Saturday, February 18, 2012

when a mom defends her childs crazy.

LM said:
SANDY is on her too, idiot.

We have more than one computer.
February 16, 2012 10:01 AM
(Maybe mommy) said:
Anonymous said...
I agree, chubby is a lying conniving
piece of camel (horse) shit. This one needs to be hung by the balls or tits which ever.

So now grandma is using the kids computer to spend family QT time on THIS BLOG? GTFOH!

It’s just a matter of time before mom is in all caps shouting ‘NI@@ER!’ here in the comment section. Soon, I’d bet.
And as far as this blog being stolen from LM: How can it be stolen from her, when it was registered in my information, dumbass?????? My info, my blog. Simple. What LM did, was commit a crime, and what I did was to correct her actions without prosecuting her for that. Get it?

Now as far as money being stolen in that house: I’m sure the investigation you did a few months ago sufficiently answered your burning questions about who was stealing from you. We all knew, just like you knew. Just because you have to keep up the game face with the hubby, doesn’t mean that we’re gonna play along. LM took it, and she paid you back (rather, you beat the shit out of her and took it). For once in your life you were proactive about your parenting & have the nerve to be shame to brag about it? Is it because you don’t have the guts to fight for that little boy in the house, but you’d be willing to catch a case over some green dough? The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?

BTW, I only stopped a handful of leeches from taking the family fortune and running off into the sunset. I only contacted a few people who were pursing financial opportunities with a woman they perceived to be crazy, stupid and generous with her parents assets, and warned them about turning them in. As much as I despise LM, I did have the common decency to try to defend her against assholes who tried to take advantage of her. I even went out of my way & made sure mom was contacted and warned about her own info being put out there, as well as the kids personal in being given to strangers. I dare you to say that didn’t happen.But at the end of the day, the game in that house is all about keeping up appearances & never saying "I was wrong".

To come here & bold face lie and accuse me, when you know the truth, is only a concrete reflection of your style of parenting, SM. It only says that you’ve taught your daughter to be a constant liar. Lie till the end. Just like LM lost my sympathy vote, your ass is exempt from sympathy too. You are PATHETIC! When she checks back in, you should reserve a bed as her roommate. You two deserve to live in misery together.

On another note, why the hell Yabba is suddenly enemy #1? No need for me to defend Yabba, Yabba got this bullshit in the bag. Like someone mentioned, Yabba seems to have seriously struck a nerve. But what I find so uncanny is that mom wants Yabba to be someone that Yabba is not.She has assigned an identity to Yabba, and i'd bet we're gonna hear more about that soon.

Between the outlandish excuses LM is making, and the fact that mom is suddenly the #2 ranked commenter here claiming to know the cast so well, I’m pressed to believe the enabling is at an all time high… or would that be an all time low? Its not like mommy dearest cant see the truth for herself, she would rather just force me & others to allow LM to harass the shit out of us, while her precious demented daughter stay in her batshit cave, out of their way so she can happily collect food stamps so they can buy all the goat meat and fresh veggies in the world. NO-GO-SANDY-O!


Emails will be posted soon.


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Anonymous said...

Chubbs, you should have let them milk Sandy dry. You basically enabled the enabler.

Anonymous said...

I can think of many pathetic elements to this, but what pure fuckery that her mother feels compelled to come on here and act like a grade schooler with her taunts to " Richard"

Lisa, there was no way for you to be free from mental illness; you are genetically predisposed thanks to you egg donor.

Anonymous said...

The pathetic title goes to you. Just a bunch of stupids with nothing to do but harass someone you don't even know. Worse yet you are not even in position of the truth. But that doesn't matter to any of you. The intent here is purely to harass and cause harm. Poor innocent chubby claims to be clueless but he fails to tell how many times he has e-mailed Lisa prompting the the response that she sent back. Every time she told him that she was ready to walk away he would profess his desire to marry her and be a father to her son. Then to cover his ass he would get access to her account and delete what he had written. That is why she thought she was being hacked. Chub would claim he was hacked too. Lisa had the mail return to her account numerous times. She started printing and saving them to disc and zip drives. She was prompted by one of her attorneys to go to a computer programmer for help.She refuses to post them .due to her "loyalty" to Chubbs privacy. Unlike Chubbs who actually set out to do her and her son harm.Thanks to poor innocent chubs her hospitalization will get her and her son monthly disability. Her doctor and case managers said it was necessary and filed the papers. She has the full support of all the family. Oh yes least I forget Richard who is one of Chubbs aliases.


Anonymous said...

Poor innocent chubby claims to be clueless but he fails to tell how many times he has e-mailed Lisa prompting the the response that she sent back.

Since I have been on the receiving end of HUNDREDS of unsolicited emails from Lisa Miceli, I find your accusation laughable. I'd be surprised if Chubby EVER emailed her to get a response OTHER than to get HER to stop emailing HIM.

Anonymous said...

Even if Lisa gets out of the psycho hospital there's no doubt she'll end up back behind bars within a month.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL at everything you said. If there was even one thread of evidence Lisa had that proved chubby proposed, it would've been up the minute she got her filthy hands on it.

Lisa doesn't understand what the word loyalty means. Furthermore, why would chubby have to use the alias Richard if he had such a magical spell cast on poor little Lisa? When she was locked away all those times, why didn't you post the emails your damn self to prove your point?

Perhaps because every word that any of you bloodsuckers in that house speak or type is a bold faced lie.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to poor innocent chubs her hospitalization will get her and her son monthly disability. Her doctor and case managers said it was necessary and filed the papers.

You say that like it's some big shocking information. She's getting disbality because she's a psycho. You just admitted it with that staement. She was already on welfare so it's no big difference.. Now if she'd just tell the truth about who fathered her son, he could receive support from his dad.

Anonymous said...

Lisa getting well? But you're the one who keep insisting there's nothing wrong with her. You really need to make up your mind here. Is Lisa sick & needs to get well or is she just a poor victim? You can't have it both ways cupcake.

LM and SM are Sick said...

Lisa never once posted an email from anyone saying they were a Sheikh. She said she has tens of thousands of emails between her and Chubby (I know, I know 99.5% were from LM to Chubby) and yet she has NO proof whatsoever anyone tried to con her. Lisa said she didn't even care if he wasn't a Sheikh she just wanted someone, ANYONE to take her away. She only talked about what she wanted and rarely mentioned her son. She demanded houses, cars, jewelry, furs and millions of dollars from strangers. She is a materialistic, narcissistic, sick woman. Poor Sandy still making excuses for poor little Lisa.

Anonymous said...

So Sandy where are these emails you profess that Chubbs has sent Liesa?
Liesa doesn't have it in her to protect anyone but herself. So instead of hurling empty accusations why not show the emails. Some of us have been reading Liesas posts, on another blog(the pepto blog) long before Chubbs was around. She was a stalker, harasser, and liar then too. So who are you going to blame for all the crap she put some very innocent people through?
Liesa is a big girl and needs to take responsibility for her actions. Wouldn't it be much better to keep her off the pc? If you're so concerned ,for her, the responsible and loving thing to do is to cut her off from the internet. But then I think you get off on the drama. And you say we're "a bunch of stupids"? LOL what grade are you in? Very mature comment. Your daughter never had a chance to live a normal, healthy life w/an enabler like you. You could have gotten her help long ago but you chose to ignore all the symptoms and look the other way. Really sad

Anonymous said...

