So yesterday LM made some sick comment like "My mom is going to come into my room & fuck me because its taking you too long to come to my house".
I was beyond disgusted.
Who says shit like that?
Oh yeah, LM.
Here are just a fraction of the shit I've received in the last 48hrs.
Thnk you - DANTE and I hit in the head with two glasses, throw at us, peanuts and a lamp.
KARMA BITCH!!! Someone wnats to hurt you real bad too honey.
I have no voice today, hoarse and battered, thank you, ANGIE MCQUEEN.
TALKED MY FIANCEE for my wedding adn my MJ STORY adn got sent to jail - You would take an ass fuck for MJ TICKETS, LUNATICS!!! I cannot wait to tell him and his lawyers and laugh my ass off.. for it.
I am going to tabloids and the court,s FUCKING WHORES. STOP tellnig my bsun iess whore. NEED more black guys?? LOL, LOL, LOL. I called THE CDC for your AIDS viruse out of control. Need to warn up front.
MY WEDDING STORY - dinners meeting with my property.... my fiancee dfrom ONLINE.. and lawyers about my son.. ILLEGaLY. EXTORTION adn fraud, beating me up online in fronmt of the ROYAL FAMILY.
DEATH THREATS as well, NO one told her to show up for me as sex.. I invited HH to events and he showed up iwth her.. as if s was me. MY WORDs- why would I not show up.
He proposed, his words, why would he not invite me.
We both did not know this lunatic.
why would she show yp as me, when I am the one proposed to?? MY love story ruined by an imposter hacking my computer.. my son is ruined as well.
HOW COULD you, when you are a trusted person. you are not a man to let her attack me and then attack her back... SAY NO. She is speaking dfor me and wlaknig in my shoes as if me.. . INCREDIBLE PAIN AND SUFFERING from he. MY BOOK and my TV SHOW and my life and my emails not hers. Are you not felliong raped, she hacked mty enmails.. and read them AHMED and HAMDAN? WHAT? a stranger!!!!
CLOWN FACES at the dinner table.. WHAT??
You ran with my story and my paternity action, and my blogs from radio and TV.
I am furious that you would clown my own my wedding night dinner and go to the HALL of FAME as if me or the MOTHER of DANTE.. LUNATIC.. NOT HAPPY - FURIOYDS. cannot get that time back. So do your time in person BITCH.
Why are you putting other WHORE in my marriage and stealing my sex life - YOU hate sex, get help.... . I do not and neither does HH Sheikh Ahmed.... We wanted sex right away proves ANGIE MCQUEEN murders over sex.. her aunt. SHE needs to be celebate. She is not Lisa Miceli.
If you have sex with anyone then hoie about your own fiancee.. not using my dad's mind and spy games. SHOW UP at my house with cars.
Why would she go to BILL CLINTON's office or HILLARY's when I asked for the traffickng to cease and desist.. ??
You do not want your kids, ANGIE - do not speak for me LUNATIC.. Put your DEVON!!!
RAPING ANGIE MCQUEEN while on the pone iwth me, at te sink and dying her hair ad then sent me photos. afterwards. threaten anal rape of LM or poverty.
BE REALISTIC. You are not gettting out of jail- for what you and ANGIE did to me.
You called my brother to start another fight today.
BABY BOY by aNGIE MCQUEEN from my wedding night story. EXTORTION - one month delay.. my emails and then ANGIE MCQUEEN acts them out. Now calling my photog to try and bed HALLE BERRY. STOP THE HOOKING AND TRAFFICKING on my name please.. from HOLLYWOOD.
Sun, November 28, 2010 11:16:04 PM
Re: RAPING ANGIE MCQUEEN while on the pone iwth me, at te sink and dying her hair ad then sent me photos. afterwards. threaten anal rape of LM or poverty.
YOU do not RULE over me, wher are all of the back -stabbing emails and requests that got you into bed with ANGIUE MCQUEEN behind my back and STEPHEN BOYCE to be a shitty lawyer and other calls that you made.
WHY is she forcing herself into my life, as my friend, sister or whatever. Another bride of yours. I hate her and want her out of my life.
I hear MAYA in my head, WHY?
EXCUSE ME, how did ANGIE MCQUEEN get into MY GULF STREAM on my WEDDING NIGHT please in CA?? and you not in ERIE, PA??
THE SCHEME is over... OLD NEWS!!!!! I am going to all OSCAR DEL A HOYA events...
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ you the only news is you...
OSCAR DEL A HOYA... gave me his DNA, what if I told you it is not his kid, ANGIE MCQUEEN? you did paternity fraud? for MILLIONS? and are busted!!!!!
MJ knows his full testing panel and chose to pay me and have me be a huge celebrity, OSCAR did not!!!!
He paid tyou in sympathy to shut up.. please get off my JEY liar. MJ cghose to marry me and make me a STAR- I chose HH Sheikh Ahmed and HH Prince HAMDAN - not you..
You hurt people because you are soo jealous and insane. LEAVE US ALONE - MAFIA wana be princess- not our life MINE!
STOP FUCKJING other women.. I told the triuth, ANGI is a mocvknig birds.. with AIDS - MJjohnson's dr - JEALOUS hateful bitch. now I need rubbers with my wonb hubby.. WHAT THE FUCK? insane bitch.. that you went to HALLL of FAMe- PAY BACK is a BITCH, so is SCOTT WESTON!!
Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Gowns and Accessories from PeriDress : Your order #12567 has been declined
CAn you pay ofr the rest of my wedding dress, b/c I cannot afford it.. please of HOLLYWOOD stalkers and hackers.
YOU FUCKED HALLE BERRY you go to prison.. I am sick of this shit. YOU ARE NOT A MAFIA BOSS or a PIMP or a HOOJER - you are my SHEIKH!!!
You were to take me to MJ's HALL of FAME, like YVETTE PIERTO.... and dancing like ANGIE MCQUEEN =
You are to make me a wife, adn not commiting any crimes against my or in the USA?? You are committing EXTORTION fuck ing other women.. RIDICULOUS...
SEX ADDICT school for Lisa Miceli- you are writing under my name and playing tricks.. they are not LISA MICELI .
Sun, November 28, 2010 4:16:51 PM
WHY are you not at my house partying. . you have your own money NOW?? That I have to sue for??
STOP STALKING ME, who went to PARIS FRANCE on my name? WHO?? it was to be my honeymoon nad it was a bunch of blondes.
If you are no longer into my wedding sotry, then stop contacting ANGIE MCQUEEN - b/c she should up as me and she is not me. It is my life.
You cannot re[pair 9/11 DAMAGEs of taking ANGIE MCQUEEN as if she is me. WHERE are my cars? Angie has one, you bought it.. so she said.
I am sending you to jail for never coming to my house and gifting everyone my life as f they are all MICHAEL JORDAN MISTRESS....... when they not.. YOU ARE NUTS!!!! you do not listen to the truth...
get the fuck out of the CA house that I was charged over, it is my house iwth HH Sheikh Ahmed for my son..
You are fuck up of a man!!!
My love story.. AL MOCO TOUM?? WHAT? Li'sa dancing tapes with HALLE BERRY? she is flat cheated whore nutcase going to jail if she copies Lisa Miceli and calls my contacts.
WHO CALLED you CHUBBY?? it is my chilren not theirs from our wedding story.
She is a con like RAJ in my marraige, what do you not understand.. she was the screen not LISA MICELI - same with HALLE BERRY, not Lisa Miceli- flat chested whore wanting my life for BILLIONS adn giving nothing in return. BAD TRADE DEAL!!!!!!
I am going to FUCK THE GENERAL's brains out ands have him chop off your dick and you fingers and then talk HUMAN RIGHTS.. like you are doing to me. and laugh and mock your injuries like you are doing me..
and then I will ask if you are okay and then now show up to help you.
Where is the party on my name tonight?? DO NOT TELL ANGIE MCQUEEN -fuking whore will take on my life as if me.. and call it a screen... where are my meetings..? with BRAVO? I need to tape mine, that was a silly crimbnla imposter..
FAT AS HELL DANCING on YOU TUBE. AUGUST 2010... from a JUKY preggers? from my wedding night in Oct 2009...NO? I posted it online.
Who is the mother? I need to collect it all.
PIECE of SHIT ANGIE MCQUEEN. RETARDS KIDS - look at them fighing one another.
FUCKING RETARD baby boy and does not know it yet.
RETARD, RETARD, RETARD, AHHHHHHHHHn you did it to you, ANGIE MCQUEEN. You raped your own pussy on the phone with me over my money. I want my houses and my cars and my cash, for my dancing skills not yours sand my sports psychology..... not yours.
SHUT THE FUCK UP you had a baby boy with ANGIE MCQUEEN on my wedding night OCT 14, 2009. You should have shot the violent bitch who wanted to beat everyone up.
THE CLOWN IS ANGIE MCQUEEN with OMAR HENRY and your baby boy? NO??
Sun, November 28, 2010 1:10:01 PM
You are petty so MJ got petty, in the crowd with his fans. How is MAYA's baby boy, from her adoption in AUGUST 2009 & drinking in hotels & houses with you?
EXCUSE ME? You gave my resume to ANGIE MCQUEEN and my book to be me and then fucked her on my wedding night to get her preggers. Right? AT THE MONDRIAN HOTEL. SEX TRAFFICKING.
