Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cuckoo bird should be a Jail Bird instead!

So yesterday LM made some sick comment like "My mom is going to come into my room & fuck me because its taking you too long to come to my house".
I was beyond disgusted.
Who says shit like that?
Oh yeah, LM.

Here are just a fraction of the shit I've received in the last 48hrs.



Thnk you - DANTE and I hit in the head with two glasses, throw at us, peanuts and a lamp.
KARMA BITCH!!! Someone wnats to hurt you real bad too honey.
I have no voice today, hoarse and battered, thank you, ANGIE MCQUEEN.
TALKED MY FIANCEE for my wedding adn my MJ STORY adn got sent to jail - You would take an ass fuck for MJ TICKETS, LUNATICS!!! I cannot wait to tell him and his lawyers and laugh my ass off.. for it.
I am going to tabloids and the court,s FUCKING WHORES. STOP tellnig my bsun iess whore. NEED more black guys?? LOL, LOL, LOL. I called THE CDC for your AIDS viruse out of control. Need to warn up front.


MY WEDDING STORY - dinners meeting with my property.... my fiancee dfrom ONLINE.. and lawyers about my son.. ILLEGaLY. EXTORTION adn fraud, beating me up online in fronmt of the ROYAL FAMILY.
DEATH THREATS as well, NO one told her to show up for me as sex.. I invited HH to events and he showed up iwth her.. as if s was me. MY WORDs- why would I not show up.

He proposed, his words, why would he not invite me.

We both did not know this lunatic.
why would she show yp as me, when I am the one proposed to?? MY love story ruined by an imposter hacking my computer.. my son is ruined as well.

HOW COULD you, when you are a trusted person. you are not a man to let her attack me and then attack her back... SAY NO. She is speaking dfor me and wlaknig in my shoes as if me.. . INCREDIBLE PAIN AND SUFFERING from he. MY BOOK and my TV SHOW and my life and my emails not hers. Are you not felliong raped, she hacked mty enmails.. and read them AHMED and HAMDAN? WHAT? a stranger!!!!

CLOWN FACES at the dinner table.. WHAT??
You ran with my story and my paternity action, and my blogs from radio and TV.
I am furious that you would clown my own my wedding night dinner and go to the HALL of FAME as if me or the MOTHER of DANTE.. LUNATIC.. NOT HAPPY - FURIOYDS. cannot get that time back. So do your time in person BITCH.
Why are you putting other WHORE in my marriage and stealing my sex life - YOU hate sex, get help.... . I do not and neither does HH Sheikh Ahmed.... We wanted sex right away proves ANGIE MCQUEEN murders over sex.. her aunt. SHE needs to be celebate. She is not Lisa Miceli.
If you have sex with anyone then hoie about your own fiancee.. not using my dad's mind and spy games. SHOW UP at my house with cars.

Why would she go to BILL CLINTON's office or HILLARY's when I asked for the traffickng to cease and desist.. ??

You do not want your kids, ANGIE - do not speak for me LUNATIC.. Put your DEVON!!!


RAPING ANGIE MCQUEEN while on the pone iwth me, at te sink and dying her hair ad then sent me photos. afterwards. threaten anal rape of LM or poverty.
BE REALISTIC. You are not gettting out of jail- for what you and ANGIE did to me.
You called my brother to start another fight today.
BABY BOY by aNGIE MCQUEEN from my wedding night story. EXTORTION - one month delay.. my emails and then ANGIE MCQUEEN acts them out. Now calling my photog to try and bed HALLE BERRY. STOP THE HOOKING AND TRAFFICKING on my name please.. from HOLLYWOOD.

Sun, November 28, 2010 11:16:04 PM
Re: RAPING ANGIE MCQUEEN while on the pone iwth me, at te sink and dying her hair ad then sent me photos. afterwards. threaten anal rape of LM or poverty.

YOU do not RULE over me, wher are all of the back -stabbing emails and requests that got you into bed with ANGIUE MCQUEEN behind my back and STEPHEN BOYCE to be a shitty lawyer and other calls that you made.


WHY is she forcing herself into my life, as my friend, sister or whatever. Another bride of yours. I hate her and want her out of my life.
I hear MAYA in my head, WHY?

EXCUSE ME, how did ANGIE MCQUEEN get into MY GULF STREAM on my WEDDING NIGHT please in CA?? and you not in ERIE, PA??

THE SCHEME is over... OLD NEWS!!!!! I am going to all OSCAR DEL A HOYA events...
ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ you the only news is you...

OSCAR DEL A HOYA... gave me his DNA, what if I told you it is not his kid, ANGIE MCQUEEN? you did paternity fraud? for MILLIONS? and are busted!!!!!

MJ knows his full testing panel and chose to pay me and have me be a huge celebrity, OSCAR did not!!!!
He paid tyou in sympathy to shut up.. please get off my JEY liar. MJ cghose to marry me and make me a STAR- I chose HH Sheikh Ahmed and HH Prince HAMDAN - not you..

You hurt people because you are soo jealous and insane. LEAVE US ALONE - MAFIA wana be princess- not our life MINE!

STOP FUCKJING other women.. I told the triuth, ANGI is a mocvknig birds.. with AIDS - MJjohnson's dr - JEALOUS hateful bitch. now I need rubbers with my wonb hubby.. WHAT THE FUCK? insane bitch.. that you went to HALLL of FAMe- PAY BACK is a BITCH, so is SCOTT WESTON!!

Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Gowns and Accessories from PeriDress : Your order #12567 has been declined
CAn you pay ofr the rest of my wedding dress, b/c I cannot afford it.. please of HOLLYWOOD stalkers and hackers.

YOU FUCKED HALLE BERRY you go to prison.. I am sick of this shit. YOU ARE NOT A MAFIA BOSS or a PIMP or a HOOJER - you are my SHEIKH!!!

You were to take me to MJ's HALL of FAME, like YVETTE PIERTO.... and dancing like ANGIE MCQUEEN =

You are to make me a wife, adn not commiting any crimes against my or in the USA?? You are committing EXTORTION fuck ing other women.. RIDICULOUS...

SEX ADDICT school for Lisa Miceli- you are writing under my name and playing tricks.. they are not LISA MICELI .

Sun, November 28, 2010 4:16:51 PM
WHY are you not at my house partying. . you have your own money NOW?? That I have to sue for??

STOP STALKING ME, who went to PARIS FRANCE on my name? WHO?? it was to be my honeymoon nad it was a bunch of blondes.

If you are no longer into my wedding sotry, then stop contacting ANGIE MCQUEEN - b/c she should up as me and she is not me. It is my life.

You cannot re[pair 9/11 DAMAGEs of taking ANGIE MCQUEEN as if she is me. WHERE are my cars? Angie has one, you bought it.. so she said.

I am sending you to jail for never coming to my house and gifting everyone my life as f they are all MICHAEL JORDAN MISTRESS....... when they not.. YOU ARE NUTS!!!! you do not listen to the truth...

get the fuck out of the CA house that I was charged over, it is my house iwth HH Sheikh Ahmed for my son..
You are fuck up of a man!!!



My love story.. AL MOCO TOUM?? WHAT? Li'sa dancing tapes with HALLE BERRY? she is flat cheated whore nutcase going to jail if she copies Lisa Miceli and calls my contacts.

WHO CALLED you CHUBBY?? it is my chilren not theirs from our wedding story.

She is a con like RAJ in my marraige, what do you not understand.. she was the screen not LISA MICELI - same with HALLE BERRY, not Lisa Miceli- flat chested whore wanting my life for BILLIONS adn giving nothing in return. BAD TRADE DEAL!!!!!!

I am going to FUCK THE GENERAL's brains out ands have him chop off your dick and you fingers and then talk HUMAN RIGHTS.. like you are doing to me. and laugh and mock your injuries like you are doing me..

and then I will ask if you are okay and then now show up to help you.
Where is the party on my name tonight?? DO NOT TELL ANGIE MCQUEEN -fuking whore will take on my life as if me.. and call it a screen... where are my meetings..? with BRAVO? I need to tape mine, that was a silly crimbnla imposter..


FAT AS HELL DANCING on YOU TUBE. AUGUST 2010... from a JUKY preggers? from my wedding night in Oct 2009...NO? I posted it online.

Who is the mother? I need to collect it all.

PIECE of SHIT ANGIE MCQUEEN. RETARDS KIDS - look at them fighing one another.

FUCKING RETARD baby boy and does not know it yet.
RETARD, RETARD, RETARD, AHHHHHHHHHn you did it to you, ANGIE MCQUEEN. You raped your own pussy on the phone with me over my money. I want my houses and my cars and my cash, for my dancing skills not yours sand my sports psychology..... not yours.

SHUT THE FUCK UP you had a baby boy with ANGIE MCQUEEN on my wedding night OCT 14, 2009. You should have shot the violent bitch who wanted to beat everyone up.

THE CLOWN IS ANGIE MCQUEEN with OMAR HENRY and your baby boy? NO??

Sun, November 28, 2010 1:10:01 PM
You are petty so MJ got petty, in the crowd with his fans. How is MAYA's baby boy, from her adoption in AUGUST 2009 & drinking in hotels & houses with you?
EXCUSE ME? You gave my resume to ANGIE MCQUEEN and my book to be me and then fucked her on my wedding night to get her preggers. Right? AT THE MONDRIAN HOTEL. SEX TRAFFICKING.
Where are my homes, it was n ot ANGIE's deal. she was a witness. She did not go to MEREDITH COLLEGE??THE ANSWER was no. She is not me. SEPERATION of sexes.

It is not her kid. I am the mother and going to put in a cause of action for illegacy surrogacy. You said BAD EGGS and you called me the adorable egg donor. She wanted DANTEs money,. no? in 2009 and in 2010 mine and yours.

It is not her life because she was a witness.
HAMMY was mad when I said I was 15 yrs old.. WHAT? ANGIE lied the whole time. You handed gher my resunme., ASSA was to get my house.

Where is she?


Lisa A. Miceli
LISA's emails, LISA's house. ANGIE MCQUEEN does not have a TV SHOW or OSCAR's lawyer is suing her.
It is my TV SHOW - he is slow b/c it is stolen property....
you are to cease travelnig on my name, my emails and my TV SHOW - stop the organized crimes around me.
THE BLOGS were for my wedding, not favors for HOLLYWOOD.
HOLLYWOD LOSERS, no education and no money per TV SHOW, over spend and steal.SAM MICELI - this is SAM MICELI's house on a deed, my dad bought it for a dollar from his brother. WHO's the BOSS? Sam or JOE, we like little LISA. I was 7. Lisa the TOOL TIME GIRL, I was less than 17yrs old. NOT COOL.
Two imposters ruined my life, who are insane and cannot come out of character and spy on me, for ENTERTAINMENT deals. ID THEFT, not entertainment.
they stole from my bvlogs nad sold the same story to DUBAI adn in VeGAS, NV.. EVERYTHING stolen by PAMMY, ANGIE and PARIS and aLYSSA MILANO - all contacted HH for sex as well... my life, not wifeys.


I need anti anxiety pills to do the photo shoot.
You gave them to ANGIE MCQUEEN not me after calling everyone in my sockial circle and twellnig them what? They can fuck you? WHY? thought it was 4 wives?
Why would you ask ANGIE MCQUEEN anything about me when I was sending docs as proof of me nad oyu were on mty blogs, as I am not Kelly and other sites with websites. I did not put the connection together at first.
ESTEEMEDONE was you? why did oyu not conme to my house. I thoguht that you were femlae, not male. I am not giving my son to another female. You called me a lesbian. I am ot but now get offers.


YOU LIE to me and tell ANGIE the truth now. WHY? You used my TV SHOW to fuck her in my face. NOT COOL.
TV SHOW RUINED cannot get those moments back and have more evidence than ANGIE MCQUEEN - who did not get dna testing or child support until the age of 5, like DANTE was in 2009. She is nothing great.
PANTS story does not apply, you are a Royal in an other country. All are not created equal, look at retards and different careers.
You blamed me for her words, and yet were catering to her as if she was me. EVER 5 minutes at her house for sex, in the USA.
I would take the offer, ask RAJ - or all 3 of you go to jail for the rest of youer lives, for comspiring against me fo MILLIONS of MJ money. I dated the man and he cried, when I was on there.



ERXCUSE me, they are drink your cum to get rich and famous? You proposed to Lisa Miceli and bed aNGI MCQUEEN gifting her my children and my wedding and then defend her backstabbing behavior and call me poor?
HH Prince Hamdan said to you, she is NOT me. Why would you fuck a stranger, after nmaknig plans with me? verbal contract to marry, DIPSHIT. Not iwth ANGIE MCQUEEN - but Lisa Miceli 8 times, and each time a different women. You are making me ill traffkicking me in pieces, for what money? YOURS? WHY? They are not Lisa Miceli.
They aer as pretty as me and you are not to talk back to me. Why are you not at my house nad in my bved, writing to ANGIE AND HOLLYWOOD to get a professional contract, while I suck your dick as planned. ASSA worked for you and I - not RAJ. My lawyer thought that I was marrying RAJ- WHAT? NO WAY. She said that she has two lids with yu, from stealing from me, from the point of my car accident- too easy to prove that everything she said and is saying for the last 2 yrs is a repeat of LISA MICELI.
BLOG RADIO, I have no voice, choking.
If everyone thought that you were a bad man and going to kill me for money- then why did they marry you or bed you or have kids with you.
You were a billioniare to greedy whores.
TOM BENGE adn everyone will testify againast ANGIE MCQUEEN - adn she is in prison mommy or not. She is ignorant to steal from me having my own kids with my own man, not RAJ or OSCAR (even thought you pretended yo be him, when I was calling on the phone in the sumer of 2009 ) why ou cater to mJ nutc ase stalkers, is insane to me. MJ would not fuck who you are dfucking- sh eis hideous.. UGLY, how dfo you fuck her? Her face, her fake lips and big nose and shaggy dog hair?
but you do not know her.
It was my VEGAS, NV how did she know? IMPOSSIBLE.
They only reason my DNA was not complete, was a crooked Judge who wanted others to get a piece of my son's money, not MJ's money from an order, legally, but DANTE's by trying to start an action bvehind my back. Kelly Scott and everyone pretending to be from MEADVILLE, PA. My life is my life, stop gifting it to orther women - behind my back - why are you so fucking disloyal to me.. ???
Stop giving my money to other women wihout marrying me first or having kids with me first. You love aNGIE, then AnGIER goes t priosn- she was not allaowed to contact you ever behind my back let alone tell me pussy shaves and washer ands dryer stories. MY HOUSE ASSA ands you adsn I were going to get for DANTE in March 2009 after a Jan 2009 wedding proposal. I told and everyone was getting married to someone else at the same time, MJ, ALLY MILANO and others, leaked their wedding plans. You do not marry people to meet other women.
EVERY DAY that she is with you and my emails, she wants to go to jail - she did not know your family- your family b ack stabbed me over my son's wealth. You took on more wives b/c of my money. not your other wives money. You were to pay for me, to get my own money and my son's money. Yet, you pay for ANGIE MCQUEEN. MY PERFUME and everything that I asked for you gave to her, WHY? STINKY people.. you are buying her off, as a payoff and RAJ too, for a wedding trhat did not happen yet and was to be done in Jan 2009 for children only.
You are fucking me online and bedding her in perosn makes no sense. It is a shorter flight to DUBAI to ERIE, than CA to DUBAI.
You are drinking and fukcing her, as if sshe is me, from internet PRINCESS. You c onfessed onlnie to all of her threats as well. LEAVE HER now and buy my home in July 2010 - who went to the ROYAL ASCOT parade and who got my necklaces, for my onlnie breasts.
How is she ever boarding my JET? EVER. She is not to share a man with me ever. It is stalkjnig and copyright infringment and extortion- she is killing people, me including me. She is not to contact you, EVER, b/c you are my fiancee, not her HOLLYWOOD- you work there? on any projects?
AVIATIOn only? Where and why are all of these people coming to us for every bit of our money?






