Sunday, May 20, 2012

Very Disturbing

Sorry, I have been extremely busy in the real world. I saw the insane amounts of comments (mostly from LM) in the last post & just don't have the time to comb through the nonsense right now. There are a mass of emails & even videos in my inbox. I will post as soon as I can. But I did go to the last couple of pages & found these particular comments very disturbing ******************************************************************************************************************************* ***************************************************************** DANTE WAS POTTY TRAINED AT AGE 2.... he is now nearly 8 yrs old and fecal incontintent.... for whatever reason. THREATS AND HARASSMENT AND TAUNTS AND EMOTIONAL UPSET... he is severly disturbed. Why is she asking me if I am angry? I did not do anything. I am playing on the foor. Why is he asking me about PITTSBURH?? and a hotel?? and that she is going there soon?? xoxox, LISA ANN MICELI ******************************************************* BABY DANTE is your potty problem psychological or medical????? He is not answering me. DENIAL. Why is that?? He goes into denial of what did and how it smells?? WHEN he is clean, clean, clean. YOU fiqure it out HAMMY. THE VIDEO game, why the obsession?? You should see what he points out, the headdress and the GERMAN SHEPHARDS. He likes them and thinks that they are funny. He thinks that people swearing is really funny. How is he picking up the online information?? HAMMY, I need a car and insurances, SANDY stalled on DANTE's health.. for 4 days.. telling me that she is nurse and the over the counter is fine- I said no way - he is suffering. I hate child suffering. xxox, LISA ANN MICELI 962 GROVE STREET MEADVILLE, PA 16335 814-337-5195 814-282-1530 ********************************************************************** DANTE is not accpetin HAMMY's information.. He is not accepting ANGIE in HAMMY's life at all. He is not eating good, NOT sleeping good and shitting in his pants when playing X BOX and at school. DANTE says that he talks to you online and flies over here and over there and I can hear him in my head. xoxox, LISA ANN MICELI ****************************************************************** SO, DANTE got wedding proposals at school, CHUBBY. He was crying. He said that he did not know his family yet. He said fuck on his family tree and was sent to the GUIDANCE COUNSELOR to call mommy. The teacher said in 2nd grade let's not worry about marraige just friendship. STOP STEALING FROM LISA ANN MICELI. xoox, LISA ANN MICELI ******************************************************************** DANTE's head is saying the cop TOM wanted to murder mommy.... WOW... why would he think that?? He said thnk about the relationship mommy. xoxox, LISA ANN MICELI ************************************************************************ What In The Actual Hell, Child Services?


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Anonymous said...

Actually Dante was the one who told.

Anonymous said...

What is the link to Ange's video???

However, I don't think anyone on this blog has ever thought that AM had both oars in the water.

Anonymous said...

Don't even try to blame AM for crazypant's behavior. Lisa was terrorizing people LONG before she met AM!! KW had to get a restraining order against LM for harassing her and MJ got a court order against Lisa. So to quote Lisa, PLEASE...

Anonymous said...

Don't even try to blame AM for crazypant's behavior. Lisa was terrorizing people LONG before she met AM!! KW had to get a restraining order against LM for harassing her and MJ got a court order against Lisa. So to quote Lisa, PLEASE...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the ends justify the means. The neighbor, ultimately, brought the attention and the hospitalization that Lisa so desperately needs.

The chips will fall where they may.

Anonymous said...

Angelique IS a crazypants, absolutely. She found Lisa and latched onto her. But seriously, go back to the Paris Hilton lawsuit, the MJ harassment case,this crazy has been going on unabated for about 8 years now. Angelique only came into the picture about 3 years ago. Where by the way is this link to an Angelique video where she admits to harassing Lisa? I and I'm sure many others are interested in seeing this.

Anonymous said...

Why are you liking all of Lisa's crazy rants on her FB page? Encouraging her delusions? Do you REALLY believe there is a Sheikh who wants to marry Lisa and CAN'T FIND HER HOUSE, and Angelique is blocking them? Really? REALLY? (SNL)

Anonymous said...

I for one, was hoping that it was true that someone was going to get custody of Dante; it can't be good for him, loving his mother as he does, to see her in full meltdown.

However, it's just as well that it was a fabrication.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli
This is Lisa's latest FB post. This friend of hers BELIEVES this shit?

2 hours ago.

HAMMY, you permanently put your information in my brain like OBL as well. I just woke up and had a dream that I am the 25 yr old HH PRINCE HAMMY and calling TMZ on LISA ANN MICELI. How old are you now?

Anonymous said...

Is there something wrong with the water in Meadville?

Anonymous said...

