Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yup, what Anon said.

Anonymous said... Just a small update on the emails I am getting from Lisa - she confirms she is in a hospital. Since the ip address is in Warren I guess it's pretty obvious she is in Warren State Hospital - she states she cannot see the "blogs". So she gets access to email but not the internet. - her emails are same-shit-different-day: Angieblahblahblah, BabyDaddyblahblahblah, SendMeMoneyblahblahblah. August 21, 2012 9:44 AM


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Anonymous said...

So basically nothing has changed? She's in the hospital doing her normal routine.

Anonymous said...

There's no cure for something like what Lisa has, and meds can only help so much.

Anonymous said...

At least she is getting whatever help is available and the targets of her delusions are safe....for the time being.

Anonymous said...

Well at least Dante doesn't have to deal with her delusions on a 24/7 basis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't talk to Sandy & Debbie like that!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Tourette's could happen when typing!

yabba dabbadoo said...

Thanks for the update chubbs!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was code for "see you next Tuesday Sandy"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe it was code for "see you next Tuesday Sandy"

September 4, 2012 2:46 PM


Anonymous said...

Lisa used to say she was faking the crazy. She learned growing up that getting loud, scary & hysterical meant getting her way. I came across a quote from the writer Kurt Vonnegut that made me think of her:

'Be careful what you pretend to be; you ARE what you pretend to be.'

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa used to say she was faking the crazy. She learned growing up that getting loud, scary & hysterical meant getting her way. I came across a quote from the writer Kurt Vonnegut that made me think of her:

'Be careful what you pretend to be; you ARE what you pretend to be.'

September 15, 2012 3:07 AM

Lisa loves HH Prince Hamdan.

Anonymous said...

Lisa loves HH Prince Hamdan.

September 15, 2012 2:55 PM

No arguement from me; he is well loved and loving to many.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if she got another 90 day commit. or a longer one ?
If it is a 90 day her time should be about up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cunt lickers

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

cunt lickers

Hey Lisa & Debbie, someone's looking for you!

Anonymous said...

Deb is happily wed to a male husband.

Lisa is engaged to chubby.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is they both like to lick. Maybe you're thinking of the wrong Debbie.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Word on the street is they both like to lick. Maybe you're thinking of the wrong Debbie.

October 9, 2012 10:45 AM

Wrong Lisa too. She is not interested in females in that way at all.

Anonymous said...

This should have been MJ and Lisa Miceli happily ever after his divorce from JJ.

Anonymous said...

If Lisa could find a rich woman, she would absolutely go for it. Shes already admitted in depth a lesbian encounter on here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If Lisa could find a rich woman, she would absolutely go for it. Shes already admitted in depth a lesbian encounter on here.

October 9, 2012 7:04 PM


Anonymous said...

Please stop trashing Lisa.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If Lisa could find a rich woman, she would absolutely go for it. Shes already admitted in depth a lesbian encounter on here.

She sure did. I remember her admission quite well. The only lies are from those denying that it happened.

Anonymous said...

The only person trashing Lisa is the one who keeps coming on & calling her cunt & cunt licker.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
If Lisa could find a rich woman, she would absolutely go for it. Shes already admitted in depth a lesbian encounter on here.

She sure did. I remember her admission quite well. The only lies are from those denying that it happened.

October 10, 2012 4:28 AM

Sorry. Lisa is not a lesbian. Never ever ever such encounter ever existed in her life.

Anonymous said...

LISA said it. Not any one on here. LISA is the one who went into great detail about the entire experience.

Of course, Lisa DOES lie about most everything so who knows...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LISA said it. Not any one on here. LISA is the one who went into great detail about the entire experience.

Of course, Lisa DOES lie about most everything so who knows...

October 10, 2012 11:24 AM

Sorry not true about the lesbian information. Lisa is also not a liar.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this was to be a blissful wedding blog for Lisa and her Sheikh.

What happened?

Anonymous said...

Sorry not true about the lesbian information. Lisa is also not a liar.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I thought that this was to be a blissful wedding blog for Lisa and her Sheikh.

What happened?

Lisa lied!

Anonymous said...

Lisa has obviously been cut loose from Warren and is now posting in the third person.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa has obviously been cut loose from Warren and is now posting in the third person.

October 10, 2012 3:25 PM

You are seriously mentally ill. Everyone on this blog is not Sandy and Lisa Miceli. You are now calling out Deb for being Lisa's friend. What is wrong with you?

Who is chubby that you talk about Lisa in this manner? Do you even know who chubby is?
Who is he? or she?

Prove it.
Please prove who chubby is to us all.
Why this blog please?

Anonymous said...

Lisa writes to chubby in private.
Chubby is posting her private emails to him in the public eye.
Who is he to do this?
Why are you listening to an alias called chubby?

Who is he?
Prove who he is.
Or prove who she is.
Chubby is male or female, that he keeps calling Lisa a lesbian.

Why do you care what LISA says to chubby in private that you come on here and want updates on Lisa, a private USA citizen?

You want to hear about LISA then call Lisa directly and stop giving some idiot named chubby any power or time of day.

Who is he/she? PROVE IT.

Anonymous said...

Lisa lies never.
Chubby lies every post.

Why the blog chubby?
Why the alias chubby?
What does it mean?

Why do you care about what Lisa says to you?

What is your connection to a private USA citizen named Lisa Miceli?

What do you hope to gain from this blog chubby?

You are acting like a child posting her e-mails and calling in or everyone to do what for you chubby?
Then saying that everyone is LISA.

Major news media has called Lisa from hacked blogs of Lisa A. Miceli on the internet.
So, you have no clue how many people read this blog everyday to fiqure out about LISA and speak for Lisa if they were with Lisa when she wrote anything or did anythin that she claims to have done in her life.

You are on the world wide web and Lisa gets international attention because of her blogs.
The liar is chubby.

When was the wedding chubby?

Where is the ring that you sent to Lisa via emails please?

Have you ever met Lisa in person?
Ever spoke to Lisa on the phone?
How do you know her?

Anonymous said...

Why do you care what LISA says to chubby in private that you come on here and want updates on Lisa, a private USA citizen?

Definitely Lisa. She's used that exact term many times.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever met Lisa in person?
Ever spoke to Lisa on the phone?
How do you know her?

Known her my whole life.

Anonymous said...

You are now calling out Deb for being Lisa's friend. What is wrong with you?

Who the hell is Deb? Another lunitard from the State Hospital or another of her "voices"?

Anonymous said...

28I really miss your emails Lisa especially the ones you cc to the FBI. They were always so entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lisa.

Keep your chin up lady.
Sorry I responded an ou get blamed again for it.

It is cruel to mess with a woman's wedding plans and dreams.

Chubby never proved anything but that he was doing YOU wrong with this blog.

Thank you for your friendship Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You are now calling out Deb for being Lisa's friend. What is wrong with you?

Who the hell is Deb? Another lunitard from the State Hospital or another of her "voices"?

October 10, 2012 5:16 PM

Then you do not know Lisa at all. Deb is Lisa's latest BFF. She is married to a male, not a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Have you ever met Lisa in person?
Ever spoke to Lisa on the phone?
How do you know her?

Known her my whole life.

October 10, 2012 5:14 PM


Anonymous said...

