Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sending an email from the hospital?

Unfortunately, I have received an email from LM dated from this past Sunday. If indeed she is still under the care of a mental facility, they have failed her, her family, her community & her child a great deal. This would mean someone gave her access to the Internet, or that she is out & hasn't learned one damn thing from this ordeal. She sent an email with the same ole', same ole'. I will give it a little time to see if this continues before i decide to post it. SHAME SHAME SHAME!


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Anonymous said...

If you only got one email then I'd have to say she's not out but wheedled access from someone. We need to just sit back & wait for the email bombs. If they don't start then we'll know it was a fluke because she has no self control & being locked away & denied access would be the only way she'd ever stop.

Anonymous said...

Or mama is emailing for her to give the impression that her little princess is still in the basement and not in the nuthouse. Gotta keep up those appearances!

Anonymous said...

It is pretty sad that she reaches out to a total stranger from her delusional pretend life. You would have been her phone call from jail if she had your number.
This really shows how sick she is after months of treatment.

Anonymous said...

I know it is sad to say but at this point i really dont think she is helpable.

To much time has past & she appears to be to far gone.Maybe if they would of gotten her help when she first started with the symptoms of mental illness, she wouldnt be as bad as she is now.

She does not think she has a problem. When she gets out whats going to keep her on her meds?

Anonymous said...

I agree it could be Sandy, but if she were doing it to keep up appearances she'd need to step it up a few notches. Lisa would never have the restraint to send only one email. Wonder if anyone else got one?

Notdafakecm said...

Nah, its def LM. She even cc: all the regulars she bombarded with emails. There was a 2nd email from today where she named a contact person for me to let know that she is moving to Dubai. She alson named the days in which she would be able to check her email. Visiting days, perhaps? Some idiot allowing her to use their phone maybe? She also mentioned that she will be there until March sometime. According to her, the family is appealing this.

Anonymous said...

The house on Grove Street is up for sale. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The house on Grove Street is up for sale. Interesting. gives it's value estimate at $93,000.

Hmmmm...maybe the whole family is moving to Dubai.

Anonymous said...

It is so sad that the family has to move because of Lisa. Perhaps if they had dealt with her problems head on, they could continue to live honorably in a community that their family has lived in for so long.

Hopefully, new surroundings will be good for Dante.

Anonymous said...

There's pictures too! Even one of the infamous computer!

Anonymous said...

Wrong house
She lives at 962. You show 956.
Maybe that's her relatives house.

Anonymous said...

Nope , not the right house.

The vids she posted showed her parents house is not in mint condition. It wasnt brick either.

Remember those weird big brown stains on the ceiling & walls.

Anonymous said...

I bet its the home of the neighbors she threatened in the first place. I'd move the HELL away from her too!

Anonymous said...

@10:37 LOL.
Sorry, to post the wrong house, but I can't find a listing for 962. And I agree, I'd move as far away from those people as I possible could!

Anonymous said...

She also mentioned that she will be there until March sometime. According to her, the family is appealing this.

January 19, 2012 8:55 PM

Her family is appealing the treatment? So not surprised. It is much easier to blame strangers on the internet than to focus on the real issues.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if notifying the hospital that she is at that she is emailing you , if in fact they are harassment-like emails. Do you know what hospital she's in? I don't want to know, just wondering if you do. Or maybe report them to her probation officer(if she has one).

It's just so wrong that she basically gets away with some of the same shit she got away with before she got locked up. What is wrong w/the mental health and judicial organizations in Meadville? As usual my concern is Dante. I just want the little guy to be happy and safe.

So chubbs, what do you think? Am I off base? Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, THIS is the right home. Believe me. It is a brick home, and her Dad sat on the swing on the left many times.

And yes it is sad that they have to move, they should have acted long long ago to get Lisa help.
But for sure this IS the home.

Anonymous said...

How can it be the right home if you are giving the wrong address? She made sure we all knew what her address was & you posted a link to the wrong house. If you're so sure, then what realtor are they using?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nope they only have a listing for 956. That's not her house.

Anonymous said...

Zillow doesn't actually have her house for sale on it's site, it just gives an estimate for what the house is worth based on alot of variables.

The computer shown isn't Lisa's from her basement and unless they have had a decorator come in and paint and wallpaper, and add new/different furniture, then that is NOT the Miceli house which she did all her cellphone vids in.

Anonymous said...

I agree, NOT her house.

Anonymous said...

I am the person who posted the link to the WRONG house. The person who said this is the right house is someone else.

Anonymous #23556

Anonymous said...

It's not a big deal about whether this is or is not the house.
Either the Miceli's are moving or they aren't.

The important thing is that Lisa gets help, preferably in a medical/psychiatric facility. And more critical, is that Dante receive the very best oppurtunities for a healthy and happy life.

Anonymous said...

No, it isn't important if it's the right house or not. but i just had to toss my $.01 in. The kitchen floor is completely different. The Miceli floor is a light tile floor and this house doesn't have that. Plus, like someone said, the address to the house that is for sale is not the Miceli home. Sorry, but I just had to say that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if it sounded like I was being snarky. I just meant that it wasn't any problem if you posted the wrong address or the wrong house because no need to apologize.

It's understandable, with the number of trolls who latch on, that we like to be as clear as possible about who we are as opposed to who they are.
Who we are, are the ones who actually want the best for Dante and for Lisa to receive the mental help that she has been denied and so obviously and desperately needs.

No need to explain who they are.

Anonymous said...

Anon @6;35 am., It's me anon@ 2 :56 am. It wasn't I that posted the address. I was just posting that the kitchen was diff. No hard feelings here. It does get confusing when there are trolls coming here to stir the pot tho, That we agree on. Everyone use to post "names" so you knew or at least had an idea who was posting but since the trolls and LMs threats most of us quit posting our "names". Only the "brave" ones continued to post their names or IDs or whatever. Anyhow it use to be Not so much now.

