Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Sandy

Question: How would this mess suddenly become about me? Really Sandy? I’m inconsiderate and nasty for posting her messages, but she’s not inconsiderate and nasty for sending that garbage to me? This is the same person who fantasized & plotted in her head to have you killed because she thought you were keeping secret insurance information away from her. This is the same person who made videos whispering sex-talk while you lay in your hospital bed in the background.

I didn’t ask for this crap! You are correct- you don’t know me & neither does she. I suggest you try to show the restraint that your daughter was never taught & DO NOT EMAIL ME ANY FURTHER before you truly get your feelings hurt! What kind of hell would your little princess be in right now if I hadn’t posted her itinerary? If you really give a shit about her, you’d have her locked away to get the help she truly needed instead of allowing her to slander, libel and harass people everyday online.

For the record, I’m not under any obligation to block anyone. YOU, on the other hand, could have simply taken the damn computer away. Sounds like that would have been the easier / logical / plausible/ rational / warranted solution to me. But I know, I know… that would mean she would simply start harassing you guys instead & I KNOW you just couldn’t have that, right?

If this is your first time seeing this blog, shame on you! You have been told, warned and sent information on several occasions regarding everything from Lisa harassing several people, her plots on your life, her exposing her sons personal information, her making sex movies, and your answer to it all was “I don’t believe it”. Do you believe it now, or all you care about is that I posted it?

This mess is not about me. Perhaps you need to re-examine your own life in order to put things in perspective. I don’t want to hear what you have to say, because I have actually defended you when your daughter shitted on your very existence. Wake up enabler! If she has the right to send what she wants to my email, then I have the right to counter that.!
Its this simple: you get her help, the post goes away. Otherwise...


Anonymous said...

Get the fuck outta here! You should post her emails too.

Anonymous said...

Just like mommy?

Anonymous said...

Sandy exposed. She did such a fine job raising Lisa to be the upstanding citizen that she is. So full of hatred and racism. Did she get that from you Sandy? Nice family

Anonymous said...

Wow. Now I see why Lisa is the way she is. Sandy is as delusional as Lisa. The only victim here is DANTE.

Lisa is a narcissistic, greedy, evil, and manipulative racist. We have seen her videos and heard her rants. She doesn't care about anyone but herself! OBVIOUSLY. She harasses people on a daily basis, including CHILDREN (Anges). NO ONE stalked her or wants to be her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lisa posted her email, home address and phone numbers on the internet DAILY for any kook to have.

She was so desperate for attention (good or bad) that she put her own life at risk. She repeatedly said she wanted to be owned/used and basically raped by OBL (or any man).

Wake Up Sandy. Think about Dante for a change. Poor kid doesn't have a relationship with his real FATHER because Lisa chose to lie about her one night stand from 11 years ago. Huh? And you supported that madness?

chimerafemme said...

Yeah, it's Chubby's fault because that is SO much easier than taking responsibility and taking action yourself.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sandy is upset that Chubbs got Lisa caught before she made it to Dubai. Did Sandy help Lisa get the tickets? Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Yep Sandy probably thought Lies-a snagged a Sheikh. Bwaaaahahaha

Mailee said...

I can't believe Sandy is blaming CM or actually I guess it doesn't surprise me as no one in that family appears to take responsibility for anything. It's so much easier to blame others for your daughters racist,libelous, sick remarks and actions, isn't it Sandy? She is a grown woman who is in desperate need of help and you allow her,since she does live in your home, to stalk and harass numerous people on the phone and internet. She has posted her address and phone numbers numerous times. Now if that isn't dangerous I don't know what is. How could you not put a stop to this? She has threatened children too. If you care at all for your daughter and especially your grandchild then do something.