She only talked about what she wanted and rarely mentioned her son. She demanded houses, cars, jewelry, furs and millions of dollars from strangers. She is a materialistic, narcissistic, sick woman. Poor Sandy still making excuses for poor little Lisa.

Don't forget her saying that she would have him arrested and thrown in jail if she didn't get her money, houses, jewelry etc. etc

Anonymous said...

Sandy, as you well know, Lisa also posted her and your cell and home phone numbers, home address and email addresses all over the internet hundreds of times. She put your whole family at risk by doing this. Shouldn't you be more concerned about Lisa continuing to blast your private info whenever she is online than whether or not Chubby is Rick Richard or Bozo the Clown?

Anonymous said...

And lets not forget that when Lisa had her one nighter w/MJ she posted that he had asked her"can I have you?" And she took it to mean

1) Will you marry me?
2) Will you have my baby?

Remember this is way back in 1999 and you're blaming chubbs and all of the posters for her craziness? I would imagine that you are her one and only defender as most who read her posts know she is mentally sick w/evilness mixed in. Who knows what those emails, she claims, chubbs sent her said. She has a tendency to twist things around. So put up or shut up. It's impossible to take your word for it.

Anonymous said...

Why should we believe Liesa when she says:

Who's the Boss is about her

The Bee Movie is about her

R Kelly and Kayne West wrote songs about her.

Charles Barkley talks about her.

OBL died for her and caused 9/11 because of her. She also praised OBL and expressed her love and gratitude to him.

She can control the weather.

Alyssa Milano, Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson, Kim K, Halle Barry, AM, KW,etc are ALL trying to take over her life.

She is engaged to Sheikh Ahmed, one of the wealthiest men in the world and yet she has never even met him or talked to him. She is also engaged to his nephew, Sheikh Hamdan who writes poetry for her.

She dated MJ.

And the list goes on and on. How can anyone believe anything she says?

Anonymous said...

Lisa also thinks she has "fans". lol.

Anonymous said...


February 18, 2012 12:17 PM

sorry you got that wrong. Lisa is the one who has been harassing and stalking people for 10+ years not any of us. I never heard of Lisa til MJ filed suit against Lisa for continuing to contact him, his employees and family after it was proven 2 times he is NOT the father of her son.

Anonymous said...

Sandy said
Lisa had the mail return to her account numerous times.

That is because whoever she emailed either blocked her or changed their email address so she couldn't continue to bombard them with dozens of emails daily. The emails then returned back to her account as undeliverable.

yabba dabbadoo said...

Hey chubbs, you know how it goes in that house. When the going gets tough dealing with Lisa, it's time for mommy to find a scapegoat! Most of the time that's you or joyful or KW or some other random person from Lisa's past (who the heck is Richard, anyway?). Last week it was me. It'll cycle back around again. Whatevs.

God forbid she should admit that her daughter has a mental illness that may have a genetic component. Cause to her that means there's something "wrong" with the Miceli blood and people might give the family the side they would have in the Old Country.

Most people don't think that way anymore, but it seems like SM still does. So Lisa won't get the treatment she needs or the safeguards (like taking away FREAKING INTERNET ACCESS) because SM just won't accept that Lisa's the way she is because she was BORN with the predisposition.

What I find kind of funny is this constant accusation of "harassment" of Lisa on this blog. This is a random, pretty obscure free blogpage (no offense, chubbs!), in chubbs' name, where a handful of anonymous people comment. Lisa has to proactively CHOOSE to come here. The blog comments aren't showing up in her email inbox (unless she CHOSE to have follow-up comments sent) or on her FB page or twitter. That's not harassment.

If you look back at the activity around here from the time Lisa was admitted before Christmas until the defender trolls arrived, it was very quiet. Why? Because most of the posters were RELIEVED that she was somewhere she could get some damn help.

If Lisa (and her enablers) just stopped posting here, this blog would be pretty inactive.

yabba dabbadoo said...

Anonymous said...
Why should we believe Liesa when she says:

Who's the Boss is about her

The Bee Movie is about her

R Kelly and Kayne West wrote songs about her.

Charles Barkley talks about her.

OBL died for her and caused 9/11 because of her. She also praised OBL and expressed her love and gratitude to him.

She can control the weather.

Alyssa Milano, Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson, Kim K, Halle Barry, AM, KW,etc are ALL trying to take over her life.

She is engaged to Sheikh Ahmed, one of the wealthiest men in the world and yet she has never even met him or talked to him. She is also engaged to his nephew, Sheikh Hamdan who writes poetry for her.

She dated MJ.

And the list goes on and on. How can anyone believe anything she says?

February 18, 2012 2:25 PM

Good point, anon. It's pretty hard to claim that this all started with "the sheikh" when it's been going on a whole lot longer than that...

Anonymous said...

Didn't LM mention she had a legitimate stalker in NC? I don't necessarily believe her but this is what LM said on the last post about someone named Richard:

RICHARD BAECHER, we find out it is you hacking and attacking LISA over what?
1. psychology. Was that not why you were pissed, your psych test scores, that I administered and scored for you?
2. my sex life. NO... I am not dating a client of my employer, EVER. Leave me alone. It is an ETHICS violation to date a patient.

ALL you have done on here for the last 7 years or longer is try and break me up with anyone and everyone I claim to love or to be dating. GET A LIFE loser, the answer is no.
HH PRINCE HAMDAN AND HH ABSAM are the only ones I am interested in at this time.

Why would and how would I love a criminal hacker? WHY? STOP it and please get mental help.
Please stop hacking me.

RICHARD, stay away, that was years ago. You can retake tests in 3 years from the first date of the tests.

February 16, 2012 9:39 AM

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm I wonder if Richard is a black man. Harassing her for the last 7 years. Trying to see his son perhaps?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what the truth is or what is said. You change the facts to suit your own needs. I said that Lisa contacted yahoo and google and had her account restored with the e- mails from chubs. What is all this loyalty to chubs? He is a stalker and has been charged in several states. You believe his every word. That makes you all just as evil since you support him. Do any of you know who he is really?

Anonymous said...

What??? This blog has continued for months without a single post from Lisa. You reposting what was said just to keep this going cutting and pasteing. Why don't you quit? The credit card and bank information was her own that she sent to chubs in private e-mails and he was the one who posted them on line. He lies to make out that he is a hero for exposing Lisa. He continues to play this juvenile game calling people names and throwing about insults like a child. He wants all of you to have pity on him. Poor, poor chubs!!

Anonymous said...

How is any business of yours who his father might be? It really doesn't matter anyway. In the eyes of the court it is considered abandonment and all right are forfeited.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How is any business of yours who his father might be? It really doesn't matter anyway. In the eyes of the court it is considered abandonment and all right are forfeited.

February 18, 2012 6:49 PM

Wrong. You can not abandon a child you did not know you fathered.
All rights are not forfeited.