DO NOT BRING ANGIE MCQUEEN to our next hotel sex meeting. please.. no, no, no, lie lie lie. GOT THAT> LIE.... m y breats ae better, she has cancer from the last 4-0 yr old child and lost her hair and wears a wig, serves her right for back stabbing me with you.
Where are we fucking? anal is best.. but I suck dick better than ANGIE and ASSA according to you... She lies and taks about me in the middle of sex. She was wearing ASSA top, prove of sex when buying my home in CA - in June 2009... not that long ago to pursue.
You do not go there do you anymore?


DO you not have a son with this LUNATIC, asking for HOLYWOOD whore after you got preggers.. BE REALISTIC, tyou are insanely ugly oyu stole and flipped information and are going to jail for it. BABY BOY or not.
How is OMAR HENRY's dick after POENCIL THIN AHMED- baby boy your new job for money.. need to brag about a nanny.. for him. or is MAYA helping.. with AHMEDvon the bed.. what does she do with HH?? suck him yet?
You can pay for the MEDICAL BILLS for the two glasses and the lamp, being throw at DANTE and I and hitting us in the face the medical bills.
I am horse today. Was that the anal sex on my wedding story, ANGIE AND AHMED?

BRUSH your teeth and shower and no stds DUMBASSES!!!

YOU THINK THAT you are going to fuck hALLE BERRY on my engagment and gift her a child. KIMwas talkngi to GABRIELLE gher ex baby daddy.. WHAT AS ASSHOLE?

when do ou stop with HOLLYWOOD leeches on my life?
Do I need to go public with your AIDS STORY/TRUTH??

SEND A JET for LISA MICELI = HALLE can make her own money.. she has enoguh LAPUMA info.

THamnks for the bug eyes. I look like you from chatting much & you switching lives around, that is all that you do with me.
I can make my own money, and was doing that in the USA. NEVER hurt for money or rich men.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH BLAH, I hate talking and you are a liar to me.
PLEASE send me the pills to lose weight, I can then get on the treadmille and do YOGA and relax. You are two years too late.
ANGIE is not BROKJE, you had her in bed several time paying for sex, when you are to be at my house. I am furious and broke because of you. She is not MISS ABSAM. You ruined my plans. I need a contact list of men in ABU DHABI please. I pitched a story over there please. I will give you a list of people, and ask them to contact me please, if you will.


BRING VALIUM or XANAX - I have never had to talk this much in my fucking life.. WHAT THE??? you were to just show up..
PUt my videos to music... WHAT THE FUCK/ you are proving tyou are a liar.. TO LISA MICELI, not that I am a liar, ruining my value and gift it to someone else, who is trash. BUSINESS SCHOOL? You know her breasts dents in them. DISRESPECTING YOU. WHY? I am not a man, and I hate blondes, FUCK THEM. i am not a lesbian... You know my past. it got you off.. sexually.
Tht was the only thing that turned you on.. all of your brides fucking other men. I will tell them on you TUBE in a veil.
KARMA is a bITCH - ANGIE get a bottle to the head next. GOOD.

THIS IS TOO WEIRD. I am sick of being called a liar b/c of you and Michael Jordan- my TV SHOW was for credibility. I did radio (who got that- FRED, MJ's lawyers), wrote a book and now a reality TV SHOW and marriage and more kids next and PLAYBOY - you put this online on a blog to have me attacked by only 5-6 women- who are they, they call claim sex iwth you, GROSS!!!?? WHAT is going with you? You met ANGIE MCQUEEN for sex since March 2009 according to her. She is finally telling the truth that was stupid because it was my INVITE to VEGAS for pre martial sex, how did she come up? and contact you? What did she say?? When did she say, I want to fuck oy for my BFF adn get your millions form a baby that she would kill me and jail me over prior to her own wedding with you? "I know you are a stranger, but I have AIDS wanna FUCK?" is that what ANGIE MCQUEEN said to you, that you did not tell me? EXCUSE me, my teasings were not enough for you to meet in person? I called you, not her and RAJ.
EVERYONE knows that you are lying, when It was to be me, it was ANGIEV MCQUEEN.
My family is crazy now, thn ak you - and expected me to move out in 2009- they are psychotic.

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai has everything of mine for a book deal- to be an ASSHOLE with if I die.
I am ANGIe's AUNT KIM- and my coats- and she told me to shut up or retired FBI, MELISSA DEROSIER, PHD. YOU ARE RIGHT BITCH, you are going to prison for attempted murder of Lisa Miceli. She is is cocked and loaded in PITTSBURGH, PA to shoot to kil you, PAMMY, PARIS, and ANGIE MCQUEEN - if keep getting that nutty for my money and my men. We tape recordeed everything and my emails on file with FBI and YAHOO the minute he called me on the computer. You are not a long haired brunette ANGIE MCQUEEN - so please that HH would want to kiss your ass- it was my photos DUMBASS!!! I was on the phone with you as well - you are looing really nuts trying to scare me and get somoene else to hurt me.
The TV SHOW was never even done yet before ANGIE MCQUEEN fucked HH behind my back, is if she was me and meeting MJ for the baby, who is now 6 not 1 when he first spoke to me. How are my meetings at the MONDRIAN HOTEL - THE AUTOPSY, DISRESPECTFUL LIONESS in March 2009? on my emails and with my fiancee.
OSCAR and OMAR HENRY meet up for you, ANGIE MCQUEEN in Sept 2010?? or Sept 2009?? You a hacker and a stlker, DAMN GIRL.

Whose baby boy? the father??

I WANT EVERYTHING since you met him, even the red & black dress. I will dance in your sheets or in your hotel on my wedding night.
It was not your body, it was not you bodyu. ANGIE - it was my wedding, FUR COATS everything that I asked for, scarfs and book shelves- THE CRIME is, it was not my body and in fact, ANGIE - it was not your wedding night. These are my emails not yours.
It was my fiancee, not yuours. STOP LETTING random men fuck you as if you are me. IDIOT.

You can pay for the MEDICAL BILLS for the two glasses and the lamp, being throw at DANTE and I and hitting us in the face the medical bills.
I am horse today. Was that the anal sex on my wedding story, ANGIE AND AHMED?

BRUSH your teeth and shower and no stds DUMBASSES!!!


OK. I am sick of you talking to youself and other males in my life and bedding other women, is if I do not exist.
I have a favor to ask of you, please.
No, you were racist to both me and my son.

Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy

~ Lisa A. Miceli
20 yrs for extortion in the state o f pas - i do not have to watch your kids with my fiancee b.c of you being a pig.
My family hates you and told you to stay puty of my fami ly - blood blood nigger whore who is nuts and would pretend to be lisa miceli for her billions, while you are your family are losers.
Stop asking for our info- it is not yours. Black child or not, he is richer and healthier than you.
you proposed to lisa miceli first prior to m eeeting angie m cquen -d
Sat, November 27, 2010 10:30:21 AM
PIECE of SHIT - corrrect and control YOU.. beofre I send YOU to prison.. who cares about your bloodlines, AIDS WHORE!! spreading it with malice
"PUT YOUR RAJ on" = 7 yr old WHORE for a CHILD begging for my hubby for sex..
I will tell the whole world ANGIE MCQUEEN - you are a LUNATIC STALKER AND PEDOPHILE and rapist, from my emails- you are not Lisa Miceli.
You need to b e murdered and killed over OSCAR - he does not want you, MJ wants me still . LUNATIC is ANGIE MCQUEEN switching lives and calling it comedy, FREAKY FRIDAY!!!
MALICE - having sex with AIDS with aL MAKTOUM before my wedding becauseI said no to sex with both her and Raj (over AIDS)- WITNESS my wedding . SHe is not a friend.
She was on the phone with me when you are at the house with her in the bathroom. DYING her hair and yours too.
Why do you show up at her house when I call you or email you? I do not live with her, was living with HH for our marriage.
You proposed to LISA MICELI - n ot aNGIE MCQUEN - yuo show up at LISA MICELI's house.

BEDDING the bloggers and Michael JORDAN fans is not acceptable.
Both are in my computer ands gong to the wrong house and hotel on my wedding night.
You are not Lisa and have no right to show up as me.



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Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cuckoo bird should be a Jail Bird instead!

So yesterday LM made some sick comment like "My mom is going to come into my room & fuck me because its taking you too long to come to my house".
I was beyond disgusted.
Who says shit like that?
Oh yeah, LM.


STOP THE LIES - GET out of my sex life and out of my money-

AHMED is a BILLIONAIRE and he is to pay for me.. none of you.

Stalk me for money, and I jail you, I TELL YA.... HEART ATTTACK.. I TELL YA!!!!! OMG!!!!!



Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

WHY is aNGIE McQUEEN in my house in CA with me and DANTE's name on it?

running a brothel advertised on YOU TUBE??

I was arrested for it in March 2009.

So, please FBI have been on the computer the whole time, saving and achiving every email,

ANGIE MCQUEEN adn other lunatics, you are not LISA MICELI.

IMPOSSIBLE, he was on the phone with me the whoe time and coming to my house via a jet and a rented car... and then marry and then move to Dubai DANTE or not.

ANYONE who says that they had sex with me, is a liar...

I was celebate waiting on HH -

TRUSTED him with all information.

HATE ANGIE MCQUEEN and all blondses, not a swinger and not gay- ready to marry HH in peace.

ANSWER your phone dumbass!!!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. MICELI = the real bride 2 b said...

Is AHMED delusional and going to the wrong house for sex and finding these fat, married older women? who never met me but bash me online for an MJ story - ??

Did you go parking with Kelly Scott, b/c of my TODD MCCLAY story?

Kelly Scott is in ALLIANCE, OH, not MEADVILLE, PA. I never met her in my life.

How did ANGIE MCQUEEN meet HH offline in VEGAS, NVC when I asked for the pre married sex trip to VEGAS, NV from my account and my
MJ MISTRESS is NOT ANGIE MCQUEEN - it is LISA MICELI getting married ot HH - a stranger for s.e.x and lust - and love.
HACKED? my copmuter, as I made the plans and she went and I got photos afterwards.

DO NOT CALL my UBBY onlnie behind my back, EVER. YOU piece of shit liars.. calling him behind my back.

I do not live in OH or CA - so explain, how ANGIE MCQUEEN tells the fiancee of HH she cannnot have sex with her own fianceee... and blocks her.

He was ready to jump in the sack first emails.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEN must have said that she is LISA MICELI when she is not?
to use my book and then for HH to suggest that he is adopting MAYA in August 2009?


She still lived with RAJ then.

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI - the real bride 2 b said...

WHAT is the obession with putting me in jail, A*****? I mean really, what??
over MJ dna testing, GET REAL.
You wanted money from tabloids - and that is the problem - stop stalking me for men or money- I will prosecute and sue, not your friend.

I would never be a friend to an ID heft ring or extortion. No thank you.


Lisa A. Miceli - the bride 2 b said...

HH, what are we doing NEW YEARS EVER, please??

I was hacked and missed the MONDRIAN hotel meetings were ANGIE must have told you that I am her body or whatever??
She clearly gave you my name...


COME to my house, and stop the crime online.

WE can party here, I promise.


Lisa A. MICELI = the real bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN or someone must have hacked my emails very early on in OCT 2008.

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

I am going to get over my shock ad stop responding to any and all of this.


Otherwise I would not be sitting her with a wedding dress and missed my own damn wedding and my reality TV SHOW ruined.

Thanks for fucknig ANGIE MCQUEEN as if she was MJ's former MISTRESS, LISA MICELI = NOT.

Hope you rot in hell.

You are gong to jail, for back stabbing contacts that ruined my wedding night so far.


Lisa a. Miceli = the bride 2 b said...

Who flew ANGIE MCQUEEN to BRAVO's studio to pitch my TV SHOW?

and to INNOVATIVE ARTISTS? and other places?

that you would go to MJ events with HH behind my back, as he told me.

My wedding night, you show up and I am not there, but made the arragements by LISA MICELI - abd then into my life deeper and creepier.

ANGIE and these other whores are perverts.


Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

Ahmed is an 80 yr od black man - EXTORTION, much?


Lisa A. MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

wow how are you able to play me that dirty HH??


I want to learn how you got your dick sucked behind my back using my emails, that have notihng to do with ANGIE MCQUEEN, but our wedding.

HI, ANGIE, I know you do not know me, but can you suck my dick ,b/c Lisa made me hot from emails ANd invited me to her house and is willing to marry me.. and as her own money and own life... but....

ANGIE.... ?? hello? hello? hello??

I will take you to an MJ hall of fame event if you suck me off from LIsa Miceli's emails, she is my fiancee, and you know, I want a stranger? WHAT?? HUH??


It is not your family or your information - why and how did you steal it? and get sex from my fianceee and his family?
IMPOSSIBLE - I did not forward any emails to you, and you are not me, his fiancee.

In fact, I went to grea lengths to protect them as mine.


Not your TV SHOW and not your BLISSFUL wedding. . What did you talk about??

Why take her to the HALLL of FAME in NYC?? more hacking? spite?

How do you write to me every night and not tell me that you bought our house for me and DANTE in CA so we can move and start our TV SHOW - again, when did ANGIE McQueen maek me life her business and take over my TV SHOW?

How did she get to BURBANK, CA and other offices on my property?? and me not there, but in fact in a PA laswyer meeting waiting on HH??

I called on the phone and you showed up, ?WHAT??

How is that possible??

INDIAN man was to marry ANGIE, not LISA MICELI. I am with HH - and what happened? how did he meet ANGIE MCQUEEN adn then tell my lawyer Stepen Boyce, that I am marrying RAJ, not AHMED??


What did I miss please??


faclault said...

EXCUSE Me, every email should have brought HH to my house, and then the photos?? to a trip in EUROPE??

40 nights and 40 days with Lisa Miceli.
Are these other women even writing to you, or is it all my writings and other women inserted, WHY?

Why would they get HH, my love, from my emails - ???

I do not know any of these women that you would share my business with, HH.


DUVET cover in bed with whom??

wHY would aNGIE MCQUEEN cry over me getting married, other than happy for me twears - I do not know her, same with other MJ fans- FUCK off that you would ruin my blissful marriage to the love of my life.


Lisa A. Miceli =the real bride 2 b said...

HEY, LOSERS, it is not your name, that he is in.. you are not me, so do not show up as me, please and thank you, EVER.
You are ruining my life, stalking me females, what do I need to do inprison you???

You are having sex with ANGIE McQueen in my house and my bedroom in CA- and asking about me and DANTE - why would I share a house with ANGIE MCQUEEN- she as to live with RAJ, not me.
Why was I not there with ASSA in July 22, 2009 or August 2009 - Sept 2009???

GEt out of her house and get to my house and let's buy our own house, I do not understand this - send the GENERAL to my house please ASAP.


