Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crystal Clear Crazy

FW: Anderson Cooper Talk Show

She is in my performance rights & privacy rights (ie s.e.x = PROSTITUTION).
She is claiming to bed with him, for me....... on my courtship & my wedding story. HE IS MENTALLY ILL.... he thinks that he is in bed with LISA ANN MICELI- and it is ANGIE MCQUEEN.

My next business & book promotion project. She is trying to steal all of my money, my id & my business plans & my wedding plans.
He is to be at my house every emails= and set up these emails for Princess LISA ANN MICELI.

I am to be in DUBAI- not the USA....................... WHERE is my money?? She is hacking me to be me, every email....... and claims my TV SHOW is hers = IMPOSSIBLE.
He writes to me, not to her. They call him with lies.... after hacking my computer.
They (ANGIE MCQUEEN & RAJ JOLLY) are name droppers........ they lie.
They are hill billy lawyers in control over LISA's rights... is what they said to EVERYONE.
This is a lie.
I want all of my property.


Meadville, PA 16335

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 10:29:39 -0700
> Subject: Anderson Cooper Talk Show
> Hi Lisa,
> It was so great talking to you today. Thank you so much for all of your time today. I really appreciate you being so honest and open. As I mentioned, we are still in the preliminary stages of putting the show together, but in the meantime, please email me over some recent photos.
> Thanks so much – have a great rest of the week and I will touch base with you as soon as I have more information.
> All the best,
> Stefanie
> Stefanie Javorsky
> Anderson
> 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 16th floor
> New York, NY 10020
> O: 212.275.8932
> F: 212.275.8876

COME to CLEVELAND, OH......... it is RAMADAN - SO, I can dance for you... & we can meet in person please.;label=sllu_CLE-ZiP5SpkAqzt7s6jTLEgE6QS4745128760;sid=7c10afe19b965dd803f049315af06a1b;srfid=7bc3176ff866c2506ff7b2bcb1181fa0X6
We can drink tea... go shopping, talk , etc, etc, etc. You can see my legal documents. I never had a criminal record before ANGIE McQueen taking over my legal cases online with that Kelly Scott... I thought that I would have one million in cash for DUBAI= from my book, my employment lawsuit, and then child support.
I do not hear weird shit anymore- thank GOD. Just laugh, it was not to hurt you........................ I am chasing love, not money. I am chasing my own money.
ANYWAY, you can do what you want to do......................... teach me MUSLIM culture. Chat, make plans to move me to Dubai. We can order a movie in the hotel room..... your choice.
Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

SEVERAL AIRPORTS....... brin g a contract please. I am sane.
You told me that I can have as many kids as I want. Pretty please.
These anti-marriage loons, Judge John & several other doctors are insane. They, not me, broke the laws.
CA does not have welfare, PA does. I am NOT supposed to be on welfare.
My lawyers fought to overturn all of it.

I feel safe finally............. no more terrorist/OBL mental chatter. Was I in danger? Please do NOT give this contact to ANGIE MCQUEEN.
This is our loves stories... & the Michael Jordan/DANTE/ESPN mess.
You were to talk to Stephen Boyce so that he did not sabetoge my money, $800,000, so by Nov 2010, I was to be in Dubai.
He gave me $10,000 on $800,000. I wrote to the Judge to ask what is going on. TRIAL would have been 1-2 days and nothing to lose- just gain.
Now, please talk to Judge John Spataro, about my passport and asking the police to help me shut down web-sites. All I asked was for them to verify my id & create files, so I know what I am saying & that it is true.
When can we please meet in person? Am I to fly to your office?
Tell me what Lisa people wrote to you, ANGIE, and who else?
Does ANGIE MCQUEEN still write to you??
I love you controlling & protecting me. Please in person.
Did you not call ANGIE on the phone, get her on the JET, have sex with her in person, etc, etc, etc.
I am safe. I never punched anyone in my life, let alone used a gun. I do not own one.
I do not fight with anyone. ANGIE and I yelled on the phone. She made threats to me.
The police tried to frame me, saying that I was very upset & blah, blah, blah. He was trying to help Kelly Scott & Angie McQueen at my expense.
Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

WHOEVER I am marrying... hurry up, as we have a lot of work to do.
I am nearly 39 years old............... hurry up. One night of dinner please & then we can find DANTE's daddy for back support & waiting on all court appeals.
HURRY up, daddy.... you want one heir no who is healthy.
I workout everyday... and my dress was given to me over a year ago- so who is slow??

YOUR WIFEY is KATE HUDSEN is what you said. THEN send the JET after reading the article.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 1:19 PM!
OK, PRINCE HAMDAN said, "I'll have you committed over here" & "you are corrupt".
Then, he said, "write for me crazy girl". OK. I did that.
The doctors & law enforcement listen to higher ups which you are.
So, be careful what you say about me, or you could get me in jail or dead or mental health.
I think that I killed OBL by chatting about him. CIA knew where he was since he built that compound from the ground.
It was me chatting about my wedding with my Prince that made them decide to shoot to kill then.
Mr. President Barack Obama did not want me dead from my wedding story.
SO, I am requesting my passport back & then you need to support me with my wedding story in Dubai.
I was not found guilty of any crime when I appealed the ruling. So, back to my innocence.
I was asking for police reports over web-sites b/c Stephen Boyce was not litigating my case.
I loved OBL, wanted to write a book called THE RULES of WAR with Toby Osbourne, my ghost write.
Angie was not to reveal him to anyone. It is part of LISA's businesses.
NOW, you said, "I thought that it was an isolated event. " What are you talking about? Then that was pretty quick.
Are you talking about s.e.x.?? Then please send the JET. PLEASE. I have morals. I need to stop making my womb was aching. lol, lol, lol.You online with me.
Then, help me with a letter from your GOVT about our wedding to give to a Meadville, PA Judge, as proof for my passport.
I did not get my $10,000 in cash back from the jail.
SABOTEGE. Damn it.
SPA + GYM = all LISA does b/c she is stuck financially due to child support & lawsuits not paying me yet.
Working on finishing the book in time for TV & looking at photo shoots, for the media.
Learning ARABIC while I wait.
Princess Lisa


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Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

What am I saying?
I am the loyal and loving ARAB loving wife.
whatever, HH ABSAM.

More brain washing please... that was lovely.
I say yes that was an ex & you say no it was not. Beautiful.

Princess LISA ANN

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

EXCUSE ME?? Why are you exposing my businesses and my deals on this site??

Am I not allowed to work for a living?

Then send the JET please so I can move in with you in Dubai, after our wedding and have more kids.

The clock is ticking.
Why would I be crazy, if HH proposed to me ten times in writing and I have the emails & showed a USA Judge already. Sept my lawyers said my case should be done in Superior Courts (which is appeallate courts) - that is where my dna testing was to go too.

3 JUDGES not one looking at all evidence and making a decision.

Paternity was to be there too.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I will convert if AL MAKTOUM wishes. It is his choice.

I will learn ARABIC too.

Princess Lisa Ann

Anonymous said...

Post your marriage proposals. You don't even have to post them all, just one. There are none, huh?

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I will scan them. My master will have to post them as it is not my choice. I will try though.

My master is making me sleepy right now. tee hee

Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

I am NOT supposed to be on welfare.

To quote the insane from 'Whatever Happened To Baby Jane': "But ya are, Blanche. YA ARE!"

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I have another site, though, maybe able to post there as well.

Please give me a minute to post it please.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

PRINCE HAMDAN said, "I'll have you committed over here" & "you are corrupt".

Heehee! He sounds sane. Which means he will not marry Nutcase Miceli.

Anonymous said...

My master will have to post them as it is not my choice.

What's this? I Dream of Jeannie?

Anonymous said...

I did not get my $10,000 in cash back from the jail.

If this is true, I hope the money goes to partially reimburse State of PA for the vast police and court resources your lunacy sucks up.

Anonymous said...

Post your marriage proposals. You don't even have to post them all, just one. There are none, huh?

August 17, 2011 8:18 PM

Anon, maybe the dog ate her proposals.

Anonymous said...

I am a bit confused, do any of you other anons believe that email was really from Anderson Coopers office? It just seemed weird to me and hard to believe that it is authentic. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Her letter to the AC exec is a hilarious mess. Whether the reply is real or no...she will NOT NOT NOT be getting her lazy+crazy ass on Anderson Cooper's talk show...unless the topic is Why Won't Psychotics Stay On Their Meds

PePe "Shaniqua" LAPUMA said...

And this is why I pay taxes??? I know that some people tend to slip through the cracks but Lisa was handed to them on a silver platter and this is the end result? I thought for sure her days and nights of madness were over (at least on a computer) when all the local stations in Pgh ran that pathetic story aoout her trying to "flee the country." Appears that Lisa's not the only onein Meadville that needs a psych eval.

Anonymous said...

Wait. She signed her letter to Anderson's producer- PRINCESS LISA ANN MICELI????? Oh lol!

Anonymous said...

How come you called MJ a nig*er on here again the other day but you never use thas word on twitter? A. Cooper hates racist btw.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

HERE come more cons, pretending to be LISA or her family- for hopes of AL MAKTOUM wedding gifts.
PLEASE use your own name - not mine to help stop the confusion, LaPuma, NOT.
Prince Hamdan why are you gifting my BFF after proposing to me and telling me to show off my rings on YOU TUBE and us talking about Michael Jordan?

ANGIE McQUEEN is sharing my information on YOU TUBE & claiming to be getting gifts from you and visits and preggers using my private emails... how is that possible?
Surely you are confused... you did not know her before me telling you she was to be one of my wedding witnesses.

Is it Prince AHMED doing this??
Lisa Ann Miceli wanted kids right away, not ANGIE who is complaining about kidney failure for having a kid.

You told me that I can have as many kids as I wanted... not anyone else.

You promised me no more of you with ANGIE MCQUEEN becasue she was and is with OMAR HENRY.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli
Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
I am NOT supposed to be on welfare.

To quote the insane from 'Whatever Happened To Baby Jane': "But ya are, Blanche. YA ARE!"

August 17, 2011 8:51 PM

I am not. I am just saying, there are people sagetoging my money.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
I did not get my $10,000 in cash back from the jail.

If this is true, I hope the money goes to partially reimburse State of PA for the vast police and court resources your lunacy sucks up.

August 17, 2011 9:08 PM

TRUE, but I appealed, so they have to prove I am guilty first.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Angie McQueen is showing off a ring, is it fake, saying MJ- she did not date him - I did.
Where is the n word on here again?
and where did I write back to the TV show producer on here?
You are lying- stop lying please.
You also called me crazy when I am NOT crazy or a liar. I have a TV SHOW offer.

Prince Hamdan, Prince Ahmed is lying and sendiung you to the wrong house which is extortion.

We talk directly now. You told me to setp up my own blogs, which I did- have yet to go there and edit them and you and I write back & forth.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
PRINCE HAMDAN said, "I'll have you committed over here" & "you are corrupt".

