Friday, February 10, 2012

living with a monster

When I see stories about people like Casey Anthony & Josh Powell, I think of LM. Those monsters had parents who loved them too & look what happened to their grandbabies. #disgusted!


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Anonymous said...

SORRY, Lisa is sane.

The hacker is not only insane but a huge criminal.

Please stop hacking me. PLEASE.
I have other things on my computer other than MJ and AL MAKTOOM.

Please stop hacking my twitter and my blogs and my private emails.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa why are you complaining about "hackers" when you posted your password here earlier? You wish someone would bother to hack you.

February 16, 2012 9:44 AM

NOT TRUE. I changed all passcodes to the ridiculous, numbers and letters and symbols. Sorry, you cannnot guessit as I cannnot remember it without the paper I wrotte it on. It is not a word or words anymore. Sorry.

PLEASE stop hacking. Simple request.

Anonymous said...

HH, once I am hacked, I am blocked from my own accounts, until I prove I am Lisa (with id to the police faxed to the company) and I was hacked by non LISA person.

GOOGLE, YAHOO, YOU TUBE said call the police.

SO, I am forced to set up another LISA account to do my business or my private chats.
SO, I have a lot of LISA accounts, but cannot access anyone of them but 1 at a time.

Anonymous said...

Lisa why do you keep speaking in the third person? No one is fooled.

Anonymous said...

Bwaaaaaahahahaha. LIAR. You make it to easy with all your bs. It just doesn't end now does it? Everyone read the emails where the National Enquirer rep told you to get help and stop emailing her with your nonstory of fiction.

February 16, 2012 8:38 AM

YOU WISH. IT went into print two times. FRONT AND COVER with HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON story. Sorry, you are an ASSHOLE Kelly Scott.
Get a life. You are being sued by a CANTON, OHIO lawyer in the next few weeks to stop your cyber stalking of LISA and your constant libel.
MJ paid you to discredit me, anyone of you? PROVE it.... my lawyers welcome your insanity and proof in the next few weeks.

I am sick of the libel.
I will be in the sun in Dubai by June 2012 and justice will be served on the harassers of Lisa and the stalkers of Lisa and the libelers of Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa why do you keep speaking in the third person? No one is fooled.

February 16, 2012 9:57 AM

SANDY is on her too, idiot.

We have more than one computer.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Scott will get her day in courts with Lisa A. Miceli for THE COMMENT PAGE and all of the hacking of Lisa when engaged to HH ABSAM online and trying to make wedding plans with him.


credit card spending
medical health records

all LISA's privacy.

Lisa's past sex life= LISA's privacy as well.

phone calls = LISA's privacy.

STOP invading my privacy.

What do you need to know? And when you do get info you twist to the ridiculous and the immoral. STOP it.

Lisa loves Dante.

Save Dante said...

SANDY is on her too, idiot.

We have more than one computer.

February 16, 2012 10:01 AM

Of course she is. ENABLER.

Anonymous said...

If Lisa wanted privacy she would stop posting here. She babbles about everything and can't seem to stop. No one is putting words into her mouth. You all (LM, SM) are seriously pathetic.

Anonymous said...

FREEDOM of speech.

Anonymous said...

You just can't stop goggling MJ can you? Obsessive/Compulsive=LM.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If Lisa wanted privacy she would stop posting here. She babbles about everything and can't seem to stop. No one is putting words into her mouth. You all (LM, SM) are seriously pathetic.

February 16, 2012 10:09 AM

THESE ARE MY PRIVATE EMAILS to HH. Why are they on this blog?
My com ments are what i would say on TV in an interview to support my positions, not my privacy.
emails, phone calls, medical info, and credit card spending info are my privacy and my private sex life.

This is my blog, HH. It is in my name, not just yours.

WHAT are you doing? and why?

Anonymous said...

Save Dante said...
SANDY is on her too, idiot.

We have more than one computer.

February 16, 2012 10:01 AM

Of course she is. ENABLER.

February 16, 2012 10:06 AM

MOTHER. DEFENDER of our CONSTITUTIONAL rights to freedom of speech, first amendment.
CIVIL rights, to stop the blatant racism in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You just can't stop goggling MJ can you? Obsessive/Compulsive=LM.

February 16, 2012 10:16 AM

It is front page MSN news. I wonder why he brings me up when he is in the media, but he does.
I am on the defense again, against MJ supporters, who are insane and UNREASONABLE.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha. When has MJ EVER brought you up???

Anonymous said...

THESE ARE MY PRIVATE EMAILS to HH. Why are they on this blog?