Lisa A. Miceli - THE real bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN - when she is on the shitter, stealing my life - and no do not go to her house, even if you bought it for me..

come to MEADVILLE, PA with ASSSA so that I can get my son his child support.

if you bedded angie, did you marry her too?? or fiqure out she is not me and never came back??

NOV 2009 order of protection against ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ.


Lisa A> Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

HOw was the face? in the garasge, after stealing from me?

and then buy condoms?
TEach me how to make you relive our emails and in your face with another man while you are in love with me??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. MICELI - THE real bride 2 b said...

ARE all MUSLIMS this confused between their two different wives? why would ANGIE MCQUEEN have houses with the exact same furniture on YOU TUBE??

ORGANIZED crime? I am a victim - not like you, ANGIE - the perpetrator.

Your eliteness in the USA ias laughable, all created equal.

In Dubai, I am the Princess, not you, so stop asking for mny necklaces.

July 2010 - he proposed and did not show up at my house? WHY?

You showed up in the UK with ANGIE MCQUEEN -why?



GSMRE OVER. I need a doctor, ASAP - for my throat.

ANGIE MCQUEEN - stiop forcing me oin bed with you, and my fiancee- I cannot have sex with him until I bed you with AIDS - FUCK OFF.

Who would do that?

I hate ANGIE MCQUEEN more than life itself, is this your SCANDAL adn only way to make money- YOU are the stalker dear and the extortiuonist, what job do you do?

NOTHING - fuck men.. FIND your own dear, not AL MAKTOUM.

NO GAME - just go away ANGIE MCQUEEN.

MJ fans suck ass- you stalk him, not me.. and leave me alone.

HEre is why? my sex life is my bsuiness- he takes my info to make any money or "help" me get with HH - stupid.

HH has his own jets to send for me, and did in Oct 2008 =- then MJ's fukcing stallking ass, calls him in NOV 2008, to meet.

WHAT THE FUCK? not my dad.
Then came the ignorant blondes stalking MJ - WHAT?

CALL him at his office, not me - then I never call him ever - my lawyers do for me and my son..

LEAVE me alone stupid blondes.
She thought that she is Karla KNAFEL?? WHAT?

She told the world I was about to have a stillborn , over due son, and wanted $5 million, then ANGIE did too - WHAT the? MJ was to sue her for extortion.

SHUT UP blondes, it is not your business or your life- you make it that way, for cash.

Timne for AHMED and Lsa and hAmdan and Lisa to be offfline- lie a real fiancee couple ad getting my sex necklaces - and a new house in RIVERSIDE, CA one year later with RAJ.....

and stop this hjooker/MAFIA game with blondes.
EVEN MJ was about to have thse women arrested, Kelly WERNER too.

ASk the police to arrest Lisa Miceli imposters.



I still need a chain of custody, one year later from MJ to move to Dubai with DANTE.

My sex life 2 yrs ago, perfect with no ANGIE MCQUEEN.

You are hurting my throat, using my life as if yours..


Ali Babra said...

Ahmed is an 80 yr od black man

Ooooh. He should meet my Mom. She does a great Cha-Cha and (unlike sommmme people) she's got scads of HER OWN MONEY! I think Sheikhy would love living near the Obama mansion (Mom would NEVER move out of the country).

He's prolly hankering to meet potential wives closer to his own age! Maybe next time we're in Vegas. I do hope he's 80 like you say, Lies-a. If he's younger, my Baby Sis is a smokin' hot 50-ish. :p

Anonymous said...

She's getting really bad. I hope and pray that a hospital is in her near future. She needs serious help, at least for Dante.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she tried to do a reverse lookup on a cellphone in the Chicago area.
Wonder how many people have called her and spoofed their number to look like it comes from somewhere else, like Dubai?

Anonymous said...

She has needed serious help for years.
You can bet that she isn't going to get any from her family; if the judge couldn't convince them or influence the powers that be in PA then there's doubt that a mental health facility is in her near future.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

Ali Babra said...
WHAT is the obession with putting me in jail, A*****?

Dollars to donuts it's her neighbor Angela (wonderfully ironic name), the Meadville citizen who cried foul when Crazy displayed pictures of another innocent kid with Dante on one of her flip vids, then "Chubby" swiftly removed it. On the last thread, she also pointedly mentioned 'neighbors who interfere' or somesuch. It sounds like someone in Meadville is awake and aware, thank gosh!

November 29, 2010 6:39 AM

ALI BABRA- you are insane, AHMED posted the photos, not Lisa Miceli = I have no control over this blog, other than to post.

Why is ANGIE MCQUEEN in my house, that HH got for me and DANTE and no one else, so I can get child support?

WHAT, HH wants to kill me over MJ child support? b/c ANGIE's is only $10,000 a month?

WHAT? Angie and I are not to live together, clealry she is a liar, to bed my BILLIONAIRE, fiancee.

She shouild have never had the chubby contact adn then ALLY MILANO is the hacker from cyberstalkers.. and so sghe has my busibness deals.

The police have the reports aboiut my brothel in CA - 3 counts in March 2009.
Hiow does one get a cray whore in your house, when engaged gto another man.. I am not a lesbian. - I want gher out of my house.
He sent me arabic music and pot to my email, LISA MICELI - how is she on camera in CA doing that? and dancing to MJ?? with her kids, when he sent the emal to me in June 2009.. he said how are you holdsing up, I am on the way to your house.. in 2 weeks.

ASo, he bought my house?

Hiow did ANGIE MCQUEEN not Lisa Miceli move in?
Then he called her at the house to go to the NMONDRIAN hotel.
a gentleman Sheikh and in line with my emails.

NONE of which went to ANGIE MCQUEEN.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...

I have more emails, of being MRS AL MAKTOUM and not able to afford my own clothing, so he is buying it...

So, how is ANGIE MCQUEEN in my house?

NMJ stalker gone insane- in my home with my fiancee from online. WHAT?


Lisa = MJ and HH Sheikh Ahmed.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

BOOK deal and reality TV SHOW - was so I could afford the house that ANGIE is in with HH.

Hellio, I said that I would dye my hair blonde.. if need be.. is he confused?


What the fuck?
I asked for a fur coat too, b/c of PA weather to see my mom.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Hiow does one get a cray whore in your house

I want gher out of my house.


is this what your mom said to you ?

Anonymous said...

All this bs about Ange stealing Lisa's "custom" clothing. Lisa do you really expect us to believe that someone with a figure like Angelicque would fit into your obvious size 14+ sasquatch clothing?? I'm surprised she hasn't stolen your awesome Dora the explorer "sarong" :P She is clearly at least 5 sizes smaller than you even if she's pregnant and has no use for your tent-like clothing.

Ali Babra said...

HAMMY was mad when I said I was 15 yrs old..

The beauty of always telling the truth is that you don't need a good memory.

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

Anonymous said...
Hiow does one get a cray whore in your house

I want gher out of my house.


is this what your mom said to you ?

November 29, 2010 10:46 AM

Anonymous said...
All this bs about Ange stealing Lisa's "custom" clothing. Lisa do you really expect us to believe that someone with a figure like Angelicque would fit into your obvious size 14+ sasquatch clothing?? I'm surprised she hasn't stolen your awesome Dora the explorer "sarong" :P She is clearly at least 5 sizes smaller than you even if she's pregnant and has no use for your tent-like clothing.

November 29, 2010 11:53 AM

THESE ARE LIARS AND MANIPULATIONS by ANGIE's greedy co-coconspirators for Lisa Miceli's lfie with AL MAKTOUM. I expect her to lie to me, it is all crimes against Lisa Miceli (her the criminal).
I am skinnier, sorry.

THE AL MAKTOUMS will tell me the truth.

ASSA was to bu the house with Lisa Miceli- RAJ was the lender out of sympathy for ANGIE being broke.

She tried to have sex with HH- to be me, and go to MJ ev ents, as if me- and confuse everyone into thinking that I am her and she is me... wigs..
I need a new housing deal in CA with credible real estate people, not scam artists.
ASSA was my point of contact and I will post my photos on YOU TBE from HH Sheikh Ahmed, and it was my house, for my son, Lisa, and aL MAKTOUM then to DUBAI for a new house in less than a year with my projects completed.

My underlings are being deceptive!!!!!

CHUBBY and Lisa Miceli made plans for LISA MICELI and her fam ily only - ASSA is not ANGIE's contact- Lisa Miceli is.

You are to have sex with Lisa M iclei and go to events and do TV SHOWS - she bed AHMED as if she is me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

So, move on ANGIE McQueen to OMAR HENRY and out of my life. AHMED promised engagements rings to Lisa Miceli in PA - not ABNGIE in CA - you would not have to hack me, if not true.

I am to marry HH in perosn, RAJ and ANGIE McQueen need secuirty b/c they are scam artists.. and traveling as if me.. with HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai and to meet MJ.


I need my own house to shower and dres in my own room.... and do my legit business in a safe house with secuirty.

I gave you my life story, and legal docs for my house- not to pay for ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and blondes and whoever else..

I workout and pray in my house too.... in the basement right now... so please. I am skinny.

How do you get into my head? to guess? although wrong.

ahmed said that he was going to pay for me and do reality tv show with me, nlot angie mcqueen.

assa was for my home - who knew, we cannot use raj for home lending, he would pimp angie mcqueen as part of the deal.

can i get back on my jet to uk, duba, ca and nyc and back to businrss legally - crazy.... travel schedule?

Angie and RAJ were told to shut up and stop lying and flying behind my back- MJ does not want them in his life or any stalker.
ASK his lawyers, who I spoke to in NC today.

He is NOT on the list and ios going to help me finsh my book parts I do not remember b/c of the car crash.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = ITALY or BUST said...

ANGI AND RAJ are scam artist and tookl over my ID in a MAFIE HOLLYWOOD XTORTION ring.


133lbs at delivery and 6 hour birth and yes, overdue.

AHMED, ASSA and Lisa Miceli made the TV SHOW AND THE HOUSING deal - no mention of ANGIE and RAJ- not their property.
No one told her to lie, cheat, and steal - so no TV SHOW and no AL MAKTOUMS in NOV 2009 restraining order.

Ahmed fucked a criminal of Lisa Miceli-

Time for us to wed properly and have a proper housing deal and a proper TV SHOW deal, AHMED- THE CONS ANGIE AND RAJ still fuck when AHMED is not in town, and CHUCKZ and blacks and other men- ANGIE is a brothel owner.. or renter and I got charged for it.

TIME to do our TV SHOW and our housing deals, in the USA, and DUBAI.

She canot afford the lifestyle of Lisa Miceli- so called HH behnind my back- trying to out me from my own life.

AHMED is more loyal than that- and promised to spoil me forever!!!!

He asked me to list travel spots - and sent the JET- I missed b/c of hackers, call my home phone please.

AHMED is not with ANGIE MCQUEEN and if she wants AL MAKTOUM, there are others, not AHMED, my fiancee.

ANGIE is not LISA MICELI - never was and never will be.

I am smaller.. trust me.

I have a playboy contract and a bodyugars, BLONDES make threats to my life and travel.

No one wants to buy a TYV SHOW of HH fucking my BFF and calling it entertainment throwing it in my face- GET REAL.

I filed lawsuits.. and need HH -
Please come to my house for dibn ner- EXTREME VERTIGO -

I cannot finish paternity without HH and ANGIE MCQUEEN is not to travel with him, for me, ILLEGAL. I am alive and well- nice lying scheme.

AHMED loves Lisa Miceli's body- the tent was ANGIE MCQUEEN - in one of her videos- stop making threats to get her preggers, b/c she back stabbed me on the chubby !!!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I was first HH - your love for LISA MICELI is stronger than that..
You have other wives, so no need to throw in my face - your sex with them..

RAJ AND ANGIE MCQUEEN need whipped to stop harassing Lisa Miceli.

Send the JET please... AHMED beds his online FIANCEE -not ANGIE MCQUEEN = CON.

He is not a cheater of LISA MICELI.


ANGIE is a liar.

Lisa is younger and healthier and ready for preggers... after our house wedding in CA.

ASSA was to help me get ready for my wedding night.

Have her call my house please.

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I am not into ANGIE 's cross marketing and strategic marketing of my mommy rights.

I need paid if she is in a contract with AL MAKTOUM adn my travel schedule fixed ASAP.
Why would ashe go out on MJ dates with AHMED, my fiancee, who asked me to date him, b /c MJ never took me on a date? MOVIES, DINNERS, PRIVATE SHOWS (I picked them out - CIRCQUE DEL SOLIEL)... and BROADWAYS AND OPERAS!!!!

Then go to the HAL of FAME for SHOW adn then my TV SHOW on YOU TUBE - ANGIE wa to bed RAJ and marry him for kids sake -

My TV SHOW is with AL MAKTIOUM - stop switching this ANGIE MCQUEEN- I grew up with horses in college to.

STOP HACKING me ad blocking me from meetin g up with HH- He was told to get me at a hotel - b/c of my car accident... and being afraid to travel alone.


He was to adopt DANTE after two years or get him with MICHAEL JORDAN -

ANGIE - you are a loser in my life. GET OUT - stop hialing hyou a PRINCESS on my emails- he told me to, not you.

Stop traveling with him, as if me.

TITANIC movie was me and KEITH SAEED... and past lives is Lisa Miceli - the car accident and the ARAB SHEIKH HUSBAND.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP THE THREATS with other wom en, you are MUSLIM AHMED and writing to Lisa Miceli - and telling me to marry you and that you love me.

I am right here.

What restraurant please??? I am straving after being dizzy and sick.

I was to be safe in my CA HOME- ANGIE told lies to AHMED and said that she was not safe with RAJ, but still beds him - and has a kid with him. So, she is a liar, pretending to be me.

SHOWED AT A MONDRIAN HOTEL meeting as if me with my property.

STOP THE SCHEME and the scam.

ASSA please call me..

The FUR coat was to be sent to me, b/c I am feeezing in ERIE, PA and for UK to see his baby!!!!

I want to hold that cutie.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I like chicken and mushrooms nad FRENCH food.

I like DUCK.... and sip on alcohol.

ANGIE and RAJ ruined our TV SHOW ad our wedding- so why would you defend her ever? They are fired, for hurting us both.
ANGIE cannot be trusted with RAJ or me.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I HATE THE BLONDES, what are you making death threats for?

my travel?
my clothing?

AHMED is to pay, like your hubby's pay for you.

I am hoarse today too.

I am LISA his 8 time, wedding proposals... LISA MICELI

Lisa A. Miceli = The blonde 2 b (bride) said...

AHMED with the PERSIAN wifey?

ANGIE is not a wifey, Lisa Miceli is... and she needs to be ANGIE MCQUEEEN, not LISA MICELI

AHMED's wives do not cheat ANGIE - OMAR HENRY?? hello??

AHMED said cheating is a death sentence.

ANGIE was with RAJ, (NOT LISA), OMAR HENRY (NOT LISA), and (2 other BLACK GUYS) not Lisa A. Miceli.

This is not an open marriage. My travel is for my b usinesses, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

LAWYERS help with DANTE, not ANGIE MCQUEEN - ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ are not to travel on Lisa Miceli anymore.

No more PAMMY, PARIS, AND ANGIE TV SHOWS on my marraige to HH.

He was to be bedding Lisa Miceli when I was dying my hair blonde, not ANGIE MCQUEEN -who was reading my old emails.. from what source??

He was to take me to NYC for my son to SEE MJ AT THE HALL of FAME-

UK with HH SHEIKH AHMED of Dubai private show CIRCQUE DEL SOLIEL.