Anonymous said...

Shame, shame on all of you.

Joyful1218 said...

Anonymous said...
Shame, shame on all of you.

Says who? I feel no shame.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, shame for what? Why would any of us feel shame? Unless you are talking about Liesa's family then yes they might be shamed by her actions.

Anonymous said...

You must feel really guilty about something anon@9:18 to act the way you do. I have nothing to be ashamed of nor does anyone else who has been posting here with their concerns for Dante etc.
Shame on you for bringing your idiotic remarks here.

Anonymous said...

If she's been committed until March, wonder if she's at the 'ole Warren State Hospital? The local inpatient unit doesn't usually maintain a patient for 4-6 months.

Although irrelevant, the Miceli's house is yellow and located directly next to the brick house in the listing being discussed.

For what it's worth...

Anonymous said...

Keep it up children, so i can forward a link to Erie Office.

Sounds to me like you all are victimizing this may have good intentions, but you are likely doing more harm than constant mentioning of this child's family..You are hurting the child.

Remember no one is really anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Oh PLEASE do. Maybe it will expose the enormous inaction and inability to help Dante by anyone with seemingly the power to do so for all these years. So run along and do that.

Anonymous said...

Knock yourself out. Make sure they see all the filth his Mom has written about him for the last 7 years. We have done nothing to jeopardize the child. Your empty threats are laughable. I could care less if the Erie Attorney general knows who I am.

yabba dabbadoo said...

chubbs, I think you might be right that someone's letting her access the internet on visiting days. I have to wonder why they think that's remotely good for her.

Is the contact person she wants you to get in touch with about Dubai a real live person or one of her imaginaries? Just curious...

I really hope they're able to keep her in and medicated long enough to get her at least stable. There is a limit though, because there's no such thing as a lifetime commitment.

And proactively to the trolls that always come out of the woodwork at this point...

Please save your lame "legal" threats and weak insults about how we should all feel so ashamed, are horrible people, should be worried about the authorities finding out who we are, etc.

No one cares about your threats.

Anonymous said...

Explain how Dante is being hurt by our comments here? Does he have access to this blog? If so then shame AGAIN on the Miceli's for not having parental blocks so that he can't read this.

Considering how lax the authorities have been thus far in getting the real harm to Dante securely isolated from him, and in light of the fact that the only evil and harmful things said about or to Dante have been from his own mother, I feel comfortable with the trolls sending anything to anyone.

Joyful1218 said...

LOLOL Children? Please, feel free to send them my info. I've done nothing wrong. Responding to statements and endless unsolicited emails is not bullying. Plus, why are you even mentioning Dante? Nobody here has ever contacted him. The only nasty things ever said about the poor kid have come from his "mother." We've never asked her to describe his "kiwis" or his "hard-ons" but she has told the whole world about them over and over again. She talks about him being sick all the time and that he soils his pants quite often. If anyone should be reported...and believe me she's his "mother." Children? You are the only one on here acting like a child. Seriously, grow up. You're pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Ron, so much for your intervention,you just proved to the doctors that you have made erronous statements. Didn't you tell them that she was writing to herself? Thank you for your help. By keeping this blog going it has done so much to help Lisa to clear herself. Lisa sent e-mails to chubbs and he chose to cut and paste to make her appear even crazier. Keep up the good work. You will eventually get what you deserve for all of your efforts. I'm sure you will be rewarded and all of your little helpers too.

Anonymous said...

HUH??? Who is Ron? Chubbs didn't post any of Lisa's emails since she has been in treatment.

Anonymous said...

TROLL....TROLL....TROLL....sitting under his bridge.

yabba dabbadoo said...

" has done so much to help Lisa to clear herself."

Clear herself of what? She is mentally ill. She has elaborate, longstanding and wide ranging delusions. She believes she can control the weather, that she communicates long distance with people through her mind alone, that Osama bin Laden was driven by his love of her, that she is the fiancee of a middle eastern shiekh.

She believes "Who's the Boss" was based on HER LIFE. She believes the Tool Time girl was based on HER LIFE. She believes a Paris Hilton TV show "stole her life". She believes she is due royalties and license payments for all of these "infringements". She filed a FREAKING LAWSUIT against Paris Hilton, MTV, etc.

Have you READ that lawsuit?

No one, including Lisa, can "clear her" -- she is mentally ill, probably schizophrenic. The only thing that can make her better is MEDICATION AND INTENSIVE TREATMENT.

But as usual, anon, you and people like you are the reason she may never get better, because you just won't accept that she has a mental illness. You'd much rather pretend that her problems are all caused by someone else. That is also a delusion.

Anonymous said...

Lisa sent e-mails to chubbs and he chose to cut and paste to make her appear even crazier.

What about all the vile shit she posted, herself, on these pages? Minute after minute, for hours, even days on end. Stop blaming the world for her issues. Blame her and her parents for allowing her to become the monster she is, that she became long before she stepped foot in High School.
As far as your insinuation to "Ron"...surely you don't mean "R.A", who tried to help Dante, by getting his mother the much needed mental health care that her true support system so negligently abandoned, even shunned. What'samatter troll? Did someone uncover some scary truths about one of Meadville's self proclaimed finest families? That little boy needed to be out of that toxic environment a loooong time ago. Prayers that he is now.

Notdafakecm said...

Can I just say AMEN to Yabba! You are so on point, always. & 7:25, Joyful & all the awesome Anons summed up everything I want to say, but better. There is no way a reasonable human being couldn't filter through this heap of bullish & see the truth for what it is. But I guess the operative word is REASONABLE.

As Far as the R.A. person is concerned, 8 believe he was going above & beyond trying to help out Meadville resident Faux-Mistress. I doubt very seriously if anyone can make LM look like anything other than what she was raised to be.