For the fathers rights to be forfeited , the bio father must be either a: served legal papers from the atty handling the termination of parental rights. Or b: have a legal notice printed in the newspaper in the county the child lives in . The legal notice must state the bio fathers name , address if known, childs name , the attys name & contact number , the court room being used, the date the court hearing is to be & time of the hearing.

It must be in the paper no later than 6 full weeks before the hearing to give the bio a chance to appear or send his atty for the hearing.

If the judge decides to terminate the bios rights, the bio has 30 days to appeal.

If the bios name is on the birth certificate , it will remain on the birth cert after the termination proceding.

You do not get a new birth cert without the fathers name on it.

You have to know who the father is to terminate the rights, I dont think L knows who the father is.

Anonymous said...

Lisa was commenting all over the place yesterday and Wed. on the last post.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong she is a victim. Tell me just what harm has she caused you. NONE!!!! Compared to what you have done to her which is beyond humane. You have taunted and bullied for what , just for fun. You try to tell yourselves it was the right thing. It is very obvious how defensive you get when your motives are in question. Maybe you have a conscious but that is doubtful. You have no intention of quitting until you have complete distruction.

Anonymous said...

We don't know who the father is but we sure as hell know who it ISN'T. Dante was supposed to be Lisa's golden ticket. LM hates Ange because Ange actually gets child support from her son's father who is wealthy and famous.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't have been abandonment if Lisa had been honest.
She was obviously doing several black men because MJ isn't the father. Did she ever try to find the biological dad? I feel sad for the real father who is missing out on being a part of his son's life.

Anytime you would like to tell us who Chubbs is and back it up with proof, would be fine.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is a victim of her own crazy self.

Anonymous said...

I didn't bully or taunt Lisa for fun. I simply refused to allow her to lie without being called on it.

You don't think she taunted Juanita Jordan?? What about her harassment of Angelicque, Alyssa, Pamela and so many others.

And you allowed her. You probably encouraged her. What mother would even consider letting her daughter sue Paris Hilton for what you had to know was pure lies and delusions.

You need a big dose of reality yourself.

Anonymous said...

You are the delusional ones to believe that this benign and harmless.

Anonymous said...

That's right just keep telling yourself you did no harm. Maybe someday you will believe it.

Anonymous said...

To the one or two people who believe Liesa's bs, why don't you start your own fan/stan blog for her. We won't comment at all there and when LM gets out completely, she can comment there hundreds of times a day, 24hrs a day. She is a narcissist who thrives on attention, good or bad. She started up other blogs but quickly abandoned them because no one commented there. She would post links to her blogs here but still no one cared or commented. So she came back here. Joyful had to monitor her blog because LM would take over it with her nonstop comments.

Anonymous said...

One of the pieces of evidence you Must present the court to do a termination of bio rights is a dna test . The test must state that the bio you are trying to take the rights from IS in fact the bio parent of the child.

You know S you seem to be so ashamed of the fact that the child is mixed. Why dont you try to find the bio. He might want the child. then you wouldnt have to live with your "shame" any more.

Anonymous said...

There you go again projecting and telling non truths. Joyful's blog is the one that no one posts on. So you just want to keep bashing Lisa unheeded? For what purpose, revenge?

Anonymous said...

Didn't LM confess to Chubby she didn't know who the father actually is? She needs to get a dna test from Tom B.
He is another person who LM harassed and it ultimately cost him his job. I believe he looked up personal info on someone for LM without permission. She also sent a classic letter to his boss stating she was fu%king him.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Lisa has a blog called wedding bliss or something like that. Unfortunately she all but abandoned it because no one posted there. So she came back here because she thrives on the attention. Sorry but Lisa is the bully. She threatens everyone with having them tossed into jail and sued among other things. She is a spoiled child who hates being called out on her lies and the harm she has caused others. She has posted obscene things ,about her child, that has made my skin crawl. I will never understand how a mother could allow her child, even tho she is an adult,to do the things that Lisa has done. You have caused nearly as many problems as Lisa has by not stepping in years ago to help your daughter. And now here you are years later. Too little too late and by blaming us is still not helping your daughter.

Anonymous said...

No the bio dad should be ashamed since he chose to walk away from this beautiful child. He was the one who denied his son the right to know his father and grandparents. He was told that his father loves him. How dare you to even comment about feelings or shame. Especially since you have none.

Anonymous said...

No the bio dad should be ashamed since he chose to walk away from this beautiful child.

Who the hell is the bio dad????
You can't mean Michael Jordan????
2 DNA tests say no way.

Anonymous said...

I just love the way you embellish the truth by adding your little spin. Only about a 1/4 of what you say is the truth.

Notdafakecm said...

Mommy dearest is funny as hell! House of lies, I tell ya. Charged with what? I try to be sad for you, but you are a big stupid joke. WTF is this Richard guy your trying to force feed down our throats? You sound so foolish putting tour insane theories on blast. Please show your cards.
Oh, that's right you can't.
Why? Because you are a liar.
Maybe papa bear hit you upside the head 1 too many nights after losing at gambling.
& as far as pasting LMs shit, there is no altering. The other dozens who are cc knows this to be true. If anything, you can refrence the million & one times where LM has asked me right on this blog "Why are you exposing me?"
Doesn't sound anything like "why are you altering my emails?"

My word verification is
Head thatinut.
LOL! Perfecto!

Anonymous said...

You would know all about lack of shame.
And lack of class
And lack of morals, ethics, integrity, honor and self esteem just to name a very few.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There you go again projecting and telling non truths. Joyful's blog is the one that no one posts on. So you just want to keep bashing Lisa unheeded? For what purpose, revenge?

February 18, 2012 7:42 PM

Sigh. This has already been discussed. Since Joyful had to monitor the comments (hundreds of which were from LM daily) the comments wouldn't appear right away because she had to approve them first. So people started posting here more and more as the comments were immediately displayed. Capish? Your attempts to defend Lisa are ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

It takes more than one person to raise a child and he has an extended family besides his mother to love an care for him.
He will be given the opportunity if he chooses to know his bio dad.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Lisa, Joyful has many fans. Joyful started her blog because we wanted a place to comment on the craziness we were hearing about with Lisa's paternity lies. Thanks to a terrible poet she was forced to moderate the comments instead of just letting us roll along. She's told us she would rather we post here since she has such a busy life but has kept her blog open in case we needed it. You'd know this if you ever read anything but Lisa's fake love letters and bullshit lawsuits.I have loved reading joyful's blog. She's funny as hell and she cuts through Lisa's bullshit lies like a Ginsu through a soda can. She, Pepe, Ali, and Yabba all have Liesa's number. Its sad that her own mother does not. Before you try to insult joyful, chubbs or us you really should get your shit straight because it just makes you look extremely ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It takes more than one person to raise a child and he has an extended family besides his mother to love an care for him.
He will be given the opportunity if he chooses to know his bio dad.

