Thursday, March 1, 2012

blah blag blah blah

Dear Mental Health People:

Please keep LM off the Internet, because apparently her mother is going to allow her to continue down this dark, twisted path. Who will be to blame? Everyone else but herself.
That is all.

From LM:

I have too many haters right now. I am home until discharged by phone on March 5th 2012. I am appealing a 6 month out of the hospital but with drs committment right now. It would be 6 months of outpatient, court-ordered in Meadville, PA from Warren, PA. At least I am home early from my inpatient treatment, which was court-ordered over the blogs.

That means I could fly back and forth to Dubai after March 5th, 2012, but not allowed to miss any drs appointments, which would be one day for one time a month for the next 6 months. What job should I do in Dubai?

sports psychology, stay at home mommy or real estate please? Where would I live please?

We need to plan my first trip to Dubai. I am exercising to be really thin for that trip. So no, I am not fat. I workout everyday.

WRITE BACK PLEASE. I met a friend from Thailand that knows your family. So, I will have some friends when I move my son and I to Dubai. I would love to be moved in by August 2012, in time for DANTE to go to school and he would be in the third grade. He would need to get a private tutor to learn ARABIC though.




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AbbyRose said...

Lisa where will you get the money to pay for all your planned trips back and forth to Dubai? Sandy's creditcard again?

Anonymous said...

I hope she goes to Dubai and reality hits her smack dab in the face. Better to know the truth sooner than later. At this rate she'll be a little old lady with 15cats, staring blankly at her dance certificates, crank calling Ange while waiting for Chubby to save her.

Noname said...

I agree w/anon@7:31. The best thing for Liesa is for reality to hit her smack dab in the face. But then we will all , probably, be blamed for that too.

Anonymous said...

How low does your self-worth have to be to wait endlessly on men who have no interest in you? I would never wait like this on a guy who didn't work to be with me, real or imaginary.

Anonymous said...

Chubbs should be ashamed for leading her down that dark path
It isn't the innocent it claims to be.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chubbs should be ashamed for leading her down that dark path
It isn't the innocent it claims to be.

March 1, 2012 9:16 PM


Get real!! How could Chubbs be possibly leading her down a dark path. Put the blame where it belongs. Her Mother since she has done nothing to help bring Lisa into reality. What kind of mother does that?

And anon@8:06, you wouldn't wait for some guy endlessly because you have self worth, common sense and self respect. No woman in her right mind would behave the way Lisa has behaved.

Anonymous said...

Ali how is Rick? Isn't that a pic with him?

Anonymous said...

What don't you get? How many times does it have to be said? You idiots are not the only ones with freedom of speech. The courts couldn't take it away. What makes you think you have tha right to?

Anonymous said...

Amazing to read the latest support. This must be Sandy again telling everyone to leave Lisa alone. She has the right to put any content on here and it's all ok with her. I just wonder how many more years of Lisa's life will be wasted following her imaginary life of privilege. Sandy are you really happy with what Lisa has become? A completely dependent adult who is unable to work and function in the real world, unable to provide for her son, unable to have a mature loving relationship with a real person?
So if you are good with that, then she will continue to spout her BS here and others will continue to mock and degrade her. (justifiably so). It would be better if you really wanted to be a protective mom and keep her away from this blog and the computer.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, while you are stuck in the US, do yourself and many others a favor and go do some volunteer work. Seriously, it would be good for you. Spend some time doing something selflessly for others and it will increase your self-worth and help you set a good example for your son while leaving you with less time and energy to focus on a blog that you can't control since everyone, not just you, is entitled to freedom of speech. Try a food bank or the humane society. And if it helps think of it as princess training since princes and princesses dont spend large quantities of time on blogs arguing with strangers but instead chasing other endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ali how is Rick? Isn't that a pic with him?
March 1, 2012 9:28 PM

HAHAHAHAHA So now you think Ali's Middle Eastern husband (The real Ali btw) is Rick? You are so fucking stupid. Give it a rest dumbass because nobody believes anything you say. I can call you a dumbass and I can call Lisa Miceli a psychotic whore thanks to your insistence on freedom of speech. I also have the fact that both statements are completely true as a reason why I can say them.

Anonymous said...

What is with you and the juvenile petty attack?
Grow up already
Your beginning to sound like the person you are attacking.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What is with you and the juvenile petty attack?
Grow up already
Your beginning to sound like the person you are attacking.

March 2, 2012 6:48 AM

I agree! Sandy sounds just like LM, but worse since LM is a diagnosed whackattack. SM should know better.

Anonymous said...

Lisa will never be held responsible, never be reined in, nothing. As you can see, her mom is her biggest enabler. If Lisa does end up making it to Dubai, I have no doubt she will be arrested and detained for stalking the royal family, or similar charges. Maybe her mom wants to encourage her delusions because she is hoping Lisa will be jailed in Dubai.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It isn't fun just attacking L now you are after her mother.
You are a pathetic bunch.
Does your mother know what you do on line?
Someone needs to tell her.
I bet she would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Well Chubs didn't act alone. How many 3-4 all acting as one person?
Notafakesheik, lifesabeach, and Chubbs.

Anonymous said...

I agree you should spend more time doing community service.
It is obvious you have too much time
so you attack L.
What happened to the marvelous job, family, husband and home?
It was all made up like the rest of your BS.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA So now you think Ali's Middle Eastern husband (The real Ali btw) is Rick? You are so fucking stupid. Give it a rest dumbass because nobody believes anything you say. I can call you a dumbass and I can call Lisa Miceli a psychotic whore thanks to your insistence on freedom of speech. I also have the fact that both statements are completely true as a reason why I can say them.

March 2, 2012 5:58 AM

ALI BABRA calimed to be married to a JEW- the white Jew in the photos. She is in her 50's according to THE SHEIKH and married in Texas to a white Jew. So, where do you get that she has a Middle Eastern hubby living in the USA? typing to me, LISA, about LISA's marriage plans and other plans.
NO ALI, you are not wedding my ARAB PRINCE hubby, he is just being his latest typical jerk to Lisa in public act. He will be calling you DELUSIONAL next too, if you had any plans with him, like I did or Miss Al Gamal.
I have the wedding dress and the letter that came with it, as my proof of a pending wedding.

I also have these blogs where HH prefers secret marriages in private to real ones in public.

Anonymous said...

If I was not hacked and attacked so many times, by HH and MJ, I would have my PhD in clinical psychology and worth some money from my legal cases, not even their money, but my work money.

My federal preggers suit was worth $800,000 less attorney fees. That is not all that bad. I still have my boook deal to finish and my Master's in counseling psychology yet. That gives me an income as well.
Then of course, DANTE's child support.

That covers our expenses and our meager lifestyle for now.


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Certainly, I would love to do charity work in Dubai. What do you have in mind please?

Working with HH Prince Hamdan at the autism center?
Sounds lovely.

You can pay for the travel that you attack me over mercilessly and that ill-fated trip to Dubai.

What else do you need to spend? Immigration fees, VISA fees, housing, preferably furnished, and whatever else.
You are clearly the talent in organizing jobs and money, not me.

I have my media sources in the USA, if you need these events in the media as well, HH.


Anonymous said...

I apply for all jobs online, HH.
Also, my schooling is all online.

I am looking into transfering if my school cannot get me a good job afterwards.

Just, FYI. The facts only please.

Anonymous said...

So, Ali why did he marry your ugly ass?
He must have needed to marry to stay in this country!

Anonymous said...

So your are a psychotic whore who likes to project your own illness on others?
And you said L is psychotic, your wrong, and she isn't a whore either,
You really need to take your meds.

Anonymous said...

SEE, MJ, even billionaire Princes, get called to the stand in their family law legal issues. Why was MJ not called to the stand to ask him about LISA?


Anonymous said...

It is obvious that L is writing to you and you are posting
Her letters on line.
Why don't you tell L who you are collective and
stop all of the harassment?
That is when L will stop.
Instead of feeding her more shit.
Or simply block her.

Anonymous said...

He set up these accounts for me, not for ANGIE MCQUEEN or ALI BABRA or anyone else.

He proposed to me 10 times already. I am the one stuck in the USA, not him in Dubai. I cannot legally wed unless I move to Dubai with him. We are securing our plans which have failed many many times in the past.
He is saying blah, blah, blah blah that our plans will work.

He called me a psychotic whore because I said that his nephew is gorgeous. I said that because he said that he wanted to "chase" his women. lol, lol, lol.

I am ready to wed and will be able to leave the USA soon.
Stop reading into this anymore than most already do and making things up and then calling HH and I delusional or psychotic.


Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH, HH I will cheer you up, from your recent family law issues.

I went through bad ones too.
We can celebrate our meeting with Ace of Spades. I found a local distributor with some bottles. Certainly not in any Meadville, PA restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I agree you should spend more time doing community service.
It is obvious you have too much time
so you attack L.
What happened to the marvelous job, family, husband and home?
It was all made up like the rest of your BS

Who are you talking to?

Anonymous said...

I get emails from Lisa all the time....I have told her COUNTLESS times that I am NOT Handan or Ahmed or any other royalty. She refuses to listen. Just refuses. I've also seen the same in her copied emails to me from the others she harasses, EVERYONE has asked her to stop. Chubbs, beach...everyone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I get emails from Lisa all the time....I have told her COUNTLESS times that I am NOT Handan or Ahmed or any other royalty. She refuses to listen. Just refuses. I've also seen the same in her copied emails to me from the others she harasses, EVERYONE has asked her to stop. Chubbs, beach...everyone.

March 2, 2012 12:01 PM

EVERYONE ASKED of you three people, to stop posting Lisa's private emails to you. It is a crime, called false pretenses. Lisa was told that HH set up three accounts for her to chat with him privately. Is she exposing him? NO. He is exposing LISA for chatting with him and following up on plans that they made with one another. Want me to cut and paste all of the 50 plus sex chats on here as proof?? like you do to Lisa?? and the wedding dress photos and the scarf photos and the other chats as well??

RESPOND to LISA in private please and respond back when she sends you an email, with the truth and answer her questions as well.

Simple. Cordial communications please.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

I thought that Chubbs, Life, and Notda are all the same person?
How is it harassment to respond to what ou are saying?

You want to tell my life story for me? about my son? and MJ?
You re-write history when you are claiming to be in the know, from my private emails to you. You want to help me with the book then?

I thought that chubb and Lisa were moving forward and planning LISA's move to Dubai.

Please elighten me now as the point of the email contacts and this blog, everyone.

Anonymous said...

It is not a crime to post emails. Emails are the property of the recipient. If you don't want your insanity known to all, then stop sending it to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, You seem to be getting ready to blow a fuse. You know the easy way to stop this all right? Leave everyone alone. Walk away from the computer. Go take your meds and face reality.

Anonymous said...

Want me to cut and paste all of the 50 plus sex chats on here as proof?? like you do to Lisa?? and the wedding dress photos and the scarf photos and the other chats as well?

YES! Please do!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa, You seem to be getting ready to blow a fuse. You know the easy way to stop this all right? Leave everyone alone. Walk away from the computer. Go take your meds and face reality.

