretend that she dated MJ - not OSCAR, when she is with HH.

HH loves Lisa Miceli not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

She ans others keep callling him when they are not with me, and are going to be arrested, for EXTORTION AND FRAUD, stalking and harassment.

This is my wedding.

MY WHOLE life is in storage in the basement, big deal!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN hacked my emails with RAJ - like sahe could steal my life- and then what? KILL ME, like Kelly Scott said!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MJ FANS are the worst in the world, I am a fan that wants to murder you for money, my name is Kelly Scott and some black girls in TEXAS, NIKKI HENSON.

So sad.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Who had a baby with AHMED?? Lisa Miceli or ANGIE MCQUEEN?
Why did aNGIE MCQYUEEN think that she could b eat me to the alter with aHMED - a strange to her, and MY OWN PLANS with AHMED - I called him.

It is my life, not ANGIE's nad AHHMED's... I called AHMED and asked him for help to move to Dubai.

MJ went other to Dubai to see it - and I requested to move to Dubai!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MEADVILLE CITY POLICE DEPT are to protect Lisa Miceli in Meadville, PA CITY not ANGIE MCQUEE or imposters of Lisa Miceli!!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN has no right to steal my life from me.

Funny, this is how HOLLLYWOOD stole from me.. my police helped them illegaly - acting as lawyers, agents or bodyguards!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN does not have any right to steal my identity and my wedding... she wnet to court after meeting him one time at a hotel over Lisa Miceli's USA wedding.

It makes no sense!!!!

Why would the police in Meadville, PA CITY protect her ID THEFT and IP THEFT on the computer!!!!????

I called AHMED and HAMDEN on the phone, they know the MJ/Jimmy story, not ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!!!

They did not mention OSCAR del a HOYA!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

My wedding was to be last year in Oct 2009 - what happened?

ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and others were lying to AHMED.

I am here, and not going away.
AHMED paid ANGIE, PAMMY, and PARIS HILTON my dowry, for my life information!!!!!

They did not even know him, so why the contact?? MONEY!!!!

Now the copycats, looking for free money, for harassment- not entertainment!!!!!

This is my relaity TV SHOW plans and my book deals, and my son's life and my marriage!!!!!

CRUELTY and lies, and crimes, are not HUMOR!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Why does a good maan leave Lisa Miclei over a few online nutcases like Kelly Scott.

STOP CONTACTING HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai - you do not live in Dubai, to get him money, are not a wifey, and do not work for him!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Did ANGIE MCQUEEN have a child that she s trying to get back in shape after??

She looked heavy to me in photos and videos!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED told Lisa Miceli that she is stunning.

ALI BABRA ad other women said nasty things to Lisa Miceli.

ANGI MCQUEEN thinks that she owns my rights, from going to lawyers prior to Lisa Miceli meeting AHMED!!!
She did not know of HH Sheihk AHMED of Dubai - and I tried to remove her and others from my sex life with MJ.

Where is AHMED now, we were to leave the blogs together.. and behind us!!!???

JUNE 2009 - one year since his marraige to WIFEY 2.. and our wedding... and then Oct 2009 - another wedding night...

and the blgos down - ANGIE MCQUEEN is troubling b/c she is claiming to be Lisa Miceli and speak for me.. b/c of dating and having a son with OSCAR del a HOYA!!!!

Her communications are messed up why??

On the weekends, AHMED is to be with me in the USA.. his phone said USA since SATURDAY!!!!!!

TUESDAY, he is in the Middle East...

Paris Hilton is daitng someone else.

ANGIE MCQUEEN and Pammy- are two he coud be at.

THREATS are pointless, as he will date others in the USA!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALL of my enemies were before HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai.

It is not his fault.

He married me to protect me.

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

BITCH, you scare me.... hairy knuckles? do tell, what is your secret?


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Who called me from PRINCETON, TEXAS?