Heehee! He sounds sane. Which means he will not marry Nutcase Miceli.

August 17, 2011 8:57 PM

BO, he is Dubai GOVT - he knows what is going on with all of the fraud and the imposters and the savetoge if something happens to me, ship me to Dubai.
ANGIE MCQUEEN stole my ID & YOUR HIGHNESS gavew her all of my stuff, and hopefully NOT kids too, when he is telling me he wants to wed me and have as many kids as I want.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
Her letter to the AC exec is a hilarious mess. Whether the reply is real or no...she will NOT NOT NOT be getting her lazy+crazy ass on Anderson Cooper's talk show...unless the topic is Why Won't Psychotics Stay On Their Meds

August 17, 2011 10:36 PM

YES I am. It is my business. Stop you psycho babble - I appealed all rulings, even mental evals.

HH you are writing for HAMDAN, no? and we are being conned by liars, like ANGIE MCQUEEN & PEPE LAPUMA, who is not my relative and ANGIE is NOT my BF- all using my name and my contacts illegally.
They are not allowed in my screen, or to use my name or to be me, EVER.
It is extortion and fraud and stalking and harassment.

You went to the wrong house on the first night and accused me of living in the basement where my treadmill is & my NC stuff is packed.

WHERE you not writing poetry for me for the wedding.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

You sent the wedding dress to my house- you paid for it b/c I am plaintiff suits.

You are swearing like me in the last couple of emails.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE McQueen is saying that she is me on YOU TUBE, wearing ARABIC looking clothing and rings & putting out my business from earlier taped phone calls.

Why would you go to my lying ex-BFF's house on my wedding proposals? They lied to you.

HH Prince Ahmed & I are fighting about that too.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

They are using my clothing contacts & my email contacts illegally- when I am not there and I am not aware- or saying I work for them or you proposed to them.... not true, b/c of our connection- or thier connection to me.

You proposed to me and set up this blog.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

OH, FRANCE (not ITALY)... this is where my wedding dress came from in JAN 2010... how old are these photos on FAZZA?? from 2010??
What month??
Ace of Spades CHAMPAGNE was sent to me too.... same time? and same place?
You confuse me at times.. but I did post it.. online & from the source.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Angie McQueen is showing off a ring, is it fake, saying MJ- she did not date him - I did.
Where is the n word on here again?

Lisa Ann Miceli

August 18, 2011 1:44 AM

STOP HARASSING ME with LISA copycat cxons like Michael Jordan... fucking hate that niggers ass stalking me and making threats and engaging in crimin al conspiracy over a dna test. get fucking real....

MJ is KING of what country, that everyone is kissing his ass on my AL MAKTOUM ROYAL wedding ...

STOP disrespecting me.. why would you??


August 15, 2011 10:16 PM are crazy

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Sorry, sick of the sabetoge and the crimes on my blogs, wedding story & baby story.
I am hacked everytime, YOUR HIGHNESS and I are getting along. NO lie.
Then when I am hacked adn a vicitm of a crime, I am threatened and start to swear. Sorry.
The police do not help me, they blame me or call me crazy and deny that any of this sabetoge is going on or that there are imposters in my life.
They say it is my company messing with them. INTERESTING.
It is stolen property.
I love you, and it is NOT your fault.
I am NOT mentally ill, I am being sabetoged.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I was sabetoged like this with Michael Jordan too by tabloids and third parties.

My car was broken into, my cellphone hacked, and my apartment broken into and my horse, my fav, was sold off of my banr with one phone call, and I sued and won but never got the horse back.

I cried the whole time with Michael Jordan. SO, how am I not entitled to more testing & money from him, for the scandal and the sabetoge.

I am not mentally ill, I am being sabetoged by media and third parties, for various reasons.
The police blame me, not help me in the USA.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

On tonights Ridiculist...

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

W OW, ANGIE is the anon slammer of LISA ANN MICELI- it is her style.

how does she have three fur coats adn diamond rings on my wedding story with AL MAKTOUM.
She got his contacts from me, to help plans an engagement party and then shut off her phone. Now she tapes me only to copy me verbatim & of course, I am hacked and the material comes up on her YOU TUBE.

Her kid did not go to school for one month, with $10,000 a month and a nanny but wants to give birth to my kids- when my son is in school everyday on time & not getting his child support yet, due to sabetoge.

Angie McQueen is swearing and no one is messing with her on twitter or her businesses & violating her OSCAR court orders.

Her own admission on twitter and YOU TUBE.

But, she is a better mom than me or a better wife than me with AL MAKTOUM (with other men & committing crimes against me, one if his chosen brides).

COINCIDENCE on the locket and the chokers? and my requests coming up at her home after a hacking??

You sent the wedding dress to me, from PARIS, FRANCE in JAN 2010- why not the fur coats & the diamonds on the ten wedding proposals.

ANGIE McQueen is in my legit USA businesses, not just AL MAKTOUM wedding story and my secuirty detail.
Why blackmail me, ANGIE, for swearing or s.e.x with my fiancee- You are swearing on YOU TUBE, unprovoked.... and making threats to slap and beat people up in public??

You were a trusted friend & got my contacts for being trusted- and to find out you are a total id theif and wedding theif and sabetoger.

It is all on the table now.

You make THE AL MAKTOUMs look like criminals... for your benefit.

STOP being me & stop using my contacts.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I was stalked too... in Chapel Hill, NC... not fun.
I need XANAX and to do more YOGA so I stop being soo upset or swearing.
I love the AL MAKTOUMS. I would love to have more children.

Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Darlin', you need a hell of a lot more than Xanax. A full labotomy would likely suit you better. Crazylyingdelusionalbitch.

Anonymous said...

But, she is a better mom than me

Yes. She is. I do not agree with the way Angelicque interacts with Oscar, but unlike you, at least she has gone after the real father of her children.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
But, she is a better mom than me

Yes. She is. I do not agree with the way Angelicque interacts with Oscar, but unlike you, at least she has gone after the real father of her children.

August 18, 2011 4:58 AM

WHAT?? The real father according to trhe JUDGE, was AUdI- not OSCAR- she went crazy at a mall, to get OSCAR's money and he hurts the child everyday rejecting him.
HH told me that he would adopt DANTE in our wedding story, when DANTE was 3 yrs old, so not to hurt his feelnigs everyday. There was no interest in chasing the "real" dad of DANTE, b/c of a curious and nasty public, who has no rights to his DNA files let alone any truth- HE IS A CHILD.
He is entitled to his privacy, anyway you look at it.
ANGIE MCQUEEN needs to be in jail and her kids in child protective services for saying she was a trusted LISA person to help with my AL MAKTOUM wedding, and thn clearly beeded one of both AL MAKTOUMS for them to turn on me, be criminals on this felonious level, and then baash me for ANGIe and thier behavior- like it was my fault that sex and crimes happened on my wedding and my baby story.
Who is she fucking, "my pony" Sheikh or "airport secuirty" SHEIHH.
You both proposed to me & by ARAB law, she is not wed to both men- so stop the bullshit, calling me a liar and her not, b/c she had sex in person with you, after hacking me and copying me verbatim.
Angie McQueen is the fraud (she did OMAR HENRY's contract- yea right, fake lawyer) and the liar, not Lisa Miceli who has real lawyers and a real $800,000 federal preggers suit with a real "EVEN STEPHEN".
She stole my ID and then one or both of you bedded her not me and then called me a liar & a fraud and a bad mother, when that is all ANGIE- you libeled me with a con- who sabetoged me.

BOTH LYING CHEATING AL MAKTOUMS ARE CONS who attack me for aNGIE MCQUEEN using my name and my wedding ad my contacts illegally behind my back- every word from ANGIE McQueen is a lie... for LISA's money or other's money..

I have 4 alleles that match too, ANGIE- the dnaa panel is 13 total.

She said that she is my support system by fucking you for my requested gifts & the gifts that yuo told me about in advance- why are you tortoring me with a BFF that was clearly inappropriate with you on my wedding story- both of you, PRINCE HAMDAN & PRINCE AHMED.

STOP using my name for my life- and ruining my legit money in the USA and my DUBAI wedding story.

You bought and sent me the wedding dress from PARIS, FRANCE where you were skiing.

NICE photos Prince hAmdan. HAMDAN denies any involvement in any of these crimes.
Why would you attack me and sabetoge me and slam me after proposing to me??

You have a car, a jet and money to come make love to me in the USA or anywhere in the world- come and stop the bullshit. Why are you calling me a liar adn bullshit when you know it is you and ANGIE sabetoging me, and she cannot wed and bed you both, SHEIKHS.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

You said last night that you will expose some of the Sheikhs online marriage proposals.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
But, she is a better mom than me

Yes. She is. I do not agree with the way Angelicque interacts with Oscar, but unlike you, at least she has gone after the real father of her children.

August 18, 2011 4:58 AM

WHAT?? The real father according to the JUDGE, was AUDI (AND THE USA LAWS)- not OSCAR- she went crazy at a mall, to get OSCAR's money and he hurts the child everyday rejecting him. Is that the best interests?
HH told me that he would adopt DANTE in our wedding story, when DANTE was 3 yrs old, so not to hurt his feelings everyday & could leave the USA for DUBAI. There was no interest in chasing the "real" dad of DANTE, b/c of a curious and nasty public, who has no rights to his DNA files let alone any truth- HE IS A CHILD.
He is entitled to his privacy, anyway you look at it.
ANGIE MCQUEEN needs to be in jail and her kids in child protective services for saying she was a trusted LISA person to help with my AL MAKTOUM wedding, and then clearly bedded one of both AL MAKTOUMS for them to turn on me, be criminals on this felonious level, and then bash me for ANGIE and their behavior- like it was my fault that sex and crimes happened on my wedding and my baby story.
Who is she fucking, "my pony" Sheikh or "airport security" SHEIHH & saying that she is crazy- copying me moving from one Sheikh to the other when you got nasty to me, over her stalking me.
You both proposed to me & by ARAB law, she is not wed to both men- so stop the bullshit, calling me a liar and her not, b/c she had sex in person with you, after hacking me and copying me verbatim on You Tube, and chaning our plans b ehind my back - clearly anyone, even a low class hooker will do for you, not the love of your life you are chasing LISA.
Angie McQueen is the fraud (she did OMAR HENRY's contract- yea right, fake lawyer) and the liar, not Lisa Miceli who has real lawyers and a real $800,000 federal preggers suit with a real "EVEN STEPHEN", not ANGIE's money by any stretch of the imagination.
She stole my ID and then one or both of you bedded her not me and then called me a liar & a fraud and a bad mother, when that is all ANGIE- you libeled me with a con- who sabetoged me.

BOTH LYING CHEATING AL MAKTOUMS ARE CONS who attack me for ANGIE MCQUEEN using my name and my wedding and my contacts illegally behind my back- every word from ANGIE McQueen is a lie... for LISA's money or other's money..

I have 4 alleles that match too, ANGIE- the dna panel is 13 total.

