Monday, September 6, 2010

Wanna hear some crazy shit?

This shit is out of control. Over 15 minutes of pure FUCKERY!


Watch how she lies about who she dated & then turn around a minute later & shoot a big fat hole in that big fat lie.

Everything she says about AM is a flat out lie. I don't know where she gets these stories from. They are amazing.

LOL hard as she chat about her association with random strippers.

Never cheated?
As the great pretender would say "so so so so so so... MJ?"

Her baby wears Nike, is clearly biracial, so he must be the child of MJ.

Ali B. gets a shout out!

Her being arrested for something Paris Hilton did.

& a bunch of other BS that you've all grown to hate.
Tell me what your favorite LM lie is.


Anonymous said...

OK, well that's 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Anyone else notice her "rich" "millionaire", "engaged to royalty" self can't afford to get her nails done anymore? Ya, literally that's allll I got out of that lol.

Anonymous said...

Crazy is as crazy does.

chimerafemme said...

"It doesn't make sense..."
"I don't understand..."

Well, no shit , Sherlock.

Lisa, don't you think it is very sad that you are still talking about your high school days from 20years ago? Most of us 20 years out of high school have much more recent personal accomplishments to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

She lives in a pigs stye

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

NO, I think that it is sad, that se are being used for HOMES for HOLLYWOOD illegally.

Wonder why we are at war with certain countries- you are harassing someone over the existance!!!!


You told me that we are dating to get information to use against me??

That is stalking - a crime!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

NO, I think that it is sad, that se are being used for HOMES for HOLLYWOOD illegally.

Wonder why we are at war with certain countries- you are harassing someone over the existance!!!!


You told me that we are dating to get information to use against me??

That is stalking - a crime!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMAD only shows the UGLY VIDEOS - the nails nad the spa were to be given to me, per AHAMD.

THE EXTORTIONIST is the so called friend ANGIE MCQUEEN who thinks that b/c AHMAD is Lisa Miceli's fiancee- he provides for her too and her kids too!!

Did you not call Kelly Werner, she would do tht to Keith Saeed & I too.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Worthless waste of time, energy and air watching that Sow.

Anonymous said...

Lisa if your book was finished TWO years ago, why hasn't it been published?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't her family force her to get help? I guess they have given up. Pretty sad

Anonymous said...

That head dress thing is awful. She could use it as a Halloween costume. She looks posessed.

Anonymous said...


There is no Ahmed. You are not sending these to Ahmed you dumbass fuck!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that Dante is African American and not a nigger.

Stupid bitch!

Anonymous said...

Hey you dumbass cracker bitch. When you see:

"Hon." before a judge's name it is meant to be read as "honorable" Not, honorary.

Dumb as shit.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN you are a piece of shit.

You got arrested, I did not.

TOM BENGE is my story, not you.


AHMAD - my gifts and my baby dresses for my daiughetr LU LU - NOT MICELI .. AL MAKTOUM!!!!!

You do not hear my calling up SCOTTY, RAJ, AND ALI's hubby asking for sex, chuldren, and money and gifts do you??

Or they are whacked?? or they are fat, ugly, liars!!!!!

HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai, according to ANGIE MCQUEEN - you cannot b e trusted with Lisa Miceli's private information- it is all over the internet... not ANGIE MCQUEEN's!!!!!

You wanted ANAL sex from Lisa Miceli - so you showd up at ANGIE MCQUEEN's ?? WHY? you thought that I was going to be there...


She gave my name!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI called me a piece of shit for dating aHMAD - AHMAD she needs our wedding photos throw in her face!!!

Angie McQueen needs my wedding jewelry throw in her fACE.

and some perverts need our sex thrown in their face.. to BELIEVE US!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Not when you still keep in touch with others.. DUH on FACE BOOK!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

ALI called me a piece of shit for dating aHMAD -


AHMAD she needs our wedding photos throw in her face!!!

LOL yeah you numbskull. That's just what I need. :p

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
ALI called me a piece of shit for dating aHMAD -


AHMAD she needs our wedding photos throw in her face!!!

LOL yeah you numbskull. That's just what I need. :p

September 6, 2010 3:15 PM

THat will shut your big ass up. I am not a liar.