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai chased me down to have drinks with me and party with me... for years.

lol, lol, lol, come on, I can be shy at times!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

BITCH, you scare me.... hairy knuckles? do tell, what is your secret?

Ohhh. It just came to me. Your ass is so dumb, racist & crazy, thinking that all black people look alike so thoroughly, that you actually believed this picture of my elegant, rakishly handsome (hairy knuckled) baby brother was ME!

Hmm. Maybe you really DID mistake your faceless babydaddy for MJ.

Or perhaps you just checked out my latest avatar and assumed that I and all women have mustaches like you. Either way, you're sick beyond measure and beyond help. SMDH. Talk about scary...

Lisa A. Miceli - THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I said not to your SEXUALLY, females so you pick me apart on my wedding story with an ARAB ROYAL.

GET a grip chicks, blacks and blondes!!!

It is our choice, not YOURS!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


I hope that you are stalked on your wedding by families who are cruel, rude, and not welcome in your marriage.

It is embarassing, that HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai thinks that I am a lesbian.
What is wrong with you?

NO, means NO, ALI!!!!!

SHUT THE HELL UP !! all of you!

My wedding story, not work, not Michael Jordan, not DANTE.

MY love of HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai - please leave me alone!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Take your own advice;

Anonymous said...

Poor poor Lies-a. Always the ugly bridesmaid never the bride.
Meanwhile my hubby just forked over $9800. bucks for a custom made one of a kind wedding dress for daughter # 2.
Had her fitting yesterday & she looks like a fairy princess from a childs book.She was radiating a golden glow.

You do realize Lisa that you are a bit long in the tooth & used up to be wearing that white 2nd hand shop prom dress.
White does not flatter you . It makes your skin tone appear even more yellowish orange than usual .And it makes that stache & 5'clock shadow appear darker.

Notdafakecm said...

Wow oh Wow!
This bitch has been wrting for months screaming about her passcodes to specific email accounts. Well guess what she did today? Wrote me demanding the passcodes for this same account... FROM the very account she was bitching about.
She also wanted me to know that the Meadville DA had the worst case of herpes she's ever seen, she had a meeting at her lawyers home which smelled like spaghetti sauce & human shit, and that Joe & Sandy Miceli are the real racist in the house (not her), and that their racist behavior is causing her son grief.

This bitch is worse than worse. I'll post those messages & more shortly.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, you are hopeless and helpless, and you have no friends.

The 3 counts of harassment are you writing to people from my accounts.

You took over my informartion to marry me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN - who is she today?

Lisa Miceli?


She takes on the identity of other people.

ANGIE MCQUEEN was bitching about me not kn owing AHMED and marrying him offline, that he could be a crazy pedophile... after my money and DANTE!!!!!

Who is in control over my wedding story??
adn what publication? internet?

AHMED would never talk like this. HE DID NOT me pursue DANTE's dad, jsut meet him for ACE of sPADES and marry him.. and then next tihng I know ANGIE MCQUEEN - the women on the phone with me is sending nude photos to HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai behind my back...

I told you to SHUT UP AND GET out of my name for my wedding- I HATE MICHAEL JORDAN FANS!!!

Who would show up for Lisa Miceli are her wedding and mess with the mind of her hubby so much, that he committs felonies against her and her family!!! ???




5. INTERFERENCE with contracts and business.

WHAT HAPPENED this weekeend, HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai - you are in the USA - whose HOUSE? Angie McQueen and AND PAM ANDERSON LEE - b/c ANGIE MCQueen stole from Lisa Miceli!!!!!???

SHUT UP AND STOP SPINNING MY LIFE - I hear ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN claims that she is married to him, let's spin her life and slam her and her antics online.... and offlnie!!!!

She is a cheater, and fat, PIG!!!!!

Then, we can get to the truth..

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - I have to scream that to get throught my legal cases in the USA.. and write a truthful book to prove a relationship with Michael Jordan to ask for a dna test!!!!!