Where are my homes, it was n ot ANGIE's deal. she was a witness. She did not go to MEREDITH COLLEGE??THE ANSWER was no. She is not me. SEPERATION of sexes.
It is not her kid. I am the mother and going to put in a cause of action for illegacy surrogacy. You said BAD EGGS and you called me the adorable egg donor. She wanted DANTEs money,. no? in 2009 and in 2010 mine and yours.
It is not her life because she was a witness.
HAMMY was mad when I said I was 15 yrs old.. WHAT? ANGIE lied the whole time. You handed gher my resunme., ASSA was to get my house.
Where is she?
Lisa A. Miceli
LISA's emails, LISA's house. ANGIE MCQUEEN does not have a TV SHOW or OSCAR's lawyer is suing her.
It is my TV SHOW - he is slow b/c it is stolen property....
you are to cease travelnig on my name, my emails and my TV SHOW - stop the organized crimes around me.
THE BLOGS were for my wedding, not favors for HOLLYWOOD.
HOLLYWOD LOSERS, no education and no money per TV SHOW, over spend and steal.SAM MICELI - this is SAM MICELI's house on a deed, my dad bought it for a dollar from his brother. WHO's the BOSS? Sam or JOE, we like little LISA. I was 7. Lisa the TOOL TIME GIRL, I was less than 17yrs old. NOT COOL.
Two imposters ruined my life, who are insane and cannot come out of character and spy on me, for ENTERTAINMENT deals. ID THEFT, not entertainment.
they stole from my bvlogs nad sold the same story to DUBAI adn in VeGAS, NV.. EVERYTHING stolen by PAMMY, ANGIE and PARIS and aLYSSA MILANO - all contacted HH for sex as well... my life, not wifeys.
I need anti anxiety pills to do the photo shoot.
You gave them to ANGIE MCQUEEN not me after calling everyone in my sockial circle and twellnig them what? They can fuck you? WHY? thought it was 4 wives?
Why would you ask ANGIE MCQUEEN anything about me when I was sending docs as proof of me nad oyu were on mty blogs, as I am not Kelly and other sites with websites. I did not put the connection together at first.
ESTEEMEDONE was you? why did oyu not conme to my house. I thoguht that you were femlae, not male. I am not giving my son to another female. You called me a lesbian. I am ot but now get offers.
YOU LIE to me and tell ANGIE the truth now. WHY? You used my TV SHOW to fuck her in my face. NOT COOL.
TV SHOW RUINED cannot get those moments back and have more evidence than ANGIE MCQUEEN - who did not get dna testing or child support until the age of 5, like DANTE was in 2009. She is nothing great.
PANTS story does not apply, you are a Royal in an other country. All are not created equal, look at retards and different careers.
You blamed me for her words, and yet were catering to her as if she was me. EVER 5 minutes at her house for sex, in the USA.
I would take the offer, ask RAJ - or all 3 of you go to jail for the rest of youer lives, for comspiring against me fo MILLIONS of MJ money. I dated the man and he cried, when I was on there.
ERXCUSE me, they are drink your cum to get rich and famous? You proposed to Lisa Miceli and bed aNGI MCQUEEN gifting her my children and my wedding and then defend her backstabbing behavior and call me poor?
HH Prince Hamdan said to you, she is NOT me. Why would you fuck a stranger, after nmaknig plans with me? verbal contract to marry, DIPSHIT. Not iwth ANGIE MCQUEEN - but Lisa Miceli 8 times, and each time a different women. You are making me ill traffkicking me in pieces, for what money? YOURS? WHY? They are not Lisa Miceli.
They aer as pretty as me and you are not to talk back to me. Why are you not at my house nad in my bved, writing to ANGIE AND HOLLYWOOD to get a professional contract, while I suck your dick as planned. ASSA worked for you and I - not RAJ. My lawyer thought that I was marrying RAJ- WHAT? NO WAY. She said that she has two lids with yu, from stealing from me, from the point of my car accident- too easy to prove that everything she said and is saying for the last 2 yrs is a repeat of LISA MICELI.
BLOG RADIO, I have no voice, choking.
If everyone thought that you were a bad man and going to kill me for money- then why did they marry you or bed you or have kids with you.
You were a billioniare to greedy whores.
TOM BENGE adn everyone will testify againast ANGIE MCQUEEN - adn she is in prison mommy or not. She is ignorant to steal from me having my own kids with my own man, not RAJ or OSCAR (even thought you pretended yo be him, when I was calling on the phone in the sumer of 2009 ) why ou cater to mJ nutc ase stalkers, is insane to me. MJ would not fuck who you are dfucking- sh eis hideous.. UGLY, how dfo you fuck her? Her face, her fake lips and big nose and shaggy dog hair?
but you do not know her.
It was my VEGAS, NV how did she know? IMPOSSIBLE.
They only reason my DNA was not complete, was a crooked Judge who wanted others to get a piece of my son's money, not MJ's money from an order, legally, but DANTE's by trying to start an action bvehind my back. Kelly Scott and everyone pretending to be from MEADVILLE, PA. My life is my life, stop gifting it to orther women - behind my back - why are you so fucking disloyal to me.. ???
Stop giving my money to other women wihout marrying me first or having kids with me first. You love aNGIE, then AnGIER goes t priosn- she was not allaowed to contact you ever behind my back let alone tell me pussy shaves and washer ands dryer stories. MY HOUSE ASSA ands you adsn I were going to get for DANTE in March 2009 after a Jan 2009 wedding proposal. I told and everyone was getting married to someone else at the same time, MJ, ALLY MILANO and others, leaked their wedding plans. You do not marry people to meet other women.
EVERY DAY that she is with you and my emails, she wants to go to jail - she did not know your family- your family b ack stabbed me over my son's wealth. You took on more wives b/c of my money. not your other wives money. You were to pay for me, to get my own money and my son's money. Yet, you pay for ANGIE MCQUEEN. MY PERFUME and everything that I asked for you gave to her, WHY? STINKY people.. you are buying her off, as a payoff and RAJ too, for a wedding trhat did not happen yet and was to be done in Jan 2009 for children only.
You are fucking me online and bedding her in perosn makes no sense. It is a shorter flight to DUBAI to ERIE, than CA to DUBAI.
You are drinking and fukcing her, as if sshe is me, from internet PRINCESS. You c onfessed onlnie to all of her threats as well. LEAVE HER now and buy my home in July 2010 - who went to the ROYAL ASCOT parade and who got my necklaces, for my onlnie breasts.
How is she ever boarding my JET? EVER. She is not to share a man with me ever. It is stalkjnig and copyright infringment and extortion- she is killing people, me including me. She is not to contact you, EVER, b/c you are my fiancee, not her HOLLYWOOD- you work there? on any projects?
AVIATIOn only? Where and why are all of these people coming to us for every bit of our money?
DO NOT BRING ANGIE MCQUEEN to our next hotel sex meeting. please.. no, no, no, lie lie lie. GOT THAT> LIE.... m y breats ae better, she has cancer from the last 4-0 yr old child and lost her hair and wears a wig, serves her right for back stabbing me with you.
Where are we fucking? anal is best.. but I suck dick better than ANGIE and ASSA according to you... She lies and taks about me in the middle of sex. She was wearing ASSA top, prove of sex when buying my home in CA - in June 2009... not that long ago to pursue.
You do not go there do you anymore?
DO you not have a son with this LUNATIC, asking for HOLYWOOD whore after you got preggers.. BE REALISTIC, tyou are insanely ugly oyu stole and flipped information and are going to jail for it. BABY BOY or not.
How is OMAR HENRY's dick after POENCIL THIN AHMED- baby boy your new job for money.. need to brag about a nanny.. for him. or is MAYA helping.. with AHMEDvon the bed.. what does she do with HH?? suck him yet?
You can pay for the MEDICAL BILLS for the two glasses and the lamp, being throw at DANTE and I and hitting us in the face the medical bills.
I am horse today. Was that the anal sex on my wedding story, ANGIE AND AHMED?
BRUSH your teeth and shower and no stds DUMBASSES!!!
YOU THINK THAT you are going to fuck hALLE BERRY on my engagment and gift her a child. KIMwas talkngi to GABRIELLE gher ex baby daddy.. WHAT AS ASSHOLE?
when do ou stop with HOLLYWOOD leeches on my life?
Do I need to go public with your AIDS STORY/TRUTH??
SEND A JET for LISA MICELI = HALLE can make her own money.. she has enoguh LAPUMA info.
THamnks for the bug eyes. I look like you from chatting much & you switching lives around, that is all that you do with me.
I can make my own money, and was doing that in the USA. NEVER hurt for money or rich men.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH BLAH, I hate talking and you are a liar to me.
PLEASE send me the pills to lose weight, I can then get on the treadmille and do YOGA and relax. You are two years too late.
ANGIE is not BROKJE, you had her in bed several time paying for sex, when you are to be at my house. I am furious and broke because of you. She is not MISS ABSAM. You ruined my plans. I need a contact list of men in ABU DHABI please. I pitched a story over there please. I will give you a list of people, and ask them to contact me please, if you will.
BRING VALIUM or XANAX - I have never had to talk this much in my fucking life.. WHAT THE??? you were to just show up..