Friends and family of Lisa are sick of this blog.

Most of us just lurk and read and then tell Lisa that chubby whoever he is, cannot be trusted.

You are making yourself look bad Chubby, not Lisa.

We defend Lisa from chubby and then Lisa is attacked further on this blog from us defending Lisa.

Lisa is not mentally ill. You are messing with her. She makes the mistake to react to any of it.

So, we read and tell Lisa. She does not come on these blogs.

Anonymous said...

"CHUBBS" updates on Lisa are not accurate as he is lying to Lisa in the first place.


You want Lisa information, then contact Lisa directly wth your real name.

Stop attacking her on a blog.
Why would you do that in the first place?

Why would you blast Lisa on a blog when she talks to you directly chubby?

What do you hope to gain?

You lied to her about your wedding and now expose her every email.

NO one cares to hurt Lisa and why would you do that to her please?

Anonymous said...

Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Posts: 193

I do not really know on what's your point .... If HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum has also married non-emirati women, I am convinced that he sees no problem in that his sons do so. The UAE society is deeply rooted in their traditions and I like that. But still, has changed in the last 40 years a lot and it will change much more with the younger generation of leaders. The Emirates is not a traditional dynasty nor a kingdom. As long as the leader the benefit of the people in their country at heart, so long as the old traditions will continue.I'm sure any decent girl is welcomed into the family of al Maktoum as the wife of Crown Prince Hamdan or one of the other sons. But the question is rather, which girl from outside the Arab world is willing to engage with the traditions of the UAE and to respect them? Every marriage in higher circles also means to be willing to let a big piece of the usual life behind and to the personal freedom behind the interests of a state.

Lisa respects the customs and traditions of the UAE.

Anonymous said...

Lisa would happily leave the USA in the dust, to wed an AL MAKTOUM of Dubai.

She would be respectful of his past and responsible to know that she is guiding her Sheikh about the future.

Anonymous said...

More information.

Anonymous said...

Sorry chubby, if it is not you who is attacking Lisa every word.

You are enabling the Lisa haters and stalkers with this blog though.

yabba dabbadoo said...

She's baaaaaaaack...

More of the same ol', same ol'...

Anonymous said...

"...this blog everyday to fiqure out about..."


Yep she gave herself away when she misspelled FIGURE again. She couldn't spell that word correctly if her life depended on it.

Figure NOT Fiqure. There is no Q in figure.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the hospital didn't help her delusions whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"...this blog everyday to fiqure out about..."

October 11, 2012 2:22 PM

Sorry. This is not Lisa and Lisa did not post on this blog at all.
Stop stalking her and making up false claims. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL projecting unto Lisa Miceli.
This blog is anon- there are how many billions of people in the world and you think every post is Lisa when none of them are Lisa.

Lisa writes to chubby in private only. He obviously posts her emails here.

The world wide web reads this blog and responds to it.
ABSAM is popular in Asia and the Middle East.
Lisa is in the USA.

It could be anyone. Lisa tries to tell chubby to make this a private chatroom with others having to sign with their real name and email addys to post one comment.

How is Lisa delusional? You are.

She writes to chubby in private and he writes back to her privately. He set up a blog proving a connection to HH Sheikh ABSAM or chubby or both.

Where is the delusion of Lisa?
People are delusional in what way?
You are delusional when you make a false claim about LISA and she tells you otherwise.
Lisa is not all anon posters.
Lisa is none of the anon posters.

She writes to chubby in private nad he responds to her in privcate as well.
Stop harassing Lisa with your delusional taunts.

What delusions?
Specific false statement and prove that it is a false statement = delusional.

I see no prove of anything but Lisa and chubby chatting. Where is the delusion? where is the famlse belief? where is the proof?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos.

Lisa is not delusional. Lisa gets lied to and threatened on a daily basis, for what reason?

Anonymous said...

You have been told over and over and over again your specific delusions. Read back through the posts. There are so many and you cannot comprehend any of them. You delusionally deny them. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You have been told over and over and over again your specific delusions. Read back through the posts. There are so many and you cannot comprehend any of them. You delusionally deny them. Yawn.

October 11, 2012 7:25 PM

ALL LIES. How and where is Lisa delusonal? What specific belief that Lisa has that is false and Lisa refuses to belief the truth?

What specific?

ANON put on here that AL MAKTOUM had hot new blonde wives that meet up with him when he made plans with me at those times and locations.
TRUE or not, it was on this blog.

stop saying that Lisa is DELUSIONAL.
What specific belief is Lisa wrong about?

STOP using the word DELUSIONAL you have no idea what it means and are totally using it wrong and harassing a sane person and trying to say that she is insane because of an alias named chubby or not the fake cm? meaning chubby? on a blog?

Who is he/she?
How did you find this blog?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please shut down the blog.

You are all nasty people.


The original point of the blog was lost on the second post back in 2010.
It is now 2012.
You say the same thing over and over again.
You accuse me Lisa of being repetitive when it is you.
It is all projection on here. You do not know Lisa so you claim that Lisa is just like you. DELUSIONAL.

Lisa is not delusional. She chats directly to chubby who proposed to her and sent her a wedding dress and then did a blog to track their wedding plans.

Read earlier posts, about chubby wanting Lisa to be wed right away back in 2010. He posted her in her wedding dress and posted that Lisa was buying a veil, etc, etc, etc, etc.

How can you call Lisa delusional when chubby is in fact on this blog and chatting back and forth with Lisa about wedding plans.

Lisa was being hacked by someone who wanted Lisa to never marry. Who is that? That person is delusional.

STOP SABETOGING LISA because you are insanely jealous of LISA's billionaire engagement to an Al Maktoum.

That is all that Lisa agreed to was a wedding with Al Maktoum.

Please cease and desist all other communications, like MJ, terrorism (OBL), and other women on this blog (Angie McQueen).

Lisa is pro world peace, pro business and anti-terrorism.

Lisa agreed to a wedding and that is it. She is waiting until she gets her passport back and then will be able to trsvel with Al Maktoum as planned.... for peace.

Lisa is trying to get back to work because she cannot leave the USA anyway right now.

Anonymous said...

Dinner and any plans with Lisa and any Al Maktoum has to be local due to my probation.
So, that should make the plans simple.

You said Hoss's and Betrands.
That means you have to make reservations (date, time, and how many people), transportation, and what to wear.

Lisa cannot do any of that because other people were calling her crazy.

Anonymous said...

Haa jeez. She used her get out of jail free card for her birthday? Happy big 4-0 Evilene. Too bad for Dante.

Anonymous said...

STOP SABETOGING LISA because you are insanely jealous of LISA's billionaire engagement to an Al Maktoum.

I see the hospital didn't teach her to spell sabotage either.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how she thinks she can convince us it's not her when we already KNOW it is. We aren't guessing Lisa. We KNOW. *GIGGLE*

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


October 11, 2012 9:27 PM

I wish I had five hands to FACEPALM my entire face. Good Lord.

Anonymous said...

Lisa -

If you want to move on, you have to stop coming here. Choose to stay away. Seriously. Nothing good will come of you frequenting this blog.

Do something different with your time. Make something different of your life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...


October 11, 2012 9:27 PM

I wish I had five hands to FACEPALM my entire face. Good Lord.