STOP CONTACTING HIM, that is what the orders are for.. to get to the truth... and stop the abuse of me and my son, for money!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN went to dinner on my wedding story and son's paternity.. I have the photos and a matching video!!!!
What is up iwth the prom dress statements AGAIN - AHME picked out the dress and sent it to me from PARIS, FRANCE!!!!!????????

Be mad at AHMED then!!!!

Why was AHMED at ANGIE house drinknig wine, nad her dancing and chsing him and falling on the floor and then humping her son?? to MIchael Jackson?

It is not her engagement story of her emails to CHUBBY MONSTAR - ALL MINE!!! She is impersonating Lisa Miceli!!!!
JUNE 2009, when PARIS HILTON went to DUBAI for the BFF SHOW!!!!!

THEN, I said, SHUT UP AND GET out of my businesses!!!!
and my marriage.

These ocmments are INSANE and not accurate!!!
He was not to conme to ger house, it is my house and my wedding story, and he knew it.. the BREAK the PIGGY BANK is my legal cases!!

He thanked her for MY, Lisa Miceli's sex texts, FLIM, FLIM!!!!

and thanks her for being in his bed.. WHAT??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, you are hopeless and helpless, and you have no friends.

The 3 counts of harassment are you writing to people from my accounts.

You took over my informartion to marry me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN - who is she today?

Lisa Miceli?


She takes on the identity of other people.

ANGIE MCQUEEN was bitching about me not kn owing AHMED and marrying him offline, that he could be a crazy pedophile... after my money and DANTE!!!!!

Who is in control over my wedding story??
adn what publication? internet?

AHMED would never talk like this. HE DID NOT me pursue DANTE's dad, jsut meet him for ACE of sPADES and marry him.. and then next tihng I know ANGIE MCQUEEN - the women on the phone with me is sending nude photos to HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai behind my back...

I told you to SHUT UP AND GET out of my name for my wedding- I HATE MICHAEL JORDAN FANS!!!

Who would show up for Lisa Miceli are her wedding and mess with the mind of her hubby so much, that he committs felonies against her and her family!!! ???




5. INTERFERENCE with contracts and business.

WHAT HAPPENED this weekeend, HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai - you are in the USA - whose HOUSE? Angie McQueen and AND PAM ANDERSON LEE - b/c ANGIE MCQueen stole from Lisa Miceli!!!!!???

SHUT UP AND STOP SPINNING MY LIFE - I hear ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN claims that she is married to him, let's spin her life and slam her and her antics online.... and offlnie!!!!

She is a cheater, and fat, PIG!!!!!

Then, we can get to the truth..

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - I have to scream that to get throught my legal cases in the USA.. and write a truthful book to prove a relationship with Michael Jordan to ask for a dna test!!!!!

STOP CONTACTING HIM, that is what the orders are for.. to get to the truth... and stop the abuse of me and my son, for money!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN went to dinner on my wedding story and son's paternity.. I have the photos and a matching video!!!!
What is up iwth the prom dress statements AGAIN - AHME picked out the dress and sent it to me from PARIS, FRANCE!!!!!????????

Be mad at AHMED then!!!!

Why was AHMED at ANGIE house drinknig wine, nad her dancing and chsing him and falling on the floor and then humping her son?? to MIchael Jackson?

It is not her engagement story of her emails to CHUBBY MONSTAR - ALL MINE!!! She is impersonating Lisa Miceli!!!!
JUNE 2009, when PARIS HILTON went to DUBAI for the BFF SHOW!!!!!

THEN, I said, SHUT UP AND GET out of my businesses!!!!
and my marriage.

These ocmments are INSANE and not accurate!!!
He was not to conme to ger house, it is my house and my wedding story, and he knew it.. the BREAK the PIGGY BANK is my legal cases!!

He thanked her for MY, Lisa Miceli's sex texts, FLIM, FLIM!!!!

and thanks her for being in his bed.. WHAT??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, you are hopeless and helpless, and you have no friends.