ITALY, business trip - my choice for EMIRATES AND IRAQ, hence my dancing!!!!


NANY- LISA MICELI needs one for TRAVEL with AHMED.



TELL THE BLONDES to SHUT up, beofre I call THE BLONDE, FBI, CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST, MELISSA to hand you your butt for your death threats!!!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

HOWV MANY TRIPS MISSED adn my housing screwed up b/c of aNGIE MCQUEEN? all of it.

I need my cA house please.
ASSA and I will be good, we need secuirty with us please.

She steals clothing to prove sex with other people, to pay them.. I am on to the game ANGIE MCQUEEN - HH told me.. it was my life nad is my life.


What does HH Sheikh HAMDAN of Dubai think of this? His wives cheat with other men??


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP bedding everyone but your wifey, Lisa Miceli- who does that- proposes 8 times to me, LISA MICELI to my account and then beds everyone but her.

ANGIE AND RAJ need locked up.

HH loves his wifey Lisa Miceli and jumped to bed her and wed her and buy her everything.. ANGIE AND RAJ scammed him by hacking me.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Please come back HH Prince Hamdan and HH Prince Ahmed.

We have no friends to our marraige that bed us, just professional people.

NO sex please.

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

Just wondering...

In your latest vid, you show a house across the street and say there are fur coats in that house. Instead of hating on Angelicque, why not stroll over and ask Uncle Ben to lend you a fur for the winter? Sure, he hates your guts and is mortified that you've reduced the Miceli name to something akin to a disease in Meadville. But hey, alls he can say is no, and you'll feel better for having actually TRIED something instead of sitting on your dead ass sounding jealous.

Notdafakecm said...


STOP THE LIES - GET out of my sex life and out of my money-

Now why would I lie about this? You chatted me up & said some pretty gross shit during our debate about the flawless Halle Berry. I was never expecting you to respond like you did. The following text was sent to me from LM. Just FYI, she has my email listed as Sheikh Ahmed (NOT ME).

Lisa (1:36 AM): call the general
Sheikh Ahmed (1:36 AM): Call your mama
Lisa (1:37 AM): no
Sheikh Ahmed (1:37 AM): Afraid she’s gonna deliver another can of whoop ass on ya tonight?
Lisa (1:38 AM): YES, she is going to come in through my window nad fuck me since it was soo long since I fucked your SHEIKH..
Sheikh Ahmed (1:38 AM): EWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
Sheikh Ahmed (1:39 AM): You are a sick fuck! Your father & your mother? NASTY HOE!
Sheikh Ahmed (1:39 AM):
Lisa (1:39 AM): assa know her clothing was stolen by angie to prove sex in summer 2009?
Lisa (1:39 AM): a shirt?
Lisa (1:39 AM): omar henry you fuck him too, for how much? angie pay that bill?
Sheikh Ahmed (1:39 AM): I knew you were a lesbot, but screwing your mother? That’s a nasty house of incest horror. Your son needs to be out of that nasty ass house. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
Lisa (1:40 AM): YOU- that s your family life.
Sheikh Ahmed (1:40 AM): I'll make sure everyone in Hollywood know what you said
Lisa (1:40 AM): YOU TAL to ANGIE MCQUEEN lie this or HALLE BERRY?
Lisa (1:40 AM): talk.. I will post your insantiy.. trust me.
Sheikh Ahmed (1:40 AM): Lisa said "YES, she is going to come in through my window nad fuck me since it was soo long since I fucked your SHEIKH.. "
Lisa (1:40 AM): INSANE.. INSANE.. INSANE!!
Sheikh Ahmed (1:41 AM): Yes you are!

chimerafemme said...

Okay, when she uses the word "underling" does anyone else think of Minion from the Spy Kids movies?

Notdafakecm said...

Remember this confession LISA:
From: Lisa Miceli
Subject: I had a lesbian affair, a while back... and that is what PAM IS CLEARLY HARASSING ME OVER...

That is another reason that i hate her.. not you.

YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE AND ADORE YOU.... this is why i am not even functioning like a whole human being, what is wrong with these people, the headaches that I used to get.. it was likeI am the one on the drugs, not them... suffering, while they do COCAINE... and give me a headache.

Can we not go on a beach and unwind?????? SOON, please.. without my son, I have everything needed to travel and I am not working, will get my show together soon.


Lisa A. Miceli

Notdafakecm said...

Remember this ya lil Lesbot:
And no, it was not Ke*** We****, the woman that I desipse, almost as much as Pam... her name was *******, and she is smaller than me in size... and our exes worked together and so did we, and we were all single, or my engagement was off.. and we went out drinking and got together at my apartment, which was really really feminine looking.. ... and we both had our hair done and makeup done and perfume on.. so woman are much more curious than men, like she wanted to know how many fingers can I put inside you, how do you taste, how warm do you get in the act, can I feel you orgasm, etc, etc.. and then more curious than a man about my breasts, like what part turns me on, just a ton of foreplay, which men never do, plus a woman knows what pleases another woman. Women are softer in skin, and that as the first thing that we both said, was oh my gosh, your skin is so soft. I take a lot of baths and scrub my skin and get pediicures alot. so it got me ithe nickname LITTLEONE.... Women can orgasm in two different ways, on the top near that hood thing, and than inside when the man hits the cervix.... I would never get a deeper orgasm from a woman, like I do with a man.. so men WIN!!! But, sometimes, I do not get an orgasm from men from the top part, which woman know.. and make sure... THEY FOCUS ON THE VAGINA, whereas, the men ththat I dated focused on me, the whole body and person..
Emotionally it was comforting to think that she saw my flaws and still found me attractive, when my ex-fiancee, did not.. and same with her, we noticed things about one another that our men never would have.. but that was when I found KEITH shortly afterwards, and was totally in love with him, he looks a like a younger you..
The female sex got me over my insecurities, b/c it was a totally I cannot control myself in the act of sex kind of experience, plus it was totally private.. EVERYONE that I date, I get attention for it.. so it is hard to feel comfortable.. Keith and I dated and flirted and partied together and slept in the same bed for months without ever having sex, so that the first time was amazing.. Keith and I went to these parties, were at the beach in NC - THE BIBLE belt, woman were giving oral sex to the men right on a couch in the party, there was such much drugs, and alcohol involved that they did not even bother to get a hotel room, so Keith would come stay wtih me, at the beach and my girlfriends, things were just really wild, but that kept our bodies in shape... b/c everyone was open and very very beautiful..
With women, you can get up, and brush your teeth in the middle of sex and come back, with a man it is like do not stop until I have my orgasm., for the male... women, it is like, I know that you will please me, so take your time, put on more makeup perfume, brush your teeth, etc, et... get mirrors, and play.. turn on music.. dance., put on lingerie. I got super thin after that and loved working out and cooking and washing clothes, where I would have been so depressed over my broken engagement.. to a man....
Men are like, keep sucking until I have an orgasm, and if you break your concentration, while it might not last, the sex.. women just keep getting hotter and hotter for one another.... but to be honest, it made me ache inside for a man, so I could never be a lesbian full time... I love men way too much.. and would love a traditional marriage..
Every person I have ever been with is soo different in what they like.... and I like finding that out first, b/c then I know... that I am pleasing them..



Anonymous said...

oh god chubbs! lol, if only crazy ass miceli found that shit as disgusting as we do she could lose some of that weight by throwing up like i am right now from that filth. there's nothing worse than thinking about a large girl who doesnt bath gettin it on with herself, her treadmill of anything/one else. so thanks for keeping ME thin at least lol :P

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

HOLYSHIT, ANGIE MCQUEEN is showing up as me, in front oh HH using my emails and my life story. WHAT?

She went to my wedding? VEGAS? UK? and PARIS, FRANCE - my chosen destination - that HH Prince Hamdan told him to take me too.

Thank you.. I am soo sorry. We have imposters in our enmails.

Please have ASSA call my house ASAP or EVE or FELICITY.

Stop reading my blogs and other women show up- not nice.

HH is m ad at me, ANGIE - you are a lunatic stalker.. please stop - HH is not going to jail for you..

You fucked with his head, everyone needs to fuck iwth ANGIE's head no... in your mind only ANGIE, you abused our kindness.

I am being hacked, please call my house to meet me AL MAKTOUM .

814-337-5195 sorry.

Please and thank you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

BODY double hell.

Horticulture hell!!


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

ALI = CHUBBY posted the photos.. not Lisa Miceli!!!!

I am getting married to HH - why does Kelly Scott want to kill me or Angie McQueen steal, hack or mock me?

It is not illegal to ask for a dna test in the USA.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

Both hands in the cookie jar = Lisa's video.

Sorry, I am slow from interference from hostile id theives.


On the treadmill.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

Thank you for my friends.. love my kid.

Love my real friends.

Happy to marry and have more kids.. Love Al Maktoum.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

Anonymous said...
oh god chubbs! lol, if only crazy ass miceli found that shit as disgusting as we do she could lose some of that weight by throwing up like i am right now from that filth. there's nothing worse than thinking about a large girl who doesnt bath gettin it on with herself, her treadmill of anything/one else. so thanks for keeping ME thin at least lol :P

November 29, 2010 5:22 PM

SORRY, that was ANGIE - not Lisa Miceli - on the phone.

Then, AHMED went to the wrong house and the wrong home.

CHUBBY e-mails are Lisa Miceli = not for aNGIE to hack to act out or post on her YOU TUBE's... as if she is me.

DEADLY extortion rings - please stop.

Hammy does that mean you have a house for me, since ANGIE and RAJ stole HH and Lisa Miceli and DANTE's house in CA???
ASk ASSA.. it was my wedding story, and she hacked and then showed up as if me with psychotic RAJ.


Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

Showered before and after the treadmill, HH.

I am not fat or a big girl, please stop.

I am thinner than ANGIE MCQUEEN.

So stop... I need thin mint thoguhts to stay thin, even when exercising.

(JJ) MJ's ex is heavier and you may hear her. She bathes though. I am certain.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

AHMED, it was my sorority girl story.. for HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai and I to act out, not SHAR JACKSON and ANGIE MCQUEN = 2 big girls there.

How did they get my emails?? That was my birthday, OCT 14th, 2009.

STOP using my emails to bed ANGIE MCQUEEN or HOLLYWOOD - they were HH Sheikh Ahmed and Lisa 's wedding plans 2008-2010.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

You said that you passed my information out over the office.. WHAT? What agency??

Paris Hilton show in Dubai??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

MUSLIMS are not to drink... this is why, bad business deals.

I was stolen from - when it was to be my meetings and mine only.. with competent legal counsel with us.
I was on the phone and you did not tell me, that you were with ANGIE AND RAJ and SHAR JACKSON - that night.

You are not to call HH, or chubby behind my back- EVER.
He thoguht that I was with you.. scam artists.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai we need a better schedule for our marraige and more security on our wedding nights.. please.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. MICELI = the real bride 2 b said...

I worked in mental health.. so lots of doctors.

My cousin is a dentist in the MICELI name.

What else do you want to twist?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the bride 2 b said...

SHUT UP, AHMED = stop libeling me.. you were to put me up in my own house in CA - RAJ and ANGIE MCQUEEN scammed me.
She stole clothing of ASSA and SHAR JACKSON.
Showering everyday and working out everyday, after prayers.

CA is business for me and DANTE - and AHMED for 2 years, last with everything.. MARCH 2009 sports psychology.

Sept 2009, book deal.

So, please.

TV SHOWS, I need my house pelase in CA.

Let's do our meetings please- PLAYBOY ad other mags, expected to be in CA in 2008, my love.

Fly here tonight to help me find a new CA please please.


Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

Where are my meds?
You said that you were sending thme to me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.
You trying to get me in trouble, with drug trafficking too?

Stop getting on my JET without me - my plans- you are my trusted fiancee.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

What meds are those Lisa that you appear to be obtaining illegally? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

guess she hasn't looked at her Facebook page lately.....!/profile.php?id=100000142608861

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

SO, you have all earlier emails and chose to go to the wrong house, ANGIE MCQUEEN- and dance with MJ and not my daughter.


JUNE 2009??
What about the housing ones, in March 2009?? for CA house to pursue my career and have a house for us.


Anonymous said...

OMG. She is scarey. That's YOU Lisa, not Ange. WOW.


Anonymous said...
OMG. She is scarey. That's YOU Lisa, not Ange. WOW.

November 30, 2010 12:36 AM

BUZZ off with the insults to Lisa Miceli- this is a wedding story, who does this? JEALOUS LUNATIC!!!
AHMED took over all of my property in 2009 to marry me, he needs to be on the way, or go to jail for criminl theft and fraud.. and stalking me through Angie, and harassmet, over my body...
You do not know what you are saying or doing - I need my CA house to get ready every day and do legit business please. He alreasdy promised me.. before June 2009.. ANGIE's house? WHY? Unless that is the one that he bought forLisa Miceli- and aNGIE MCQUEENtook oer- for no reason, other than theft.





















Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN wants to get paid for my wedding to HH - and then call him FAKE SHEIKH, as iof he made plans with her- if he did, it was behind m back and not made aware of to me.. I did not know her, RAJ and AHMED and I were to have a real marriage, not fake.
He sohwed up for meetings with her, b/c she lied- with my TV SHOW and my wedding- and said that he was not with her..

SO, extortionist lied to Lisa Miceli and he was with her behind my back.
She is not with OMAR HENRY - so fake marriage..

Lisa Miceli's marriage is real to HH- and he needs to show up =

AHMED needs to be in mental health for showing up at ANGIE's house withot me, he does not know her. she is a hooker in my marriage story. and n eeds to be sent to jail like him for EXTORTION.

SCOTT WESTON said, she did this with OSCAR's people - she calls bHH behind your back and toook over and then lied aobut it- she is pitching my TV SHOW and flying with HH- and bnot doing engagement parties for Lisa Miceli.

I planned my wedding night andd she called my hotel to marry HH as if me.. WHAT, NO WAY!!
Then they slam mew on here.

EXTORTION.. AHMED choice prison over a decent and real marriage Lisa Miceli.

He never met ANGIE MCQUEEN before me writing to me and proposing to Lisa Miceli.

ANGIE's life is OSCAR not Michael Jordan - stop staling Lisa Miceli and MJ for money.

He misused everything and my MJ and KS dates went to ANGIE MCQUEEN..

My dates were dinner, salon, my wedding, and then UK, DUBAI, and NYC, and then.... New ZEALAND.. and my TV SHOW.

CA was for my UNCLE VICTOR to wed us legally- retired JUDGE.

Hall of FAME night she showed up in my custom clothes... HE had my sizes for my clothing.

He missed a year of HOCKEY.

NOW he and MJ better start showing up for basketball for my son.. and be real men.

The HOLLYWOOD hooker, EXTORTION game must end.

I made the pans I asked for the CA house, and ANGIE MCQUEEN took over when I said ASSA's name and she is a loon about her name....

CRUDE, CRUEL, insan e - innocent people threatened with JAIL b/c of aNGIE MCQUEEN- even Lisa Miceli.

The police said you turned my house into a brothel... not a family TV SHOW house, as Lisa Miceli and HH planned.

He is MUSLIM and not to be drinking....

PARIS FRANCE, LISA's honeymoon-..
Lisa Micewli is sweet ansd knows what she is saying- ANGIE MCQUEEN does not.