Well first of all CHUBBY IS NOT A SHEIKH OR HH. Duh.
Chubby is someone who YOU decided was a Sheikh so you could escape your crappy life. You are a greedy, narcissistic whore and the emails prove what a horrible mother you are. Chubby will continue to post any email or video she/he sees fit. Dont send them if you don't want them posted. Even a second grader would know that.

Anonymous said...


"yopu know it would not be a crime to crawl back in bed and see if we can get as close as we can and fiqure out where this is going."

Where are you, HH PRINCEY HAM? lol, lol.


Anonymous said...

Well first of all CHUBBY IS NOT A SHEIKH OR HH. Duh.
Chubby is someone who YOU decided was a Sheikh so you could escape your crappy life. You are a greedy, narcissistic whore and the emails prove what a horrible mother you are. Chubby will continue to post any email or video she/he sees fit. Dont send them if you don't want them posted. Even a second grader would know that.

February 16, 2012 10:28 AM

WHAT? CHUBBY is HH if YAHOO did not hack him and GOOGLE gift a hacked our private emails for extortion purposes, I mean entertainment purposes?

CHUBBY is HH. ABSAM= is HH = a real Prince.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hahahaha. When has MJ EVER brought you up???

February 16, 2012 10:24 AM

THEN the press nmade up some shit and needs to be sued for criminal libel calling me a "fugitive of the law" and a "MJ stalker" = sources unknown, as no one told this to the USA media. Yet, it is in print. Someone is paying for the damages to my psychology career and my reputation.

Either MJ said it to the media or someone else did or they made it up = LIES/DELUSIONS of a hostile media against Lisa Miceli.

It will cease and desist.

Anonymous said...

Credible media only, not fake soiurces of information, using libel and induendo.
Interview people, for the quotes, not just make shit up.

Anonymous said...

WAS LISA MICELI ever charged fo being MJ's stalker or ever charged with being a fugitive of the law?

NO to both.

CIVIL contempt of court and bench warrant, not anything else.

Anonymous said...

Man-o-Man...Liesa is too far gone. If she is in a mental health facility they sure aren't helping her get mentally healthy.
She even sounds more delusional. I can't believe that she is allowed on the internet. I would think they would keep her away from the internet as this is where most of her delusions stem from and how she has harassed many people. She thinks she is constantly getting hacked??? I find that to be a bit too hard to believe that she is being hacked. And she still believs that Chubbs is the Sheik??? Chubbs has told her numerous times, on this blog, that he/she is not the Sheikh. Plus she's accusing others of using her mothers cc? We all know it was Liesa that used it, nobody else. Will she ever grow up and take responsibility for what she does?? Probably not. She is still blaming the judges about getting her ass tossed in jail and still doesn't appear to comprehend why she was in court.
Or is it because she doesn't want to admit to anything? Could she really be that batshitcrazy? She is still harping on the same things that she was a few years ago. Nothing seems to have changed except she has added more victims to her delusions.

yabba dabbadoo said...

"This team of doctors is treating me with VITAMIN D and TRICOR and thyroid meds and allergy meds, not psych meds. I need to be exercising in the sun to be healthy and happy again.
You were to call Mike Stanz to arrange visits and to talk to my doctors directly before March 1, 2012 when I am to be discharged AGAIN."

Yeah, because people get involuntarily commmitted to mental hospitals because of high cholesterol, allergies and thyroid problems.

Happens all the time.

Lisa, you amuse me.

I never wrote that I thought you were a PARANOID schizophrenic, although I think that's probably the type you have. I think you heard that diagnosis from one of your doctors.

Since I know it's probably been tough to keep up with your Capella sports psychology classes when you're in the locked ward, I'll just remind you that schizophrenia makes it difficult to:

•Tell the difference between real and unreal experiences

•Think logically

•Have normal emotional responses

•Behave normally in social situations

Sounds just like you, Lisa.

BTW, your every comment on this blog is more than enough indication that you are still having delusions. If that's not enough for anyone, I suggest they read your Paris Hilton/MTV/etc. lawsuit. That's exactly the kind of lawsuit a schizophrenic files -- full of delusional statements, imagined persecution, bizarre conspiracies and grandiosity.

MAYBE the meds have controlled your psychotic symptoms, like the music you "heard" from the judge's head, and "hearing" OBL's thoughts and "HH"'s thoughts.

Those delusions are hard to shake though, huh?

Unfortunately since I'm sure you won't continue to take your meds as prescribed, those hallucinations will come back. Once you're back home and sitting at the computer 23 hours a day, it'll only be a matter of time before you're ranting incoherently about all of the people who are "sending thoughts" to you.