Now this Debra chick is going to start threatening people on a public blog too? Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

The nuts on this blog don't want L to stop because they would not have an out let for all of their own craziness

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It was immediately brought to my attention that some people who are 'unknown' although I'm fairly sure I know who THEY are mentioning my name and also made a totally false statement that is 100 percent not true! Let me give u what I know to be FACT....1.Lisa is my friend 2. Her son is best friends with my son 3. Dante is well taken care of and is a very grounded outgoing boy who has a lot going for him NOW whoever made up the fabrication that I talk about Lisa in a nasty way OR something about custody had better not say it again! It's someone in Meadville and pretty sure I know who it is! Please do not make up things that simply are not true!! My father was a well known Attorney and if I have to i will consult with his former partners and get a Pittsburgh referral ! Why don't u make use of ur FREE time and take a class and get educated or try working .... Instead of making up obvious lies on an open blog where people are clearly mentally ill!!

June 5, 2012 9:09 AM

Wait a minute, so the person who turned Lisa in is still her friend??? Do you read what Lisa writes about you? I would stay far away from Lisa, she turns on people in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think this person is the neighbor who Lisa harassed til she got herself locked away. Its this Debra person who "likes" all of Lisa's crazy rants on her FB page.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has posted a big picture of Devon she shared from Angies fb page. What a lowlife piece of trash Lisa is. She continues to bring Angie's children into her crzy web. Lisa has no boundaries and no self control. Dante is in trouble with that pos as his only parental figure.

Anonymous said...

Ya the neighbor she got in trouble for harassing I believe had the unfortunate initials of AM also, this newcomer defendier of Liesa is DF it appears.

Anonymous said...

I find it very intersting how the nuts on this blog continue to pick and choose what they want to believe is the truth. It really is amazing how they want everyone to believe they actually have Lisa's best enterest at heart. The truth being all they do is agitate and push her into more rants.Crazy is as crazy does!

Anonymous said...

Lisa why don't you post on your own blog anymore?

Anonymous said...

I just want to make it clear to all of you that Dante is not in any danger now or in the past. He does not have an incontinence problem or any other issues. There is very little interaction between Lisa and the rest of family concerning what is said on this or any other blog. It just is not a topic of conversation.

This 'whistling-past-the-graveyard' attitude is why the doomed child is still in that fetid swamp on Grove Street.

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
~ Dante's Inferno

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or did this place start getting all "Meadville" about 8am ET? Interesting look at the rocky place where Dante is planted and expected to bloom.

Anon#235 said...

Could it possibly her Mom Sandy. She has always been her one and only defender on this blog. And by calling everyone else on this blog "nuts" just seems to be very sandyish. Of course I could be wrong. I just find it odd that after all these years all of a udden someone shows up to defend a very sick woman. I find it hard to believe that she knows Liesa at all or at least has never read all the disturbing and disgusting things Liesa has posted about her own child, others children, and just about anyone who has ever tried to show her a little kindness. Liesa is definitely not someone who I could have as a friend agter all the damage she has done to others lives.

Anon#235 said...

I meant "after" all the damage.

Anonymous said...

I lol'd reading the 'my dad was a lawyer and I'm gonna sic his old partners on you' rant some Meadvillian (Mead-Villain?) made earlier. It was so 'my uncle was a SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE'! Is the whole town like this?

Anonymous said...

I find it very intersting how the nuts on this blog continue to pick and choose what they want to believe is the truth. It really is amazing how they want everyone to believe they actually have Lisa's best enterest at heart. The truth being all they do is agitate and push her into more rants.Crazy is as crazy does!

Hold up there ambassador of sanity.
I want Lisa to be shut down. I only have Dante's well being as my concern.
As for picking and choosing truth, I do not believe anything that Lisa says, but when she speaks about Dante being ill or hurt, then I at least pay attention enough to report what could be a potential dangerous situation.

You seem to have alot of first hand knowledge about crazy; hereditary I suspect.

Anonymous said...

Anon @1:02

+1000, world without end, amen.

Anonymous said...

How interesting that Liesa's "likes" on FB have disappeared all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

To all the Lisa defenders a HIT DOG HOLLARS! Lisa is screaming like a b*tch!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for Lisa the Princeless-

Self Marriage: For the Needy, Oblivious Narcissist

Anonymous said...

I love how the delusional one thinks George Bush, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton all went to Dubai because of her. #mushforbrains

Anonymous said...

Venus & Serena Williams once went to Dubai for an invitational tennis tournament...or as Lisa would call it, "TO FUCK MY HUBBY!!!!!"


Anonymous said...

It's obviously Lisa or Sandy pretending to be a "friend" of Lisa. The whole "my father was a lawyer & I'll go to his former partners" BS that totally gives it away. If there was any connection to a lawyer Lisa would have exploited & alienated it years ago. Saying that Dante is well adjusted and not in any danger also shows it's a lie. We know how he acts out, the language he uses, the names he calls others, and how he DOES crap his pants on a daily basis. You post about the requirementsa for CPS & mental health yet you ignore the fact that Lisa WAS deemed a threat and WAS incarcerated/hospitalized for 3 months. Not 72 hours. THREE MONTHS! That's probably the only reason Dante wasn't taken away. Since SHE was locked up his safety was assured. Your defense of her is sickening. Maybe you can join her when they come to take her back to the hospital...and they will. You obviously need the help too.