March 2, 2012 1:18 PM

NO, I am fine and busy today, as usual in the real world. Stop lying. Every other post is a lie to cover the last lie, but you call me a liar and blame whatever on MJ days back in the 90's.
I was not delusional then or now. I am not pissed off then or now. Just stop lying.

The wedding dress was sent from Fit for Royalty Designs, what am elaborate hoax you all played then, if HH ABSAM is not HH ABSAM or chubby. Why does he not want to change his info? he actually picked up other women on these accounts by hating on me, Lisa?
That is disturbing.
He is wedding Ali Babra, because she was the most jealous Lisa blogger and hater on here? So, if I hate on her ugly horse teeth assed back and slam her every post, I get my beloved ABSAM back?

and he will claim that I already have m Middle Eastern hubby? as I do have a wedding dress. What does Ali have?

A fake name..... and what else?


Anonymous said...

A copy of an email between myself and Lisa. NOTICE I TELL HER I AM NOT THESE PEOPLE AND TO LEAVE ME ALONE? Back in November.

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Lisa Miceli


Message flagged Monday, November 7, 2011 3:28 PM

From: Lisa Miceli
To: "" ; ""
Cc: "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; ""
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 2:01 PM
Subject: I WILL PUT DEVON DEL A HOYA in prison

for heft since you are insane ANGIE MCQUEEN and think that you are LISA for offline and LISA' s life...
RAJ JOLLY hung up on me so your family is insane saying that you are LISA for LISA's emails LISA's wedding and LISA's sex life with AL MAKTOOM.

AL MAKTOOM here now or ANGIE baby and sicko damily in prison.

OFFLINE ONLY with LISA AND DANTE adn the RAJ JOLLY DOUBKLE RIPLE LIFE FAMIULY in PRISOn- that is how it works, she is not me For THE SULTAN - why would she get cancer from me fucking my hubby? ? She would not.. Why would she fuck you after you proposed to LISA?? She is a sicko.

Why would RAJ hang up on me when he got property for ANGIE for LISA's house? MAKES NO SENSE. HE HAS OTHER WIBEs- MY EMAILs= M LIFE.

Meadville, PA 16335

Anonymous said...

And again.
Re: I have klids for myself with my fiancee... not ANGIE McQUEEN calling for my

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Message flagged Monday, August 15, 2011 11:03 PM
Fucking stop emailing me about your ridiculous stupid shit. No ones doing shit to you, you need a mental hospital. Shut the fuck up PLEASE.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: CM ; Prince Hamdan ;
Cc: ; Life is a Beach ;
Subject: I have klids for myself with my fiancee... not ANGIE McQUEEN calling for my
Sent: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:42:41 AM

AL MAKTOUM kids.... why would you??

WHY would you let her change plans using my contacts and not tell me?


Anonymous said...

And again. Requests to Lisa to leave people alone get ignored.

Re: BE A MAN, it was me who asked about SAEED. B/c of my ex, Keith SAEED.

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Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:30 PM
What I want you to do is leave me alone.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: CM ; ;
Cc: Life is a Beach ; Prince Hamdan ;
Subject: BE A MAN, it was me who asked about SAEED. B/c of my ex, Keith SAEED.
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 4:47:56 PM

WHEN I CALL it is for LISA when ANGIE calls it is for LISA.
You were to be dating me and in bed with me,.. not ANGIE on my wedding story.
THE DRESS is over a year old now. WHAT do you want me to do?
WHEN did she show up at events as if LISA ANN MICELI from online??
The one with the real estate lawsuits is LISA ANN MICELI.
She switch IDS with me- TRY & remember all of the promises an the emails- for FUR COATS- FREEZING HERE - & you bought three of them.

STOP TALKING out of both sides of your mouth- I asked for a date in LAS VEGAS, NV or at a horse event or a racing event of some kind- what is wrong with you?


Anonymous said...

Anddddd again:

Re: WHY is HE EXPOSING ME AFTER PROPOSING TO ME? I was in curls & nails and my dress.

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Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 4:55 PM
I'm not anyone named Hamdan. I've looked at your crazy blog, and it appears the other addresses you're writing to are not Hamdan OR Ahmed. Stop emailing me incessantly.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ; CM ; ;
Cc: Life is a Beach ;
Subject: WHY is HE EXPOSING ME AFTER PROPOSING TO ME? I was in curls & nails and my dress.
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 9:49:13 PM

BE NICE HAMDAN please. SHEIHK AHMED scared me because he wwent to the wrong house & is with my BFF without me, and she promised, wedding witness only and that she hates ARABS.


From: H Tor
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: BE A MAN, it was me who asked about SAEED. B/c of my ex, Keith SAEED.
What I want you to do is leave me alone.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: CM ; ;
Cc: Life is a Beach ; Prince Hamdan ;
Subject: BE A MAN, it was me who asked about SAEED. B/c of my ex, Keith SAEED.
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 4:47:56 PM

WHEN I CALL it is for LISA when ANGIE calls it is for LISA.
You were to be dating me and in bed with me,.. not ANGIE on my wedding story.
THE DRESS is over a year old now. WHAT do you want me to do?
WHEN did she show up at events as if LISA ANN MICELI from online??
The one with the real estate lawsuits is LISA ANN MICELI.
She switch IDS with me- TRY & remember all of the promises an the emails- for FUR COATS- FREEZING HERE - & you bought three of them.

STOP TALKING out of both sides of your mouth- I asked for a date in LAS VEGAS, NV or at a horse event or a racing event of some kind- what is wrong with you?


Anonymous said...


Re: Sorry to bother you sir. WERE can we meet in person please. I am warm & friendly.

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H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 5:21 PM
Listen. No one is coming to marry you. You think you are talking to these Arab royal people but you're not. That's why you wait and wait and nothing happens, because the real Hamdan and the real Ahmed don't know who you are, not do they know who this Angie is. If she is telling you she doesn't know them, she's telling the truth. I'm not telling you my name because from what I can tell, you're dangerous and mentally ill. No one is coming to take you to Dubai.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Subject: Sorry to bother you sir. WERE can we meet in person please. I am warm & friendly.
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 10:09:53 PM

IT is not my blog.. it is my private writings to HH SHEIKH AHMED. Why is he trying to make me look crazy?
Where is the love and the swooning that he had for me? I am confused by all of the lies. He has more than 4 wives or more than 3 wives, he does not expose the other wives- he sent me photos. DOES he not pay for them all of the same?
Why would he say that I am MISS ABSAM (his initials) propose and never wed me properly.
Please meet with me. WHO are you then? I was told that you are HAMDAN. I was told to call you HH because of your uncle, both by your uncle and another man.


Anonymous said...

Re: THANK YOU for ACKNOWLEDGING I am upset- but I am crying. I am NOT VIOLENT.

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H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 5:36 PM
You were sent photos or got photos off the internet. Put a search of prince Hamdan in Google and see all the pictures that come up, same for Ahmed. You have not been speaking to Ahmed. If you choose to believe the lies, so be it. Best of luck to you. I won't be responding to your crazy emails, I'm not interested in this at all. I have a very busy life I need to live. Goodbye.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Subject: THANK YOU for ACKNOWLEDGING I am upset- but I am crying. I am NOT VIOLENT.
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 10:31:14 PM

THES ARE ALL LIES & ALL FALSE ACCUSSATIONS. HH sent me photos that only he has & he called me on the phone & he had ASSA - his assitant call me. I am not dangerous, where did you get that from chatting or mentally ill - my career is psychology??
WHY are you trying to hurt me every phone call? or emails.
PLEASE be nice. Please stop lying to me. ANGIE lies to me too now becasue she back stabbed me with HH- he told me and then denied it.She is wearing my gifts. SO, these are all lies.
You are not going to help me then why did you not say that 50,000 emails ago.


Anonymous said...


Re: HH TOLD me that he met ANGIE- at a LISA wedding party..

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H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:35 PM
I don't know anyone named assa. I don't know Ahmed. I don't know Hamdan and the only thing I can order is a pizza. Stop bothering me.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Subject: HH TOLD me that he met ANGIE- at a LISA wedding party..
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 11:12:47 PM

I WILL SCAN THE WEDDING PROPOSALS and then will you be nice to me and stop calling me DELUSIONAL and MAD? and other names? Why are you so mean to me?
WHY would I not marry a SHEIKH- he said that I am stunning.. where are these mean lies & rumors coming from please?
He told me to meet with HH PRINCE HAMDAN- can you order a wedding? Why did he say that? I get easily confused.
Is he a womanizer to everyone or just me because other women spun it that way so he would be faithful to them instead?
I was to be in the warm DUBAI sun on the beach. I know you are busy. CAN you have ASSA call me please? SO, I can fiqure out how ANGIE, my BFF, got all of my rings & furs & meetings with HH when I am the one moving and was to have $500,000 to get there from the USA.


Anonymous said...



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H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:36 PM
Ok, I'm either going to just delete all your emails or change my email address. You don't listen. I don't know these people.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 10:57:19 PM

HOW WOULD I KNOW HER NAME?? Are you saying that b/c of ONLINE SEX- that it is not you or AHMED? when it is?
STOP listening to cons, like ANGIE & RAJ, my friends, but was I ever there.. for any of the dates or events or parties and it is my engagement.

HE got their names from LISA ANN MICELI. LISTEN, please be a man & so I can have a busy life too - and not bother you.

I am obedient & efficient. PRINCE AHMED is not calling me back because of you. He went to my BFF's instead.



Anonymous said...


Re: LOVERS SAY NO - to GOODBYE. SEND me a photo..

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H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:45 PM
Why do you refuse to believe I am not this Hamdan???

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Subject: LOVERS SAY NO - to GOODBYE. SEND me a photo..
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 11:43:01 PM

A real one, not a google one and stay with me for one night... while in the desert. I can change your mind aobut everything. TRUST ME.
I know you are busy.


Anonymous said...


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H Tor

Message flagged Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:09 AM
Unfortunately I will have to change my email address since ignoring you isn't working and asking you to atop isn't working. Best of luck. I hope you will someday get help.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2011 2:04:10 PM

HOW WOULD I KNOW HER NAME?? Are you saying that b/c of ONLINE SEX- that it is not you or AHMED? when it is?
STOP listening to cons, like ANGIE & RAJ, my friends, but was I ever there.. for any of the dates or events or parties and it is my engagement.

HE got their names from LISA ANN MICELI. LISTEN, please be a man & so I can have a busy life too - and not bother you.

I am obedient & efficient. PRINCE AHMED is not calling me back because of you. He went to my BFF's instead.



Anonymous said...

Re: I was told to ask for DAVID JONES please.

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H Tor
Lisa Miceli

Message flagged Friday, November 4, 2011 10:12 AM
Please do not email me anymore. I don't know you, I don't know who HH is, I'm not interested in your crazy ramblings about aliens taking over your brain and your marriage to Osama Bin Laden and talking cats and what have you.

Thank you.

From: Lisa Miceli
To: H Tor ; ""
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: I was told to ask for DAVID JONES please.