The 3 counts of harassment are you writing to people from my accounts.

You took over my informartion to marry me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN - who is she today?

Lisa Miceli?


She takes on the identity of other people.

ANGIE MCQUEEN was bitching about me not kn owing AHMED and marrying him offline, that he could be a crazy pedophile... after my money and DANTE!!!!!

Who is in control over my wedding story??
adn what publication? internet?

AHMED would never talk like this. HE DID NOT me pursue DANTE's dad, jsut meet him for ACE of sPADES and marry him.. and then next tihng I know ANGIE MCQUEEN - the women on the phone with me is sending nude photos to HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai behind my back...

I told you to SHUT UP AND GET out of my name for my wedding- I HATE MICHAEL JORDAN FANS!!!

Who would show up for Lisa Miceli are her wedding and mess with the mind of her hubby so much, that he committs felonies against her and her family!!! ???




5. INTERFERENCE with contracts and business.

WHAT HAPPENED this weekeend, HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai - you are in the USA - whose HOUSE? Angie McQueen and AND PAM ANDERSON LEE - b/c ANGIE MCQueen stole from Lisa Miceli!!!!!???

SHUT UP AND STOP SPINNING MY LIFE - I hear ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN claims that she is married to him, let's spin her life and slam her and her antics online.... and offlnie!!!!

She is a cheater, and fat, PIG!!!!!

Then, we can get to the truth..

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - I have to scream that to get throught my legal cases in the USA.. and write a truthful book to prove a relationship with Michael Jordan to ask for a dna test!!!!!

STOP CONTACTING HIM, that is what the orders are for.. to get to the truth... and stop the abuse of me and my son, for money!!!!

ANGIE MCQUEEN went to dinner on my wedding story and son's paternity.. I have the photos and a matching video!!!!
What is up iwth the prom dress statements AGAIN - AHME picked out the dress and sent it to me from PARIS, FRANCE!!!!!????????

Be mad at AHMED then!!!!

Why was AHMED at ANGIE house drinknig wine, nad her dancing and chsing him and falling on the floor and then humping her son?? to MIchael Jackson?

It is not her engagement story of her emails to CHUBBY MONSTAR - ALL MINE!!! She is impersonating Lisa Miceli!!!!
JUNE 2009, when PARIS HILTON went to DUBAI for the BFF SHOW!!!!!

THEN, I said, SHUT UP AND GET out of my businesses!!!!
and my marriage.

These ocmments are INSANE and not accurate!!!
He was not to conme to ger house, it is my house and my wedding story, and he knew it.. the BREAK the PIGGY BANK is my legal cases!!

He thanked her for MY, Lisa Miceli's sex texts, FLIM, FLIM!!!!

and thanks her for being in his bed.. WHAT??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai posted these photos because he wants to pay my bills.. and I need a new house and car ASAP.. and my son wants private schooling!!

STOP SPINNING NOW - get mental help if you cannot control your mouths in another person's life!!!

EVERYONE who defended me, Lisa Miceli = was called out for being a pedophile, or SATAN or something my ex lover by ANGIE MCQUEN, inlcuding RAJ -

Hence why you slam me and I need protections...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED ,please pay my bills- as you chose to post this information, for what?

Proof of what?



Knowing one another??

I did not think that Ahmed was really in here, b/c of the lack of dates and what he siad to me about everything...

He wanted to make love and go on dates right away!!!!

He contacts everyone behind my back nad says that I am ANGIE MCQUEEN - 3 men of DNA TEST - not TRUE!!!!!! to my bodygaurd!!!!

Same lies with PLAYBOY!!!!

I tried to tell the USA media, so the MJ rumors would stop and DANTE would be happy... mentally!!!

VERY VERY VERY UNHAPPY child with media lies...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I am bering SQUEEZED out of my own life... by ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!!

Shjr does vidoes claiming that she is being squeezed, not me!!!!!!!


HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai MARRIED LISA MICELI b/c she was in his bed and into him and he into her.. ANGIE MCQUEEN is a FAKE HOLLYWOOD body double!!!!

OTHERWISE it is EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli - her courtship, her story, and her wedding!!!!!!

It is not a choice scenario, it is Lisa Miceli's busines and life that was trusted with AHMED - when he and her met and agreed to marry.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh AHMED of dubai promised me credit cards, cash, and flight trips for my businesses- and my business was a reality show.. for me and my son.. traveling the world!!!

FRED SPERLING knows this, I already ptiched it to Michael Jordan!!!!!

Help AHMED with the truth!!

HOLLYWOOD is a BUNCH of liars!!!!!
where are the photos in jeans??

holding my son.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Why did DEVON need therapy ANGIE MCQUEEN?



HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai was coming to the USA to buy me a house, and that is how he got ANGIE McQueen AND RAJ's names.. for my house!!!

Then ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN gets a house an complains of therapy for DEVON!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI BABRA take your black is BEST BULLSHIT to a black web-site, SORRY that MJ did not want you.

You are insane and animal like to Lisa Miceli!!!

I love HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai to death.. not you.

Go away!!!!

He wants to get into bed with me (LISA MICELI) immediately... every contact!!!!

I have health for both Lisa Miceli and DANTE - we can transfer it to Dubai or wherever AHMED and I are living!!!!

DANTE's schooling needs to improve. HE IS NOT HAPPY!!

Last year, was the same thing.. in school in the USA until AHMED was ready to transfer us out.

DANTE was in preschool when I met AHMED!!!!

He is high writing to me..

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

DANTE has to learn that ADULTS, both blondes and blacks push buttons to make my son angry.. and do not care the consequences!!!!!

DANTE is very very very upset.

ALI BABRA you can leave my blogs any time now and same with ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!!!

AHMED knows how much that I love him and how mad that I am that thes women stlak us!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI BABRA, you are disgusting to me and this is my sex life.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI BABRA, you are disgusting to me and this is my sex life.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI BABRA, you are disgusting to me and this is my sex life.

This was the starting point for AHMED and Lisa Miceli.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk Lies-a , didnt your parents teach you it isn't nice to LIE?
Must I go back to some of your older posts & copy where YOU said YOU bought the prom dress for $25 dollars?

By the way the garden center delivered 50 , 5 gallon pots of antique heirloom tea & climbing roses.
They are to stay in my green house till my lucky little princesses big day.The climbers are being trained to climb sections of an arched walkway that will be put together on her big day.

Anonymous said...

"Wackadoo Miceli said:

I can assure you the feeling is mutual.


The more that you help these nigggers like ALI BAand the blondes like ANGIE MCQUEEN - the worse they treat you!!!

THE HORSE.. that ANGIE claims to ride said...


Anonymous said...

The more Lisa Miceli opens her mouth, the more lies fall out of it.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMED left his sunglasses, weed, and watch at ANGIe's house or hotel!!

And then she throw in my face on YOU TUBE.
How was the wine??

WHERE IS MJ to control his nutcase fans!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I owe you real jewelry, b/c you stole the fake shit from my bags for a photo shoot??

THE TALIBAN said stop insulting our intelligence!!!!

It is time to marry Lisa A. Miceli and stop ths horse shit!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

DID ANGIE MCQUEEN travel to the UK and to DUBAI, and spend money on hher credit cards and reverse the charges??

My money was missing from my accounts too.
JUNE 20009, one yr from wifey 2 in EGYPT.. was my wedding date, b/c of my mom and dad & my son!!

Then Oct 14, 2009, was my wedding date with AHMED for ym birthday.

ANGIE McQueen stole from the MICELI family.. and PEPE LAPUMA from the LAPUMA, making everyone ill... baby, mom, everyone.. all medical files!!!

I want my 5-6 kids where I gave up my mommy rights to loser!!