If you weren't such an entitled, self-centered, greedy and dishonest person underneath all that mental illness, I'd feel sorry for you. I do feel sorry for your family (except for your enabling mother). Schizophrenia is very hard for families to deal with.

But it seems that you will just keep on following the path of so many other people with schizophrenia -- not taking the only meds that will help you, denying you are sick, never able to hold a job, attempting to suck your kid into your delusions, never able to form real friendships, and unable to maintain any normal semblance of an existence.

Anonymous said...

Really, I'm hearing that desperation and melt down again! Every time the truth is said instead of all of the lies you all spew. Take your meds mind your own mental health and just shut up.

Anonymous said...

Feb 15, not just anyone would know that date except the principles involved. The one principle not informed. You se to forget that is the USA not 1940's Germany. Not a police state. One of your peers made the comment that this would result in another law suit. Even Hitler's own turned on him. I'd be concerned about retirement!

Anonymous said...

Talk about nuts yabba, your name fits. Sounds like you're projecting again!!! YOU REALLY neeeed to take those meds. Someone call CRISIS!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, I agree PROJECTION. Sounds like someone else is in denial. They must call you batshit crazy too.

Anonymous said...

Yabba dabbadoo said,"I'm crazy too!! One batshit crazy too you too.

Anonymous said...

I agree, chubby is a lying conniving
piece of camel (horse) shit. This one needs to be hung by the balls or tits which ever.

Anonymous said...

Rick or whatever else you are on here you should really back off. There is a permanent order against you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Yabba rattled the crazies up! The truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

Court dates are online as public record. Not too hard to find.

Anonymous said...

Maybe so but the case wasn't in the Meadville court dumb ass.Not everyone would know that information.

Anonymous said...

Yabba is the crazy. All you have to do is read the posts. Pure projection, how could someone who wasn't experiencing those feelings explain them so well.

Anonymous said...

Lisa"s own words

Or Rick Jones, who owned the house not say, I gave this to you b/c I knew that you were dating Michael Jordan.. adn then I would have asked him to put into print my calendars.. ad paid him back for the house.... instead things got crazy and I started sleepnig with everyone, like that was my talent.. when it is not my talent... and I felt ashamed of everything.. and I do not know why..

Anonymous said... WDA 2011

Public Information.
And if you can read, you will see that Feb 15 is on the bottom.

Trolls, you all really need to bring more gray matter to this blog. Unless you enjoy acting/looking like mindless twits.

Anonymous said...

Lisa's mother needs to be applauded for coming to her aid. That is what a real mother does. She is the protective one. The one who is always there no matter what the outcome. You call her an enabler I would call her the avenging angel,the tigeress.

Anonymous said...

You really must stop calling people trolls. Just anyone would not be looking at the superior court schedule. Troll where is your grey matter?

Anonymous said...

This group of trolls is seriously impaired mentally.

Guess you would applaud Jeffrey Dahmer's mom too.

Hurry up and get back to the HOME before they notice you're missing.

Anonymous said...

What you're Lisa now speaking for her in your own words.You really are in the need of help must be one of those multiple personalities you spoke of earlier.

Anonymous said...

What Rick, your mother never helped or stayed by your side the numberous times you spent in court. Just how many times did you embaress your family?

Anonymous said...

Don't like Rick, I'll refer to you as Richard the rapist.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Rick person Sandy keeps referring to? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa's mother needs to be applauded for coming to her aid. That is what a real mother does. She is the protective one. The one who is always there no matter what the outcome. You call her an enabler I would call her the avenging angel,the tigeress.

February 17, 2012 1:23 PM

You are obviously extremely delusional.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yabba is the crazy. All you have to do is read the posts. Pure projection, how could someone who wasn't experiencing those feelings explain them so well.

February 17, 2012 1:13 PM

Because of her superior intelligence and insight. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see Lisa is schizophrenic.

Anonymous said...

I think I know who Rick may be. For years, Lisa has said that she stayed at a beach house owned by "Rick" during one of her MJ stalking adventures. Is this the Rick? Is there something more sinister going on here.

Dear Mystery person *outint* Rick. Why don't you educate us and tell us why this Rick is so high on your radar? What did he do to Lisa. Why do you call him a rapist? Since you are so big and bad, tell the story -- don't hide behind your Anon badge -- tell the damn story or GET TO FUCK OUT!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typos ^^^^

Anonymous said...

Delusional you really throw that word around a lot. You must not know any others or is that what they call you?

Anonymous said...