He needs to be arrested for slavery and torture. Why does he propose and emails then wait and then I write my stuff for business plans and then gives them to KIM K, PARIS, PAMMY, AND ANGIE, AND now PEGGY for DUBAU BUSINESSES (USING INTERNATIONAL TRADE SECRETS- SAME LAWYER AND SAME AGENT?).. when it is all LISA's property and social circle- is now his sick harem in my face and behind my back. If I say no to sex then he fuckls a friend of LISA's.. and then denies me money constantly.
WHO HACVKED? YOU, HH? So you do not need me if you are fucking ANGIE AND PEGGY and ruining my life and telling me and others that I did not date MJ and you will protect Michael JORDAN- FUCKING FAGGOT? now? ALL LIES. THEFT BY DECEPTION.
PROSTITUTION USING EVERYONE WHO is on my phone or my contact list or in my friendship - EXPENSIVE gifts he said came from their hubby not him and others are saying he lies it is him in m face on my wedding story. DOUBLE lives from HILLARY CLINTON? CIA? WHAT? DRUGS- is it. LIARS, who cheat on thier hubby to hurt our marraige, AL MAKTOOM.
REAL MONEY, MY COURT CASES CORRUPTED WITH BACK STABBING LISA TELLING BUSINESS PEOPLE. YOU ARE SO FUCKING CORRUPT. I passed my mental evaluations... WHY steal it, CHINA will not let you, AL MAKTOOM? I called their country in too thru BARACK OBAMA.
RECENT MILITARY PHOTOS? Who i LISA now for LISA's recent wedding plans- why did you send me a wedding dress ?? from PARIS, FRANCE, FIT4 ROYALTY DESIGNS at YAHOO. com..
I need lawyer meetings. I NEED MY MONEY NOW PLEASE. YOU GAVE ANGIE MCQUEEN AND PEGGY SNYDER, LISA's BFF credit cards- for what?
KEITH SAEED- does not know you. NICK PENDOLINO does not know you, so why are you settling a petty high school and other petty scores over sex?
You are all calling other countries ns saying you are a QUEEN or PRINCESS and need LISA' TV SHOW, MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ROYALITY money, when it is not them and never was them- are they a MICELI with brown hair and brown eyes? NO.

MY CAREER is psycholgoy, too easy to prove it.


Anonymous said...

Re: THIS IS ME. IF LEON PANETTA (CIA DIRECTOR, ITALIAN MAN) if I find out he is orgnaizing crime on my name & my image & my life...

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H Tor

Message flagged Friday, May 27, 2011 3:08 PM
All very sad. Please take me off your email contact please. Thank you.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: THIS IS ME. IF LEON PANETTA (CIA DIRECTOR, ITALIAN MAN) if I find out he is orgnaizing crime on my name & my image & my life...
Sent: Fri, May 27, 2011 3:53:19 PM

HIS ASS is going to be in hot water...


HH, you proposed and you are to be at my house, or you are in trouble with USA LAWS- TRUST ME.
You have the information you need. I will start removing the internet messes throught the USA courts if I do not have copies over everything and a name and address of the alleged owner of my property.

THIS IS BLASPHEMY, and you are giving me power you would never want me to exercise over you in any way... not in the courts or in the press or in the real world.

EVERYONE OUT of my name. ALL GIFTS AND MONIES sent to LISA properly.
ANGIE is not LISA or her lawyers, to do any legal cases or hold any copyright information.


Anonymous said...

OH, in November, you claimed that you are not who you said that you were to LISA.

Whatever. That is all that you want to hear. That I will walk away, from everything that you arlready said and never did for me but claim to have done for others who slammed me in the public eye.
Why do this? I have other things in my emails and blogs other than Al Maktoum? I have my career which I am trying to put back together into a career to get paid for.
I never stopped doing that. I am in grad school online only and need my email accounts secure to get my homewrok everyday and other messages from school.

Stop posting old emails please. They are pointless if you are AL MAKTOUM or not AL MAKTOUM. They are in the past. Am I mad? NO.

Just be honest from this point forward. The police are useless in stopping hackings which ruined my grad school grades... because I could not enter into my own accounts when unknown third parties hacked into my accounts I was locked out and I am in grad school everyday.

That was all I cared about- my work search records, for my employment case and other govt money that I am using, federal loans and grants. I need to maintain a B average and committ no crimes to get student federal funding.
Stop causing such scandals, when it was to be a simple plan, I flew to Dubai or you fly to the USA to meet and stay offline with our romance and plans.

I do not want hacked when I cann ot possibly print everything that I am doing daily for my USA career.

I just spoke to Angie McQueen. We are fine as long as she is not calling up chubby for help when HH was to be helping me with our wedding plans.

Angelicque McQueen is doing for Devon right now using her own skills and talents and contacts, as far as I know.

Not confusing everyone by changing plans behind my back like before.


Anonymous said...

And againnnn


Hide Details
H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, May 31, 2011 9:24 AM
Please stop mailing me. I don't know what you're going on about.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: WE ARE JUST RTYING TO MAKE THE CONS MAD..... ALWAYS...................
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 12:26:48 PM

BE FURIOUS.. You are not MJ's MISTRESS- ANGIE McQueen, PAMMY, PARIs or anyone else.. HH buys for LISA.. and then where is my stuff, on ANGIE and he calls me a LIAR & a LIBELER???? for what? ANGIE being in my SHOES???? HH proposed to LISA and ANGIE MCQUEEN & RAJ were to witness the wedding, not offered themselves for sex. WHERE IS MY RANGE ROVER, MY HOUSE, AND MY JAG, AND MY FR CIOATS and my JEWELRY (CUSTOM CUT) and my my HAND MADE CLOTHING... THIS WAS AND IS LISA's TV SHOW & WEDDING PLANS.
You do not hae a TV SHOW or a wedding on my emails & using my contacts ANGIE MCQUEEN.
He is calling me a liar, b/c I do not have my stuff & a libeler b/c I was not at my own wedding..
WHTY was the MCQUEEN in my JET & at my wedding with NO BRIDE.
He calls me a LIAR everyday.. What did you say, ANGIE MCQUEEN & RAJ JOLLY to CHUBBYMONSTAR- the only ABSAM contact you had, ANGIE MCQUEEN & RAJ JOLLY. How did you meet me using my nam e& STEPHEN BOYCE?? and go to his hotel??
WHY AM I BEUING ATTACKED, BY ANGIE, PAMMy, AND PARIS HILTOn, for finding HH online and HE SAING to me, "I want to practice with you". & the other one saying he wants to wed LISA and proposing to me ten times? HOW am I the libeler??
THE FBI CALLED LISA the VICTIM of CRIMINAL LIBEL.... b/c I was onlnie first, bedding her first meant EXTORTION.... and not anything else.
THESE CONS STALK LISA to make a me ss of her life and call it conmedy, who owes the rights? LISA who owes the cable company? LISA.

WHERE is the MONEY you sent to ANGIE MCQUEEN, PAMMY, AND PARIS to meet with you in DUBAI???? or in the USA??
WHERE is my CLOTHING? ON ANGIE's body? WHY? She is not LISA. Why is my CUSTOM CUT JEWELRY on ANGIE and she is callnig m y jewelry fake???
she says that she does not know AL MAKTOUM... as of last night.
LISA 's stories ar4e being misused by HOLLYWOOD with no cont5racts, hurting me adn m y son, the buyeer is RESPONSIBLE by law - SO AL MAKTOUM owes LISA not ANGIE.
Plus, we wed online. Plus, he damages me with ANGIE MCQUEEN & Michael Jordan.
PROSECUTE AN GIE- do you not care for the bodies of TERRORISTS??
HUV BOMB, AND ID THFT BOMB, AND OBL BOMBS.. WHAT are you thinking? PROSECUTE RAJ JOLLY AN D ANGIE MCQUEEN- the3y call CHUBBY and tell him my exact info, with no BRIDE, named Lisa ANN MICELI- it is not ANGIE' s wedding- it is LISA ANN MICELI.
GOLDEN BOY PRODUCTIONS does not own me or speak for me... EVER.

HOW AM I A LIAR?? B/c I am not owned by ANGIE, RAJ, AND GILDEN BOY PRODUCTIONS.... so the3y get paid on my AL MAKTOUM BILLIONAIRE wedding? or JUMP,INC to get paid either?
WHAT is this, PIMP AND HOOKER AD TRADE GAME on my AL MAKTOUM wedding story.. ??


PROSECUTE ... no one is paying my bills, and my son and I are in the USA courts for everything.. EVERYTHING.


MY STAR STUDDED TV SHOW is not to have MJ FANS who think that they can be me or bed Michael Jordan or HH and be me, on it.. FRAUDS or CONS. I said no to other women in the USA - NO ANGIE MCQUEEN.



Anonymous said...

Really? People are pretending to be Handam and Ahmed huh?

Re: ARE you paying for my hotel please????

Hide Details
H Tor

Message flagged Tuesday, June 7, 2011 10:56 AM
I'm not hamden. Chubby is not Ahmed.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: H Tor ;
Subject: Re: ARE you paying for my hotel please????
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 3:55:00 PM

PROVE to me your are HAMDAN please. Who is CHUBBY?? Will your govt tell me who CHUBBY is please?

Princess Lisa Ann Miceli

From: H Tor
To: ""
Sent: Tue, June 7, 2011 11:40:02 AM
Subject: Re: ARE you paying for my hotel please????

Please remove me from your correspondence. Why would I be paying for you to vacation?

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: ; ; ; ;
Subject: ARE you paying for my hotel please????
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 3:19:43 PM

Anonymous said...

No one emails Kelly Scott, so everything she says about LISA is a lie.
She would post it other wise adn prove it like Chubby and his family does to Lisa. She just lies to lay claim to LISA's existance and never met me nad never spoke to me and I told her to shut up and stop trying to be in the kn ow of another woman's life, like Ali Babra.
I tell you the truth and you read in to it to be something completely different.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

From: H Tor
To: ""
Sent: Tue, June 7, 2011 11:40:02 AM
Subject: Re: ARE you paying for my hotel please????

Please remove me from your correspondence. Why would I be paying for you to vacation?

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Lisa Miceli ;
To: ; ; ; ;
Subject: ARE you paying for my hotel please????
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 3:19:43 PM

March 2, 2012 2:10 PM

WHO said anything about a vacation? I am coming for work, legit work and to talk to HH ABSAM in person, not on blogs or in emails, as he is not being legit with me.
I already bought my package for a week long Dubai visit.
Why are you all playing games on here with my life, twisting it and making up lies? for what purpose?

HH ABSAM you promised to NOT expose anyone but you. Why are you exposing another person?


Anonymous said...

The wedding dress was sent from Fit for Royalty Designs, what am elaborate hoax you all played then, if HH ABSAM is not HH ABSAM or chubby

No. We have seen the receipt for the wedding gown. YOU purchased it from some place in China using your mothers credit card.

Anonymous said...

Now, Lisa's mom will say "why don't I change my email address?". WHY should I have to change an address I have used for a very long time? Why should Lisa not have to STOP emailing me when I have clearly asked her to stop so many times? Now I just don't respond any longer since I know she will never listen to me when I tell her I am not any of these people.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now, Lisa's mom will say "why don't I change my email address?". WHY should I have to change an address I have used for a very long time? Why should Lisa not have to STOP emailing me when I have clearly asked her to stop so many times? Now I just don't respond any longer since I know she will never listen to me when I tell her I am not any of these people.