ALL LOSERS HAMMY.. that was Lisa Miceli get an abortion!!!

I would kill my own kids, right while standing with my son... online!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B = EXTORTED FROM!!! said...

WOW, ANGIE MCQUEEN, JUST WOW.. who are you that you can contact my Sheikh behind my back and not go to prison an then start an online hooker house and whorehouse on my name, during my wedding.


WOW!! Who are you??

FATWA from SAUDI ARABIA?? ring a bell??I do not need a personal QUEEN wanna be or PRINCESS wannabe on my ass, pullnig rank for her 40ish age, lying to CENSUS and child social serivces about her mental health, with my gifts at her house.

She is no GISELLE - shorter and fatter than me...

STOP EXTORTING from me, blink my eye, and he knows what I read online!!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

You be you, ANGIE MCQUEEN and Lisa Miceli will be her, ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!

I have a belly b/c AHMED is in my name!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

SHAR JACKSON, ANGIE MCQUEN ,aND RAJ harass AHMED into bed - calling him a fake sheikh - so he gave over everything to her, that was for my wedding.. and did not ever return!!

Is that not an assault!!!

Why was I not at my own meetings with HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai if you are calling me?

DOES RAJ have a gun??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

What is the PEPE LAPUMA story.. in the uK,. July 2010 wedding proposal and then she shows in the UK- what?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

THE MICELI's and the LAPUMAS want the sex trafficking on my name to stop and the IP trafficking.

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai is moving me out of my house ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and marryinmg me.. not yuo.

It was never about YOU.. silly TRICK!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ESTATE PROBATE LAWS, if I am receiving gifts my whole life, from family - then it is my money as well..

So, you are not helping my family not pay me!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I need my FUR COAT for DANTE's hockey this year.. where is it?


Where are the old ladies to babysit me and AHMED and DANTE..

Does ANGIE MCQUEEN not have SPANISGH nannies, so why did she need AHMED to bring a nanny..???

They were for DANTE DUMBASS, you called him, as my friend!!!

Same with TINA and PEPE LAPUMA!!!


Lisa Miceli and DANTE!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

CARLA DIMARE is my lawyer, she does not do FAMILY law, for my wedding contract or my kids..

FUNNY?? ANGIE MCQUEEN used her right afterwards!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I HAVE photos of AhMED cheating and lying with ANGIE MCQUEEN in my face, like I told HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai to fuck ANGIE MCQUEEN suing my emails.

I told him to stop and my emails are for Lisa Miceli -not ANGIE MCQUEEN!!!

Who is the hacker??

Why the attack on Lisa Miceli and her family?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

WHY IS ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN calling HAMMY, for AHMED's health insurance when he has his own companies...

I was calling for DANTE MARCH 2010... her too, WHAT a coincidence?

or not.

I am sorry this was my wedding, in JUnE 2009... and then again in Oct 2009 for DUBAI -one for the USA and one for DUBAI.. my private emails to HH.


I am not her write, this is my life...

NICE photos.. at the PALACE and elsewhere, my plans and other showing up after me being hacked!!!

I was the guest at my own wedding - where was everyone??

My son's birth, where was everyone!!!

JOINT property...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MY BUSINESSES, ANGIE MCQUEEN thinks that she steal those too.. my whole life, b/c I am loaded and she is JEALOUS!!!!!

I was never in a coma... SORRY!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE AND PEPE LAPUMA in the bed talking shit about Lisa Miceli- who they stole from@!!!

When did ANGIE MCQUEEN think that she could be Lisa Miceli -and who wants to see the theft of Lisa Miceli!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

where is my son , to match the photos??

lisa miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I GAVE this stuff to Hh Sheikjh AHMED of Dubai for my wedding and my kids.. NOTHING ELSE AND NO ONE ELSE in this deal!!!

EXTORTION of Lisa Miceli-HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai was to dfo our plans not with other women!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

Looking forward to the next batch of crazy, chubbs!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Lisa Miceli's body double talking shit aobut me and HH.