This is my wedding blog and my baby blogs.

You psoted your wedding photos. Can I nor have my wedding with my invited guests and not crazy crashers??

Did you all have to bed my hubby beofre I married him??

Can we all pick Kelly Scott's next month and all bed Mr. SCOTTY SCOTT?? team up on him and then take his money and give Kelly Scott some kids that she has to pay for too?? Hopefully is our plan works, Mr Scotty will leave that ugly miserable sow n amed Kelly Scott...

YARN, I am tired of being te focus and so is HH.

We need a big laugh at death threating Kelly Scott and her bad karma from the blogs!!!!

LOL, LOL, LOL, HH and I still going strong!

AHHHHHHH LOVE!! It hits you when you least expect it.. for HH and Lisa Miceli.

Go one yourself, with a finger in your azz or pussy, you are a winner to AHMAD!!!!!


Lisa Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

UNITED ARAB TRADITIONS, so beautiful!!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I do not have time to post on here, with DANTE in school, HH promised me hours of offline sex.. hours of it in a row.

Is he a liar??


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Not all women get their nails done.
Mine needed to dry out, I have a green fungus under two of them.

I will get a new set on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

GOOD BE WORSE... lol, lol, lol.

Tony and my baby (our books) are off to a good start.

BY THE WAY, I have my own preggers with my own fiancee and HIUBBY, AHMAD.

We are not telling the next wedding date, OCT 14, th 2010 - my birthday, ANGIE McQueen & LIANN & Raj will try and show up to be me again.. for my own wedding.


KELLY SCOTT -want to make some death threats, so that ANGIE MCQUEEN shows and assaults my fiancee on my wedding night for millions in jewelry and cash!!!!!

SORRY, AHMED - lots of tears and lots of anger!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miclei = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

AHMAD sent me some messages with crying faces and GOLD DIGGER!!!

What a nightmare ANGIE MCQUEEN and you other pigs are.

We plan a wedding and you attack us for money. GOOD GAWD!!!

I have all of the em ials pieced together for the courts.

ANGIE AND RAJ wanted to know why HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai acts like a baby and not a grown man.

2. NO LEAKING his address to others.
3. USA laws are for one women and one man in a marriage!! or work!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

My sane com ments with HAMMY, meant he is being attacked by these imposters too.

Lisa A. Miceli

chimerafemme said...




You'll never be my mother. You are a horrible, unfit mother.

Anonymous said...

This is just sad. Not entertainment. Sad.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

SAD for everyone on here.

UNFIT, you wish.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE REALBR said...

MOCKING AHMAD, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....

I love Lisa.

I hate Lisa.

I love Lisa.

I hate Lisa.

AHMAD> hello??

Lisa A. Miceli

yabba dabbadoo said...

"We are not telling the next wedding date, OCT 14, th 2010 - my birthday, ANGIE McQueen & LIANN & Raj will try and show up to be me again.. for my own wedding."

Ummmm...Miceli, you just WROTE the date.

Oh never mind. Shhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone.

I swear she loses IQ points by the minute. Is it possible to have a negative iq?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

THE PLACE is secret.

I need the TALAWEED GROUP to help me fix my storylines, please.

Any interest over there, please let me know.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
I am 105lbs... at 5'6.

WOW, my ARABS like it thin.

Don't know why that unhealthy height/weight ratio would be the goal of ANY normal wo-- Oops! We're talking about one crazy bitch here. If she wants to pretend anorexia (or attractiveness), she should prolly quit showing her grotesque, rictus-faced, lard ass self on vid.

JEALOUS NIGGER. Worry when I call your hubby.

When you call mine, I LAUGH so hard, I fall on the ground.

PSYCHOTIC is you, contacting me during my wedding sotry. are you going to throw ACID on my face in a jealous rage of my wedding with AHMAD, a man that you never met in your life.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI BABRA - you kept Michael Jordan from me for the last two years.. TALK ABOUT LIARS... oh my GOD - you!!!!

You never met the man in your life na dare so jealous you have stalked me for two years. WHAT are you going to do??

Bed AHMAD to get me back???