March 2, 2012 2:24 PM

OK. Just tell me who you are and let's come to an agreement about this blog please. Simple.


Anonymous said...

LISA! I am NOT giving you my personal information! You would do nothing but stalk and harass. God only knows what you would do if you had more then just my email address! No! I'm not giving you my name. All you need to know is that I am not Hamdan or whoever else you fantasize I am. I don't need to "prove" to you that I really am not who I say I am NOT.

Anonymous said...

This blog is all Liesa has. It is her lifeline. She would probably have a nervous breakdown if Chubby shut it down. He/she actually should because Liesa and her mother use it to further their abusive taunts and delusions of grandeur.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LISA! I am NOT giving you my personal information! You would do nothing but stalk and harass. God only knows what you would do if you had more then just my email address! No! I'm not giving you my name. All you need to know is that I am not Hamdan or whoever else you fantasize I am. I don't need to "prove" to you that I really am not who I say I am NOT.

March 2, 2012 2:32 PM

LOL, LOL, LOL, lol. ok. Stop being so nasty. I never said that you were or are HH Prince Hamdan. I said that you are HH ABSAM. STOP playing games please. Be a legit person for once. I stalk no one. You lied. I asked you to stop lying and then stop exposing me please. I will write my MJ tell all book. There is nothing left to say on that subject.

My son gets great grades in school, you never met him so please stop lying. Some are trying to help me with HH, I do know that. Thank you. But others are being nasty to hurt me or get me in jail for their crimes of deception or a mental ward, for what reason? I think that I am attractive and no one else does? WHAT? why are you being cruel?
Chat and tell me what is going on please? Why expose me? how do I make that stop please?

WHO I fantasize about? I am pretty much stuck in reality everyday.
Be honest. Stop exposing me for believing your lies please.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

LIsa why do you constantly bring up MJ? You can't keep his name out of your mouth. No one gives a rats ass if you allegedly dated him. Whoop de do. Who cares? No one is impressed. And we aren't MJ fans but you sure seem to be. You are obsessed. Move the fuck on and get over it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LIsa why do you constantly bring up MJ? You can't keep his name out of your mouth. No one gives a rats ass if you allegedly dated him. Whoop de do. Who cares? No one is impressed. And we aren't MJ fans but you sure seem to be. You are obsessed. Move the fuck on and get over it.

March 2, 2012 3:05 PM

lol, lol, lol, lol. It is YOU all who bring it up. I am cashing in on a book to pay for the birthing costs and fix my credit and then move on. People care. They do. I got hit up for a mental eval from other people suggesting it. So, please. I got pulled over in my SUV for us posting online and being slammed to "make sure that I am okay". So, please. People read and react to everything. At least they do so in the USA.

Chubby, please stop exposing me on the blogs and pick up the phone... and chat for 15 minutes instead.

I have other work online... psychology career is all online, jobs & schooling & other paperwork.


Anonymous said...

Liesa said
No one emails Kelly Scott, so everything she says about LISA is a lie.
She would post it other wise

You are truly a pathological liar. She mass deletes your spam emails. Why should she post your crap and give your lies any acknowledgement? And if she did post your garbage emails you and Sandy would say she was wrong for posting personal emails. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. You twist everything.

Anonymous said...

No one is wrong for posting personal emails. Once they are sent to the receiver, they become the receivers property.

Anonymous said...

You are truly a pathological liar. She mass deletes your spam emails. Why should she post your crap and give your lies any acknowledgement? And if she did post your garbage emails you and Sandy would say she was wrong for posting personal emails. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. You twist everything.

March 2, 2012 3:25 PM

NOT TRUE. NEVER sent her more than one email asking her to shut down the COMMENT page. She knows nothing of Meadville, PA like she claims. She lives in Alliance, OHIO and never met me one time. Why would I tell her my business. I told chubby because he said that he is HH ABSAM adn ready to wed me right away. OK? SO, now 7 yrs later, he is telling me he is not HH. Who is the liar?

Kelly Scott = liar.
chubby = liar.

You are all attacking me over MJ, but say, no one cares about MJ, Lisa brought it up. So, why are you all in my business then??
Why do you care, Kelly Scott, who I wed or whom I bed? it is not your body to care. It is LISA's who is an adult and can make her own choices.

You attack over my money, like I am not allowed to be richer than Kelly Scott, whoever that is and why she cares about LISA and her wealth. DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR is Kelly Scott.


Anonymous said...

Those emails prove Lisa won't listen to the truth and how pigheaded she is. You told her you weren't Hadam or Ahmed and yet she refuses to accept it. Pretty damn sad. Plus she is completely harassing you.

This one shows the kind of person LM is,
Subject: I WILL PUT DEVON DEL A HOYA in prison
WOW. LM is a desperate psychopath.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Those emails prove Lisa won't listen to the truth and how pigheaded she is. You told her you weren't Hadam or Ahmed and yet she refuses to accept it. Pretty damn sad. Plus she is completely harassing you.

This one shows the kind of person LM is,
Subject: I WILL PUT DEVON DEL A HOYA in prison
WOW. LM is a desperate psychopath.

March 2, 2012 3:37 PM

FINE. When I say okay, you are not them, you say I said the exact opposite of what I did just say to you. FINE. You win. You are not a Dubai Royal. NOW, who are you? and why and what are you exposing me for? when does it stop please?
So, I can focus on reality and not countering every lie on here.

I DO NOT TALK TO KELLY SCOTT. WHO IS BEING OIG-HEADED now? YOU AND KELLY SCOTT. Kelly SCOTT's who blog is a fraud. She does not talk to me and I do not tell her my life. She lied to all of you for over 5 years now, claiming to know about Meadville, PA. yet, Lisa is the only person she talks about in Meadville, PA. She does not know me, never worked with me, never went to college or high school with me and never dated in my social circle. I simply never heard of Kelly Scott before in my life. She lies everyday and every post is a lie.

Thank you. Please stop talking to her about Lisa A. Miceli. She never met me in her life and never chatted with me in her life.

She cuts and pastes and slams me for what? MJ was not with her and that is my fault? ALL DELUSIONS of Kelly Scott.

THE USA MEDIA CARED, that Lisa Miceli dated Michael Jordan.

Thank you for keeping up with me and making certain that I am safe.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Please post the marriage proposals you claim to have. You said Chubby proposed 10 times? All the emails posted are you ranting and raving and the other person repeatedly saying STOP EMAILING ME.

Anonymous said...

NO ONE cares if you "dated" MJ. So fucking what. He "dated" many many women. You are a dime a dozen. No story there. Happens all the time. Yet you continue to inject his name into 90% of your posts which proves YOU alone are the one obsessed with him after all these years. Your fling with him is nothing to brag about. You should be embarassed by how you have acted after he dumped you like yesterday's trash. No MJ fans here.

Anonymous said...

Please post the marriage proposals you claim to have. You said Chubby proposed 10 times? All the emails posted are you ranting and raving and the other person repeatedly saying STOP EMAILING ME.

March 2, 2012 3:51 PM

I already did scan them. You called them fakes when they were the real deal emails. HH allegedly set up MISS ABSAM YAHOO account for me with ASSA. I am guessing he does not want to wed now, so is saying that it was not him and they are all fake wedding proposals. HH set up chubby for me and everyone said that he is not talking nice about me... saying that I am chubby and hairy.
So, I say one thing and you say the exact opposite everytime now.

Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Can you please soften your tone with me and be nice and real.

MJ story wih KLisa was a real story, regardless if he bedded a ton of women. He at one time claimed to have cared enough about me to date me and propose to me on the phone. He is now engaged to another person and moving on from JJ, like everyone told me would never happen.
But did happen.
Now it is just a story of the past.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
NO ONE cares if you "dated" MJ. So fucking what. He "dated" many many women. You are a dime a dozen. No story there. Happens all the time. Yet you continue to inject his name into 90% of your posts which proves YOU alone are the one obsessed with him after all these years. Your fling with him is nothing to brag about. You should be embarassed by how you have acted after he dumped you like yesterday's trash. No MJ fans here.

March 2, 2012 3:55 PM

I clearly said stop talking about MJ. Everything will be in a tell all book for a profit.


Anonymous said...

You should just walk away from this whole Ahmed/Hamdan mess and find someone who loves and values you. Meet someone in person and be happy. You are intelligent enough to know you deserve better. Also move out of your house!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You should just walk away from this whole Ahmed/Hamdan mess and find someone who loves and values you. Meet someone in person and be happy. You are intelligent enough to know you deserve better. Also move out of your house!

March 2, 2012 4:10 PM

Thank you for your kind words.
The only reason I asked for police help was the hackings, not that I thoguht either HAMDAN/AHMED were the hackers - just that we were being hacked and I could not keep up with all of my psychology records that fast. I had a lot going on at one time, to move from my parents home in less than 6 months from moving in. My legal cases did not turn out as planned or I would be single in Dubai meeting nice people in person making real and lasting relationships like always.

The hackers and people like Kelly Scott who lie and deceive for no reason. You all fell for cons, women who do not know Lisa but lie about Lisa. Why do you chose to believe them over Lisa? about LISA's life. I profess to not know anyone's life on the level they profess to know about mine.



Anonymous said...

I am an open book, just do not twist what I say.

I adore HH ABSAM and HH HAMDAN - if it was them I spoke to. I only wish them well.
SAD, it was an imposter the whole time or several imposters, the whole time.


Anonymous said...

Fuck you & your stupid suggestions. We're screaming freedom of speech around this camp, so how about them apples?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fuck you & your stupid suggestions. We're screaming freedom of speech around this camp, so how about them apples?

March 2, 2012 4:27 PM

OK, I will be in a string bikini in Dubai in less than 6 months, at least for a visit. Maybe HH ABSAM can watch for me there.... in the future.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fuck you & your stupid suggestions. We're screaming freedom of speech around this camp, so how about them apples?

March 2, 2012 4:27 PM

lol, lol, lol, lol.


Anonymous said...

I think that HH ABSAM and HH HAMDAN are great men.
There are just some communication errors is all.

Stop lying. Be YOU. BEE YOU TIF FUL. Dante's spelling.

he now knows how to spell BEAUTIFUL.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I adore HH ABSAM and HH HAMDAN - if it was them I spoke to. I only wish them well.
SAD, it was an imposter the whole time or several imposters, the whole time.


March 2, 2012 4:24 PM

Ok. So you understand that you never actually communicated with either of them correct?

Anonymous said...

Ok. So you understand that you never actually communicated with either of them correct?

March 2, 2012 5:07 PM

SO, who was I talking to as chubby and why? WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT please? No one said that they would send my photos to HH. I have very very nice photos of HH. Was it the press?? Who was chubby then?


Anonymous said...

HAPPY for tonight, as I just found my old DVD's with my book on it and my old resume. At least I did not lose those two gems to get me back to work.

I spoke to ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and wish her well. She is fighting for DEVON in the right place now.


Anonymous said...

Soundslike HH SHEIKH MO is cleaning up HH ABSAM's messes.