Anonymous said...

It's not Lisa or Sandy. It truly is her friend Deb.

Whatever the reality about Dante is, all that anyone can do is be diligent in monitoring what Lisa claims. Even though CPS has no cause, at this time, doesn't preclude reports being made; that is what they get paid to do.

To the person(s) who posts their opinion that we are nuts,
fine with me. I don't mind if you think that I am nuts. It appears that being nuts, as in Lisa's case, gives one carte blanche to do, say and act in the most scurrilous and heinous ways with little retribution.

I feel so liberated now.

Anonymous said...


So that explains it.

Anonymous said...

HAMMY is telling everyone he ;loves LISA and we planned our wedding right away and were proper & we were both robbed.

Huh. I didn't hear him "telling everyone" anything Liesa. Because he is busy running a country & doesn't know you exist. The end.

Anonymous said...

I see we're back to the old "I know who you are" crap. Lisa & her imaginary friends really need to find a new shtick because that one has been used to death & carries no weight as a threat. I don't suppose they'd be willing to actually name who they are sure it is? Yeah, I didn't think so. Losers.

Anonymous said...

Not sure who this newest anon "friend" is but she sounds like a complete moron. Probably a friend from her little vacation.

Anonymous said...

Lisa doesn't have any friends.

Anonymous said...

but she sure could use some.

ME said...

Yes she could use a friend. But if someone attempts to actually be nice and kind and listen to her, she suddenly thinks you are the enemy. I know I've tried.

Anonymous said...

I guess that her new forum is FB.


A new and broader audience have the joy of experiencing her vileness.

Anon#235 said...

Here's another one of her sick sick rants on her fb page. What is her obsession w/her childs penis? I am so disgusted. Feel like turning her page into fb.
HAMMY SAY FUCKING NO WAY TO ALL LISA ASSHOLES.... SAY FUCKING NO WAY. EVER. You are insanely rude on LISA's wedding & baby stories... in fact fucking insanely criminal. YOUR OTHER WIVES have people calling 24 hours a day for you? ever? DANTE IS GETTING HAMMY's INFORMATION AND IS VERY VERY VERY VERY UPSET punching his penis and wanting to commit commit suicide over ANGELA MORTON. She said she knew my attorney client privilege information... HAMMY YOU ARE NOT TO FUCK ON LISA ANN MICELI EVER. I would enver ever ever in millions years think that m y ARAB ROYAL PRINCE would fuck on me, LISA ANN MICELI.

Anonymous said...

LM on fb said...
BEFORE YOU THINK THAT LISA used YOUR name to meet HH PRINCE HAMDAN in any way at all. LISA was sent for by KING ABDULLAH's people at the age of 17 in Raleigh, NC as soon as I got to college & he researched my god parent and businesses around that. SO, shut the fuck up. It thought it was torture and child abuse... the USA TV SHOWS. Then the KUWAIT ROYAL FAMILY. I was followed by terrorists since then and ARABS since that.

I wonder if she truly believes what she says. She is coming unglued again posting like a mad woman for a larger audience. On another note, is it just me or are the word verifications more difficult to read?

Anon#235 said...

No, It's not just you. The word verification is now just weird and much harder to read. The bots must be getting into more sights so that may be why they are making them more difficult to read.

It's also amazing that Liesa has acquired more friends and is up to 20. No way would I ever friend her on fb. She is becoming more and more unhinged to the point of almost being scary. I do fear she is going to hurt someone one of these days besides the emotional damage she has caused to others over the years. These "friends" that have posted recently, if not Sandy. have no clue who they are "friends" with and as soon as they piss her off what there lives will become. But then they appear to be a little bit "off" since they defend her and threaten some here with the same ole same ole bs(I know who you are and I am calling my daddys attorney friends). Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

HAMMY SAID HE WAS MARRYING LISA AND not to touch another man and to not talk to anyone in his tribe but him and that he would kill me and I would never wed and never have kids.... SWOONING ME and only me... I have the emails. That he would kill HH ABSAM for LISA... the news report came to LISA not ANGIE.

When Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan's loyal followers get wind of what Lisa is saying she may be shut down on facebook.

Anonymous said...

.... HAMMY called me today, mad as hell as me over everything. HAMMY YOU SHOWED UP IN A SUPERMAN SUIT & gave ANGIE MCQUEEN my cat costume....

She has quite the imagination.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli

6 hours ago.

PLEASE HAVE HH SHEIKHA HIND CALL ME RIGHT NOW..... 814-337-5195. She can use a translator, please.

As if. I hope Sandy knows her innocent daughter is now putting her phone number out openly on facebook. This is where a bit of monitoring would go a long way instead of just ignoring the problem.

Anonymous said...

Just amazing that her family and friends seemingly find nothing wrong with Lisa ranting about her son's anatomy, but rather, come onto this blog to assure us his anatomy is just fine.