PUt my videos to music... WHAT THE FUCK/ you are proving tyou are a liar.. TO LISA MICELI, not that I am a liar, ruining my value and gift it to someone else, who is trash. BUSINESS SCHOOL? You know her breasts dents in them. DISRESPECTING YOU. WHY? I am not a man, and I hate blondes, FUCK THEM. i am not a lesbian... You know my past. it got you off.. sexually.
Tht was the only thing that turned you on.. all of your brides fucking other men. I will tell them on you TUBE in a veil.
KARMA is a bITCH - ANGIE get a bottle to the head next. GOOD.
THIS IS TOO WEIRD. I am sick of being called a liar b/c of you and Michael Jordan- my TV SHOW was for credibility. I did radio (who got that- FRED, MJ's lawyers), wrote a book and now a reality TV SHOW and marriage and more kids next and PLAYBOY - you put this online on a blog to have me attacked by only 5-6 women- who are they, they call claim sex iwth you, GROSS!!!?? WHAT is going with you? You met ANGIE MCQUEEN for sex since March 2009 according to her. She is finally telling the truth that was stupid because it was my INVITE to VEGAS for pre martial sex, how did she come up? and contact you? What did she say?? When did she say, I want to fuck oy for my BFF adn get your millions form a baby that she would kill me and jail me over prior to her own wedding with you? "I know you are a stranger, but I have AIDS wanna FUCK?" is that what ANGIE MCQUEEN said to you, that you did not tell me? EXCUSE me, my teasings were not enough for you to meet in person? I called you, not her and RAJ.
EVERYONE knows that you are lying, when It was to be me, it was ANGIEV MCQUEEN.
My family is crazy now, thn ak you - and expected me to move out in 2009- they are psychotic.
HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai has everything of mine for a book deal- to be an ASSHOLE with if I die.
I am ANGIe's AUNT KIM- and my coats- and she told me to shut up or retired FBI, MELISSA DEROSIER, PHD. YOU ARE RIGHT BITCH, you are going to prison for attempted murder of Lisa Miceli. She is is cocked and loaded in PITTSBURGH, PA to shoot to kil you, PAMMY, PARIS, and ANGIE MCQUEEN - if keep getting that nutty for my money and my men. We tape recordeed everything and my emails on file with FBI and YAHOO the minute he called me on the computer. You are not a long haired brunette ANGIE MCQUEEN - so please that HH would want to kiss your ass- it was my photos DUMBASS!!! I was on the phone with you as well - you are looing really nuts trying to scare me and get somoene else to hurt me.
The TV SHOW was never even done yet before ANGIE MCQUEEN fucked HH behind my back, is if she was me and meeting MJ for the baby, who is now 6 not 1 when he first spoke to me. How are my meetings at the MONDRIAN HOTEL - THE AUTOPSY, DISRESPECTFUL LIONESS in March 2009? on my emails and with my fiancee.
OSCAR and OMAR HENRY meet up for you, ANGIE MCQUEEN in Sept 2010?? or Sept 2009?? You a hacker and a stlker, DAMN GIRL.
Whose baby boy? the father??
I WANT EVERYTHING since you met him, even the red & black dress. I will dance in your sheets or in your hotel on my wedding night.
It was not your body, it was not you bodyu. ANGIE - it was my wedding, FUR COATS everything that I asked for, scarfs and book shelves- THE CRIME is, it was not my body and in fact, ANGIE - it was not your wedding night. These are my emails not yours.
It was my fiancee, not yuours. STOP LETTING random men fuck you as if you are me. IDIOT.
You can pay for the MEDICAL BILLS for the two glasses and the lamp, being throw at DANTE and I and hitting us in the face the medical bills.
I am horse today. Was that the anal sex on my wedding story, ANGIE AND AHMED?
BRUSH your teeth and shower and no stds DUMBASSES!!!
OK. I am sick of you talking to youself and other males in my life and bedding other women, is if I do not exist.
I have a favor to ask of you, please.
No, you were racist to both me and my son.
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
~ Lisa A. Miceli
20 yrs for extortion in the state o f pas - i do not have to watch your kids with my fiancee b.c of you being a pig.
My family hates you and told you to stay puty of my fami ly - blood blood nigger whore who is nuts and would pretend to be lisa miceli for her billions, while you are your family are losers.
Stop asking for our info- it is not yours. Black child or not, he is richer and healthier than you.
you proposed to lisa miceli first prior to m eeeting angie m cquen -d
Sat, November 27, 2010 10:30:21 AM
PIECE of SHIT - corrrect and control YOU.. beofre I send YOU to prison.. who cares about your bloodlines, AIDS WHORE!! spreading it with malice
"PUT YOUR RAJ on" = 7 yr old WHORE for a CHILD begging for my hubby for sex..
I will tell the whole world ANGIE MCQUEEN - you are a LUNATIC STALKER AND PEDOPHILE and rapist, from my emails- you are not Lisa Miceli.
You need to b e murdered and killed over OSCAR - he does not want you, MJ wants me still . LUNATIC is ANGIE MCQUEEN switching lives and calling it comedy, FREAKY FRIDAY!!!
MALICE - having sex with AIDS with aL MAKTOUM before my wedding becauseI said no to sex with both her and Raj (over AIDS)- WITNESS my wedding . SHe is not a friend.
She was on the phone with me when you are at the house with her in the bathroom. DYING her hair and yours too.
Why do you show up at her house when I call you or email you? I do not live with her, was living with HH for our marriage.
You proposed to LISA MICELI - n ot aNGIE MCQUEN - yuo show up at LISA MICELI's house.
BEDDING the bloggers and Michael JORDAN fans is not acceptable.
Both are in my computer ands gong to the wrong house and hotel on my wedding night.
You are not Lisa and have no right to show up as me.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 374 of 374Where is HRH PRINCE WILLIAM or HRH PRINCE HARRY to help me?
Make some sense of an imposter in my name and blocking her from my life with HH - she only plays me with him.
They are my court cases and my emails, and my request for VEGAS, NV - how did she get the info.
HAMMY's emails are comimg back to me from one address.
I do not want any one of these whore at my wedding that think that bedding my hubby is fair game- what do they give to me..????
I will prosecute any over zealous Lisa Miceli stalking female, so does MICHAEL JORDAN - Kelly Werner should have learned there. not to toucvh my man.
You go to jail... that is the law in DUBAI!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
I see Pepe post here. Why do you always include her in your bantar with Lisa Ali? Or does she ask you to. Are you running out of things to say to get under Lisas skin so try to get her riled up using Pepe because you know it will get to her. I don't see Pepe doing the same. It makes me question your motives too.
and then HALL of FAME night- who went?
Yvette Prieto, thats who
HAMMY wants a baby girl with me, and will have it whacked if the dna is NOT HIS!!!!!!!
Fantasizing about killing a kid cause its DNA is "wrong"? Why am I not surprised...
lol, lol, lol, I love HAMDAN!!!
NO, we are fantasizing about making kids...
JAILING the lunatics.
WATER BABY DANTE cannot wait for a baby sister.
LISA's body alone.
MOMMY RESCUE- he is doing back flips and did a back bend, b/c MOMMY did it in front of him one time.
He watches me and repeats and is good but wild.
NO, we are fantasizing about making kids...
....and that is all you will ever have...fantasizing.
NO, sorry to disappoint you, I will marry and have kids with a legit husband, not one who loved MJ's stalkers.
MJ stalkers kill for clothing and jewelry.. and same bs over and over again.
HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai went to the wrong house on my wedding night b/c she said that sge is my wedding witness.
HH SHEIKH AHMED of Dubai did not know ANGIE MCQUEEN to fall in love with her, EVER.
ANGIE MCQUEEN how is OMAR HENRY dick ,not a pencil dick is it??
STOP contacting hH behind my back, you are not a friend.. if you contact him one time.
Lisa A. Miceli
EXCUSE ME, ANMGIE MCQUEEN is not my roommate and is not in my emails unless she hacks and was not to be in my house in CA unless she lied.
So, that being said, 5 ARABS to ANGIE MCQUEEN's house makes no ense when you write to me.
I am not her matchmaker.
The wedding is Lisa Miceli not ANGIE MCQUEEN.....
HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai is cheating on me with ANGIE MCQUEN b/c she lied about my wedding night.. I have the emails,... The house is LISA MICELI and that is what is causing the ID THEFT!@!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Is fred still on here, I need Dec 14, HALL of FAME for NC tickets for me and my son and my date please??
NO ANGIE MCQUEEN, no LISA MICELI friends, and no stlakers or bloggers.
If you are not Lisa Miceli, then do not contact HH.
I have 2 JERSEYS for him from HH to sign for DANTE.
I have the receipts too.
FINISHING my book ASAP too.
Lisa A. Miceli
NO, sorry to disappoint you, I will marry and have kids with a legit husband,
You want to bet?
Anonymous said...
NO, sorry to disappoint you, I will marry and have kids with a legit husband,
You want to bet?
December 2, 2010 6:53 PM
BY THE WAY, some jealous bitty deleted the whole PRINCEY account.
When I was finally over the brain damage of ANGIE MCQUEEN showing up as if me on my wedding night??
GET OUT OF MY NAME until I am married please.. officially... you do not contact HH and I until then please to stop the confusion.