Why is that?
I wish HH ABSAM well. He seems like a very generous man to his wives and women.



Anonymous said...

Lisa sweetheart,
You know that there are alot of people on this planet who are troubled and unhappy and what they want is to hurt others.

Some people enjoy pretending that they are Royals, some like to pretend that they are famous and rich.
You were foolish to put your email address on this public forum because some of the cruel people used that information to play with you.
They are not Ahmed.
They are not Hamdan.
They are not Sheikh Mo or Assa or anyone from Dubai.
You have been communicating with fakes and phonies and sadly some innocent people who got caught up in the confusion.

Listen to your therapists and be very careful of people you meet on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

What kind of nut are you?
Who would keep all those e-mails and for what purpose?
That display proves you are guilty as hell.
You are one creepy sicko.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What kind of nut are you?
Who would keep all those e-mails and for what purpose?
That display proves you are guilty as hell.
You are one creepy sicko.

March 2, 2012 6:04 PM

Not LISA. Tone it down. They are just email chats. Nothing anyone could use against me at this point. Everyone is convinced that the email poster is no ROYAL or would not behave as such in such manner. So, relax.

Why expose me? What is the point??

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Who's a creepy sicko? Me? For posting proof of her harassment? Really? Have you by any chance READ the creepy sick things she was writing? But I'M the sicko? For asking her to stop harassing me? Okie dokie then.

Anonymous said...

I think Lisa could skin a cat in front of her family and they'd find a reason that it wasn't her fault. Its fascinating that these people weren't interested in this blog before.

Anonymous said...

Damage control to keep her out of the loony bin again, methinks.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, don't let these idiots upset you. You have done nothing wrong and are a gentle person. THEY KNOW NOTHING!!

Anonymous said...

If only we knew nothing. If only....

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 6:34

You have done the reasonable thing to keep yourself safe from the assholes who would call you a liar and who try to act like Lisa was always normal, loving and innocent.

Even Lisa knows that she had moments of irrationality so you people who are trying to convince Lisa that she has done nothing wrong......


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who's a creepy sicko? Me? For posting proof of her harassment? Really? Have you by any chance READ the creepy sick things she was writing? But I'M the sicko? For asking her to stop harassing me? Okie dokie then.

March 2, 2012 6:34 PM

HARASSMENT has a tone about it, as if you are being mocked and chided. I never did that to you. I repeated what I asked of you or said to you because I was hacked. You at one point did not think that I was really hacked, as if I would write about me, as "delusional"; "stalker"; homewrecker". I mean really.
I invited you to my house but not in the first email like you invited me. But, did you ever tell me where you lived, so it could be a real in person meeting. ALL of the exposed emails mean nothing but gossip and damages from that gossip.

We were at obne point planning a wedding with a real wedding guest list. Forget that now then.


Anonymous said...

As usual, no idea what you are talking about, Lisa. I invited you somewhere? I planned a wedding with you? I asked you repeatedly to leave me alone, as I have proved. Where's your proof that I did anything you allege?

Anonymous said...


I thought that the reason that we post here is to get Lisa some help and to help Dante.
Showing Lisa the truth is not hurting her. She seems open to learning the truth so please allow her to process everything.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'm arguing with this lunatic now. I'm sad for her. If she would get the help she needs, actually follow orders...her poor, poor son.

Anonymous said...

The point is, Lisa would not skin a cat and Lisa is a gentle person.

Sorry if you think otherwise.

NOW, how was I harassing you?? what untruths did I say to you ever.

I am sincere and loving. I was not mocking you or lying to you and setting you up for jail or mental health if you agreed to meet with me in person. I simply asked the others to not interfere as we did not meet up as planned in the first place.

I swear I was hacked. If you are the hackers, HH, for whatever reason, I never agreed to press charges about it. I just needed it to stop so I could get my Master's degree in psychology as fast as possible.

ANYWAY, big wedding is not my thing now.


Anonymous said...

It is your choice to argue with someone that you consider a lunatic.

Do you get that
a) you believe that she is a lunatic
b) you are arguing with her

What does that say about you and the fact that you readily admit that you know she is a lunatic??????????????????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh my gosh, I'm arguing with this lunatic now. I'm sad for her. If she would get the help she needs, actually follow orders...her poor, poor son.

March 2, 2012 6:58 PM

Who are you arguing with? WHO? Lisa or SANDY or some other anon.

What help would I need, if I am not the scam artist? I am insane to think that a ROYAL PRINCe in his 50s would want to marry me after that is exactly what he said to me, over ten times or more. I am not talking about HH Prince Hamdan. I am talking about HH ABSAM. I have photos and phone calls from ASSA directly to me on July 2009. How does that make me insane??

You scammed me, makes you insane? and a liar.


Anonymous said...

@anon 7:07

I'm sorry that what I've posted has forced you to notice that Lisa has serious issues, and I'm sorry that your argument that she is gentle and kind has been shot down, but why are you angry with me and not her?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is your choice to argue with someone that you consider a lunatic.

Do you get that
a) you believe that she is a lunatic
b) you are arguing with her

What does that say about you and the fact that you readily admit that you know she is a lunatic??????????????????

March 2, 2012 7:07 PM

How am I a lunatic. Lots of people believe in UFOS. I do not. I asked for proof from HH - or chubby- because of his job. It was a very very brief conversation.
Curious what he thought on the subject.

I like to keep an open mind about things.
Why did you not say something to me then in private when I had the conversation- why now, over 3 years later are you posting all of this now and saying you did not want any of the conversations. A little late now, it is not like I can take the emails back. SO, what is your point??
SO, me getting help, makes you what? Still a liar then.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
@anon 7:07

I'm sorry that what I've posted has forced you to notice that Lisa has serious issues, and I'm sorry that your argument that she is gentle and kind has been shot down, but why are you angry with me and not her?

March 2, 2012 7:10 PM

Here we go again, slamming Lisa. WHAT for? you cannot convince people who already know me, that I am NOT gentle. I am. Who have I abused or hurt or threatened? I wanred of insane criminal punishments in the Middle East is all. The USA everything is freedom of speech, offensive, cruel or not. I am NOT a liar. Stop being soo focused on your cruelty being on Lisa.
We were to wed at one time, several times, at least ten that come to my mind.
WHAT happened??
Sounds like you got lost in fantasy online, and not in reality, of getting offline and meeting me in person.
I flew to see ANGELICUE MCQUEEN in CA- so that she knew I am a friend not just an internet person to her. WE met and phone and chat online and disagree about things.

She does not OWN me and her son is not entitled to DANTE's child support. She was not to expose my private emails that I trusted her with either.

So, when does HH stop exposing LISA? or chubby or whoever he is??
What does it take please??


Anonymous said...

Lisa has sent out tens of thousands of unsolicited emails to strangers for years. She just won't stop. If a handful of those are posted here to prove she was told the recipient is not a Sheikh and to stop, well then so be it. She says she was lied to and misled. These emails prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

You really are one sick asshole.
And you call L the lunatic .
Who would say such sick shit as to skin a cat
You are one dangerous fuck!

Anonymous said...


I already know that Lisa has issues. I have known this for years.
And because I know this, I know better than to argue with her, because I know there is nothing to be gained.

I am not the person that claimed that she is gentle and kind.
I am not angry with you at all, but why should I be angry with someone who has spent time in a mental hospital and who might be open to hearing the truth?

All that I am saying is....if you think that she is a lunatic, doesn't it seem silly to argue with her???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa has sent out tens of thousands of unsolicited emails to strangers for years. She just won't stop. If a handful of those are posted here to prove she was told the recipient is not a Sheikh and to stop, well then so be it. She says she was lied to and misled. These emails prove otherwise.

March 2, 2012 7:22 PM

WHAT???? At the time of writing them, HH was engaged into our communications, according to chubby. Why would he send photos and change emails because of a hacker and set up this site about LISA?
Sorry, I do not send strangers thousands of emails- who are ou talking about? You said who you were, sent a photo and had your assistant call me as proof and left a cellphone number on my phone from a 3 am phone call to my house. You sent a wedding dress as well, with a letter that you cancelled our wedding, with no explanation. Lisa being irrational? is chatting irrational??
Lisa doing her own career, irrational?
Lisa flying on her own dinme to seek out the truth, is irrational??
Staying in my own hotel room, not HH's PALACE, is irrational?

I thought that the AL MAKTOUMs could be trusted in business and for marriage. You are telling me that they cannot and to think so was irrational?? WHY is that? Then how am I not gentle and they are??

I never threatened HH with arrests upon meeting in person after emails. I said the interference would be arrested and tried to focus on HH in a gentle manner.


Anonymous said...

YES, I am open to truth, what do you find out for me, that I need to hear?

Can you send it to my private emails please?

Child support issues? Then I can move or vacation in Dubai sooner than thought. NO?
What issues do I have??


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You really are one sick asshole.
And you call L the lunatic .
Who would say such sick shit as to skin a cat
You are one dangerous fuck!

March 2, 2012 7:24 PM

I LOVE HH PRINCE HAMDAN. I love cats too. I would not skin a cat. Sorry. I am not into animal pelts that much, if that was what you are referring to. I would just move somewhere warmer to live.

Sorry, I am a gentle person. I love animals.
I asked HH to go on a safari with me, for the photos, not to kill endangered animals for their fur. HH's photos are lovely.


Anonymous said...

What good can be gained with you calling everyone a-holes???

If everyone would calm down, take a deep breath, consider the source and mellow, the UGLY would go away.

Please consider this.......

Does it really harm anyone if she thinks that she is going to marry someone?
Please give her a chance to learn the truth.

I am not Sandy
I am not a friend of hers
I am a total stranger who has followed these blogs for years and who would like there to be peace.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You really are one sick asshole.
And you call L the lunatic .
Who would say such sick shit as to skin a cat
You are one dangerous fuck!

March 2, 2012 7:24 PM

I really hope you aren't Sandy. Lisa shouldn't be around such an angry stubborn person.

Anonymous said...

Now you want to say you are innocent.
What you did to mislead her and to ruin her life
was all done for your entertainment.
You are the lunatic.
You are still one creepy SOB.
You wanted people to believe L was evil and dangerous and it you who is the dangerous one.

Anonymous said...

Mea culpa chubby, if you felt that I am harassing you.
Over what? I barely know you, so why would I harass you?? over what exactly? SO, I do not say the wrong thing to you again.

Again, mea culpa.

Feeling better yet??


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now you want to say you are innocent.
What you did to mislead her and to ruin her life
was all done for your entertainment.
You are the lunatic.
You are still one creepy SOB.
You wanted people to believe L was evil and dangerous and it you who is the dangerous one.

March 2, 2012 7:56 PM

WOW. Thank you for defending me, it is very rare. Who are you?
Thank you for seeing the truth, that I am the gentle one. I am not dangerous at all. I never have been and never will be.


Anonymous said...

anon@March 2, 2012 7:56 PM

You imply so much and say so little. Blaming Chubby will get you nowhere. Sounds like YOU have something personal against her/him.

Anonymous said...

I am the one who posted her harassing emails to me. Let me clarify, I am NOT the one who runs this blog, I am NOT Chubby, nor do I know who Chubby is. I think Lisa thinks all the people she emails are all Chubby. Not so. At least not in my case.