From my latest email, I gather that someone else (I'll call that person M.) has fallen for the okie-doke & has allowed her to email me from their personal email address. As history has shown time & again, those who are unfortunate enough to believe for a nanosecond her fairytales, often become the next target of her wrath when she can't get what she want. This will not end well for you. Please stick to doing your job objectively, and don't become another character in her web of hot mess.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Yes RA the the very same. The one who is a child advocate with no children of his own. Who knew that if he kept up the charade with chubby so she would get angry. Poor little AM the ,I'm so frighten, is going to use that phrase once too often. She used it against her husband,to get a cheaper apartment,Lisa,who knows many times? There is such a thing as freedom of speech in this country. It is not exclusively for this little group of small minded trolls.When do you stop? There doesn't appear to be much difference. Pushing someone to the breaking point.How proud you must be, since some of you work in human services and know just what to say. Just because these wonderful, caring, child advocates, civic minded, citizens have their say really does not make it the truth. What goes around,comes around. Watch all the hate and ill feelings harbored here doesn't come back and hit all of you in the face. Then who will have the last laugh? Chubbs, Lisa had all of your e-mails put on a flash drive,because you kept deleting them.

Anonymous said...

What, RA gets paid for what he does and he gets paid for being the child advocate. Nothing like job security I always say. Oh, by the way,Lisa is not on welfare. Sorry to disappoint those of you who do work for the state or on welfare.

Anonymous said...

The family owns several houses in the area what business is it of yours if they decided to sell one???? The value of which is $169K Wrong again.

Anonymous said...

Angelique,why keep this up ? Having too much fun.? The gig is up something Sherlock would say

Anonymous said...

Chubbs sais "Please stick to doing your job objectively, "

Chubbs does this mean someone who is employed by the p. hosp. is the one letting her use their email account ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yes RA the the very same. The one who is a child advocate with no children of his own. Who knew that if he kept up the charade with chubby so she would get angry. Poor little AM the ,I'm so frighten, is going to use that phrase once too often. She used it against her husband,to get a cheaper apartment,Lisa,who knows many times?

Can you explain this better? You keep switching between male & female for the same person?
L is the husband of AM ?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone understand any of that?

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon 12:35. I thought it was only me who didnt understand it.

Anonymous said...

Is the troll saying that Chubby is Ange? Is this the old I know who you are game again?

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way,Lisa is not on welfare. Sorry to disappoint those of you who do work for the state or on welfare.

January 25, 2012 11:07 AM

Her PA ACCESS card said differently.

Anonymous said...

The family owns several houses in the area what business is it of yours if they decided to sell one???? The value of which is $169K Wrong again.

January 25, 2012 11:13 AM

Oh know damn well you'll never see $169,000 for that house. Look how long the neighbor's has been on the market. It's twice as big, twice as nice and doesn't come with any of the hateful, rascist, delusional juju that has seeped into your dwelling.

Anonymous said...

Is the troll saying that Chubby is Ange? Is this the old I know who you are game again?

January 25, 2012 1:11 PM

That's what I got from it. Which is laughable due to the fact that Ange is almost as batshit bonkers as LM. There's no way Chubb=Ange. Way too sane and rational. Plus, Ange couldn't keep up a blog for this long about anything but herself. She's much too narcissistic to make even 5 minutes about someone else.

Anonymous said...

Ange has every right to be extremely frightened of LM. LM has threatened her and her kids, phoned her dozens of times(probably hundreds) a day, stalked her online repeating anything involving AM, called her exes and their places of business, repeatedly made sexual and abusive comments about her children, made false police reports against her, said AM killed her own Aunt, etc.... If I was AM I would have gotten a restraining order against LM a long time ago. LM deserves to be in jail for her criminal behavior towards Ange and her family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Angelique,why keep this up ? Having too much fun.? The gig is up something Sherlock would say

January 25, 2012 11:31 AM

No you are 100% wrong. Reaching much Sandy?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to why you supported Lisa when she went to court saying MJ was Dante's father? Lisa herself admitted she was only after his money. Her also admitted one night stand occured in 1999 and Dante is only 7. Then on video Lisa shows you again going along with her imagined relationship with a Sheikh in Dubai. Even Dante refused to play along. Yet you did. Why?

Anonymous said...

Lisa didn't need to "be pushed to a breaking point". She has been long gone for over a decade. Thank God she is getting treatment now, no thanks to her mother, before she physically harmed someone or herself.
No one on this site is responsible for Lisa's actions. Pathetic of you to say so. Being jailed 2,3 times for weeks couldn't even deter her. There is no stopping that out of control train wreck.

Anonymous said...

The value of which is $169K Wrong again.

Troll is more intent on informing about the alleged value of property, then the therapy/care Lisa is getting.

If the Troll is Sandy, this is just another pathetic attempt to deflect all responsibility for contributing to Lisa's mental illness; when guilty, change the subject.
The reality is that Lisa is now documented as ill and unless she can live an exemplary life without psychotic episodes, she is destined to be institutionalized over and over again throughout the rest of her life.
All the property and all the alleged wealth, connections and status in the community is NOT going to thwart what has been set in motion by Lisa herself.

Anonymous said...

Chubbs, Lisa had all of your e-mails put on a flash drive,because you kept deleting them.

January 25, 2012 10:52 AM

According to who? Lisa? Hahaha. Lisa sent out a 1000+ emails for every one telling her to leave them alone that she received. Have fun deciphering through all her narcissistic, psychotic babble.

Anonymous said...

AM isn't married either one of them. She or better yet both of them just sleep with the dudes. One who started this and the other who just likes to stir the shit and act innocent. What did I just say? It actually fits them both Ca and Pa.

Anonymous said...