She said that she is my support system by fucking you for my requested gifts & the gifts that you told me about in advance to get me to wed you & bed you? - why are you torturing me with a BFF that was clearly inappropriate with you on my wedding story- both of you, PRINCE HAMDAN & PRINCE AHMED.

STOP using my name for my life- and ruining my legit money in the USA and my DUBAI wedding story.

You bought and sent me the wedding dress from PARIS, FRANCE when you were skiing. I have the postage stamp.

NICE photos Prince Hamdan. HAMDAN denies any involvement in any of these crimes.
Why would you attack me and sabetoge me and slam me after proposing to me?? and not jsut bed and wed me, like the back-stabbing ANGIE MCQUEEN.

Why would you use my emails for her? Make any sense??

You have a car, a jet and money to come make love to me in the USA or anywhere in the world- come and stop the bullshit. Why are you calling me a liar & bullshit when you know it is you and ANGIE sabetoging me, and she cannot wed and bed you both, SHEIKHS.

You act liek you are bedding me and you are not. You call me a liar when it is you... or ANGIE McQueen or another con lying to you behind my back.

I want my furs (all 3 of them) and my diamonds back it is part of my LaPum a persona.. not PEPE, who is she? or ANGIE, who is she?

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

This is supposed to be a love story, not you driving me crazy or sending me to jail and lying aobut me every day and stealing contacts to ruin my legit money sources.
Why do you talk to me, like you do when ANGIE is worse, by your own admission?? You said that on here.
Why would you meet with her and not me, when you proposed to me Jan 2009. She does not read my emails in Meadville, PA unless she hacks me?
FIX your minds, you are calling me ANGIE McQueen & slamming me and calling ANGIE LISA and gifting her.
Her YOU TUBE is my information with her face & her body- all lies by her & all THEFT. GOT it?
You asked me where I wanted to travel, not ANGIE to my knowledge.

So, then you went, why was I not with you, but online only.

ANGIE McQueen speaks for ANGIE, LISA speaks for LISA.
Put ANGIE McQueen is jail and mental health, and LISA ANN MICELI is offline only.

How am I a con or a lair, if I am hacked or stolen from or you tell a non trusted Lisa person the plans and I do not get them?? ANGIE MCQUEEN was to be trusted, she gets the sex and the gifts and not me, then sahe needs to be in jail & mental health.. it was not her wedding EASTER 2009.

She prays to a CHRISTIAN GOD in public too. So, what are you saying to me now??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I do not care about ANGIE's personal wealth, only the fact that she contacted AL MAKTOUM in March 2009, as my BFF, & is now in my bed & wearing my enmail gifts and doing god knows what. You are not to bed my BFFS and my wedding party and mock me and then slam me in the public and think that we will be soo in love...

STOP calling me crazy, when it is you. I am studied in psychology, not you.
You proposed to me 10 times, why in AUGUST 2009, was ANGIE sneaking out on my emails- where are hers?

I am NOT her TV SHOW.. why would my AL MAKTOUM wedding be her TV SHOW with OSCAR? Make any sense.

Why did you set up this blog?

Why did HH Sheikh HAMDAN tell me to set up one with he and I??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE McQueen cannot use OSCAR's money, for FURS, DIAMONDS, and dancing costumes and travel with AL MAKTOUM.

So, why are you spending me money with YOU, on ANGIE MCQUEEN and she is pretending to be me, to confuse you and my lawyers both so I am broke?

She called me "wannabe rich girl".
Why does she care, if I am rich??

Why did you not send a Jet to me, so I am not arrested for falsely, for reporting these id theives, who speak for me illegally??

Prince Ahmed rejected himself, not LISA rejecting him - your words.

Prince Hamdan... we had private moments too. SO, ??? Why are you mad at me?? I did what you both told me to do.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Judges determine paternity, not that I care about Angie's paternity.

Adopt ANGIE's kids online, while I sneak out on my own emails, since she is not trusted with my money.. so why would you trust her with yours??? or your friendship- did she not bed OMAR HENRY after getting my wedding gifts??

I was told by ASSA to be celebate.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
You said last night that you will expose some of the Sheikhs online marriage proposals.


August 18, 2011 6:29 AM

My wedding dress is exposed on here, from THE SHEIKH himself.... and posted on here, THE SHEIKH's own blogs.. in his own name.
Where are my wedding photos and my wedding jewelry? not the ones from my house trying everything on please?

STOP stealing from LISA and gifting to ANGIE MCQUEEN.
It is your own laws, not to.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

You just accused me falsely of doing everything that ANGIE is doing- if she is my slave, then stop gifting her & dump her, not enslave me in the USA & give my gifts away after proposing to me.

Jan 2009, my first wedding proposal, and HH Prince Hamdan was in the USA in SANTA MONICA.
ANGIE is only wearing wedding rings on my story that she copied verbatim from me.

I need my real rings please, my real furs, and my real dates and my real travel schedule.
I could have had 4 kids by now healthy if not more, for HH Prince Hamdan.

He is a girl?? for whom? why is he telling me on my blogs and not gifting me his girls as planned, as the real father??

Lisa did not cheat & Lisa did not have on her wedding rings ever.

ANGIE McQueen did, both cheat & wear your wedding rings... yours? who knows??

She took over my company, others took over my dna testing, and others took over my family's estate... all cons & all fraud, and you bed them and blame me?


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Hope someone sent a link to this blog to the Anderson Cooper peeps.

I could just see Stephanie's eyes rolling up into her head while she wrote that email. Wonder if she will be the next target when Her Royal Mess doesn't get a call back for the show.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

GOING on TV is like ANGIE going on the radio or the internet to get OSCAR to do what? VISITATION- when a court of law was the contract she had.

I do not have any confidentiality clauses, like ANGIE MCQUEEN does.

She stole my whole TV SHOW.

She was to shut up and take the child support and keep DEVON from him and move on.

I am the one to be in the media... why is she soo jealous of my life and why do you bash me for her jealousy.

You are confused between ANGIE MCQUEEN & LISA for the MILLIONTH time.

You told me to pay for nothing and next thing I know, my trusted BFF is getting a free ride and my gifts and telling my life story on YOU TUBE- with someone there in the background.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

How is crazy for me to go on TV if you are treating me like shit for my former trusted BFF to get off on your abuse of me... after chosing me to wed...over and over and then bedding her.

That makes you insane, not me.

Who knew you and her and ABSAM coulds not be trusted??

I am sick of your lies, hate, and disrespect of me... in public for a cheating lying con hooker on my wedding story, my life story adn my baby story.

Kelly Scott lies, ANGIE MCQUEEN lies an both are insane and ugly & you defend them over me... and bash me in public, ruin m money in public and then deny me everything you promised me as well.
Why are they with other men, but I am told to be celebate.

You take 4 wives, as a MUSLIM man. So, why are you claiming to be loyal to one wife.. ANGIE??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I thought that Kelly Scott said that she has a 5 th child, which is yours and a full checking account from stalking me.

I thought that ANGIE McQueen said that she has 3 more kids from stalknig me... and they can be heard in the backgrounds when she is on the phone doing bullshit fraud for business.

If we are not wed properly and you are not paying my bills, then I have to have my USA work money- why would ANGIE sabetoge that adn then say "fuck the SAUDIS" when I want to wed offline and have money and have more kids.

Al Maktoum is clearly wasting my time and ruining my life and will not stop since ANGIE McQueen called behind my back in Nov 2008 or Kelly Scott slammed me in Nov 2008.

You party on my name & abuse me in eveyway... what for??

Who was with you in the UK (SCONES) or in PARIS, FRANCE (when you sent me the wedding dress in Jan 2010), who was with you EASTER 2009 (when we were to wed - APRIL 2009)?

How does ANGIE get a limo, jet, and my furs and diamonds and my kids and think that my emails are her script to steal my kids- and you say nothing, but she went after the real dad. WHAT?

So did I?

Look at all of the sabetoge.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
Hope someone sent a link to this blog to the Anderson Cooper peeps.

I could just see Stephanie's eyes rolling up into her head while she wrote that email. Wonder if she will be the next target when Her Royal Mess doesn't get a call back for the show.

August 18, 2011 7:18 AM

PAY MY BILLS NOW PLEASE.. since you are damn set on ruining any and all career and money I could make without you & my son's money too.
You own me on this blog- then were is my legit and valid wedding certificate & my rings and my JET & limo to your private house??

You said that you own me and are wedding me, and then ANGIE McQueen copied me and you gifted her my exact stuff- nice criminal extortion ring.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

whoever gave aNGIe my emails, I am suing in copyright courts and pressing charges for going to jail and metnal health after our lives being switched.

Where are you now? and where is she now, that her phone is shut off but she is exposing me online and bashing me online... for being engaged to you and making my own money and getting real TV for my real copyrighted life story.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...


Where is my makeup?? and my hair adn my nails getting done as well.

I have photos of ANGIE McQueen in sweats with no makeup on when I met her for the first time in person, pre her stealing my chubby contact and calling you and sending you nudes behind my back, according to RAJ JOLLY.

She stole from me & you gift her my emails as if she is me... now since March 2009... please stop.
What will it take??

You are insane aL MAKTOUM, you are smearing me as if I am in bed with another man and you want me out of that bed for you.

PUT your BILLIONS where your mouth is in the public eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE, are you my lawyer, holding my copyrights & asking AL MAKTOUM for my money and my travel schedule?? and then doing the same with OMAR HENRY??

Where did you go to college? and where are you licensed?

YOU STOLE BITCH- you cannot wed both HAMDAN & AHMED- so get real, and stop stalking me and blocking me.

ALL FRAUD- so shut up about LISA & her real marriage & her real money on CNN.

Why would AL MAKTOUM be in bed with 3 cons who robbed LISA when he wed her online and made her a ROYAL PRINCESS???

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE- did you help me wed AL MAKTOUM after getting the CHUBBY contact?

Yes or no??

or did you lie... and are wearing my stuff and in my bed using my contacts and everythnig that I own as if you are PRINCESS LISA ANN MICELI.


Why would AL MAKTOUM propose to me and bed 3 cons & then piss me off in public about it... and not just arrest the cons and do like we planned- our travel & my gift requests??

What you have children with the cons & hate me for the deception, when I was telling you the whole time otherwise... that they are cons & not me???

HH Sheikh HAMDAN, you bedded me too... so defend me and protect me and my businesses, that are legit lie you said that you would.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU ARE DEFENDING CONS on my name, in my bed and in my money.. why is that?
and they bash me and you laugh, when you chose me and my information to wed, hence why they stole it.
Why be with cons? and not your real wifey, PRINCESS LISA ANN MICELI??

You proposed to me ten times & call me when in bed with these cons... and sent me a wedding dress when in FRANCE.. which was to be our wedding.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

OK, let's go slow...

SHARIA LAW is NOT enforced in the USA.

Cheating is not a crime in the USA, unlike Sheikh AHMED's telling LISA, "cheating is a death sentence" = wow, that good, AHMED?