Anonymous said...


What is your problem?????

Lisa gave any and all of us reason to believe that she had the capabilities to be dangerous.
She threatened almost every poster on this blog.

Just because she is now under supervision, does not mean that she has always been demure, loving and kind.
She was a verbally abusive and violent woman and we reacted in kind.
Do Lisa a favor and help her to understand that she has problems with which she can deal and let go of your imagined grievances with Chubby.

Anonymous said...

anyone with half a chromosome, would know that you were just posting as proof that Lisa emailed random strangers.

Screw all the sub-humans who refuse to delineate between posters.

Anonymous said...

HH = YOU cannot tell ANGIE my emails and then you both sell me adn pay for her as if she is me adn DANTE please.. EVER. ORGANIZED CRIMES. STOP doing this now, before I order your deaths in SAUDI ARABIA. You are sickening.

Yes, she sounds so gentle and loving...

Anonymous said...

BARACK and I neeed to talk MONDAY about bombing YOU.....

Gentle, sweet Lisa...

Anonymous said...

You are not wedding ANGIE on LISA's wedding- SHE needs to be destroyed IMMEDIATELY.

You were in love with me. She stole my id and my ip to be me and is a fukcing loser fucking aronud con who you pay adn then libel me adn deny me everything... SHE needs to be dead

So very kind and gentle...

Anonymous said...

NOW, you can legally kill AHMAD and ANGIE and I wll jump up ad down and pleasure you in everyway and lick and suck you cock and balls and eat your ass to support you.. killing them.. !
Is this the kind of talk that got gentle Lisa 5150ed?

Anonymous said...

L was mislead and tormented for years by this person.
I agree she needs to understand that he is not a sheik.
You think her family hasn't tried.
You are wrong.

Anonymous said...

CAN I PAY YOU TO FUCK THIS MAN AND SLIT THE HROATYS of ANGIE, PAMMY, PARIS, AND others who you let in my fukcing bed??

Don't tell me she isn't dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I am a slave to this blog b/c you will not stop twisting what I said.

I would never threaten the PRESIDENT of the USA. You are insane to think that or even speak such madness. You have lost your mind, HH and others on here.

It is your laws, that women are stoned to death for cheating. HH professed to love me and plan a wedding with me, and then tries to tell me that my bridal party is contacting him behind my back pre wedding. WHAT NONSENSE!! ANGIE McQUEEN is finally doing her thing for her son OSCAR in OSCAR's playground, not in my wedding party, guest list, contacting the groom behind my back and offering favors and other stuff pre Lisa wedding.
They are your laws, not the USA laws.

You do not even have freedom of speech in Dubai. USA does not punish for pre wedding s.e.x or cheating like the UAE does.

SO stop spinning lies. Explain the truth of your country laws in Dubai then.

TELL me not make me a victim of the laws in UAE please. BIG difference.

Lisa would not even threaten the PRESIDENT of the USA. you got my computer screen freezed up for hours with this madness on here.

That is why I asked SECRET SERVICE to shut down my blogs, so no more threats to anyone. The conversations do not stay calm or cordial for whatever reason.

I am gentle. WARNING is not a threat.

Please do not use my name and bombs and anything else, please.


Anonymous said...

YOU MISSED THHE POINT, by proposing to me and then saying that you are wedding another person other than me or stalling on my own marriage, you are making me the cheater in my own wedding story.

Cheating in Dubai or Middle Eastern countries can be a punishment of death or stoning or jailing. All I said, was flipping this back unto the parties interferring and asking you if that sounds right to you? Making me the cheater and not the wifey in my own emails, wedding story, and marriage. You took that out of context. I was asking you a hypothetical question, if the shoe was on the other foot, would they be threatened with UAE or SHARIA laws? like I felt seriously threatened or would not have been asking or typing in all caps.

Do you understand what I was sdaying now? CULTURAL, LANGUAGE or other barriers? I was upset and the typos and lack of punctuation do not help matters, but you scared me for a little while.

Why propose and then have a long engagement like we were doing??
why propose to me to tell me that you are wedding my BFF instead on my wedding night no less? What is the point?? THREATS? I felt threatened by that? WHY?

What laws am I missing please? SHARIA laws??
I did not mean literally kill them, it was meant figuaritively, because of the postition that they both got put into now.... is that not your own laws?

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
CAN I PAY YOU TO FUCK THIS MAN AND SLIT THE HROATYS of ANGIE, PAMMY, PARIS, AND others who you let in my fukcing bed??

Don't tell me she isn't dangerous.

March 2, 2012 8:37 PM

PLAGARISM in the USA is theft. What is the punishment for theft in Dubai?
That was my point.... we are killing people with laws by just chatting and stalling on our business plans and our wedding plans. Inviting people in was not helping with our busines or our wedding plans. Please do not twist this into threats, when the person twisting the info and trading people is the one making threats.

If I am typing in all caps and making typos, I felt threatened... WHY? is it SHARIA laws??

What was I missing in that conversation and what were you missing in that conversation please?


Anonymous said...

Is it just civil law then, if HH gifts to one the other woman's gifts? I find that hard to believe as it feels like:

1. a threat
2. a theft
3. abuse

all at the same time. SO, please elighten me.
We do not have polygamy in the USA. we do not punish for cheating or for sex pre marriage or out of wedlock children.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What is your problem?????

Lisa gave any and all of us reason to believe that she had the capabilities to be dangerous.
She threatened almost every poster on this blog.

Just because she is now under supervision, does not mean that she has always been demure, loving and kind.
She was a verbally abusive and violent woman and we reacted in kind.
Do Lisa a favor and help her to understand that she has problems with which she can deal and let go of your imagined grievances with Chubby.

March 2, 2012 8:21 PM

NOT TRUE. I was never violent. I simply asked, what is next now that you are trading women like cattle?? WHAT ARE YOUR LAWS on this type of behavior?? When do you try and explain it to others??

THREATS with no overt actions in 30 days to harm others or self is not a real threat. It is a warning, which is not a crime. I asked questions, why did you not answer me then??


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
L was mislead and tormented for years by this person.
I agree she needs to understand that he is not a sheik.
You think her family hasn't tried.
You are wrong.

March 2, 2012 8:36 PM

You are part of the problem. Lisas family only had to monitor/limit her internet access for starters to get her help. Obviously that was never done. What proof do you have that Chubby misled and tormented her for years? That has already been proven as false as her family helping her. You are not helping her by making excuses and blaming everyone else. I'm sure you are the same Einstein posting comments about Richard.
Oh and Lisa did post frightening delusions about her bloody cat.

yabba dabbadoo said...

Anonymous said...
I think Lisa could skin a cat in front of her family and they'd find a reason that it wasn't her fault. Its fascinating that these people weren't interested in this blog before.

March 2, 2012 6:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Damage control to keep her out of the loony bin again, methinks.

March 2, 2012 6:40 PM


Back to the same ol' same ol'.

La familigia has made the conscious decision to go back to using the internet as a babysitter. But it ain't no Baby Einstein video. So they'll be taking a risk, but they don't care!

I'm sure when Lisa's doctors are talking about an aftercare plan, SM is in another world, thinking about her grocery shopping list when she's not running through the "who to blame for Lisa" list in her head.

She just wants the whole "committed to a psych ward" episode over so she can pretend it never happened, and that she doesn't actually have a schizoprenic daughter.

Anonymous said...

I wanted postive relations between Dubai and the USA (UAE).

When I first met HH - it was unclear their role in the 911 tragedies. People said it was creepy that we lost our WORLD TRADE CENTERS and DUBAI has a look a like.
I felt deep in my heart, that HH ABSAM and families are good people, with nothing to fear. So, I set up blogs to have a public marriage with HH ABSAM. NO, I did not know Sharia law or anything about Dubai laws. Explain please.


Anonymous said...

March 2, 2012 6:40 PM


Back to the same ol' same ol'.

La familigia has made the conscious decision to go back to using the internet as a babysitter. But it ain't no Baby Einstein video. So they'll be taking a risk, but they don't care!

I'm sure when Lisa's doctors are talking about an aftercare plan, SM is in another world, thinking about her grocery shopping list when she's not running through the "who to blame for Lisa" list in her head.

She just wants the whole "committed to a psych ward" episode over so she can pretend it never happened, and that she doesn't actually have a schizoprenic daughter.

March 2, 2012 9:38 PM

SORRY, I am not schizophrenic. What is HH's excuse for his lies and crimes against others, like Lisa?? I am chatting back and forth same as you. Are you schizo?? for chatting back with me?


Anonymous said...

You are part of the problem. Lisas family only had to monitor/limit her internet access for starters to get her help. Obviously that was never done. What proof do you have that Chubby misled and tormented her for years? That has already been proven as false as her family helping her. You are not helping her by making excuses and blaming everyone else. I'm sure you are the same Einstein posting comments about Richard.
Oh and Lisa did post frightening delusions about her bloody cat.

March 2, 2012 9:23 PM

NOT TRUE. I love my cats. BLOODY CATS- so UKish, HH.

I never said anything about harming people or others, HH. You did by suggesting that I can be exchanged with ANGIE, as if we are two cows from the same farm and identical. This is not true.


Anonymous said...

PARIS, PAMMY and others, like ANGIE came after your wedding proposal to me, to help promote DUBAI.

SO, I was used by the USA AND the UAE for my peaceful wedding story.... my marriage stalled or not ever going to happen and everyone else got trips and gifts from Dubai, for using my marriage story for their own personal gain.

HH when you propose, it was to be public and then you were to wed me right away, so that Lisa stalkers do not benefit from LISA's hard work.
HH - you even said, why do you care, it is all FRAUD anyway.... I do care.



Anonymous said...

What a stupid thing to say. Since when does a women in her 30s need a baby sitter? You talk about restrictions What restrictions? There are no such restrictions by doctors, court or anyone else.
Your access needs to be limited to prevent your harassment.
I knew that change in tone was only a ploy.
Now your reason for harassing is to help. Your still a bunch of sickos. Just leave her started this by lying to her in the first place.
You take on that responsibility instead of blaming other for a change.
It wasn't me talking to her it was You.

Anonymous said...

You are such a friggin idiot and it shows. Your attempts to defend LM are laughable. Her insanity started YEARS before Chubby came into the picture. NO one is trying to take away freedom of speech dumbass. SMH. Some people are just too dense. Again I hope you aren't related to LM. You are hurting her and preventing her from understanding reality. #idiot

Anonymous said...

anon @2:34 You have the same comprehension skills as LM. Must run in the family.

Anonymous said...

Bloody cat means literally bloody cat. Not the British term. Stop trying to associate everything back to Ahmed. He doesn't know you and never did. You wrote of a bloody (literally) cat! Where was idiot anon/Sandy then?

Anonymous said...

Do you understand what I was sdaying now?

Nope. Not a word.

Anonymous said...

You got dumped by the fake sheikh. You never knew any real ones. You now look pathetically desperate and a stage5 clinger.

Anonymous said...

As long as Lisa posts/comments here, she is going to have reponding posts. We all take our lumps at one time or another from other commenters and that is the risk we take when we post.