One would believe there is an expert on here or do you just pull your diagnosis out of that area you sit on, I would rather think it is the latter.No (respectable) professional would jepordise their career.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has given plenty of material to work with on this blog. Anyone with an afternoon to waste and even a modicum of psych knowledge could be an expert on her. You're wasting your time trying to convince anyone that she isn't a monster. Might I suggest you join a support group? Or hell, check yourself into whatever facility has the current grace of her presence...they seem to be a bit more receptive to delusions and false grudges.

Anonymous said...

AGAIN, Chubby has zero to do with Ange. You would know that if you actually read some of these posts. NO connection (except they were both harassed by LM).
I'd guess Lisa herself was Chubby before I thought AM or her exes was.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The correct spelling would be jeopardize.

I just pulled that out of my Mensa IQ.
I'd love to see your credentials, Anon@ 4:42

sweetwater said...

Here you go Anon @8:44 PM.
You're welcome Anon @4:42

World English Dictionary

jeopardize or jeopardise (ˈdʒɛpəˌdaɪz)

— vb

to risk; hazard: he jeopardized his job by being persistently unpunctual

to put in danger; imperil
jeopardise or jeopardise
— vb

Anonymous said...

sweetwater said...
Here you go Anon @8:44 PM.
You're welcome Anon @4:42

World English Dictionary

jeopardize or jeopardise (ˈdʒɛpəˌdaɪz)

— vb

to risk; hazard: he jeopardized his job by being persistently unpunctual

to put in danger; imperil
jeopardise or jeopardise
— vb

January 25, 2012 9:26 PM

LOL! You just got PWND!

Anonymous said...

lol. I don't know up from down reading all this!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This game is fun!

Anonymous said...

Geesh....Lisa made more sense than this troll.

Anonymous said...

@9:26 & 10:07

Please read 4:42's comment again:
Anonymous said...
One would believe there is an expert on here or do you just pull your diagnosis out of that area you sit on, I would rather think it is the latter.No (respectable) professional would jepordise their career.

January 25, 2012 4:42 PM

The word is spelled JEOPARDIZE.
If you actually read my comment, that is what I pointed out; NOT the meaning of the word.

So, who exactly is owned?

Anonymous said...

next time engage your brain before commenting or GTFO

Anonymous said...

The anons were so stupid they thought you were refering to the use of "s" instead of "z" in the spelling.


Anonymous said...

No only sweetwater did and one anon. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Correct you are @7:54.
I lumped sweetwater into the anons.
my bad

Anonymous said...

I miss Lisa....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

losers are still at it i see......

Anonymous said...

If by losers you mean Sandy & her trolls then yes you would be correct

ME said...

Anonymous said...
losers are still at it i see......

January 26, 2012 9:56 AM

And you are here why? Still at it, huh?

Anonymous said...

Just losers,and hate mongers keeping up the BS so they have some entertainment in their lives.
Just a bunch of iodiots pulling a diagnosis out of the air not a DMS4 real experts.!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just losers,and hate mongers keeping up the BS so they have some entertainment in their lives.

Yep, definitely talking about Sandy & the trolls

ThisIKnow said...

Just a bunch of iodiots pulling a diagnosis out of the air not a DMS4 real experts.!!

January 26, 2012 12:40 PM

Really iodiot? Who is the idiot? You make no sense. You must be the same "iodiot" who thought jeopardize was spelled jepordise.

Anonymous said...

"... a DMS4 real experts.!!"

Okay...I seriously did just laugh out loud. Perhaps what you're trying to say is "DSM-IV" or 4 will work too. What grade are you in? I know you're not Sandy, bc even though she's clueless where it concerns how to raise a meaningful, productive child, she is a nurse and would be able to identify the book that sits in every hospital and doctors office on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Just losers,and hate mongers keeping up the BS so they have some entertainment in their lives.
Just a bunch of iodiots pulling a diagnosis out of the air not a DMS4 real experts.!!

Once again, may I reiterate; the only person who has ever mentioned/manifested HATRED is Lisa. She has repeatedly declared her hatred of Alyssa Milano, Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and even Sheikh Ahmed. Her repetitive hate speech about Michael Jordan, his wife, his girlfriend, his lawyer etc. is liberally laced throughout this blog.
Nonetheless, if it bothers you to read the truth about Lisa simply do not come to this site. It really is that simple.

I do not care what your opinion is of me just as you don't care what my opinion is of you.
Lisa is currently institutionalized.
She will either be released or held.
If she is released, she will either flourish and thrive with whatever help she can receive, or she will fail and pay whatever price is required.
If this is not the case, I welcome your coherent assessment of what you think is going on/going to happen.

Anonymous said...

You left a boatload of people off the Lisa hate list. I'll try to fill some important gaps starting with: her own parents! She said the most horrific things about the very people who housed, fed and clothed her well into her 30's (and her kid too) protected/enabled her, even when it became a threat to their own and the aforementioned kid's ability to live a normal life. Let's see, then there's Ange and her children, and all the sick twisted fantasies she imposed upon them. She's said foul things about her brother, his fiancee and her father, the judges, lawyers (including her own), police, probation officers, caseworkers, shrinks, all the "Kelly's", people who befriended her or for whatever dumb reason stood by her for decades. I mean, the list could go on for days. It's not just the famous people she had it out for. Many were real people who she had access to, some even under the same roof. Sad that it took her threatening some hotshot former lawyer's daughter to finally get her stopped. Even more sad that she clearly isn't getting the help she needs, will be back at it soon and the family will likely again do nothing to stop her. Hopefully, the boy is far from the family.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad there are people who want to continue this harassment of someone who has done immeasurable damage to themselves trying to counter all the nasty comments. So much so that she will never be able to work again and be on disability. This site is like watching children making fun and throwing stones at a disabled person walking down the street.Sad.The differenc is you are adults and should know better.