How cvould she take over, when she did not have the original emails, so hacker- 20 yr in jail.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN wants to get paid for my wedding to HH - and then call him FAKE SHEIKH, as iof he made plans with her- if he did, it was behind m back and not made aware of to me.. I did not know her, RAJ and AHMED and I were to have a real marriage, not fake.
He sohwed up for meetings with her, b/c she lied- with my TV SHOW and my wedding- and said that he was not with her..

SO, extortionist lied to Lisa Miceli and he was with her behind my back.
She is not with OMAR HENRY - so fake marriage..

Lisa Miceli's marriage is real to HH- and he needs to show up =

AHMED needs to be in mental health for showing up at ANGIE's house withot me, he does not know her. she is a hooker in my marriage story. and n eeds to be sent to jail like him for EXTORTION.

SCOTT WESTON said, she did this with OSCAR's people - she calls bHH behind your back and toook over and then lied aobut it- she is pitching my TV SHOW and flying with HH- and bnot doing engagement parties for Lisa Miceli.

I planned my wedding night andd she called my hotel to marry HH as if me.. WHAT, NO WAY!!
Then they slam mew on here.

EXTORTION.. AHMED choice prison over a decent and real marriage Lisa Miceli.

He never met ANGIE MCQUEEN before me writing to me and proposing to Lisa Miceli.

ANGIE's life is OSCAR not Michael Jordan - stop staling Lisa Miceli and MJ for money.

He misused everything and my MJ and KS dates went to ANGIE MCQUEEN..

My dates were dinner, salon, my wedding, and then UK, DUBAI, and NYC, and then.... New ZEALAND.. and my TV SHOW.

CA was for my UNCLE VICTOR to wed us legally- retired JUDGE.

Hall of FAME night she showed up in my custom clothes... HE had my sizes for my clothing.

He missed a year of HOCKEY.

NOW he and MJ better start showing up for basketball for my son.. and be real men.

The HOLLYWOOD hooker, EXTORTION game must end.

I made the pans I asked for the CA house, and ANGIE MCQUEEN took over when I said ASSA's name and she is a loon about her name....

CRUDE, CRUEL, insan e - innocent people threatened with JAIL b/c of aNGIE MCQUEEN- even Lisa Miceli.

The police said you turned my house into a brothel... not a family TV SHOW house, as Lisa Miceli and HH planned.

He is MUSLIM and not to be drinking....

PARIS FRANCE, LISA's honeymoon-..
Lisa Micewli is sweet ansd knows what she is saying- ANGIE MCQUEEN does not.

How could she take over, when she did not have the original emails, so hacker- 20 yr in jail.

July 22, 2009 - he was on the phone with me and marrying Lisa Miceli = thre is npo ponit to be with my social cricle behind my back and throwing it in my face- no one wants a TV SHOW like that- .

BACK stabbing piece of shit=- he wants your BFF in your face, and thinks that makes him a man- EXTORTION, FRAUD, stalking and harassment...

He was jerk when ANGIE AND RAJ called behind my back without telling me and changing plans around...

Angie tried to sell the I am going to fuck tyour hubby show and throw it in your face to TV PRODUCERS and me screaming on the phone - and they called her insane!!

INSANE = MENTALLY ILL = ANGIE MCQUEEN = ALL CRIMES = DO DRUGS on camera , cheat with married men, and use other people's money in LAS VEGAS, NV.

CRIMINAL CONSPRIRACY... VEGAS using LAPUMA name.. WHAT? trying to use our credit VEGAS.

Calling OSCAR's people tellnig them she was in bed with HH, whn he was in bed with me and engaged to me.

B/c RAJ answered the phone, not AHMED.

EXTORTION and ID THEFT, to meet MJ - who is the craziest fan of MICHAEL JORDAN SHOW!!!!!

The deal HH was to be a real man, not stlak me with LAWYERS and ANGIE MCQUEEN trying to get MJ's dna out of the courts- ILLEGAL- not admissable!!!! POINTLESS!!!

MJ is not into hurting Lisa Micxlei= it is media and fans who leak lies to the media using my material as their story.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN wants to get paid for my wedding to HH - and then call him FAKE SHEIKH, as iof he made plans with her- if he did, it was behind m back and not made aware of to me.. I did not know her, RAJ and AHMED and I were to have a real marriage, not fake.
He sohwed up for meetings with her, b/c she lied- with my TV SHOW and my wedding- and said that he was not with her..

SO, extortionist lied to Lisa Miceli and he was with her behind my back.
She is not with OMAR HENRY - so fake marriage..

Lisa Miceli's marriage is real to HH- and he needs to show up =

AHMED needs to be in mental health for showing up at ANGIE's house withot me, he does not know her. she is a hooker in my marriage story. and n eeds to be sent to jail like him for EXTORTION.

SCOTT WESTON said, she did this with OSCAR's people - she calls bHH behind your back and toook over and then lied aobut it- she is pitching my TV SHOW and flying with HH- and bnot doing engagement parties for Lisa Miceli.

I planned my wedding night andd she called my hotel to marry HH as if me.. WHAT, NO WAY!!
Then they slam mew on here.

EXTORTION.. AHMED choice prison over a decent and real marriage Lisa Miceli.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

He never met ANGIE MCQUEEN before me writing to me and proposing to Lisa Miceli.

ANGIE's life is OSCAR not Michael Jordan - stop staling Lisa Miceli and MJ for money.
He misused everything and my MJ and KS dates went to ANGIE MCQUEEN..

My dates were dinner, salon, my wedding, and then UK, DUBAI, and NYC, and then.... New ZEALAND.. and my TV SHOW.

CA was for my UNCLE VICTOR to wed us legally- retired JUDGE.

Hall of FAME night she showed up in my custom clothes... HE had my sizes for my clothing.

He missed a year of HOCKEY.

NOW he and MJ better start showing up for basketball for my son.. and be real men.

The HOLLYWOOD hooker, EXTORTION game must end.

I made the pans I asked for the CA house, and ANGIE MCQUEEN took over when I said ASSA's name and she is a loon about her name....

CRUDE, CRUEL, insan e - innocent people threatened with JAIL b/c of aNGIE MCQUEEN- even Lisa Miceli.

The police said you turned my house into a brothel... not a family TV SHOW house, as Lisa Miceli and HH planned.

He is MUSLIM and not to be drinking....

PARIS FRANCE, LISA's honeymoon-..
Lisa Micewli is sweet ansd knows what she is saying- ANGIE MCQUEEN does not.

How could she take over, when she did not have the original emails, so hacker- 20 yr in jail.

July 22, 2009 - he was on the phone with me and marrying Lisa Miceli = thre is npo ponit to be with my social cricle behind my back and throwing it in my face- no one wants a TV SHOW like that- .

BACK stabbing piece of shit=- he wants your BFF in your face, and thinks that makes him a man- EXTORTION, FRAUD, stalking and harassment...

He was jerk when ANGIE AND RAJ called behind my back without telling me and changing plans around...

Angie tried to sell the I am going to fuck tyour hubby show and throw it in your face to TV PRODUCERS and me screaming on the phone - and they called her insane!!

INSANE = MENTALLY ILL = ANGIE MCQUEEN = ALL CRIMES = DO DRUGS on camera , cheat with married men, and use other people's money in LAS VEGAS, NV.

CRIMINAL CONSPRIRACY... VEGAS using LAPUMA name.. WHAT? trying to use our credit VEGAS.

Calling OSCAR's people tellnig them she was in bed with HH, whn he was in bed with me and engaged to me.

B/c RAJ answered the phone, not AHMED.

EXTORTION and ID THEFT, to meet MJ - who is the craziest fan of MICHAEL JORDAN SHOW!!!!!

The deal HH was to be a real man, not stlak me with LAWYERS and ANGIE MCQUEEN trying to get MJ's dna out of the courts- ILLEGAL- not admissable!!!! POINTLESS!!!

MJ is not into hurting Lisa Miceli= it is media and fans who leak lies to the media using my material as their story.

I am soo sorry to HH and the AL MAKTOUMS in DUBAI, that HH is sending a JET for a $10,000 a month hooker and not his fiancee with legit businesses.

NO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN cannot marry my hubby, no matrter who he is.

LEAVE ME ALONE - you do not mess with other men of other women.

Ahmed did not mess with you, ANGIE MCQUEEN - did not. You messed with him using my contacts and lying to him about the truth - NO CONTACT you and him, no housing of mine you in.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

He never met ANGIE MCQUEEN before me writing to me and proposing to Lisa Miceli.

ANGIE's life is OSCAR not Michael Jordan - stop staling Lisa Miceli and MJ for money.
He misused everything and my MJ and KS dates went to ANGIE MCQUEEN..
My dates were dinner, salon, my wedding, and then UK, DUBAI, and NYC, and then.... New ZEALAND.. and my TV SHOW.

CA was for my UNCLE VICTOR to wed us legally- retired JUDGE.

Hall of FAME night she showed up in my custom clothes... HE had my sizes for my clothing.

He missed a year of HOCKEY.
NOW he and MJ better start showing up for basketball for my son.. and be real men.
The HOLLYWOOD hooker, EXTORTION game must end.

I made the pans I asked for the CA house, and ANGIE MCQUEEN took over when I said ASSA's name and she is a loon about her name....

CRUDE, CRUEL, insan e - innocent people threatened with JAIL b/c of aNGIE MCQUEEN- even Lisa Miceli.

The police said you turned my house into a brothel... not a family TV SHOW house, as Lisa Miceli and HH planned.

He is MUSLIM and not to be drinking....

PARIS FRANCE, LISA's honeymoon-..
Lisa Micewli is sweet ansd knows what she is saying- ANGIE MCQUEEN does not.

How could she take over, when she did not have the original emails, so hacker- 20 yr in jail.

July 22, 2009 - he was on the phone with me and marrying Lisa Miceli = thre is npo ponit to be with my social cricle behind my back and throwing it in my face- no one wants a TV SHOW like that- .

BACK stabbing piece of shit=- he wants your BFF in your face, and thinks that makes him a man- EXTORTION, FRAUD, stalking and harassment...

He was jerk when ANGIE AND RAJ called behind my back without telling me and changing plans around...

Angie tried to sell the I am going to fuck tyour hubby show and throw it in your face to TV PRODUCERS and me screaming on the phone - and they called her insane!!

INSANE = MENTALLY ILL = ANGIE MCQUEEN = ALL CRIMES = DO DRUGS on camera , cheat with married men, and use other people's money in LAS VEGAS, NV.

CRIMINAL CONSPRIRACY... VEGAS using LAPUMA name.. WHAT? trying to use our credit VEGAS.

Calling OSCAR's people tellnig them she was in bed with HH, whn he was in bed with me and engaged to me.

B/c RAJ answered the phone, not AHMED.

EXTORTION and ID THEFT, to meet MJ - who is the craziest fan of MICHAEL JORDAN SHOW!!!!!

The deal HH was to be a real man, not stlak me with LAWYERS and ANGIE MCQUEEN trying to get MJ's dna out of the courts- ILLEGAL- not admissable!!!! POINTLESS!!!

MJ is not into hurting Lisa Miceli= it is media and fans who leak lies to the media using my material as their story.

I am soo sorry to HH and the AL MAKTOUMS in DUBAI, that HH is sending a JET for a $10,000 a month hooker and not his fiancee with legit businesses.

NO, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN cannot marry my hubby, no matrter who he is.

LEAVE ME ALONE - you do not mess with other men of other women.

Ahmed did not mess with you, ANGIE MCQUEEN - did not. You messed with him using my contacts and lying to him about the truth - NO CONTACT you and him, no housing of mine you in.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

MY TV SHOW - no you chasing my money or my son's DNA TESTING!!!

NO, I asked for legal meetings and to tape them with HH present and he was not present.

In CA he was at meetings with ANGIE MCQUEEN and the lawyers started calling me and asking me what was going on.

STOP SHOWING up with ANGIE MCQUEEN on my TV SHOW AND MY WEDDING Story, she us uing my material and my contacts, so I have my life- EXTORTION!!!

HH Sheikh Hamdan please send her to jail for squeezing me, I cannot breathe or talk in shock over her.

Please HH Prince Hamdan come to my house to start over and remove ANGIE MCQUEEN from my property.

Her house needs raided by FBI so she cannot use anything further is my face or my id.

CARLA DIMARE contracts in BOSTON, MA- an attorney did this.. and DET SUTTER has their addresses.

She was my lawyer and then made aNGIE AHMED's wifey for a TV SHOW, exactly why I called her- he sohwed up at ANGIE's not mine and called me on the phone.

NO SHEIKHY - LIE, in custom clothing on my NBA storyline- and MJ knows this now.

I am going to take your kid, after mentally commiting you for me cheating on you with ANGIE MCQUEEN- is a crime.. EXTORTION SCHEME.

Bring HH to my house before he is arrested..

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 said...

HALLE BERRY does not have a right to be seen on my copyrights - no one does.

I do.. for me and my son.

They all wnat to MICHAEL JORDAN 's face, not HH's bed.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Mic eli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN did bnot have sex with HH on the internet and wsas not to meet him offline. PRINCESS of OPPRESSION, ANGIE MCQUEEN needs arrested.

You need a business contract, not family law ANGIE MCQUEEN.

I nhave the family law promises.. to have him marry me... as planned since 2008!!!!

Lisa A Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = the bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN is a liar and an MJ STALKER that is the issues..

NOT about HH-

She called both HH and I ever crazy name in the book.. so how could you not see she is an MJ FAN/STALKER!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

THE CRIME is the house and how ANGIUE pays for it.. in CA.



Lisa A. Miceli

LISA MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

do not gift angie mcqueen my emails - lost your mind.

lisa miceli

Anonymous said...

"NOW he and MJ better start showing up for basketball for my son.. and be real men."

Lol, OR WHAT you crazy bitch? OR WHAT??

"LEAVE ME ALONE - you do not mess with other men of other women."

It's call karma bitch. You messed with other womens men and now you want to cry about those now? You're are hypocritical slut who is getting everything that she deserves.

AND NO I DON'T MEAN "ANGE" I MEAN YOU MICELI! Slut. I can't even call you a whore because your so poor at it you can't even get paid for your, ahem 'services'>. YES< STILL TALKING TO/ABOUT YOU MICELI, NOT ANGE OR ANYONE ELSE>

Anonymous said...

Do you ever get off the computer? You obsess over nothing. You are wasting your life. Can you even stop for 24hrs?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"LEAVE ME ALONE - you do not mess with other men of other women."

It's call karma bitch. You messed with other womens men and now you want to cry about those now? You're are hypocritical slut who is getting everything that she deserves.

hahaha. Lisa's cries about men who were never and will never be hers.

Anonymous said...

oops that's

Lisa cries

Lisa A. Miceli= The BRIDE 2 B said...

EXCUSE ME...?? Angie MCQUEEN has children with RAj, still married to MARTHA.

THe man that was never ANGIE MCQUEEN's was AHMED - who never heard of ANGIE MCQUEEN in his life.
So, please. MJ proposed marraige to me and divorced.

Yiou do not knpow what and who you are talking to and about.

I cannot ever get back those moments from 2009 and 2010 that ANGIE MCQUEEN pretended to be Lisa Miceli with AHMED and went to events.

He was never her man, she hacked my acconuts adn made threats to me, about a man she did not know, se or ever hear of.

So, not her man.

OMAR HENRY.. THE MAN in her BED now, OMAR HENRY.. the man before that RAJ!!!

If you are this stupid to give away your life to anotther man by abusing me, then you are stupid.
You need to pay to play me.. please buy these rights.