Oh really? Why not let him know NOW? Dante needs him now more than ever. Why deprive him of that NOW? Lisa will never tell him because all she wants is for any extremely wealthy man to step in and adopt him. She is so selfish that she doesn't care about his wellbeing but only how she can use her son to get $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

What a load of bull shit!!! And you say Lisa was telling lies. You really expect us to believe that shit.

Anonymous said...

His piece of shit bio dad wanted it this way. You are overly curious about who his father is and it is none of your business .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There you go again projecting and telling non truths. Joyful's blog is the one that no one posts on. So you just want to keep bashing Lisa unheeded? For what purpose, revenge?

February 18, 2012 7:42 PM

Sigh. This has already been discussed. Since Joyful had to monitor the comments (hundreds of which were from LM daily) the comments wouldn't appear right away because she had to approve them first. So people started posting here more and more as the comments were immediately displayed. Capish? Your attempts to defend Lisa are ridiculous.

I didn't blame her a bit for changing her comments. She apologized for it even though an apology wasn't necessary It sucked trying to wade through all that plagiarized poetic crap. Since they never tried to hijack this blog we stayed here. I think if joyful asked us to post more on her blog that we all would but she's said the opposite. She's a busy mom & has more important things to do than babysit a blog. She pops in when she's got a spare minute, calls Liesa out on her falsehoods, makes us laugh and then
goes back to her mommy duties. Liesa could learn a few things from her since Liesa never takes care of her own son.

Anonymous said...

No one forced you to comment on Lisa's blogs or to read them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
His piece of shit bio dad wanted it this way. You are overly curious about who his father is and it is none of your business .

Lisa made it everyone's business when she not only lied about MJ being the dad but she still claims he is & is writing a book about their "love affair" or "rape" depending on which personality is dominant that day.. If you knew who the real dad was all you had to do is petition the court for a DNA test but that's not what you people have done. Whether he wanted to be a dad or not he would still be required to pay support. I personally think Lisa fucked so may black men she has no idea who the father could be.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
His piece of shit bio dad wanted it this way. You are overly curious about who his father is and it is none of your business .

February 18, 2012 8:55 PM

That's fine you and LM don't know who it is. She has stated she slept around alot so it's understandable. But when she tries to claim MJ IS his biofather when it is impossible (they had sex in 1999 and D was born in 2004) and tells her son MJ IS his father that is abuse. She posted videos of Dante telling him to say he only wants to see his father. After a few of these even Dante wouldn't put up with her bs lies and flat out told her No.

Anonymous said...

No one forced you to comment on Lisa's blogs or to read them.

February 18, 2012 9:02 PM

This is not Lisa's blog and neither is Joyful's comment page.

Anonymous said...

Joyful you really should quit bragging about yourself that way. Your brother the king and now you the queen mum. And yes she knows about wacko first hand!! I am really impressed. Did you inherit this from your mother too.

Anonymous said...

I see troll anon is jealous of Joyful and obsessed with her just like Liesa.

Anonymous said...

Really that is what this is all about isn't it? Just how is it any of your business?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Really that is what this is all about isn't it? Just how is it any of your business?

February 18, 2012 9:18 PM

Huh??? What is the that you are talking about?

Anonymous said...

What a stupid comment ? Were dealing with a bunch of juviniles.

Anonymous said...

What you can't keep up. Going too fast for you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What a stupid comment ? Were dealing with a bunch of juviniles.

February 18, 2012 9:23 PM

lol. If you are going to try to insult us you could at least spell juvenile right. FAIL.

Anonymous said...

The obsession appears to be with Lisa. She isn't even posting here and you just go on and on for ever about her.

Anonymous said...

Sandy is taking over where LM left off.

Anonymous said...

Just as I said a bunch of petty juvinile shit

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The obsession appears to be with Lisa. She isn't even posting here and you just go on and on for ever about her.

February 18, 2012 9:32 PM
Pot say hello to kettle.

Anonymous said...

Really people, blasting this girl on line since the birth of her son isn't obsessive ? Then what would you call this?
A friendly forum it is not.
How can you talk about excessive when you have done the same. Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

No one has been blasting Liesa since the birth of her son; far from it. We just call her out on her bs. If it bothers you, leave.

Anonymous said...


You are just too ill your own self to be taken seriously.
And if you are now on this blog 24/7 monitoring us, who is taking care of Dante???
( I know....your favorite refrain...."it's none of your business")

Having you here is just like Lisa never left; Lies, half truths, total bs and the alleged truth as you like to spin it. Next thing, you will be doing You tube's of the wedding dress and showing screen shots of Ahmed and Hamdan.
Are you also still waiting for some Sheikh to arrive????

Anonymous said...

Joyful isn't here, you dipshit. She's on vacation at Disney World with her husband & kids. I'm sure she has better things to do than come here & deal with a troll. Why all the jealousy, troll? She's a great mom while Lisa & Sandy are not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Your explanation for a difference in opinion is mental illness. That is very telling about the troll who wrote that comment. Is that how you handle all controversy in your life? Dealing with your borderline personality must be very difficult for your family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It takes more than one person to raise a child and he has an extended family besides his mother to love an care for him.
He will be given the opportunity if he chooses to know his bio dad.


Your statement is quite telling.You did not state you & L's father love or care for the child.
Very telling.

Anonymous said...

What does joyful have to do with anything she is just another voice here. She isn't any better or any different than anyone else. You have made the issue yourself. Is that because you are the jealous one?

Anonymous said...

Your stupidity amazing. Does the person have to enumerate each family member to satisfy you. Extended family includes everyone

Anonymous said...

Sandy isn't defending the crazy. What an asinine statement to make. She is a mother defending her child from an out of control bunch of self proclaimed maniacal defenders of nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
"Sandy isn't defending the crazy. What an asinine statement to make. She is a mother defending her child from an out of control bunch of self proclaimed maniacal defenders of nothing."

You're fucking kidding right? Showing up at court with her crazy ADULT "child" and encouraging delusions for nearly a decade is, by default defending LM's "crazy". Instead of worrying so much about "defending her (ADULT) child from the out of control bunch of self proclaimed maniacal defenders of nothing" SM should have worried, stood up for and defended the ACTUAL child (Dante) from the true maniac of mess that SM spawned, nurtured, excused & encouraged. SM played right along with LM because she either is just as wacko or didn't have the stones to do the right thing for an innocent CHILD. All she had to do was have the internet turned off for starters. It's so nice all of you LM defenders of crazy were too cowardly to speak up and/or help poor, sick (sarcasm) LM before but now all of the sudden strapped on a pair of balls. Ya, someone else took care of the problem & had LM locked up where she belonged & now you wanna come in all Billy Bad Ass- gtfoh. You're so transparent, and apparently guilt ridden that you DIDN'T have the balls to stand up to big, scarey, screeching Sasquatch and her mama.

Anonymous said...

I think Lisa & Sandy will have the last laugh on you guys!!! at least from a LEGAL standpoint from what i am hearing!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think Lisa & Sandy will have the last laugh on you guys!!! at least from a LEGAL standpoint from what i am hearing!!!