HH pays for Lisa Miceli - hence why he has my property and my contacts!!!!

He told me to tell ANGIE MCQUEEN he is not paying for another wifey..!!!

He told you long time ago, to stop your jealous!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

WHO INVITED YOU PEPE LAPUMA into my sex life, as a doll?

who invited ANGIE MCQUEEN or TINA SLATTON in my sex life?

NOT LISA MICELI - I am positng a video to make this stop.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...



Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

WHO INVITED YOU PEPE LAPUMA into my sex life, as a doll?

She IS quite a doll, isn't she? Why is it that you, Lies-a, look more haggard than all us older women you envy?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
WHO INVITED YOU PEPE LAPUMA into my sex life, as a doll?

She IS quite a doll, isn't she? Why is it that you, Lies-a, look more haggard than all us older women you envy?

September 15, 2010 9:52 PM

YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN you go to prison -stop your JEALOUSY of Lisa Miceli and ganging up on me, b/c I said NO to your ugly fucking whore on here!!!

I WON.... leave me alone!YEs, you are all hags, gross fucking whore,s who I asked kindly to leave my blogs.. and sak your hubby for money.
ABSAM owes me for two years of money.. so how can he afford them- HE CANNOT so they stalk Michael Jordan!!! MJ did not invite them into his marriage either.

SO, move on everyone!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
WHO INVITED YOU PEPE LAPUMA into my sex life, as a doll?

She IS quite a doll, isn't she? Why is it that you, Lies-a, look more haggard than all us older women you envy?

September 15, 2010 9:52 PM

YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN you go to prison -stop your JEALOUSY of Lisa Miceli and ganging up on me, b/c I said NO to your ugly fucking whore on here!!!

I WON.... leave me alone!YEs, you are all hags, gross fucking whore,s who I asked kindly to leave my blogs.. and sak your hubby for money.
ABSAM owes me for two years of money.. so how can he afford them- HE CANNOT so they stalk Michael Jordan!!! MJ did not invite them into his marriage either.

SO, move on everyone!!!!
If you cannot fiqure this out, NO MORE THREATS TO LISA MICELI AND DANTE - then you need to be in jail!!!!!


Stop trying to go over my head, behind my back, nad in my face- WHERE is MY MERCEDES, if you are using my family credit!!!! ???

Where is the money, from my slaves working legit jobs?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

How are you all in my business- If I chat with AHMED - you call him behind my back. STOP IT!!!

If I call HAMMY - you do the same thing.


STOP THE BULLSHIT STALKING of Lisa Miceli... annoying as hell!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa .A Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


FBI needs to do their jobs right and same with police.

STALKING is a crime - no matter who anyone is dating!!!

WE ARE WITNESS to your crimes against Lisa Miceli and AL MAKTOUM we need protected!!!!

I do not pay for other women. EVER!!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...


ANIE MCQUEEN tried to put us in JAIL, MEADVILLE, PA DISTRICT ATTORNEY if I did not hand a man to her.

TELL HER TO FUCK OFF, join a dating service!!!!!

MY WEDDING and you are asking for my hubby.. EXTORTIONIST!!!!!!!

THESE WOMEN who are not real women, do not make any sense.. you did not conme from DUBAI to threatend you lover Lisa MICELI.

We are broke with the screens, if they do not work and pay us!!!!




Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


ANGIE MCQUEEN you are a lonely women to stalk Lisa Miceli.. and same with the others..

LISA MICELI said go away.. NOW!!!

HH SHEIKH AHMED of Dubai sets up Lisa Miceli with everyine as his fiancee.... not YOU whoever YOU are!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa . Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

YOU CONTACT ME OR AHMED on these blos, you are not with my fiancee AHMED EVER AGAIN!!!!

He is to be with Lisa Miceli and DANTE ever day- not ANGIE MCQUEEN pretnding to be Lisa Miceli and same with other HOOKERS!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

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