My witnesses are lawyers to me wedding.
BRING my dress to court.. YES.
I have footage of DANTE at the YMCA learning to swim and him in his JERSEY's from HH Sheikh Ahmed.
VEGAS SHOW GIRL was Lisa Miceli in 2003... for the ALLADIN and bathing suit modeling iwth ARIES.. call me if you read this ARIES. (ANOTHER ARAB.. SEESH!!).
See my photos, they did my hair, and traveled with me and lived with me...
Flag this messageRe: Hello Mrs. MaktoumTuesday, November 16, 2010 9:27 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"*******" <**************>Add sender to ContactsTo: "Lisa Miceli"
I'm sorry, who is this?
From: Lisa Miceli
To: *******
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 11:35:37 AM
Subject: Re: Hello Mrs. Maktoum
Does ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN call you too?
From: J Mims
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 10:57:20 PM
Subject: Hello Mrs. Maktoum
EARLIER emails would be posted if it was not for a hacker.. they are no DEL A HOYA BABY MOMMA and printed out.
MY HOUSE is my house, you are crazy too ,noe mobe it, is not enoguh- you and RAJ lied to Lisa , ASSA, and HH SHEIKH AHMED.
My projects are for my WORLD PROJECT and my house temporary for wedding.
Oh Lisa
Do you think that we are all as stupid as you?
I have several Mrs Maktoum emails as well. All I did was to send inquiries to several vendors and sign my emails with...
Mrs Al Maktoum
Get a freaking grip; you have proved nothing.
My family is from Hungary, AHMED I.
STOP taking over my life and givinig it to ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN- makes no sense.
Hungary ROYALTY.
You look like you're from "Fatima" or "Eaton", not "Hungary". Ba-da-boom.
What did I tell you, autism is brain damages... ??
and now, look.
Lisa A. Miceli
PARTYING on the dance floor with Lisa Miceli in the MIDLE EAST - in tight clothing... is Lisa Miceli plus AL MAKTOUM.
For my You TUBE TV SHOW...
What club?
Lisa A. Miceli
Anonymous said...
Oh Lisa
Do you think that we are all as stupid as you?
I have several Mrs Maktoum emails as well. All I did was to send inquiries to several vendors and sign my emails with...
Mrs Al Maktoum
Get a freaking grip; you have proved nothing.
December 2, 2010 7:43 PM
You cannot be this stupid.. are you? You and HH were to protect Lisa Miceli from the HOLLYWOOD TV SHOWDS and we fell in love and decide to marry, he sent me a spa and hotel room.. and ANGIE MCQUEEN showed up for me and asked for room in LISA's name.
EXCUSE me, my emails and her showinmg up after a hack!!! He was writing to Lisa Miceli only.. ONLY.
Things went quickly and he delivered b/c ANGIE MCQUEEN saw him, and ASSA - not me his own fiancee.
and it was mty own TV SHOW- he got us confused and still does.. He said I am in a tent, not me, it was ANGIE MCQUEEN.. to Lisa 's music choice for dancing!!!!
ARAB women are tiny.... very tiny. I was 100 lbds at 5'6.
Mr. DADDY AL MAKTOUM needs to be on a flight before I change my mind.. and am not so nice about my name.
He is mine.. in my bed.
I have to go.. I need to ride my bike for some deodrant.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE MCQUEEN misused Lisa Miceli- for hher BEST MOMENTS that I can never get back, UNCLE VICTOR MICELI watching the BABY MICELI marry.
Lisa A. Miceli
SOMEONE BEAT up HH, for psoting my book and my playboy in advance of sales, as I would have a STATION WAGON PORSCHE for me and my son, in dark chocolate... with gold interior.
PARIS, FRANCE HONEYMOON and told me to go with HH - and who went??
NC HALL of FAME - called LAWYERS and SECURITY to go to the GAME!!!!
and be on TV.. !!!!
Trying to pick out my outfit and my son's.... !!!!
DEc 14th, 2010!!
Sophsticated and sweet.
DANTE starts BASKETBALL in Dec 5th, this SATURDAY and has a new sweat suit!!!!
I am think it is going to be track and field.. he is such a runner...
He does laps in the house for over 30 minutes....
Lisa A. Miceli
MY patenrity story was used for me to marry HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai=
lisa a. miceli
You know Miceli, no one needs to make libelous comments ,insult you, lie about you, harm you or your family. You do it all by your self. No one talks about you. You are the one doing all the batshit crazy talking. You say you want a private life yet you smear the internet with the most foul and disgusting comments about yourself and what you do. You want privacy? Then STFU and GO AWAY. The internet will survive without you and your lies.
I am not CUCKOO, ANGIE MCQUEEN met hH from my emails.. and met him at my spots for me to meet, although I was hacked.
He sent me a wedding dress... and clothing, MUSLIM clothing.
I would love to marry in my wedding dress please... soon and photos please.
OK LOOKIE HERE, HH was on the way to my house in June 2009 for my wedding and this whore has to dnce topless, for his room nad then in sheets nd then claim preggers.. and then make threas, of rape, pdeophilia and extortion.. NICE ENTERTAINMENT and nioce friend = NOT.
Where is my wedding story, in Dec 2010 - ?? when were were ready in June 2009- the emails came to Lisa Miceli, c/c she asked HH to go on CNN for her.. why?
Scott WEston was talking Michael Jordan divorce on CNN - and well, this is Lisa Miceli's life... not ANGIE MCQUEEN.
He is OSCAR right??
We planned a wedding since 10/2008.. and now what? SLAMS ONLINE and more discrediting...
Lisa Miceli PLUS HH in CA only.. no other women.!!!!!!
I was arested for a brothel in CA in March 2009!!
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE McQueen is a liar, she was speaking for Lisa Miceli... and I said none of thoise things about HH.
Said he was the love of my life.
I cannot get those monents and the timing back our visit meeting on camera after blogging and emailing him this whole time!!!!
Now 10 brides later and he was only with 2 wonmen whn I met him.. ANGIE MCQUEEN and USA CULTURE ruined him as he does not mingle with women.
Cheating was a death sentence, and I lost him to ANGIE's mental illness- he did not know her.
Lisa A. Miceli
Miceli, Just curious , where are all these numerous stories that you say keep getting leaked to the tabloids?
I have not seen a single story about you ever. I take that back, one story that YOU leaked to the NE many years ago that was chalked full of lies. But that was the only one, that I saw.
Why attack me for marrying and having kids- you do.. did I call your am and fuck with his head behind your back!!!???
and why can you not stop?
The money- not yours.
PARIS, FRANCE?? on my honeymoon, dancing to MJ in my new house, my placs and my words in emails in emails ANGIE MCQUEEN -what are you thinknig taping you with him... in YOU TUBE??
VEGAS, UK, and DUBAI and .... as if Lisa A. Miceli.
I am not crazy you back stabbed me for my wedding story.. you did not know him at all.. he is in his 50's.
Lisa A. Miceli
ANGIE's secerte stolen panites from a photo shoot nad then two lawyers, CARLA DIMARE and GLORIA ALRED on my paternity and my wedding story.. EXTORTION!!!!!
Then she copied me vertabim, called HH beihnd my back and then attacked me online ANON!!!!!
STILL CALLING my lawyers, STEPHEN BOYCE AND BRUCE BARRETT... and WASHINGTON, DC lawyers.. stop using my life for me to sit at home.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a RUINIOUS BITCH- my house and my WORLD project, she took over, from hacking my emails.
VEGADS blowjob? BIG DEAL.. I can to.
Dancing in the hotel room and house - big deal, me too.
ACE of SPADES and cold DUCK = MY PLANS.!!!!
ANGIE's videos are proof of extortion on my wedding story in the USA courts.. nice job!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
MY UNCLE VICTOR in NEVER EVER EVER coming back to watch me marry who was once the love of my life.
Lisa A. miceli
2. 5 yrs of stalling. I never stalled. In May 2004, I opened paternity for DANTE.
No, it is not okay to call AL MAKTOUM behind my back ever.
EVER- I am never ever ever ever open to other women in my bed.
Lisa A. Miceli
ATTORNEYS need to gag and restrain crazy peope not the mom ad the dads.. for legit paternity hearings.!!!!!
me on purpose.. so I miss State COURT, then SUPERIOR COURTS adn then SUPREME COURT.
ANGIe's preview of my life in YOU TUBE, HH said that she is making a mockery of my future..
instead she made threats that I would never see him and threats of secuirty, when they were hired to protect us from her and RAJ.
ALL anon is ANGIE MCQUEEN -repeat her words and who do you hear? HER!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
FRANCIS SHULTZ- ANGIE MCQUEEN engaged in ABUSE of process for KATIE's wedding to try and get HH to get her preggers.
I was invited to the UK wedding not her.
Lisa A. Miceli
SEEE, HH got mad at the lies, so ANGIE MCQUEEN stop lying!!!!
Mu sex life is not your sex life.
My wedding is not your wedding.
ASSA called me July 22, 2009 - my house was ready then? in CA?
FAZZA 3 was in an agreement in Jan 2009 for a baby.
I saw a baby in Oct 2010, that was a month old... with beautfiul eyes.
I know who....
Lisa A. Miceli
My friends form my past would love AL MAKTOUM, males only.