February 19, 2012 9:19 PM


You have got to be kidding me. No one has done anything illegal to LM or her Mother. Where did you get your law degree? It amazes me that for years no one defended LM and now that she is in the care (I hope) of mental health professionals you come on here with gun blazing. As far as anyone slamming here since she gave birth to Dante, well that couldn't be farther from the truth.
She started a blog and accused a man of fathering her child who hadn't seen her for a number of years. She took him to court had 2 DNA tests which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was not the father. She continued to harass his attorney, his wife and a number of other people. they were forced to get a restraining order against her and she continued making calls and emailing them. She was thrown in jail and the story goes on and on. You are part of the problem as people like you do nothing but encourage the madness yet you have the balls to accuse us of harassing her. All we have done is call her out on her sick lies. That is not harassment. no one here has lied about her or done any harm to her. But you will see and hear what you want to since you love playing the protector, which you aren't. You are part of the problem. She will never get well if you continue to encourage her delusions. You really are a sad sad little person and I pity you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
His piece of shit bio dad wanted it this way. You are overly curious about who his father is and it is none of your business .

February 18, 2012 8:55 PM

So you are basically agreeing that Liesa lied about who was Dantes father since she told a judge, her attorney,Dante, MJ his wife and his attorney, the Natl. Enq., whatever news channel interviewed her in meadville, and here, amongst numerous other blogs and also anyone that would listen. She also lied in numerous legal documents. Yet she never named anyone as Dantes father on his birth cert. So really, who's the piece of shit plus I really doubt that Liesa told the real bio dad that he was Dantes father since we all know that Liesa will do pretty much anything for money yet she never went after the real dad and she continues to say that the father owes her around 1 mil. in past child support. I mean come on! Your attempt to cover her lies with more lies is falling on deaf ears. Nice try tho.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think Lisa & Sandy will have the last laugh on you guys!!! at least from a LEGAL standpoint from what i am hearing!!!

February 19, 2012 9:19 PM

Bwaaaaahahahaha. Bring it on. No one here is worried, but you probably should be.

Anonymous said...

Extended family & immediate family are two very different things..
Still you dont say you love or care for the child.
Says alot about you & how you view him.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so what about the vile nasty things Lisa said and still says about Anglicque? The voice mails, the videos, letters to Oscar's people about Angelicque?

Sandy, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts (fantasies) about that as well

Anonymous said...

Sandy isn't going to answer your questions about anything that puts Lisa in a bad light.

If you go back and read the questions that have been asked her, she ignores them or says that it is none of our business or goes off on some vague tangent. She didn't address the Paris Hilton lawsuit, the harrassment of Alyssa Milano, Angelicque or even the Royal Family of Dubai.
And don't forget, she accompanied Lisa to the court hearings for her harrassment of Michael Jordan et al.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think Lisa & Sandy will have the last laugh on you guys!!! at least from a LEGAL standpoint from what i am hearing!!!

February 19, 2012 9:19 PM


You have got to be kidding me. No one has done anything illegal to LM or her Mother. Where did you get your law degree?

The law degree or general knowledge of law in general seems to come from the same place LM was edumacated. 'Everything applies only to you not me. Examples: stalking, internet harassment etc. And my personal favorite LIBEL. Here's the thing jackwagons, it's ain't libel or slander if it's TRUE. Lisa blabs and blabs her giant pie hole, and about 80% is true. And yet no one has sued her for defamation. LM has broken so many FCC laws I can't even count. But here come the big talkers making their veiled, empty threats. Lol, I ain't skeered moron, good luck!

And if by chance, the "last laugh" you speak of is LM being released back into the wild then you should be ashamed of YOUR self. Poor Dante.

Anonymous said...

My bad, 80% is UNTRUE. (which is kinda of generous don't ya think?)

Anonymous said...

Yes that is generous. I'd say 90% of the crap Liesa spews is UNTRUE. She is probably telling the truth about the abuse in the house but everything else is laughable.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you run with any idea that pops into your deranged mind. All that was said was it is none of your business and that the bio dad had knowledge. There wasn't a mention of names that is your thing.

Anonymous said...

Really there are laws protecting privacy and medical information. Just because you want that information it doesn't have to be released to you.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA They still think Michael Jordan is the bio.

Anonymous said...

Lisa posts ALL her info freely. She doesnt know what the word private means. Hell she even posts semi-porn videos which no one wants to see.

Anonymous said...

There is such a constitutional right called freedom of speech. This covers everyone who lives in this country not just you and your friends. The courts can't take it away and neither can you.

Anonymous said...

Your insults are really juvinile. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

If the bio dad allegedly had knowledge why the hell did Liesa try to sue MJ for child support?? Why the hell would her mother support this obvious deception and waste of the courts time and money? They knew the father was someone else and yet they tried to deceive, slander, con and swindle their greedy paws onto someone else's money. And this is the house Dante is growing up in? Sad

Anonymous said...

I dont see anyone here asking for her medical info.

What I have seen are vids that L made where she video'ed her prescrip bottles,- close ups- along with her legal papers & posted them.

No one has to ask for anything, she flip vids everything & posts it for all the net to see.

Anonymous said...

There you go again jumping to your own conclusions. You should get some help with that paranoia you have. Also those anger issues when the answers aren't the ones you want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Sandy believes it's MJ. She just won't come out and say it because she knows it could land her ass in jail! In jail for telling a bold-faced lie.

MJ takes care of his bio children. Remember that!

I'm just going to come out and ask Sandy.


Anonymous said...

What a pathetic bunch nothing better to do with their lives.

Anonymous said...

Sandy Miceli is a liar -- just like her daughter! Lies from the pit of hell.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic bunch nothing better to do with their lives.

Anonymous said...

MJ must be your daddy. No one is perfect even him. He is God.

Anonymous said...

MJ must be your daddy. No one is perfect even him. He is n't God.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What a pathetic bunch nothing better to do with their lives.

February 20, 2012 1:59 PM

And why are you here? Pot meet kettle.

Anonymous said...

Right back at you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just like Lies-a, avoiding the question. That's called being Juevenile!

Anonymous said...

That is being intelligent. "Frankly you can't handle the truth."

Anonymous said...

Spoken just like a pot. Insult after insult. Frustration after frustration.

Anonymous said...

That's what comes from living with Lisa all these years. They are all nuts in that family.

Anonymous said...

And what is your excuse for your behavior? You want us to believe everything you say any thing else is a lie.

Anonymous said...

So let me see if I have this figured out...

Lisa met MJ and had sex one time. (4 years prior to Dante's birth)

Sandy really believes MJ is the dad despite 2 DNA tests but can't really admit that belief publically.

She has supported the philosophy that somehow Lisa is deserving of a royal lifestyle because of the Miceli name.   Focus in the past 4 years has been on Sheiks in Dubai...(They really believe that??)

This also includes notions that celebrities somehow know and want to be Lisa.  (what mother could even think that's possible?)

 Sandy has financially backed the litigation to sue wealthy media personalities and companies for possible financial gain.  (I wonder how much that has cost them)

Lisa has stalked relentlessly anyone she thinks will somehow pay or support her.

Lisa uses Sandy's credit cards to pay for psychics, the knock off chinese wedding dress, wedding shoes and anything else she can con. Sandy lets her do it.