October 14, 2012 5:33 PM

OVER WHAT? You are not making any sense. Who are you? and why do you come on this blog please?

LisaFan LaPuma said...

Lisa's back Jack!!!

Anonymous said...

Please cease and desist all other communications, like MJ, terrorism (OBL), and other women on this blog (Angie McQueen).

Okay. We can just talk about the other Angie M. closer to home?

Anonymous said...

Okay. We can just talk about the other Angie M. closer to home?

October 15, 2012 11:59 AM

This was to be a wedding blog, not anything else.

Anonymous said...


You turn forty now. Muslim men see that as past child bearing age. And not as marriageable females to bear heirs. So where can we find any sheik announcing a wedding or engagement to you? Hamdan will turn 29 next month. Do you still claim that he is your fiance?

Anonymous said...

Lisa -

Every time you come here, it will be the same ends. You will become frustrated and angry. Then you end up saying things you later regret.

There's no point in it. Take your attention and time and do something more productive with it! Maybe a decent hobby or craft during the day - and more things with your son in the evening.

Your coming here serves no purpose.

Anonymous said...

I commend anon@6:53 for trying to advise Lisa away from this blog, but I do not think that she is capable of letting go at this point; maybe never.

"Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it"
Sir Winston Churchill

Mailee said...

Good God Lisa...Will you ever come out of your imaginary life and live in reality. Sorry but you ARE mentally ill. I am not saying that to insult you . It is just the truth.You want so badly to marry a rich man that you convince yourself that Hamdan proposed to you. Never mind that he has NO clue who you are. Honestly, he does NOT know you. No chance at all that you will ever meet him. Ain't going to happen. You should watch all the vids you put online and read every single thing you have ever written online and then maybe just maybe you might see, if there is a glimmer of hope for you, just how crazy you appear to be. Also, people are not put in Warren State hospital for the length of time you were ,there, if they aren't suffering from some mental illness. You're never going to lead a happy life if you continue on this trail.
Personally I could care less what happens to you as I believe you are an evil sick woman who cares only about herself. Not Dante, not your family, no one but you. You are a selfish self centered, delusional, yes delusional Lisa, woman. You'll just live a lonely miserable life if you go on this path of destruction. I know what I have written is a waste of time. But...It makes me feel better.

Also, I don't know if it is Lisa who made some posts here in the last few days but it sure has sounded like her. The writings are the same as they use to be, etc. So why in the world would you lie about something like that? You must love to be called out on your bs, or you would just admit that it is you, Lisa. Writing in the third person just makes you look more reiculous than you already are.
A lot of had hoped that your stay at Warren would have helped you and maybe you would wake up and see that you were in a delusional state. Alos hoped that you would see that Dante needs a sane mother who can take care of him and love him like that kid deserves. Sadly it seems you came out the same sick, selfish,sick woman that you've been the last few years or maybe your entire life. After speaking to a few people over there in Mville they say you were always a snotty bitch who felt she was above so many. People, even back then, laughed behind your back. Guess yo, since you seem to think you are mentally well,better than anyone. And for how many years now?????? Engaged to an Al Maktoum.
Fact is you aren't, never will be, just isn't going to happen. You have to grow up and get out of your little sick fantasy. All you will find in this life at the rate you're goin is loneliness and heartache. Just grow up Lisa. One more thing....This has never been a wedding blog. Never has any wedding info or anything close to it been discussed nor will they ever.

Anonymous said...


Please get professinoal help. This blog is only a wedding blog and about getting DANTE's dad to sign off to AL MAKTOUM as the new dad.
If you do not like it, then please leave them alone.
Someone asked for LISA, not you, to respond.
Set up your own blog and leave innocent people alone.
AL MAKTOUM hosts this blog, not Lisa. It is LISA's private emails, not anytrhing to do with you.
Chubby proposed to Lisa and sent LISA a wedding dress and then set up this blog shortly after that.

Those are the facts, the trailer trash women who come on here to cause a fight are insane, psychotic, to be exact.
It is not your wedding MAILEE. It is LISA.

You are sick in trhe head to come on a blog and start shit wtih total strangers because they have a blog together and are getting ready to legally wed.

ANON is anyone of a billion people in ths world.
DELUSIONAL is you, MAILEE = false beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Lisa you're a whackjob

Anonymous said...

So Lisa when are you getting married? Seems a bit overdue based on what you have written on here.

Anonymous said...

Lisa -

You're not listening if you're coming here. Please stop. Do something better. You'll be happier.

Anonymous said...

Every time she talks about herself in the third person it reminds me of Sybil when one of her other personalities took over and talked about Sybil as "she" and "her".

Anonymous said...

Lisa is pretty quiet. Maybe they limited her computer time.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has friends all over the world and family too.
She does not write on here at all.
She writes to chubby in private and he exposes her privacy for whatever reason.
How does that make her crazy? It does not.
Stop lying about Lisa.
She does not have to do anything for you, not entertain you, not update you, nothing.
Leave her and chubby alone.
Chubby is it your NMUSLIM culture and religion that makes you expose Lisa pre wedding or her private emails?
Why are you doing this? and what do you hope to gain from it.
It appears to Lisa fam ily and friends that you are letting people disrespect her pre wedding with yu and that makes no sense.
You need to edit you blog and delete the stupid and harassing comments about Lisa.
You chose her a your fiancee and bride.
Now you need to protect her from everyone who is hateful, jealous, insane, or evil or getting off on Lisa in some way.
How is Lisa evil? She writes to chubby and chubby post the emails online.
Because she accepted chubby's hand in marriage? How is that evil?
Please stop coming on this blog with your nonsense and jealous and hateful posts. It is hard for LISA's family to read and same with her real friends.
Lisa is not a lesbian and has other offers for love other than chubby.
Everyone in LISA's life wants to help her anyway that they can.
Be a friend and stop posting lies to chubby.

Lisa is not crazy. You all lied and aid claim to Lisa and her wedding and you are total strangers to Lisa.
Lisa does not have a friend named Mailee. She is a random poster who came on this site to be nasty towards Lisa.
Lisa does not know Kelly Scott. None of her friends or her family know a Kelly Scott.
These are ransom sickos who fell unto this site and started hating and commenting nonsense.
Lisa's real friends and real family would not ever say anthnig negative about Lisa and would not lie about Lisa to her fiancee, online or offline.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has no friends anywhere in the world and her family detests her too.
She does write on here all the time.
She writes to chubby and half the free world even though nobody knows who she is.
How does that not make her crazy? It does.
Stop lying Lisa.
You do nothing and are not entertaining.
Leave everyone alone.
Chubby isn't MUSLIM ans he exposes Lisa's lies. WTG Chubby!
Why are you doing this Lisa? and what do you hope to gain from it Lisa?
It appears Lisa that you have no self respect. You aren't getting married to anyone and your insistence that you are marrying a man who has never heard of you makes no sense.
You need to take your meds and delete the stupid and harassing comments that you leave every 10 minutes.
You are never going to be a bride. You are hateful, jealous, insane, and evil.
How is Lisa not evil? She harasses total strangers online.
She attacked her neighbor for no reason. How is that not evil?
Please stop coming on this blog with your nonsense and jealous and hateful posts. It is hard for us not to laugh at you.
Lisa is the one who told us all about her lesbianism.
Everyone in LISA's life wants to help her anyway that they can especially by giving her a lift to the state hospital and cramming her meds down her throat.
Be a friend and stop posting lies Lisa.