If I am your PRINCESS, I have diplomatic immunity, so no JAIL for LISA in the USA or DUBAI or mental health please.

We do prosecute sabetogers & copycats in the USA though.... so tell the women to knock it off forever please.

I am shutting my cellphone off so we can travel together... so please send the limo and the JET to my house at :

Meadville, PA 16335

YOUR HIGHNESS wanted to practice with me in the first 10 secs of chatting, that good, YOUR HIGHNESS?

Group sex cons, (err, I mean ladies).... that good my emails??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Which AL MAKTOUM gifts you and beds you ANGIE??
So, I can move out of the way & stop your hateful attacks...
Clearly you are not wed to both at the same time.

Please stay out of my private emails & my private companies & my private marriage and stop blockng me from my own kids- that HH wants from me.

You cannnot have kids after 43... anyway, using thier own bio dna.

HH PRINCE HAMDAN suggested I be a freak of nature & have them all at the same time... b/c of "old eggs".

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

If you are going to use big words Lisa, you should at least spell them correctly even if you don't know what they mean.


Of course if you wish to remain looking like the ignorant, illiterate, trash that you have so ernestly portrayed, then by all means, don't learn to spell.

Anonymous said...

Hope someone sent a link to this blog to the Anderson Cooper peeps.

I could just see Stephanie's eyes rolling up into her head while she wrote that email. Wonder if she will be the next target when Her Royal Mess doesn't get a call back for the show.

August 18, 2011 7:18 AM

Yep. Just like the emails awhile between the National Enquirer and Lies-a. Hilariously delusional nitwit.

Anonymous said...

Lisa just strings together big words hoping they mean something. Fail. She is the single biggest contradictory idiot on this planet.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa just strings together big words hoping they mean something. Fail. She is the single biggest contradictory idiot on this planet.

August 18, 2011 8:37 AM

YOU MEAN YOU despite having blogs & having my BFFS contacts- you fail to wed LISA properly & have kids with her properly, but harass me for over 3 years.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
Hope someone sent a link to this blog to the Anderson Cooper peeps.

I could just see Stephanie's eyes rolling up into her head while she wrote that email. Wonder if she will be the next target when Her Royal Mess doesn't get a call back for the show.

August 18, 2011 7:18 AM

Yep. Just like the emails awhile between the National Enquirer and Lies-a. Hilariously delusional nitwit.

August 18, 2011 8:33 AM

REALLY? Michael Jordan never denied dating LISA ANN MICELI- the press denied the relationship ,as if we are to bed in front of the press?
They went backwards in time, after the negative dna to deny the whole MJ relationship- IMPOSSIBLE adn wrong. I would not have asked him for dna if I did not date him.

He wanted to know too or would not have taken two tests DUMBASSES.

You are ruining my life for what purpose and an A MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE, why when you proposed to me?

Why would you ask me to deny dating anyone if you are not wed to me properly?? & why are you putting cons in my bed and my businesses, if not wed to me properly?


YOU are committing crimes against me in SEVERAL COUNTRIES after proposing to me.. ten times.



Anonymous said...

MJ and Yvette still together after 3years. So so so so so in Love

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU SLEPT with cons who used my name and my contacts and abused the timing of our love story, instead of waiting to get to LISA's real house & now you abuse me, falsely accuse me, and defend Michael Jordan.
Are you gay now too?
so, when I did not show up in AUGUST 2008? and then in Oct 2008?
You turned on me?
Where is your JET? why did the so called LISA people get JETS to their houses or hotels or airports, but not LISA - the chosen bride?
Why are LISA's private emails being used by the crazy ANGIE MCQUEEN??

ANGIE McQueen needs to stay in her own bed, not AL MAKTOUM bede, when you are asking me to get into it.. DUH.

Why do you blame me??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...


Are you gay for Michael Jordan?

Then why are you defending Michael Jordan when he does not need you to defend him and it is the truth??

ANGIE McQueen is in how many men's lives & beds, saying that she is me, WHY?

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Which is it, ANGIE?

"airport security sheikh"
or "pony sheikh"



ANGIE MCQUEEN is a hateful con, who was trusted with CHUBBY contact for my Easter 2009 wedding.

Some people will do anything for money- GAY MUCH??

NOV 2008... MJ in DUBAI- WHY? GAY MUCH? You defend him why? THE DNA test hurt him? prove it.

Why are you fucking LISA people behnid my back and in my face?
They are doing it for the money - you why?


Why am I your TARGET of HATE after proposing to me?

You did everything we planned with my BFF's callnig me a liar.. why is that??


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
MJ and Yvette still together after 3years. So so so so so in Love

August 18, 2011 8:51 AM

WHO CARES.. I never loved him, it is about MONEY... like all of his women want the money.
You put cons in my life and they attack me- with you , YOU BUY THE MAX PUNISHMENT AND MAX MONEY.
STOP being an ASSHOLE to me.. and calling me a FAILURE when it is CLEARLY YOU.
You do not know how to say no to a LISA imposter and have DUBAI police arrest LISA imposters.
You call me broke, can ANGIE use other men's child support on AL MAKTOUM men or gifts or travels? NO.
So, why are you in my money? at all?


You gave LISA's emails to ANGIE MCQUEEN & defend USA media lies.. about Michael Jordan.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU sent the jET for aNGIE MCQUEEN... why not PRINCESS LISA ANN- it was her wedding?

when Lisa cons call you, why are you not at LISA's house? as planned.

How did they ever hear of you?


I called the ATTORNEY GENERAL to press charges on this LISA EXTORTION ring.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE MCQUEEn is going to prison- she was to be a trusted wedding witness of Lisa Ann Miceli & CARLA DIMARE was to be a trusted CA LISA lawyer, referred by ANGIE MCQUEEN.

STOP the lies, the prostitution, the polygamy and the double dealing.

It was only my wedding, where was security to ARREST ANGIe and fAKE LAPUMA and other HOLLYWOOD cons in my wedding story to AL MAKTOUM.

2008... where was the JET to my house?


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

LISA imposters maade you mentally ill and you blame me.. WHY?

You sent the jET for them and not me, when you proposed to me.

I announced it as planned..

These women are nasty & disresepectful.

I tell them no, they say yes and spin online their lies.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

HOT UGLE IUNSANE MESS.. ANGIE MCQUEEN- copying my BRUNETTE makeup as if me.. WHY??
Lisa is LISA.. still alive and still fertile.
I am not sterile.
Kelly Scott claimed to be sterile, fixed like the dog she is.
Stealing and lying is all they are doing.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU promised your fav wife, LISA ever ything, not her con former BFF or other LIsa BFF's.


What is your problem??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

WHY do you send for LISA cons who repeat me verbatim? and deny LISA, the original the money & life she was promised when you proposed to me.

STOP listening to lies.

These women are older than LISA ANN MICELI.

I am NOT a lesbian for blacks and blondes- so get them out of my money & my bed please.

NO CHILDREN from them- as I have my own..

Stop wating my time with your insane treatment & insane harassment.

if you can send the JET to JOHN WAYNE you can send the JET to ERIE, PA.

Other women in your lives look worse than me.

STOP libeling me over MJ from 1999.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...


ANYWAY, how am I a failure when I was proposed to ten times & you have 13 jets.

How is ANGIE a winner when the USA JUDGE failed to keep her family in tact with AUDI- so DEVON has a dad & ANGIE is not a hooker in other people's marriages, RAj & LISA MICELI's?

ANGIE is DELUSIONAL psychotic claiming my TV SHOW is hers or my emails are hers & copying me verbatim.
She is putting her whole family is jail pover MONEY.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Liesa said...
WHO CARES.. I never loved him, it is about MONEY...

Exactly. You will never get a dime from MJ or any Sheikh. Why should you? You are a stranger to them and are entitled to nothing. Your misery, jealousy and greed is destroying your life.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Liesa said...
WHO CARES.. I never loved him, it is about MONEY...

Exactly. You will never get a dime from MJ or any Sheikh. Why should you? You are a stranger to them and are entitled to nothing. Your misery, jealousy and greed is destroying your life.

August 18, 2011 9:53 AM


Why would ANGIE get my money from any source? I do not love her and she does not mention you ever- said you do not exist...

So, it is all greed too.

She is in bed with OMAR ENRY with my wedding jewelry on- my fault? NO- just greed.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

You made ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN the QUEEN of my AL MAKTOUM marraige adn my personal wealth...

you are insane..

who cares AL MAKTOUM where adn how much money LISA ANN MICELI?

You are a fucking loser.

ANGIE is the hooker (CRIMES) & banned from telling the world her story (CRIMES AND CONTEMPT of COURT).

ANGIe commited id theft on my marriage using my lawyers, CARLA DIMARE & STEPHEN BOYCE... and that is all crimes= cannot profit on crimes in the USA.

STOP targeting me, as if I am ANGIE MCQUEEN- the back stabber.

I am the victim wiefy.. and you bet your MOTHER FUCKING ASS I am sending you and MJ to prison for crimes against me.. and then filing civil lawsuits..

Why would I not?

You proposed and then went to the wrong house or hotel or airport, when you found out, you should have called me or went online and then came directly to my house..

EVERY OFFICER SAYS THIS IS THE RUTH WITH THE LAW... YOU ARE THE LOSER FAILURE committing 200 crimes... with LISA imposters, not me, telling my one MJ story, which is all truth.

PAYOFFS are ILLEGAL ASSHOLES - why do you care and hate on me, after proposing to me... ???

Why can ANGIE MCQUEEN give you more kids, but not LISA- when ANGIE cheated in her marraige to create DEVOn adn MAYA is a polygamy USA illegal relationship??

You are mentlaly ill, DELUSIONAl & PSYCHOTIC... you do not know ANGIE, but fuck her as if LISA- and then bash LISA.... for what?

You proposed then show up at my house, FUCKING DUMBASS.

You talked to ANGIE McQueen behind my back and went to her house or hotel or airport.... how is that?
BUT not my house?

How did she get yourt contact?

LISA's wedding... as my wedding witness.

You cannot be gtrusted with any LISA wedding party, not male or female??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

It is a 5 yr priosn sentence to libel a ROYAL- get the FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL MEADVILE, PA and Michael Jordan media off of me.

It was in 1999 when I first met him.. STOP spinning MJ and other lies...

MJ & I dated ASSHOLES.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

The more you post the more insane you look Lisa.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Joyful1218 said...
Kelly Scott slammed me in Nov 2008.

The truth is not a slam, dear.

August 18, 2011 1:34 PM

YOU ARE FUCKING INSANE... you have 3 years of SEVERAL times a day posts targeting me, for what?
I own this blog- you own shit.. and attack me why? DO I KNOW YOU?MJ did not date you, he dated Lisa MICELI- stop messing with my legal cases- you met MJ when adn know the truth how?

YOUR MENTALLI ILL mind tells you what you want to hear? SOUNDS like it.