I am engged to AHMAD, I have a right. you are all nuts.

When I say that I am engaged, here come the luniatic ANGIE MCQUEEN, KELLY SCOTT, and AKLI BABRABA - wanting te exact same thing as me at the exact same time or tears.. WHO CARES.

Call you own hubby.

He fills my checking acocunt and does not know you.. bloggers.

You need to be in jail- if you are in my checking account iwth AHMaD.

Am I in yours with RAJ or MY SCOTTY or whitey boy with ALI BABRA?

NO. so why are you stalking Lisa Miceli and copying her and contacting AHMAD!!!!??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

GOOD, I will check my account to see what AHMAD sent me.

This is Lisa's money is he talking about you??

Lisa A. MIceli

Anonymous said...

Without an audience there is no show.

yabba dabbadoo said...

My favorite lie is "Michael and I are not at odds. He said as soon as you find your place where you want to live call me."


Steve Young sure dodged a bullet, huh?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


It was one football game.

I hate start struck fans.

NO SHOW - this is a private blog of family and friends ov er taken by MJ fans wh want to rass my fiancee.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The Bride 2 B said...

Time to post AHMAD's messages to me.. that he does not know - ANGIE MCQUEEN... and others.

lol, lol, lol.

So, your words of hate fall on deaf easrs. MJ is a black god and wanted white, that hurts ALI BABRA so much she went white too.

And still hates the white man (woman).

Sorry, You may not have choices, ALI, but MJ did and others- they chose me!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

ALI - your a delusional.

I am thinner than you in the wedding photos.

Did you jsut have a baby??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

You mean you KELLY SCOTT - you are the nasty used up DSKANK - do you not have 4 kids from Mr. SCOTTY SCOTT - white man - that much jealousy over Michael Jordan.

SEESH!!!! and my wedding proposals??

Where are you hubbies? They are all broke??

That you stalk and steal my love story with HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai from me?

ALL EXTORTION AND FRAUD!! NUT CASES, like Kelly Scott, ANGIE MCQUEEN, and ALI BARBA and PEPE LAPUMA repeat Lisa Miceli verbatim... out of jealousy and greed- and make threats to murdser me.. for my life.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

SO, Kelly Scott, does your hubby know that you are making a threat to murder me and steal my identity??

What about your 4 kids? what will they do without a mother, when she is in prison for making death threats??

WOW - you met him one time for sex- and you all think that you are part of his harem in the USA- BIGAMY MUCH? or fraud??

NOPE. EXTORTION = AHMAD admitted to it alredy.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

WOW - HACKER?? or does ANGIE MCQUEEN talk to Kelly Scott and now is in cohorts with her? death threats and ID theft and all??

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

So, your words of hate fall on deaf easrs. MJ is a black god and wanted white, that hurts ALI BABRA so much she went white too.

Lisa is a certified MORON.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

CHEATING on me, the REAL AMERICAN PRINCESS adn then making death threats to me.


Is TINA SLATTON calling Kelly Scott fat? I think so.

Not Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Does it ever dawn on you that MJ actually married a black woman. And his biological children are black. You know his kids right....the ones he actually supports. Yeah, them....they are black. So, where do you get this nonsense that he wants "white." And why do you care what race anyone's husband is? You dono't have one bitch!

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

All of you are INSANE!!

You all divorced your hubby's for my AHMAD - you are insane.

BIGAMY is illegal.

KELLY SCOTT, ANGIE MCQUEEN, PEPE LAPUMA, AND ALI BARBA - that is 4 wives adn not one of them are legaly his bride.

Lisa Miceli is and went to the courts today to prove that.


I am HH Sheikh AHMAD's one USA wife, why are you attacking me? MONEY? my black son??


MY MARRIAGE?? imposssible. Where are you hubby's?? that you want to all bed HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai, my fiancee??

Ok, so 5 USA wives all bedding AHMAD adn trying to gift him children- while using their hubby's as a cover... WHAT?

ILLEGAL... and I will not tolerate it.

UK wife.. with a one year old.

Makes 6 wives at one time.

Plus 2 in the Middle East, makes 8 wives.

All at the same time.
How many are pregnant?