Angela Morton, by whatever means, at least tried to address some of Lisa's lies and ultimately put Lisa where she belongs, instead of just sitting back in the smug little world of "I know psychology"

Personally, I believe that her new " friends" are either there for the car wreck viewing, or their hoping for some attention on another level. ;o)

Anonymous said...

that should have been " they're"

mea culpa

Anonymous said...

Her latest friend works for a travel agency in Dubai.

Bon Voyage

Anonymous said...

Where's Chubby?

Anonymous said...

It's weird that she has been insisting for years that this blog was set up for her "wedding" by, first, Sheikh Ahmed, then his nephew Sheikh Hamdan, yet it was easy-peasy for her to stop posting here altogether. Almost as weird as Meadville women's apparent habit of empowerment ONLY through men (MJ's fake mistress, ex-lawyer's daughter, dead judge's niece, etc.). That's some annoying shit right there.

Anonymous said...

Thank God she doesn't have a daughter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not to mention Lisa's exaggerated list of all the wealthy men she has dated. She even values her imaginary relationship with OBL. Damn warped.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how soon after 9/11 she started having the OBL delusions that everything terroristic was done for her? The first time I read it, it was pretty alarming...

From one of Crazy's June 2008 harassing phone calls to MJ's lawyer:

I have Federal Agents who I’ve just contacted to tell them about this. Not to mention there’s 9/11 before — when you’ve misappropriated the first story. After my story came out and they called me — referred to me as a hooker. There was anthrax. Then when you wrote me a letter. Remember the letter, defaming me? Saying it was defamation for me to file a paternity action against Michael Jordan. Osama Bin Laden came — that was another thing. Talking about unrequited love and everything else. Fred, stop your b*******.

Anonymous said...

Why does her fb profile say she speaks Arabic? Maybe that is her excuse for writing gibberish.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if Loony Toon Miceli got a C&D from Mrs. Clinton's office, she seems to have turned on her.

Anonymous said...

Anon@3:03 said

".... HAMMY called me today, mad as hell as me over everything. HAMMY YOU SHOWED UP IN A SUPERMAN SUIT & gave ANGIE MCQUEEN my cat costume...."


Anonymous said...

She is writing alot about wanting a gun...

Anonymous said...

HAMMY CALLED LISA ANN MICELI from JAPAN to lick my pussy in PHILLY (he repeated that onlnie recently) it is all over the internet the cunnilingus games with LISA.. how is that about you ANGIE MCQUEEN or HILLARY CLINTON??


Anonymous said...

Men hate insanely jealous women, Lisa. Too needy and insecure.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere, in one of her FB posts, she mentions that she can not access this blog with the computer that she is using.

It would be nice to think that her family had somehow blocked her from this site, but I think it's only that she lost the URL for this blog.

I like that she is exposed over on FB and perhaps she will be 86'd from FB, but considering all the garbage that is posted on there by others that is equally as disgusting if not illegal, I think she's home free.

Anonymous said...


Honey, none of us can deal with the pain that you are.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what liesa will be doing this weekend?

Heh. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

For a nutcase, she sure is crafty to disguise all her death threats toward Ange and others as:

a) Reaction to a burglary
b) Terrorist attack by Middle Easterners
c) Defense of her by pretend bodyguards
d) Protecting her son/family
e) Threats of violence against her/Dante

Anonymous said...

I like that one of her fb friends works for a Crawford County service for the "Intellectually Disabled".

She is that...

Anonymous said...

Shes threatening to shoot Angie now on her FB page...wants to know the laws regarding her shooting someone...does she have to witness the robbery to shoot the person. I hope Angie is calling the police.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli shared a link.

2 hours ago. THIS IS ALL LISA ANN MICELI. I made the joke first, only oral sex after negative dna test. They did not let the dad be at the hospital.

What an annoying narcissistic wench Lisa is. She is again delusionally attaching herself to someone else. I wouldn't be able to be around her for more than 10 minutes. She is just vile.

Anon#235 said...

What the hell does oral sex have to do w/that poem???? God, she is too stupid. Does she now think that currylingus is cunnilingus? You are right, she is VILE. I wouldn't last 5 minutes in the same room w/her.

I can't figure out how to report the sick bitch to FB. Her page comes up weird on my pc. Making death threats on FB is definately a TOS violation. It is nice not seeing her constant ramblings here tho. Oh well...what to do what to do......

Anonymous said...

You click on the X in the box where her post is ( upper right hand corner) Then a drop down says " remove/report as spam" click that and then just follow the prompts.

I have reported her so many times, but thus far not a thing has been done. However, if enough of us click the report buttons enough times, maybe they will actually look at her whole page.

Anon#235 said...

Oh...DUH...LOL....Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Teehee, she sure is jealous of Ange and her boxers! Yummy-looking young man in that picture!

Anonymous said...