Anonymous said...

Lisa hasn't held a job since before Dante was born. She doesn't want to work. She has (mis)spent her time trying to find a wealthy man to support her; Guy, Keith, MJ and then Ahmed.

She threw stones and nasty comments to more people than can be counted. Why is she exonerated from her childish, cruel,sick behaviour?

She is ill and probably has been for a very very long time. She would have eventually been dealt with either in this manner or by being incarcerated.

It's lovely and altruistic of you to come here and talk about what we have done, but we called her on every lie, we told her to get help, people behind the scenes tried to get her family to step up to the plate to no avail.

Where were you and what exactly did you do to get help for her?

The bottom line is that she is where she belongs and others are safer for it, most especially her son.

Anonymous said...

Disability because people told her how it is? Or disability because she has a host of mental issues? Because I know how hard it is to get disability assistance. They dont give it out for internet fights.

Anonymous said...

WHO ON THIS CRAZY BLOG KNOWS LISA PERSONALLY? MAYBE at one time was a girlfriend who would hang with her, or maybe some of you are actual workers for human services of meadville, mental health workers who seem to know WAY TO much personal stuff of lm that only certain workers would have ACCESS to which i would not think they would be so stupid because i'm sure they would be FIRED and probably would be FRONT PAGE NEWS themselves!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Blogs are not crazy, people are.

Anonymous said...

anon@ January 28, 2012 8:31 PM:

Are you kidding me?? This just proves YOU haven't read this blog or anything else LM has put out there. LM has told EVERYTHING about herself from her dance certificates at age 3 to her sexual desires with strangers. She didn't hold back a thing! She posted videos of all her personal papers/info and court documents. You are the CRAZY one to come on here with such accusations. You also seem like you are about to snap.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the THOUSANDS of emails she has bombarded people full of redundant personal info about herself, her family and her victims.

Anonymous said...

It is like talking to Lisa. No comprehenson of facts/reality.

Joyful1218 said...

only certain workers would have ACCESS to

Is that a reference to her welfare status? You are totally clueless when it comes to Lisa Miceli and her antics. We know about her ACCESS cards because they were clearly visible in one of her many rambling videos she made with her flip camera. SHE posted it. You really are a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

You give Lisa and her personal information too much credit. I sincerely doubt that mental health workers would make front page news over Lisa Miceli for any reason.

It's easy to surmise what is going on and what is in the future. Just pay attention, have decent reading comprehension and follow the clues.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? You are so wrong about what her life. She lived in NC for 15 years where she graduated from college and WORKED. She hasn't been in Meadville her whole life on WELFARE. The stats on women developing mental illness after giving birth were recently released. Be thankful it hasn't happened one of you. Mental illness is believed to be caused by a chemical imbalance or injury at birth.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Lisa fired for stalking and spying on people at a Real Estate firm in NC? She only worked there for a year before she filed that epic maternity suit against them. She also stalked Kelly W. for years starting in NC. Where would she find time to actually work?

Anonymous said...

She didn't work. She was too busy deviously plotting to scam MJ. She harassed and stalked him, his family and employees relentlessly. That has been happening since 1999.

Anonymous said...

anon you sound like someone who wants to date Liesa. Why are you so desperate to defend her criminal actions and blame us instead? You arent helping her by doing so, just ask Sandy.

Anonymous said...

Who said she spent her whole life on welfare? Sorry sweetie but Dante is 7 or 8 now. Lisa was messed up LONG before she had a child. LOOOOOONG before. It doesn't surprise me that you'd try to blame Dante for her illness. That poor kid can't do anything right, can he? Wrong DNA & now he's made his incubator crazy. He doesn't stand a chance with that family.

Anonymous said...

Mental illness is believed to be caused

The moon is believed to be made of green cheese

Anonymous said...

I think he's talking about Lisas own birth and not Dantes???? If so then why hasn't LM received help before now?

Anonymous said...

"The stats on women developing mental illness after giving birth were recently released."

Sure sounds like they're blaming the kid to me

Anonymous said...

Yep I didn't read that sentence correctly. So, since Dante isn't the cash cow LM wanted he is the scapegoat instead.

Anonymous said...

Of course he is. You know they won't blame Lisa or themselves.undog

Anonymous said...

heh...undog was my word verification

Anonymous said...


Do you have some mental issues of your own?? ADHD?
You just aren't paying attention.

Lisa freely admitted that she did/does drugs so don't even bring up post partem or any other excuse for her dementia.
She also claims that there is a history of physical violence in her household. Who's to say that she didn't suffer a blow to the head at a young age; it's more plausible than the "mental illness after birth" claim.

Anonymous said...

start here anon and keep going

Anonymous said...

What's so very ad is that no matter what , Dante is the one who suffers. No one in that family, besides his uncle, really seems to care about his(Dantes) well being. Liesa thinks only of herself. Sandy worries about what the neighbors think and grandpa seems to have just given up.And a bunch of strangers seem to care a great deal about the welfare of this little boy.

Thyen there's this person/child who pops in and tries to stir the pot calling us stalkers and basically threatening us. If he truly believes that we are doing harm to Dante then PLEASE notify the appropriate authorities or just stfu. What is your proof that we are harming Dante in any way?More than likely you are just a little trouble maker with nothinh better on his/her hands. Pretty pathetic. But good luck with your pathetic little accusations.

Notdafakecm said...

I find it close to funny that anyone would come here threatening all this sudden action, when we've been here begging for authorities to show any signs of life. Here's the point:
The police is aware of this blog
As a matter of facte, several PDs across the US & abroud.
The FBI is aware of this blog.
The Secret Service is aware of this blog.
A host of lawyers of every kind are aware of this blog.(including attack dogs for some very fortunate celeberties).
The local media in Meadville is aware of this blog.
CPS is aware of this blog.
Your neighbors are aware of this blog.
What was my point again?