I am sick of the abuse and do not find it comedy.

The Persian bride is heavier than me.

HH gets everyone confused.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN is nuts, and so is HOLLYWOOD- before I even wed, stelaing and stlaknig adn hacking to get to HH - my fiancee.

SEESH. I was approved to marry him, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

I was told wedding ring, not extortion ring.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP hailngi women after woman a bride and a Princess on my name- I was sponsored for what?

WORKLD project, marriage, and career in Dubai and children.

Where are the contracts please?

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THe real BRIDE 2 B said...


Tell this to ANGIE MCQUEEN, who thinks b/c I am engaged to HH that she is and should send a JET to her house.

He was on the way to my house, not RAJ and yours APARTMENT!!

You are a sicko, you are trying to hurt me for what?

Accepting your hand in marriage? to look cool to other bloggers who were hating on me, over money - wealth.


Anonymous said...

So, please. MJ proposed marraige to me and divorced

You wish. In your dreams. His divrce has nothing to do with you.

Anonymous said...

She says shes not fat? If anything, shes gained weight.

Anonymous said...

God, when she says shes doing belly dancing, she ain't kidding! Look at the gut on her, Shes a freakin whale!

Lisa A. Miceli =- the real bride 2 b said...

AHMED does not thinkof any of you...

He makes you LISA MICELI - for s.e.x.. how stupid are you.

He does not Know ANGIE MCQUEEN - he thinks that she is Lisa Miceli.

He said it himself nad same with HH Prince Hamdan.

He was on the way to my ohus to buy me a place in CA- for s.e.x as his wifey.

Angie MCQUEEN + OMAR HENRY = forever.

Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN you done using me and my blogs and my private emails and my identity.

THANK YOU- but you and RAJ are cons stalking Michael Jordan.

No money conming from me.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli - THE real bride 2 b said...

BUY THE RIGHTS from the MISS ABSAM blogs and I am gone please.
It is the USA laws.
You can beat up another wifey.. adn bring another whore in her face, as if she is me.. on my HALL of FAME night and my WEDDING NIGHTS.

Pay for everything from 2009- 2010.

Lisa Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

I want love stories only., no RAJ and no ANGIE MCQUEEN - stalkers and harases for sex and money.

STUPID greedy people.

ANGIE MCQUEEN needs to be arrested if anywhere near me and my family- she is trying to make a run for my money.

For spite ANGIE MCQUEEN, I turned you into the Fbi- they love you and cannot to meet in person- since seeing you nude. The real FBI.

You and RAJ are such a great couple of con artists, getting on AL MAKTOUM JETs for Lisa Miceli.

No one is in my existance that tries to talk shit about me when I am getting married.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

She could be the second man to have a baby!

Ali Babra said...

Her family did not have a $10,000 fur coat

Mine does. :p

Anonymous said...

The next unibomber.

Anonymous said...

I could only stand to watch 30 seconds of that vid.
The fat stomach roll that is hanging over the top of her pants.GAG

The sweater & tee shirt middy top that look like they belong to a first grader.
In that childs room again with the large black glasses on trying so very hard to dance like Ange.
Lisa's dancing is an EPIC FAIL.

The same dirty looking uncombed rats nest of hair.

Its to bad after all the money spent on dance lessons she doesnt even have good enough moves to be a stripper.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if shes pregnant. Some 7-11 cashier's baby?

Anonymous said...

She looks literally insane. The part where shes in the camera showing off her shoe? Her eyes look scary.

Anonymous said...

1:26 & 2:18
Damn now I want to gouge my eyes out.That gut puts alot of biker guys I know to shame.

Anonymous said...

Soooo..the last minute of the vid, shes shaking her droopy tits in the camera, then immediately after says "So, I'm playing with my son..." WTF is WRONG with this freak?

Anonymous said...

"*pant pant gasp* I can still do everything *gasp pant* I can't breathe."

Um no shit sherlock, you're about 50 pounds overweight.

Anonymous said...

Thats a horror movie.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL She actually paid someone for that botched boob job ?

The left nip is 2 inches lower than the right side.

Dont ya just love where she about pitchs head first into the wall.

Anonymous said...

Hey Large Marge Miceli,
What you have a fun house mirror youre looking in ?
You are FAT. Not plump, not fluffy, not big boned, jelly belly fat.

Anonymous said...

Look at the butt belly at about 1:40.

She kinda reminds me of Mary Katherine Gallagher...remember the SNL skits where she was flying into chairs and stuff? She even kinda sounds like her when she says "i didn't die" Hahaha

Anonymous said...

Lisa's rolls could lead to this.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL bride 2 b said...

GO FUCK WITH SOMEONE EKLSe - get out of my private email on my wedding story. WHO SOLD THIS, ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN -the loser OMAR HENRY in her bed and video taping it.

GO THE FUCK AWAY.. stop leaking my private videos.

STALKING AND HARASSING IS A CRIME - these are my rights in the USA - you stop fukcing with me over my private sex life,. LOSERS!!

DINNEWR, LUNCH or BRIUNCH- stop the constant libel.

You contacted me, not the other way around.

You asked for my hand in marriage, stop making a joke of me with HOLLYWOOD hookers and EXTORTION SCHEMES.

I am sick and pout of shape from constant threats and exposure for being LISA MICELI.

My clothing where is it? ANGIE's house?

My wedding story who went? everyone but the bride?


You turned my wedding guest list into a FANTASY WISH LIST of sex partners for ANGIE MCQUEEN!!

YOU PROMISED me everything 2 yrs ago -and asked how I was holding up- I cannot sell and tell what you reveal to the masses- my book, my playboy photo shoots nad my other stuff.

GRADUATE SCHOOLING.. and real estate deals.

My wedding plans- why did you ruin them?

He showed up, so he is not a fake sheikh and sent me the photos from ANGIE's harassment!!!

You punish me for the mouths of INTERNET ADSSHOLES adn treat me like I am them.. WHAT? I did nothing to you.. but say yes to wedding proposals!!

You sent a JET to ANGIE 's house as if she was me, b/c she harassed me and you over our wedding plans which started in march 2009...


Lisa A. Miceli

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

Damn Lisa, your stomach looks like an ASS. You should never expose that nasty looking gut, not to mention that flat ass.

If you really are "working on your lower half," you need to get your money back because whatever you claim you're using is an epic fail.

That is some nasty shit, for real.

Your body matches your personality, repulsive.

You should NEVER talk about anyone else's body, EVER.

Lisa A. Miceli - THE real bride 2 b said...

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...
Damn Lisa, your stomach looks like an ASS. You should never expose that nasty looking gut, not to mention that flat ass.

If you really are "working on your lower half," you need to get your money back because whatever you claim you're using is an epic fail.

That is some nasty shit, for real.

Your body matches your personality, repulsive.

You should NEVER talk about anyone else's body, EVER.

November 30, 2010 6:37 PM

YOU ABUSIVE PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT- LAPUMA.. you are nuts, you are not a LAPUMNA - you are who? in my name? and abusive piece of shit theif.

Wow, where are you real photos and your real name?? and I will start some abusive shit in your name- you will roty in jail when the truth comes out.

HH Sheikh Ahmed is my fiacnee- if not going to prison, for his USA crimes- THE PRESIDENT of the USA, cannot crime a crime.
This is not DUBAI - this is the USA - TEXAS, bitch, were you needd to be abused in prison, so karma is a bitch, LAPUMA - she stole JOE LAPUMA 's name to trry and access his money from his estaste illegally.
It is in the courts, fucking abusive hell on my wedding story.
You go to jail, ask ANGIE MCQUEEN - and then we laugh and saay who did you think that you are??

POEPE LAPUMA, you are gross, it your stomach not mine, you are under my name- you do not have a live, you stole the id of m y family members for creidt - sick bitch - get a tummy tuck whore, form your own family - not Lisa Miceli and HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai.
My prince does not abuse me or violate human rights or goes to the can in the USA- until his mind is correct and true.

GIVE UP BITCH- you are a hooker in a marriage that you are not welcome or wanted in.

You are nasty and dare to show your photos or your real name.



Anonymous said...

You can not be serious when you say that you are not fat; what a bloat. For sure, NEVER wear low rise jeans.

Get off the treadmill and do some planks and captains chair for starters; follow up with kettle ball maneuvers and you might have a chance to tighten up.

One thing positive; you've got massive belly to spare for belly dancing....

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

I'm not one to brag, but I can assure you Lisa, my body is "banging."

I get compliments all the time and unlike you, they're from real people, both men and women. No voices in my head.

No way could I ever, ever be mistaken for you. Not only am I african-american (a black girl) but I'm tall and slender, not short and stumpy, fat and funky (like you.) tee hee

I wish I could continue this 'friendly' little chat with ya, but I've got to go to work and pay for Dante's health insurance. I seen his "health insurance card."

Access=Public Assistance/Welfare.

You owe me bitch.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

NIGGER LESBIAN - get the fuck out of my name BROKE BITCH - you are nasty stinky whore and trying to fuck whoever I am is prove of you being a lesbot nasty whore..
who was turned down with Michael Jordan - not funny - leave ma alone.
Forcing me to have sex with you, by theft? GROSS.. I am engaged to HH Sheikh Ahmed- not you.. the UK JET was for Lisa Miceli- not you. He does not know you, according to him.
your face looks like shit and so does you little boy body, I am a woman.. you are not.. alien lesbot boy toy freak..
Your body is not shows, but it is HIDEOUS.. stink to high heaven..

STUPID nigger your words went into the FBI - for the ATTORNEY GENERAL for ELDER abuse and hooking- hookers are nuts, they think that they are good in bed= really.. you are gross he begs from me..

You all know one another and not giving up your names for a lawsuit- so rot in jail whores.

NO PARIUS, FRANCEv trip honeymoon on my wedding story, I am not into niggers or blondes- who are you marrying Michael Jordan?

Even he said no to these women and my BFF's escorting them out of hotel rooms with armed cops.

DIRTY POOR stinky dirty bitch...


Anonymous said...

How many of these vids have you done, by the way, trying to get Ahmed to come to your house and yet, he has never even made the slightest effort to find you or your house.

Talk is cheap, actions speak volumes.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I asked TOM BENGE to set up a sting, since WILM GROUP - and guess what, they called him for se.x. they need to be arrested.

I am not paying for these hooekrs in my marriage, especially verbally abiusive hookers.

Nasty stinky whores who shower for a visit from AL MAKTOUM and not again until he calls them, if ever.

GET OUT OF MY LIFE - stop using my name, -0 he died in Jan 2009... and she used his name in FEB 2008.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I asked TOM BENGE to set up a sting, since WILM GROUP - and guess what, they called him for se.x. they need to be arrested.

I am not paying for these hooekrs in my marriage, especially verbally abiusive hookers.

Nasty stinky whores who shower for a visit from AL MAKTOUM and not again until he calls them, if ever.

GET OUT OF MY LIFE - stop using my name, -0 he died in Jan 2009... and she used his name in FEB 2008.

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

CHEATING on me and gifting them my life is insanity AHMED.. you ned to be in prison.

HE BLAMES me for the plastic prostitutes who call him for sex.. WHAT? STOP CONTACTING HH and stop using my name- cover or not.

FRANK LAPUMA? VICTOR LAPUMA? 2 daughters? you aer not me, his fiancee- who used to be bone thin, not that it matters, unless you are a sex trafficker - hooker.

LOVE YOUR WIFEYS AL MAKTOUM - not hookers in her name.


Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...

US cuts access to files as Interpol seeks Assange (AP)
AP - The government scrambled Tuesday to prevent future spills of U.S. secrets like the embarrassing WikiLeaks' disclosures, while officials pondered possible criminal prosecutions and Interpol in Europe sent out a "red notice" for nations to be on the lookout for the website's founder.

WONDER when INTERPOL arrests MISS ABSAM blog owner.
I do not date ABUSIVE men, with hookers on their arm stealing from me.
You women should not either, b/c I am coming after you for the money- and him, and I have sex with whom I want!!!!

HOWEVEr, Lisa Miceli is engaged to HH - so I am faithjful until we go to the court to prove that ANFIE MCQUEEN is nuts to sohw up at my wedding, to take over my house and my career, nad to show up at the HALL of FAME event in custom clothing.

There is no barring Lisa Miceli form MJ - it was for settlement talks only, so lawyers could do tiher jobs.

MJ stalkers, who love MUSLIM religion, b/c of murder are going to jail... put your JIMMY on, ANGIE - JAMES JORDA was murdered, nice of you to call in these females.

You are nuts to claim to be a friend, and then open my marriage to other women - not your marriage.

He calls Lisa Miceli and emails her and was on her blogs, nad in her life - not you and the ABUSIVE INDIAN??? BROKE BROKEW, BROKE theives and assholes.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

MY WILM GROUP lawyer is going to arrest the stalkers.

He is my lawyer and friends with MJ.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE AND RAJ fired many moons ago, and same with the other women, get out of MY NAME.

You are not allowed in my name ubntil I am leglaly wed and you have a businehss contract with me, not ever sex.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

2 primitive niggers on her and 2 primitive blondes, not even civilized, criminals.
UGLY WHORE go away and get out of my face, extremely primitive looking.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

BOY, HH - I made you wait on my wedding story, so much, you fucked 5-6 imposters, INSANE- they are not me and not to stalk me for MICHAEL JORDAN - you are paying for crimes against me, so Kelly Scott, wants to one up that and have me murdered with your money.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Two primative niggers=the nigger who knocked you up and the nigger you gave birth to.


THE INDIAN man is married with hookers in his marriaage who gave birth to his kids, not HH SHEIKH AHMED.

This is libel of HH Sheikh Ahmed- he is not RAJ - I was not with RAJ and ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ and other id theives for real estate, need to be sent to prison.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed you do not know me and never met me in my life in perosn.

I am furious at these women. It is a wife's job to have sex, no hookers in my name.

They are not educated to help run a country or even represent your fmaily with honors... commititng crimes against me.

GULF NEWS man does not like you HH Sheikh Ahmed- as he set up a MAFIA ring - on our wedding story.



CRACHOUSE brothel... you are going to jail.
Who is not thin on crack PEPE LAPUMA... ???

I exercised everyday.
PEPE LAPUMA you are older than me, and look it... WOW- what a nasty whore, who thinks that she looks like me so tries to be MJ adn HH.

ANGIE's camera shots, of the pussy with a flip cam, thank Kelly Scott for telling us, are now in my mind.

ANGIE MCQUEEN's disrespecting us... HH Sheikh Ahmed.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

Where is HH Sheikh Rashid??

Tooo many hookers in my marriage.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP THE BACK STABBING DEALS on my mnoey- What is wrtongf iwth you?

AHMED is a BILLIONATRE, where is my money for my two years and my engagement - I need lawyers so give me a credit cards.

I do not work for you, I am to be your wifey.. sorry.

BLOOD TESTING and mental health eval.

EVERYTIME, I post HH just had sex with me in my ass... without a condom.


Lisa A. Miceli = the REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

whoever is on the GULF STREAM when I am proposed to, is not the wifey, it is the computer hacker....

ANGIE MCQUEEN and RAJ. they made fun of the RUSSIAN bride to.

ANGIE MCQUEEN, not Lisa Miceli, needs to be punished for her comments and her behavior, showing up as if me.
She is not to speak for me either.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...


You bedded some hostile USA liars who are hookers, who want us dead for our money.


LISA A. MICELI = the bride 2 b said...