LISA will fight back with DIPLOMACY (MY DEGREES - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, MBA, DIPLOMACY, & TERRORISM) and sports psychology.... (after clinical psychology training).


It seems one of her FB friends has finally called Lisa on her BS.

Kudos Mr Delo

Anonymous said...

Well, he's unfriended now.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli shared Angelicque Mcqueen's photo.

22 hours ago.

FUCK YOU HAMMY... WHY DID YOU GET DEVON A PUPPY because LISA asked fro one from you?
How am I the wife yet? and how is she entitled to what I get when I did not get anything yet?? and she is a fraudulent wife of yours giving birth to illegitimate kids. ....
GET DANTE A PUPPY AND GET HERE AS HIS BIRTHDAY is JUNE 12, 2012. He wants a puppy please.

Now it is whatever Devon has, LISA wants. ME ME ME ME ME ME

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli shared a link.

13 hours ago. FATWA. I asked for something perfectly legal. ....We dated for years and were deeply in love before hookers like you said. THIS IS LISA's accounts all of them. CHUBBY was set up by you and LISA- our names together.. our jokes. THIS IS MY DAILY LIFE.

She still has the link to this blog. I wonder why she is nonstop posting on Facebook? Possibly to get Angie's attention? She constantly shares Angies posts.

Anonymous said...

The more people who click on the link to this blog the more that they will know she is insane. Her posts are probably enough though.

Anonymous said...

BL did not love WHITNEY HOUSTON. He was getting back at me over a BEL BIV DEVO CONCERT AT THE DEAN SMITH CENTER in CHAPEL, NC when I was at NC STATE- I went with my roommate, witnesses and we were the only white people. LOLz.

Sick. Since LM went to a BBV concert, OBL pretends to love Whitney whose husband is in BBD, to get back at Lisa. WOW :0
She is one sick pup.

Elvis has left the building. said...

Lisa Miceli shared a link.

12 hours ago.
THIS IS A REAL CELEBRITY.... REAL. He is not libeling people. He is doing an act & performing it well.

Of course Lisa thinks Elvis is still alive. She probably talks to him.

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine my mother not putting a stop to me if I was putting all this trash out for the public's consumption.

Thanks Mom for really caring about me.

Anonymous said...

I am going on the YOU TUBE VIDEO to redo my HAMMY & LISA love story.. please stay tuned. I look like shit and was od'd by local doctors in total malice...

Something to look forward to....

Anonymous said...

Wonder when the malpractice suit will be filed.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Miceli

about an hour ago.

2 INSANE JUDGES IN MEADVILLE, PA thank them for the free books on MJ and AL MAKTOUM on the INTERNET because they extorted from on the freaking bench.... and upset me & did not do their job just b/c I asked for a police investigation and a DNA test.... They went to the media and said she is cray...

I would love to have a real govt, not fantasy power games & our money going to waste.. like HILLARY CLINTON fantasy trying to have sex with PRINCE HAMDAN for MIDDLE EAST INFORMATION fucking sick... all crimes. She is incompetent b/c of her revenge game on BILL CLINTON according to HH PRINCE HAMDAN.

ANGIE MCQUEEN is not different and her insane blonde stalking followers trying to be in a group open lesbot pedophilia marriage with LISA & HAMMY in the public eye with music and movies following our every move. MENTAL ILLNESS in its finest ......

HAMMY IS A TERRORIST BY CULTURE AND A SERIAL KILLER BY UAE LAWS... so please, do not play this sick game.. He is allowed to kill you for lying and robbing him and raping him on my DUBAI ROYAL wedding story..


Donald Delo- Wow you really are freakin crazy arent you. I f you dont like it here then stay the hell out of the usa. We dont want you anyways and you can keep all your arab
about an hour ago via Mobile.

Donald Delo- Freeaks out of here to. Fortunatly all arabs arent nuts but got a feeling your friends prob are from the way you go on. Dam!!!
about an hour ago via Mobile

And then he unfriended her.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's not posting here. I don't have to scroll over her bs now.

Anonymous said...


What is this JINN stuff she is talking about. It is interesting that she has always remembered WHERE Dante was conceived, but doesn't know WHO she conceived him with. I bet she knows but since it isn't MJ she isn't saying. She IS that much of a selfish bitch to keep Dante from knowing his father.

Anonymous said...

OBVIOUSLY HAMMY WATCHED LISA in the bathtub in the USA using bath salts....


Anonymous said...

Lisa must be celebrating her 1 year anniversary of being arrested in Detroit by nonstop posting on facebook. What a psycho.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't laugh.

. I am psychic- and I see your whole lives to help you control for the best... outcome. WHY would I not see his future?? I saw OBL's death and was very very very upset.. WHY am I sooo stupid? I was reading my emails & answering my phone & blogging and none of it came together in my head & it was in ENGLISH. WHY do I have these mental blocks?
He went into MILITANCY when the WHOSE THE BOSS SHOW came out.... 1979.