Who invited the NIGGERS and the KKK in my marriage??

I am the wifey, so how did you slam me and be made in to ME in the USA? EXTORTION!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

kelly Scott, I do not believe you - you just answered to the pig slams from HH and ALI BABRA!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

Lisa, why don't you contact the Pennsylvania State Police and ask them what information they have about you on file.

From what I understand, you're quite well-known within law enforcement circles (as if you don't already know), and not just for giving the ex-cop a blow job a few years back.

Keep digging, the hole you're about to bury yourself in is just about deep enough. You've been warned.

No threats, only facts. It's all about who one REALLY knows.

By the way, you need to find a new word to try and insult "black people," because nigger holds no validity or merit coming from someone whose spawn is of african descent and the fact that you yourself have a hankering for "nigger" dick.
It just further proves how truly insane you really are, NIGGER LOVER!

Lisa Miceli=The real Nigger



Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


What is your name?




You keep making threats, b/c you and the others on here are insane.

ONE WIFE AND ONE HUBBY in the USA - you are all married and broke hookers, looking to me and AHMAD to pay your bills.

You are going to prison... so lol, AT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

You all married AHMAD and had sex with him offlnie while he is engaged to me and you tell me that he is fake?? WHAT?

What di you get paid from my fiancee? I went to the courts today, so please make threats, that I can use as evidence against you.

You want my mnoey- GET a job or 7 of them..... DUH!! I do not pay your bills and neither does AHMAD.

HOOKER business so good that you are making threats to Lisa Miceli - for her sex life? IMBECILE!!


Thank you for the evidence to lock you up - so, the words of Angie McQueen - that was pointless.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

NO, I am Michael Jordan's ex-MISTRESS - the BLACK GOD - eat your own heart out that you would stalk me to hurt me in my next powerful relationship.


GO ONE yourself!!!!!!

with fingers in your own pussy and ass- AHMAD will send a JET for you in 3 weeks, if you give my name!!!

ROLFLMAO at you!!!!!



Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I did not contact you, you contacted and came on my blogs, you silly hooker.. I said no to your NASTY SEX.. NASTY, your own people call you a nigger and a nasty one@!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli =- THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

LAPUMA is not your last name- scandal much??

Are you not a hooker??

You can get off my blogs anytime n niggers.
Kelly Scott, you can stop coyping my property any time...

Sorry you are the poor folks, in the USA - we are not required to take slaves - to bed our men for us and then harass us afterwards.

GROUP sex? you and KELLY SCOTT and ANGIE McQueen all at the same time- you are all crazy onlnie at the same time.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

SORRY - but you are on my blogs harassing me over marriage- not your own marriage, is it??

You are a sex slave side freak show?

NOT INVITED in my marriage with Hh Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai.
These are crimes in the USA =

Extortion & stalking of Lisa Miceli.

I am not racist. This is my private life bedroom that we are talking about.

NOT BUSINESS!!! I have a choice in marraige!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

My money is not AHMAD's money- so get a clue.

LaPuma na dMJ money and Miclei money- wioll not pay for any of you.

So, stop giving my name and my consent to HH Sheikh AHMAD of Dubai for you to meet him or bed him for me.

Lisa A. Miceli

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

Oh Lisa, you're not just a nigger, you're a dumb nigger.

One thing you're right about though, this Ace of Spades is some good shit!

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I know... you do not.

You are pretending to be Lisa Miclei (a LAPUMA).. adn niger is you.

OWN IT STUPID JEALOUS BITCH!!!!! You are all nigger, contacting AHMAD and I asking for my date nights, my marital sex, and whatever else.. my last nam (LAPUMA).

I am not a lesbian... DUMB NIGGER GIRL.

So, get out of my name, my bed, and my blogs.

HAMMY wants me to show my bling.. I am shy though!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...


Does not like real criminals- only pretend ones, in SCOTLAND YARD.... FAKE SHIT.

You bitches are scary.... ebonics type scary... real crimes!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...;_ylt=AqCV4gSXDc4KMgaTagzFcpZv24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTNsb2pqNzZwBGFzc2V0Ay9zL2FwLzIwMTAwOTA3L2FwX29uX2VuX211L3VzX2NoYXBtYW5fcGFyb2xlBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDOQRwb3MDOQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2pvaG5sZW5ub25raQ--

CRAZY, NYC CRAZY - huh ANGIE AND RAJ.... What does whacked mean??