Sandy continues to keep the blog going while she was in Mental health so we don't all lose interest until Lisa gets out.  

Are they operating on the philosophy that even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.   So if they just keep at this BS long enough, someone will pay them.

Boy they both have a lot of time invested with only one 10,000 payout for the pregnancy discrimination suit.  A real job could earn @ 30,000 in Meadville.  

Of course a Miceli of Lisa's status (cough cough) could not be expected to work... She has dance certificates!

Tom B was a Meadville cop who was fired from city police for doing Lisa in his squad car... Hmmm.   He left town years ago,  but his name keeps coming up.  Prior to Lisa's unfortunate treatment detention, she wanted the Shiek to hire Tom as a bodyguard.  Why hasn't he been tested???  Oh that would be proof MJ isn't daddy afterall.

Sandy also believes that Chubbs is really some guy named Richard Baecher?   That knew Lisa in NC... And wants to get back at her with this blog... Propelling her into the obsessed and  vile personality she is now.  And if it were not for Chubbs,  sweet Lisa would not be in treatment.  

All I can say is WOW!

Anonymous said...

That was the most perfect outline of this hot mess that is Lisa M. Life

Anonymous said...

Really then you are really clueless. Her son was almost a year old when she met him for the first time. As far as being fired for doing the nasty in a squad car that is a laugh. If that were the case the whole force right down to the chief would be gone. Get a life and quit making up facts to fit your agenda. This is a small town to anybody who has lived here most of their lives it is well known fact.

Anonymous said...

He was fired for running illegal searches on people at Lisa's request.

I learned this information from a post of Lisa's.

We also heard that Dante's dad may be the garbage man.....

We also know that the Miceli's are the laughing stock of Meadville. I got that information from your neighbors.

Sandy, we KNOW more than you think.

Anonymous said...

If one wants to generalize, Richard, them the rest of your spew is all crap too. As far as MJ goes I agree he isn't god never was never will be. Case and point anybody can anything they want it doesn't make it true . And that includes you too.

Anonymous said...

Richard, nice move to call yourself a black man. Henceforth what ever you say is moot!!!

Anonymous said...

Richard, Anybody who believes that load of BS is just as demented and delusional as you are!!! You really should write script for a movie with that imagination.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, You take first prize. What a bunch of twisted bullshit.That seals it, your are a certifiable WACKO. Call 911 for the men with the straight jacket for you and that slow clap person.

Anonymous said...

The terminology (idiom) is " case IN point" NOT case and point.

I know I am being picky, but you are making such an effort to seem erudite and smuggly superior when you so obviously are not.

I am beginning to have some true compassion for Lisa. With this woman as her mother, there was very little chance of her being anyone but who she is.

Anonymous said...


Have you even read any of Lisa's previous posts????

Every description by Anon@ 10:32 is exactly what has been posted by Lisa since she began blogging.


Anonymous said...

Richard, Anybody who believes that load of BS is just as demented and delusional as you are!!! You really should write script for a movie with that imagination.

When did THAT happen? Did I miss something?

I find it very interesting and odd that Sandy sounds a lot like Lisa. Her delusions are the same. I don't profess to be a professional when it comes to mental illness, but it appears to me that Sandy suffers from the same thing Lisa suffers from. Only difference is that Lisa her craziness to the next level.

Sandy sounds an awful lot like Lisa. Her writings are similar. They both believe their own fantasies. They avoid the truth. They live in a make believe fantasy.

One major difference, Sandy can hold down a job, but I wonder what it is really like to work with her on a daily basis. I bet her coworkers have stories.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Really then you are really clueless. Her son was almost a year old when she met him for the first time.

Why is that? Was LM too crazy to take care of a baby?

Anonymous said...

OMG 8:23 hahahahahahahahaha

You are really going to confuse her now.

Wait for it.....

Lunatic responses coming up

Anonymous said...

Lunacy. Only you could come up with that response. That just proves just how twisted you really are. Take your meds, Richard your illness is showing.

Anonymous said...

Lunacy. Only you could come up with that response. That just proves just how twisted you really are. Take your meds, Richard your illness is showing.

Anonymous said...

That is some craaazy shit. How in the world did you ever get out?

Out of the house of kooks that is

Talk like that will get you recommitted.

Anonymous said...

That is some craaazy shit. How in the world did you ever get out?

Out of the house of kooks that is

Talk like that will get you recommitted

Repeat just for you since that is your forte.

Anonymous said...

It's the mother of the committed one. RUN.....!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this now may be harder to follow than when Liesa was on here 24/7!

Anonymous said...

What is it theat we're supposed to believing from "Richard"? Everything that I have learned has come from posts made by Lisa Miceli herself. She has had her own blogs and has posted on several others all under her own name. Nobody has to put any kind of spin on anything. All they have to do is read LISA'S OWN WORDS. Not re-posts or posts where someone typed in her name. LISA'S OWN POSTS UNDER HER OWN PERSONAL BLOGGER ID. She's been posting the same shit for years and years so how you can even try to blame anyone else is ridiculous. Lisa is a nutjob and you obviously are too. Before you start with the ludicrous accusations, I'm not "Richard", Chubby, Joyful, Angelicque or whoever else you might think. I'm just one of many who heard about her and couldn't believe anyone could really be that crazy or stupid so I followed the story. Boy was I wrong because she IS both crazy and stupid. She also IS a stalker, criminal, and quite recently a fugitive from justice.

Anonymous said...

Wow dude that sure is a lot of crazy. If you were trying to show just how crazy you really are I am thoroughly convinced.

Anonymous said...

Wow dude that sure is a lot of crazy. If you were trying to show just how crazy you really are I am thoroughly convinced

Anonymous said...

Just who would expend that amount of energy and time to distroy an individual and attack the whole family.


Anonymous said...

That poor girl must have really
pissed on your parade.

Anonymous said...

Just who would expend that amount of energy and time to distroy an individual and attack the whole family.
..well, actually Lisa has done all of the above to:
Kelly Werner
Estee Portney
Fred Sperling(MJ's lawywer)
Angelicque McQueen
The judge in her contempt case
Her neighbor's dad
Her neighbor
countless celebrities
Paris Hilton (whome she sued)
Meadville Police
Vincent Miceli
YOU, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Just what is your excuse?

Surely Not justice for people you don't even know and profess to hate.

Nothing left but Crazy.

Really the authorities picked up the wrong kuk.

Anonymous said...

Well you poor thing.

Just what did she do to you personally?

You are one pissed off person.

Ali Babra said...

Aaah Jeez...

"Ron Arnold my case manager knows that and came to my house to visit me to talk about the blogs being nasty and to not bother countering the info everyday, because we all know the truth. Ron is ghappy for me to be with my son and out of jail and mental health."

For future reference & in case of emergency:

Creekside Center For Humn Svcs

898 Park Ave
Meadville, PA 16335-3335
COUNTY: Crawford
PHONE1: () -
PHONE2: 8143376555
CONTACT: Ron Arnold
TITLE: Branch Manager
EMPLOYEES: (est.) Unavailable
REVENUE: (est.) Unavailable
SIC CODE: 806399
CATEGORY: Psychiatric Hospital

p.s. Howdy yall!