Anonymous said...

I thought at 9 yrs old, that I was marrying JESUS CHRIST..... OBL used to write to me and say JESUS loves you and lolz.... He looked like JESUS and so does HAMMY. Lisa was a devout CATHOLIC an d came my psychic skills an my ecstasy shit...

The devil works in mysterious ways.

yabba dabbadoo said...

That's great she's on FB and not around here. For now, anyway!

Anonymous said...

? I want DANTE to sue with me to block them in everyway.

That's probably her next scheme. She'll have Dante make the 911 calls.

Anonymous said...

. I had sooo many invites to PARIS, FRANCE... when I was called DELUSIONAL.. ALL I could hear was HH PRINCE HAMDAN.... DODI FAYED & OBL would both be alive if LISA's did MOVIES.... you all had my information when I was squashed killing you and giving you insanely bad press

And she wonders why we all call her a whackjob?

Anonymous said...

THE NEXT GAME for ANGIE is to sue the credit card company's for fraud.... it was not me... so she says.


Anonymous said...

Her latest friend is a Prince.

At long last

Anonymous said...

I can control in the media what you cannot- crime rates, & weather & deaths & births & craziness- all my career work.

If it's possible, she sounds even nuttier on fb.

Anonymous said...

He went into MILITANCY when the WHOSE THE BOSS SHOW came out.... 1979.

June 8, 2012 7:04 PM

Who's The Boss came out in '84. But I guess truth doesn't fit anywhere into her Bin Laden-loving timeline.

What a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

She is assigning herself more godlike powers every day. Scary.

Anonymous said...

She is assigning herself more godlike powers every day. Scary.

Anonymous said...

She is still reading over here just not posting. She wants to attract more attention and she will on fb. Hopefully it will also be her demise. The psychic psycho should see it coming.

Anonymous said...

DANTE CAN HEAR about his dad and he understands..... the information about the dads. ALL OF THEM.... and says which one?? WHAT is wrong with him??

So sad. "all of the dads?" there is only one father of Dante and what's wrong with him is NOTHING of his own doing. He's just been dealt the shitty hand of a mother who slept around so much she doesn't even know who his dad is. Poor Dante .

Anonymous said...

Just curious about how she can possibly be reading here and controlling herself enough not to slip in even just a teensy tiny bit of rant?

Anonymous said...

Curious that nearly all her new FB friends are from India

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she cannot tell the difference between someone from India and someone from the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

I'm more a prince than her new friend (Yeswe) Khan Khan.


Anonymous said...

HAMMY, there are two limos in town last night at the airport with a bunch of JETS. IS it you??

No. Enjoy your birthday party Dante!

Anonymous said...

Lisa with glasses

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just curious about how she can possibly be reading here and controlling herself enough not to slip in even just a teensy tiny bit of rant?

June 9, 2012 10:29 AM

She seems to address some of the comments made here like her being jealous and she posted a link to this site so I figured she was still reading here. She continually trolls the internet for anything remotely related to her and her victims. But then again, since she has no self control it is surprising she hasn't posted here. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Lisa with glasses

June 9, 2012 11:42 AM


Anonymous said...

DODI FAYED & OBL would both be alive if LISA's did MOVIES....

But after watching Her Nastiness in a movie, Dodi would floor the accelerator in a tunnel and aim for the wall, while Bin Laden would shoot himself in the eye. So **shrug** same outcome.

Anonymous said...

Anon said,

Lisa with glasses

June 9, 2012 11:42 AM

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! A royal mess! And you could just imagine lisa stiffing restaurantss, shops, hotel bills like that, criminal that she is. Great find, Anon!

Anonymous said...

if LISA's did MOVIES....

Porn on The Fourth of July
Terms of Enrearment
The Rodfather
Black Cock Down
Missionary Position: Impossible
Inspect Her Gadget
Beverly Hills Copulator

Anonymous said...

Heh. Can I play? More Lisa flicks:

Meet the (Butt) Fockers
Broke Bitch Mount 'Em

Anonymous said...

Herpie: The Love Bug

Anonymous said...

You guys are good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

re: OBL(7hrs. ago)

I think that he was a terrible militant & wished he was back in building & out of the war. He was stalked by insane people like me all of the time.


Anonymous said...

Call of the Wildebeast
Lisa Been LaidIn
Million Donuts Baby
Sorest Rump

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

"Sorest Rump" for tha win!!!


Anonymous said...

Single White SheMale

Anonymous said...

You said that MAYA was with RAJ JOLLY for the week in CA when you were with LUIS MERCEd in PA.... not true according to this photos...

Creepy how she is stalking Ange and Raj's daughter.

Anonymous said...

One of the gazillion emails Lisa sent out this week to AM and cc'd to me has the following subject line:

ANGI, you are a 4 yr constant ronbbery in process, if not longer.. I have the right to shoot to kill you to make you stop fukcing HAMMY from my chubby account & having babies for me.. adn spendin g my money from my emails.