Notdafakecm said...

Excuse my typos, you know what I meant.

Anonymous said...

Paranoia? Correct crazied. Not really aware of the facts just what they have read here. What threats have been made against you? From what I have read here none. Great to here police etc. are still here and still blogging.

Anonymous said...

Paranoia? Correct crazied. Not really aware of the facts just what they have read here. What threats have been made against you? From what I have read here none. Great to here police etc. are still here and still blogging.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You really are as delusional as Lisa. With people like you blatantly ignoring/excusing/blame throwing around her, it's no damn wonder she is where she is.
The police, FBI, Secret Service, et al didn't need to come here and read anything. Captain Crazy cc'd them on every single one of the hundreds of thousands of threatening, harassing emails she sent.
If you're going to come in spouting off about poor, mistreated Lisa, expect to be informed of just what you're defending.

Anonymous said...

The sad fact is that none of you know Lisa, or what she has been through. I have known Lisa for years and at one time she was a smart, funny, beautiful girl. But she was raised a Miceli. I honestly believe that if Lisa hadn't crossed paths with Michael Jordan, no one would be here today blogging. she would have married Keith, had the kids she so wanted and her and Kelly would still be best friends. But no one could treat a Miceli the way Michael Jordan treated her. You all seem to let old man Miceli off the hook but believe me, He is the MICELI, not Sandy, and he rules that roost.
But they do love Dante, even Lisa loves Dante.
With all the Meth heads and Coke addicts out there raising kids, I think Dante can realize that his Mom is sick and have way more compassion for her than any one on this blog.
By the way, I bet there are even some of those Meth heads in your neighborhood. Have you checked on their kids? They could probably use some warm clothing and food, all of which Dante has.

Anonymous said...

If a meth head was on my block treating their kid the way Lisa did, there would be no community silence & looking the other way. Children services would actually come out & make shit happen, and I probs wouldn't even have to blog about it. Come to think of it, i'd bet a meth head wouldn't blog about none of the shit Lisa did.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that !!!!! Actually a person who knows the truth. Many in NC know about MJ and his predatory practices. Lisa was one he would not leave alone. She did not stalk him. He always had body guards 12 deep and lawyers to cover for him. Common knowledge he has more than a couple of children he does not support.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that !!!!! Actually a person who knows the truth. Many in NC know about MJ and his predatory practices. Lisa was one he would not leave alone. She did not stalk him. He always had body guards 12 deep and lawyers to cover for him. Common knowledge he has more than a couple of children he does not support.

Michelle said...

That is utter BS and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Since you seem to know something just what was that abuse you speak. CYS disagrees. All they see is a child who is happy well cared for and loves his mother. He understands his mother is ill and misses her.

Anonymous said...

Lisa called and emailed MJ, his wife, girlfriends, his assistants, his attorneys THOUSANDS OF TIMES. She WENT TO JAIL because she contacted him/his attorney after being ordered not to. If that isn't stalker behavior I don't know what is. She was 100% obsessed with him and still would be if not for her non-exsistent relationship with a Sheikh who doesn't know who the hell she is.

Her one night stand was in 1999. Dante was born in 2004. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Lisa was a narcissistic psychopath long before she met MJ.

Anonymous said...

I'll be willing to bet that most of the " meth heads" you refer to, were happy, fun and beautiful once upon a time. Your compassion and empathy for them is truly revealing of your own humanity.

You are laughable trying to blame MJ??? Hundreds of women have had ecounters with him and thus far, Lisa is the only one with overt mental problems

CYS saw no abuse?
And we all know how many children have fallen through the cracks because signs were misread by the authorities.

However, glad to hear that Dante is a loving and compassionate young man and we all wish only the best for him.

Notdafakecm said...

Emotional & mental abuse are oftentimes the worst to deal with, yet the hardest to detect. But just because something didn't happen yet, didn't mean that it didn't have the potential. !ll that talk about killing mommy, killing other people kids, and giving her son to a complete stranger was as far fetched as Lisa finding a way to go to Dubai. I guess that was impossible too, huh?

Anonymous said...

Here are just a few examples of Lisa's stellar parenting:

Calling him and other black people f*&^king niggers and eggplant.

Running off to Dubai to visit a Sheikh who is a stranger on Dante's birthday

Coaxing Dante to say he wants MJ or the Sheikh to be his Father and filming it. Telling Dante his father IS MJ and always letting him down when there are no visits.

Letting Dante run off down the street in just a diaper and boots and bragging about what a fast runner he is.

;And most importantly, Not telling Dante who his real father is so he can have that important relationship in his life. She could at least DNA test the men she had sex with at that time period instead of continuing to lie to Dante. What kind of a mother does that?

Anonymous said...

Common knowledge he has more than a couple of children he does not support.

Probably true. Dante is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Common knowledge he has more than a couple of children he does not support.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Anon @6:57
Easy to throw out accusations like that, but proof would be preferable and I doubt you have any.

It is just unbelievable that any woman who had proof that MJ was father to her child would not be getting support because DNA is available and MJ would be the gravy train of all support vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Bravo to the person who had nice things to say about Lisa and her family...You truly sound like the only 'sane' person 'talking' on this blog! I would bet money that every one of these 'bloggers' have their own secrets that need to be found out! We will switch the FOCUS of this blog....

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Why dont you just start your own blog about Lisa??? We keep it real here.

Anonymous said...

Just when did she give her son away? And to whom? As far as I know he never went anywhere. Besides his grandparents would never allow it to happen. The USA has laws protecting children. She would have to be married for 2 yrs before he could be adopted by her husband.

Anonymous said...

Liesa wanted him to be adopted by a Sheikh in Dubai(total stranger) asap and move him there asap. We told her that wasn't possible.

Anonymous said...