My TV SHOW in the FUTURE.... b/c of my sportsmans friends past.
Lisa A. Miceli
I am allowed to shoot to kill in my field, with an officer, is my life is in danger.
I wanted snipers at the wedding, so,
1. My hubby is alive.
2. My hubby is not diseased or injured.
3. My hubby is not in jail for something he cannot get out of ....
I am not jealous of strippers.. my tits are fake too and I can and do talk trashy, b/c you do not listen to me unless I am screaming or swearing- the USA way!
AMERICANS are rude to ITALIANS, BLACKS and ARABS- we have to have a fit to get our way- even if right.. !!!!!!
ANGIE MCQUEEN and friends, stop stalking and contacting HH - 4 wives is the rule!!!!!
If you touch my hubby, you do not get a TV SHOW - you go to jail and I then I sue you!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
HH ,
Lisa, and DANTE
all have the same cough!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
Prince Hamdan, you account was delted, if by you, okay, is not, pleae set up private one and no one knows... and I promise on the KORAN, I will not give it to anyone.
Lisa A. Miceli
Where is my housing cleaning job, HH?? lol, lol.
HH, you are my Sheikh.
You lied... and I was upset and fell for a lie. I looked it up after heart attack 1 and then heart attack 2 with your account not taking me emails!!!!
I said YES to the WEDDINGS!!!
NC HALL of FAME - called LAWYERS and SECURITY to go to the GAME!!!!
and be on TV.. !!!!
Trying to pick out my outfit and my son's.... !!!!
DEc 14th, 2010!!
I will make sure to send this to the charlotte bobcats so they can alert security.
LISA's weddings no ANGIE MCQUEEN.
UK wedding, I said yes.
and my own wedding!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
You feel me and hear me before you see me. I know.
I had to announce it.
AMERICANS are rude to ITALIANS, BLACKS and ARABS- we have to have a fit to get our way
Speak for yourself. Your kind, "Loudmouth lazy bum", is not recognized as an oppressed minority. And I've moved many a mountain with impassioned, non-profane letters rather than throwing "fits" (your parents may hand you what you want when you fly into tantrum; the world tends to cluck its tongue and turn away from screechy, middle-aged two year-olds).
HH ,
Lisa, and DANTE
all have the same cough!!!!
Maybe the three of you smoke the same brand of cigarettes. :p
HH, studied Lisa Miceli - GALL adn LAPUMA.
and this is all my propertyy, not aNGIE MCQUEEN.
So, HH needs to wed and bed me for 2 times the children that ANGIE MCQUEEN has instead of Lisa Miceli sitting here and typing to him.
UK wedding:
1. Your date is married.
2. Your date is older than you.
3. She is not me.
Lisa A. Miceli
FAZZA 3, "you do not know what you are saying or doing" - then you need to be in Lisa Miceli's house, who owns this blog.
Please and thank you.
No, I am not armed so call ahead or bring security.
I have no idea who reads the blogs.
Angie McQueen deos not have to tell her man she loves him in public to bed him.... you make me jump through hoops.
Then, I am played the fool, like all women, but cannot back out of my earlier statements..
Then I am challenged over and over agian, b/c of bad man or Lisa is a fool.
ANGIE MCQUEEN is a lunatic that cnanot be trusted.
Who else is making fun of food? YOU. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Did you want to be my neighbor so that we can share a cable line?
Lisa A. Miceli
I have all of your photos behind my back, stop sending them to me and HH -and stop trying to meet him in advance of my wedding.
They do not mix the sexes and do not back stab in Dubai.
I love HAMDAN.
Lisa A. Miceli
DO not make another threat or say another bad thing about me please.
HH Prince Hamdan, please set up anothe account that AM has no access to please.
Did AHMED say that I was in a TENET, Lisa wears a tent?
ANGIE McQueens recent video... of her dancing to little bit?
NOT LISA, AHMED, that is not LISA HAMDAN - you proposed to Lisa Miceli and bought her a house, that ANGIE lives in.
I do not have secuirty issues, tht was ANGIE MCQUEEN - I am sick of her libel and her interfernce....
MJ's securty got me with the dude.
You are waiting too long, I am ready for baby 2..
Lisa A. Miceli
Trying to pick out my outfit and my son's.... !!!!
DEc 14th, 2010!!
I will make sure to send this to the charlotte bobcats so they can alert security.
December 2, 2010 11:04 PM
Ohhhhhhh they'll alert security! No doubt!
HAMMY, HAMMY, HAMMY - I am having a heart attack, you just asked me ...... blah, blah, blah.
Please fix twitter for me or fix YAHOO for me.
You and HH both made me so dependent on you... seesh!!!!
I was trying to resolve my housing scenario, and you were listening.
Why did you get upset with me?
WRITE back now, I need you in two places in DEC and JAN - .. please.
I am NOT banned from the CHARLOTTE BOBCATS... nope, not.
MJ's secuirty was how I bedded the fool!!!!!!!! So, please do not call them.
no, no, no, no, no...
Please call HH Sheikh Hamdan AL MAKTOUM - I have a temp tattoo, fake, on me in case, I get lost from him....
Finding my hotel and my flights now....
with AL MAKTOUM - Y???
SEE, MY REALITY TV SHOW would have been great..
My lawyers will love this new house.... hmmmm.
Where is mine, please?
Me and the right Judge get to see his houses, on camera.... by PA State law.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not ruin communications with HAMMY and Lisa- we were sooo in tune prior to then.
I hate bloggers for that reason... !!!!
It is bad enoguh that HH Sheikh HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai went to ANGIE's house and never heard of her in his live, except from Lisa Miceli.
HAMMY and I are in do not disturb this groove.
Kelly Scott does not speak for me nad her hubby is white, not HH -
I am not flatterded by swingers offers or threesomes!!!!!!
Just Hammy, Hammy, Hammy......
HH Sheikh Ahmed got ANGIE MCQUEEN (not a bride) and Lisa Miceli confused.
I was engaged to HH Sheikh Ahmed in Jan 1, 2009 - when Pepe and ANGIE McQueen both got to meet HH, using my name and lying.. so why would I notmeet me own fianceee nad his family- without secuirty being called???
Jenny Moore?? Who is that?
Linda BEE? who is that??
He was writing to me.. from where?
ANGIE MCQUEEN blurred the lines, and mde people think that she me.. when she is NOT.
Hammy is more alert to his wives!!!!!!!!
DON't DISTURB this groove.. PAY ATTENTION...
don't disturb this groove....
Hammy + LISA MICELI = forever!!!
Your UK wedding date, is married.. not me, who you said.. NO WAY!!!!
Former University of North Carolina basketball All-America Michael Jordan will be inducted into the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame at halftime of the Toronto Raptors-Charlotte Bobcats game Dec. 14 at Time Warner Cable Arena.
How many Las Vegas, NV tripos did I miss? When it was my suggetions??
nice photos AHMED....
Hammy and I need to know please?
and how many UK trips as well?
and how many DUBAI trips?
and how often at my house in CA that I have has since March 2009 and Angie McQueen moved in in August 2009??
and all of our courtship (MJ did not take you on dates, just business) did you have with ANGIE as if she was me?
PLEASE keep your women (wives) straight...
Funny, the Saudis said this about him when I met him, and did not pick it up... about him..
UPI-Former University of North Carolina basketball All-America Michael Jordan will be inducted into the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame at halftime of the Toronto Raptors-Charlotte Bobcats game Dec. 14 at Time Warner Cable Arena.
Angie McQueen is trying to control my marriage to HH and make it open and speak for me.. NOT ME.
Kelly Scott what do you know about those two names??
Both are married and my friends from high school... NOT COOL!!!
They did not share their fiancees with me... !!!!!!!
Kelly Scott why are you fucking with my marraige and my kids please??
Go have an open marriage Kelly Scott b/c your body is sickening.. I am a fan of plastics!!!!
NO HAMMY - please change your emails.. with the same name but a number or something.. please.
ACE of SPADES in my hotel room... nice photos....
OHHHH NO!! I just cut 5 inches from my hair, how am I ever going to get my PRINCE in my bedroom...
Keith Saieed had to cut me out of his chest hair... after 4 yrs.
God I hope she doesn't try to go that hall of fame thing. She will definitely make the papers then! "stalker arrested after charging at Michael Jordan during his speech"
Anonymous said...
God I hope she doesn't try to go that hall of fame thing. She will definitely make the papers then! "stalker arrested after charging at Michael Jordan during his speech"
December 3, 2010 9:20 AM
I hope this is NOT the USA press- really really really bad. I did not go to jail for stalking MJ- it was asking a JUDGE to recuse the JUDGE.
He was just not being fair-
I am a lady at events -
It is a sign of respect and friendship.
Where is Prince Hamdan??
I love my PRINCE... come see me, my PRINCE.
lol, lol, lol, Soo amazing.
I am in cohorts with AL MAKTOUM - I travel and write to you, to mind your own family business.
I called MJ's lawyers for my quickie in NC!!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
CONVOY at my house for my wedding story?
ANGIE MCQUEEN was watching YOU TUBE videos of DUBAI.
Lisa Miceli loves Dubai.
Wish Hammy would go to the Queen City with me... in CHARLOTTE, NC.
Ok, what hotel? Omni?