Lisa is crazy. Lisa lied and claimed that Michael Jordan fathered Dante . He didn't.
Lisa does not have a friend. She is psycho poster who came on this site to be nasty towards everyone.
Lisa does not know Kelly Scott. None of her friends or her family know a Kelly Scott. I'm sure Kelly Scott sleeps better at night knowing that.
Lisa is a sicko who fell unto this site and started hating and commenting nonsense...and more nonsense.
Lisa's real friends(if she had any) and real family should not ever encourage Lisa and her lies. Lisa does not have a fiancee, online or offline. They should tell her that.

Anonymous said...

Lisa's wedding dress is very very pretty. It does not look like a prom dress at all.

Set a real date for yor wedding Chubby to Lisa.

Anonymous said...

HH Prince Hamdan's wikipedia was hacked as well as some of LIS's
yahoo, and blogger accounts.

Evil be gone.

chubby proposed marriage to LISA.
Lisa said yes.

Please be gone if this upsets you.
Marriage is one man and one woman.

Anon posters cannot ruin that with lies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa has no friends anywhere in the world and her family detests her too.
She does write on here all the time.
She writes to chubby and half the free world even though nobody knows who she is.
How does that not make her crazy? It does.
Stop lying Lisa.
You do nothing and are not entertaining.
Leave everyone alone.
Chubby isn't MUSLIM ans he exposes Lisa's lies. WTG Chubby!
Why are you doing this Lisa? and what do you hope to gain from it Lisa?
It appears Lisa that you have no self respect. You aren't getting married to anyone and your insistence that you are marrying a man who has never heard of you makes no sense.
You need to take your meds and delete the stupid and harassing comments that you leave every 10 minutes.
You are never going to be a bride. You are hateful, jealous, insane, and evil.
How is Lisa not evil? She harasses total strangers online.
She attacked her neighbor for no reason. How is that not evil?
Please stop coming on this blog with your nonsense and jealous and hateful posts. It is hard for us not to laugh at you.
Lisa is the one who told us all about her lesbianism.
Everyone in LISA's life wants to help her anyway that they can especially by giving her a lift to the state hospital and cramming her meds down her throat.
Be a friend and stop posting lies Lisa.

Lisa is crazy. Lisa lied and claimed that Michael Jordan fathered Dante . He didn't.
Lisa does not have a friend. She is psycho poster who came on this site to be nasty towards everyone.
Lisa does not know Kelly Scott. None of her friends or her family know a Kelly Scott. I'm sure Kelly Scott sleeps better at night knowing that.
Lisa is a sicko who fell unto this site and started hating and commenting nonsense...and more nonsense.
Lisa's real friends(if she had any) and real family should not ever encourage Lisa and her lies. Lisa does not have a fiancee, online or offline. They should tell her that.

October 18, 2012 4:46 PM

THIS PERSON NEEDS MENTAL HELP. You are harassing both Chubby and Lisa.
Please leave us alone on our own blogs. No one told you to post on here, for Lisa, dante, or chubby.
Truth bothers you? Then please get mental help.

Anonymous said...


Shut down this blog. Psychos are mad that Lisa is getting wed to anyone at all.
They are psychotic.
Lisa was a counselor in psychology.
This needs to stop.
It stops when you shut down this blog and deny the psychos access to Lisa in anyway at all.
We want a real and classy and beautiful wedding offline.
I do not know all of the anons and they do not know Lisa at all.

Anonymous said...

Who is Lisa marrying? Hamdan ,Ahmed, or the guy at 7/11? And has anyone told them that they are marrying her yet?

Anonymous said...

If anon does not like what they are reading, then they can leave the blogs.
No one is forcing you to read and to comment.

Walk away and read something else online.

Stop harassing Lisa. What does she owe you and why is that?
Leave Lisa alone.
chubbydid a whole blog post saying Leave Lisa alone. What do you not get?
Take your lies, delusions, and fantasies with yu and leave Lisa and Chubby alone.
Why do you care if they wed please?

Anonymous said...

I think she writes in third person to try to fool the powers that be so she stays out of the hospital. But shes no good at being stealthy.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to what you think, Lisa has friends.
None of the anon is Lisa to my knowledge.
She posts in her own name so her friends know what is going on.
we talk to Lisa on the phone not in here.
We just support her as friends and family when asked what we can do to help her with chubby & the blogs.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, go reread your own anon comment from Oct 11 @.7:56. You admit its you in that.comment, dummy.

Anonymous said...

Oct 12 @9:15am

You accuse me Lisa of being repetitive when it is you.


Anonymous said...

Anon @5:56 said,

I think she writes in third person to try to fool the powers that be so she stays out of the hospital. But shes no good at being stealthy.

Right you are, as this from "Anon Lisa" proves:

THIS PERSON NEEDS MENTAL HELP. You are harassing both Chubby and Lisa.
Please leave us alone on our own blogs.

October 18, 2012 5:22 PM

Anonymous said...

NOPE. I am NOT Lisa.
You said that the fans own this blog, not Lisa.

So, I said our blogs.
You are harassing two people every day on here.


Anonymous said...

Lisa cannot get on the blogs. There is a system glitch or something, where it gives her an error message when she tries to get on blogger.

Hope that is helpful.

Chubby gets private emails from Lisa directly.

Others post on here their thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Lisa I've known you since the 2nd grade. You aren't fooling anybody. Nobody is harassing Chubby but you. He likes us coming here, it's YOU he could do without.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa I've known you since the 2nd grade. You aren't fooling anybody. Nobody is harassing Chubby but you. He likes us coming here, it's YOU he could do without.

October 19, 2012 1:27 PM

CHUBBY proposed marriage to Lisa NOT to you.
WHO are you that you claim to know Lisa since the second grade?
How does you knowing Lisa make you speak for chubby as to what he likes and what he does not like?

We have people speaking for LISA and people speaking for Chubby on here now too.

Anonymous said...

WHO is CHUBBY then?
What is his real name, not his alias? and how do you know him?

if you have known Lisa since the 2nd grade?

Anonymous said...

Lisa is wedding chubby, not any I have known Lisa since the 2 nd grade losers.

Watch your mouth please. Your comments are out of line, for both Lisa and for chubby.

GROW up and stop trying to ruin Lisa's wedding with vicious lies that you know her and chubby better than they know one another.

Lisa did not meet chubby until 12/2005.
SO, your second grade comment is pointless.

Anonymous said...

You have never met Chubby, so all of your comments are pointless.

Anonymous said...

I know you Lisa so quit pretending. You just look like more of a dipshit than usual when you pretend to be a "friend"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ugly ass PROM dress!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Never wrote a book in her life!

Anonymous said...

Has no idea who the baby daddy is!

Anonymous said...

Can't speak Arabic!

Anonymous said...

Knows dick about Muslims!

Anonymous said...