If I don't want to hear less than flattering comments about myself or my post, I have a simple solution.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What a stupid thing to say. Since when does a women in her 30s need a baby sitter?

When she is a 39 year old mentally ill woman living in her parents basement posting online threats of violence and stalking innocent people 24 hrs a day. That's when. Left alone Lisa even harassed the Police! She is ill and the internet is a danger to her. The internet is her destructive stomping ground. If someone pretended to be a Sheikh that too was over the INTERNET. No one would know a thing about LM if she didn't post her personal info all over the internet.

Anonymous said...

STOP cutting and pasting shit that makes not sense.

I never said anything about a bloody cat. I have two cats and did a video of them on my bed peacefully laying down. I didd a video of me holding one of my cats.

I did not say anything that you re-created cutting and pasting. I asked what SHARIA law was on AHMED's words and actions.

Stop making it out that I am violent. You lied and you cut and you paste lies. PERIOD.

I even said sorry for the mess that you cut and paste and it is not my original words or their intended meanings.


Anonymous said...

I do not live in my parents basement. My home gym is in the basement. I live in the house and have a bedroom like everyone else.
Who started that lie? and how long have you been saying that and never one time been to my house.
My furniture is in the basement from my other homes/apartments, packed up, not me living in the basement of my parents house.


Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Just where do you get your information?
You say that L would skin a cat. Who in their right mind would say such a thing .
L has never harmed anyone or anything.
She is kind and sweet.
You just keep projecting your own sick fantasies on to her.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm no you do. She isn't kind and sweet. You are just plain dumb and delusional.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ummmm no you do. She isn't kind and sweet. You are just plain dumb and delusional.

March 3, 2012 11:21 AM

NO, L is kind and sweet. Sorry, you have no proof otherwise, just your cutting and pasting technique and her being concerned over Sharia laws in Dubai.

L has no delusions = false beliefs. Sorry, we are on to the game, this is how the sheikh dumps his women, using lies and fake names but two loyal assistants or weds, the same approach is used.

I love the Al Maktoums and I love Dubai.

Anonymous said...

Mea culpa, it is all my fault for being on the internet and not waiting to meet in person first, with anyone on here.

Sorry again.


Anonymous said...

WHO is YABBA?? DO I know you?

NO, I am not diagnosied as a paranoid schizophrenic. Sorry.

That was not my diagnosis.
I was hacked or I would be done with all of my MASTER's degree program in Counseling Psychology.

Please stop spreading lies.
Please stop twisting information into something dark and twisted.


Anonymous said...

That was not my diagnosis

Sure it was. What do you think they diagnosed you with?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That was not my diagnosis

Sure it was. What do you think they diagnosed you with?

March 3, 2012 2:26 PM

NONE of your business, but it was NOT paranoid schizophrenic. I lived in NC for 15 yrs by myself and flourished. It was when I came back to Meadville, PA and asked MJ for a dna test that everything fell apart. Funny. Powerful men get their way in the USA courts. If I was not hacked I would have my Master's in Psychology done already and then back to work again.

Anonymous said...

Don't lie, Miceli because everyone already knows you're schizo. Of course it's my business since you email me every fucking day. Just go take your medication & fight the delusions. Get some help. Poor Dante.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't lie, Miceli because everyone already knows you're schizo. Of course it's my business since you email me every fucking day. Just go take your medication & fight the delusions. Get some help. Poor Dante.

March 3, 2012 2:49 PM

I do not know you, so how do I email you everyday. WHO are you?Marriages are everyday. WOW. I certainly did not know what I was getting into with this man. I am certain that my friends talk to their husbands everyday, if not a couple of times a day. Strange, is it for you?
You can truly shut the blogs down. I live in reality everyday and do work and take care of my son everyday. Tonight dinner and movies with friends.
Phones and private email is best for me. I am not into the whole blogging thing anymore or twitter for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I do not know you, so how do I email you everyday. WHO are you?Marriages are everyday. WOW. I certainly did not know what I was getting into with this man. I am certain that my friends talk to their husbands everyday, if not a couple of times a day. Strange, is it for you?

What do your friends marriages have to do with you? Yes you are VERY strange.

Anonymous said...

Chubbs you are the one who is sick. Why do you keep this up, if not to torment Lisa?
Every day, my email account is full of spam and other nonsense that I don't care to read. I don't READ them, I DELETE them, which is the easiest thing to do.
The only reason you open her emails is to harass her. And no, this is not Sandy

Anonymous said...

What started all of this proof was the police when I said that I am dating a Sheikh and I got hacked.
So, I had to prove the Sheikh part and that we had nothing to do with the hackings. I gave chubby my passcodes to the account and my information. I was hacked at the accounts and multiple blogger accounts.
I want to delete them now but cannot get back into them to shut them down because of the account not being under my control anymore. Most MJ sites were hacked.
The police were just to verfiy my info and then let me back into my accounts by faxing my info to Google, YAHOO, and You Tube- but that was too much for them to do with their badges.
Sorry, chubby. The mess is the police, not with the Al Maktoums per se. Please ignore my other messages, it is my ignorance about Shari's laws. You have to tell me- as I do not know Shari's law off the top of my head. Any books on it?


Anonymous said...

What do your friends marriages have to do with you? Yes you are VERY strange.

NOTHING. The point is most couples chat everyday. I did not know Shari'a law- I even misspelled it 2 times already. Sorry.
I am kind and gentle and sesitive to other cultures.
No, I am not strange really. I am a normal person everyday. The Judge did not want to believe that I dated MJ in the past either, but I did and proving it will keep the police and the clinical psychologist off of me hopefully.
Moving to Dubai with my Master's in psychology should help as well.

I can do charity work until I am licensed in Dubai for counseling/clinical psychology.


Anonymous said...

" NO, L is kind and sweet. Sorry, you have no proof otherwise, just your cutting and pasting technique and her being concerned over Sharia laws in Dubai.

L has no delusions = false beliefs. Sorry, we are on to the game, this is how the sheikh dumps his women, using lies and fake names but two loyal assistants or weds, the same approach is used.

I love the Al Maktoums and I love Dubai."
March 3, 2012 11:37 AM

Oopsey woopsey Lisa. When your trying to write as if you are another 'anon' and not sign your name you should be careful not to use Lisa-esk phrases. Of course the obvious answer to this new Lisa supporter is that one of her alters is typing. Weird you didn't thank that 'supporter' for defending your crazy ass.

Anonymous said...

Oopsey woopsey Lisa. When your trying to write as if you are another 'anon' and not sign your name you should be careful not to use Lisa-esk phrases. Of course the obvious answer to this new Lisa supporter is that one of her alters is typing. Weird you didn't thank that 'supporter' for defending your crazy ass.

March 3, 2012 7:25 PM

You mean you ALI BABRA. I have friends on here who I sent on here to defend me, in my daily normal life. I gave them the link, so my mother is on here and some of my Meadville, PA friends, who are with me offline. NO, not all anons are Lisa. I sign my name on some of the Al Maktoum ones.
It is nice to know who you are chatting with and why. I am not two-faced and when the AL MAKTOUMS are off, my friends tell them, so that they know the truth, not what online people say about me.
I never met ALI BABRA or Kelly Scott or PePe LaPuma or anyone but ANGIE MCQUEEN. I feel for her with her son's battle. She sounds paranoid but for just reasons.

I wish her well.


Notdafakecm said...

Anonymous said...
Chubbs you are the one who is sick. Why do you keep this up, if not to torment Lisa?
Every day, my email account is full of spam and other nonsense that I don't care to read. I don't READ them, I DELETE them, which is the easiest thing to do.
The only reason you open her emails is to harass her. And no, this is not Sandy

March 3, 2012 6:06 PM

Why should I give 2 fucks about the spam email you get? Don't tell me that I have to abide by your personal rules of how to deal with a stalker. You reek of ignorance personified! Why would I dare delete emails where some sicko is talking about killing people, loving OBL, her son's abuse and harming other peoples children? Give me one good reason.
You can't.
Tormenting LM is not on my agenda, but if that's the way you see things, then fine. Everything else you've said has managed to translate into foolishness, why stop now?

I don't give a rats ass if you were Sandy or the Pope; if these emails keep coming to me, I'll keep posting them. Don't like it? Do like you do with your spam mail... delete this blog address and act like it never existed.

And for the record to the dumbass who insist otherwise, I don't post under anon or any other name. I know its hard to believe, but there is more than one person posting here. Just like its hard to believe that Me, Joyful, all the HH's,Yabba, Ali, Richard(wtf?), and others are NOT the same damn people.
But this just goes to show you how many people LM has shitted on, but I know I'm talking to a wall.

Some day LM will find herself and wish that she hadn't.

Anonymous said...

Why should I give 2 fucks about the spam email you get? Don't tell me that I have to abide by your personal rules of how to deal with a stalker. You reek of ignorance personified! Why would I dare delete emails where some sicko is talking about killing people, loving OBL, her son's abuse and harming other peoples children? Give me one good reason.
You can't.
Tormenting LM is not on my agenda, but if that's the way you see things, then fine. Everything else you've said has managed to translate into foolishness, why stop now?

I don't give a rats ass if you were Sandy or the Pope; if these emails keep coming to me, I'll keep posting them. Don't like it? Do like you do with your spam mail... delete this blog address and act like it never existed.

And for the record to the dumbass who insist otherwise, I don't post under anon or any other name. I know its hard to believe, but there is more than one person posting here. Just like its hard to believe that Me, Joyful, all the HH's,Yabba, Ali, Richard(wtf?), and others are NOT the same damn people.
But this just goes to show you how many people LM has shitted on, but I know I'm talking to a wall.

Some day LM will find herself and wish that she hadn't.

STALKING YOU? HARDLY... chatting with you. Angie claimed that she owned me and chubby like slaves nad that if DANTE was going to get money from chubby, then chubby needed to pay for DEVON as well. WTF? What is that called in Shari'a laws = if she is a hooker asking for money for s.e.x and laying claim to slaves who are not slaves- lying and deceiving to get money? You defend her over me is shocking. The OBL mess is out of context as well - I felt sorry for him and he did not act alone with 911. Yet, he was hunted down and killed by USA forces- lots of people died 911 and afterwards, I wish for more peace and more understanding is all. Please do not twist that. I trusted Angie, and things came up missing when I went to her house. I did not judge her and offered my sincere friendship. She judged me and back-stabbed me several times and blamed it on her dna.... so whatever. You took sides and have not listened since then. So, how am I stalking you, trying to chat with you and explain what I was saying and why that is? You comment on here too. I am non violent, always have been. I am USA born and raised and CATHOLIC, not even MUSLIM. I am anti-war. I love animals. I love my friendships. I am kind and gentle and do charity work as well.
I did not know I was harassing chubby, HH. Sorry. I do not know much about him. we were chatting back and forth, until he started using Angie's (McQueen) name to upset me or hurt me.
I think that I came to you after that to chat about it, HH.
I was told you are kind and gentle. Please do not twist what I was trying to say or ask.
You started it first, HH, with chubby being d.e.a.d.... "choking on bacon." story, that made me cry..... to find out that you were doing what? Playing me... a.g.a.i.n. I was crying by myself no less. No one understood.
NOW, you are taking the side of the blonde- I will be out thinking about dyeing my hair blonde now. lol, even thoguh I love being a brunette.
JUST FYI, HH, I heard great things about you.... truly.
NO, not a sicko, explain youu laws, when it comes to hookers interferring in a pending marriage please? Shari'a laws... YOUR laws.