MJ has enough money to make things happen or not. Such as the lab of his choice and no witness. Something the average man would not be able to get away with.

Anonymous said...

Keeping it real, how? By attacking her, her son and her family!!!!!! How civic minded. Die hard MJ fans, really?

Anonymous said...

Die hard Lisa fan:
Please start your own blog. This one is for facts which you don't understand.
I don't think any of us are die hard MJ fans. We just don't like seeing innocent people harassed for years and years and years.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
MJ has enough money to make things happen or not. Such as the lab of his choice and no witness. Something the average man would not be able to get away with.

January 30, 2012 11:25 PM

Sounds just like Liesa. Hmmmm. Lisa admitted her one night stand was in 1999. Dante was born in 2004. Capish? She also said it was an anal act. So if you still think MJ is the father you belong right next to Liesa in the looney bin.

Anonymous said...

4 year pregnancy? Cut The Phuck Up!

Anonymous said...

Common knowledge he has more than a couple of children he does not support

Good thing you signed this anonymous or you could be sued for libel. Don't you think that if there was a white girl (or any girl) alive in NC with MJ's illegitimate son, she would be first in line at the bank to cash those checks???!!!

MJ was a philanderer, but pregnancies were under control. Ask Karla, she tried but couldn't prove it!

And as for KW and Lisa still being best friends -- KW was light years ahead of Lisa in intellect and common sense as evident in her life today.

As for being married to Keith, let's just say he has the mate God intended for him and it was NEVER Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Comments like that one just shows how much you really don't know . Liebel kettle?

Anonymous said...

Yes Karla went after him and look how he tried to distort her too.

Anonymous said...

To the 3 people who still continue to insist that MJ is Dantes father: please explain then how that could be, since Lisa herself has stated that she last saw MJ in 1999.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick interjection:

Is there any point in dwelling on the past? Nothing that you Lisa fans say or believe is going to change what is going on now.

Lisa is in a position to get some help. Dante will have better understanding of his mother's illness and everything will calm down eventually.

Justice has been served.
What else do you want?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA It's another wackadoodle! She must have made friends with somebody who was about to get out of the loony bin. Keep it up and you'll end up right back inside with her. Oh, and when she finally gets out, she'll turn on you in a heartbeat. It'll be fun to watch. Just don't come crying to us for sympathy because you've been warned.

Anonymous said...

" The USA has laws protecting children. She would have to be married for 2 yrs before he could be adopted by her husband.
January 30, 2012 10:43 PM "

You are trying so hard to sound intelligent and god bless you for it, but there is no such federal law.

"Anonymous said...

Since you seem to know something just what was that abuse you speak. CYS disagrees. All they see is a child who is happy well cared for and loves his mother. He understands his mother is ill and misses her.
January 30, 2012 4:52 PM "

All CYS HAS to see is a roof, a bed, relative cleanliness, food, and no marks on the child. That's it. There's no bruises that show for CYS when a child is being mentally abused now is there.

Anonymous said...

You truly sound like the only 'sane' person 'talking' on this blog! I would bet money that every one of these 'bloggers' have their own secrets that need to be found out! We will switch the FOCUS of this blog....

You sound a couple bubbles off plumb yourself what with your diabolical plot to " change the focus" to ferret out the secrets of people on a blog.
Talk about getting a life.

Good Luck with that....REALLY

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chubbs, JD still your idol? Long dark hair? She had no clue what was going on. They used her.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chubbs, JD still your idol? Long dark hair? She had no clue what was going on. They used her.

January 31, 2012 2:49 PM

Who is JD?
What was going on ?
Who used her?

Notdafakecm said...

Who the hell is JD? LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love the vague references. It's as if they know they're probably wrong, otherwise they'd just come out and say it.
If you're so big on identifying who everyone is...why don't you use your real name?

Anonymous said...

anon must be drinking too much Jack Daniels

Anonymous said...

Colonel Mustard, in the Library with a Candlestick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on you little troll...Tell me who I am and every single thing you know about me.You like to pretend you know it all so I am calling you out. Go for it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Chubbs, JD still your idol? Long dark hair? She had no clue what was going on. They used her.

January 31, 2012 2:49 PM

Maybe she meant JC? long dark hair? No?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe JB ~Justin Bieber

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rich, Chapel Hill 2000-2001

Anonymous said...

Are you still trying to insinuate that Chubby is an old boyfriend of Liesas? Noooo way.

Anonymous said...

It's so fun when they "out" you yet get it completely wrong. I should know :o)

Joyful1218 said...

Anonymous said...
It's so fun when they "out" you yet get it completely wrong. I should know :o)

February 1, 2012 7:54 AM

LOL I switched computers & forgot I had to sign in on this one.

Anonymous said...

I did not state he was an old boyfriend!!! Yes,handsome, tall ,dark hair, Mensa etc.

SWF said...

Yes,handsome, tall ,dark hair, Mensa etc

I like that he still single and available? I'm looking.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps they think Chubbs is one of the men who sexually used Lisa and her friends. Lisa has admitted doing some sexually deviate things.

And to the person who stated that perhaps if Lisa hadn't met MJ, she would be a happy, normal gal with a life.

I disagree, perhaps if Lisa had been raised to be morally strong and spiritually grounded, she would not have given in so easily to men who would morally corrupt her values by enticing her to partake in sexually deviatant behavior which can lead to all sorts of self esteem issues.

Anonymous said...

I dont think she HAD any moral values. Didn't she (by her own admission) leave Kieth at the club while she went off in a coked up state to MJ s hotel room? And this troll wants to say if not for MJ, Lisa would be married to Keith? I'd say Keith dodged a major bullet there. Why dont they blame Lisas behavior on Lisa?

Anonymous said...

I agree Anon, so much here but this just proves that the TROLL doesn't really know what he/she is talking about.