LM and SM are most likely feeding the trolls wacky stories to cover up the sad truth of Liesa's illness/life.

Anonymous said...

Why should I Richard, I like this better? Thou protest too much.

Anonymous said...

Liesa's criminal case is sure dragging along.

Anonymous said...

What about yours? Isn't that the reason you left the country?

Not Rick or Richard said...

WTF????? Must be Sandy picking up where Lies'a left off in here! The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

As I said before you protest too much. What about your tree? I don't see you or any of the others revealing who they are. Oh thats right I forgot, your afraid of reprisal from the legal justice system.

Anonymous said...

Now that just proves it. You are delusional, you think you are better then the doctors.It takes a crazy to know all of the symptoms so well.

Anonymous said...

Professionals all. The hospitals should consult you and save a lot of time and money.

me said...

No one cares who Chubby is. He/she is NOT a Sheikh and Lisa knows this. Why do you care who Chubby is Sandy? She/he hasn't hurt your daughter. Stop trying to blame others for Lisa's problems. She is only getting worse.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, you hurt Lisa by coddling her behavior. She posted a video of you agreeing with her when she told you about Sheikh Ahmed. You know damn well she doesn't know any Sheikh and yet you played along. Now she says she is moving to Dubai in June with Dante. You also know that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

yabba dabbadoo said...
"This team of doctors is treating me with VITAMIN D and TRICOR and thyroid meds and allergy meds, not psych meds. I need to be exercising in the sun to be healthy and happy again.
You were to call Mike Stanz to arrange visits and to talk to my doctors directly before March 1, 2012 when I am to be discharged AGAIN."

Yeah, because people get involuntarily commmitted to mental hospitals because of high cholesterol, allergies and thyroid problems.

Happens all the time.

Lisa, you amuse me.

I never wrote that I thought you were a PARANOID schizophrenic, although I think that's probably the type you have. I think you heard that diagnosis from one of your doctors.

Since I know it's probably been tough to keep up with your Capella sports psychology classes when you're in the locked ward, I'll just remind you that schizophrenia makes it difficult to:

•Tell the difference between real and unreal experiences

•Think logically

•Have normal emotional responses

•Behave normally in social situations

Sounds just like you, Lisa.

BTW, your every comment on this blog is more than enough indication that you are still having delusions. If that's not enough for anyone, I suggest they read your Paris Hilton/MTV/etc. lawsuit. That's exactly the kind of lawsuit a schizophrenic files -- full of delusional statements, imagined persecution, bizarre conspiracies and grandiosity.

MAYBE the meds have controlled your psychotic symptoms, like the music you "heard" from the judge's head, and "hearing" OBL's thoughts and "HH"'s thoughts.

Those delusions are hard to shake though, huh?

Unfortunately since I'm sure you won't continue to take your meds as prescribed, those hallucinations will come back. Once you're back home and sitting at the computer 23 hours a day, it'll only be a matter of time before you're ranting incoherently about all of the people who are "sending thoughts" to you.

If you weren't such an entitled, self-centered, greedy and dishonest person underneath all that mental illness, I'd feel sorry for you. I do feel sorry for your family (except for your enabling mother). Schizophrenia is very hard for families to deal with.

But it seems that you will just keep on following the path of so many other people with schizophrenia -- not taking the only meds that will help you, denying you are sick, never able to hold a job, attempting to suck your kid into your delusions, never able to form real friendships, and unable to maintain any normal semblance of an existence.

February 17, 2012 12:18 AM

Bravo. Very well said.

Anonymous said...

Oh thats right I forgot, your afraid of reprisal from the legal justice system.

From where do you extrapolate that?

The legal justice system has their sights on the exact person with whom they need to deal

yabba dabbadoo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yabba dabbadoo said...

Anonymous said...
Yabba is the crazy. All you have to do is read the posts. Pure projection, how could someone who wasn't experiencing those feelings explain them so well.

February 17, 2012 1:13 PM


Yeah, cause general and detailed information about schizophrenia, medications to treat it, and its prognosis isn't available through:

1) undergraduate and graduate coursework (it's called "Abnormal Psychology" by the way)
2) numerous books available for check out at the library
3) this thing some people refer to as "The Internet". There's also this thing called teh google, where you type in words and it searches the intertooobs for you.

If you did any of that research or had any understanding whatsoever about schizophrennia you would know that
a) writing coherently isn't something that a schizophrenic is real good at (Exhibit A = Lisa); and
b) insight about their delusions and hallucinations isn't typically their strong suit.