Whack job??

Why would I be crazy for marrying a rich and handsome ARAB SHEIKH that is online with me 24 hours a day???

He was to stop all crimes against me b/c of MJ's wealth and fame!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

PEPE LAPUMA - no one wants your oral sx, in exchange for money or information.

AHMAD has my informatiom - from the courts.. as proof.

Want to go to court, PEPE LAPUMA to see if you can use my last name (LAPUMA) and bed HH Sheikh AHMAD, using me name to meet him in person??

Plus, you made threats, over Hh Sheikh AHMAD - WHY? he pay you?? good sex?? why?

You knew him from reading my blogs- I write that good??

Why are you casing my blogs??

What do you get from my blogs??

How did you get sex with him offline when he is engaged to me?


Lapuma lie?? so he thought that you are Lisa Miceli???

You going to cry at my wedding in the courts, PEPE LAPUMA that you touched my man???

I am marrying him in the USA courts and the rest of you are going to prison. STALKERS go to prison, not marry the victims hubby and take all of their victims's money!!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

MJ's dad was murdered by two black kids just like you.

JEALOUS & claim to own what they do not.. another 's life!!!!

We have to give you all money to shut you up??

and stop stalking us??

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

MJ is a black god and wanted white, that hurts ALI BABRA so much she went white too.

LOL! A mind IS a terrible thing to lose! Sorry, ya hairy boychick, Gorgeous Ali3 has been married to treasured me since before Michael Jordan even met Juanita. Then again, math was never your strong suit...

p.s. The tales you pull out of your ass (throw acid in your face? sheesh) show why your wretched writing will continue to scurry around this lunatic dungeon you've built yourself, never glimpsing the light of day (publication). Karma, tootsie. Have another bowlful. :p

Lisa A. Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
Does it ever dawn on you that MJ actually married a black woman. And his biological children are black. You know his kids right....the ones he actually supports. Yeah, them....they are black. So, where do you get this nonsense that he wants "white." And why do you care what race anyone's husband is? You dono't have one bitch!

September 7, 2010 10:47 AM


Mj had two kids out of wedlock prior to marriage.

So, ask him, not me.

OR JUMP, INC or DAVID FAUK his manager.

YOU ARE A HOOT - this is not YOUR HUBBY or fIANCEE, MELISSA DEROSIER, PHD - dream on, everyone with a mouth is married to the same man as me when I am engaged.

FREEDOM of speech, to show your ignorance.
Do not make threats to me or my marriage for money please.
I asked for the blogs to be shut down.

The USA has no respect for the MUSLIM faith. My marriag in Dubai has nothing to do with USA people.

I do not know Kelly Scott, ANGIE MCQUEEN, ALI BABRA and PEPE LAPUMA = the know me form MJ fame.

Mj is not bedding them or paying them, despite thier threats adn demans, no is he?

So, why my fiancee, AHMAD?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Joyful1218 said...
Why are you casing my blogs??

You do not have any blogs...Chubbs & I do.

September 7, 2010 4:26 PM

THIS UIS LISA MICELI's blog and my emails to

You are a thief and a liar.. WHO ARE YOU??

You and aHMAD are not in cohorts, as you did not date Michael Jordan and you were not proposed to by HH sheikh Ahmed bin SAeed bin al majktoum of Dubai.

You are a big fat liar.. HE sent me a wedding dress and told me to marry him.. not you.

You are not married with 4 kids?? none of which are MICHAEL JORDAN's or AHMAD's.. so why are you after and making a run for Lisa Miceli's money and mommy rights!!!!

MISSABSAM blog is Lisa Miceli- are you admtting to hacking KELLY SCOTT?


You are the stalker, not Lisa Miceli- Lisa Miceli dated MJ and went to court of a settlement.

Hence the court orders in State courts for an out of court settlements.

