Thursday, March 1, 2012

blah blag blah blah

Dear Mental Health People:

Please keep LM off the Internet, because apparently her mother is going to allow her to continue down this dark, twisted path. Who will be to blame? Everyone else but herself.
That is all.

From LM:

I have too many haters right now. I am home until discharged by phone on March 5th 2012. I am appealing a 6 month out of the hospital but with drs committment right now. It would be 6 months of outpatient, court-ordered in Meadville, PA from Warren, PA. At least I am home early from my inpatient treatment, which was court-ordered over the blogs.

That means I could fly back and forth to Dubai after March 5th, 2012, but not allowed to miss any drs appointments, which would be one day for one time a month for the next 6 months. What job should I do in Dubai?

sports psychology, stay at home mommy or real estate please? Where would I live please?

We need to plan my first trip to Dubai. I am exercising to be really thin for that trip. So no, I am not fat. I workout everyday.

WRITE BACK PLEASE. I met a friend from Thailand that knows your family. So, I will have some friends when I move my son and I to Dubai. I would love to be moved in by August 2012, in time for DANTE to go to school and he would be in the third grade. He would need to get a private tutor to learn ARABIC though.




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Anonymous said...

GAMES ON ONE-UPMANSHIP ARE STALKING ACCORDING TO THE USA LAWS... exact words, in CA lawbooks for legal definition of stalking.


MJ brings out the worst competition in everyone... why is that??

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

PEPE LAPUMA & YVETTE PIERTO copied me saying tee hee... in an insane jealousy tirade.

They also both will not stop trying to compete with LISA ANN MICELI.

Lisa people see this and know that these loons are just clowns.. clowning people, is comedy to them, like ANGIE MCQUEEN.... it is all a big joke, at your expense dealing with her in anyway.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lisa, calm down, you are acting like you are spiraling out of control, get a grip.

March 17, 2012 10:22 PM

I am not mad. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL- as you cannot pick up affect on a blog. I am answering the earlier posts, according to a law called FREEDOM of speech when someone libels you.... You get to defend you right back.

You wish Iwas spiralling out of control, by typing on a blog. You are.... that is why you said that.

SO JEALOUS over LISA's monied boyfriends... Please get help so you stop projecting all over the place. PLEASE.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HH knew I was broke & did not and does not care. He proposed to me anyway, with no pre-nup.

Once again showing you know zilch about Muslim culture. No Muslim, let alone a royal, gets married without a marriage contract. The fact that you would bring nothing but shame and humiliation to his family means no man would ever, even for a second, consider you suitable for a wife. You are a liar and I really hope you get what's coming to you for all of your fake stories.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
HH knew I was broke & did not and does not care. He proposed to me anyway, with no pre-nup.

Once again showing you know zilch about Muslim culture. No Muslim, let alone a royal, gets married without a marriage contract. The fact that you would bring nothing but shame and humiliation to his family means no man would ever, even for a second, consider you suitable for a wife. You are a liar and I really hope you get what's coming to you for all of your fake stories.

March 18, 2012 5:59 AM

Then he is the liar, b/c I asked for a contract, letter of intent to wed, for a temporary VISA to visit Dubai.

Lisa A. Miceli

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I see that yo are signing me up for messages, from emirates and and other places.

Did you delete the FACEBOOK that you set up calling me a lesbian yet? It has 66 friends and my real one only has 11.

Can you lease email me the passcodes to some of this stuff?? is asking me for a new photo.... which one did you send them and why??

I am not interested in other men, if we are getting married, as planned, when my passport is cleared.


Anonymous said...


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