Which authorities in Mudville should I forward this on to?

Anonymous said...

Her Probation Officer:

Sue Thomas

Phone: (814) 333-7350
Fax : (814) 336-3893

Her Police Officers:

Thomas G. Liscinski, Assistant
David J. Stefanucci, Chief

Phone: (814) 724-6100
Fax: (814) 337-6038

Her Prosecuting Attorneys:

Francis Schultz, Crawford Cnty D.A.,
Craig Howe, ADA

Phone: (814) 333-7455
Fax : (814) 336-4225

Anonymous said...

You both lost your mind.ANGIE is 6 months pregnant on what a 5-6th pregnany from LISA's chubby emails after showing up for LISA's wedding party after not inviting LISA ANN MICELI.
Then doing 80 vidoes of herslef that she owns everything LISA with OSCA- all lies and then uses every enail and blogs posts as ger life and I am her, the broke, fat hooker in the middle of a marriage... while she is leglly wed to my ARAB PRINCE fiancee- all from her lying to LISA ad lying to my ARAB PRINCE??

She switched LISA 's BILLIONAIRE for her shit life...

I asked for insurance for me to get pregnant in March 2009 and she was scremaing on the YOU TUBE that she needed my insurance her...
She tried to claim that she was pegan t from my wedding night when it was to be only LISA pregnant..

OBVIOUSLY you blamed me for her schemes and you are insane and hurting me and in my face at the same time with her....

These are all insane crimes..


Anonymous said...

ANGIE MCQUEEN did not know you nad enver saw you in her life. I said that you are HH ABSAM to her and I knew it was HAMMY-

She said you are in a rush to wed slow down- how about her?? and I have known HAMMY since the year 2000.

LISA not ANGIE MCQUEEN wants 5-7 kids ...
LISA was robbed for TV - why do you blame me for everything.. ???

ONLY a con would say LISA cannot wed because I am lust for your hubby whoever he is and not even know the real name of LISA's hubby.. HH ABSAM is a cover...

SO all l of you crazy people- it is all fraud... stop calling us, like we are a free bank.


Anonymous said...

YOU do not use anything of LISA's in the MIDDLE EAST. It is a death sentence.

I do not consent to the use of my name to get anythnig from the AL MAKTOUMS, not even ANGIE MCQUEEN.

This bitch ANGIE MCQUEEN, goes to jail for life and we have 5-7 babies from her bosdy for LISA's wedding story, makes no sense..

WHY does LISA MICELI have to call a lawyer for LISA's MJ story?

ANGIE MCQUEN & KELLY WERNER are not LISA ANN MICELI- and she wrote the book and it can be real or fiction- I still own it.
LISA ANN MICELI wrote the blogs, adn that was who she met HAMMY from...

Actually I met HAMMY from the other ROYALS... online.


Anonymous said...

STOP calling us.
LISA is not a lesbian.


Anonymous said...

LISA has a 44 page report on ANGIE MCQUEEN in ANAHEIM, CA and MEADVILLE, PA flipped this..

ANGI MCQUEEN & MEADVILLe, PA is organizxed crimes or LISA would be wed nad living in the PALACE since 2008... or earlier.

MJ organized crime before that in 2007.... and HOLLWOOD has been orgnaizing crimes since 2007 as well, PAMMY, then PARIS, and then ALLY MILANO.

Lisa deos not see a dime of the money, her own wedding or her own bio dna AL MAKTOUM kids, they got it all- HOLLYWOOD.


Anonymous said...

ANGIE & RAJ AND ALL HOLLYWOOD people need to be in jail with the CLINTONS-
THE CLINTONS are DICTATORS with no rule of law anywhere in the WORLD.
You spy in the USA and live in the USA is 20 yrs why are they releasing people from N KOREA rthat were spying?? and why are they in the UAE telling HAMMY a hooker can ruin LISA's marraige??

If you are in an angry mob, you want us to thorw out your country rules to protect you???

It is their laws, no DEMOSTRATIONS.... it is not a democracy all over the world.
It is in the USA and we get arested for noting in the USA as well.

SOMEONE told BARACK they did not agree with his IRAQ policy in the USA & got arrested in the USA is that freedom of speech...

That is a crime... jailing innocents are crimes are well.
You used my name for BIULLIONS MCQUEEN S AND RAJ JOLLY, now I cannot use my own name for BILLIONS or for my own sex life... all CRIMINAL LIBEL... more crimes.

Why does he mkae you me and me you if he is sooo hot for ANGIE MCQUEEN??

I told you ANGIE MCQUEEN, he is hot for LIAS the real wifey of HH PRINCE HAMDAN only...

THE UAE IS RORTRE so please stop contacing us fo anything at all.

You are not allowed to call us ever.

You call up BARACK OBAMA for sex or money?? or to chat??

You call with past LISA shit, that is EXTORTION... even if you do not ask for the sex or the money.. EXTORTION.