I cannot remember GEOGRAPHY, I used to live in Charlotte, NC.
Where Dante was born, Charlotte, NC.
There are some great restaurants there.
Kelly Scott, what does oyu hubby do? REAL HUBBY? not HH please.
I live in reality, not fantasy...
You know that, you went to the UAE police.
I saw the twitter.
HH Prince Hammy and I will go through security.
MJ has Yvette Pierto.
The ugly duckling Lisa did not find her love nest yet, officially.
Sure thing, chicken wing...
HH Sheikh HAMDAN of Dubai is not in my head, ANGIE McQueen needs to stick with HH Sheikh Ahmed since she was married to him in June 2009 as if she was me and then moved on to OMAR HENRY in July 2010.
I do not know her.
I know HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai was a jerk to me and lied to me while at my house with he and using my emails and my contacts.
HH Sheikh Hamdan, I am not telling you any of my friends.
HH Sheikh Hamdan is NOT in my head- no FAZZA 3 - not just in my head.
He knows how to get to my house.
Do not use my name, or my emails to try and bed HH - of Dubai- NO, no, no ,no no.
LUNATICS let other women have sex with their hubbys or wives.
HAMMY write back, I need you in Charlotte, NC with me in less than 2 weeks- HH stalled on all of my business projects!!!!
Too bad that Hammy isn't going to be able to make it to your house or North Carolina.
He has much more important things scheduled.
Guess you won't be going.
Okay, when she talks about other babies she's seen and how cute they are, it totally creeps me out and scares me. Mothers, guard your children.
I did not go to jail for stalking MJ
Technically true. You went to jail for refusing to promise, in writing, that you'd STOP stalking Michael Jordan and his people. Since he has a permanent restraining order against you (permanent meaning 4-evah), and since there's no Prince coming to help you with your sociopathic lawbreaking junket to NC, whatcha gonna do?
Your motives are so pathetically clear. You want to float into some big, media-choked event where Michael Jordan is holding court (HOF Ceremonies, Kentucky Derby, whatever). Yeah, you'll show HIM that you don't need him and don't need to stalk stalking him to events he attends!
You, on the arm of a brown man richer than MJ, and a Royal to boot! Doesn't matter which Royal it is, just someone to gain you entree into a level of society where Michael Jordan drinks champagne like water. Yeah, you'll show HIM! He'll have to have you thrown in jail to stop -- Oops! LOLOL!
Anonymous said...
Too bad that Hammy isn't going to be able to make it to your house or North Carolina.
He has much more important things scheduled.
Guess you won't be going.
December 3, 2010 12:45 PM
What will we be doing, dear?
MY LIFE has nothing to do with MICHAEL JORDAN - HH as horses and so does Lisa Miceli and hers was a PERFORMANCE horse and she rode all of the time.
HH has horses in LAS VEGAS, NV and Kentucky, YEE HAW, I am up for the challenge?? YES and in the UK.
This is my life, not yours.. from stealing my contacts on my own blogs- you and ANGIE MCQUEEN need to be in prison, this is my life, not yours.
Where was your invite? Same with Kelly Scott and then inviting others without asking me if it is okay. The answer is no.
NOT OKAY, when I am married and you shut up so my businesses thrive, then I can generous.. YOU and ANGIE MCQUEEN ruined my life with hacking and liyng and stalking and confusing AL MAKTOUM!!!!!
Or saying that i am eing petty b/c I do not liek your TV SHOW spoof of me or do not want you in my bed for sex- LEAVE me and HH alone..
open your wallet and your bed and your weddding night to other women - and your honeymoon to a bunch of blondes- what do you think? Share your wealth with 5-7 random horney women you never met you hate on you??
COMMON sense, no - none of us would.
So, get real.
Lisa A. Miceli
MY lifestyle is horses, I had my own.
HH has horses in the UK, KENTUCKY adn LAS VEGAS, NV - and what he does for a national past time.
I am sorry, I did not invite you into my lifeon this level to coment on everything and did not invite other women into my sex lfie for certain.
You need to set up a blog with Kelly Scott, about your open marriages and how your hubby wants to foot the bill for other women, everyone but you and then have sex with everyone but you, since you are such a fan. Please open up tyour wedding night and your honeymoon to other women blondes who want sex and drugs and cash from your hubby for chatting on an internet site with him behind your back. Make certain that the women hate you, and make death threats to you and steal from you first. Then call you petty for wanting your marraige to be just about you and Mr. SLATTON.
HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, I am takng a flight and a hotel to Dubai to meet you in your office please.
Then call you petty for wanting your marraige to be just about you and Mr. SLATTON.
LOL! That ain't an Arab name, ya dumbass. Try Ali the Fabulous, Son of Ali, Grandson of Ali.
Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...
MY LIFE has nothing to do with MICHAEL JORDAN -
So why the hell can't YOU LISA, stop talking about him? No one here cares what he says or does but you (obviously)
HH has horses in LAS VEGAS, NV
Speaking of Vegas, that link you posted of Ange stripping behind a screen (lesbo much?) reminded me of Caesars' Shadow Bar.
I am a former dancer, and we did double back bends, which is for entertainment, not lesbot sex, but you interprete your fantasies as you wish.
The only one judging is you.
Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...
MY LIFE has nothing to do with MICHAEL JORDAN -
So why the hell can't YOU LISA, stop talking about him? No one here cares what he says or does but you (obviously)
December 3, 2010 5:23 PM
HAMMY, you are getting upset over YOU!!!!!! You and you alone- thank you for overwhelming me.
Feel good now?? MANLY? good.
For my wedding night, I need to block off some Meadville, PA streats, and wear read and black nad green and white and red white and my school colors... YA!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
HH Prince Hamdan,
One question, are you gentle on the hair? and what does that mean?
By the way Lisa
Prince Hamdan has been busy all day/night in Abu Dhabi attending an important meeting with other rulers of various emirates.
I can guarantee that he has not been emailing or phoning you at all due to his pressing duties and functions with other dignitaries.
So, my dear, whomever has been tricking you today by pretending to be "Hammy", is an impostor or perhaps it is just that you are lying, as you always do.
If you do not believe me, I am happy to post news from the Dubai papers validating what I am telling you about Hamdan.
You also can be assured that he is not going to be with you Dec 14th or ever.
lolz, I think it would be GREAT if she went to Dubai. On a one way ticket that is. I wonder how long would it be before she was locked up in a psych ward over there...
Ali Babra said...
Then call you petty for wanting your marraige to be just about you and Mr. SLATTON.
LOL! That ain't an Arab name, ya dumbass. Try Ali the Fabulous, Son of Ali, Grandson of Ali.
December 3, 2010 5:15 PM
LUNATIC, you and Kelly Scott with your fantasy games please stop with me and HH.
You are delusional idiots with a fantasy play. PLEASE not on my blogs.
START your own blogs please.
HH Prince Hamdan,
I am sorry, no one called me today. It was yesterday that I last heard from you and kindly from your own address.
Please set the address back up so we can chat again, as I am moving to Dubai. I misspoke about Abu Dhabi and miss you greatly in one day. You are always very charming and honest with me. I am grateful.
You made me a better person and stopped me from swearing. Thank you.
As far as in a mental ward that was my previous career, so no, do not expect that.
HH Sheikh Ahmed and I are working out the truth. I am not ANGIE MCQUEEN and she is not me, Lisa A. Miceli.
I need to chat with you, to find out how she was me, with a 2 month delay in time from my written emails to HH Sheikh Ahmed. Then I was getting blamed for her words and her actions, while I sat here.
Please write back to me, I am deleting blogs with CD backup.
I love HH Prince Hamdan. No imposters or I would forward it to you to remedy the situation immediately.
Thank you for writing back to me. I am sorry what I said to you. Please do not make me crawl - you said something first that upset me true or not.
BTW, it is real.
You are supposed to meet with me in person please, like the other, it is my failed wedding story with HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, your uncle.
Did you not meet at the MONDRIAN HOTEL in CA and I was not there? or in Las Vegas, NV and again I was not there?
HE was to be with me in person and on the phone with everyone else proving we meet up.
I am sorry the blasphemy is NOT you, it is Kelly Scott and others making death threats and causing the weather to be out of control.
I love you and want you safe always, regardless.
Lisa A. Miceli
Did you actually meet at BETRANDS in Erie, PA? or no? and who was there??
or was that a lie?
Thank you for clowning me after I went into a panic attack over you.
Lisa A. Miceli
Email me directions to your office please, HH.
I will come for a meeting please.
Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...
HAMMY, HAMMY, HAMMY - I am having a heart attack, you just asked me ...... blah, blah, blah.
Please fix twitter for me or fix YAHOO for me.
You and HH both made me so dependent on you... seesh!!!!
I was trying to resolve my housing scenario, and you were listening.
Why did you get upset with me?
WRITE back now, I need you in two places in DEC and JAN - .. please.
December 3, 2010 7:36 AM
You see what a liar you are Lisa.
You claimed that Hammy had just asked you something, which would have been impossible as he was in a meeting all day ( your day) the third.
Just leave the Al Maktoums alone and go find another family to bother.
Does she also think that you are Hamdan?
I did NOT lie. I said that you did NOT talk to me yesterday.
VERY clearly, said that I did not talk to you yesterday.