You are soo easily set off by anon posters, CHUBBY.
Why do you not do us both a favor and shut down the blogs and the anons will go and attack someone else?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know you Lisa so quit pretending. You just look like more of a dipshit than usual when you pretend to be a "friend"

October 19, 2012 3:54 PM

No you do not. Prove it.
All anon write under your own names and be accountable for your posts, each and everyone of them or else you fall on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

All anon write under your own names and be accountable for your posts, each and everyone of them or else you fall on deaf ears

Liar liar liar you lesbian liar!

Anonymous said...

Chubby never spoke to Lisa like this. He offered up everything and proposed to Lisa several times and offered to help her with everything, including lawyers.
Stop your childish attacks on two people for trying to get wed.
You are trying to discredit both chubby & LISA.

Lisa wedding chubby is NOT harassment. How do you think that it is?

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you

The Legal Mrs. Chubby said...

You're too late. Chubby and I had a beautiful wedding while you were...away.

Anonymous said...

Chubby Lisa is NOT a lesbian.

You need to stop reacting to the anons & then you will not be so upset by them.

The anons are the liars, not LISA.

Anonymous said...

Chubby Lisa is NOT a lesbian.

Guess they fed you well in the hospital eh Miceli

Anonymous said...

Guess they fed you well in the hospital eh Miceli

Nah she's always been on the fat side hence that butt-gut of hers

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chubby Lisa is NOT a lesbian.

Guess they fed you well in the hospital eh Miceli

October 19, 2012 4:32 PM

WHAT? GO AWAY. Lisa is wedding chubby no one else.
STOP contacting me under anon on this blog.
That is harassment of Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Guess they fed you well in the hospital eh Miceli

Nah she's always been on the fat side hence that butt-gut of hers

October 19, 2012 4:34 PM

You wish you knew what Lisa looked like naked. Hence why you make comments about her body so much.
Chubby is a man. He made up his alias, because of a genie in the Alladin movie that Lisa am aware of.

Chubby's Wife said...

Chubby is already married. You've been replaced.

Anonymous said...

You wish you knew what Lisa looked like naked.

I can guarantee with absolute certainty that there is not a human being nor animal alive that wants to see Lisa Miceli naked

Anonymous said...

This is not the chubby that was proposing to Lisa in 2008-2010.

Why are you so mean now?
Lisa thought that chubby was a geniune gentleman, not a two-faced evil person.

Mrs. Chubby said...

My husband is not being mean to you. you've never been engaged to him. Go away.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Chubby said...
My husband is not being mean to you. you've never been engaged to him. Go away.

October 19, 2012 5:05 PM

You love to play games that is for certain.

Anonymous said...

He proposed to Lisa several times.
Lisa can prove that chubby proposed to her at least 10 times.

Chubby sent the wedding dress for Lisa to pay for half of it.

Lisa can prove that as well.

So, Lisa said yes to chubby.
That means that Lisa & Chubby are now engaged.

When is the wedding date chubby?

Mrs. Chubby said...

Bigamy isn't legal here so you won't be getting married. I have a license saying that he's already mine.

Anonymous said...

Lisa loves chubby with all of her heart.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa loves chubby with all of her heart.


Anonymous said...


Shut down this blog. Psychos are mad that Lisa is getting wed to anyone at all.


No one is angry on this blog because we know that you are 40 and engaged to marry no one.

You said:

He offered up everything and proposed to Lisa several times and offered to help her with everything, including lawyers.

October 19, 2012 4:23 PM

Okay, Sheikh (unknown) Al Maktoum said he would help you with lawyers. It has been 4 years Lisa. When has the royal family of Dubai helped you out of a legal jam or even mentioned you?


Anonymous said...

She's emailing again too.

Anonymous said...

I said that he offered, not that he did give Lisa lawyers.
It is for Lisa to complain to Al Maktoum, not YOU.
Stop stepping on LISA's toes.
She is NOT single. He sent the wedding dress and keeps up the blogs for Lisa to be able to travel to Dubai.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Liesa never mentions Dante? Liesa only obsesses over men she'll never meet instead of the son right in front of her who needs her most. Well he probably needs her less and less as she stays sick.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Notice how Liesa never mentions Dante? Liesa only obsesses over men she'll never meet instead of the son right in front of her who needs her most. Well he probably needs her less and less as she stays sick.

October 20, 2012 12:31 PM

You sound like a broken record of lies. Lisa is with Dante 24 hours a day everyday, NOT you, waiting for Lisa to pick him up.
Do not say Dante from your mouth, you are a sick person.
Dante has three generations of family with him everyday.
Dante has friends as well, who are close to Lisa, the parents of Dante's friends.
STOP hating on Lisa.
Chubby proposed to LISA.
Why would she not talk to chubby then after many many wedding proposals online?
NO one has time to address and deal with constant 24 hour a day harassment like is on this blog about Lisa & her son.

Anonymous said...

Respect you and your own time, please do not post harassing statements on this blog.
Lisa writes to chubby in private. He posts her emails for whatever reason on this blog.
He proposed to Lisa so that is why she writes to him still in private.

Anonymous said...

Peace & blessings for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all who are trying to help Lisa & "chubby" get together properly.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thanks for all who are trying to help Lisa & "chubby" get together properly.

October 20, 2012 3:13 PM

Who are you talking to Lisa? No one here is trying to help you get together with "chubby". That would just be enabling your disturbing, delusional behavior. Sandy enabled you far too long.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has supporters on here.
You admitted that Sandy and Deb are her supporters. They are many many many more Lisa supporters on here as well.
Go set up your I hate Lisa for being proposed to by chubby blog and see who visits you.

Chubby, be a real man. You proposed and sent a wedding dress. Lisa wil love you forever, once wed to you.
You can divorce her if she cannot provide you with an heir.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is NOT delusional. You are being evil and so are others who lie to Lisa to make her believe that the Sheikh travels to the USA behind her back to be with other women.
Evil, cruel, and filthy lies. Chubby should be upset as well by these liars. They lied to Lisa and Lisa believed them at first. That does not make Lisa delusional, that means that people are messing with her.
Lisa is obedient to Chubby. he writes to her in private.

Anonymous said...

"Manhands!" OMG dying here.

Anonymous said...

Confused, clueless Lisa Miceli said;

WHO is CHUBBY then?
What is his real name, not his alias? and how do you know him?

October 19, 2012 3:13 PM

The better question is,
If you think "Chubby" is your fiance, why the hell don't YOU know his real name? hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Insanity is...] New comment on hacking the hacker?.‏
5/15/12 Reply ▼Reply
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From: HH (
Sent: Tue 5/15/12 12:10 PM

HH has left a new comment on the post "hacking the hacker?":


please post all emails from Ahmed and Hamdan and all marriage proposals please, to clear this all up in everybodys vision.

Thank you.


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Posted by HH to Insanity is... at May 15, 2012 9:10 AM

Mailee said...

Oh for Christs sake Lisa. I am in no way in need of "mental help". Seems anyone who calls you out on your delusions and or lies you have a tendency to call them insane. Face it , You are NOT getting married to Hamdan or any other Royal. You live in a fantasy world and it is time to come down to reality. My, and most others, concern has always been about Dante and the emotional damage that you may have caused this child ie: telling him That MJ is his bio dad, telling him you are marrying Hamdan & he is going to move you both to Dubai plus numerous other lies. Never have I ever harassed you or Chubby or anyone else here or anywhere. He/she is not a Royal. You have never SPOKEN to Chubbs. You say you chat w/him/her. What you don't seem to realize is that you could be chatting w/anyone since your chats have all been online & people can be whoever they want to be in cyberspace. That is if you in fact are talking to anyone. After all these years you would think you would finally understand that none of the Al Maktoums know you,or have any intention of bringing you into the family fold. You are nothing to them. You would be so much happier if you would try to live in the here and now.