GO TO FUCKING HELL BITCH. When my PI gets your address, it is going to police to arrest you for stalking and harassment & other crimes since 2008. I never met you or heard of you in my life- you attacked me FOR my TRUTH- MJ is my TRUTH.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...
Liesa said...
WHO CARES.. I never loved him, it is about MONEY...

Exactly. You will never get a dime from MJ or any Sheikh. Why should you? You are a stranger to them and are entitled to nothing. Your misery, jealousy and greed is destroying your life.

August 18, 2011 9:53 AM


YOU MEAN YOU!!! (sorry couldn't resist)

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

DO YOU NOT MEANS, RESISTS lol, lol, lol from ANGIE's twitter... like a FAGGOT??

why did you fly my wedding witness behind my back to where? to meet you on my wedding and my baby stories? and then proposed to me ten times after that?


1. YOU will shut the FUCK UP.
2. YOU will pay all of my BILLS, ASSHOLE- for abusing my wedding story.

3. YOU will stop the MJ harassment.

4. You will stop the WEDDING party abuse, meaning stop fucking ANGIE MCQUEEN as if she is LISA- in a house you bought for LISA nad stop impregnating her, as if she is LISA then calling LISA a loser.

5. STOP all USA AND DUBAI crimes against LISA ANN MICELI

6. STOP hashing my BUSINESS in the USA public eye or international eye.

7. STOP calling all LISA people PERIOD.


9. STOP corrupting my court cases, so I have to tolerate your abuse.. you called what lawyers or LISA and what people of LISA for what purpose???


11. STOP telling ANGIE she is LISA from LISA' s private emails.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I will fuck ISSA to have you ARRESTED, so FUCK OFF, LUNATICS.

DID not ANGIE repeat this already to you, FUCKING SIMPLETONS...??

and then dance to it and say that she is going to NYC with me... ??

YES, YES, YES, YES.. who turns on these fucking LUNATIC whores? LISA ANN MICELI with your money... that is what they are "feeling".

on my wedding night to ABSAM, I am fucking PRINCE HAMDAN- so shut the FUCK up.

So, who is the loser?
BUG- EYED, RIDICULOUSLY INSANELY LOOKING UGLY SHEIKH now... thanks to ANGIE's crimes& Meadville, PA corruption... you look like DAVID STEPHANUCCI.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Ylou want abuse, we will tape it... and you have been begging for me, for 3 years or longer for sex... and if you expose it.. we will sue you ABUSIVE piece of shit.

You are mentally ill now.. STD's PAMMY (HEP C), PARIS (CHIN HERPES), and ANGIE (possibly HIV).... why would I want you now, three years later, LUNATIC??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
The more you post the more insane you look Lisa.

August 18, 2011 10:26 AM

NO YOU, PROPOSING TO Me, SENDING ME A WEDDING DRESS AND then not showing up and then bashing me for it...

You own 13 private jets, LUNATIC.

You set this blgo up to bash me, and you look insane... not me.

DEFENDING me, is legal.

You pair up with MJ after proposing to me is INSANE.

STOP USING MY NAME when you are not my friends or my family- LAPUMA or LISA ANN MICELI or any of my copyrights.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

So, who is the loser?
BUG- EYED, RIDICULOUSLY INSANELY LOOKING UGLY SHEIKH now... thanks to ANGIE's crimes& Meadville, PA corruption... you look like DAVID STEPHANUCCI.


Uh-oh, sounds like a break up. *snicker*


AHMED, ANGIE MCQUEEN left the INTERNET with you using my emails, and my contacts and my lawyer, CARLA DIMARE- then shew is going to prison, b/c you are foul.

She is not to have kids for me that you visit two times a month in the USA and harass everyone on the INTERNET, MJ, OSCAR, ME and other people... WHAt is your problem?

Why was she able to leave the internet with you, but not me? How did you meet PARIS HILTON? and how did you meet MJ?


You ran an EXTORTION/ID THEFT/MAFIA/ORGANIZED CRIME ring on my wedding story, adn blamed me for BEING ITALIAN.

You will pay for EVERYTHING - all damages.. ALL of it.. ONE CHEC K, so I can wed a man that loves me, respects me and will give my my own children.

I do not want children with a man that used my emails for aNGIE's script so she can have my children.

She confessed to copying me and being with you in my jewelry and using my id and using my emails as a script for my children already.

She is not legally wed to you in the USA- but lives here with your children and RAJ JOLLY too, abusing me.. PRISON for her.

I will do shit... "even ANAHEIM, CA police DEPT"?

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

CANNOT WAIT FOR MY INTERVIEW... so funny when I PROVE MJ relationship - stuff that never made it into the USA courts. lol, lol, lol.

How much did you pay OMAR HENRY, YOUR HIGHNESS?
and for what?


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Who all got paid off on my wedding story, that you are a nasty piece of shit to me and not a loving loyal ARAB HUBBY?


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

GO TO PRISON STALKING INSANE BITCH- you are stable NOT- you copy your VICTIMS verbatim adn even stela their looks to have kids for them and then blame them for it... (it = YOUR MENTALLY ILL BEHAVIOR).
YOU are going to jail ask my team of people and paying for the work done and the damages.

YOUR RINGS of CRIMES on my one wedding story and on my baby rights are over.


Where are you?

CALLING me from ANGIE's house with the phones shut off... WHY?
PARANOID of being traced and sent to a USA prison & mental health.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli


Anonymous said...
So, who is the loser?
BUG- EYED, RIDICULOUSLY INSANELY LOOKING UGLY SHEIKH now... thanks to ANGIE's crimes& Meadville, PA corruption... you look like DAVID STEPHANUCCI.


Uh-oh, sounds like a break up. *snicker*

August 18, 2011 11:07 AM

NEVER DATED HIM- HE IS MENTALLY ILL & was with ANGIE MCQUEEN copying me the whole time..

SNICKERS... He is an OBSESSED LISA FAN for over 3 years now, never ever ever getting a piece of ass from me, but paying for me, nad never experiencing my perfect kids.


You owe me MILLIONS from your CRIME ring on my wedding story.

NOTHING here is CIVIL=- your BITCH is a hooker trying to have kids for your real EDUCATED fiancee LISA ANN MICELI.

PRISON for all parites who ruined my wealth, my wedding & my baby stories.

I need to have my children now, not wait on a lunatic... like AL MAKTOUM.

RUINING MY MOMMY RIGHTS so you can have kids for me, at $20,000 or more a month is all CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...


She is wearing real AL MAKTIOUM rocks in bed with other men and bragging about it.. stalking her ex for sex and the RIDICULOUS.. and abusing the AL MAKTOUM name and credit cards and other men in the PUBLIC EYE and on drugs and drunk in the public eye as well.... all while claiming to be secretly wed to an AL MAKTOUM, which ever one I am with..

so first AHMED & then HAMDAN...

She has no resepct for you, so neither do I - she bedded you first.. making her a winner.. so I will copy that winner- it is my INFORMATIOn anyway.



Where is my money.. ASSHOLES?

RADIO, TV, AND BOOK DEAL next, THE AL MAKTOUM scndals.. until they pay me.. like they paid the others.. using my name and my wedding story.

OMAR HENRY offered me casgh for sex.... lol, lol, lol..

AL MAKTOUM did not divorce her did he? He is still over there with her.

She still wears her rocks... lol, lol, lol.

WHO cares, you love trash and abuse from USA women... or would have come to the right house and had a real PRINCESS LISA ANN MICELI wedding.

You fuck women from jail cells and metnal wards, hencde why I had to go to one pre DUBAI wedding... SICKOS.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli


WHY would you attack me with a group of people who claimed to be my trusted friends, lawyers and family?


YOU the fuck are you to talk to me like this in public?

AN Michael Jordan ASS WIPER?? Why are you fucknig a known hooker on my wedding story and tellnig me that she is a winner and a better mother than me... fucking other men in her fraudulent marriages??


Anonymous said...

Thanks anon@10:36pm. I certainly hope they do their homework over @ Anderson Coopers show so they will know who they are dealing with. I can't believe that Liesa would think they would actually put her on his show. She really does live on another planet to think they are going to take anything she says seriously. All they have to do is check the Meadville newspapers,the Meadville court system, numerous attorneys, etc. A link was sent ,to jennifer, to this site, that will definately give her an insight into the mind of Liesa.

Anonymous said...

I meant a link was sent to Stephanie.

Princess Lisa ANN MICELI said...


PARIS HILTON, ANGIE M CQUEEN, PAMMY, AND KELLY SCOTT, AND PEPE LAPUMA- at least $22 million per women.. for copyrights..
PLUS damages for thier performances.

Plus damages for invasion of privacy.... and insane PROSTITUTION.

Plus, damages for wasting 3 yrs of my mommy rights.

Plus, damages fro my failed wedding- ALL your fault.



Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YU admitted to damages,

Knew ANGIE had "dented tits"

RAj Jolly said in AUGUST 20009 she looked 5 months preggers.

You asked me if she was 3 months preggers or 8 months preggers... what a MISERABLE piece of shit fucking a hooker who was to be my trusted wedding witness pre wedding.. and then blaming me and stalling my real DUBAI wedding.


You are mentally ill.
WHERE and how many babies on my name now, that was 2009 & it is now 2011??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

You told me to give up custody of kids, that I do not have yet..

Where are they?


YOUR FAULT... stop harassing me and bashing me over your mental illlnesses.

I invited you to my house & told you the airports...
and directions to my housing.

You said that I live in a dsump.

EVER been there?

You say that I look a mess, ever see me in person?


I need to have my life back pre AL MAKTOUM.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU promised me everything.. I do NOTHING.. NOTHING.



Where is my property you already promised on here.

TREAT all wives, the same, fraud or not, and I bed whom I wish and you pay, lioke ANGIE MCQUEEN.

She canot block me from my own marriages, kids, money, etc, etc, etc, according to the DUBAI police.


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...


You are the record of 4 yrs plus more than jsut one man, AL MAKTUOM & Michael Jordan.

You will be in prison when I am done with you, AL MAKTOUM baby or not, NASTY FUCKING STALKING PIG- stop making me your focus BITCH-

YOU ARE INSANE to stalk another women over whom she dated and talks with online..

YOU need serious mental help.

GET off my blogs and stop targeting me.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

AL MAKTOOM, I want my money.

I know the "DUBAI is broke, not the SHEIKH" is what HH PRINCE HAMDAN said.

PAY me today.. 3 yrs of being stuck on a blog libeled is plenty of bullshit.

THE BULLSHIT is you.. on my name calling in my family and friends, to disrespect my AL MAKTOUM ROYAL wedding story and my baby story.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN the chances of you, ever having sex with me, are less than zero, you will rot in jail & mental health, before that happens.

SO, go fuck off & stop calling me to YOU TUBE to watch you copy me verbatim adn expecrt my lifestyle wioth AL MAKTOUM.

Go do your look a like threesome with MARTHA RAj's wife- you NUTCASE.

STOP calling me... PERIOD.

Stop calling LISA people and telling them that you are the new LISA & pay you... for being LISA.