By the way, I will be raucous for the CHARLOTTE BOBCATS, since "fixing things" in the media, seems to be the name of the game right now.
You deserve a win on your HALL of FAME INDUNCTION night... happy to bring an old friends party.
Hamdan, said "bitch is slow" .
Lisa said, "quicker than you.".
Hope that helps.
Lisa A. Miceli
Anonymous said...
Does she also think that you are Hamdan?
December 4, 2010 6:33 AM
NO - I know the difference.
DOES HH know the difference between ANGIE MCQUEEN & LISA MICELI"?? My emails are for LISA MICELI only!!!!!
At times what confused me was HH setting me up with HAMMY or taking me on his own wifey.
That was the confusion.
Then business messes and then my son and that mess.
If I am bothering HH, then please do not run game on my life, use my emails privately.
THE other women will never be Lisa Miceli = stop lying .. and lying and lying and making threats.
My wedding- LISA MICELI should be there.
My honeymoon Lisa Miceli should be there -not whoever went after HAMMY told me PARIS, FRANCE.
It is ONLY me, not everyone but me!!!!!!!
The other women need to chill out. They are hurting me, MJ and AL MAKTOUM.
Stop messing with my family- stop making threats to be HH - WHAT for? You are not in love with him, you have another man.
The same with MJ- so many lies, WHY?
Hammy I tried to meet you at PLANET HOLLYWOOD.
I heard that RAJ was there - my friends interferring again.
Stop calling up all of my friends and family to tell them- you ae cheating on me.
They were to be called for my wedding only.
Then legit jobs.
Lisa A. Miceli
Thank you for those trying to help out with confusion.
Hammy email me privately.
It is just internet hell that can be deleted.
It is not surgery.. or a permanent tattoo, forever.
Plus, you all live well- so I should be too....
I left my book and my address and and my phone number and no one came over or called me.
Yet my enemies - a blonde who wants to bed who I am dating, is helped by everyone.
How did ANGIE MCQUEEN get AHMED's phone number?
How did she get a free dinner at the MONDRIAN HOTEL adn then get my emails to mock me and then BETRANDS in ERIE, PA he said he paid for and ANGIE was on the GULF STREAM already.
Hammy come rescue me please.
Same shit with Michael Jordan - everyone got to him, after I was with him, but me... and used me to meet him.
I cannot trust anyone.
BITCH, no I did not - NO, HAMMY- I did not.. I met you in August of 2008... NO, I did nothing.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa you are pathetic. Why don't you go play with your son instead of begging strangers to go to an event you are unwanted at?
There are 308 posts and 80% are from THAT's disturbing!
Well what do ya expect anon, afterall it is her wedding story!
Does Lisa know that Hamdan is not even married?
Anonymous said...
Does she also think that you are Hamdan?
Nope! There is another person being tortured with her bullshit. He has rejected her over & again, cursing her to hell & beyond, but we all know how she does - she continues to stalk. She is past pathetic!
She has been holding a bundle of telepathic conversations through the emails. She ask questions & then answers them as if the person she is writing to is holding a conversation with her. She pulls the most bizarre shit out of her ass & makes it the gospel.
She continues to steal internet connection from her neighbors. I saw the rejection letter from her internet provider attempting to get her internet cut back on. Her mommy & daddy discovering the dimwit attempting to make several purchases on credit cards that did not belong to her, and told Swiper, no swiping. She is still holding on to her 10G check while bashing her lawyer in the fucking mud. FYI, SB - she is actually sending nasty emails about you & other people to the FBI. I believe she is already on some sort of watch list, and it's only going to get worse with her re-vamped obsession with Bin Laden.
She keeps saying disturbing shit about her son being hurt in the head. Its repetitive, attention-hungry madness that I think will manifest into reality one day soon if she keeps at this rate.
But the one person who should be most fearful of what she'll do is her mother. Lisa absolutely hates that woman more than anyone who has ever rejected her, made fun of her, or who she has perceived to have taken her “IP” away from her. If things do turn violent, I'd bet money that her mother would be the main target.
Sandy needs to do better than banish the troll to the basement. She needs to get that monster out of her house if she plans on surviving.
Anonymous said...
Does Lisa know that Hamdan is not even married?
December 4, 2010 2:40 PM
Yup! But it doesn't stop her from making shit up as she goes along.
The Real Mrs. M. said...
Lisa you are pathetic. Why don't you go play with your son instead of begging strangers to go to an event you are unwanted at?
December 4, 2010 12:34 PM
DANTE had basketball practice at 8:30am this AM - first time.
MARK RICHARDS, our college friend was there as one of DANTE's coaches, too CUTE!!!
You will have to come for a practice or a game or watch a film.
Lisa A. Miceli
I love Dubai and I love the Al Maktoums.
I said too much already.
Thank you. But my feelings were hurt.
I needed to practice with Hammy.
I would love to ride HAMMY's horse.
Wonder about that??
Lisa A. Miceli
You mean they are strangers to you.
I dated HH Sheikh Ahmed since 10/2008... his choice to seperate the sexes until the marraige.
Lisa A. Miceli
I love horses. Miss mine.
Would love to ride a camel.
lol, lol, lol.
Grandpa MICELI was there too.. this am and liked the practice b/c Dante was soooo happy to be there.
Lisa A. Miceli
Thanks CM
It now makes sense when she insinuates that she has been in contact with any of the HH's.
It's all telepathically!!!
I am guessing that people, such as yourself, have attempted to speak to/warn Sandy. I'd also guess that she refuses to believe that LM is that dangerous.
It will be sad if something awful befalls anyone in that household
Hope they can live with the outcome.
Dante has a 70's AFRO and his white knee socks were all the way up on is legs, lol, lol, lol.
Lisa A. Miceli
But the one person who should be most fearful of what she'll do is her mother. Lisa absolutely hates that woman
The sad thing is that Lisa's mother is the one who has supported her and stuck by her through all her b.s. This is the thanks she gets?
Notdafakecm said...
Anonymous said...
Does she also think that you are Hamdan?
Nope! There is another person being tortured with her bullshit. He has rejected her over & again, cursing her to hell & beyond, but we all know how she does - she continues to stalk. She is past pathetic!
It does seem, from her posts, that the other person has blocked/closed her out of at least one of his email accounts.
I am so grateful that I have never had any inclination to email/call/have any communication with Her Royal Maggotry; it's a bitch to get rid of her.
Stay calm. You are so sensitive to what I watch on TV - I watched dirty jobs by MIKE- and pig maggots.
Sorry... what else is bothering you today?
Why is HAMDAN single? ME??
NO, I did not propose marraige to myself or buy my own wedding dress- you did... you sent for me and told me to buy it.
It is a pretty dress.
STAY calm. Peace.
Lisa A. Miceli
he TV prohram had information on horse feeds, was why I was watching, is all.
Lisa A. Miceli
Do not believe everything that you read. I am NOT violent at all.
Come visit me, Princey.
Expect snow... a huge change from the desert.
SNOW, SNOW, SNOW.. today.
Dante is sleepnig with his red and black basketball... and it was only bounced a few thousands times since yesterday am.
HH Prince Hamdan,
You are being a tiny bit of a hypocrit, maybe. I say that loosely.
If you are keeping track of me, thank you, love you.
You told me to resolve MJ and HH Sheikh Ahmed- and I tried. I give up and back to work.
You are using spy powers, so let them heal you and inspire you - not hurt you!!!
You saw that I saw in TV - the inside of a pig (VERY GROSS - time of day of the pig) AND I was watching horses, be tested for new feeds for the Kentucky Derby.
I invited you to my house- my emails, my house.
I am not violent or mad, protecting you is a challenge at times.
The internet n ad media is a challenge to me, when someone plants thoughts, lies or is deceptive.
NO AGREEMET in his country, will be enfocred if UNCONSTITUTIONAL - that is in the transcripts.
He paid no bond.
Does not live in Meadville, PA - make some people delusional MJ.
He told the international world, he wants me for bed only and to shut up. lol, lol, lol.
It is the year 2010, we talk in this year. If you have a problem, chat- I have no idea what you are thinking. I met you in 1999 - it is many years later.
I tried to write a book to explain the whole relationship and what I said and why.
I am a marriage failure.
So, everyone thinks that I am insane.
I am NOT.
Hammy - I did not cheat on you.
Swiper stop swipping... lol, lol, lol.
You are having fun are you? at my expense?
Ahmed, did a translation for me, saying that if I did not like the looks of someone to cut off their ear.... lol, lol, lol, lol.
Picasso? DUMBO?
I have to watch you all like a hawk.
Send me tickets, not your ear please. lol, lol, lol.
This blog is pointless, you just flipped this- ANGIE MCQUEEN adn Lisa Miceli -
Who deleted Hammy's princey account?
Anonymous said...
Does Lisa know that Hamdan is not even married?
December 4, 2010 2:40 PM
NO, I did not know that... I was talking to him, when he was engaged in August of 2008... MASH ALLAH!!! HAMMY, MASH ALLAH!!!
No, I did not lie. You told me to lie and you would back me up- WHAT?
No need to lie, the truth is the best always.
Do you talk to yourself all the time or just here in the comment section?
Is this you, HAMMY? lol, lol, lol.
You made me giggle. lol, lol.
Thank you HH Sheikh Hamdan for making me laugh.