You do not have the transcripts. I do, b/c I dated Michael Jordan.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

Did you not get my emails KELLY SCOTT from

ANYIONE with a mouth can say anything in the USA - so you are a liar.!!!!!!

ALL of you are liars and scam artists, why would AHMAD have to pay you first to meet me in person?

He would not. I met him and then you heard of him.

Your blogs reflect that- NOV 2008- I was already dating AHMAD.

Also proves AHMAD is stalking Lisa Miceli - not ANGIE MCQUEEN or any of you!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa a. Miceli =-THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I did not give up my mommy rights to anyone...
AHMAD owns this blog with Lisa Miceli - not anyone else. DANTE is not yuour son, ANGIE MCQUEEN or Kelly Scott, unless you want to go to prison.

MISSABSAM blog was set up to satisfy PA STATE RULES for adoption of DANTE by Lisa Miceli & HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed bin al Maktoum only.. not your stalking criminal losers!!!!!

Kelly SCOTT you make your littleone cabana boys, not DANTE. He is not your money or your kids nad you need to get out of m ylfie - so I can do legit business.

You scabs are annoying me & need to be in jail for stealing my ip.

HOW MANY WIVES does Mr Scott have in the USA? you and who else??

Raj? how many wives do you have in the USA?? Martha & who else??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HOW MANY WIvEs does Michael Jordan have??

Then why are you dunmbassews on my blogs, not just chatting with me??

STOP PLOTTING to murder me for money.
DANTE- and Lisa Miceli - went to the courts.

What are you thinking Kelly Scott about my son DANTE - he is not yours!!!????

Lisa A. Miceli

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

The only one that seems to speak Ebonics is You Lisa!

Do you even read what you write nigger girl? It makes absolutely NO SENSE, like everything else about you.

I think it's safe to say that you've run out of options since being a whore didn't work for you.

Must suck to be you!
Tee Hee

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

YOU MEAN YOU PEPE LAPUMA.. it is not your real name.

You are invading my privacy.

And stealing from my trade secrets in business.

And using my name to try and b ed a sheikh.

HE DENIED knowing your nigger skank hooker ass... said that you lied and hacked the computer.

How funny is he now?? reading m blogs??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO - DANTE is a black gentleman.

You wish he was a nigger like you.


AHMAD is my fiancee.

Find a more suitable man PEPE LAPUMA, in jail - b /c that is what you are a criminal!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

The weirdest thing is, with all her nigger-calling, this nutbag obviously believes black people are superior! Like she thinks it's a taunt and put-down to call my husband white. I mean, what's stranger (tho admittedly hilarious) than her accusation that I married a "white" man because no black man would have me. Got that? In her addled head, white is a bottom-drawer consolation prize, Ha-ha!

Kinda explains this doozy:

MJ is a black god and wanted white, that hurts ALI BABRA so much she went white too.

See, MJ is a black "god" who apparently reached beneath him to date white women, which hurt me so bad *sob!* that I, too, plucked a lowly Caucasian from I dunno...the cabbage patch?

LOL! What upside down world has she created where redneck arrogance & self-hating inferiority hold hands & sing kumbaya in the same lame brain?

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

I cannot finish my book, you lunatics want to act it out... like you are all actresses - WHAT THE FUCK?

THE FBI will have a field day profiling you PEPE and it is not RACISM - it is all CRIMINAL behavior.

SAY NO TO NOOKLERS EVERYONE - they come out of the woodwork for married and engaged men - WHY?

I do not have a clue. The singles are attract you.. or you love the scandal and the hurt game?

LIsa A. Miceli

Jennie LaPuma said...

"You and aHMAD are not in cohorts, as you did not date Michael Jordan and you were not proposed to by HH sheikh Ahmed bin SAeed bin al majktoum of Dubai."

Hah. Nor did you "date" Michael Jordan, or be "proposed to" by HH Skeikh whoever you dumb bitch.

"I did not give up my mommy rights to anyone...

The one you should be apologizing to for that is Dante. Poor kid, stuck with your sorry crazy ass.

"MISSABSAM blog was set up to satisfy PA STATE RULES for adoption of DANTE by Lisa Miceli & HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed bin al Maktoum only.."