Would I not have to wed in the Middle East to even have a valid marriage?? You two are the experts on the laws in Dubai- no?

Lisa A. Miceli

Notdafakecm said...

LM: Who is your support system right now? Who is at home telling you to stay off the internet, and what do they tell you is the reason?
Also, who comes online to defend you? Why are they blaming posters here for your own mistakes that you have admitted to me already?

It sounds like you want to get better, but something (or someone) is stopping you. Who could that be?

Please & thank you for a prompt response.

Anonymous said...

Notdafakecm said...
LM: Who is your support system right now? Who is at home telling you to stay off the internet, and what do they tell you is the reason?
Also, who comes online to defend you? Why are they blaming posters here for your own mistakes that you have admitted to me already?

It sounds like you want to get better, but something (or someone) is stopping you. Who could that be?

Please & thank you for a prompt response.

March 3, 2012 8:12 PM

I was never told to stay offline. there is no such thing as an internet addiction. The dr said, be careful what you write to HH - he likes to expose you. PERIOD. What do I need help with exactly, can you be more specific please?

In the USA we have fredom of speech- if I move to Dubai then I know that I would not have freedom of speech. But currently I live in the USA. it is just like me giviing up pork - it would be for my pending marriage- not for my Catholic religion. You would have to ask me to convert and explain to me what the laws are. We have a few communication errors is all. In the USA, we date and talk freely- but not openly, like Muslims, is what I am gathering.

If you go back to private chats with me, I will tell you anything that you want to know and you can explain why you think that I need help.


Anonymous said...


Will you take me sky diving to get over my fear of heights. I did parasailing in Cancun, Mexico already.

You get on my back, no? and then we jump together? lol, lol, lol.

or what was that thing that you were in with Chris that USA men said would be shot out of the sky if you were using it over NYC, lol, lol, lol. No offense to you, we just do not have those toys in the USA up north.

I liked it though. You are a talented flyer.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Even after posting her emails and seemingly convincing her I'm NOT Hamdan, I woke up to more I'm supposed to take her sky diving or some shizz.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wow. Even after posting her emails and seemingly convincing her I'm NOT Hamdan, I woke up to more I'm supposed to take her sky diving or some shizz.

March 4, 2012 8:22 AM


Noname said...

I'm sorry Liesa but there is a true IAD(Internet Addiction Disorder). There is a ton of info about it out there. But no matter what anyone says you will believe what you want. Hence why I didn't bother typing all the info as it would just be a waste of my time and frankly I am tired of beating my head against a brick wall trying to talk some sense into your thick head. But from what I have read regarding your posts you do suffer from IAD. I am surprised your therapist hasn't brought this up w/you and also is reinforcing your relationship w/a man who has no clue who you are.

Anonymous said...

I doubt if her therapist is really reinforcing her delusions of a sheikh. More likely she is just hearing what she wants to hear much like she refuses to hear that these people she is emailing aren't sheikhs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lisa was not on the internet for 3 months.
Lisa posts only randomly when she is answering a question.
Sorry, Lisa spends only 15 minutes at a time online, unless for her online grad degree, which is all writing.
Lisa is looking into transfering to a brick and mortar school for grad school, because of all of the paperwork, writing and priniting and filing required.

Lisa spends most of her time with her family & her son.

Anonymous said...

Lisa spends most of her time with her family & her son.

house arrest

Anonymous said...

House arrest? Wrong.

Anonymous said...

One of you spent a lot of time and energy on writing to
L to make her believe you were a sheikh.

Anonymous said...

Yes and someone spent a small fortune building a UFO and landing it in her yard to make her think she could communicate with aliens....and the teeny little speakers they had to plant in her ears to think she heard music coming from a Judge's head....and that trick with making the cat talk....*eyeroll*

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the whole plot they set up with Bin Laden to make Lisa believe the 9/11 terror attacks were done on her behalf...

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the hostile overtaking of her life by numerous hollywood actresses! Plus the cost of Who's the Boss, Tool Time, The Bee Movie, Space Jam, Gold Digger, etc. All written about her life!

Anonymous said...

Oh many movies...even cartoons for goodness sakes! Don't forget the Disney straight to DVD movie " Princess Protection Program"...cuz Disney always takes a woman who brags about her one night anal sex shenanigans (for $60) and makes a kids movie about it....

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the clothing and shoe lines JJ, AM and Nike all stole from her! They must have hacked into her computer.

Anonymous said...

Yes and someone spent a small fortune building a UFO and landing it in her yard to make her think she could communicate with aliens....and the teeny little speakers they had to plant in her ears to think she heard music coming from a Judge's head....and that trick with making the cat talk....*eyeroll*

March 5, 2012 11:58 AM

JUST stop it. You are the one making shit up, just to libel me.
I did not make up sites trying to libel other people, so why do it to me please?

STOP it. I did not set up these sites on my own. I was called a "gold digger" for going for child support- it is the USA laws. MJ came up to me and he happened to be rich. I was richer than Yvette Pierto who filed for bankruptcy when dating Michael Jordan. She is a gold digger. She attacked me over MJ as if I had to rights.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

I am not posting here anymore.


Anonymous said...

So does this mean you will stop harassing chubby and others?

yabba dabbadoo said...

Anonymous said...
I am not posting here anymore.


March 5, 2012 12:33 PM

Best news I've heard all day. We'll see if it lasts.

Anonymous said...

Some idiot said:
Anonymous said...
One of you spent a lot of time and energy on writing to
L to make her believe you were a sheikh.

March 5, 2012 11:16 AM

And then, hilarity ensues

Anonymous said...
Yes and someone spent a small fortune building a UFO and landing it in her yard to make her think she could communicate with aliens....and the teeny little speakers they had to plant in her ears to think she heard music coming from a Judge's head....and that trick with making the cat talk....*eyeroll*

March 5, 2012 11:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't forget the whole plot they set up with Bin Laden to make Lisa believe the 9/11 terror attacks were done on her behalf...

March 5, 2012 11:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Not to mention the hostile overtaking of her life by numerous hollywood actresses! Plus the cost of Who's the Boss, Tool Time, The Bee Movie, Space Jam, Gold Digger, etc. All written about her life!

March 5, 2012 12:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh many movies...even cartoons for goodness sakes! Don't forget the Disney straight to DVD movie " Princess Protection Program"...cuz Disney always takes a woman who brags about her one night anal sex shenanigans (for $60) and makes a kids movie about it....

March 5, 2012 12:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't forget the clothing and shoe lines JJ, AM and Nike all stole from her! They must have hacked into her computer.

I laughed so hard that I cracked a rib.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard that I cracked a rib.

March 5, 2012 6:54 PM

lol, lol, lol, lol, lol.
Adam, give me that rib...




Anonymous said...

I don't buy it! If Mr. Chubbs truly felt 'threatened' by miss Lisa then he would have left this blog A LONG TIME AGO! He has a reason and only he REALLY KNOWS why he keeps this going...I agree with someone who said 'any normal person would have deleted their emails' but THIS CHUBBS feels the NEED TO CUT - N - PASTE not Just Lisas emails but others which is very bizarre...what is your REASON CHUBBS THE real reason you keep this going?????

Anonymous said...

What business is it of yours EXACTLY as to why Chubby keeps this an open forum?

Chubby can do as he pleases as can you.

Perhaps you might find it pleasing to just leave. Soon

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't buy it! If Mr. Chubbs truly felt 'threatened' by miss Lisa then he would have left this blog A LONG TIME AGO! He has a reason and only he REALLY KNOWS why he keeps this going...I agree with someone who said 'any normal person would have deleted their emails' but THIS CHUBBS feels the NEED TO CUT - N - PASTE not Just Lisas emails but others which is very bizarre...what is your REASON CHUBBS THE real reason you keep this going?????

To save Dante BITCHES!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't buy it! If Mr. Chubbs truly felt 'threatened' by miss Lisa then he would have left this blog A LONG TIME AGO! He has a reason and only he REALLY KNOWS why he keeps this going...I agree with someone who said 'any normal person would have deleted their emails' but THIS CHUBBS feels the NEED TO CUT - N - PASTE not Just Lisas emails but others which is very bizarre...what is your REASON CHUBBS THE real reason you keep this going?????

You don't buy it, or you can't afford it? Nobody wants your 2 cents around here anyway ya fucking trollface!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that you wackos have nothing to do all day.
Get a life and leave the girl alone already.
What 's the matter can't you tolerate that she is calm
and logical again?

Anonymous said...

Save Dante? You jackhole save him from you!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that you wackos have nothing to do all day.
Get a life and leave the girl alone already.
What 's the matter can't you tolerate that she is calm
and logical again?

The "girl" is nearly 40 years old & hasn't been calm or logical in decades. What's the matter? can't you tolerate the truth?

Anonymous said...

That's because he wants revenge and he won't
be happy until he drives her to do something
To land her in jail or mental hospital permanently!

Anonymous said...

How do you know?
You claim you don't even know her

Anonymous said...

Calm and logical? BWAHAHAHAHA
You must be a whackjob too.

Anonymous said...

About you blaming Chubby for everything, I have made at least 5 comments on this thread that you have attributed to Mr. Chubbs. I'm guessing that you've done the same thing to others on here as well. You do realize that we have at least a dozen different anons here and maybe even more at one time or another? Nobody is out to "drive" Lisa crazy. Sadly, her own lifestyle choices, her enabling family, and chemical imbalances are likely to blame for the way she is. Your insistance that there is one mystery man behind Lisa's downfall is ludicrous and, frankly, you sound like a moron every time you bring it up. Lisa is a train wreck and you will be the one responsible for her ultimate fate. You keep encouraging her insanity and call her calm & logical. It will be your fault when she once again tries to fly to Dubai to accost a member of the royal family who has never had any contact with her whatsoever. You will be directly responsible when she ends up in prison...or worse. Maybe that's been your plan all along. It's almost unbelievable that anyone that cared about her would act as you do. Maybe you are hoping for the chance to rid yourself of her once and for all?

Anonymous said...

If you supporters insist that Chubby is some vengeful megalomaniac, it would seem that you all would be doing your best to protect Lisa from having any contact with him.
There are various software packages that you can get to block offensive Internet sites and also emails.
Although, since Lisa is so calm and logical now, as you say, why don't you simply tell her to stay away from this blog and quit emailing anyone associated with this blog.

If you, who claim to care and cherish this innocent woman are not willing to protect her by any means available, why should any of the bloggers here care about your complaints?

Anonymous said...

Key the troll anon who will now blab about FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I bet this troll is someone Liesa met on the inside.

Anonymous said...

So if you are getting her e-mail why don't
you block?

Anonymous said...

If all of you aren't vengeful then why keep up
the attack?

Anonymous said...

Has the amazing Heidilore made her triumphant return? I think so...

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