You have been caught in so many lies and then try to turn them around and blame others. You say I harass you? How? If by harassing you just because I come on this site occasionally and make some comments then I guess everyone who has ever disagreed w/you is harassing you. You just don't like being called out on your "stories".
Plus you have got to stop pretending that you are someone else here defending yourself. You can't fake it Lisa. Your writing gives you away every time.

And one more thing. This was NEVER a wedding blog and it was and is not your blog. If it was your blog you would have the tools to close it or do whatever you want with it. Also you are the one that bought that wedding dress. We all saw the receipt for it and it showed that you put it on your Moms cc. Chubbs did not buy it. Nor did he make this a wedding blog. Wake up Lisa, live in reality and you will be so much happier. I am sorry that Warren Hospital couldn't help you w/your issues. But then you think
you're alright and the rest of us are mentally ill. Sad sad sad, If you keep on this track, Lisa,you will always be a lonely, angry and sad woman who will continue to blame others for the pathetic life you're living. Take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others. You seem to thrive on hating other women and blame them for everything that goes wrong in your life. Your life will never get any better until you grow up and face the TRUE facts. And Lisa, I have absolutely NO intention of leaving this blog. I will leave when I am good and ready to and not because you don't want me here. Face it, you LOVE the attention , good or bad, you thrive on it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is getting old. For ever, Lisa has lied. Her mental state is deteriorating. So on and so forth.

Lisa says the same stuff over and over again. Nothing changes. Not even the comments. Same old stuff. Lisa you lie. Lisa when is the wedding. Lisa this is not a wedding blog. So on and so forth.

Everybody -- get a life. This shit is old.

Anonymous said...

You do what you want, smartass. We will continue to comment until this blog goes bye-bye. Since you will be busy getting a life I am sure you won't have time to notice us who choose to comment here.

Anonymous said...

Like a dog turning back to its own vomit.

Anonymous said...

cunt lickers

Anonymous said...


You cannot speak for Lisa ever.
SO, you love the attention.
Lisa hates negative attention and hates this blog.
It was to be a wedding, nothing else.
Anyone who says otherwise, needs to be evaluated mentally.

Anonymous said...

Mailee, please just go away.
This is to be Lisa's wedding blog.
Lisa is not into lesbianism at all.
You are not a friend with your insane comments. The fake Lisa people need to get a new hobby.
You are not with Lisa everyday, like real Lisa friends.
So, please stop lying and go away.

You do not know Lisa. None of you know Lisa.

Anonymous said...

This blog should be called "the crazy bitches blog." Named for the crazy Bitch Lisa and the crazy bitches who comment!

chimerafemme said...

oh the irony

Anonymous said...

You do not know Lisa. None of you know Lisa.

I've known you for over 25 years

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You do not know Lisa. None of you know Lisa.

I've known you for over 25 years

October 25, 2012 5:25 AM

Then why are you harassing me on a blog under anon. Who are you?
You do not own me. You say you know me. I do not like anons harassing me on a blog like you just did. So, you may know me but we are not friends.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This blog should be called "the crazy bitches blog." Named for the crazy Bitch Lisa and the crazy bitches who comment!

October 24, 2012 5:24 PM

LOL you commented ya crazy beeotch!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
This blog should be called "the crazy bitches blog." Named for the crazy Bitch Lisa and the crazy bitches who comment!

October 24, 2012 5:24 PM

LOL you commented ya crazy beeotch!

October 25, 2012 9:56 AM

Be dignified. Try your hardest.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You do not know Lisa. None of you know Lisa.

I've known you for over 25 years

October 25, 2012 5:25 AM

Then why are you harassing me on a blog under anon. Who are you?
You do not own me. You say you know me. I do not like anons harassing me on a blog like you just did. So, you may know me but we are not friends.

October 25, 2012 9:53 AM

Psssst Dumbass? You just outed yourself.

Anonymous said...

Thi blog is creepy, not like a real wedding blog at all.

Anonymous said...

Be dignified. Try your hardest.

October 25, 2012 10:20 AM

Whatever you say, crazy beeotch on "the crazy bitches blog."

ps: Hey Lisa
When is the wedding and who's the lucky guy?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Be dignified. Try your hardest.

October 25, 2012 10:20 AM

Whatever you say, crazy beeotch on "the crazy bitches blog."

ps: Hey Lisa
When is the wedding and who's the lucky guy?

October 25, 2012 3:16 PM

Thank you sweetie. I hope to have good news soon.

Anonymous said...

ps: Hey Lisa
When is the wedding and who's the lucky guy?

October 25, 2012 3:16 PM

Thank you sweetie. I hope to have good news soon.

October 25, 2012 6:14 PM

Your welcome Lisa. We are glad that while you were "away" you got convinced that this is a fan site for you and we don't need to worry any more about that poor kid with a loony tune as a mother.

Anonymous said...

crazy bitches.

Anonymous said...

Your welcome Lisa. We are glad that while you were "away" you got convinced that this is a fan site for you and we don't need to worry any more about that poor kid with a loony tune as a mother.

October 26, 2012 3:17 PM

You are truly psychotic on here. Why would you expect something from me, like you do.
This is not a fa site and not a match making site. This is a blog, that Lisa & HH used to keep emails, while both of us were being hacked by total enemies. Sorry, you get psychotic on me. I cannot take pills for you. You need them. Stop expecting Lisa to do something for you in some way, b/c she used a computer program called a blog. Get into reality.
Lisa lives in reality evceryday.
You expect to dictate how she spends her time and if not able to control her is some way you come on her ranting like a sick psycho ass that you are.
Leave LISA and her family alone.
read and walk away.
Everyone announces their engagements in the press and the birth of thier children in the media.
Lots of families are on You Tube in the Middle East broadcasting to friends and family back in the USA. Please stop your insane hyper focus on LISA over the mundane.
Lisa hates obsessed people.
Lisa is following chetopuffs online right now. A normal USA couple who moved to ABU DHABI and then had a family in the Middle East. Watch them on You Tube = chetopuffs. Lots of people move to other countries to raise a family and work.
Please stop wih the insane harassment of Lisa and her family.
She is engaged in the USA to a Middle Eastern man in Dubai and then will move to Dubai when her probation is up to work and to finish her family plans.

Please leave Lisa alone. Read and walk away.

Anonymous said...

Chubby claim s to not be on here at all, if you are looking for him.

Dante loves his mommy and is very very very happy with his mommy.
So, stop your insane psychosis and delusions of grandeur on my family.
Lioa dated MJ and BORIS KUDJOE. ASK THEM, they will not lie to you.
That is my past and a bog was how I was hoping to meet up with them again in the future for both business and friendship.
So, insane third parties, pleazse do not contact me and say you do not believe me blah, blah, blah.
I am using a blog for communication with people. I moved and wanted to stay in contact with my past friends who I was missing.
Same with You Tube, I use to meet up with my past friends and out of the country family as well.