Ali Babra said...

Richard, nice move to call yourself a black man. Henceforth what ever you say is moot!!!

February 21, 2012 6:50 AM

Nah. Richard's a white guy. As I sussed out for Lisa a couple years ago, he's married now and has a Life.

You obviously haven't studied the hidebound (FBI Profilers) Stalker's Rules: If they're not hunting a celebrity (long list) or a "friend" (see KW & Angelicque), then when the target moves away from their locale (see Mr. "I f*cked Cop Tom" Benge), the stalker either gloms onto another target or is inspired/forced to get help, which can work if you're young (which "Richard" in his early 20s in NC might have done--IF lying Lisa actually had a stalker rather than a stalkee).

Anyway, Like "HH" & MJ, I doubt "Richard" is here.

Anonymous said...

Come on pot you didn't answer the question. What did she do to personally?
Get off the cover that you are the averger for all the people you named.
Do you even have their approval?
Just why would you spend all the time and effort ? What 4 years?
She really did a number on you to hate someone that much.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ali! Missed having you throw Liesa's words back in her face so awesomely.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever hear of freedom of speech?

Constitutional right in all 50 states ?

You really are arrogant and just plain stupid?

Anonymous said...

What you are doing
is stalking and cyber bullying.

How are you any different????

Anonymous said...

anon@ 7:16
The anon you are pestering left off a few of Liesa's victims. Liesa also stalked the royal family of Dubai, Boris K, Peter Loftin and Kelly in TX too. And no I don't know them personally, but we point out Liesa's bs and lies here. If you don't like it GTFOH.

Anonymous said...

Nasty!! Nasty!!

Don't like it?

Too bad, take your advice.

Just where did you get your information?

Anonymous said...

Just where did you get your information?

We got it from Lisa herself.

Anonymous said...

I do not have to " personally know someone for me to try to keep others safe from their abuse.

I'm just wondering why you are not pleased that she might be able to get some help for her illness.

Anonymous said...

Your right about the stalker def. Rick. Just how many states and women did you do?
Isn't that the reason you had to leave the states?
What about that medical and law degrees?
Can't use the law degree or finish the medical with your back ground history.

Anonymous said...

Your right about the stalker def. Rick. Just how many states and women did you do?
Isn't that the reason you had to leave the states?
What about that medical and law degrees?
Can't use the law degree or finish the medical with your back ground history.
There is some strange delusional *ish going on around here.

Can't you read? The post is from Ali, a long time poster to Lisa's various blogs. Try to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Sandy has libeled Richard. Like mother like daughter.

Anonymous said...

So, ala babble, just why do continue if you aren't a stalker and a cyber bully?

Anonymous said...

In your own words:
No liable when it is the truth?
Besides there are liebelist statements made by you ?

Anonymous said...

You are calling her batshit crazy and believe everything she said?
That's right you are the avenger.
At least that is what you want to call this.

Just stalking and cyber bullies .

Anonymous said...

Besides I looked at past post and Lisa never mentions him until last week.
I wouldn't hesitate to say that ali babbled?

Anonymous said...

Ok L defender who claims everyone is telling lies about L. You says you have read L's past posts. You say L does not lie.

What say you about what L has posted numerous times about her mom & her bio dad?

L says her bio had sex with her. L says her bio has numerous affairs with blondes.
L says her bio regularly beats her mom.
L says her mom beats her .
L says her mom has tried to take her life.
L says her mom tried to break her arm.

I wont even write what L says has been done to the child by the grands.

All of the L says are written by L signed by L in her past comments.

So is she telling the Gods honest 100 % truth or is she mental & needs intense help & for you to stop feeding her delusions?

Anonymous said...

FYI - Ron Arnold is no longer employed by the agency Ali listed.

Anonymous said...

Feeding delusions?

What do you thing you are doing ?
Just how do you think rehashing all of this helps?

Actually you are the enablers.

That's right you are the ones keeping this going by posting over and over what was said in rhe past?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that at various times Lisa has claimed that her bio dad was Elvis Presley and James Brown....around the time she was talking about her cat having tasty blood...

Anonymous said...

The is revenge by a delusional, hateful, evil person who wants to make sure he ruins L.

The rest of you are mindless followers without a clue what is happening.

Anonymous said...

The is revenge by a delusional, hateful, evil person who wants to make sure he ruins L.

Tell us what is happening. Stop being so vague. If what you say is valid, explain it.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what sheay of said in the past?

Did you not say " we only want to help" .

Just how is this helping?

All you are doing is enabling by making her want to counter the half truths and lies?

You really don' t want her to get better andover on.
This is just too much fun.

Anonymous said...

Telling her she does not control the weather & that osb did not do 9-11 for her because he loves her is making her counter her own half truths & lies?

Jeez with your way of thinking no wonder she is spinning around the water in the bottom of the toliet bowl she has made her life.

The anon who said feeding her delusions is right. I saw her flip vid where the mom is agreeing with everything she said , & adding what she thinks of the person . Feeding the delusion.

Valid question they also asked , is she lying about what she says the home life is like ?

How can you fix a problem when you want to forget the past & brush it under the rug. Not addressing it wont make it go away.

Anonymous said...

Really why so you can exploit that too?
That individual knows.
Besides you don't want to know.
it would spoil all of your fun.
That's what makes you just as responsible.

Anonymous said...

And rehashing it is. Just how does that help?
All it does is feed your own delusional minds.
As said;
Just entertainment under the guise of helping.
Give me a break.
Just shits and giggles.

Anonymous said...

I thought you said she is delusional.
Then why do you keep posting what she said like it were the truth?
You want it both ways so you can keep up the harassment.

If the family is willing to let it go and let her return, why do you want to keep bringing it up.

This is their family issue and deffently none of your business.

Anonymous said...

What is that saying?

Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Really so you just said,is if she were an alcoholic or had a drug abuse problem you would make sure she had a good supply least it be forgotten that she had a problem.
That is just what I would expect from someone without an ounce of compassion.
And with that statement it is very clear what your motives are.
You are a Hipocrit.

Anonymous said...

What don't you get? This is their daughter. What is there not to forgive and let bygones be bygones.
What kind of a parent are you that you would walk away when your child was sick or in pain?!!?!!

Anonymous said...

The troll has some serious blinders on. Wow. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

The one with blinders on is you. You are the enabler, stalker, and harasser. What chubs did here was create an illusion and called it a delusion.
And then he called in the rest of the trolls by saying L was stalking and harassing.
Why did she post "what is wrong, why are you being so mean and saying such mean things to me"? Did he ever post any of those words written by him?
NO!! He is on here gloating because he believes he was successful in deleting it all.
Again the blinders are on the rest of you for believing.
Mega blinders.

Anonymous said...

The word is;


A word NOT in your vocabulary

Anonymous said...

What kind of a parent are you that you would walk away when your child was sick or in pain?!!?!!

February 22, 2012 12:12 PM

What kind of parent just stands by and even encourages as her daughter self destructs and harasses many, many innocent people? Lisa never got help until she was forced to by the courts and not her own family. How difficult would it have been to limit Liesa's internet access to start?