You are one of the good ones out there.
OLDIE but goodie... not all s.e.x.
I can BE bribed.... lol, lol.
I have numbers for you, and videos - bitch, is slow.
Plus, you all live well- so I should be too....
That says it all, doesn't it?
HH Prince Hamdan,
Set up a new email account please - or ask CHUBBY- I gave you my tax id number you requested from me.
What else? Was there not another number you wanted to?
Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...
HH Prince Hamdan,
Set up a new email account please - or ask CHUBBY- I gave you my tax id number you requested from me.
What else? Was there not another number you wanted to?
Sounds like Hamdan is a real dreamer if he thinks he's going to bank of Lisa social security number.
Anonymous said...
Do you talk to yourself all the time or just here in the comment section?
December 5, 2010 10:04 PM
You wrote back to me in less than 20 minutes. Not bad. I would not wait at home for a response 20 minutes later. BUT?
HH Sheikh Hamdan is taking a nap right now, so buzz off. Do not disturb him.
WHAT? She got pregnant with an AL MAKTOUM using my name, LAPUMA- the name of my grandmother, and VICTOR MICELI a - JUDGE??
Like I have not suffered enough with ANGIE MCQUEEN and HH Sheikh Ahmed- messing around on my wedding night- of all nights.
Can you not find you own lives, not use my emails please??
why the attacks on me, YOUR poverty? Is that not your fault?
This is the USA - not DUBAI, where I am in control over your money.
STOP using my name to bed AL MAKTOUMS' please.
HH Prince Hamdan, I have my business contracts to show you please as well.
Please write to me in private.
Lisa A. Miceli
The comments in here always make me laugh, am using.
Hamdan, are you in Chubby's account, or just Chubby?
Lisa A. Miceli
HH Sheikh Hamdan is taking a nap right now, so buzz off. Do not disturb him.
December 6, 2010 12:00 PM
Lisa, you are dumb as a bag of hair.
Hamdan would not be taking a nap. It would have been nine oclock at night in Dubai at noon your time.
And you are a bigger fool to give anyone your social security number/tax ID.
CM, if you are feeling benevolent, you might want to warn her family.
Okay, did she mean "am using" or "amusing"? I think I'll go with option one.
Good call
I concur
Wonder how many ways "Hammy" will use Lisa's information to steal her identity.
And she has the nerve to accuse others of hacking and misappropriating her information.
Speaking of DUMBO!!!!
And you are a bigger fool to give anyone your social security number/tax ID.
CM, if you are feeling benevolent, you might want to warn her family
My very nice contact had informed Sandy about the
Despite my complete disgust for her, I promise I am not a monster. The day LM made a video showing her sons ss# and generating it to the masses; I made sure my contact informed Sandy about it. She told Sandy about everything from LM stealing their money, making x-rated videos, to sharing sensitive information. Her response was a combination of shock & denial. I even had some of the information sent to her as proof. Her initial belief was that all the negative things that LM was doing were being done by her “imaginary friend” aka her “Hacker”. The video should have been proof that the “Imaginary friend” simply did not exist.
Actually, she believed ME to be Hamden, who knows why, I noticed she pretty much thinks everyone she talks to is Ahmed or Hamden. The id number she is referring to is NOT her SS number. I asked her if she had a BUSINESS Tax ID number..for her business she insists she has . Lisa Miceli productions or whatever it is. Of course she couldn't produce a number because her "business" isnt registered as a business.
Anonymous said...
Actually, she believed ME to be Hamden, who knows why, I noticed she pretty much thinks everyone she talks to is Ahmed or Hamden. The id number she is referring to is NOT her SS number. I asked her if she had a BUSINESS Tax ID number..for her business she insists she has . Lisa Miceli productions or whatever it is. Of course she couldn't produce a number because her "business" isnt registered as a business.
December 6, 2010 7:07 PM
I did too produce a number, so please- I set it up with my blogs, (which were hacked) to do appearances for Michael Jordan & AL MAKTOUM - and to dance and write books.
Then, do charity events.
Sorry, tootsie, ANGIE MCQUEEN stole everything that Pammy ANDERSON LEE and PARIS HILTON did not.
It is one woman's story, not 3- but whatever.
Ahmed was to party and have meetings with Lisa Miceli = not ANGIE MCQUEEN.
Then he would not have slameed me. I cannot miss a meeting that I do not know when and where, HH.
Wow, we spoke one time, and it had to be a marriage, due to business around us.
What a beautiful love story... gone bad, so sad.
You do not know what you are saying o doing, to defend strangers, or MJ fans over Lisa Miceli, your chosen fiancee.
Talk about shock and denial....
Notdafakecm said... She told Sandy about everything from LM stealing their money, making x-rated videos, to sharing sensitive information. Her response was a combination of shock & denial
and then LISA A. MICELI said...
You do not know what you are saying o doing, to defend strangers, or MJ fans over Lisa Miceli, your chosen fiancee.
Talk about shock and denial....
Proof that Lisa is reading everything Chubbs writes and chooses to ignore reality. She doesn't have a single thought of her own.
I will confess my sins to a PRIEST, not you, or PRAY ALLAH, b/c you cannot be trusted, even as a future hubby.
AND NO, Lisa Miceli- is not ANGIE MCQUEEN adn she is not me. She did not confess to you, she confessed to the INTERNET.
Lisa Miceli - confessed to you, as MISS ABSAM.
HAHAHAHAHA, I am slow.
I just got that. I called you to my bed, on twitter and you said you were going to take a nap... lol, lol, lol.
Whose hands are on my You Tube please?
I love black people, I never wanted them not to be successful.
Just please, do not use me unless we have a business contract is all.
My fiancee, whoever he is, is not to be in jail, before our wedding night.
Lisa A. Miceli
I tell the truth, HH, these ladies lie.. but I got that..
Angie will tell you the truth, not quite.
Nice lie.
We are not the same person. She made me swear and yell in person.
Not a good feeling and then exposed me anger.
So, whatever.
Stop attacking my marriage, I am not attacking yours.
Lisa A. Miceli
DONT HATE me for having friends- and bed them to hurt me.. SEESH!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
I love HAMDAN - please chat with me.
After all these starts and stops... I keep coming back to these two hearts...
Stop calling me crazy, why? over Michael Jordan? why? Even he forgave and forgives me on some levels.
I am real, you are not being real nad have not been real since ANGIE MCQUEEN's vicious mouth- as we made plans in Oct 2008-March 2009... and ever since you listen to her bullshit over my truth.
This breaks my heart on so many levels as a women.
Older births and then cancer.
Her doing her HUBBY's 2 Presidential Campaigns and then being cheated on.
I love women, not on a sexual level.
When we give too much of us, we lose!!!
DANTE is tucked in like toast, and another 2 hour school delay tomorrow.
Lisa A. Miceli
HH Sheikh Mo is a great man and a great leader.
Thank you. You saved me from a beat down from Sandy.
Love the spin- sex and then murder.. lol, lol, lol, lol.
Thank you for stoppin g and blocking the cheating hearts, who are married to other men.
I am NOT married a pathetic single mom.
CUCKOO bird should be a jail bird= I misspoke to MJ on the phone, but when I am legally wed to an ARAB man, I can sleep at night, b/c I tried to correct my errors with MJ.
Sorry MJ and family.
Lisa A. Miceli
THE visionary. on here.. I am psychic nad can see, so why the visuals of Kelly Scott's house.. why?
What did you want me to see or try and tell me??
Lisa A. Miceli
HAMDAN, if you are with me, you aint single!!!!
PRAY ALLAH brother!!!!!
Lisa A. Miceli
I love black people, I never wanted them not to be successful.
You're kidding me right? It must suck to not only be a bigot, but a dumb one at that!
Dumb bitch Miceli!
The posters on this blog are pathetic, ruining my wedding with cheating and lies.
Lisa A. Miceli
Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...
HH Sheikh Mo is a great man and a great leader.
Thank you. You saved me from a beat down from Sandy.
Love the spin- sex and then murder.. lol, lol, lol, lol.
Oh dear Sandy, don't wait until it is too late. She is plotting against you right in front of your face.
I am as dumb as a bag of hair, WHAT?
That is you, why do I need a bag of hair? just walk through the front door of my house, silly.
I just discovered, HH's pet peeve, stripper shoes, with the toes hanging over the edge of the shoe!!!! like talons!!! lol, lol, lol, lol.
NO, it was not me, but he blamed me for what his precious eyes saw.
Lisa A. Miceli
I would not kill my mother, or anyone.
WHAT? Why are you saying this?
Lisa A. Miceli
Please set the PRINCEY HAM account back up, that went quickly...
How did I get to ABU DHABI? strange?
HAHAHA!!! What you said to me, is me, not you. I did not get that.
HH Sheikh HAMDAN, please fix my media, so I can communicate properly.
I could not even talk.
I do not know who said what.
You told me to marry you, instead, HH Sheikh HAMDAN - and I said yes.
Lisa A. Miceli
Proof that Lisa is reading everything Chubbs writes and chooses to ignore reality. She doesn't have a single thought of her own.
December 6, 2010 8:10 PM
My Name is Jones Benady from Australia..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster DR ODIMILI when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos h ave tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..DR ODIMILI The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out........ CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER TODAY VIA
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