So why not cut to the chase? The next time you want to blame the messenger don't bother to use big words like "projection", just copy and past this:

"I'm rubber, you're glue, it bounces off me and sticks to you!"


Anonymous said...


I LOOOOOOOOVE your closing....


Thank you for making my day so much more amusing.

Anonymous said...

What are you 15, clown? So that is how you are an expert the library? Move over Doc. We have a clown who can read. Know wonder you call yourself yabba. A real fruit cake. You must have your library book so you can copy just what to say. Really does your mother know .

Anonymous said...

LMAO..Brilliantly said Yabba. It really is hard to take anything that
Liesa or Sandy say seriously. It is sad that Sandy has chosen to coddle Liesa and her delusions. If she were a decent mother she would have gotten help for her daughter long ago. Instead she has chosen to ignore the problem. Who are you going to blame if and when Liesa really harms someone? And to say that we post as anon because we're afraid of legal ramifications is ridiculous. Myself and a few others do it because your daughter loves to harass people online and to tell you the truth I can live without seeing another BSC email from her.
If anyone of us were breaking the law it is very easy for the legal system to find out who we are, so No not afraid of that. Liesa gets off on threatening to have people thrown in jail and or suing them and she's won how many cases???? ZIP ZERO NADA. If Liesa weren't so damn evil I would just ignore her but she lays all of her crazy out there for everyone to read and then gets angry because no one believes her. No one has ever libeled or slandered her. She loves being a victim. She won't even tell her son who his bio dad is. That is truly cruel and Liesa will pay for it one day. She has lied to that poor kid long enough and then she takes vids of him and tries to get him to say he wants to meet his dad and wants the "sheikh" to come and visit. PLEASE!! What kind of Mother does that? Definitely NOT a good one. The things she says about Dante are obscene. How can anyone in that house tolerate any of it? And to say Sandy is a "tigress" she is more like a turtle or an ostrich, one hides in his shell and the other buries their head in the sand. It would be great if you tell your daughter the truth that there is no sheikh, she is not engaged to anyone, she isn't moving to Dubai, she isn't owed a mil in child support, and on and on. also as far as Liesa being hacked, I find it a bit hard to believe that she is constantly being hacked. She uses that as an excuse constantly. She is like a broken record.

Anonymous said...

Know wonder you call yourself yabba.

KNOW? Face palm. No wonder you defend Liesa, she has no comprehension skills either.

Anonymous said...

No one here has ever claimed to be a doctor. CLOWN. Lisa is the one who claims to be smarter than all her doctors, lawyers, judges, ex-employers, ex-friends, neighbors, teachers etc. Anyone who disagrees with her, so yeah everyone. Lisa always says people are trying to steal her life and be her. Who the hell would ever want to be her? She is a psychopathic, paranoid stalker.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! How predictable. The melt down is really out of control. Your mother better call the crisis team. You need a padded room. What I want to know is how you ever got out in the first place. Shame shame!!

Anonymous said...

Richard your still an egotistical maniac as always. You have always thought you are better and smarter than everybody else. They should have put you away a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Well at least Lisa's finally away now.

Anonymous said...

Just what did your mother do for you Richard? Did she kick you in the ass and tell you to never darken her door way again. Is that why you hate your mother? Still not Lisa's fault.

Anonymous said...

Really? I can predict another melt down coming very soon.

Anonymous said...

And you say Lisa is repeative. You really need to change that tune.

Anonymous said...

What do you think, that you have won? How wrong you are!!

Anonymous said...

Richard you really must get over it already. This projection of evil and hate. There isn't anyone more evil than you.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Richard? You , whoever you are, keep talking to a Richard. Is this another imaginary person? It really is a bit obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Not as obnoxious as you. Is that all you can do is whine?

Anonymous said...

These trolls that have shown up recently are so pathetic. They love trying to cause drama. BORING->YAWN<-

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just what this is a pathetic bunch of losers who can't take the truth about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic, an egotistical maniac and a couple fans of a washed up basketball player.

Anonymous said...

The only fan of MJ here is Lisa the stan. She is the only one who constantly brings him up. Her one night stand that got a restraining order against her. Then she wants to write a love story about him???? bwaaaahahahahahaha

Ali Babra said...

$94,000 to $1.7 million in back child support plus have of the birthing costs to Lisa Miceli.

Quite a spread. But of course she's lost basic math. It's like when I was 6 and Grandma gave me a dime and my baby sister, a nickel. I wailed because sis's money looked bigger than mine.

I've been checking in every month or so. Sad that she's been released. Plain sad...

Anonymous said...

shes pathetic.

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