Anonymous said...

She is their daughter true.

They had the power ( and the obligation) once they realized that she was destructive and delusional, to take away the conveyance by which she was causing chaos to herself, her son, other innocents and to themselves: computer access.

They not only allowed her to wreak havoc, but they made her a target for reprisals.

Also, your analogy for
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," is not even in the realm of accurate or logical.
You might want to hone your cognitive skills by reading Santayana's Reason in Common Sense, the first volume of his The Life of Reason.

Anonymous said...

You are so fast to condem. You have no clue what they did or didn't do. You just jumped to conclusions and made actuations to meet your own agenda.

Anonymous said...

Do your parents know what you are doing .
They would be proud of you harassing, stalking and bullying.
So just what is their excuse!!


Ali Babra said...

Hey Ali! Missed having you throw Liesa's words back in her face so awesomely.

February 22, 2012 7:23 AM

Hey there yourself and thanks! I had moved on (to political blogs), thinking that Dante might have half a chance with Lisa gone "somewhere safe". But after just dropping by yesterday, I was stunned that she had been on holiday, here again, indulging her delusions (treatment did seem to help her spelling, tho).

I strongly suspect as yall do, that the poor little child in that house has way bigger problems than his tired-ass mama. I'll check in more often to see if her parents will do the right thing and keep her offline--haha. Keep up the good fight!

Save Dante

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep harping about what Chubbs has posted and not what Lisa herself has posted? Lisa Miceli is no innocent. Her words, words she herself not only posted but that she emailed to dozens of people including the police and the FBI, condemn her. Whether or not Chubbs edited her emails is a moot point because LISA MICELI has spread her own foul & offensive words to all & sundry. Nobody had anything to do with THAT but Lisa Miceli. Now go ahead, child, and try to defend her by attacking me. Your juvenile name calling and accusations are pathetic. I feel nothing but pity for you. WELCOME BACK ALI BABRA!

Anonymous said...

You are so fast to condem. You have no clue what they did or didn't do. You just jumped to conclusions and made actuations to meet your own agenda.

Well....not so big a jump because we know what they didn't do. They did NOT cut off her computer access otherwise, logically, she wouldn't have been able to email incessantly and post 24/7 on this blog, Twitter, Facebook et al.

I am not stalking or harrassing or bullying. I am answering your accusations
I have no agenda; just hanging out reading a blog and commenting accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Just because you are black doesn't give you the right to attack the family who is raising him. Especially when you are on here harassing his mother. You are of those blacks screaming racism. Why are there so many black children without their bio dads?

Anonymous said...

Chubbs, if you think I am Sandy, you better check my IP address, and I know you can do that.
And, as for all that get unsolicited e-mail from Lisa. CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL address. It is really easy, I promise. If it really bothered you, and you wanted to stop it, you would already have changed it.
Lisa has had my e-mail addy for years and I hear from her, at the most, once a week.
Oh, by the way, this is my first post on this thread, so there must be a few of us that know what is really going on.

Ali Babra said...

One more thing:

FYI - Ron Arnold is no longer employed by the agency Ali listed.

February 22, 2012 9:17 AM

Oh how wrong I am! Guess Dr. Su is no longer a psychiatrist who treats schizo spectrum disorders in Erie as well. My bad.

Ali Babra said...


February 22, 2012 3:43 PM


Anonymous said...

What you have lost your mind?
Or are you just plain stupid?
Why would you follow someone you don't even know like sheep.

Anonymous said...

This game of intrigue, ' we know what is really going on" is so jejeune and uninspiring.
So here is what I know.

Lisa is now, and will forever be watched and assessed by people who have the authority to place her in any number of places that will be appropriate to her behavior.

That's all I care about because it is a win-win for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Why would you follow someone you don't even know like sheep.

Don't mention this to Jesus, Ghandi, Lao Tse, Budda etc; they'd be so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Chubs actually kept sending her e- mails. He told her that her family friends and finally all of the female neighbors were contacting him for money. He told her that she
needed to tell them to stop or that he could not marry her.
Also, it would be her that would have her fingers, hands cut off or her throat cut.
I am not defending what she did just informing on the motivator.

Anonymous said...

CHUBS is now God

He sure is delusional and if you believe his every word without question so are all of you.

Anonymous said...

Liesa begged people to email or call her. She constantly posted her phone number, address, email address etc. Anyone could have said they were Chubby and easily fooled her. She didn't want to hear the truth and said so herself. I seriously doubt the Chubby who runs this blog said any of that crap. Did Liesa tell you this or did you actually see any of the emails?

Anonymous said...

Just because you are black doesn't give you the right to attack the family who is raising him. Especially when you are on here harassing his mother. You are of those blacks screaming racism. Why are there so many black children without their bio dads?

February 22, 2012 3:47 PM

Because of con artists like Liesa. Dont play the race card here jackhole. Liesa's family freely use the word Ni&&er and eggplant in their house.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many black children without their bio dads?

February 22, 2012 3:47 PM

Easy. Selfish, deranged, racist, narcissictic psychopaths like Lisa are keeping their children from knowing their fathers. And she's white go figure.

Anonymous said...

This is the type of harassment and extortion LM has been pulling for years. She should have been put in jail a long time ago. Her parents did nothing to stop her batshitcrazy ways. It was easier for them to ignore her than to deal with her.

Anonymous said...

And just how do you know that jack hole? You don't even live in Pa not alone Meadville. I believe you to be the racists or you would not even make such an accusation.

Anonymous said...

Tell me your mama and I will call her and tell her what you are doing
. It is blacks like you who give the rest of us bad name.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many black children without their bio dads

Nice, racist.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chubs actually kept sending her e- mails. He told her that her family friends and finally all of the female neighbors were contacting him for money. He told her that she
needed to tell them to stop or that he could not marry her.

Ahhh so the real motivation is revealed. They're so deperate, they're trying to pin her attacking the neighbor as somebody else's fault. The Micelis are sick fucks.

Anonymous said...

And, as for all that get unsolicited e-mail from Lisa. CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL address.

No. She's the criminal and I refuse to be subjected to that hardship.

Anonymous said...

LIsa said her parents use the terms freely (eggplant, ni&&er) and she has too on this very blog. You haven't read a damn thing and yet come on here judging us. We know the real Lisa. You are just plain ignorant and being played by her.

Anonymous said...

I am really looking forward to Lisa coming back onto this blog.
When did you say that she would be visiting again????

You don't like it???
Then convince her to stay the F away from here and Sandy....this time make an effort.

Anonymous said...

Hey jackhole take your own advice remember freedom of speech get lost andind your own business

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chubs actually kept sending her e- mails. He told her that her family friends and finally all of the female neighbors were contacting him for money. He told her that she
needed to tell them to stop or that he could not marry her.

Ahhh so the real motivation is revealed. They're so deperate, they're trying to pin her attacking the neighbor as somebody else's fault. The Micelis are sick fucks.

February 22, 2012 5:21 PM

Exactly. How low will they stoop to protect the criminal?

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