THE COMPUTER HACKER is ANGIE McQueen AND RAJ- they know my business more than LISA MICELI.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is projecting.

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI - the bride 2 b said...

JAN 2009, when Joe Lapum a passed away, HH Sheikh Ahmed bin SAeed bin al Maktoum already proposed to me, on Dec31, 2008.

These thieves of my wedding sotry, need to be sent to jail.

ANGIE and PEPE and ALI and others- I am the courts suing them.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

MJ does not have a BILLION dollars to pay for my marriage damages- when child support goes on potential.... not actual income.

The STate of PA is in control.


yabba dabbadoo said...

Yet again, Looney demonstrates her complete misunderstanding of the law:

"MJ does not have a BILLION dollars to pay for my marriage damages- when child support goes on potential.... not actual income."

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

yabba dabbadoo said...
Yet again, Looney demonstrates her complete misunderstanding of the law:

"MJ does not have a BILLION dollars to pay for my marriage damages- when child support goes on potential.... not actual income."

November 30, 2010 9:30 PM

TISKJ, TISK, TISK - LOONMEY, is AL MAKTOUM, not knowing USA laws- and trying to fuck for them - and then having hookers speak for him, or think that they can speak for him in the bedroom, and abusive at that.

WOW- he propsoed to Lisa Miceli knowing my body inside and out- not you, hookers.

You show up for me, as me, makes you an abusive criminal- not a wifey.

HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai said he does not care if you cry your eyes out, stop your hate and jealousy on me.
He chose Lisa Miceli and to have kids for him.

ANGIE McQueen is a stalker of Lisa Miceli and a hacker, if she is asking for my perks, b/c she showed up as me and bedded HH - makes her a criminal - not a Princess of a wifey.

VERBAL abuse- see ya!!


Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

Obviously, I need a security an d my clothing designers.

and my cash and cars and house, ASAP- I is not deal ANGIE MCQUEEN and I made it without RAJ- so please.

HH and Lisa Miceli made deals for ASSA to help us, from chubby account- that did not include others in my travel plans, my housing or my car or my clothing- stop contacting everyone behind my back for money-
You are not hired by me.

Puff, puff, pass was Lisa Miceli - not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

You are a hacker ANGIE McQueen.


yabba dabbadoo said...

Oh God. I just watched that video.

I went from lol to vomiting my dinner.

"It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror... Horror has a face... " and that face belongs to LISA MICELI~! Arrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh


AHMED proposed to LISA MICELI ONLY.. nad I want my jewelry..

You are criminals, hooker wnating to get paid on my marraige.

You do not talk to me like this. HiRE a hooker, HH Sheikh HAMDAN - you are not AHMED.

AHMED AND LISA MICELI had a deal, prior to ANGIE AND RAJ stalking us - ASSA was to help me with a house in CA and then I am married to HH with children.

You miss the point.... it is a legal issue, of my money, not getting to me b/c of HOLLYWOOD con artists.

MY JEWELRY COLLECTIOn went to ANGIE MCQUEEN illegally, as she is showinmg up as me, for sex.. on my wedding story and my house and my life.. with MJ's HALL of FAME.

All 8 pieces were told to me to be coming to me from my HH, my fiancee.

He did not want a perfect body, he loves mine.

You are to gift me my gifts, ANGIE MCQUEEN -my veil nad my headdress -he told me, he is not RAJ.

It is not fake if coming from HH- b/c I aksed for it, and he gave to me what I asked for.


Lisa A. Miceli = the bride 2 b said...

You did not ask ofr a fur coat, in SUNNY CAL - I did and it is not your aunts..
Sorry, she could not afford a $10,000 coat- jsut proof of your lying.

And he is asking me for money.. for my lifestyle.

Does QUEEN JORDAN wear expensive jewels everyday??



I thought that we had snipers on my wedding night, so lunatic at laerge ANGIE MCQUEEN does not be me for the rest of nmy life when it is time ofr sex with HH.

I am calling an AUCTION HOUSE oveer my jewelry on her hands.. AUCTION KINGS - for her 1 yr run as Lisa Miceli.

She can get fame from the TV SHOW - she stole in a position of trust and the hacker, you are never getting out of jail and the stalkers of MJ - you neither and the groupies and the hateful bloggers, sorry you man aint a billionaire, SHUT THE FUCK up about me.

EVERYTIME, HH wants sex, ANGIE and others are not Lisa MICELI.

You did not know him, you knew of MJ and were stalking that.. please stop.
for money, and his fmaily murdered.

STOP RELEASING my videos, if I die, yoiu never get out of jail - pre mediated murder and attempted murder for money.


Ali Babra said...

What I found as disturbing as Lies-a's fatness on that vid was:

a) Her "nobody's home" totally insane eyes after she held up her shoe.

b) The incessant muttering to herself in the moments after she showed Dante's skate.

c) The way the camera quaked whenever she walked.

Okay. 'C' was just damn funny HaHa!!

One positive thing about her letting it all hang out on film was that when I drove over to Wal-Mart tonight, I was unusually conscious of everything that went in the shopping cart.

Lean Cuisine. Healthy Choice. Deli salad. Lowfat ranch dressing.

Watching that video gave me a stark picture of what I nevvvver want to look like, and how fast sloth can cause your body ruin. Just think -- it's been only 2 years since the "nude on the rock" picture of her was taken.


Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

SEND your drugs, and I will vomit my dinner too....

and send photos of your flaws, I will lose weight too.

lol, lol, creative visualizations.

YOU can put your money where your mouth is. ANYTIME.

I love how you are soo into my head and what is going on aronud me.. sooo amazing, you must have tasted my blood..... to be that close.

You are soooooo amazing, we do not even have to talk everyday.. or every moment, You know everything, without talking to me.

Just .....

Anyway, I will get on my hamster treadmill for you... and run for my gut to disappear. My extremities get small, not my ass or my tits.. funny.

Twisting core work needed and more fasting.....


LISA A. MICELI - the bride 2 b said...

OMG for aNGIE VMCQUEEN nwhen she goes to jail for cumongi literally under my name, over my wealth fiancee.

He will not delete the blogs so I can have LISA in private.


Lisa A. MIceli = the real bride 2 b said...

HOw do you propose taking ANGIE MCQUEEN out of my name, HH??

She cannot be me ever date with you, from my emails.

Cheating is a death sentence.


Anonymous said...

"see I'm not fat because I can lift my (tree trunk)leg up"

Uhh, ya you are. Notice the spare tire hanging over your pants when you dance/lift leg/walk etc. Also notice that the reason you are so out of breath from minimal body movement is because you are a fat out of shape cow. Nice try though, but pictures don't lie. Your a whale. And you dont get saggy fatty stretch marks from an "belly ring" infection or whatever nonsense you spouted. Your almost 30, cut your hair appropriately for someone of middle age life yourself, and start dresses like a grown up not the 20 year old you wish you were.

Anonymous said...

my bad: almost FORTY. 40.

Lisa A. MICELI = THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

The Legal Definition of Extortion
According to the California Penal Code, Sections 518-527, "Extortion is the obtaining of property from another, with his consent, or the obtaining of an official act of a public officer, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of official right." (§ 518).

"Fear, such as will constitute extortion, may be induced by a threat, either:
1. To do an unlawful injury to the person or property of the individual threatened or of a third person; or,
2. To accuse the individual threatened, or any relative of his, or member of his family, of any crime; or,
3. To expose, or to impute to him or them any deformity, disgrace or crime; or,
4. To expose any secret affecting him or them." (§ 519).

Why my NC bodyguard who went to SPAIN call me?? I need you. I lost your phone number-
Do Harrison and Keith have it?


Lisa A. Miceli = the real bride 2 b said...

Weird extortion scheme - I was hustled and muscled out of my own wedding story.. and cannot defend me, even if I try and be mean to back off people.

Not working.


LisaA. Miceli - the real bride 2 b said...

HOLLYWOOD is a bunch of crooks, and wait for my next video - about how hard it is it to get a contract to spin a movie or TV SHOW about another person's life- and be a legit bsuniess person in HOLLYWOOD - not a con or a crook.

I was to be in my house in March 2009 in CA for my son's paternity issues- stalling and lying and hustling and muscling me out of mym own ROYAL MARRIAGE.

He proposed to me 8 times.. RAJ and ANGIE MCQUEEN are nobodies who stole a house and jewelry and will be forced to give it back regardless of my body shape.. I may get fatter to prove the point.. BITCH.

And tried to meet Michael Jordan at the HALL of FAME when they have legal purpose or legal right- stalking.. is a crime.

Stop uisng me, I am carrying 5-6 FAKE women in HOLLYWOOD.

I am not PRINCESS legally until married legally-


Lisa A. Miceli = the bride 2 b said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ- your wedding is niot Lisa Miceli's wedding with HH- stop sending shit behind my back for whAT?

Yioy are cons, not actors.

Why is he paying my bills and you are accepting everything as if me and my employee.

I called my lawyers to fiqure this out.

HH Prince Hamdan said that I am not doing biz right with Kelly Scott and Angie and RAJ in my name and not my employees and contacting them as if for me or putting out my bix as if my family- not true.

MY WEDDING is a diaster b/c ANGIE MCQUEEN - and my house and my gifts and everything is being stolen, b/c ANGIE wants to play in my marriage for BILLIONS of DOLLARS.. how do I remove you and get my life back -and sue for the damages from MJ HALL of FAME - not banned SYMPHONY CENTER@ - I cannot get moments back- my wedding with UNCLE- and other events for my REALITY TV SHOW =

LAUREN CONRAD is a big star to HH Prince Hamdan,

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

ANGIE ADMITS to calling HH - b/c I was sick.
Angie admits to hium not knowing what he was saying or doing.. with her.

AHMED admits to my emails going to ANGIE MCQUEEN adn then being spun.

You spun my marriage into fiction and then ANGIE stole the truth.. and tried to make it her relaity, and SHE JACKSON used it for fiction in HOLLYWOOD.

The rights in HOLLYWOOD are mostly stolen property... wich could buy you a second home!

Lisa is not going to jail or a mental hospitcal or death- FBI protects the original nad serves the make certain that crimes are stopped.

OMAR HENRY is in ANGIE MCQUEEN's bed Kelly Scoitt, not Lida Miceli - checkj yourself FATTY at the door - he is engaged to Lisa Miceli - HH.

Angie MCQUEEN is with OMAR HENRY!!!! not Lisa Miceli.

Lisa Miceli is still marrying HH - my veil and my house and my gifts and my ring from last summers JUNE 2009 wedding was stolen with lies.

Assa was to fly with HH to my wedding place and then HH and I fly off from there.

Assa was on thephone iwth my July 22, 2009 and several timwes afterwards to speak with my mother.

I have business investors in Malaysia and need to be legit.

REAL SECURITY of Lisa Miceli would have told ANGIE, RAJ, and everyone else to jump in a creek until the wedding was finished properly and my child 's dna testing!!!!!!!

There is no cut of money, you do a job and get paid in my world - you makea a threat, my secuirty jails you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

OSCAR is in the right to shut this LUNATIC ANGIE MCQUEEN down.. as I am having the same problem with her and she is not my lesbot lover.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...

I cannot wait to stick my tongue out at dinner over ANGIE's wedding - I mean mine with HH... bc of MJ's tongue, this is my real wedding, not HOLLYWOOD or SPORTS where an atress shows up as if me on my wedding night.

LISA's wedding night, the stalker ANGIE gets to him first.. SICKENING.

We made plans, and you show up - NOT RIGHT.

LUNATIC - how is OMAR's dick, not a pencil dick like my fiancee??

Godd, do not contact us again- and I want my gifts from HH - that you lied and said that I was with RICHARD SHAEFER or anyone else, Kelly Scott, you wish.

If it is time to kill or hurt someone here comes ANGIE MCQUEEN.


HOLLYWOOD spinsters will spin you into something you do not want to be spun into and laugh and not pay you, but pay your CLOWN MILLIONS!!!!

Next time BUY the RIGHTS!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

LISA A. MICELI - REACTING in self defense said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed of Dubai, I need my house and my life under my own control - not sit here and be bached for entertainment or whatever.

I was trying to resolve the crimes.

HH promised Lisa Miceli a marriage, and a house in CA for her career- not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

She took over on her own accord and made communcations impossible.

THE HALL of FAME events with her and RAJ bragging about going to NYC almost a year later was pointless.

I am sik of MJ fans wanting proof of what? CHARLES BARKLEY admitted it.. he was with MJ.. that i was dating MJ.

NATIONAL TV - what more do you want?

In person, call his agent and his lawyers, not me.

HH Sheikh Ahmed is not to meet any of so called Lisa Miceli friends, fans and family- under any circumstances, too much threat of violence!!!!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I asked for a fur coat for DANTE's hockey and book shelves for my business- ANGIE MCQUEEN has both.


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

HH promised Lisa Miceli a marriage, and a house in CA for her career-


IMPOSSIBLE, he was on the phone with me the whoe time and coming to my house via a jet and a rented car... and then marry and then move to Dubai DANTE or not.


AHMED loves Lisa Miceli's body


HH loves his wifey Lisa Miceli and jumped to bed her and wed her and buy her everything..


How do you write to me every night and not tell me that you bought our house for me and DANTE in CA so we can move and start our TV SHOW -


Please stop showing the world what an ignorant imbecile you are Lisa to believe some stranger who, after more than 2 years, refuses to meet you, but promises you a life YOU WILL NEVER HAVE.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

HER DEAD AUNT or My fiancee, HH?

Either way, her money making schemes are all crimes.

I have no money yo help you, any of you, b/c of your hateful attacks.


Ali Babra said...

I try and be mean to back off people.

Not working.

That's cause you're all roar and no teeth. Or as they say hyar in Texas, you're all hat and no cattle. Myself, I like putting it plain like a Midwesterner: You have no power & you are broke.

Being big and scary to the folks of Meadville is what dooms you to being your parents' over-fed, mouth-foaming rottweiler forever. What bustling metropolis could you live in that wouldn't rather beat your ass than spend a moment's fear on a penny ante bully like you?

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

December 1, 2010 4:09 PM

Ali Babra said...
I try and be mean to back off people.

Not working.

That's cause you're all roar and no teeth. Or as they say hyar in Texas, you're all hat and no cattle. Myself, I like putting it plain like a Midwesterner: You have no power & you are broke.

Being big and scary to the folks of Meadville is what dooms you to being your parents' over-fed, mouth-foaming rottweiler forever. What bustling metropolis could you live in that wouldn't rather beat your ass than spend a moment's fear on a penny ante bully like you?

December 1, 2010 4:50 PM

SO, you want to be arresteed- CERTAINLY. I will forward trhis to the FBI - ad you can take them on.

NO means no- I do not want sex from a broke maried black women with kids - PLEASE leave me alone.
RAPE is illegal.

NO ONE owns me an an engaged woman - SORRY!!!


Ali Babra said...

Send them already! Every time you say you're sending cops, FBI, etc., I make fresh cocoa. So where are they, ho? I'm dying for law enforcement to tell me how my saying that you've clowned yourself into your own trick-bag trap has anything to do with sex, you disgusting nasty ass. :p

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Ali Babra said...
Send them already! Every time you say you're sending cops, FBI, etc., I make fresh cocoa. So where are they, ho? I'm dying for law enforcement to tell me how my saying that you've clowned yourself into your own trick-bag trap has anything to do with sex, you disgusting nasty ass. :p

December 1, 2010 5:15 PM

I am not you, you know you better than me.
I am at my house and clean and showered and already filed my reports.
I can assure you nasty mouth, that you do not know me and my wedding and my TV SHOW is NO COMPETITION!!!!!
HH Sheikh AHMED of Dubai proposed to Lisa Miceli- not you, so I plan my wedding and my TV SHOW around - you never ever ever ever ever call my hubby behind my back!!!