You are insane... and getting ready to be arrrested & raided in your hiome, AL MAKTOUM children or not.

CALL my lawyers and ruin my money adn ruin my wedding adn still no ANGIE MCQUEEN or Kelly Scott lesbot sex from LISA ANN MICELI - STOP THE EXTORTION.

It is 20 yr in Meadville, PA and officers meet with me tomorrow at 1:30 pm in my home to help me arrest you both for your onlnie CYBER STALKING.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I was 34 when I met AL MAKTOUM.

STOP wasting my mommy years with insane people, Kelly Scott & ANGIE MCQUEEN and HOLLYWEIRD.

You owe me everything... why pay my clones... & how many? and how many times??


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I am calling ABU DHABI lawyers now.

Where is the contract to host this piece of shit wedding site? and whre are my babies?

coming from a hookers body & an insane online stalker???

They are violent threateners who calim CIA priviledges.. GOOD luck on your mental evals.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

LET me find out that MJ is abusive on here and asking for money from my fiancee when I was engaged, after putting in RESTRAINING ORDERS against me.

He will be in jail for life for PERJURY.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I was 34 when I met AL MAKTOUM.

STOP wasting my mommy years

At least ahem, "Al Maktoum" has strung Lisa around long enough`to keep her from breeding anymore. She ain't gettin any younger.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

WHY is ANGIE MCQUEEN having AL MAKTOUM children for me when her life is all fraud & she is a hooker & uneducated??

Why and how did she board a JET pre LISA ANN MICELI wedding & how is she blocking me now from DUBAI & having my own kids when HH PRINCE HAMDAN said I can have as many kids as I want.

She is not me.. I use me and my name and my emails not her.

When does this stalking and harassment stop?

when she got a boy and a girl from my family using my name and my wedding story?

When and where is the truth??

MAYA said that "where is my baby brother??" who is that?

and RAJ said she looks 5 months preggers and HH asked me if she is 3 months or 8 months preggers?

What is going on with my wedding witnesses and my DUBAI ROYAL FAMILY??

She got on the JET on my wedding story & went where & when and who paid? and what lawyers?

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Please send HAMDAN's entourage.

They can protect me from these cons ruining our lives & our money, out of greed & jealousy.

I cannot take the stalking and the bashing anymore- it is RIDICULOUS.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

AHMED is NOT Michael Jordan... so stop it.

Why are you bitching at me for asking for DNA TESTING..

You wanted me not to ask adn go for $5 million instead to not test, like KARLA KNAFEL.

STOP THE EXTORTIOn= LISA MICELI sex sites, for other women to bed whom is dating me.. WHO is doing this?

20 yrs is EXTORTION in Meadville, PA.

I do not tolerate anyone in my name.. wih no contract & no money and no crediting me.. THE USA LAW.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

and sing LISA - your fiancee's praises like a real man and a real fiancee.

She had her wedding in 2009... why is she still stalking and copying me in 2011 after our blogs went up to wed & have our own children.

When does she grow up & leave engaged/married women alone.. like me & MARTHA?

MJ WAS SEPERATED from JJ after 17 yrs of marriage and his infidelity.
You are saying LISA is ANGIe & ANGIE is LISA.. UNACCEPTABLE.

TIME to SMOKE pot HAMDAN... and tape it... whereever it is legal for ABSAM.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

YOU have plenty of real wives, and do not need my BFFS to have sex and breed with you, when we were engaged and planning our futures.

STOP CALLING LISA people, hang up on them, it is all crimes.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

HH PRINCE HAMDAN is a winner.

I will crawl back under my rock.

ABSAM is a loser, liar, con.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

WHICH term of womp are you referring to?

Please tell LISA people to get abortions and stop calling my fiancees for my children & my money.

Who all got preggers on my name & my AL MAKTOUM wedding story?

WHERE is your HOUSE for the truth?

Email me please.. how many LISA people are or were preggers on my AL MAKTOOm wedding story??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE MCQUEEn & RAJ JOLLY & Kelly Scott stop calling me onlnie for my money- GET A JOB & stop calling me a liar.

NEVER promised you anything but jail & mental health which prompted you to steal my id...

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

MJ AND HIS FANS AND HIS FAGGOTS, punishing me for having negaitve dna testing... GO FUCK YOURSELF.

I can have as many kids as I want with a real hubby.

STOP stalking me.

NEGATIVE tests, do not mean that I did not date him... I dated others as well, which is none of anyone's business.... and his punishment and stalking and blocking game mmust cease & desist.

I am sick of the Michael Jordan attacks, b/c he is a lunatic & unreasonable.

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN - I am not your script or asking for your support in exchange for one of my AL MAKTOUM children...

SO, SHUT up, SHUT DOWN, and please leave me and my AL MAKTOUM wedding alone.

Stop asking for my gifts for your YOU TUBE HOT UGLY MESS... and stop begging for sex and my kids from AL MAKTOUM.

Stop being mad at people with money, get a job doing more than $20 sex acts or EXTORTING from LISA ANN MICELI.



It is my AL MAKTOUM wedding and my AL MAKTOOM children.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

WHO TOLD THE MEADVILE, PA TRIBUNE that LISA ANN MICELI stalked MJ and is an OBSESSED fan, as you are going to prison for criminal, harassment and other crimes.. JUDGE or not, JUDICIAL STANDARDS COMMISSION.

I am writing a book to clear my name... you want to go to jail over my money- GO FOR IT.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I cannot stand MJ- he was to ber jailed for rape in AUGUST 1999... thanks you CORRUPT NC police- NOT.

STOP twisting my life..

ANGIE McQueen & Kelly Scott are obsessed NMHJ fans & stalking LISA when she moved on to AL MAKTOOOM & ANGIE MCQUEEN is stalking LIsa to AL MAKTOOOm now.

THESE ARE FALSE ACCUSSATIONS so stop ganging up on me for my money... and making insane threats.

Princess Lisa ANN MICELI

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

JOHN SPATARO and TOM LIWINSKI were not in NC when I dated MJ adn never interviewed or did discovery, jsut have negative DNA tests adn phone calls with legal threats.. they do not priactice NC law.

SO, SHUT UP and stop your insane treatment across legal cases, like I did not move on, when I have negative DNA TESTS... and a AL MAKTOUM wedding and a MICELI PRODUCTIONS BUSINESS and SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY PHD PROGRAM.

Meadville, PA legal justice lies to the MEADVILLe, PA TRIBUNE.. DELUSIONAL.

GET EVIDENCE.... phone calls, are HEARSAY.

You are all mentally ill, where you there? NO, NEVER.

did you put MJ on the stand?


Where do you get your information?

from their DELUSIONS an HALLUCINATIONS.. doctrors & JUDGEs and bizarre incompetent lawyers.



Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I hope MJ is mentally committed & jailed after my LIVE CNN TV INTERVIEW for asking for dna testing after dating him.

He cannot have it both ways, I am obsessed but have neg tests.. lol, I moved on then DUH??


He needs to listen to them to instruct them.

If I am crazy, then drop the charges, b/c I was not fit for trial DUH- AGAIN, you cannot have it both ways.

You are playing games on my name telling me you are insane and then I blamed for it.

STOP calling AL MAKTOUM using my name with the RIDICULOUS.

I want my own kids, not ANGIE MCQUEEN to have them for me.. so leave me alone.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa ANN MICELI said...




NO ACCEPTING GIFTS for me, for your so - called support.

You are insane.. not me.

I said no... to other women in the USA.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa,

In this life, you get what you deserve.
Deal with it.

The Universe

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

HH PRINCE HAMDAn & Princess Lisa Ann are having a baby girl, HAMDAN's choice.

I love him soo much.
I am sooo excited.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

DISORGANIZED THINKING in its finest, KJelly Scott & ANGIE MCQUEEN = mentally ill.

I will stalk you for your life and you get nothnig but my hate & jealousy in return.

WHAT? what kids of deal is that lunatic??


MJ adn I are over, with the dna testing.

I am wedding AL MAKTOOM.

AL MAKTOOM stop listening to the LISA lunatics.

Lisa is not going to jail or men tal health over MJ over and over again, for asking for media to be correct, dna testing to be correct, or my book to stop the media libel.

These are the USA laws..


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Michael Jordan said that he is sterile.. admitting to sex with LISA unprotected.

GET a clue.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Why would I libel the AL MAKTOUM name?

I would not.

Why would I make her the wedding witness the AL MAKTOUM? I would not.

This is id theft.

Lisa Miceli loves AL MAKTOOM.
Stop copying me verbatim ANGIE & stop gifting ANGIE please for doing this (copying me).

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I love the FAZZA skiing photos... especially the laying down ones... smiling, lol, lol.


Stop saying you are me, when you copy me, and expect my life (gifts, children, and media).

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

Dear Lisa,

In this life, you get what you deserve.
Deal with it.

The Universe

August 18, 2011 2:32 PM



I adore HH Prince Hamdan.

lol, lol, lol.

Say that to HH Prince Ahmed who conspired behind my back with ANGIUE to steal my media... to make her me and me her.. UNACCEPTABLE.

You are not MJ's Mistress & he is NOT psychic for you... it was and is my words.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Meadville, PA does not have an MJ story, for the press- they never met him in thier lives... DELUSIONAL people.

Lisa did... and they did not do my story.

Who was the source??

You steal from me in the media= USA laws, I get media.

You lie about me in the media, I get media = USA laws.

SO, that is why LISA has so much media offers.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

DANTE's privacy rights (his dna) are not Meadville, PA's MJ media or JOHN SPATARO's rights.. nothing but legal malpractice.

I have other things going on besides men and media...

So, please... I cannot keep up with internet rumors.

HH PRINCE HAMDAN - please go back & forth with HH Sheikh Ahmed to Meadville, PA until I am preggers.. as he tries with my BF and wedding witness ANGIE MCQUEEN.

You do not remember who you proposed to HH? It was and is LISA ANN MICELI.

You sent me the wedding dress.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli
Meadville, PA 16335


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

AHMED- ANGIE's body is not to be used from LISA's emails- why would you??

YOU need to be committed trying to get her preggers for 2 years while lying to me for 3 years.
WHERE is my locket? where is my RINGS? and why did you send me a wedding dress??

Why do you fly back & forth to the USA - for whom?

CARLA DIMARE... was my lawyer=- ANGIE is not LISA- no federal preggers suit & no MJ- she is the obsessed fan stealing and switching media & lies...

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

STOP saying that ANGIE is LISA for LISA's grand life...

AL MAKTOUM wedding

AL MAKTOOM children.

STOP your FUCKING games.. ANGIE is a lunatic ruining my gentle demeanor... my persona.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

WHERE is she getting the aRAB clothing, the scarfs & the material to attack me..

My private emails, CHUBBY??


What is your problem?

You are abusive to me constantly.

Why are you backstabbing me with ANGIE MCQUEEN? in the first place?