Anonymous said...

Poor sick thing can't seem to keep up the pretext. She alternates between 1st & 3rd person. Maybe the medication is messing with her short term memory?

Anonymous said...

HERE. People like me (American in her 30's), move to the Middle East everyday, for work and for a family.

How am I any different? I am not.
Why the computer? It is free, not a long distance phone call. Plus, you can send videos easily.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Poor sick thing can't seem to keep up the pretext. She alternates between 1st & 3rd person. Maybe the medication is messing with her short term memory?

October 26, 2012 6:31 PM

You are truly psychotic. You are not witty or winning anything. This post is proof that you are seriously mentally ill. Is this more of Kelly Scott's anger at someone having more than Kelly Scott at anything and everything?
Please get mental help. Please.

I was proposed to and said yes. I can proof I said yes, as I bought part of the wedding dress that was sent to me as proof. HH can prove that he proposed to me, as he mailed me the wedding dress. Nothing criminal or mental ill there.
Two people meeting half way on wedding plans.
People I used to work in psychology.
If I upset you getting wed to HH, please get mental help.
Two adults chose whom to wed, not anyone else for them. That is a real marriage.

Anonymous said...

People like me (American in her 30's)

"People like you" would be heavy old maids on heavy meds in their 40s.

Anonymous said...

I can proof I said yes, as I bought part of the wedding dress that was sent to me as proof.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
People like me (American in her 30's)

"People like you" would be heavy old maids on heavy meds in their 40s.

October 26, 2012 6:41 PM

You are NOT funny. GO AWAY AND GET OFF MY BLOGS. GO talk to HOLLYWOOD like that, not me. I am not asking for anything from you, not approval nothing not money not friendship. not attention. Nothing.
GO AWAY psychotic psychopaths on here.
HH said post my wedding proposals. I did and it was still not enough.
I am not overweight. When did you see me? I am not on heavy meds either. SO, who and where are you getting your information from?
I was under-weight in North Carolina, only 100lbs. I can easily post the photos as proof.
HH can afford Dante and LISA.
NO one is asking you for anythnig but to go away and leave my blogs.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can proof I said yes, as I bought part of the wedding dress that was sent to me as proof.


October 26, 2012 6:45 PM

He is a BILLIONAIRE. I am certain that my future is very very very bright with him. Who cares that I had to pay for a portion of the wedding dress? I do not.

Anonymous said...


You are on my last nerve on here.

NO one is paying her for her privacy on here like the KARDASHIANS nor does she need attention for ratings or advertisers. This is one person's reality. STOP IT. Go attack people who seek out attention for nothing but their own pockets in return and somehow used you to get there.

CHUBBY is not a female. He sent me photos of his hands and his belly. I know he is male.
STOP calling me a lesbian.
I am not and do not support gay marriages.


Anonymous said...

PLASE INTO REALITY. This is NOT a casting call for a marriage partner.
The Sheikhs have older and heavier wives than me. STOP INSULTING US WITH EVERY COMMENT.
I am not a model with your clothing on, that you can call me heavy.
HH has fatter wives than me and there are older brides than me as well.
STOP THE HOLLYWOOD BULLSHIT on my name and my life.
I am not an actress. This is reality.
You are coming on our blogs, a wedding blog, and being insanely inappropriate (PSYCHOTIC & DELUSIONAL both) to both HH and Lisa and Dante and looking to get accolades for your poor treatment of three innocent people.
I did not sign a contract with anyone to be 100 lbs, like an actress with a weight loss contract - a paid job in the public eye.

HH proposed to Lisa. Lisa said yes. END of story.

Anonymous said...

STOP auditioning and complaining and twisting and being a total pain in the ass, in my life.

My life is not YOUR life.
Leave us alone.
These same insane comments are all over MJ's news as well.

What is wrong with you people?
Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Peace and blessings everyone.

I know there are a lot of Lisa lurkers who read and do not post.



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Poor sick thing can't seem to keep up the pretext. She alternates between 1st & 3rd person. Maybe the medication is messing with her short term memory?

October 26, 2012 6:31 PM

You are truly psychotic. You are not witty or winning anything. This post is proof that you are seriously mentally ill. Is this more of Kelly Scott's anger at someone having more than Kelly Scott at anything and everything?
Please get mental help. Please.

No Dipshit I wrote it and I'm not jealous of you Nobody is. Why would anyone be jealous of a fat, hairy, mentally ill spinster who has a bi-racial kid but has no clue who the father is, has no job and is living off of welfare, has no friends, can't function in the real world because of her delusions, has a criminal record, and has been in a mental hospital for months at a time? You Miceli are nothing more than a sick pathetic laughingstock. I'd point out more reasons why you are pathetically ridiculous but we are about to head to the airport for our Vegas/ San Fran trip. Enjoy your life in the basement.

Anonymous said...

You are a nasty stupid person! It makes you feel good to be mean to people and belittle them. I would rather be miss Lisa who is a wonderful young lady to you and your nastiness. We feel sorry for you

Anonymous said...

Who is "we" Lisa? You talking about the voices in your head? Wonderful young lady? Nobody thinks that about you. You are a wailing banshee. It's not meann or belittling when you tell someone the truth. What's mean is not getting help for your mentally ill family member and blaming others for her evilness

Anonymous said...

CHUBBY is not a female. He sent me photos of his hands and his belly. I know he is male.


Anonymous said...

No Dipshit I wrote it and I'm not jealous of you Nobody is. Why would anyone be jealous of a fat, hairy, mentally ill spinster who has a bi-racial kid but has no clue who the father is, has no job and is living off of welfare, has no friends, can't function in the real world because of her delusions, has a criminal record, and has been in a mental hospital for months at a time? You Miceli are nothing more than a sick pathetic laughingstock. I'd point out more reasons why you are pathetically ridiculous but we are about to head to the airport for our Vegas/ San Fran trip. Enjoy your life in the basement.

October 27, 2012 8:52 AM

MORE LIES. YOU PROVE NOTHING ON HERE EVER. You spin and caused the last 4 years of abuse of Lisa Miceli and claim one minute to be her friend and then the next minute to be her mortal enemy online- you are seriously mentally ill. You are unstable. I haveever reason to call out everyoe and everything for your comments on my blogs. If you do not like it, then do no read it and do not post on here.

Who are you? I?? Who is I wrote it dipshit? I am to know who anon is? WOW. UNSTABLE, much? YES.
Or I am screamed at? Why do I care ifyou go to VEGAS or SAN FRAN? what is there for LISA? I am soo confused by your toxic rants on a blog about me. WHY? what do I owe anyone of you? You buy something of LISA's that she must perform something or in someway or else?

You make no sense attacking Lisa on a blog about chubby. Who is CHUBBY to YOU??
You need serious mntal help. SERIOUSLY. You attack Lisa on a blog about Michael Jordan when she met and dated him in 1999. What is it to you if she wanted to reconnect with MJ? NOTHING.
But, you do not leave Lisa alone. WHY?
Yet, here comes another Lisa rant on her and punishment.
Why would Lisa care if you go to San Fran o Vegas? What is there? and who are you??
I am confused.

Anonymous said...