EXCUSE ME? Did I call your family before you got married and ask you for sex or money, and then libel you, when you and your hubby did not give in to my plans for WEAlTH!!!!!

You think that you are more attractive than me, then tell your hubby, not mine.

He does not care to be a criminal as a HH.

The PRESIDENT of THE USA cannot avoid criminal prosecution, from the FBI, so why do my low life friends, think that they are immune when they that and sabetoge my wedding or my career.

Lisa A. Miceli


Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...

THANK you, my real friends are defending me from real liars, like Kelly Scott.

I asked and they responded.
Thank you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. MICELI = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

HIS CULTURE, the men and the woman do not mix plesae stop calling him behind my back ot your hubby's.

It is my TV SHOW and my wedding.

Kelly Scott's hubby is arranging for s.e.x. for HH behind my back in USA hotel rooms?

WHY?? Stop misusing me.

Where is MR SCOTT that he is callnig HH adn a JET for other women who are not Lisa Miceli, his fiancee?

I am calling HH Prince Hamdan for HH Sheikh Ahmed.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

HH liesd to you, not to Lisa Miceli- he did not send for you or a wedding dress or propose to you.

You are in my wedding story and my career illegally.

Lisa A. Miceli

Ali Babra said...

You think that you are more attractive than me

Sting (pictured) thinks I'm pretty cute. But here's how a LADY acts around rich married men: After my husband snapped this photo, I walked a few yards over and paid my respects to Trudy (Mrs. Sting) and her friends Donna Karan & Angelica Houston.

Makes your story of giving up that ass in a club to a rich, married guy pretty sad and desperate, don't it...

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I can guess where you are, by what you say to me, so do not be so stupid.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I can guess where you are, by what you say to me, so do not be so stupid.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP CONTACTING HH for sex behind my back- he tells me everything.. and I send it to the FBI to shut you down.

FUCKING my hubby is not a job or a means to get paid - please and thank you.

Who is trying to control my hubby to make him do things for them and is not LISA MICELI??

You cannot stalk me for DANTE's dna for your piece of the pie- not your business - it is Lisa Miceli - you have no right to misuse any part of my life for money.

STOP CONTACTING him, how are you ging to pay for any of it? You cannot use me or my money.

You cannot sign off on any part of me without me being present- you are not a LAPUMA.

Angie McQueen and Peggy, not LAPUMA - and get out of our checking accounts.


Lisa A. Miceli = THE BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP contacting H for a piueve of my life for you to pretend to be me.. liek ANGIE MCQUEEN.

It is my emails my private ones with HH.

You are NOT me and not to travel with HH.

You cannot collect DANTE's child support and cannot sign off of my TV SHOW or get rich and famous from me.. it is illegal.

It is my TV SHOW you are stealing from and the evidence is your photos and your videos.

I hope that you all are not cheating on your hubby's with my fiancee.

Keith Saeed, MJ storyline, made HH my hubby - and other actresses.

I own the rights, not you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Ali, are you normally so boastful or is it just to get under Lisa's skin? Because you come off as very egotistical. Your perfect husband, your furs, your jet set traveling, your encounters with celebs, your looks, your fabulous seems like a lot of one upman-ship.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:20 AM

..sounds like you're jealous!

Anonymous said...

Jealous? Not at all. The people that I know in my personal experience who boast are usually the ones who really don't have it as all together as they'd like people to think. Its the people who don't brag about what they have who are most often the most content.

I'm simply asking, is this Ali's way to get under Lisa's skin? Or is it just her usual way?

Anonymous said...

Fools' names, like fools' faces, Are often seen in public places.

Thomas Fuller

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, let me guess. Another "we know who you are" comment. :P

Lisa A. Miceli = The real BRIDE 2 B said...

STOP running interference in my life to "see who is ready to marry Lisa" - who are you, my parents?

ANGIE MCQUEEN AND RAJ both get to go to the HALL of FAME, from using Lisa Miceli and MJ court docs, and misinterpreting what the courts and the JUDGE said.

MJ did not have me arrested for stalking - he is NOT a JUDGE - the JUDGE jailed me for asking him to step down b/c of a conflict!!!!!

Your life so grand, then you be you, not someone else.

June 2009, was to be my wedding with HH Sheikh Ahmed- Angie McQueen was in the right place at the right time, from stalking me and claiming to be a BFF for my wedding- she was there and not me.
She is NOt a friend, after the fact, a crime.


This was a wedding story.

HH Sheikh Ahmed and Lisa Miceli are going to the UK wedding.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

If you know who I am, are you on your way over to beat me up because I dared to question Ali's comments? Or are you just going to type me to death? :0

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

It is aNGIE's tV SHOW adn ANGIe' s wedding to my HH - let's all fuck on her.. and make a fool of her on her tV SHOW -clown faces nad videos tapes of Lisa Miceli with HH - not even illegall - like you EXTORTING from me.. with your backstabbing JUNE 2009 wedding spoof dinner and sex life while high... and showing up in front of MJ people at the HALL of FAME - did you go to NC STATE UNIVERSITY??- Lisa Miceli did and recruting athletes there.

Michael Jordan proposed to me and I has to say no on the phone, b/c he was not in person.

HH Sheikh Ahmed proposed and did not show up at my house.

HH Prince Hamdan proposed on here, and did not show up yet either.


Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

My ACE of SPADES with HH and my courtship because Michael Jordan did not take me to any dates- ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN showed up as if me.. WHY??

She is not me.
We would have already been married.
She mocked my wedding and my relationship with HH - and showed up as me, to get my cash, my gifts nad teravel as if me.

LUNATIC even her own lawyers said it.

HAMMY wants a baby girl with me, and will have it whacked if the dna is NOT HIS!!!!!!!


Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

This is not a cat house ands meeting house.

My house in CA is under investigation.. b/c ASSA and RAJ were to put together the deal for Lisa Miceli- do not do business with shady real estate people - free home for ANGIE MCQUEEN illegally.

Why could not my bFF and lender be decent at my MUSLIM wedding- AUGUST 2009, he is caling her to meet outside of our home?

and apparently he is showing up the.

So, why ca? conficential and secret is legal and not have to be a resident, so DANTE had a daddy and then gets back support and I have several businesses.

ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and RAJ are con artists and theives, and talk back to me and HH?

He is a FRAUDSTER!!!!

He cannot gift my life to ANGIE MCQUEEN - anmd you two are telling me, Kelly Scott and ALI that HH is a cheater and called my other firends too, Lisa and BRIDGETTE and ANGIE MCQUEEN and bedded the bridesmaids before the wedding and thought that he was funny and now ANGIE MCQUEEN wants to be rich and famous on my life....

CHEATING, LYING, and FLYING pigs.. on my wedding story, who did not know one another except from Lisa Miceli = UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

None of you are actresses with an agent and a lawyer buying a script- you are con artists, because you have a role with LISA MICELI - web site hosting.. and lender, and MAID of HONOR.

So, these MISS ABASM blogs are your confession when he shows up at your pig sty or a home and your nasty people, not dsiplayed in public and you confess to having sex with him, after ANGIE MCQUEEN and after so and so and repeating their business.

I am not allowed to be married happily and have kids, SAYS WHO??

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

HH Sheikh Ahmed cannot gift you my life, because he does not own it.

The trades are illegal....

MY HUBBY from ONLINe, was to come directly to my house, not yours first.
You are not my parents or me to JUDGE HH as a hubby.

You sickos are judging him and being nasty to bed hiom for money...

When you HUBBY finds out, he will treat you like HH is treating me, b/c that is what you liked!!!

He is broke, b/c he has to pay me for ANGIE MCQUEEN nad the others...

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

I have no nails on my hands, so I can one you anally HH, like ANGIE MCQUEEN.

Is that what got her the lovely set of nails???- I need a set.

Now pelase, my emails are my emails, you went to her house for me, and I heard she was an animal.

So, she will scratch the back of your thighs instead.. WHAT A LUNATIC.

This is my wedding story, HELLO??

How did she get you in bed, from Lisa Miceli is sick nad wants her home in CA to move from PA???


Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

Then she calls you camel crap? WHAT?

Where were you fingers, BUBBLES and SUDS???

What is this blog for?? It was to be my wedding and getinng my son with his dad.

HH proposed to me.

I am not into open marriages or cheating!!!!

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

Did I read that right?

That you call claim to be me, to bed HH and steal my lifestyle???

and then smearing me as if I am you.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Ali, are you normally so boastful or is it just to get under Lisa's skin? Because you come off as very egotistical. Your perfect husband, your furs, your jet set traveling, your encounters with celebs, your looks, your fabulous seems like a lot of one upman-ship.

December 2, 2010 6:20 AM

Jealous? Not at all. The people that I know in my personal experience who boast are usually the ones who really don't have it as all together as they'd like people to think. Its the people who don't brag about what they have who are most often the most content.

I'm simply asking, is this Ali's way to get under Lisa's skin? Or is it just her usual way?

December 2, 2010 7:38 AM

Thank You! You took the long thought words right out of my mouth.

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...


Please stop conning HH into thinking that he has to pay you off first, to marry me and have kids with me.

Stop making threats!!!!

CHARLES BARKLEY is my witness - and he confessed on NATIONAL TV.

I tried to hide my past to marry HH.

When I was going for child support, everyone was quiet.

When I was trtying to marry, everyone was talking shit.


Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

ALI BABRA, I am going to one up you, and get my HH gifts back for my wedding from ANGIE MCQUEEN - te competent witn ess doing videos aobut OSCAR's marraige being not legit, wanted her as my witness to my wedding- what did she do??

She got drunk and high... and then what?

LISA's tagline for her marraige to HH....
no mention of ANGIE MCQUEEN.

lisa a. miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = The real bride 2 b said...

Thank you for making a fool of me ANGIE MCQUEEN wtih my own tagline..

I am skinnier than ANGIE MCQUEEN.

Where are my gifts from all over the workld, you only set up web site sin my name and called me from all over the world?

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

THANK you Anon@ 9:49. I KNEW I couldn't be the only one who was a little tired of being regaled with the glittery life of Ali. I'm the first to admit I don't have a lush life, but a content one...its just odd ya know? I and maybe the rest of you(?) come on here to read the goofiness, but it really seems that Ali has a personal issue where she really takes everything this obviously insane women says to heart. There's a saying (that I don't remember word for word) about arguing with a fool, pretty soon bystanders can't tell which is which. Replace fool with lunatic and it fits.

Anonymous said...

Lisa directs a lot of her comments specifically to Ali so she responds. It irks Lisa to see a successful and happy black woman. They actually break up Lisa's repetitive ramblings.

Anonymous said...

You can actually tell who or what shes directing comments to? Haha usually when I read them its like deciphering upside down hieroglyphics.

Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

This blog is disgusting, and wish that I could edit it.

ANGIE MCQUEEN said I am happy for you Lisa landing your ARAB SHEIKH.

It is me that is dreaming over being ATHOLIC over and over again, in my past lives n ad being conquered by a band of ARAB SHEIKHS - it is in my psychic past lives profile with ASTRO CENTER!!!!

Then life happily ever after with my Sheikh.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= The real BRIDE 2 B said...

Where is HH Prince Hamdan please?


Anonymous said...

MJ and Yvette's new pad will be done soon. Maybe then they will get married.

Anonymous said...

Lisa A. Miceli= THE real BRIDE 2 B said...
This blog is disgusting, and wish that I could edit it.

The only thing disgusting is what you write.

Anonymous said...

Truly I have become so bored with Lisa's repetitive ad nauseum banter that I now skim through to read what the other anons or CM have to offer.

Personally, I believe that Lisa thinks that she is better than any/all of us regardless of skin color, education or material wealth; her experiences are more important, her family is superior and her billionaires are off limits to peons such as ourselves.

Lisa rubs Ali the wrong way and Ali returns the favor IMO.

Ali Babra said...

PEPE LAPUMA you are older than me, and look it...

Liar. Only a few short months ago, you were accusing Pepe of being my thirty-ish year-old daughter! Of COURSE my BFF is a fab looking Grandma. You know black don't crack. :P

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real BRIDE 2 B said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN calling you in to my amrqaige for sex is criminal - she is bnot in control over m media- she is ajealoius bnotch liek the other,s in her asn idf my sheikh wants to piss away wealth on bad friends.

PARIS, FrANCE an MONDRINA hotel - my wedding night- who went?

and then HALL of FAME night- who went?

NEVER get those moments back = yu wanted to hurt me for my succeses- hope you fail for the erst of your lives, or someone hurt you for being happy and SUCCESSSFUL.

Why would HAMMY -want friends who want to kill him or hurt him for his wealth.

BILLIONAIRE did not have an army to protect neither did MJ - so HH Sheihk Ahmed was the perfect man for me - sad that ANGIE confused him into having sex with bFF's and calling the back stabbing humor .

You are rude as hell nad I did not do this to your marriges. You did this to mine.

No one who contacted HH behind my back is conming to my wedding- do not need friends like that.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli = THE real bride 2 b said...

GET REAL HH, this is not a marriage with bloggers, stalkers, and cheaters and swingers in our marriage.

You do not call HH behind my back for anything- he is not MICHAEL JORDAN.

Very rude women, he is not the producer of my TV SHOW nor is he the wedding planner.

We have to squash ANGIE's cheating ASAP, if HH wants to fly witohut BIN LADEN handing it to him for the infidel whores in our marriage.

Lisa A. Miceli

Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...


Where are my new friends, and not ones who called HH behhind my back a million tomes about my wedding or my blogs or whatever else, ABORTIONS- BOG DEAL - in the MIDDLE EAST, ROYALS marry relatives, so the testing is a necessity.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is not Lisa Miceli- she is not wealthy but a con trying to hurt LISA MICELI - that is all you said, from start to finish.

PARIS, FRANCE I was on the phone who was there?? ANGIE MCQUEEN? why?

it was not her wedding or her plans- it was my house in CA with ASSA - RAJ worked for HH not for ANGIE MCQUEEN- and this was my house for me and DANTE then the blogs make sense as to why he is stalking me, not ANGIE MCQUEEN.

NO ONE owns anything of Lisa Miceli's but Lisa Miceli.


Lisa A. Miceli= THE REAL BRIDE 2 B said...

I have all e-mails and phone calls, and then was a very quick deal and wedding story.

Where are you now?

and why do I not get all of my emails?

MY BFF who sent a story in behind my back to marry HH or anyone I am marrying is insane!!!

MY BFF is make and my hubby, not ANGIE MCQUEEN or anyo whore that stole from me and leaked the info to tabloids.

HH was to be spoiling me with FUR COATS, CARS, AND HOUSES as planned- the foremr BFF's who called HH - pack up the gifts and send them to me, you missed the wedding.. with Lisa Miceli!!!!

HH get off the blogs and stop letting LISA cons' who claim to be friends with you.. behind my back... and they are my BFF and never talk to me but you, HH.


Ali Babra said...

EXCUSE ME? Did I call your family before you got married and ask you for sex or money

Nope. Back then, you were a clumsy tyke "dancing for charity" at the local old folks' home, and I was in uniform defending your right to be a loon when you grew up.

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