Anonymous said...

And I know KW is glad she's gone! The drama she put her through is enough in and of itself.

Too bad we can't find the link to the legal papers she filed against her former employer. The part that describes her hiding in the bushes was priceless!

She was fired and STILL tried to work there!

Anonymous said...

Why dont they blame Lisas behavior on Lisa?

Because then they would have to admit that they are the family and/or friends of someone who is morally, ethically and mentally bankrupt which might leave residual fallout on themselves.

Anonymous said...

I love this game. I have patience too.

Anonymous said...

The speculation and comments are priceless. The anticipation over the top.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The speculation and comments are priceless

Yep. They're right up there with crop circles and controlling the weather.

Anonymous said...

This sounds just like Liesa. No one cares who someone THINKS someone here is. Does it really matter? Except to show what a whackjob the Lisa Stan is.

Anonymous said...

The top idol is TB. Smart handsome and pure evil .

Anonymous said...

Listen all of you. Bottom line is that she has a fragile mind. Even when she was bashing MJ, KW and others, you could tell she wasn't operating with a full deck, yet you all continued to push, push, push.

Why is it so hard to just admit she has mental issues, and once you do that, one would think that you would all see that it has been wrong all along to continue commenting on everything she had to say -- regardless as to how cruel.

If the push was for Dante, then send the page to the authorities, but to continue to comment was mean spirited. The emails, uploading videos all of it was cheap entertainment and the travesty is that it has been going on for years!

Freedom of speech my ass!

Anonymous said...

The travesty is her parents continuing to enable her. How difficult would it have been to control her behavior by not letting her use the internet? All she did was harass people.

Anonymous said...

Lisa uploaded the videos by herself. She has her own youtube page. That way she could copy Ange and pawn off Dante.

Anonymous said...

No one here was pushing Lisa. She did the damage all on her own. She had 8-10 blogs of her own but always came back here because she wanted to be talked about. No one commented on her blogs. She desired attention in any way she could get. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knows right from wrong. She is just a manipulative, narcissistic, greedy, mean person.

Anonymous said...

She knows right from wrong. She is just a manipulative, narcissistic, greedy, mean person.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The top idol is TB. Smart handsome and pure evil

Pure evil? Why is that? Because he also refused to accept responsibility for a kid who isn't his?

Name Game said...

Anonymous said...
The top idol is TB. Smart handsome and pure evil

This just proves that you are STILL guessing!

TB has moved away and on!

Anonymous said...

We all know who TB is, she's mentioned him lots of times. No secret here. Dummy

Anonymous said...

pushing Lisa

Responding to over 20-30 emails a day is not pushing. I don't know the chick. I never gave her my email. She somehow acquired it and decided that I was someone I'm not. She proceeded to accuse and blame me for the most outlandish things imaginable. I blocked her address. She'd change it 3 or 4 times in one day just so she could keep bombarding my inbox. THEN she'd send me threatening and accusatory emails where she would cc the local police and the FBI.(That part actually made me happy because I'm sure they put her on their pyscho watch list) The woman is a menace & I thank God that she threatened someone in that town that refused to put up with her bullshit. Lisa did all the pushing and it finally got her where she deserves. I for one hope the bitch rots there.

Anonymous said...

Quit hiding behind initials. Post the full names if you think you know so much. Post your own while you're at it, hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

What finally took her over the edge. I know she mentioned a neighbor, but what exactly took place for it to escalate to this.

Anonymous said...


Honestly, you don't get it.

A stalker is a stalker regardless of the mental aberrations. They are still scary, often evil and always dangerous.
Lisa is all of the above and then some and if she had come after you or your family, you would be singing a different tune.

Take your attitude and ignorance and go bother people who care about your opinion.

Anonymous said...

....and who cares about YOUR opinion?

Anonymous said...

I care about anon @ 11:22 opinion.

Anonymous said...

I actually care about everyone's opinion. It's sad and worrisome that there are people who will continue to provide undying enabling and excuses for Lisa whenever she is unleashed back into the real world.
Where were all of these concerned voices when she was aggressively wreaking havoc on so many lives for the past 10-15 years?

Anonymous said...

I don't expect you 11:22, 11:37 to care about my opinion; that goes without saying.
I didn't ask you to care.
Neither am I lecturing you on your freedom of speech or previous postings.

If you all wish to stick by your beliefs about Lisa, be my guest. Your experiences aren't my experiences and mine are recent, abhorrent and ugly.
We shall agree to disagree

Anonymous said...

So what was the confrontation about. Let's discuss that!

Anonymous said...

Lisa wrote about and said something offensive/derogatory/untruthful/threatening to her neighbor. Her neighbor's father is an attorney in the area and put a stop to it. This is from the last thread that LM was on a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

BooHoooooo. Talk about anger issues can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!!!! I sure touched on a few nerves. Why should I put myself out there? Hypocrite, you first. The T is Ted and I am quite certain he is not on this blog,just one of his admirers. I would e-mail the person in reference but this is more fun watching the melt down. Trolls indeed.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA The troll thinks they've touched some nerves? All you've done is amuse us with your ignorance. You won't name anyone because you don't know who anyone is. You won't give your own name because as we said, you are a hypocrite. Run along, little one. This blog is for adults. you are way out of your league and are embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...


Have you seen LM's YouTube videos and flip phone productions?

We ARE talking meltdown.

Anonymous said...

What meltdown? We are discussing stuff not freaking out. T may be for Ted but is also for Tom. Most of us were mocking your little initial "teaser".

Anonymous said...

You are so wrong. I do know. Not so clever little trolls. I think I'm experiencing a real melt down right now. Apparently you haven't been reading the last few threads. As i said before, you first hypocrite!!!! Your responce is so lame. I would have expected more. I have a lot more to reveal in time.

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