WHO ARE YOU doing this for?
You are making ourself out to be an abusive lunatic towards Lisa... who can never say the right thing to you ever. WHY is that? and then the threats.... why?

Anonymous said...

ANON could be anyone. I do not think all anonsor one person named Chubby.

People told me that they poted on this blog that are locxal in Meadville, PA.

Ranting against LISA now since 2010 or earlier is ridiculous. She does not know you and you do not know her.
You skipped to a vicious public divorce before you even courted properly or wed her properly.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND STOP POSTING EVERY LISA EMAIL when you lie to Lisa every email to even get response from her in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who is "we" Lisa? You talking about the voices in your head? Wonderful young lady? Nobody thinks that about you. You are a wailing banshee. It's not meann or belittling when you tell someone the truth. What's mean is not getting help for your mentally ill family member and blaming others for her evilness

October 27, 2012 10:29 AM

htor50 and chubby both posted my private emails. WHAT IS YOUR POINT? You write to me, so wrote back to you. Am I posting your nonsense to me all over the internet? NO. It was to be a lovely wedding. I cannot control what others say about me. Kelly Scott is mentally ill, she called me a DELUSIONAL WHAACKJOB over and over again. She cannot control her anger over what? MY WEDDING PLANS? Why is that? She is a lesbian and I told her no? YES. She has delusions of grandeur that she is an amazing person wghen she is nothing. YES.
Leave me alone, you are attacking me since 2010 if not earlier on MJ blogs. Why do you care what I say or what I do? It is not your life.
Stop making threats to me... because I told you to go away. STOP writing to me and stop reading what I write. SIMPLE.
NO one says that Lisa is lovely to you. WHY is that? Because you are lying to LISA and LISA is responsing to those lies. Where have we been out together for people to call me lovely? where are our engagement photos to call them lovely? where are our wedding photos? and photos of our children? and whgere are our joint business dealins that you promised me for people to call me lovely.
I have been attacked on blogs, since 12/2005... and respond to those attacks.
Sorry, it is not lovely that comes out of me when I am telling the truth and being called a liar for telling the truth.

These are not LISA's friends or family on here to call Lisa lovely.
sandy adn others came on here to defend Lisa and what happened, more threats to Sandy and others for defending Lisa.

So, stop it. You were to propose online and then show up in person right away when you got my answer, which was yes to wedding CHUBBY.

Anonymous said...


Lisa Miceli

Anonymous said...

They are the mentally ill ones Lisa and they are just being nasty! We know the truth and they don't!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Everyone is mentally ill except for "Bride of Chucky"

er I meant "Chubby"

Anonymous said...

NO one can stop chubby from marrying Lisa.

SO, it is all psychotc nnosense on here anyway.
I looked up the rules for marraige in the UAE. I am 40 and do not need parental acceptance for a marriage.
BUT, it is not LISA's real family or real friends on here bitching about Lisa getting married and it being a delusion that she needs to take meds for or a fairy tale that she needs to grow up from.
It is random anon people being psychotic on another females wedding blogs.
My family gives me away to chubby with their blessings if he is who he says that he is to LISA in emails.
I take my pills regularly for the lurkers wh want me in jail or mental health once reading my blogs.
Chubby, really you should shut down he blogs, for all parties involved.
Everyone told you it is two consenting adults (Lisa & Chubby) on here, so everything is legal in the USA and in UAE, we can get married legally.

Anonymous said...

They should leave you two alone! They probably just to be in your place. Don't listen to the negativity from the haters like Malea and who is she and where did she come from?

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to the negativity from the haters like Malea and who is she and where did she come from?

October 28, 2012 4:54 PM

LOL! Who in hell is Malea????

Anonymous said...

I agree that you should ignore the people on this blog. When you were gone, there were very few posts here, so if you stay away then no one will have any reason to post here. What is between you and Chubby should be private.

Just go get married, move away and leave all of this behind you because if you continue to post here, you can be assured that you will be attacked.

Just me said...

Considering she doesn't know Chubby or Hamdan she won't be getting married to either of them. So chances are she will continue posting here as herself and her alters for a very long time. I had hoped she had gotten the help she needed and was going on with her life in reality. But that didn't happen. Whatever is wrong with her needs long term care.
This a couple months here and there in a psych ward doesn't appear to help very much. She isn't as crazed as she was a few months ago but her fantasies are still going on. I really don't care about her but I do care for the happiness of her child.

Anonymous said...


My point was that her fantasies of marriage etc are for her to deal with away from this blog. All of the parties in question; Chubbs, Ahmed, Hamdan et al have nothing to fear from her and security/precautions are in place nonetheless whatever her motivations.
Inflamatory postings here only prolong her coming here and certainly that isn't helping her child. Anyone with a bit of sense knows the full picture so what is the purpose of engaging her here?

I have followed her since she first went to court with MJ. I was a WILMIE and I have posted my fair share of retorts to her, but at this stage, I can't see how any further communication on this blog will enhance her child's life.

And finally, this is my opinion only and what you or anyone else chooses to do is your business.

Anonymous said...

I have followed her since she first went to court with MJ. I was a WILMIE and I have posted my fair share of retorts to her, but at this stage, I can't see how any further communication on this blog will enhance her child's life.

Valid point, but one which would be more properly directed towards "Chubby", purveyor of this blog enticingly titled "Insanity is...", who hosts us all (Lisa, fans of Lisa, mockers of Lisa, former fans/mockers, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have followed her since she first went to court with MJ. I was a WILMIE and I have posted my fair share of retorts to her, but at this stage, I can't see how any further communication on this blog will enhance her child's life.

I agree, it was fun in the beginning. Lisa and her antics. She was more manipulative then than crazy.

Lisa started the first board,and eventually shut down the comments. Other boards started up later. Finally, we all ended up here.

However,as her mental illness has progressed, it's becoming pathetic and sad. It is no longer fun nor entertaining.

It may be time to shut the whole thing down. If Lisa wants to come back to life, let her do it on her own.

Lisa and her entire dysfunctional family need prayers more than anything.

Anonymous said...

Well said 4:35 and 1:28

Chubby seems to have his/her own reasons for not closing this blog which could be as simple as he/she can't. Remember that Lisa originally set up this blog and gave the passwords etc to Chubby and then they took it over. It may be that only Lisa or the Admin can shut it down and my guess would be that Lisa has forgotten what ever code one needs to access it. That is why I suggested that if we leave or Lisa stops posting, then this will turn into a ghost town.

I'd like Lisa to have a chance now that everyone has had to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Anonymous said...

You all are being nice right now.
Thank you.

I cannot shut down the blogs because I do not have the email address anymore that is associated with this blog.
I lost 3 email addresses to hackers. Those three addies controlled this blog sadly enough.
Lisa wants to get married. I have been ready to wed since MJ in 1999 if not earlier. I am sad those earlier relationships did not work out nor MJ either.
So, I am happily moving forward with Chubby.
Thank you for the blessings and the prayers. Dante and I need a real man in our lives full time.
Thanks for those who truly care about Lisa & Dante, not trying to hurt us.

Anonymous said...

I don't think "chubby" monitors this blog or pays much attention to it anymore. Hurricane Sandy (so appropriate here) may have caused some turmoil for him/her.

Anonymous said...

cunt lickers

Anonymous said...

slurp slurp

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