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

STOP FUCKING ANGIE MCQUEEN BEHIND MY BACK AN THEN in my face and asking me if she is preggers on my emails.

ANGIE is not LISA's body.. you prooosed to LISA.

You are mentally ill harassing me with my BFFs and ANGIE MCQUEEN.


Lisa Ann Miceli said...


What are you doing with my emails?


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

THIS WARRANTs mentla eval, not asking for dna testing of whom I dated or a police report for internet abuse.

GOD GOOD Meadville, PA.

ANGIE is not LISA in the bedroom to try and et preggers for LISA's wedding AL MAKTOOM.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...


I cannot go back in time to March 2009 when I trusted ANGIE,m made Las Vegas, NV plans and nshe showed up someone as if me..

MARCH 2009.. she was to help me wed AL MAKTOOM as my wedding witness.

STOP showing up at her house or her hotel or her airport for my children in her body.


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

STOP trying to get LISA stlakers preggers for LISA- are you insane?


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN's Las Vegas, NV wedding repulses me.. STOP fucking her with her daughter in the bed and libeling me..

It was my wedding and why was she with you, pre LISA wedding.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

THERE IS NO CASTING CALL on my life story, my wedding story or my baby stories.

HH Sheihk AHMED = stop paying for ANGIE's sex and making threats to me over her preggers.. and then bashing me when she is NOT preggers.

You are insane..

I am younger than her & you proposed to LISA for LISA's little girls.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...,_Los_Angeles

MY HOUSE with MEXICAN servants.. who bought it for me during 2007??

HH PRINCE HAMDAN? was it you?

Angie is back pedalling on my AL MAKTOOM soul mate/true love wedding story.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Who offered to get my hair done in Raleigh, NC?? & pay for it??

Who did you know my salon??

What year was that? 2005-2007?

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Who was esteemed one?

I was crying over my out of wedlock child... not YOU.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...,_Los_Angeles

who was REST CHEF CALI?? who was never ever ever mean to me?

Where did you want to meet me??
HH Sheikh MO, please let's meet over HH Prince Hamdan.

I promise to get out of the USA media... and be a lady, not a USA celebrity.

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

HH PRINCE HAMDAN, you said, I have old eggs.

HOW do you know? prove it..


You will have to gag this ITALIAN mamma in the ARAB media... lol, lol.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...
STOP trying to get LISA stlakers preggers for LISA- are you insane?

No, but you are.

Anonymous said...


...Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

STOP BASHING ME PLEASE.. the media/internet can ruin lives.
I know the pathetics feel better that they are not alone in misery, but I had and have a grand future.


Anonymous said...

You fuck women from jail cells and metnal wards,

Nobody is fucking you Liesa.

Anonymous said...


True dat. It is why you're fat.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

I am done with the ANGIE MCQUEEN drunken sailor talk.

Please forgive me.

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Anonymous said...

officers meet with me tomorrow at 1:30 pm in my home

Hooray! That means Ms. Moocow will take her biannual shower.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

CONTROLS please?

CHUBBY - email me the controls to this blog please.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...
CONTROLS please?

CHUBBY - email me the controls to this blog please.

Use Dante's Nintendo controls.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
You fuck women from jail cells and metnal wards,

Nobody is fucking you Liesa.

August 18, 2011 5:56 PM

You wish, MR CELEBACY.
One word for you, HAMDAN.

lol, lol, lol, but we do not know one another afterwards.
EVERYONE knows me as MJ's MISTRESS.... internationally.FUCK the diseased blondes, lol, lol... and then project unto me, CELEBACY or the need for it. lol, lol, lol.

YOU are insane AHMED.

I have no STDS - pure HAMDAN pleasure.

My emails full of ANGIE's back stabbing ar my courtship.. GET fucking real lunatic.

CHEAP wedding dress.


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE knows me as MJ's MISTRESS....

No one knows you as that. You are known as MJ's Stalker.

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

Anonymous said...
Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...
CONTROLS please?

CHUBBY - email me the controls to this blog please.

Use Dante's Nintendo controls.

August 18, 2011 7:28 PM

TISK, TISK, on my computer... are you? spying on me... for what?
Leave me son alone. He is asleep.
Where is HH Prince Hamdan?

PRAY ALLAH, you did not delete my hard drive of HAMDAN photos & emails. I love them.

He never swears. So calm.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...
EVERYONE knows me as MJ's MISTRESS....

No one knows you as that. You are known as MJ's Stalker.

August 18, 2011 7:47 PM

Why would I stalk a rapist? MONEY? the is my legal right.

Who are you on my blogs trashing me and making false accussations??
YEAH, I went to CUBA when I heard that he was engaged to YVETTE PIETRO, yeah right.

ANGIE is a stalking nutcase.
Why would she think that my emails and my courtship and my wedding and my jewerly are hers? and my money and my kids? HER phone?
She called me and owns my vpoice & my words?

I own my emails. My fingers typing. MY SCRIPT.
She cannot afford me to write for her or to use my contacts.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Post your marriage proposals. You don't even have to post them all, just one. There are none, huh?

August 17, 2011 8:18 PM

Anon, maybe the dog ate her proposals.

August 17, 2011 9:49 PM

YES, the disobedient dog on my computer needs whipped.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

Anonymous said...

True dat. It is why you're fat.

August 18, 2011 6:00 PM

ANGIE does not own this blog- go attack her- she got paid my money to shower.. more than ten times- only ten outfits on YOU TUBE- she may never shower but for YOU TUBE.


You stalked me to gift ANGIE MCQUEEN my life = INSANITY.

I asked = you bought= she benefited= AHMED is insane.


Princess Lisa Ann Miceli said...

LISA bashers, you are TRULY insane to come on LISA's blog to lift, steal or fight or bash me.

GO get a real job or a real hobby and move on from LISA.

I cannot stand you and you cannot stand me. MOVE on.

I do not know you. You do not post your real names and are cowards.

Just move on.


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

CONTROLS CHUBBY so I can block the insane commenters.
You owned and controlled this blog for over two years.
YAWN. I am ready for bed with a real man.

You owe me money for playing on here, nad have yet to pay me.

SO, I want to stop playing with you, for awhile CHUBBY.
My promised jewelry on another body and USA govt women looking for payoffs on here- insanity.

You were to pay for the BRIDE & the bride only- then no begger and slammers looking for free money.


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

WHO did you bed on my wedding night, EASTER 2009 - that she thinks that she is me.. and can speak for me and wear my stuff? and harass me with my own wedding story and my wedding jewelry???

Did I call when you were in bed with ANGIE MCQUEEN on one of my wedding nights??

Why the fraud and the back stabbing bullshit on my name and all of the libel??


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

How did you meet her? and why did you go to her house?
my wedding story in March 2009??

WHY the EXTORTIOnof me with a total stranger to you.. and my trusted BFF since July 2008???

Why is she in my CHINA media? any business there??

Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...


You are insane to fuck anyone else on my wedding night..

When did you meet her? and gift her my wedding rings that she was on camera MAY 2009?

You lied to me, the BRIDE and thne lied to the USA public... but set up this blog & bought me a wedding dress & called my LISA people.


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

PRINCE AHMED is a huge turn off.

THe controls please.
I have a new HAMDAN blog.


Anonymous said...

Why would you call yourself MJ's Mistress if he "raped" you? Do you ever tell the truth about anything? Do you realize how sick you are and how much you are hurting your son?

Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

Anonymous said...
Why would you call yourself MJ's Mistress if he "raped" you? Do you ever tell the truth about anything? Do you realize how sick you are and how much you are hurting your son?

August 18, 2011 8:24 PM

OMG, this is where the media tries to speak for LISA so you do not know LISA from the media. They, not me hurt DANTE, invading his privacy. I, the mother am going for JUSTICE for DANTE.
MJ hurt everyone by lying to the USA courts & to me and to others.

WHO hacked my accounts, with 100's of emails again gone???

HH SHEIKH AHMED cannot tell me from him mkaing him a sicko.
DID he trade me for ANGIE- every wedding story and every baby story?

Why is she is my promised custom cut jewelry and clothing when she was to be the wedding wiyness. She is in my money speaking for me illegally??

ANGIE who is going to apy for your MILLIONS and BILLIONS in mistakes ANGIE? OSCAR? RAJ? or DEVON? how much do you make? and it is my promised stuff??



Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

MY WRITINGS ARE NOT ANGIE or ANGIE's money- she did not pay me billions to write for her.

DUMBASS HH SHEIKH AHMED- you are insane.

Extortion is 20 yrs- ANGIE & AHMED.


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

ANGIE said that AHMED was and is OMG ugly... lol, lol she would know - she fucked him on my EASTER 2009 wedding wearing rings in the USA- polygamous bitch in the USA.

WHAT? whose wedding date was it? ?

who are you? and why are you in my face on your BFF's wedding night?

lol, lol, lol, lol, lol.

OMAR or AHMED whose dick is better? lol, lol, who was pencil dick??

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

FAKE SHEIKH.... where are my rings, it was my wedding proposal.

Why did you not tell crazy girl ANGIE- who the fuck are you talking to, asking me for real rings on LISA's wedding story, b/c you are wearing fakes?

did you pay for the dvd player you stole from DANTE in Sept 2008??

HH Sheikh HAMDAN & LISA are on the same wavelength.... everyday.


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

Anonymous said...
You said last night that you will expose some of the Sheikhs online marriage proposals.


August 18, 2011 6:29 AM

Why did he set up the blog and timing JAN 2010.. one year after our first wedding proposal JAN 2009??
EASTER 2009, sonmeone ruined my wedding by back stabbing me.. who was that?

How did she get my locket & chokers and rings?? & other stuff??


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

Anonymous said...
officers meet with me tomorrow at 1:30 pm in my home

Hooray! That means Ms. Moocow will take her biannual shower.

August 18, 2011 6:16 PM

HAMDAN's bath tub videos from me, are totally private.




Their TV SHOWS are horrible... get a fucking real life.



CARLA DIMARE AND ANGIE MCQUEEN in prison for my MACXH 2009 wedding with ABSAM- cannot wait for them in person changing costume jewelry for my real wedding JEWELRY.

WHAT A CROCK of shit.. that you would use my contacts to say the opposite of the truth... MARCH 2009.

ANGIE is he not who he says that he is... ? and then you are wearing my wedding jewelry begging for my stuff. WHAT is wrong with you??
You are begging and slamming me for MJ AND AL MAKTOUM money.. get a job fat cow.. and stop hooking to AL MAKTOOM.

That job was filled before you even heard of aL MAKTOOM.


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

It is a no go for aNGIE on my name or making any money at all or having any fame at all on my name.

She is nuts.. and jail or mental health.

KARMA is a bItch asking for payoffs or my wedding night and my jewelry, ANGIE and CARLA DIMARE.

I want your wedding night... where and when is it??


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

I promise HAMDAN a great life with me.


I am obedient to him.

CAN we raid ANGIE's home for my stuff from my wedding night she showed up for with MAYA coming out of a JET/airport terminal??


Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

WHY would aHMED meet with ANGIE on my wedding story? is she my mom?

Is she me to wear my wedding gifts?

ANGIE said that chubby never called her back = but she is wearing my promised wedding jewelry..

I called the DUBAI police for the stolen property.

ANGIE insane over my money, makes hher a con, not a good person who needs to be on TV in my wedding jewelry.

ANGIE=- you are not me.

Thank GOD for me.

You are insane to use my contacts and my private emails as if they are you.


Princess LISA ANN MICELI said...

AGHH.... my travel plans, when I was hacked. WHAT is going on?



Anonymous said...

Is she me

No. Ange would be you if she

got on welfare
lived in her parent's basement
pretended to have no kids
abdicated financial responsibility
moved to "Devil's Armpit, PA"
wasted her adult life on the computer
had no friends/lovers/cash/future

Jealous much, Prince-less Lisa?

(wow, word verification: disses)

Anonymous said...

Good one anon@10:45pm...LMAO

Anonymous said...

I don't get why you think you can sue anyone for invasion of your privacy and for libel when you have put it all out there. You really don't get it do you Liesa, do you? No one would know half of the disgusting things about you if YOU hadn't posted everything. You have only you to blame for it all. No one has lied about you. There just stories that you have told. You are the liar and always have been. From the true identity of Dantes father to all of these supposed proposals you say you have gotten from men you've never met. Along with numerous lies in between. Your life sucks so bad that you think lies will make it more interesting when infact it just makes you look like aq lying lunatic. That's the only thing you do well. And where are those wedding proposals? You keep ignoring that question. You say you have everything on your pc so lets see these 10 proposals you've gotten. There aren't any are there Liesa? Tsk Tsk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Liesa, but I am NOT Ange. I am just one of many as you say "anon slammers" but the truth is I, like the rest of the anons, are just people calling you out on your lies, delusions and harassment of innocent people. I don't post my real name because I do not want you harassing myself and my family. You have a long history of doing that and personally I wouldn't put up with it nor do I want to have to deal with you.

Princess Lisa ANN MICELI said...

WHERE is my money PRINCE AHMED??

This internet house has been up for 2 yrs.... and tyou asre inpregnating ANGIE vas if me....

Why are you foing this?

b/c she callled behind my back one time for my wedding story, as my witness??

why are you torturing me fo ANGIE? and telling her that my emails are her scriprt and her life to have kids with you.. as if me... and wed you as if me??

You need to be belted, you take other wines and do not confuse them....

I want my money....for 3 yrs you abused me for ANGIE MCQUEEN?????

One phone call and you cannot control you... despite 50,000 from LISA ANN MICELI.

How did you meet up with ANGIE MCQUEEN and not LISA ANN MICELI??

Why would you listen to ANGIE over LISA is LISA's own life??? I am not a slave ad you ruined millions of LISA's personal wealth.

How is she acting out my emails as if me... from one phone call behind my back???

ANGIE is not LISA.. . she tried to have chilren on my name- why are you lovely to this piece of shit ANGIE and call LISA the piece of shit but it is all my emails? and she is in bed with other men???

you are abusing m e for what reason?

Were is my house and my cars and my clothing & my cash??
Where is it?

You promised me on here.. WHAT PRINCESSS wants she gets ... EVERYTHING.

WHERE is my money??
Why are you stalking me and gifting my information and all of my emails to ANGIE MCQUEEN?

why would you gift her my children on my wedding story or bed her on my wedding night so she spoke for me messing up my legal cases and my business deals and people call me insane.. b/c of her stalking and stealing my life??

Why are you so disloyal to me.. but not with ANGIE McQUEEN...????

Why am I waiting three years for my money???
You wanted my timer for having chidlren- pay up for the last 3 yrs...



Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

If he does not pay me, I do not want him, so you pig females are liars...

when does ANGIE MCQUEEN take care of her AL MAKTOUM kids.. that came from using my name behind my back? and who else has kids??

Where is my rock and my house and my car- not just for women using my name behind my back???

He told me to stay online all day, like ANGIe nad Kelly SCOTT and say it is NOT you, it is me... untiol you sound insane.... and then HH pays everything to LISA.

SCREAM at my about a total stranger to you, but my fiancee, AL MAKTOUM and beg for my money- and he will gift it all back to me.. b/c of LOGIC.....

I have my own kids... not you.

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

Anonymous said...

One thing that the lying liar doesn't lie about is date & time of some fearsome consequence that's coming her way. Like criminal court proceedings, psych eval deadlines, etc.

So I wonder what the cops are coming to her folks' place for at 1:30 today. Is she back to harassing them again? Raising hell on Grove Street? Bothering the judge & prosecutors? Whatever, she sure has been acting panicky on here.


Anonymous said...
Sorry Liesa, but I am NOT Ange. I am just one of many as you say "anon slammers" but the truth is I, like the rest of the anons, are just people calling you out on your lies, delusions and harassment of innocent people. I don't post my real name because I do not want you harassing myself and my family. You have a long history of doing that and personally I wouldn't put up with it nor do I want to have to deal with you.

August 19, 2011 12:36 AM

GET OFF MY BLOGS- not your family or your information.



ABSAM is insane... he is going to jail.

You gave up control of my life to ANGIE MCQUEEN and she is trying to wed you on my wedding nights nad get preggers with you in my face for my money.. INSANITY.

You need to be in jail or mentally committed... b/c ANGIE's body is not LISA's body.. stop harassing me and my own emails are for me.. not ANGIE or other bloggers.



You do not own LISA- pay for LISA now.

AHMED will go to jail for you women who are drunk wanting my kids for me for my money???


Anonymous said...

The above doesn't even make sense. You are crazy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The above doesn't even make sense. You are crazy.

August 19, 2011 2:19 AM Boy..Ain't that the truth..

Anonymous said...

From what I gather, through her ramblings, is that she has contacted Meadville Police and written to Fred Sperling which is a HUGE NO NO and I am sure other people she isn't suppose to contact. She just loves to see how far she can push people. For some sick and twisted reason she thinks she's untouchable. You'd think she'd realize she isn't after spending time in jail a couple times in the last 2 or 3 years. But then again, it isn't her fault as everyone is making up false charges against her and picking on her. Good God....The woman can't take responsibility for a single thing she does. Just the other day she called, on here, MJ the n word and then denied she did it. Total whack job. Poor Poor Dante!!

Anonymous said...

And again for the umpteenth time this is Chubbys blog. He/she is NOT Ahmed or any other Royal. Chubbs did not set this blog up for you. Ahmed, or Hamdan or whoever else you may think you're engaged to is not reading this blog and communicating with you through it. They don't know you. If they did why do you constantly post your ph#s and address for them to contact you, beg for them to come to your house, meet you in a hotel, restaurant and on and on? Then you demand things from them like jewelry, clothing, a jet, money and more. What a catch you aren't. I know everyone I have ever dated knew my # and address. In fact my husband, before we got married, when he was my fiance knew where I lived, where my family lived and all our ph#s. Crazy, huh???? In fact we had met face to face a few years before we became engaged and actually dated.
I know you can't relate to any of that since it has been years and years since you actually dated anyone in person.

When are you going to show us your wedding proposal(s) from at least one of the many men who have asked for your hand in marriage? But then they don't exist do they? Or were they conveniently "hacked" like everything else? Liesa your lies are your downfall. You don't seem to know what the truth is and what it isn't.

You will always be a lone Liesa as no man would ever want a woman like you. You have no redeeming qualities. Never have I ever been so disgusted with another human being like I am with you. You really are an embarrassment for womankind.

Anonymous said...

Liesa...You don't have kids. You have ONE child and hopefully he will end up being raised by someone who is sane and loves him. NOT YOU! With you and all the lies you tell the poor kid he doesn't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I knew it was something since she's going more haywire than her twisted "normal". But I don't see what a sit down with the cops will do...unless they bring a strait jacket.

Anonymous said...

GET OFF MY BLOGS- not your family or your information.


August 19, 2011 1:26 AM

Nope...I'm not going anywhere. Like I keep telling you. It is NOT your blog and I can post here as much as I want.

Anonymous said...

Whoops I meant thanks Anon 4:05

Anonymous said...

You keep going on and on posting links to Youtube vids that were made over 2 years ago and have nothing to do with anything. She doesn't talk about you any longer. She may be a little crazy but it appears, at lease, she has moved on. You just can't handle people moving on without you in their lives. That's pretty pathetic.

Princess Lisa Ann MICELI said...

STOP trying to have kids on my name, nice bar in the garage, ALCOHOLIC much on the videos.. who would want you for the mother of thier kids- crying & dirty looking kids and calling for the dad to take them from you.. & nannies doing the rest, while you get drunk and get online and smear people and ask for money and for their families instead of getting a real job.

STOP calling AL MAKTOUM... he has other families who he promised everythning and you lied and back stabbed.
How did you fly to him with RAJ and OSCAR's money, what job do you have? and how does he fly to you, when he was to be at my house?

who is paying for you to have kids for me?

why are you a racist to DANTE? my son? he does not see a dad thanks to you. and you ruined my legal cases by controlling them online- "even Stephen".

You own me ANGIE- NO, I own you and your kids to jail and put in STATE's CUSTODY as you are insane and unfit, using my own money to have my kids for me nad make threats to me.. over my real family.

Your marraige is a fraud, hence why other men are in your bed and you are not to bed an AL MAKTOUM not wed.

Prince Hamdan chose LISA asa his mommy, clean, and sober and healthy and not smearing people & making her own money.. and loving on her kids and her kids loving her.. not abusing one another.

Why would I be sitting her when AL MAKTOOM has BILLIONS to fly me and allegedly flies ANGIE and pays for ANGIE's tickets with MAYA, her daughter?? or her family for my June 2009 wedding???

It is me, ANGIE- not you... you are trying to get pregnant on my private emails... asking him to fly to the wrong house since March 2009.

NO, ANGIE, LISA has a new house, hence why there is a house on this interent site, we need a new realtor, who is professional and will not hook to my fiancee.

He is ugly but rich.

HAMDAN is gorgeous, and he will be wearing a burqua to protect us from USA idiots.
lol, lol, lol, lol.

He does not need an older woman than me to have kids for me. Why would he??

3 yrs, let's hope I can still have kids after Prince AHMED's abuse- he acts like he does not have more than one wife that the chubby account was not LISA- but ANGIE and he is insane.



Anonymous said...

get drunk and get online and smear people and ask for money and for their families instead of getting a real job.

lol yeah when are you gonna stop doing that shit lisa???

p.s. Don't you have a bunch of lies to get straight before the appointment with cops?

Anonymous said...

HAMDAN is NOT a cheater.
He does not need an older woman

That's why he will marry one of his beautiful young cousins.

Anonymous said...

All that any tv producers would have to do, to know that they're dealing with a nut, is look at who she is following on Twitter. Global Jihadists, Al Quaeda, and...Queen Elizabeth?! Look out Anderson - you made her list!!

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