Anonymous said...

You take a payoff as a cop, lawyer or JUDGE.

I will take your license have you investagate & then sent to jail.... and then put the story in the media & get paid from your story and then unload your bank accounts in the UAE with a court order...
HAMMY said bribery for those with big ears, for my son, DANTE to be with daddy & not mommy... nothing else.

You all need to live in realiy, not fantasy HOLLYWOOD - bomb your body and insanely disfiqured limbs and jail for power games..

You all put YOU in jail... not me.
I told you to stop & stop being insane & used covers and aliases for privacy...

I am an AMERICAN too with no criminal records prior to the organized crime games.... stop misusuing my name.
WHAT you are satying is ridiculous and impossbile which is cruel and unususal..
You cannot have sex fro me or babies for me.. IMPOSSIBLE.

ANGIE MCQUEEN & RAJ JOLLY need to take tiher pimling and illegal surrogacy game to INDIA with their steriod people.... and stop ganging up on LISA & HH PRINCE HAMDAN for getting wed.

We have laws in the USA to stop spying, sabetoge, and trade secret laws to protect USA businesses...

YOUR WORLD LEADERS IN THE USA get kickbacks from medai, jails and wars.... wow- not our USA VALUES, but all organized crimes..


Meadvile, PA 16335

Anonymous said...

FREE PRESS?? It is supposed to be free & legit, not propoganda... and hate speech.

PLEASE PLAY FAIR in this world & be legit, for you adn everyone else.


Anonymous said...

LISA can call the STATE BAR adn get anyone investigated adn assets liquated and HAMMY & LISA can send your ass to CHINA for 3 months in jail over there...

SO, please.. stop messing with LISA & HAMMY.. ANGIE, RAJ, THE BOXERS and other ORGANIZED CRIME ASSHOLES.


ABU DHABI can liquated the AL MAKTOUMS accounts if you want to keep up this extortion game with ANGIE MCQUEEN ad other disloyal LISA people....

ANGIE MCVQUEEN IS A DISRESPECTFUL SICKO.... NO ONE, not even the AL MAKTOUMS can give you the green light to be LISA with HAMMY for LISA's wealth and babies & marraige..

Meadville, PA 16335

Anonymous said...

IT OWN YOUR USA PROPERTY ANGIE, from my IP (MY EMAILS AND MY BLOGS).. you are a sick hooing surrogate in LISA's real DUBAI MARRIAGE...

HON. VICTOR MICELI in RIVERSIDE, CA got the real CA wedding certificate for DUBAI as well....

HH SHEIKH HAMMY does not know who you are, ANGIE MCQUEEN &others that you called him behind my back as king him to PROVE he is a SHEIKH and sayinghe is not a PINCE if he is not with you when he is only allowed to be LISA his chosen PRINCESS (THE CHOSEN ONE) that you called him behind LISA's back....

LISA MICELI was chosen from the USA- to keep the peace in the UAE without bankrupting them....



Anonymous said...

THE UN IS NOT TO BE ABUSED- it is to keep the innocent out of jail & out of the wars... by powerful abusers in all countries.

HOW is ANGIE MCQUEEN in my bed when you told her no & I told her no??

STOP THE BULLYING AND ABUSE PLEASE for your self serving piece of shit ass.

You commit crimes against the USA then you are anti-AMERICAN...

YOU ALL USED ME NAME TO IULLEGAL GAnG UP on HAMMY for my wealth and my family... PLEASE STOP.

He chose LISA & never ever ever ever heard fo any LISA people in his life, not MJ, not PAMMy, not PARIS, not KIM K, not ANGIE MCQUEN, not KELLY SCOTT, not KELLY WERNER, adn not ANGIE MORTON.

You use my name, you are my servant and need to be obedient to USA AND UAE laws and LISA ANN MICELI- not HH PRINCE HAMDAN...

I said my name and it is linked to MAFIA terrirtory? THAT IS RACISM, not organized crimes...

If they endanger you, they are to clearly warn you....

911, who did the missile in the PENTAGON? KOREA OR RUSSIAN or CHINA??

WHY is that??

THANK YOU to all LISA SUPPORTERS who have tried to give me good advice & protect me and help me legally business.



Anonymous said...

I have no idea why you would want to sleep with LISA's hubby, he will legally kill you...

WHY would he not?

It is his country laws and values to protect LISA ANN MICELI, his real wife not fraud.



WILL FERRELL PLEASE CALL ME.. I have some work for you....

Michael Jordan stalked LISA. LISA got called the stalker.
ANGIE MCQUEEN committed crimes against LISA. LISA MICELI was called the criminal.

Meadville, PA 16335

Anonymous said...

YOU do not understand a consort or a harem in the USA.

He chose me...
I said yes.

Who are you to challenge that?
I would never ever ever hurt you in my life.

LISA's whole AL MAKTOUM family has been on these blogs with LISA ANN MICELI.

Lisa loves her new family.


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