BULLLLLLLLSHIT Lisa Miceli. All you have to do is put an ad in the paper, and make a concerted effort to find the true biological father. But you're such a slut you don't know who that is exactly AND you would never do such a thing because you love and craze attention of any sort, and this is just a sad attempt to get people to notice you because you are no longer the sane, attractive girl you use to be.

And by the way, anyone can change their name for pretty much any reason without your permission because you are a no one. Believe me. I've done it.

Anonymous said...

HAMMY wants me to show my bling.. I am shy though!!!!

Dumb white nigger bitch -- You Miceli

Anonymous said...

SAY NO TO NOOKLERS EVERYONE - they come out of the woodwork for married and engaged men -

Oh god! What is a Nookler????I have to protect my husband! Help me someone pleease!!

Lol, that's one of the best Lisa-isms yet.

Anonymous said...

BTW. What is "one yourself". I mean I know what she's eluding too,I think, but is this a common term? I just refer to it as Jilling...oh well, maybe if I didn't have a sweet piece of Italian man to take care of that kind of thing for me I would be more aware.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

YOU WISH. I said anything aobut my own son.
Sorry you are broke and attack me.

Your death threats on the MICELI name,. the JUDGE is in the HOSPITAL - I hope that you get life in PRISON!!!!!! YES you, Kelly Scott, two yeatsof tellnig me, a MICELI that I need to be whacked and referring to me as Miceli.

SORRY - get a rela job. I have a freal hiubby, named AHMAD who loves me, not you.

SCOTTY SCOTT is not AHMAD - you attack me and you go to prison.. with your cohorts, not AHMAD.

He is a billionaire with access to my information... so he does not need to hack or attack me.

He can come to my house, as a real hubby does.

HE does not need to stay 50 yards away from me, b/c of a court order... like you will have to!!!!!

PARIS, FRANCE trip is Lisa Miclei -not any of you fat cows, saorry, who told you that you can tag along in my marriage or my career.

FBI will have to arrest you or USA MARSHALL's.

LYING <LUNATIC PRINCESSES are Kelly Scott, ANGIE MCVQUEEN, PEPE LAPUMA, and aLI BARBA - one blog nad obne marriage proposal not to be given to other women.

You are not the mother of DANTE so shut your mouth, stalking pedophile FREAKS!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

No Lisa, by your definition, Dante is the NIGGER, because not only is his father a "nigger" but you, his so-called mother, are a nigger.
And believe me, because of YOU, he's going to get it tenfold thanks to you.

By the way, that 'house' you live in, but don't own, is not worth the price of the storage shed on one of our properties; not to mention the looks of it. Talk about ghetto...

Lisa A. Miceli= THE BRIDE 2 B said...

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
No Lisa, by your definition, Dante is the NIGGER, because not only is his father a "nigger" but you, his so-called mother, are a nigger.
And believe me, because of YOU, he's going to get it tenfold thanks to you.

By the way, that 'house' you live in, but don't own, is not worth the price of the storage shed on one of our properties; not to mention the looks of it. Talk about ghetto...

September 7, 2010 4:31 PM

You fighting the wrong battles, according to HH Sheikh AHMAD.

He is not your man to fight me for. NIGGER BITCH. Does he acknowledge you?

NO!!!! WHOSE wifey are you, PEPE LAPUMA?


Who set up a blog for you..? and an email account and other accounts??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HE SAID that he is bedding me on my wedding night to AHMAD, can you not read?

NO FURTHER DISCUSSIONS needed - I need to tend to my family.


Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

I have a freal hiubby

Sounds painful. Is it on your hooha? Can penicillin cure it?

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

As a matter of fact Lisa, I did talk to "Sheikhy" and he thinks you're crazy, too!

Once again, sucks to be Lisa A(as in asshole) Miceli

Anonymous said...

Sorry, You may not have choices, ALI, but MJ did and others- they chose me!!!
Lisa A. Miceli

Oh but they didn't choose you permanently. You were just a hit and run piece of meat to all of them. None of them married you did they???? Matter of fact, it doesn't matter how many proposals you have gotten; NO ONE WILL MARRY YOU. They only propose to get what they want from you and then toss you back into the gutter from whence you came.